Saratov Chervonopraporny Institute of Internal Military Affairs.



Saratov Military Institute of Internal Military Military Affairs of Russia

Rules will be accepted before the Federal Sovereign Treasury Military Initial Fund for Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

I. Foreign regulations

These Rules are divided into the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The rules for admission establish the requirements that must be submitted to candidates, determine the procedure for the admission of citizens who join before the Federal Sovereign State Military Institution for Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs" Military Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation."

Changes added to the Rules of Acceptance are reviewed at the meeting and approved by the head of the military institute. II.
    Possibilities for candidates to enroll in the Federal Sovereign Military Foundation for Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation tsii"
As candidates for registration at the military institute, cadets are considered
    designation of the category of professional affiliation of the candidate on the basis of their socio-psychological training, psychological and psychophysical training;

assessment of the level of background preparation of candidates;

assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates (Addendum 1).
Initial testing (testing) to assess lighting readiness:
Russian language (the results of the Unified State Examination (hereinafter referred to as UDI) are covered);
history (insurance results of EDI); matrimonial knowledge (insure the results of EDI);

The additional one is born from marriage (in the written form).
When assessing the results of pre-additional medical examinations, verification of physical fitness, a hundred-point system is used, which is established by the military institute.

The professional selection of candidates for entry into the profession is carried out from 1 to 30 years.

The warehouse of the primary commission is determined by the prompt orders of the head of the military institute, who is its head.:

    The protector of the head of the primary commission is the protector of the head of the military institute of primary work (the head of the primary department).

The average commission is formed

from the military-medical subcommittee;

subcommittees from professional psychological selection;

subcommittees for assessing physical fitness;

As the results of the introductory examinations from obscure subjects (Russian language, history, marriage), the results of the formation of united powers are determined I'll get some sleep.

The original certificate is a candidate for the primary commission after arriving at the military institute.

The information recorded in the Certificate of the formation of a single sovereign state is verified according to the established procedure in the Federal Certificate Database.

Based on the results of the verification, the head of the military institute makes a decision regarding the candidate’s further participation in the professional selection.

Individuals who did not show up for admission without a good reason, did not submit original documents about their education, a certificate of formation of a single sovereign state, a passport, as well as documents that were taken after the beginning of admission, from the competition and do not get insured before the military institute .

Individuals who did not show up for an important reason, at the discretion of the head of the military institute, are allowed to see them in parallel groups or individually until their completion.

Candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are included in the competition list and the results of the competition are reported to the Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ї.

    Communities who, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, have been given the right to enter the military institute, submit after arriving at the appropriate commission confirming documents That's right.

Candidates accepted by the decision of the preliminary committee for training at the military institute are insured and assigned to the military cadet planting by order of the head of the military institute with 1 sickle to enter the training.

    Candidates who have not been insured before the military institute as cadets from among: civilians who have passed or have not undergone military service, - to the military commissariats at the place of residence;

The review of the appeal does not include re-examination; during the review of the appeal, the correctness of the assessment is checked against the result of the entrance test (letter robot).

The candidate has the right to be present during the hearing of the appeal.

It is your mother’s fault that she is carrying a document that recognizes her person.

After consideration of the appeal, the decision of the appeal committee regarding the assessment of the examination work (either increased or decreased) will be made.

Whenever there is a need to change the assessment, a decision protocol of the appeal committee is formed.

    For different disputes in the appeal committee, once the assessment is made, a vote is taken, and the assessment is confirmed by the majority of votes.

A formalized protocol of the decision of the appeal committee is submitted to the head of the primary committee.

    citizens, who may have a more important right when entering higher and higher special initial mortgages, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens who have become aware of the influx of radiation as a result of the catastrophe Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant";
citizens released from military service; children of military servicemen, who perform military service under a contract and face the illegality of military service for 20 years and more;

children of citizens who have been released from military service after they have reached the end of their time in military service, become healthy or in connection with organizational and staffing visits, the illegality of military service 20 rocks and more;

    children of military servicemen who died during the end of the military service or died due to calcification (wounds, injuries, contusions) or fell ill during the end of the military service in the military service;

Other citizens, who, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are given a more important right to enter universities.

Military servicemen who are planning to join the military institute

Military service members, previously selected for entry into the military institute, receive up to 1 ruble for professional selection.

Initial training sessions are conducted with them to prepare for entrance examinations.

Military servicemen whose terms of military service will expire before the 1st birthday must be sent to the military commissariats for their place of residence when released from the military service the military institute with information about those who are candidates for entry into the military institute.

