Pepper called jalapeño is an essential ingredient in Mexican cuisine.


Every day has a jalapeño pepper (photo provided by the article).

The wine itself gives the herbs a piquant relish.

Wanting one of the varieties of the world-famous chili, the Mexicans give preference to this variety itself, the ever-burning red pepper is richly rare.

  • In our country, jalapeno peppers are still highly regarded as exotic.
  • Most people have a hard time realizing what it is.
  • Our article is intended to enlighten chefs in this regard.

What is the jalapeno pepper?

The main point, which is especially valuable, is the miniature size of the pepper.

The maximum that a pod grows is nine centimeters.

  • The smallest, 5-6-centimeter peppers are the most popular.
  • The stench looms from the beginning and even though the growth is red.
  • Jalapeños are highly respected until they are red.
  • The green pods themselves are grown fresh and pickled;

Although jalapeño peppers are rarely present in your diet, you still have to do a counterfeit to your body.

Skoda jalapeno

The limit of your life is not rich at all.

It’s not a good idea to choke on pepper for mothers and women who are growing old, but not to bother with any other spices.

Be careful (percho) with jalapeno varto for those who are sensitive to allergies.

However, what triggers the reaction is not the spicy product itself, but the preservatives that harden during pickling.

So a fresh-looking eye may not indicate a self-perceived allergy.

Well, of course, there are no contraindications for those who suffer from gastritis: they cannot eat anything hot at all.

How to eat a jalapeno

If the jalapeño pepper is peeling off, the meat from it will be removed at the harvesting stage, at once from the partitions before they are fixed.

We recommend preparing your favorite nachos from this country.

For the new jalapeno - about twenty pieces - it is mixed and dried.

Make sure to make an incision in the skin pod, through which you carefully scrape the skin.

Then the stick is laid down.
Mix the batter with 100 g of beard for tempuri and three tablespoons of very cold water, straight from the freezer.
If you don’t come across such flour, mix wheat and rice in equal bowls, and first beat the water with the egg and add baking soda.

Stuffed peppers are dipped in batter and coated until golden.

  • The oil is strained through a sieve or collected with a paper towel.
  • That's all - you can start before the Mexican meal.
  • Jalapeno in bacon
  • This recipe has everything right: jalapeno pepper acts as a filling.
  • The skinned pod is halved and cleaned from the inside with partitions.
  • Two-thirds of the halves are filled with cream cheese (or cheese, grated from the herbs and a little salted), sprinkled with solid grated cheese and fried into the bacon mixture.
  • To ensure that the stench does not flare up, you can place the rolls on toothpicks.
  • The pods in bacon are laid out on the deck and put in the oven for the third year.
  • How many of us love different kinds of spices and pickles?
  • Well, at that moment, when grandma’s tomatoes, lightly salted cucumbers and sauerkraut are already picked, the time has come for gastronomic explorations of new flavors and relishes.
  • Moreover, Podilsky has no desire for a Mexican restaurant where one can try the exoticism of Mexican cuisine.

It’s not great, but you can even prepare jalapeno peppers at home.

We found one delicious recipe for pickling jalapenos with carrots and zibula, which we are happy to share.

Croc 1: Ingredients

6-10 jalapeño peppers (all stored according to the size of the jalapeño - start at least six and add as needed)

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a glass: water, citrus, oregano, black pepper, bay leaf, chasnik, salt and zukor.

Step 3: Place the jalapeño, carrots and zucchini in a sterile jar.

Gradually divide all ingredients into a jar.

And remember that the jar is sterile.

Procedure 4: Heat the sumish and pour into the jar

Heat the marinade in a microwave oven for 4-6 minutes or bring to a boil over an open fire.

Pour marinade into jar with jalapenos.


This method of salting ensures that the jalapeño, cibul and carrots are firm and crunchy.

If you like these products for their soft appearance, then bring the sum of the water to a boil, pour in the jalapenos, carrots and zucchini and simmer with 1 piece of water.

Croc 5: Cooling + saving

After you add the marinade to the vegetables in a jar, let it cool to room temperature.

Close the jar and place it in the refrigerator.

  • Marinate until ready for 2 days to 2 months for relish.
  • One of the most popular varieties of hot pepper is the hot “Jalapeño”.
  • This vegetable is popular in many countries, but has become familiar to all Mexican cuisine.
  • It has lost its name to the small settlement of Xalapa, which has a large plantation of 160 square meters.
  • km, which is engaged in breeding the same species.
  • Mexico is still the main exporter of Jalapenos.
  • The last hour they began to grow in the USA and Spain.

Milk's idea is that Jalapeño is considered one of the hottest peppers in the world.

