Food for the Great Year.

Aesthetic cosmetology

Yandex After the end of Lent comes The Sunday of Christ is a great Christian holiday! This day has another name Great day This day has another name.

The fast was over and it would be possible to throw on the meat and other products that were under the fence of the post.

It's not like that. During an hour of fasting, our body begins to move on to other things and moves on to emergency steps. That's the sense During an hour of fasting, our body begins to move on to other things and moves on to emergency steps. twisted in order to dedicate these holy days to the feast of carelessness, which is not uncommon. Back in the 18th century M.V. Lomonosov said that a lot of people were “dikhne” (at that time this word was respected by normal people) right after Lent and Great Day, when people literally threw themselves on the skin and alcohol, converting sacredly to unstreamed revelry, and everything ended even worse, and even more crazy. These days, according to health conditions, the number of illnesses associated with the sharp transition from sweet products to fatty and milky liquids is increasing. Php"); ?> After three weeks the post was accepted break your fast . Correct meaning of the word - tse є modest

I live on the first day after fasting, or, in a figurative sense,

  • allow Yourselves are kindly satisfied first after a painful break of relief. During an hour of fasting, our body begins to move on to other things and moves on to emergency steps. I'm talking about quick hedgehogs, yaku
  • nine giblets, not stuffing, lives until the end - still whole in front
  • Great Week And you can buy whatever you want. .
  • It is better to replace the meat, rich broth, shredded meat and cow-basin sprouts with chicken or rabbit meat. Try to drink fermented milk products throughout the day, and in the early days you will be able to see it better. And don’t forget about greens - parsley, lettuce, dill..
  • Give priority to mineral water .
  • Everyone should never indulge in alcohol. Since during Lent the church allowed the consumption of a little wine to boost strength, then after the Holy Day it is better to replace alcohol with mineral water. And it’s a great day, if you drink, then it’s not rich -“For those who are merry, praisers of the Lord, and not for clouding the mind”
  • Є giblets, with breaks for 2-3 years .

This is especially important for elderly people.

Prepare light food . Fatty herbs from this day under the fence. Grease the same. Also suitable for dumplings and all other herbs associated with boiled (or greased) dough and meat. All year long it is recommended to prepare light soups - vegetables, grains and fruits. Garnish with stewed vegetables. Cook the fish and chicken meat. on Great Day. Grease the same. There is no sense in discussing the recipes for boiled eggs, and the axis of the great day is a special one, these are the recipes for the great table, about what kind of boiled eggs you can talk about.

Those who prepare delicious Easter herbs, recipes for Great Easter herbs, melodiously recognized from their grandmothers, that in the Radyansky rocks food, how to prepare a Great Easter table, recipes for the Great Day, how to bake Easter eggs, Easter recipes alniy (syrn recipe), how Easter sirn is prepared custard, recipe for paska for Easter in the oven, recipe for Easter sirnah, how deliciously Easter siurna is prepared, recipe for glaze for paska, royal paska, recipe for salad for Easter, baked sirnah Easter, recipes for sirnah with rodzinki and candied fruits, probably not something you could find in the “Book” about tasty and healthy hedgehogs.” Grease the same. baked, get ready in the oven. Great Sirnyi - a recipe that gives scope to your imagination and relish, made from candied fruits, rodzinki, fruits, cognac or rum. We present you with a vikory recipe for Easter cheese with photos, Easter cheese recipes with photos, Easter cheese recipe with photos, Easter cheese recipes with photos, Easter

sirna recipe
with photos, post recipes for Great Day with photos, so that illustrations can effectively help you prepare a beautiful and delicious Great Day.
Calorie content: 830.3

Proteins/100g: 14.5
Bcarbs/100g: 10.42 The brightest holy day is approaching, we have a lot of work to do, and we also need to wake up a lot, prepare a delicious Christmas table, bake Easter cakes, and get ready for the hut. All the same, it’s a very welcoming buzz, which is not at all stressful, but instead creates an atmosphere of joy, conveying a holy and savory mood.
True, during this period, actions are not taken into account, moreover, we completely forget about the diet, we stop taking calories from our menu, and as a result - in just a few days
save in kilograms on Teresa. So, holy stink, you always get impatient, and then it takes a long time to get back to normal.
And besides, what can you eat in folded mayonnaise salads, fatty meat snacks, etc., but how can you avoid eating traditional Easter eggs, pies, and buns?
Of course, you can’t do without Easter bread, but you can replace the yeasty bread with a light and diet bread prepared with syrah.
Before speaking, you can prepare a small amount of pasok - as in

yeast dough
, so I wish you joy and please your homeland with such rosaries of this day.
Dietic Easter sirnah, prepared according to this recipe, comes out very tender and licorice-y.
It is also based on low-fat cheese, which we mix with soaked dried fruits and peas, and replace the starchy sugar with the addition of a substitute - fructose.
This kind of dish is appropriate not only for you, but also for your guests, as you can happily give to small children.

