Describe the characteristics of the rune of death.

beauty and health


Lyudina is not a penny banknote of a great denomination, so as to fit in with everyone without guilt, and throughout our lives we often encounter unpleasant people.

Great colleagues at work, great friends who have become enemies, rivals, competitors, and few people still feel the enemy for objective and subjective reasons!

  1. It turns out that people want to hate us just like that, even though we don’t give real reasons for it.
  2. Naturally, the approaches of these unkind people can ruin our lives.
  3. So today we’ll talk about how to stop the enemy’s attacks in the future with runic staves.

Vid bet on the order of the enemies and their actions

All runic formulas that work against those who will approach us can be divided into several types:

Bet that the attacks of the evil ones will be repelled.

Their action is based on the negative situations created around the enemy, through which it is not possible for you

This formula can be successfully used against those who regularly give you shelter.

For example, against loud-mouthed neighbors, against a boss who always glares at you, against intrusive acquaintances or a huge gentleman who does not allow passage.

  • With the help of no evil, the unkindness will not be forgotten, but it will also tidy up.
  • Practicing runes
  • The Elven rune M obscures the people, blocks their path to you
  • Elfiyskaya O with the inverted Teyvaz angers the energy of the people, as it raged into the ground.

Make sure that an obsessive person doesn’t have enough strength to bother you

Three Nautiz runes bind these gates

For example, against loud-mouthed neighbors, against a boss who always glares at you, against intrusive acquaintances or a huge gentleman who does not allow passage.

  • The Icelandic symbol Stungen-Iss pins the obsessive turns of people, and your influx comes from it
  • Runic became “Shut up!”
  • vid fou-chatte proti plіtkarіv i zadrіsnіv
  • If you are thinking about how to pin the enemy’s attacks back with runic steps, try vikoristat this formula.

It is ideal for people who know the constant approach of cooks and workers.

Becoming allows, seemingly rudely, to shut people’s mouths and take care of much more important matters that don’t bother you in your life.

Laguz to rob the operator is incomprehensible to the enemy

  • The Icelandic rune Kaun punishes the deceased, turning the figurative words back and forth, so that you can see on the damp skin, as it is unacceptable
  • The connection from three Icelandic Hagals, two Nautiz and the bets of Thurisaz create situations around the enemy, in which you simply are not up to you
  • The Icelandic Yesinger will gradually push the negativity back as soon as she tries to recreate you.

Runic becoming “Paralich” from Velya

The combination of two formulas from runologist Velya under the name “Paralysis” is a complex antidote to warts.

Becoming instantly protects you from the negative influx of anger and punishes this unacceptable person.

Symbols of the First Vyazu

The rune has become “Nail the enemy with a stone” of creations in order to isolate the people that are in your power, to deprive them of their aggression, anger, and negativity.

We can safely say that the formula creates a kind of stone bunker, in which short circuits appear.

  • As soon as they begin to approach you and send you negativity, you immediately turn back, ruining your life.
  • Warehouse in Yazi
  • Mannaz is a thief, a mischief maker, an unkind person
  • Northumbrian rune Stan - stone, stone bunker
  • Two Turisazi, directly on Mannaz - turn the negative into anger
  • disorients the enemy, does not allow him to find the way out

Two upside-down Lagoons simmer, unkind people suffer from depression, hysteria, and the feeling of falling into a pasture

4 Nautiz and 4 gates close the stone bunker, not allowing the crooks to get out of it.

The stench also makes our influx unnoticeable for the object

Becoming, which stops the anger of many problems (author Pollux)

By becoming forgiving, which does not allow the negativity sent to you to take hold.

All aggression, anger, magical outbursts are lost in the middle of the gate itself and “fight” behind it, and not behind our lives.

The runescript includes a square of four Isa runes, which creates an impenetrable expanse near the gate, the connection - Nautiz - the gateway of Laguz, which symbolizes unkindness and all the negativity that it tries, even though the Signets of Hel, which block everything channels that lead to the operator.

Psuvannya for the help of runes to be aimed at the singing sphere of human life.

With an exact strike, enemies and friends can choose a suitable solution that affects the spheres of work, family well-being, love affairs and health.

Peculiarities of guidance by runes

Runic dog baths are rituals that are carried out with the help of magical formulas (staffs) that are used to prevent harm to people and all their families.

The goal of unkind people may be different.

Dekhto zazdrit someone else's happiness and well-being.

Others want to take revenge for specific images.

Therefore, the work of a runic dog can involve the singing spheres of life - work, everyday life, health and financial well-being.

