The infection appears. The hour is right. We're dying for an hour

Many philosophers have studied these principles, from ancient times to the present day. In fact, what is the hour, and who will set the boundaries of this calculation?

We all know how you can spend three hours at work, at school or institute. When people are miserable and bored, the day drags on beyond belief, and the weekend just flies by. Tell me, what is a subjective thought? Why then do all people admire this aspect?

Take, for example, the story about a German officer (I don’t remember his nickname, but it’s not important), which our intelligence officers learned about in 1946. Until recently, the torturi, which were already very popular among the ancient Chinese, had become stagnant. For the whole night, Branz was walled up in a narrow, dark and gray niche, of such dimensions that one could only fit in it while standing, with water dripping heavily on his head. The result was inconceivable - if the officers sooner got out of their way, it turned out that they had lost their minds... Do you think that he was a weakling, a spineless boy?

Try to realize that you were walled up in such a place. You are among enemies and no one knows about it. Moreover, without telling anyone that you will spend only one night here, it is clear that you have been walled up for the past. It seems that the truth for such minds can be paid for one night. But here the most terrible factor comes into play - the hour... The skin stretches out until the mind in search is suddenly entangled in an impenetrable darkness. Psychologists confirm that the mind never flows, but rather changes into too much activity. What time is it? The axis of this drive is based on one of the most famous mystics and philosophers of the 20th century.

Carlos Castaneda - the hour is dawning

Apparently to this day, physical reality There is no such thing, but there is a picture to describe the world. Otherwise, it seems, we are all clots of energy that float peacefully in the endless expanse and manifest themselves as kings and marriages, businessmen and hired workers and still unknown ones...

Castaneda noted that the whole world is mentally divided into two parts: those that can be learned, that can be thought about, say - tonal. People are determined to adopt the tonal, moreover, the tonal is one thing that we know. The other part is the nagual, he cannot be accepted and it is impossible to think about him. There is only one thing that can be said about praise - vin e.

Those that we were called to call by the hour, by the hour. This is a clear sequence of steps, the cycle is uninterrupted and is not disrupted by anything. On the other hand, according to the manifestations of Castanedi, this is the hour of the nagual - the hour of the unknown, the miraculous. At this hour, absolutely everything becomes possible - perfect healing from illness, shedding of skin, change in appearance, specialness, and the release of other worlds. But what’s more surprising is that the sequence of flow disappears, and even an hour later the nagual does not flow in one second. Once accepted as truth, then in such a situation it is difficult to understand - what is the truth behind the scenes, or is it an abstract phenomenon created by humans, including for the sake of clarity?

Paradoxies of the hour - riddles of the world

While we are on Earth, it is difficult for us to determine the hour, dividing it into landmarks - year, year, day, river. Apparently, as a result of an unknown cataclysm, all the chronometers of the planet went out of order, which means the hour could be set according to the sun. But there is only one thing left, and the treasure becomes richly folded - where is the top, where is the bottom? Where is the cob of a new treasure, a new fate, a new treasure?

The passing of that day is a devil's illusion, created in the memory of a human being. What is the hour of the day besides the current meeting? Have you ever wanted to become a clairvoyant mother, to give up the opportunity to study those who were, for example, 50 years ago? Marvel at the Sun - you will be able to appreciate what happened 8 hours ago (at the very same hour it will be light to reach the ground).

And now realize that you have been transported to one of the stars that is located at the distance from our Earth at the distance of 50 light rocks. Once you know some fantastic star, you can study the ideas that have been discovered on Earth for hundreds of years. The blossoming is simple - the eye receives light exchanges that carry information about the world of the past through the whole world. In this manner, you can see how those who have already grown old play in the sandbox, how those who have already died work, hope, implement their plans.

A small star that can appear in the sky on a gloomy night, can take its breath away any second, and people on earth survive for many years, and maybe for a decade - isn’t that a paradox?