What’s also important is that this kind of cheese pasta is quick and easy to prepare, literally 5-10 pieces of bread during the main process, then put in the mold and put in the refrigerator for 10-12 years.

The recipe is rated for 1 paska.

Let it cool and transfer it to a blender bowl, which already contains the pea kernels.

Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Add cheese and fructose to the mixture, which is left over.

Next, take the form or simply line the bowl with grub spit and put the cheese mixture into it.

We put the pasta in the refrigerator for 10 years, and then remove it from the mold and serve it to the table.

Marvel at how one prepares

Post - tse suvora fence or exchange for livestock or other solid products, for example, meat or dairy products. Great Post-tse way to the Holy Holy Magnificent , through which people of faith must go through, trembling in confusion. The restriction is imposed not only on the life of the hedgehogs, but also on spending the entire hour having fun and relaxation. Great Lent is one of the most important fasts church calendar

It begins seven years before the Great Day and consists of forty days (the Late Day) and the day before the Great Day (the Holy Day). The Feast Day is dedicated to the honor of the fact that Jesus Christ fasted in the wilderness for forty days, and the Passion Day commemorates the life of Christ in the remaining days

Your life, about Your crucifixion and resurrection.

The Great Pist does not recommend that people eat the flesh of animals - meat, eggs, milk. However, it is permissible to eat fish, except for the Holy Palm Sunday and Annunciation:

  • Holy Mother of God
  • .
  • The consumption of seafood, such as squid, shrimp, and mussels, is not restricted during Lent.
  • Well, it’s important to forget that Lent is an Orthodox diet, and the purpose of fasting is not so much the cleansing of the mouth, as the cleansing of the human soul.
  • Now before the meal, after the Church Statute,
  • There are rules to follow
  • During the first and last days of Great Lent, a particularly savage fast is observed.

Includes meat and dairy products (butter, cheese, cheese, milk), eggs.

If it is reasonable to go to your food during the hour of Lent, then, first of all, you will not have to go hungry, but otherwise, during the period of strict fasting, food can be completely varied and balanced.

Also, the main products allowed for fasting:

  • Black bread, cereal bread.
  • Cereals (wheat, buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, barley)
  • Salted and pickled vegetables, jam with berries and fruits.
  • Richly prepared mushrooms.
  • Beans (kvass, sochevitsa, peas)
  • Dried fruits, peas, honey.
  • Vegetables according to the season (potatoes, beet, carrots, cybula, cabbage, radish, etc.)
  • Fruits according to the season (apples, bananas, grant, oranges, etc.)
  • You can eat fish two times during the entire fast.

The Holy Annunciation (2016 falls on the 7th calendar) and Palm Week (24th quarter 2016)

Restaurant calendar by day 2019. Menu.

The first week of fasting is the worst.

It is important to proceed correctly before the post, and also to know the specific contraindications. 1 week
Monday It is praised to get tired of the hedgehogs.
Tuesday Black bread, water, and kvass are allowed.
Sereda Dry, like a hedgehog, can survive in a dry-looking fish, which can include various vegetables and fruits, as well as peas and greens.
It is allowed to eat bread. Thursday
Continued dry day. Friday
You can eat vegetables, fruits, peas, and olives on this day. Cooking hedgehogs is not recommended; everything needs to be done in plain sight. Saturday Those who eat on Friday are allowed to drink grape juice.


On what day are you allowed to eat boiled Oliya.

You can also drink a small amount of red wine, which is natural, without adding alcohol.