  • It's not like that.
  • The heat index of this vegetable varies from 3 to 8 thousand on the Scoville scale.
  • And this is an average display.
  • It is important to turn the green fruits over the red ones, then dry them and prepare “under-ripe” peppers.
  • Jalapeño finish the cinnamon vegetable, and even in the new place:
  • vitamins A, C, K, B1, B9, B5,
  • zalizo,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,

linoleic acid,

Stewing peppers in cooking

Most of the herbs from Mexican cuisine are prepared with the addition of Jalapeños.

This gostrotta imparts a piquant relish to any meat, fish or sheep lasso.

At the most popular times, stuffed peppers are popular.

Without this it is impossible to recognize more than one Mexican character.

From this vegetable come savory appetizers and sauces, and “Nachos” is the most popular of them.

To prepare this garnish, the fruits are filled with cheese and minced meat.

  • Another famous dish of Mexican cuisine is Chipotle.
  • To prepare red peppers, smoke them using additional wooden fire.
  • The fruits of this fruit begin to “smell” the aroma of chocolate from the home of the tutu, and even taste like prunes.
  • It doesn’t sound wonderful, but with Jalapeño they make jam and jelly.
  • And some cooks like to glaze these peppers with chocolate.
  • In the states, these vegetables are often eaten on crackers.

Italians add fruit to their plates.

In European countries they have pickled peppers.

This is what they add to the meat side dishes and meats.
Jalapeño is often the main product when preparing savory soups and salads.
Pepper Pickles
Canning Jalapeño practically does not waste its savory and brown fruits, except for proper preparation.
So, to get the best meal, try our recipe.
For cooking you will need the following products:
Jalapeno pepper - 2 kg,
tsukor - 1.5 bottles,

water - 1 liter,

Similar sweets are already at a premium in Mexico.

Of course, in our minds, the products from this recipe are considered rare, but you can buy them in any great supermarket.

  • Range of products:
  • Avocado - 2 ripe fruits,
  • Lime - 1 pc.,
  • Jalapeno - 2 pcs.,
  • Half a lemon
  • Chasnik - 5 cloves,
  • Cilantro - a small bunch.

In European countries they have pickled peppers.

gucomole sauce
1. Cut the stalks from the pepper and remove the flesh.
2. Take a brush from the avocado.
3. Clean the watch.
4. Squeeze the juice from lemon and lime.
5. We put all the products in a blender bowl and, adding salt until it tastes good, grind them well until it becomes a homogeneous mass.
6. Add finely chopped cilantro to the prepared sauce and mix well.

During the summer, you can “ennoble” the taste of the fruit with sour cream, tomatoes, olive oil, spices and seasonings.

Zagalom, don’t be afraid to show your imagination.

  • This sauce goes wonderfully with meat and fish herbs, as well as with wonderful additions to chips. 1
  • Jalapeno pepper is a type of hot chili pepper. The level of his bitterness lies in the minds of the world.
  • Sometimes he becomes even harsher. An appetizer with pickled jalapeno peppers is not only natural, but also delicious.

It’s easy to find jalapeno peppers on sale

Number of servings:

Preparation hour:

  1. 15 hvilin
  2. Preparation time:
  3. 20 hvilin
  4. Jalapeño Pepper Recipe
  5. It’s best to use mittens when using local pepper, so as not to tear the skin of your hands.


Trim the tails of the peppers.

Cut the fruit into rings.

  • Pour ocet into the water, add chasnik cleansing, tsukor and sil.
  • Stir and bring to a boil.
  • Tsukor and all the guilty parties will be completely dissolved.
  • Drop the pepper rings into boiling water and press them down with a spoon so that the stench is completely submerged in the water.
  • Vimknuti vogon and leave for ¼ year.
  • Place the pepper with tongs into a sterilized jar up to the top, making sure to arrange the rings tightly.
  • Fill the jars with marinade, cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator.
  • Appetizer with jalapeno peppers
  • The filling softens the hotness of the pepper, so you shouldn’t be afraid to treat yourself.

Preparation hour:

  1. Ingredients:
  2. jalapeno pepper – 12 pcs.;
  3. vershkovy syre – 120 g;
  4. sire Cheddar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  5. Roll the bell pepper skins, then soak in beaten egg and bread crumbs.
  6. Place the refrigerator at 60 degrees.

Gently brush the pepper on both sides.

Jalapeño with cheese and bacon

This appetizer is prepared on the grill.


  • jalapeno – 6 pcs.;
  • mascarpone sire – 220 g;
  • finished bacon - 6 skibs.

Preparation hour:

  1. Cut the skin of the bacon to fill it.
  2. Carefully cut the peppers open, remove the tail, the inside and the white membrane, and the fragments themselves give the fruit a strong stench.
  3. Rinse and dry on a paper towel.

Place half of the mascarpone on the skin and top it with a piece of bacon.

