The resistance of biogeocenosis to lie. What determines the resilience of the ecosystem. Succession in microbiology


Power of biogeocenosis

  • a natural system that has historically evolved
  • a system designed to self-regulate and maintain its stock in a stable and stable market
  • characteristic circle of speeches
  • an open system for the supply and output of energy, mainly of which - Sontse

The main indicators of biogeocenosis

  • Species warehouse- a number of species that linger in biogeocenosis.
  • Species diversity- the number of species that linger in the biogeocenosis is one more area.

In most species, the species distribution and species distribution are not strictly avoided and the species distribution lies within the traced plot.

  • Biomass- Number of organisms in biogeocenosis, expressed in units of mass. Most often biomass is divided into:
    • biomass producers
    • biomass of consumers
    • biomass decomposers
  • Productivity
  • Durability
  • Self-regulation before self-regulation

Spacious characteristics

The transition of one biogeocenosis to another in space or time is accompanied by a change in the positions and powers of all its components and, therefore, a change in the nature of biogeocenotic metabolism. Between biogeocenoses there can be irritation on many of its components, but more often they occur between plant groupings (phytocenoses). The totality of biogeocenosis is not the same either in the storage and formation of its components, or in the minds and results of its biogeonotic activity. It differentiates into above-ground, underground, underwater parts, which in turn are divided into elementary vertical structures - bio-geohorizons, even specific to the storage, structure and formation of living and other components. To indicate the horizontal heterogeneity or mosaic nature of biogeocenosis, the concept of biogeocenotic parcels was introduced. As well as biogeocenosis, this concept is more complex, fragments to the warehouse of the parcel as participants in the exchange of speech and energy include vegetation, creatures, microorganisms, soil, atmosphere.

Mechanisms of resistance of biogeocenoses

One of the powers of biogeocenoses is the ability to self-regulate, in order to maintain their stock on a stable and stable level. This is achieved by the constant circulation of speech and energy. The stability of the cycle itself is ensured by a number of mechanisms:

  • sufficiency of living space, so that I plan to provide one organism with the resources it needs.
  • wealth of species. The richer you are, the more stable your life and, therefore, your circle of speeches.
  • The variety of interactions between species also supports the importance of trophic drainages.
  • the middle-creating power of species, then the fate of species is the synthesis and oxidation of substances.
  • directly anthropogenic influx.

Thus, the mechanisms ensure the establishment of small biogeocenoses, which are called stable. A stable biogeocenosis, which lasts for a long time, is called climactic. There are few stable biogeocenoses in nature; stable biogeocenoses often become more intense - minimal biogeocenoses, and other forms of self-regulation come in the cob, in the final position.

Forms of essential relationships between organisms in biogeocenoses

The life of organisms in biogeocenoses occurs in 6 main types of interactions:

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The resilience of the ecosystem is one of the most significant indicators of Vaughn’s work and is the ability of storage parts to successfully resist negative external factors, Preserving not only its structure, but also its functions. The most important characteristic of durability lies in the extinguished col- livanity that fades. This phenomenon is strongly influenced by the significance of the legacy of the influx of anthropogenic agents.

The concept of “ecosystem resilience” is often synonymous with environmental stability. As is another phenomenon in nature, the entire essence of the ecosystem is not equal (the balance of biological species, the balance of energy, etc.). Also, the mechanism of self-regulation plays a special role.

The main task of this process is the thorough understanding of the impersonality of living organisms, and the presence of objects of inanimate nature in the interaction and regulation of the number of skin species. The stability of the ecosystem is ensured by the continued decline of the population. Obviously, the species distribution allows the skin representative to eat a number of forms, such as to stand at the bottom. Thus, since the number of species is significantly decreasing and is close to the threshold of depletion, you can “switch” to another broader form of life. Who is responsible for the sustainability of ecosystems?

As stated earlier, environmental sustainability is considered synonymous with the concept of sustainability. It’s not fancy. It is only possible to keep the child in a stable state as long as the law of dynamic equality is not violated. In another case, the threat may not only be the content of the natural substance, but the development of a whole complex of various natural components.

The stability of the ecosystem, which is ensured by the law of dynamic internal flow, is also subject to the balance of large territories and the balance of components. It is understood that this is the basis of natural history. In addition, the development of special complexes of approaches, directly directed to the same, must be carried out in compliance with important laws and balances.

The resilience of the ecosystem can also be served as an ecological resource. This is the special power of living systems, so that the world is not destroyed by the influx of various anthropogenic factors. When developing projects for the development of new territories, it is necessary to ensure the consistency of extensively and intensively developed lands on the representation area. These may include various urban complexes, bows for grazing great horned animals, areas of natural forests that have been preserved. Irrational development of the territory can cause significant damage to both the ecology of a given region and natural ecosystem in general.