Another paradox, no less mysterious - why do older people feel like they have to speed up the hour - well, childhood is getting better? Obviously, this cannot be done, otherwise our earthly bag would have already wrapped itself in greedy liquidity, and then everything would be in shambles. When a person grows up, she spends most of her life half in a somnambulistic state - she turns back to past peaces, relives them, makes plans for the future. And, of course, he boasts about the impersonality of speeches - the axis of which our race has achieved new thoroughness. Plus, before everything else, the monotonous work obligations, which take too long to complete, take time to catch up with everything. It’s time to ruin ourselves - we are alive, either in the past or in the future, but for a second we concentrate on the present and the thought falls into our mind - “Wow! The day (week, month, week) has already passed, but it’s so fast!

The child receives the light in a completely different way - her skin is filled with a unique change, she is alive for one moment. One year of such a “familiar” life brings more hostility, less than a week (or even a month) of adult life. For a child, the world has lost its mystery, becoming gray and boring. You don’t need daily stimulants (alcohol, drugs) to keep the world alive.

A tale about the riddles of the hour

And there is one similar legend, a fairy tale, that speaks of yet another paradox associated with the affairs of people. A caliph has been alive for a long time. The ruler had everything - a luxurious palace, a harem, povny Krasun, a treasury, filled with the most sophisticated treasures, gold. The enemies trembled before the power of the caliph, and the subjects worshiped him like God. Already the life of the emperor was darkened by one thought - thinking about the speed of his life.

The Caliph summoned the court magician to him and asked him how he could make a living for him. The sage thought and shook his head - this is only by the power of Allah, the Lord of God. The ruler asked, and then the magician gave him one message: “fall on the seashore at noon, take with you a little celery, fill it with water, sit down and admire it.” The Caliph had worked like a sage for my sake, and little by little, as a result of his unshakable sight, he was drawn to sleep.

Waking up, the ruler began to learn about his country - his palace and courtiers had disappeared, and the locality had changed. The caliph believed that the magician had sent an evil spell on the new one, which threw the ruler into an unknown place. The hour had passed, and Vladika still did not know how to turn to Fatherlandism - people shrugged their shoulders in shock as they tried to get out of the way. The caliph had a chance to earn his living - by becoming a fisherman, befriending a girl from a poor homeland and living in a straw hut.

Having lived in this rank for more than ten years, the Caliph caught fish, selling them on the market, and using the proceeds to dispose of his family, at that time he already had two sons. It seems that for the whole day he was not able to eat the thirsty fish, and turned home with hesitation and weariness. Raptom, some unexceptional object that lies at the edge of the water, guesses its form, paying attention to it. Fishing comes closer, sitting on the sand and lifting up the water.

The magician gently shook the ruler's shoulder. “Now tell me, Volodar, what time is it?” - having drunk wine. The Caliph did not confirm anything to the sage, but, as the legend reveals, he became more lenient towards the common people.

It’s a simple matter to prompt the Cossack to think about it. How can one really stretch out into a bunch of rocks with properly adjusted information? Some psychologists who have studied the problem of suicide believe that before the death of the suicide, he recognizes the agony, which for him lasts for an entire eternity. It’s true that it’s not entirely clear why such an idea is based – they didn’t really feed on self-murders. If the tale about a similar caliph is accepted as true, then I respect that the rich would have to experiment - how can they transform a bunch of mittivos for eternity in the heat?

What is an HOUR?


Who watches the hour?

An hour is a flow of energy and information controlled by the Creator. This is due to gamma-ray bursts from various stars, pulsars and the prominence of black holes from the spheres of the bottle and is supplied from Vsesvet in the form of a majestic size elementary particles including neutrinos, which are the main components of the hour. In fact, the hour is waking up and only in the building can you feel the energy around you.

To our planetary system It’s time to go to the Sun, which draws energy from its flow. As the sun approaches, I walk on all sides in pulsating portions and streams. Energy is around you, passing through you, and also through living and non-living matter on the planet. An hour is not a direct value, it is rich in world. Energy constantly creates invisible parallel light in the vastness of the planet, like holograms. Nowadays, she works on a given program that creates richly varied versions of the future planet after each new phase in the world. After the new surface of the skin, a new parallel holographic light is created as a variant of one of the upcoming developments of the planet.

