The differences between the human and female brains.


Psychologist Adriana Imzh presents gender bias from a scientific perspective

There are a lot of fantasies and myths on this topic.

Quite often, women are ascribed lightness, uncertainty and emotion, wanting to truly show that women miraculously cope with important and serious problems - even to the point of fighting in battle squadrons, and emotions There are no less human beings, it’s just that they can be identified without singing emotions, and then - Somatize .

People are credited with being responsible, rational and smart, although in reality people, for example, are more likely to understand the terms of projects, tend to take more walks and get angry more often, logical amends with such frequency and there are often dissents - women are more often pleased.Timing is not less, day-to-day follow-up of MRI images allows us to identify relevant structural features.We'll talk about them today.

Nowadays, such types can be seen in the functions of the human and female brain: the formation of white and gray speech, physiology, blood supply and innervation.

From the perspective of science

The relationship between white and gray speech

men and women have different colors: men have more gray parts, and women have more white parts

There is more serotonin, oxytocin and estrogen in women - due to the smell of which there may be greater satiety, sensitivity, emotional competence and the ability to create mental problems in humans.

Women's friendship is subject to change: statistically, women with women have the most troubles, trusting warm contacts - to be replaced by interstate contacts and "personal friendship."

Testosterone and lower levels of other hormones are associated with less sedentary time and greater aggressiveness in humans, and lead to decreased empathy when under stress.

This leads to the fact that it is more important for people to cope with stress, they are more likely to suffer from depression and are prone to suicide.

Paradoxically, this also means that people are advised to cry more in order to reduce the level of cortisol in the blood, a stress hormone that, when accumulated in the body, lowers immunity, loose muscles and causes depression Iyu.

Structural dimensions

Women have a larger hippocampus, as well as more divisions, which indicates proma;

In men, the stench, as a rule, is mainly concentrated in one smell, and in women - in both.

In general, and in general, according to the research of Gregor Janz, men and women have more than 100 brain capacities (it is important to remember about individual internal functions).

As a rule, the legacy of these distinctions lies not in the area of ​​“the wise and the foolish,” but in the area of ​​“the more savvy” and “the less savvy.”

Although unimportant on average, life becomes increasingly sensitive to sensitive men and sometimes women.

Gregory Janz appreciates that in connection with such changes in the nervous system, it is important to teach people stress management, staying alert and greater emotional competence, simultaneously helping women to lose more stress and for more effective development of the strengths of their brain.

The human cerebrum is variable due to various neuroanatomical characteristics, and in general the human and female cerebrospinal fluid has more similarities. It’s unlikely that anyone needs to be converted since men and women come from the same background. However, we see that the external aspects of life are much less important than the psychological ones.

And where there is psychology, there is also neurobiology, then the brain. What are the differences between the human brain and the female brain, and how do smells manifest themselves in the psyche? A lot of information has already accumulated about the fact that the brain of men is divided from the brain of women: this is a different landscape of the measles, and different connections between different brain zones, and a different structure of the internal cerebral hemispheres (on butt, which is why researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine told us on the pages magazine


, that women have better inter-hemispheric ligaments, while men have more intrahemispheric ligaments). It's time to write a portal The cortex in women was thinner, but all the sub-crural zones in men were larger in size - and among such sub-cortical zones there was the hippocampus, which is one of the main centers of memory, and the amygdala There is a body that bears witness to emotions and decisions and emotions body.

What takes place in the brain is the thalamus, which distributes sensory information from various brain analyzers.

However, as the subcircular zones were compared in the context of the brain as a whole, the differences were largely smoothed out: fourteen zones showed more men, ten zones – women.

On the other hand, neuroanatomical parameters varied more strongly in humans.

Here the authors will predict the results of various psychological studies, in which there was no average difference in intelligence between men and women, but men would have a greater difference - but not at all tells that the human brain is variable.

Another important point lies in the fact that, if you want to, you can find out the characteristic features of the body, the similarities between human and female limbs, more subtleties, and finally With great difficulties we can say (as we have already forgotten), what a brain in front of him, just marvel at the result of the tomographic scan.

On the other hand, it is not forgotten that the human mind is flexible, it changes not only in connection with those tasks that one has to conquer gradually, it also affects internal officials - for example, changes in hormones.

We have already written about the fact that the female cerebrospinal fluid may react to different phases of the menstrual cycle, and that the human cerebrospinal fluid can function. Well, speaking about “women’s and men’s” responsibilities, all mothers are respected..