Often it is not enough for unkind people to complain about something alone and try to save a person’s life.

Even if the runic dog is related to black magic, not everyone is willing to undertake such a dangerous ritual.

  1. The work with runes on the right is even more dangerous.
  2. Especially as the folded form becomes vibrated by an unacknowledged magician.
  3. Any mercy changes the vector of magical forces in the gateway.
  4. Perth - fear and death.

In some situations there is a positive meaning - help and evidence.

The rune "Petro" means fear and death.

However, in some layouts you can symbolize help and evidence

The formation of formulas in rituals is carried out from the following signs, arranged in the chanting sequence and position.

It is necessary to carefully follow all instructions when applying symbols to magical accessories.

By activating them, there will be no turning back.

Be careful with the evil plans of the people to carry out the ceremony itself.

  1. To guide the dog, it is not obligatory to review important formulas.
  2. A negative effect on people can also be caused by the use of similar symbols on the photo of the enemy.
  3. The butt is the punishment of the tile cook.

Ansuz and Isa are applied to the photograph of the enemy.

Be careful with your treasures.

Incorrect activation of symbols can lead to serious illness in the tile player or death.

Yak strength of the enemy

Tyranny and the manifestation of violence is a broader problem of marriage.

Actors have the physical advantage of bringing satisfaction.

  1. Such people are rare.
  2. Apply with a marker or become an olive: Hagalaz - Mannaz - Hagalaz.
  3. Activate the magic formula with the spoken words of hatred to your enemy and with your groans to drive it into your greatest strength.

Spit on the photograph.

The result of such a ritual cannot be discussed.

Incorrect activation, errors in the applied runes and other problems can lead to completely different results.

It is not uncommon for the practice of runes to switch to magical practice.

And you won’t give in to the approach of the inevitable end.

After activating the formula, it is not possible to count the Swedish death of the powerful enemy.

  1. Nowadays there is a long black haze in life, and in the end there is a painful death.
  2. It becomes impossible to only watch out for what is to come, and wait until the vital energy of the unkind person is actively extinguished.
  3. Zakhist vid psuvannya

A person's skin can become a victim of a magical ritual.

It is enough to note the hidden enemy, who solves all his problems with the help of Scandinavian runes.

When depicted on the body, it constantly rubs against the clothes or can be worn off before the hour of taking the soul.

The images on a simple paper are also susceptible to wear and tear.

Therefore, the best option for applying runes is wood.

From this alone you can create a solid, durable talisman that will protect you from water, mud, and rubbing. bud. Runi can vipaliti na nyomu chi vidaviti.

It is best to apply runi on wood.

This is how you can find a talisman that is resistant to negative influences.

Go ahead and bet on death

It is impossible for vigilant people to infuse the energy of death without a bribe, payment for the restlessness of the gods.

Add one trace of honey and light beer.
Locky - the beer is dark and the fire is half burning.

Acting magicians strive to secure the favor of the gods not only by removing damage and attacks, but also by inflicting them.

If Locke and Odin are worthy of such sacrifices, then the people will be pardoned.

It is no less important to take into account the energy impact of the ceremony.

Never before have magical rituals been performed successfully.

The energy of runes can be unleashed by a Vikonian.

You need to know how to preserve your health and life when things went wrong.

One of the options for protection is Sholem Jaha.

For this purpose, even before performing the ritual, paint the runes Hagalaz and Isa on your forehead.

Turs - Rune of the elements Vogon will help us with the help of a candle to help us become more aware of negativity.

To protect power interests.

To achieve success, counteract negativity and support such as this.

To ensure protection from hostile spells and proclions (including life) in situations where the situation is out of your control, in this case we cannot control the manifestation of negativity in life, or the presence of a lining.

It will clarify a situation that is unpleasant for you and direct its development to your advantage.

Helps neutralize the actions of your enemies.

The action is revealed by the candle itself.

Eyvaz - sticks to the mark, blocking the antidote (pushes us through to cleanse the negativity of the vein).

For zakhistu.

Allows you to go through the situation as a whole, to establish a complete picture of the world (of course, where there is a background, or another negative).

The rune of transformation changes the situation that we currently have in life.

It is a rune of protection, or rather a rune of active defense.

We are completely changing the threat to this very good for us (the enemy will be destroyed).

The minus sign turns into a plus sign.


The negative is transformed into the positive for us.

Earnestly to the elements of the earth.

, but the firebrand is the same as the tree.

Dagaz - By itself, the Dagaz Rune will act like a pressing vibration mechanism, responding to a change in the situation, reducing the situation that has developed, and creating changes of mind for the new.