The term “biogeocenosis” is often confused both in ecology and biology. This totality of biological and non-biological objects is surrounded by a singing territory and is characterized by the mutual exchange of speech and energy.

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If you can guess what kind of teaching science understands about biogeocenoses, we will go to the Radyansky academician V. N. Sukachov. The term biogeocenosis was coined by it in the 1940s. The author has written about biogeocenosis not only by introducing the term, but also by creating a strong theory about its diversity.

In modern science, the definition of “biogeocenosis” is not necessarily broader. The topic of ecosystems is more popular there. Sometimes biocenosis is called ecosystem, but it is not correct.

Between the concepts of “biogeocenosis” and “ecosystem” and species. Ecosystem is a clearer concept. It may be surrounded by drops of water, or it may spread over thousands of hectares. The cordons of biogeocenosis are defined as the area of ​​a single plant complex. The butt of biogeocenosis can be the leafing of forests and rates.


The main components of the biogeocenosis of inorganic walking are wind, water, minerals and other elements. Among living organisms there are plants, creatures and microorganisms. Some people hesitate in the earthly world, others under the earth and under the water. However, from the perspective of the functions they define, the characteristics of biogeocenosis look different. The biogeocenosis warehouse includes:

  • producer;
  • consumers;
  • reduccenti.

These main components of biogeocenosis take part in metabolic processes. There is a close connection between them.

The role of organic species in biogeocenoses is played by producers. Smells transform sonic energy and minerals into organic matter, which functions as a living material for them. The main process that organizes biogeocenosis is photosynthesis. We talk about the plants that transform the energy of the sun and the lifelong influence of the soil on organic matter.

After death, a dirty hut becomes full of fungi and bacteria that decompose the body, transforming organic speeches in inorganic. These participants in the process are called decomposers. In this way, the circle that is formed from mutually dependent types of plants and creatures is closed.

Briefly, the scheme of biogeocenosis looks like this. Rosliny harnesses the energy of the Sun. These are the main producers of glucose in biogeocenosis. Creatures and other consumers transmit and transform energy and organic speech. Biogeocenosis also includes bacteria that mineralize organic matter and help plants absorb nitrogen. Kozhen chemical element, a present planet, the entire periodic table takes its share in its circulation. Biogeocenosis is characterized by a folding structure that self-regulates. And whoever takes part in his processes is important and necessary.

The mechanism of self-regulation, which is called dynamic regulation, is explained in the example. It is possible that the favorable weather conditions have led to an increase in the quantity of urchins. The growing population of herbivorous creatures was a significant sign of the world. The hizhaks began to actively paw at them, quickly reducing the number of herbivores, and increasing their population. It doesn’t survive at all, so some of the huts have died out. As a result, the system turned again to the point of unsteadiness.

What are the signs to talk about the stability of biogeocenoses:

  1. there are a great number of species of living organisms;
  2. their fate is in the synthesis of inorganic speech;
  3. wide living space;
  4. the presence of negative anthropogenic influx;
  5. A wide range of types of interspecies interactions.


Natural biogeocenosis is more natural. Examples of individual biogeocenoses include Moscow parks and agrobiocenoses. In another case, the main process that organizes biogeocenosis is the agricultural activity of people. The system is based on low anthropogenic characteristics.

The main power of biogeocenoses created by humans in the agricultural sector lies in what the field is sown with, how successful is the fight against weeds and pests, which is good and in the amount of input, as often occurs watering

As soon as the crops become soiled, the crops will be abandoned, without human intervention they will die, and the weeds and pests will begin to actively multiply. Then the power of biogeocenosis will become different.

A piecemeal biogeocenosis, human creations, incapable of self-regulation. The resistance of biogeocenosis lies with people. This prayer is only possible for active human support. The abiotic component of biogeocenosis is often also included in its warehouse. The butt can be an aquarium. In this small piece of water, various organisms live and develop, which form part of the biogeocenosis.

Most natural groups are formed within a few hours, sometimes hundreds and thousands of times. The participants spend a long time “grinding in” one by one. Such biogeocenoses are characterized by high resistance. Rivnavaga is aimed at interconnection between the population. The stability of biogeocenosis is indicated by the bonds between the participants in the process and being stable. Since there are no significant natural or man-made disasters associated with ruins, rough hands from people, biogeocenosis, as a rule, is gradually in the state of dynamic flux.