Secure with a toothpick.

Place on a wire rack and cook until the bacon is crispy.

The jalapeño warehouse contains a lot of vitamins and other nuts.

However, it is not good to drink too much of such herbs; the fragments of the supernatural absorption of hot peppers cause damage to the work of the SHKT.

  • Today, there are no methods for preserving chili peppers and skins, and the recipe is unique, so it’s difficult to choose the right one.
  • Why should we preserve red chili peppers?
  • Features

Chili pepper has such power:

excellent immunity due to high concentrations of essential and anti-aging vitamins;

absorbs the production of endorphins;

It absorbs significant value from both micro and macroelements.

The need for conservation

  • Our people have a tradition that is still relevant today: working on canned food for the winter.
  • Chili peppers must be preserved for the same reason that during this process the taste becomes soft and tender, and everything is preserved for a long time, leaving behind a product that is grown in season, and not in hothouses. contains the greatest number of different vitamins and minerals.
  • Flaming pepper in marinade with Torchin ketchup
  • A recipe that is ideal for lovers of spicy herbs.
  • Required ingredients:
  • dried chili – 200 g;
  • ocet - 2 tsp;
  • tsukor - 1 tsp;

Preparation hour:

  1. salt for relish;
  2. clock clove;
  3. Torchin ketchup;
  4. est 9%;
  5. bay leaf - 2 leaves.

Peppers prepared according to this recipe do not require special care.

Just put the jar of the product in the refrigerator and it will be ready for use within a few days.

This preservation can be used when preparing stews or Italian pasta with meat.

The need for conservation

  • Recipe with crop
  • A simple recipe without vikoristanya sauce.
  • chili pepper;
  • water - 2l.;
  • sіl ta tsukor – for the relish;
  • ocet - 1 tbsp.
  • fresh crepe;

Preparation hour:

  1. horseradish;
  2. a bunch of heads for a watchmaker.
  3. The pepper must be thoroughly washed, the tails cut off, and the meat removed.
  4. Then the peppers are placed into even balls into jars for rolling, which have been previously washed and dried.
  5. Next time you add crepe, horseradish, peeling chasnik and pepper to the jar.
  6. Then you need to boil the water, pour in the jars, cover with a lid, and leave for 15 minutes.

Then the water is carefully poured back into the pan and brought to a boil again in a few minutes.

Then you need to turn off the gas and immediately add water to the water.

The need for conservation

  • Now pour the marinade all over the prepared peppers.
  • To add flavor, you can turn the jars over, and so that the stench does not swell too much, you can wrap them up.
  • Also remember that this recipe contains information about the number of necessary ingredients for marinade in a 3-liter jar, but mainly for the winter canning in smaller jars (approximately jars up to 1 liter) itra).
  • Therefore, it is necessary to divide the products carefully depending on the capacity of the jar.
  • Caucasian chili pepper: a quick and simple recipe
  • water – pivlitra;
  • cilantro melena - 20g;
  • fresh greens – 20g;
  • mint - 10g;
  • watchmaker;

Preparation hour:

  1. tsukor ta syl – for relish;
  2. coriander - 10g;
  3. extra pepper on the peas - to relish;
  4. otset - tsp;

bay leaf and cloves.

First of all, we need to rinse all the ingredients and put them to boil on fire.

The need for conservation

  • Through a splint of khvilin, the ocet is added to the pan and the ingredients continue to boil for about 5 khvilin.
  • Then the marinade is processed and infused.
  • Caucasian chili pepper: a quick and simple recipe
  • Place the peppers in a boiling jar at the back and pour in the marinade; the jar will steam.

Preparation hour:

  1. In order to make malted grass, you can substitute apple juice instead of the main one.
  2. Pickled jalapenos: nothing hotter than canned chili
  3. jalapeno pepper;
  4. water - 500 ml;

Jalapeño is characterized by the fact that its taste in the process of eating gradually turns from sweet to spicy.

This feature is preserved during conservation.

The need for conservation

  • Chili pepper with honey
  • Recipe with crop
  • jalapeno;
  • A recipe that is ideal for lovers of spicy herbs.
  • Then the marinade is processed and infused.
  • a few tablespoons of honey;
  • apple cucumber 9% - 2 tbsp;

Preparation hour:

  1. watchmaker
  2. The peppers need to be cut into slices and added to the slices.
  3. When boiling water, salt, chasnik, apple cider, honey sizzle.
  4. Boil the marinade for a little more than 5 minutes.

Peppers are placed in a sterilized jar and filled with marinade.

The jar will spin.

Simply mixing chili peppers and jalapenos makes for a very tasty and unique winter salad.

Gostri pepper for the winter (video)

Chili pepper is a unique and spicy product that can be prepared in a variety of ways.