Dagaz is very useful in the role of a compass, in order to stand out - which way you need to collapse.

The end of the dark period in your life is approaching, and to ensure a successful outcome of the situation, it is necessary to cleanse your life and avoid negativity.

Gives us the prosperity that is necessary for everyday life.... Poetry of the Hour

Laguz - Laguz is the land of the water element, the fluid force that rises from the underwater well.

It cleanses and refreshes all levels of the body, and carries vital energy.

Look out for all the negativity that may be found in the surrounding areas,

and send to deductions in other runes.

It refers to welding and dispersion that arise from the premises as a result of the negative.

Another option.

The formula consists of two runes Eyvaz and Evaz, all others are a different plan.

The interpretation of the runes is the same and the stasis is the same, only Evaz speeds up the entire work of the formula.

You can apply it to a large candle and walk through all the rooms (as there are a lot of them).

The negative is much more likely to be turned lower than the first option.
Becoming "Punishment is deserved" -

Becoming a target for the punishment of those guilty of evil against people.

Becoming opens the doors of the room for the call of essences and spirits (Important!!! Describe who and where you call and on what minds).
He calls upon the singers who begin to fall in love with the victims, at which point you absolutely know who is to blame.
The result can be death, illness, or any other kind of ill, there is no option for a turnaround, but it will be no longer easy to treat in advance, so that it will not be easy for you to show mercy.

With the help of the spirits, the enemy is forced into a state of lethargy, in which you only exclaim truths and specifically convey to them the legacy, they cannot kill everyone in a row, they only force people into a singing state, close to coma, when Why do people worry about an hour of “victimized repair” special hell, it is tormented by everything that is most likely to be carried out by itself, and the spirits inevitably linger around such an object, on one side the stink is wafting with new force, on the other side, if you want to carry out an exorcism, but will not Considering this option, then stench turn back to the operator

Draughallarletur - letters of the palace of the undead draugs
I - the plane opens all possible doors of the world, both connected with the origins of the underground and with the origins of the above-ground
M - the letter is intended for the dead to attract the living to themselves
L - letter is intended to force the spirits of the enemy into the camp of lethargy.

Glyphs for magical practice
Punishment is deserved - this is the beginning of the vyshov. He has the call of the origins, and at the same time the management of them, and the punishment, it turned out to be good to create a structure, nothing fancy, everything is formed perfectly, you can write without glyphs, the effect will still be strong and stable .
Having become aware of this, that it is not in the middle, but through the singing of truths, and these truths can imply any methods for punishment (which is not permissible to discuss), which may involve illness, or perhaps injury or loss of life on, at Whose spirits will be re-examined by the people until they are completely punished, and those who will be punished in this manner will be in addition, even if they are happy to “watch out” for such spirits, people, before talking about what “in pursuit” of such spirits, can, in my opinion, Don't feel them The presence is already accepted, which further strengthens the punishment. It was a miracle that everything worked out.
Author's view:
Adding to the lock:
If the PIB (the enemy) performs an exorcism, or if the draugs are driven out, then the stinks turn around in their world, the stars have arrived.

Becoming works without harm for the health of the operator and the members of your family... Calling the draugs is blocked from turning around to the operator and members of your family...
Once I become a drauga operator, I turn around in my world, the stars have arrived.

It’s absolutely true that only a stink will come out after you add to your work, so it was described that there will be no turning point anymore.

Apply it like a photo, then you can do it on the photo, you can simply apply it on a paper and write the details of the enemy.

Punishment is proportional to the offense, and you are 100% guilty, so you have the right to claim punishment, otherwise they can sue you.

It doesn’t matter how life’s situation requires protection.

The consequences can be different: from the villains of the lane, the meeting of filthy and dead people, just being late, and sometimes the dog.

In such situations, it is better to play it safe and take the risk out of yourself.

And of course, Runi can come to help as signs of a strong and persistent defense.

The main strong runes of zakhist are Algiz and Eyvaz.

Gebo is the protector of partner's joints at any stage.

Hagalaz – protection from unnecessary attacks, protection from negative energies.

Nautiz - a form of magical infusions, blocks of aggressiveness.

Isa – self-defense, neutralization of ruinous forces, blocking and reflection of inflows, straightened by a magical way.

Raido and Soulu - ensure protection under the hour of travel and more expensive.

Berkana is the protector of women and children.

A talisman for home decoration, peace in the family.

Protection of vagusness and support during the sunrise hour.

Laguz is a protector from unsafe moments near the water.