Creator - Creator for the help of a wide range of products parallel lights Constantly controls the future of the planet during the course of its experiments. For greater civilization high level The development of the past and present time can be found in one point: “here and now.” The stench can be eliminated in the past or in the future telepathically. Sometimes the energy of the hour can be seen as light in geopathogenic anomalous zones and, vortexing, turning at the same time, changing timing, and also increasing the fluidity of its vortex flow. Technocratic machines have already been created by your civilization, but they are classified and their capabilities are still surrounded by a glimpse of the past.

I should listen to people who seem to be “sometimes an abstract concept”, not without some reason, well, the whole point is that all our language and intellectual process is the same as an abstraction, which is why I’m not a troll and not a hater, I just want to clarify something in terms of concepts. speak humbly about the recursion of abstraction in the middle of abstraction and at the end of the scale you will never get to objectivity at t = ∞, but it won’t give you anything. In my opinion, this is a subjective response to the expansion of the electromagnetic field. Vaughno -Servedo, Matteri, I was locked by us so much, the abstrails of the osmisliti, straight by the Namynosnosti, Isny, in the same vipage of the Bula Bula Statika. Let us take it as a postulate that when reaching abnormally high liquidity, the hour becomes equal, and exponentially, and when the liquid is reached, the hour is equal to zero. And this means that the photon is released on early stage All the world and every time that enters the sphere of our atmosphere is one and the same photon per hour, for the passage of any kind of space, be it Planck size, it is necessary t, well, the photon has t = 0, so people shout about those The speed of light is 300 thousand km per second, it is necessary to clarify what stinks are visible to the speed of light, which makes it possible to comprehend the subject, or the correct speed without subjective interpretation, which is more accurate than everything it is flat as a broadcast projector and t = 0 photon - this is the transmission of the moment At the same time, and it depends on the type of frame distribution on the TV and the frequency of updating your image on the monitor, there may be more benefits) As if your computer is smart enough to think, having adopted the frame distribution (that is the frequency of updating the screen) in an hour , because I would like to have a lock in order to carry out a thorough cleaning of the senses, it will be an hour. to the furnace of physics, just this moment can be said about those who are in the middle of nowhere I definitely understand as is everything else. The validity is deeper, it can be identified with the original knowledge of the star, take everything on the cob, because if the knowledge is the validity of one to another method of switching off or leveling, you can find out what is happening in a box with an endless number of cubes, and you try to find the most correct one according to the shape , well, no matter how soon you might find a more correct cube. I may or may not have come up with the best example, well, sense wise. past the illusions and the stinks in wonder how the stinks could have been so merciful, but that’s a different story, I don’t know which cube is faithful to the drive of the hour, well, mine is still like that. takes away even greater development in the early stages of life. It’s nothing other than the brain’s rapid acceptance of the very same processes, trampled by neural pathways many times, and as long as the main principle of saying everything collapses on the path of the least support, the brain simply does not allow impulses to flow any further. Our synapses will inevitably lead to the extinction of the unnecessary and that If something has been left out of use for a long time, a quick soak will be quicker for everything as soon as you get the idea in your head, so that you can work on things that you haven’t tried before.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been saying that it’s time and what’s true. How can we reach you, guess? I praise nutritional reliability. Please note that the hour is the change of day and night. The change of day and night is about to begin with the collapse of the Earth near the Sun. If there was no Sun, it would be impossible to die in this way for an hour. All life on Earth means that the Sun is with us today!

Who came up with the first anniversary?
- People

Who knew the hour?

It turns out that before the appearance of people on earth there was no sleep?

If for a long time now you have had the desire to show respect for those that grow, grow, bloom and dry up. Then the life of every living thing varies from time to time. So the day turns into night, and the night becomes the place of the day, so that the sun moves along the horizon during the day. Guide the movement of the Sun across the sky manually according to the shadow that is thrown up. This is how the first time control device was created - the sleepy year.

One of the oldest saved written documents about the dormouse year, dated 732 rubles. BC, can be found in the Bible, in the twentieth section of the Book of Kings. Under the dormouse anniversary of Ahaz is understood the obelisk dormouse anniversary of King Ahaz, who is alive close to 732 r. BC The appearance of the ancient Egyptian dormouse year of the XIII and XV centuries. BC It should be noted that the active period of the nap of the year is much earlier, but this is not reflected in the previously known letter memos.