The commander of the military unit, when the call was cut off, entered the military institute of military service, released from the reserve, to inform about the military commissariat at the place of residence of the military service.

Military servicemen who are added to the reserve after arriving at the military institute (up to 1 serpnya), are sent to the military institute for their registration in the military unit for storage in the special warehouse The Institute is in possession of all the documents submitted at the time of transfer of military service officers to a new place of service. Individuals from among the citizens who have or have not served in military service,

If you have discovered that you must join the military institute, submit an application to the military commissariat of municipal education and to the internal affairs authorities for the place of residence before the 1st quarter of the date of entry.

The application contains: name, father's name, river, date and month of birth, address of the candidate's place of residence, the name of the military-primary department (faculty), and the specialty for which he is expected to study.

    The following must be added to the application:


characteristics of work and science;

Passport, military receipt, registration certificate and a certificate of the sovereign's certificate of education (secondary education or secondary professional education, diploma of basic professional education, as there is a record of education uttya hulk of the middle (new) illumination), Certificate of The results of the Unified State Examination are submitted by the candidate to the primal commission of the military institute upon arrival.

Documents for candidates, including medical examination cards, professional psychological selection cards and materials of a special verification of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FSB of the Russian Military Commissars or constituent bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ії send to the military institute before the 20th of May when candidates are needed.

The primary commission of the military institute, after reviewing the documents of the candidates found, makes a decision on their admission to professional selection.

The decision is formalized in a protocol and communicated to the candidates through the relevant military commissions and internal information bodies until the 20th of June at the appointed time and place of professional selection for any reason movie

The Primal Commission of the Military Institute has the right to dissuade the applicant from accepting documents due to the insufficient number of points accumulated by him for the results of the EDI from behind-the-scenes subjects whenever the applicant submits the ED results І, below the minimum threshold value established by the order of Rosobrnnaglyad of Russia.

The sending of candidates for professional selection to the military institute is organized by the commanders of military units, military commissars and constituent bodies at the discretion of the primary commission.

The recruiting bodies in the localities will provide candidates with cost-free travel documents, and at the institute – with cost-free food and housing.

In life, the training of cadets will be organized in accordance with the provisions of the Legal Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

After completing the 1st course and having completed 18 years, cadets sign a contract for military service and receive all benefits in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On military service and military at the service."

Hours spent at the institute are covered until the officer’s full length of military service.

Addendum 1


The level of physical preparedness of candidates before entering the military institute is determined by the results of checking the established standards for pull-ups on the horizontal bar, in the 100 m run, in the 3 km run.

The assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates from among the military servicemen, citizens, who have or have not undergone military service, is determined accordingly to the establishment of physical training from internal in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 01.01.01. No. 000.

Physical training standards for candidates from among military servicemen, citizens who have or have not undergone military service

View to the right


Vitrivality (3 km run), xv.

Strength (pull-up on the crossbar), times

Speed ​​(100 m run), p. Odagu form

    Candidates from among the military servicemen, citizens, who have or have not undergone military service, have the right to retire
    sports uniform odyagu.

long run 1-2 km;

    special codes are right to 200 m-code;

Accelerate 3-4 times at 80-100 m;

speed run 2 times 30 m+60 m+100 m.
Rankova physical exercise - run 2-4 km;

The Saratov Military Institute is the center of the upcoming military cadres and historians of Vitchizny.

How did the story of this initial mortgage, known throughout Russia, begin?

Historical information

The Saratov Military Institute can boast of a rich history, over the course of which it has changed its name, its organizational structure and warehouse.

The only factor that does not succumb to the influx is the high level of investment and training of professional personnel.

The official history of the institute dates back to 1932 (previously called the 4th school of border guards).

In 1947-1949, cadets and officers of the Saratov Institute actively fought against nationalist activities in the Baltic states in Western Ukraine.

In 1996, the initial mortgage was named after F. Dzerzhinsky.

The war in Afghanistan could not pass by the graduates of the Sarativ School.

Many cadets and, according to the authors, were participants in the military conflict.

Also, graduates of the institute took part in the operation to eliminate the legacy after the explosion of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Unfortunately, scholars and investors often agreed in their thoughts and most often fought from different sides of the barricades (Yerevan, Baku).

From 1993 to 1995, officers of the Saratov Institute ensured great order in Vladikavkaz.

  • Thousands of graduates of the institute were engaged in ensuring law and order in the Chechen Republic.

The starting hour is 5 days in full-time form.

  • To register for this period, it is necessary to submit a document about the middle ground (special) coverage.

Citizens of the Russian Federation of human status who have not yet served in the sovereign military service (16-22), people who have completed military service and people who have carried out military service under contract can join.