Otal is the protector of power and lane.

Combinations involving Rune Evaz, Algiz, Isa are victorious to defeat the influx of negative forces, villains, enemies and unkind people, tiles, welds.

These are the ones that can be unique.

Combinations of frozen Rune Perth and Hagalaz are used to remove and neutralize influxes that have already begun.

The color scheme for protection can be varied depending on the purpose.

Basically you can choose gold, black and blue.

These runic formulas give not only protection, but also help you to avoid possible attacks from the side, thereby developing intuition.

Runic formulas and runescripts for zakhistu.

Zakhist lane: apartments, booths, cars.

Inguz + algiz - prosperous, prosperous.

Teyvaz + Algiz + Otal + Algiz + Teyvaz - this is how it works to protect the tiles from being damaged.

Algіz + Otal + Algіz – zakhist any kind of power.

Turisaz + Eyvaz + Feu + Otal + Feu + Eyvaz + Turisaz

Otal + Gebo + Algiz + Isa

Protect your everyday life and the prosperity of your family.

Otal + Feu + Vunyo + Inguz + Dzhera

Burial of a cabin, protection of family values

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Dzhera + Feu + Algіz + Inguz + Otal + Algіz + Feu + Teyvaz + Turisaz.

Turisaz is a zakhist and cleanser of negativity.

Teyvaz is the reach of the mark.

Jera – stability.

Feu+Algiz – protection of material values.

Otal - family and budinok, under the protection of Algiz.

A dry barrier to neutralize negativity.

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Turisaz

Formula for strengthening the negative flow back to the manager.

Isa + Kano + Hagalaz + Kano + Isa

Hagalaz + Laguz + Evaz

Formulas work like a mirror, dispelling the negative and directing it into the new world.

Protection of family well-being and domestic rot.

Burial of a cabin, protection of family values

Kano + Uruz is an energetic enhancement of the runic formula, bringing harmony, comfort and stability to the family.

Protection from psychological pressure.

Protection from magic.

Uruz + Nautiz + Berkana

Zakhist from the magical dog and the Chaklunsky inflow.

Evaz + Algiz + Otal

Evaz + Algiz + Isa

Evaz + Hagalaz + Otal

Hagalaz + Laguz + Evaz - protection from a magical surge.

Zakhist at the price and prices.

Types of accidents and unforeseen situations on the road.

Raido + Eyvaz + Laguz

Algiz + Raido + Algiz

Dagaz + Berkana + Raido

Mannaz + Ansuz + Raido + Algiz + Raido + Algiz

Vunyo + Raido + Vunyo

Protection against enemies

Hagalaz + Ansuz + Gebo + Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Vagism protection

Algiz + Berkana + Algiz

Poslyapologovy zakhist.

Feu + Berkana + Otal + Soulu

Protection of the child after the canopies.

Feu + Berkana + Otil + Dagaz

Removing inconsistency.

Teyvaz + Eyvaz + Laguz

Defender of the elements: water and fire.

Kano + Algiz + Laguz

Recognize negative actions and stop new ones from appearing.

Nautiz + Soulu + Nautiz

Algiz + Soulu + Algiz

Cleansing from negative influxes.

Eyvaz + Soulu + Hagalaz + Soulu + Dzhera

Safety for the roc.

Jera + Raido + Evaz + Jera

Protection against vehicle theft, protection against breakdowns.

Raido + Teyvaz + Feu

Raido + Evaz + Evaz

Algiz + Evaz + Teyvaz - Evaz itself is a car, Algiz and Teyvaz will provide protection.

Zakhist that luck.

Turisaz + Vunyo + Algiz

When applying Runes one on one, Runes of another plan are created: Gebo + Inguz + Gebo

Dormouse zakhist (shield).

Soulu + Algiz + Soulu

Protection of the element of water (shield).

Laguz + Algiz + Laguz

He wants pennies for business.

Algiz + Feu + Algiz

Defense against attacks.

Perth + Hagalaz + Perth

Zachist hammer.

Teyvaz + Hagalaz + Inguz

The clearing of the path is immediately complete.

Protect from any chaklunsky infusion, both negative and positive.

For such a defense, the governor cannot help but harm or help.

Hagalaz + Dagaz + Algiz

Protect from the influx of energy vampires.

Mannaz + Perth + Kano + Turisaz + Teyvaz in an inverted position

Mannaz is a human being.

Teyvaz in an inverted position weakens the path of an energetic vampire.

Kano shows that it’s not good to snatch a person, but to put a defense on them.