It is important to proceed correctly before the post, and also to know the specific contraindications. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. If you have been wanting to post in the past, then it’s not a good idea to take on supermundane ambitions!
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Axis
zrazkov menu , which you can take as a basis, adding or replacing these and other herbs:
Monday Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. 2nd week
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Snidanok Oatmeal porridge on water. Tea.
zrazkov menu , which you can take as a basis, adding or replacing these and other herbs:
Tuesday Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Obid
zrazkov menu , which you can take as a basis, adding or replacing these and other herbs:
Sereda Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Vermicelli soup.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food.
zrazkov menu
It is allowed to eat bread. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Potato cutlets.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food.
zrazkov menu Yabluka.
Continued dry day. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Kava chi tea.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Supper
zrazkov menu
This is Father's Saturday during the hour of Great Lent.
You can eat vegetables, fruits, peas, and olives on this day. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food.
zrazkov menu

Whenever possible, people go to the village to see their deceased relatives.

It is important to proceed correctly before the post, and also to know the specific contraindications. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. 3rd week of fasting
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Wheat porridge.
zrazkov menu Gorihi.
Monday Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Tea.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Potato soup with buckwheat.
zrazkov menu Gorihi.
Tuesday Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Slay the potato people.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Fruity.
zrazkov menu , which you can take as a basis, adding or replacing these and other herbs:
Sereda Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Kava chi tea. Tea Greek porridge.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Tea
zrazkov menu Sauerkraut soup.
It is allowed to eat bread. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Tea with jam.
zrazkov menu Yabluka.
Continued dry day. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Rice porridge.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Tea or kava.
zrazkov menu Ovocheva solyanka.
Cabbage salad. Compote.
You can eat vegetables, fruits, peas, and olives on this day. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Porridge
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. of all the plastics
zrazkov menu .


It is important to proceed correctly before the post, and also to know the specific contraindications. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Tea or kava.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Cabbage soup with fresh cabbage.
zrazkov menu Gorihi.
Monday Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Vegetable salad.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Compote.
zrazkov menu Gorihi.
Tuesday Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Slay the potato people.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Potato puree with caviar and eggplant.
zrazkov menu , which you can take as a basis, adding or replacing these and other herbs:
Sereda Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Tea.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Barley porridge.
zrazkov menu Sauerkraut soup.
It is allowed to eat bread. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Tea or kava.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Pea soup.
zrazkov menu Vegetable salad.
Continued dry day. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Compote.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Pshonyan porridge.
zrazkov menu Tea or kava.
Cabbage salad. Rozsolnik.
You can eat vegetables, fruits, peas, and olives on this day. Most of all, we described one period, how, behind all the rules and canons, the post was followed, which is more pleasant to the Chens, but also to people who carefully followed all the ascriptions of the church. Tea or kava.
It is entirely possible, for example, to use olives for food. Vinaigrette.
zrazkov menu Vegetables.

Compote. Vermicelli is boiled for treatment.



This is another Father's Saturday during the hour of Lent.

So it is absolutely necessary to go to the village to pay tribute to your deceased relatives.

Wheat porridge.

It means that if you have been fasting for the first time, it is recommended to talk to a priest and advise yourself of the importance of completing the fast, and you need to understand the very important truth that the main purpose of finishing the fast is not limited to Also, humility and repentance, prayer!

I especially planned my diet like this:

  1. Food for Great Day - including Easter, that's the Great Day.
  2. With more emphasis on eggs or paska (whites).
  3. And some additional Yuletide herbs - you can still prepare them for any other day.
  4. I take 3 MCC tablets every hour (or any other dietary supplement that provides additional cellulose).
  5. I also try to make a salad from fresh vegetables as a snack, in a small portion.
  6. It doesn’t sound any better with the sweet Velikodnya or paska, so it’s better suited as a side dish for the egg.
  7. I only eat one egg (even though I really want more).
  8. For the calories of snacks and so come out clear. It’s a great day for us to take without cucru, malt with: a) sour syrup; b) dried fruits and candied fruits. And we also spit on the rules of agaric tone and are afraid of an oil-free paste.
  9. Natomist from siru 9-18%. Obv'yazkovo's program for the day after drinking is moderate physical exercise (walking in the forest), about 1-2 years. This helps to compensate for insulin levels.

The fragments of eggs and paska are not very safe to eat, the stink is noticeable here. And the axis of the tooth is inevitably lost, so that a healthy body does not visibly wear out so many days after sleep. I drink some croutons from it (dry in the microwave oven), and for many years the stench goes like a dessert under the ranka kava.

The drink is accompanied by caffeine - kava or

green tea