Admission of applicants is carried out at competitive ambushes.

Obviously, before professional selection, the applicant is required to undergo medical treatment and be required to bear his obligations in order to remain healthy, undergo psychological testing and remain morally stable, undergo physical training and be successful. but fold the EGE.


The Saratov Military Institute of Internal Military Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia asks everyone to begin.

The choice of a professional occupation is the most important decision of every person, and for a person this decision means everything in his future life.

It is very important to find an activity in which you can realize your potential, bring reward to the Batkivshchyna and succession. The profession of an officer is not suitable for everyone, and it will also require a lot of skills, such as reliability, readiness, self-control. This work will expend a lot of energy, and also make the man’s duty to protect his Fatherland.

The military people stand firmly on their feet, they are always in love with the fact that they can steal from themselves and their loved ones.

The Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs guarantees its graduates external security, a diploma of completed training, driving a car, guaranteed inspection and annual payment.

  • Service in the ranks of the Russian army requires young people of excellent health, deep knowledge and a high level of physical training.
  • Located near the great regional center of the Volga region.
  • This institute dates back to 1932, when it became the 4th school of border guards.
  • The school was reorganized into a college in 1937, and the school became its largest in 1973.
  • In 1997, the Secondary School acquired its status

Saratov Military Institute of the MVS of Russia


The military institute has its own clinic with an equipped infirmary, a club (which can accommodate 1000 people), a cadet hall, a shopping center (a buffet, a bakery, a knitting department), and a sewing workshop.

The officer’s skin fragments are due to his mother’s physical training; on the territory of the institute there is a sports complex, which contains halls for hand-to-hand combat and wrestling, as well as gyms for mini-football, basketball, volleyball, gyms, gymnastics small town.

Whose institute has champions of the world, champions of the Russian Federation in hand-to-hand combat and sambo.

The term “novelty” here adds up to 5 rocks.

I will be admitted to the military institute

  • Applicants to the institute can be citizens of the Russian Federation with advanced professional training, and people who have passed the verification of the FS authorities B chi MVS.
  • From 16 to 22 years old, young people who have already served in the army are accepted.
  • Applicants who have already completed military service and military servicemen who have served at least half a century are required to be no older than 24 years.
  • The process of selecting candidates consists of:

designation of the category of affiliation (professional), on the basis of psychophysical/psychological investigation, as well as socio-psychological training;

  • I will become healthy again;
  • assessment of the applicant’s physical training;
  • assessments of pre-light preparation

During the initial studies, the following disciplines are carried out:

  • history of Russia;
  • matrimonial knowledge;
  • Russian language/literature.
  • The competition before the institute will insure candidates who have passed the professional selection, from:
  • children who have lost their lives without parents (up to 23 years);
  • orphans;

citizens who have not reached 20 years of age, who have less than one father, who is a disabled person of the 1st group (albeit for the minds, if the income per person is below the subsistence level);

participants in combat actions;


Saratov Military Institute of Internal Military Military Affairs of Russia

Rules will be accepted before the Federal Sovereign Treasury Military Initial Fund for Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

I. Foreign regulations

These Rules are divided into the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The rules for admission establish the requirements that must be submitted to candidates, determine the procedure for the admission of citizens who join before the Federal Sovereign State Military Institution for Higher Professional Education "Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs" Military Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation."

  1. Changes added to the Rules of Acceptance are reviewed at the meeting and approved by the head of the military institute. citizens of the Russian Federation, who have a middle (again) illegal or average professional background, have been verified by the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, apparently up to decrees to the Order of the Russian Federation from the number:
  • the citizens who served in the military - from 16 to 22;
  • the citizens who have completed military service, and the military servicemen who have completed military service on conscription, have served for at least 6 months, - before they reached the age of 24 years;
  • military servicemen who perform military service under a contract - after completing half of the term of military service assigned to the first contract, until they reach 24 years of age.
  1. The professional selection of candidates for enrollment at the military institute by cadets is carried out by a special committee and includes:
  • designation of the category of professional affiliation of the candidate on the basis of their socio-psychological training, psychological and psychophysical training;
  • assessment of the level of background preparation of candidates;
  • assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates
    (Appendix 1).

assessment of the level of background preparation of candidates;

Russian language (the results of the Unified State Examination (hereinafter referred to as UDI) are covered); history (insurance results of EDI); matrimonial knowledge (insure the results of EDI);

The warehouse of the primary commission is determined by the prompt orders of the head of the military institute, who is its head.:

  • A hundred-point system is being introduced, as established by the Military Institute.
  • The professional selection of candidates for entry into the profession is carried out from 1 to 30 years.
  • The warehouse of the primary commission is determined by the prompt orders of the head of the military institute, who is its head.
  • The intercessor of the head of the primary commission is the intercessor of the head of the military institute from the primary job (the head of the primary department)
  • from the military-medical subcommittee;
  • subcommittees from professional psychological selection;

The average commission is formed

from the military-medical subcommittee;

subcommittees from professional psychological selection;

subcommittees for assessing physical fitness;

As the results of the introductory examinations from obscure subjects (Russian language, history, marriage), the results of the formation of united powers are determined I'll get some sleep.