Perth – know the routes that lead to energy output.

Protection of family values

Ansuz + Algiz + Soulu

For family well-being and mutual understanding, protection from quarrels and scandals.

Gebo + Algiz + Otal

Laguz + Gebo + Berkana

Family protection from external factors in the life.

Vunyo - joy and light under the protection and protection of Kano.

Protector of women's health

Uruz + Inguz + Ansuz + Berkana + Otil

The security of a comfortable zone will become the security of a zone of comfort.

Gebo + Berkana + Ansuz + Dagaz + Ansuz

The Danish runescript can be represented in this way.

The basis of Gebo and at the end was mixed with Runi Berkana, Ansuz, Dagaz and Ansuz.

Zakhist and talisman.

Laguz + Ansuz + Uruz + Kano + Ansuz + Algiz

Zahisny runescripts can be used not only for amulet, but also for the protection of your magical actions, but also for the protection of withdrawals in case of incorrect witchcraft.

The protection will be immediate and after the magical process has been completed, to ensure safety at all times, we will pour in from the side of the object.

Application of runic formulas to zakhist.

In order for the runic formulas to protect them, apply directly to those that need to be protected:

Apartment or booth (main) - written on the inside of the entrance doors or above the threshold of the entrance to the booth, the door of the entrance doors.

Car - you can put a runescript, writing on paper in the glove box.

Koshti, schadni deposits and racks - arkush paper in the safe, or put a dry runescript on the certificate itself or the book.

To steal yourself - apply to your body, or arkush paper with a runescript in a jelly or bag, carry with you.

The back of photography has its own power, and people who require protection, only with the permission of people.

Runescripts and runic formulas can be used as amulets for relatives and friends, or just for their praise.

Runic formulas can be applied to the body: iodine, herbs and essential oils.

Activation and deactivation of runescripts.

Activation is subject to additional security and the names of the Runes that enter before the runescript.

You can also activate dikhannyam, since the Runes are written on arkushi paper.

Another suitable way is meditation and visualization.

In this method of Runa, thoughts are superimposed on the object of protection.

To create a dry talisman from runes or runic formulas, you need to first figure out what your talisman looks like.

Visualize it clearly in all details.

Signified by wearing and symbols.

You can first protest them by drawing them on paper, and then apply them to your long-term nose.

Also, don’t bother working out the diagnostic formula, which is up to you.

  • You can make an amulet from stone or wood.
  • Choose a stone that is dry, for example, black agate, sherl.
  • Apply symbols to the workpiece, then activate the talisman using the elemental method or something else.

Carry with you always.

If you work from wood, you can add ready-made workpieces, or better yet, make them yourself.

To go to the forest with gifts, ask the spirit of the forest to show you the tree that can be grown, give it to you.

Carefully cut the flower and give it to the tree.

At home, prepare it using available tools, then charge them.

To activate the dry runes or place them in an elemental way, grow them on the surface.

See how it is on the picture, in such a beautiful way



salt and stone

  1. Place runic symbols at the center.
  2. Enjoy the ceremony.

Meditate for 5-10 days, then realize that you have a magical power that replenishes your entire essence, that this power flows from your blood, flowing from your hands. Or listen to the additional “three exchanges”.

  1. Then you can open the portals of the elements to power this ritual.
  2. And you can start immediately before the activation ritual.


Let this become my sweet talisman, let it protect me from evil, from any negative influx, from black magic, from love, from death, from death.

Please don’t let things become unsafe for me and my self-esteem.

Without harm to loved ones.

  1. This becomes active for breathing, and deactivated for spaying.


  1. Zahisni runescripts

I would like to present to your respects 2 magical runescripts

Protect yourself.

(Video by S. Manira)

Near the central part you paint Mannaz, which represents you.

  • Then Algiz is placed on both sides of the chair, which symbolizes protection.
  • You will taste strong teivaz, soulu and dagaz.

The symbols serve not only to heal, but also to bring good luck.

Zakhist Budinku (Vid S. Manira)

Here in the center is the Otal rune, which is the source of the budinok, your mainno.

Study with the help of the Algiz and Teyvaz runes.

Add additional symbols.

Alone runes zakhistu and their meanings


The basis of any stale formulas.

They are painted on many amulets.

It actively protects from unkind people, especially the Thor’s hammer, so that the symbol of the building can not only be miraculously stolen, but also attack the enemy.

The rune delivers a magical blow to someone who, having defeated him, knocks out the negative feeling.

Tours vikorystvoyut to block the negativity and punish for it chakluna, turning everything around.

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