The skin type of interaction is an important contributor to maintaining equality in the system.

Apply it

Let's take a look at what biogeocenosis is, like a butt that has taken over a meadow. The primary species in the grub borders of biogeocenoses are producers, and meadow grasses play a role here. The main source of energy in the onion biogeocenosis is the energy of the Sun. Herbs and tea leaves, which are the main producers of glucose in the biogeocenosis, grow and serve as food for animals, birds and mosquitoes, which, in their turn, become healthy huts. Dead remains are buried in the ground and transformed into microorganisms.

The particularity of the phytocenosis (tree light) of deciduous forests, including onions and steppe, is a number of tiers. Among the residents of the upper tiers, where they enter more tall trees, it is possible to experience more sleepy energy than those found in the dark. Then comes the layer of tea leaves, then the grass, then, under the ball of dry leaves and near the villages of trunks, mushrooms grow.

Biogeocenosis has a great variety of species, growths and other living organisms. The living areas of animals are also divided into several tiers. Some hang around on the tops of trees, others are underground.

Such a biogeocenosis is characterized by the fact that there is a mixture of water, the bottom of water and the surface of the water. Here Roslinny light representations of water. Part of them floats on the surface, and part of them is permanently submerged under water. They are eaten by fish, mosquitoes, and crustaceans. Hija fish and mosquitoes easily find their species, and bacteria and other microorganisms hang around in the bottom of the water and in the other waters.

Regardless of the apparent stability of natural biogeocenoses, due to the power of power, biogeocenosis changes, transforming from one to another. At other times, the biological system is quickly reorganized, as it becomes overgrown with water. The stench from the building turns into swamps and bows in a short hour.

The formation of biogeocenosis can take centuries. For example, rocky areas, some bare rocks are gradually covered with moss, then new growth appears, changing rocks and changing landscapes and fauna. The power of the biogeocenosis changes completely, but not inexorably. Only people today are rapidly accelerating these changes and will never be better off.

People are obliged to carefully respect nature, preserve their wealth, and prevent pollution dovkilla that barbaric setup before the bastards. It is not your fault to forget what it is like to live on earth. And just lie somewhere else, where they can get away with it. Please understand this yourself and explain it to others.

Biogeocenosis is a biocenosis that is seen in interaction with abiotic factors that flow into another and, in turn, change under its influx. Biocenosis is synonymous with partnership, which is also closely understood as ecosystem.

Ecosystem – a group of organisms different species, interconnected with each other in a circle of speeches.

The skin biogeocenosis is a whole ecosystem, and not the skin ecosystem is a biogeocenosis. To characterize biogeocenosis, two close concepts are used: biotope and ecotope (inanimate nature officials: climate, soil). A biotope is a territory occupied by a biogeocenosis. Ecotope is a biotope into which organisms from other biogeocenoses migrate.

Power of biogeocenosis

a natural system that has historically evolved

a system designed to self-regulate and maintain its stock in a stable and stable market

characteristic circle of speeches

an open system for the supply and output of energy, mainly of which - Sontse

The main indicators of biogeocenosis

Species warehouse - the number of species that linger in biogeocenosis.

Species spread - a large number of species, which in biogeocenosis is one area more common.

In most species, the species distribution and species distribution are not strictly avoided and the species distribution lies within the traced plot.

Biomass – the number of organisms in biogeocenosis, expressed in units of mass. Most often biomass is divided into:

biomass producers

biomass of consumers

biomass decomposers

Mechanisms of resistance of biogeocenoses

One of the powers of biogeocenoses is the ability to self-regulate, in order to maintain their stock on a stable and stable level. This is achieved by the constant circulation of speech and energy. The stability of the cycle itself is ensured by a number of mechanisms:

sufficiency of living space, so that I plan to provide one organism with the resources it needs.

wealth of species. The richer you are, the more stable your life and, therefore, your circle of speeches.

The variety of interactions between species also supports the importance of trophic drainages.

the middle-creating power of species, then the fate of species is the synthesis and oxidation of substances.

directly anthropogenic influx.

Thus, the mechanisms ensure the establishment of small biogeocenoses, which are called stable. A stable biogeocenosis, which lasts for a long time, is called climactic. There are few stable biogeocenoses in nature; stable biogeocenoses often become more intense - stable biogeocenoses, and other patterns of self-regulation come in the cob, in the final position

The stability of BGCs is based on the mechanisms of self-regulation of the storage of its population, which were formed on the basis of material and energy interactions with an excessive regional core. The skin population establishes in its biocenotic center the optimal level of its numbers in all state and age groups. On this basis, the most optimal material-energy relationships develop between the population and biogeocenosis. The interconnection and interaction of all populations among themselves and the core of living is the mental development of the form and stable foundation of BGCs as networks. (Example: population-biogeocenosis system)

Resistance to biogeocenosis- This is a clear importance - as an elemental center of the biogeosphere. A stable BGC has excellent structural steel and the ability to exchange speech and energy with the neighboring BGCs. In our country, the interaction of factors has been evolutionarily formed in order to maintain a water-resistant structure Danish hour. This state is called BGC homeostasis.