The original certificate is a candidate for the primary commission after arriving at the military institute.

The information recorded in the Certificate of the formation of a single sovereign state is verified according to the established procedure in the Federal Certificate Database.

Based on the results of the verification, the head of the military institute makes a decision regarding the candidate’s further participation in the professional selection.

Individuals who did not show up for admission without a good reason, did not submit original documents about their education, a certificate of formation of a single sovereign state, a passport, as well as documents that were taken after the beginning of admission, from the competition and do not get insured before the military institute .

Individuals who did not show up for an important reason, at the discretion of the head of the military institute, are allowed to see them in parallel groups or individually until their completion.

Candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are included in the competition list and the results of the competition are reported to the Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ї.

  • subcommittees from conducting additional research for marriage;
  • subcommittees for the organization and conduct of a unified state survey;
  • military servicemen - in the military unit, where they served in the military service.

Candidates accepted by the decision of the preliminary committee for training at the military institute are insured and assigned to the military cadet planting by order of the head of the military institute with 1 sickle to enter the training.

  • The procedure for considering appeals of candidates for the succession of candidates is determined by the appeal committee.
  • The candidate has the right to become familiar with his work in the manner determined by the primary committee.

The review of the appeal does not include re-examination; during the review of the appeal, the correctness of the assessment is checked against the result of the entrance test (letter robot).

It is your mother’s fault that she is carrying a document that recognizes her person.

After consideration of the appeal, the decision of the appeal committee regarding the assessment of the examination work (either increased or decreased) will be made.

Whenever there is a need to change the assessment, a decision protocol of the appeal committee is formed.

  • The candidate has the right to be present during the hearing of the appeal.
  • It is your mother’s fault that she is carrying a document that recognizes her person.
  • After consideration of the appeal, the decision of the appeal committee regarding the assessment of the examination work (either increased or decreased) will be made.
  • orphans and children who were orphaned without the care of their fathers until the 23rd;
  • citizens in the age of up to 20 years, which include more than one of the fathers - a disabled person of group I, since the average per capita income of the family is lower than the minimum subsistence level established for the federal subject of Russia which Federation;

A formalized protocol of the decision of the appeal committee is submitted to the head of the primary committee.

  • citizens who were released from military service and entered universities on the recommendations of the commanders of military units; participants in combat operations;
  • communities, which, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of communities who have become aware of the influx of radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant”, are given the right of post-legislative entry until the mortgage of a professional ї illuminate;
  • Other citizens, who, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are given the right to enter competitively until the establishment of further professional education.
  • citizens, who may have a more important right when entering higher and higher special initial mortgages, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens who have become aware of the influx of radiation as a result of the catastrophe Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant";
  • citizens released from military service;
  • Other citizens, who, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are given a more important right to enter universities.
  1. citizens released from military service;, before the 1st quarter of the year, the command must submit a report to the commander of the military unit, indicating: military rank, nickname, name, father's name, posad, river and month of birth, name, military-initial mortgage, specialty , I want to get a handle on the stench. children of citizens who have been released from military service after they have reached the end of their time in military service, become healthy or in connection with organizational and staffing visits, the illegality of military service 20 rocks and more;
  • three certified photographs (4.5 '6 cm); autobiography;
  • service characteristics;
  • service card;
  • copy of passport;
  • a copy of the certificate about the people; medical examination card;
  • card for professional psychological selection;

Other citizens, who, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are given a more important right to enter universities.

Military servicemen who are planning to join the military institute

Military service members, previously selected for entry into the military institute, receive up to 1 ruble for professional selection.

Initial training sessions are conducted with them to prepare for entrance examinations.

Military servicemen whose terms of military service will expire before the 1st birthday must be sent to the military commissariats for their place of residence when released from the military service the military institute with information about those who are candidates for entry into the military institute.

The commander of the military unit, when the call was cut off, entered the military institute of military service, released from the reserve, to inform about the military commissariat at the place of residence of the military service.