Maps of neural circuits showed that in the middle brain there are a lot of connections between the left and right ventricles.

In this very hour, the connection between the anterior and posterior regions of the brain is stronger.

So we’re talking about those that a person’s brain is more focused on sleep and well-being, and a woman’s focus on social skills and memory, which is why it’s better to pick up a splinter at the same time. Doslednik Rajini Verma (Ragini Verma) University of Pennsylvania

In the United States, it was revealed that the results of the investigation were consistent with the results, confirming stereotypes that had long been formed.

Brain power in women and men

“The left part of the brain speaks for logical thoughts, and the rights for intuitive thoughts. If there is a need for a task, for the removal of any necessary offense, then the women will tell it better,” the investigator explained.

Ligaments in the brain of men (top images) and women (bottom images)

We have recently identified neural connections in the brains of 428 men and 521 women between the ages of 8 and 22.

Neural connections are similar to road barriers that collapse vehicles.

The scan showed more ligaments between the left and right ligaments in females, and ligaments in males were more pronounced in the right ligaments.

One area where people had more connections between the right and left pectoralis is the cerebrum, which plays an important role in the control of the arm.

So, if you want to learn how to ride on licks, you may have an apprehensive brain.

The difference between men and women was not as significant until 13 rocks, but became more pronounced between 14 and 7 rocks.

Differences between men and women

Even though men and women are from the same planet, there is no difference between them.

Men vs. Women: Our Key Physical Activities Explained

Brain size

The human brain is about 10 hundredths larger, and the female brain is smaller.

Don't care about those that give you more productivity, but don't make people smarter.

In a stressful situation, men resort to the tactics of “fight or escape,” while women emphasize “turbo or friendship.”


Women, as a rule, are better able to cope with language skills, and the offended areas of the brain, which represent the tongue, are better in women.


Women understand feelings better and express emotions.

On the other hand, people are more likely to have relationships with others, but on the other hand, they are more likely to suffer from depression.

Spacious space

Men have a more flexible spatial orientation, and women have a more important ability to scroll the object in their minds.

Everything starts with the people.

In the first years of life, boys tend to increase the concentration of the human state hormone testosterone in the blood.

These high values ​​are maintained for two years, and then gradually decreased.

In girls, estrogens move up after another period of life and last for about a month.

In other words, Slyusar Vasek with three classes of light, a body weight of 100 kg and a brain of significant dimensions has significantly less chance of winning the Nobel Prize, neurobiologist Olena Andrievna with two important, active scientific I am healthy, with a body weight of 56 kg and a significantly smaller brain, lower than Vasko’s

The functionality of the brain depends on its size, such as the organization of neurons and the extent to which it is often used in a variety of tasks, capturing new information and memorizing information.

This does not depend on the development of the brain and the level of intelligence.

Everything depends on the middle ground and how effective it is for people to interact with it.

State hormones and brain

Progesterone produced alters synaptic transmission between nerve cells.

Otherwise, it may seem that neurons can become denser, speed up the exchange of information, and make them more productive.

Experiments on the eyes have shown that increased levels of estrogen and progesterone can improve the functioning of the hippocampus, a brain structure responsible for memory.

In addition, progesterone stimulates the renewal of myelin fibers.

Obviously, this is associated with a decrease in self-esteem in patients with multiple sclerosis during pregnancy.

The importance of working with the minds of men and women is effective, but it is not necessary to manipulate scientific data in order to conclude that women are “by nature” stupid, ignorant, and do not swallow their emotions We have produced significantly less scientific research, lower people.

It’s a pity that even serious publications can be subject to publication restrictions, where the authors allow themselves to engage in sexist practices.

Axis quote from an article in the journal “Psychological Problems of Current Illumination” dated 2007 (authored by a woman): “The female form is suitable for saving in the past, the human one – for the change in the future... This is Let's talk about those women who are willing and successful Reproductive problems prevail (in some cases there are minimal opportunities for innovation) with high levels of effort in making a decision, and people achieve superiority and decrease in problems that are concentrated in advance (in cases where there are maximum opportunities to innovation) with minimal effort to complete the solution.

The high sound activity also explains the greater number of original types in the work of the boys.”

In other words, the author of the article unconditionally declares that a woman was created to take care of her children, so that people can conquer the world, because it is so controlled by nature and, besides, such an order itself is appropriate for all of us.

A great number of such publications create a mythology about the human and female cerebrums.