The principle of the sleepy year is even simpler. The sun begins to converge, then, as we imagine, it begins to move through the sky, reaching the highest point in the day and setting at sunset in the evening. The fragments of the Sun completely change its formation, then the shadow of the haircut changes directly. Vrancia shade lasts long and indicates entry, day – short and indicates daytime. When the Sun about the 12th anniversary of the month reaches its peak, the shadow is shorter than anything. Then it will continue again. The position of the shade can be judged by the hour of the day. If you paint the dial around the point where the haircut is vertically dug, then the shadow that moves, every year falls on the bottom of the dial, so that you can use it to recognize the hour, as if you were using a wrist calendar.

The association of the sleepy-year-old with a compass led to the fact that the sleepy-year-old became able to be used everywhere, and their portable, intestinal or road models appeared.

The sleepy one-year-old man has one very short time: he can “walk” only on the street, and sometimes on the sun-lit side. This, naturally, was very inconceivable. Perhaps the water year is to blame for that. Droplets of water flowed from one vessel to another, and by how much water flowed out, they knew how much time had passed. For hundreds of years such people - they were called clepsydras - served people.

In China, for example, they were used for 4.5 thousand years ago. The first alarm clock on earth was also watery. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who was alive 400 years before our era, is considered his winemaker. This device, invented by Plato for calling his students to work, was made up of two vessels. Water was pouring at the top one, the giblets were dripping into the bottom one, and the wind was rising. The pipe went straight to the flute, and it began to sound. Moreover, the alarm clock was adjusted slowly due to fate. Clepsydrius were even wider in the ancient world.

The first sand year appeared quite recently - there are a thousand reasons for that. And although all sorts of indicators have been around for a long time, the development of intricate craftsmanship made it possible to create a remarkably accurate device. However, with the help of the sand year, you could survive for only a short period of time, depending on no more than a day. In this manner, most greatest anniversary During that period, they could ensure the accuracy of the current time, plus or minus 15-20 minutes per sample.

Well, the division of day and night appears to the Earth differently. At one point on the earth it is day, and at another point it is night, and all the same. Here is day, here is night. The hour varies in different places, and so on. It is time to live through carnage; each people has its own values ​​and traditions. On one side, Europeans are alike, and on the other side, they are completely different, for example, between Russians and Japanese. Hasn't the difference changed them so much?

The difference in the hour has shaped the skin nation's own hour, depending on the hour. Absolutely, what is in the guilty countries Great quantity people are constantly studying for their reasons, for example, in Africa and India. The stage of development of a nation shows the “difference in hours” with another nation, equate, for example, Europe and Africa. If life in this world has been around for a long time, then people today are angry in the localities, even in the villages. Let’s take two people: each is 30 years old, has lived on Earth for about an hour, and one lives in the city, and the other in the village. Each of them today differs in their timing, and the local resident is ahead of his rural counterpart. People live at different times, and that’s why they differ.

Whatever the answer may be behind the idea, it’s brown. Are you going to go to wine? What is the best time for people today? If you have any doubts, then let’s figure it out. Today, a lot in life is changing hour by hour. The dials of the anniversary throughout the world tell the hour of their rulers, so that the stench rises up all at once. For example, airplanes fly, trains crash after schedule, the working anniversary of the offices of most of the standardization campaigns after the singing anniversary. Having invented the hour, people are now hesitant to conform to it, people cannot come to terms with the hour that their anniversary shows, and Vidmova actually sees the cost of the impossibility of living in a marriage.

Since the truth is not appropriate for people today, it is simply impossible to live without its manifestation. People need time, otherwise there will be chaos. Marriage takes an hour, leaving some of its invisible parts.

Most people with fates are not supposed to name their life, many people are not ready to discuss their life when asked: “How many fates do you have?” You reject the statement: “Wow! This food is not correct, you can’t put it on!”