  1. Military servicemen who are added to the reserve after arriving at the military institute (up to 1 serpnya), are sent to the military institute for their registration in the military unit for storage in the special warehouse The Institute is in possession of all the documents submitted at the time of transfer of military service officers to a new place of service. If you have discovered that you must join the military institute, submit an application to the military commissariat of municipal education and to the internal affairs authorities for the place of residence before the 1st quarter of the date of entry.
  2. If you have discovered that you must join the military institute, submit an application to the military commissariat of municipal education and to the internal affairs authorities for the place of residence before the 1st quarter of the date of entry.
  3. The application contains: name, father's name, river, date and month of birth, address of the candidate's place of residence, the name of the military-primary department (faculty), and the specialty for which he is expected to study.
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics of work and science;
  • copy of passport;
  • a copy of the certificate about the people;
  • a copy of the document of the sovereign's certificate of education (secondary (re) secondary education or secondary professional education, as well as a diploma of basic vocational education, which contains a record of the development of a citizen of secondary (re) ї illuminate);
  • three photographs (4.5 '6 cm);


characteristics of work and science;

Passport, military receipt, registration certificate and a certificate of the sovereign's certificate of education (secondary education or secondary professional education, diploma of basic professional education, as there is a record of education uttya hulk of the middle (new) illumination), Certificate of The results of the Unified State Examination are submitted by the candidate to the primal commission of the military institute upon arrival.

Documents for candidates, including medical examination cards, professional psychological selection cards and materials of a special verification of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FSB of the Russian Military Commissars or constituent bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ії send to the military institute before the 20th of May when candidates are needed.

  1. 7. The primary commission of the military institute, after reviewing the documents of the candidates found, makes a decision on their admission to professional selection.
  2. The decision is formalized in a protocol and communicated to the candidates through the relevant military commissions and internal information bodies until the 20th of June at the appointed time and place of professional selection for any reason movie
  3. The Primal Commission of the Military Institute has the right to dissuade the applicant from accepting documents due to the insufficient number of points accumulated by him for the results of the EDI from behind-the-scenes subjects whenever the applicant submits the ED results І, below the minimum threshold value established by the order of Rosobrnnaglyad of Russia.
  4. 10. The sending of candidates for professional selection to the military institute is organized by the commanders of military units, military commissars and constituent bodies at the discretion of the primary commission.
  5. The sending of candidates for professional selection to the military institute is organized by the commanders of military units, military commissars and constituent bodies at the discretion of the primary commission.
  6. Candidates who arrived without a call will be denied permission to apply.
  7. 13. At the beginning of the military institute, cadets live in ordered barracks, are provided with food, uniforms, all the necessary assistants and aides and penny security for the established standards.
  8. An hour before the start, the cadets are expected to have a two-year holiday in the winter, and after the end of the initial period - a 30-day leave.
  9. After completing the 1st course and having completed 18 years, cadets sign a contract for military service and receive all benefits in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On military service and military at the service." .

After completing the 1st course and having completed 18 years, cadets sign a contract for military service and receive all benefits in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On military service and military at the service."

Hours spent at the institute are covered until the officer’s full length of military service.

Addendum 1

Hours spent at the institute are insured until the officer’s full length of military service.

The level of physical preparedness of candidates before entering the military institute is determined by the results of checking the established standards for pull-ups on the horizontal bar, in the 100 m run, in the 3 km run.

Strength (pull-up on the crossbar), times

Speed ​​(100 m run), p. Odagu form

  • The assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates from among the military servicemen, citizens, who have or have not undergone military service, is determined accordingly to the establishment of physical training from internal in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on May 19, 2005. No. 395.
  • long run 1-2 km;
  • special codes are right to 200 m-code;
  • accelerate 3–4 times at 80–100 m;
  • speed run 2 times 30 m+60 m+100 m.
  • Rankova physical exercise – run 2-4 km;
  • a day - run 2-4 km;
  • running in sections of 500 m + 750 m + 750 m with exercise for renewed breathing (heart rate soon up to 120 beats per minute);
  • hour: 1500 m – 6 minutes, 750 m – 3 minutes;

long run 1-2 km;

  • The final run is 1-2 km.
  • Repeated pull-ups on the bar with a narrow and wide grip for a number of times.
  • During training, you need to pull up 3-5 times more for your maximum result.

Accelerate 3-4 times at 80-100 m;

Repair interval 2-4 min.

The frequency of repetition per week is 3-4 times. At the end of the day - strength training on different groups of muscles.

410023, Saratov town, Moskovska street, 158 Saratov Military Institute of Internal Military Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.