Dynamics of biogeocenosis. All biogeocenoses, regardless of apparent durability and stability, experience greater or lesser changes in their structure and metabolism, which lead to clear and large changes. According to V.N. Sukacheva (1964), stinks can be cyclical (periodic): additional, seasonal, rich, etc. and successional. Dynamics is the volatility of the BGC, which stems from the accumulation of numerous changes in its warehouse, structure and functional organization.

The cyclical changes of the werewolf do not change the clear specificity of this biogeocenosis. In addition to this, successional changes involve processes of clear change of some biogeocenoses by others. Such changes can be of two categories:

Another category is biogeocenogenesis – the process of formation of biogeocenoses, changing them often and the development of a biogeocenotic pattern on one or another territory (Sukachiv). It includes two mutually interrelated stages: 1. - syngenesis, 2. - endogenesis.

Syngenesis- this is the process of formation of biogeocenoses on spared plots of the Earth. According to F. Clements (1936), syngenesis goes through three stages: migration, migration, competition; according to V.N. Sukachev, there are only two stages: migration and migration. According to V.N. Sukachev, the stages of migration and the skin also go through stages of colonization.

For example, I.V. Stebaev’s scheme involves the formation of BGCs on hard rocks.

The collapse of the mountainous rocks occurred after the earthquake. As a result of the collapse, great shifts were created in the form of rocky rock formations from solid rock formations, with a complete reduction in algae content.

The first to populate this area are leafy lichens and leaf lichens. At the same time, heterotrophic microflora settles from them. At this stage of settlement of solid rocks there are different stages of migration and evolution.

The migration phase is characterized by an increase in species diversity and a mosaic color complex of locations.

During the ezesi phase, there appears a proliferation of separate layers of lichens in the common lichens, and the number of associated species increases - oribatid mites, springtails and other lower comas.

Then comes the stage of development of summer mosses. At this stage of moss colonization, there are also two phases - migration and migration. Similar to these steps, it is necessary to replace lithopyllous mosses with green hypnotic mosses, as well as replacing hypnotic mosses with tall, juicy mosses. At the cutaneous stage, there are two stages of syngenesis-migration and excision. At the remaining two stages, this place of residence is inhabited by mosquitoes and tree worms, as well as groups of huts trophically associated with them.

As a result of the development of these stages, there will be greater deterioration of the surface of the Georgian rock, and the thickness of the fluffy substrate will increase. When the soil is enriched with humus and minerals, it is transformed into the soil. Low-tension, low-rotation soil curves are formed.

With the development of the soil there is a complexification of the structural and functional organization of the BGC - the ball, its differentiation between the elements of the morphological and trophic structure and in the terminal pouch, the formation of a biogeonotic system.

Otherwise, syngenesis occurs on fluffy substrates. Here is the current stage of primitive lichens and moss groups associated with the biological decomposition of rocky rocks and the formation of a primitive soil ball. The process of syngenesis from the cob is still in progress with the coordination of the major biological growths and similar associated representatives of the animal and microbial population. Bikov presented the syngenesis scheme to Tsikav (1970). This scheme has three stages:

1. Procenosis - colony. The expanse is populated by original species of large plant species, which may be related to one ecobiomorph. The settlements of the growths are separated, between them there is daily interaction and interaction, flowing into the middle is weak.

2. Procenosis is grouped. There is a formation of plant groups using several mutually interacting populations that contain up to one or two ecobiomorphs. The middle of life is subject to significant change.

3. hypercenosis. Phytocenotypes are established - dominants, subdominants, complementary species. The population-species growth is growing, the structure and the current appearance of the phytocenosis is being formed.

This process ends with the formation of a stable partnership, which includes a powerful warehouse of living and dead components, a structural and functional organization, a complex system of various connections and self-regulatory mechanisms. .

A simpler expression of the syngenesis scheme was given by A.P. Shennikov (1964).

1. Ecotopic grouping of separate folded plants

2. Open phytocenosis of separate-overgrowth fold

3. Closed phytocenosis before diffuse life This is practically the same as Bikov’s scheme, but otherwise named.

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