Every hour we move forward, and this is no longer appropriate for people, even though people want to be happy, joyful and energetic. But we are less powerful than those who are young - those who have plenty of time! What time does it give to older people? Outside of old age, nothing comes of it. It’s time for people to act directly from her. The connection is made hour by hour. The presence of time for the skin gives countless advantages, for example, for business. Even if you start a business, it will take an hour for it to become virus-free. You just need to live a river or two or three for the “child” to grow, get back on her feet and start making profits.

People have powerful theories about past days, and talk about them more easily, tying them down to an hour, a date, and not an abstract point in space.

Tired of activity, people would like to find it much easier to plan their departure within an hour, even if we know that the date has arrived, and we can, for example, crash at the roadside.

Obviously, first of all, this is a social necessity, marriage and inseparability. The hour is visible to the spouse, but it is always visible to the newlywed individual - a member of whose spouse.

Well, today it’s an exciting struggle for an hour, whoever gets up to speed the fastest, wins the pace, earns fewer pardons or corrects them the fastest, we will win.

However, you don’t need to forget that in the meantime, the Sun was still invented, and the current year was found.

It is approaching, souls, the end is approaching, and soon, do not prepare,
the hour is passing by, get up, white the doors of the Judge.
Like sleepiness, like color, the hour of life flows by: why are you restless?

(Monday of the 1st week of Lent, from the 4th hymn to the Great Canon)

A lot of people, with the rest of their fates, began to notice that something wonderful was happening over time. Days pass like a year, days pass like days, months pass like days, and fate passes like months. The pressure of the hour is such that fewer and fewer people are able to earn money. It would seem that the day has just begun, you don’t have time to look around, and there’s nothing left! And what is characteristic is that in the past only a few people in the world noted the fact that as the hour began to move faster for them, then the situation quickly changed and now the children and children began to worry about Yogo I miss.

Mourning about current children, the famous Moscow priest Alexander Shumsky told the Russian Line news agency: “Children change every hour. As children, we used to think that the hour passed quickly, but as an adult, the hour passed quickly. I feed small children, but it seems like the hour is running fast. I’m in first grade, and it seems like the hour is running fast.” The priest wonders: what is going on? You will guess: “Why does the substance of the hour objectively change, and even the most incomprehensible substance, and why does such hostility develop as a result of informational revantagement? But maybe every hour subjectively flows faster, never before.” So, subjectively, it has become short and talk about this effect different people, complaining about the decrease in productivity of their work, and lamenting the fact that in a day those who previously could easily achieve...

What can we say about the shortening of the hour from Mount Athos. Towards the hour of the night prayer, the stench marked such wonder. Since a long time ago they had a special praying is not a rule: at the singing interval of an hour the stench is small to read I sing the knackness Prayers, and so mercifully, suvoro magnanimously. We were facing charges for the resumption of this “program”, and before the early rank service they were deprived of at least three hours, to be sure. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer get up at night to wake them up and finish them. The people of Jerusalem, who served the Holy Land, made no less remarkable contributions. It appears that more and more lamps of the Lord's trumpet will burn higher and lower earlier. Previously, the oil at the great lamp was topped up at that very hour before the Great Day. It was burning all over the river. Ale now, already soon, before the fire Christian saint will lose a lot of oil. Come out now that the hour is ahead physical laws mountain.

The massacre would confirm that for real, and not calendar trivalism, as if we take the old picture, the hour that has not changed for hundreds of years, daily adds more than 18 years compared to the extra 24 years. It turns out that today we are almost 6 years old, and therefore we constantly have no time to fly at an accelerated rate. The decline in production was particularly noticeable between the 20th and 21st centuries.

Why talk about this little-known topic yesterday? Considering the “chronosphere”, this explanation was given by the late Viktor Iosefovich Veynik, a learned physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences. Academician Veynik, having presented a scientific hypothesis, what in the hour, as physical phenomenon, the material nose - the day of speech, is called by him the “chronal field”. In the course of the experiments, the digital electronic recorder, the premises of the experimental setup he created, may be either enhanced or hastened. Coming out of his conclusions from the speech hour, Veynik has drawn up the basics of the planet’s time-hour field – the “chronosphere”, careful transition last year.

Having taken into account the time of representations on the level of microparticles and calling these microparticles chronons - quanta of the physical hour. And the field at which given microparticle will appear is called chronal. It is important that the chronal potential (chronal) changes over time. The change in chronal is accompanied by a reduction in the speed of all processes - radioactive decay atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions, etc. in all sorts of bodies: small (atoms and molecules) and great (planets, suns and galaxies), inanimate and living, including plants, komaks, creatures and people. The pattern of changes in the chronal over time is identified as universal and observed in all treated bodies, living organisms and other populations. For example, in humans, the chronal of new births is most important, and it changes many times over the years. In the case of incontinence, all metabolic processes are much more intense, less so in an adult: per kilogram of food, the need for vegetables in grub is 2-2.5 times, for sourness – 2 times. All processes are proceeding quickly for them - the little ones are quickly growing, quickly gaining vagus, quickly beginning to understand the world and life in an exciting way, apparently, it seems even more satisfying to them. Since a child is only two days old, then for her one thing is half her life! Until old age, all processes are completed, it is important to note at the subjective time: the days begin to flash as quickly as the days of the calendar in youth. The less intense the processes, the faster the hour will fly.

That's not all. It turns out that not all people grow old. Of particular interest is the problem of lowering the chronal (old) of planets, stars, galaxies and the entire Universe. Here we have the greatest respect for the natural process of the Earth. She is not developing at all, as one might think, but aging. Until today, it chronicled that the initial intensity of all processes has changed. In ancient times, at a high chronal, life on Earth was in full swing, dinosaurs were in full swing, grass was like trees, the process of radioactive decay of the atom was extremely intense. Everything has become old, although on earth there is still a place with a little more chronal, for example, the island of Sakhalin, there are burdocks like large parasols, grass like tea leaves. The French tried to transplant this “gigantomania” into their home, but then everything degenerated - the wrong chronicle. On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, which will soon speed up the speed of everything on Earth.

Let us return to the theory of time-clock acceleration. Why did the hour on earth begin to tick faster? Apparently, in order to increase the speed of the hour, it is necessary to increase the liquidity, so to speed up the hour, the liquidity needs to be changed. Our planet is small enough to change its fluidity. American astrobiologists D. Brownlett and P. Ward came up with the idea that the Earth’s changing fluidity is “to blame” for the Sun. Our luminary is a young star, growing tall. As the sun expands, it gradually fades our planet. Rock after rock, revolution after revolution, our planet continues to change its orbit and is approaching the end of the sun. How to equalize I'll sleepy the system From the model of an atom, where electrons are wrapped around each other, around the nucleus, you can understand how the fluidity of the earth’s surface has changed. Electrons that are closer to the nucleus are wrapped more tightly than those that are further away from the nucleus. The closer the planet is to the sun, the more likely it is to be surrounded by the sun, galvanized by the sun’s weaker gravitational field. With changes in speed, it's time to speed up. It's just time to shvidshe. This does not mean that you are 23 or 22 years old. No. The smaller orbital trajectory is compensated by the lower speed of rotation along this orbit. You lose 24 years to earn money, but it’s no longer the 24 years you had before.

The world is expanding, and the axis of the hour... is speeding up!– this is the result of scientific research from the Kiev Institute of Quantum Physics, Dmytro Stariy and Irina Soldatenko, who conducted a scientific experiment that was already in full swing in the 70s, and who have thrashed perhaps thirty rocks: the message.

These verses are reviewed and significant additions are made in the books of A. Novykh:

The nearest future humanity will be confronted with one more phenomenon of the Universe. For the speed of the growing acceleration of the All-World in connection with the springs of the power of Allat, humanity is perceptibly quickened by the hour. The phenomenon lies in the fact that even if you had twenty years of money to earn money, you will lose it, but the hour will pass more richly. And people are aware of the tendency to shorten hourly intervals, both physically and on an intuitive level.
- So this will be connected with the expansion of the All-World? – Mikola Andriyovich clarified.
- So. To our growing acceleration. The more the Universe expands, the faster the hour passes, and so on until matter annihilates again.

For a greater understanding of the hour and the ceremonial power of God - Allati, I recommend reading the books of A. Novykh (Ezoosmos, AllatRA, "Sensei IV. Mortal Shambali", - sent)

And I will bring to light the Holy Scriptures of Islam and Orthodoxy about the speeding up of the hour as a sign of the approaching Judgment Day. Therefore, with this knowledge, some Orthodox believers and Muslims are keenly aware that the metamorphoses over time are a clear reference to those that we are entering in the remaining hours and until the end of the world, the treatment of a decade or fate has been lost. No one can speak about this chanted, because “about that day and hour” no one knows except the Creator himself, and yet the signs of the approaching day are given in the Holy Scriptures for a reason:

...For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, pestilence, and earthquakes in the places... then there will be great sorrow, the likes of which have not been seen before in the beginning of the world, and will not be. And if those days had not passed, then every body would not have been torn apart; but for those chosen, these days will pass away (Matthew 24: 7-22).

Christian prophecies are emerging, and the hour will change before the end of the world. The “Posthumous Prayers of the Venerable Nile the Myrrh-Streaming Athonite” talks about those who, in the last era of the birth of humanity, when the tyrant reigned - the Antichrist, would soon be burned up without understanding.

A day turns into a year, a day like a day, a month like a day, and a river like a month,” said the Monk Neil. “The wickedness of mankind brought about those who became tense in the elements, began to hasten and strain themselves even more, so that the number prophesied by God for the eighth century would quickly end” (here it is written in honor of the eight thousandth anniversary of the creation of St. itu).

Twenty-third of the sign of the Day of Judgment in Islam: Hastening the hour of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, conveys the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and may he bless him:

The day of judgment will not come, the hour will not speed up (closer) (Bukhari).

Likewise, Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, reports:

The day of judgment will not come, the hour will not speed up, and a river will be like a month, and a month will be like a week, and a week will be like a day, and a day will be like a year, and a year will be like a burning leaf (Ahmad).

Many words have been in our thoughts recently, and we are overthinking the main confusion:
Persha thought. To respect the change in barakat in the hour.
Ibn Hajar al-Askalyan writes in Al-Fath: “We note in our hour that the days pass faster than in the era before us.” And we are even more wary of this in our time, if we are constantly unable to achieve anything. Therefore, for us, the stories in which it is conveyed that the Companions of the Tabiyeen could read the entire Qur'an in two rak'ahs seem like fantasy or excess, but not reality, and they really could read the Qur'an in its entirety in no time. In whom their greatness was revealed, their directness was presented, through which Allah, by giving them barakat, was the one who deprived us of such a great decline.
Another thought. It is time for the arrival of Imam Mahdith Isi, peace be upon him, if people enjoy life, peace and prosperity, so that for people the hour of fatigue and peace will pass even quickly (div. “Al-Fatah”).
Third thought. Toil in respect of the closeness of time through progress in the communication between people and the expansion of Swedish ships. This idea was thought up by the people of today.
Fourth thought. There is a literal change in the hour and this hastening, and this will happen during the hours of Dajjal, and in such a reasonable sign has not yet appeared.

And finally, I would like to add that this article was not written in order to inflict on people the imminent end of the world and throw them into apathy and evil. For all things, the Will of God and the term Vikonannya banner is in his hands! The purpose of writing this article is to remind people about those who live for as long as possible in order to spend it in the past, it is empty and unnecessary, it is simply not possible anymore.

The hour is swift, we need to be generous in every good thing and we repeat in our intention to win the Soul. Allatra. A. Novikh.

There are the values ​​of people, there and there, what people have decided and all their treasures are dedicated to material dust, dust and life. Since people have thought about the Eternal: God and the Soul, then you yourself become a part of the Eternal:

Do not collect your treasures from the earth, where they may blame and where evildoers will dig and steal; but collect your treasures in heaven, where neither mole nor life is to be blamed, and where evildoers do not rob and steal. For your belongings, there your heart will be. Mt 6:19,20, 21.

Prepared by: niva (Russia)

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