What people do to mischief before they die.

Just think, the savagery was in the wrong place!

I don’t care about Kim.

Ivan Susanin

The thought came over you that one day you will die.

This awareness of the fact that we are not eternal can be scary, but at the same time it will lead you to think about the nature of your life.

It’s not death itself that’s scary, but what’s scary before death is realizing that you’ve lived life differently.

“It’s a pity that we didn’t have the courage to live our own lives, which we ourselves create for people, and not the lives that others will live in front of her.”

This is the deepest pity among people.

Through fear, many people pretend to be in front of others and in front of themselves in order to be satisfied with their lives.

Perhaps you should try to change your life.

- It’s a shame that I don’t have the courage to express my feelings.

Most people bring their broad thoughts and feel that they are living their lives in order to save a good hundred days with those who are absent.

As a result of such dedication, a person is expected to have a mediocre life and never becomes what he would like for himself.

There was a lot of sickness in such a life, and even the body could not bear it if one constantly suffocated one’s vast hunger.

- It’s a shame that I didn’t share hundreds of dollars with my friends.

- I’ve started to work those that I can effectively do.

I would do my hobby.

No matter what they said, but mixing up your wishes is a very straight path to happiness.

It is impossible to work successfully if you do not feel satisfied with the process.

— I read stories of successful and happy people.

Success stories will forever bring a positive mood to the style: “If he can do that, then why can’t I?”

The whole world cried out. - I would tirelessly start everything new and become a winner in life.

Apparently, when most people realize that their lives are probably over, they can look back and easily realize that the world has failed to remember the 1%.

There are plenty of people who will do absolutely nothing to win most of their fruits.

So it’s very important to try to implement some of your main goals in your life.

When you are close to death, those that others think about you lose their meaning.

And, in furtherance of what has been said, I would like to say: whenever your life shows possibilities - don’t lose yourself, don’t invest and don’t be afraid, fight them.

1) “I’m sorry that I didn’t have the courage to live my life the way I wanted, and not in the way I wanted”

It's a great pity.

When a person begins to realize that their life is reaching an end, they objectively assess, with a clear head, and realize that many people have lost their lives.

Maybe everyone didn’t manage to sell half of what was going on.

On the threshold of death, they realize that the reason for the failure lies in these decisions, which they either praised or did not praise at the time.

Health gives people freedom, but many people, unfortunately, only understand it if there is nothing else.

2) “I’m scolding about those who have been working for so long”

It’s a pity for the authorities in all human patients.

The stench was missed as their powerful children grew up and showed little respect to their friends.

Women were also scolded, and even fewer.

Most women did not need to earn their own living.

No matter how many hours are spent on important work, it’s a pity for the little man who is dying.

3) “I hate that we are not brave enough to openly express our feelings to people.”

Most people talked about those who took their documents with them, seemingly in order to save friendly relations with those who were absent.

In such a manner, they lived their primary, intersecting lives, without allowing themselves to become those who could.

Cause the development of illness among rich people - this is bitterness and a pity.

4) “I’m doing myself wrong by not having fun with my friends.”

As a rule, practically until the end of their days, people do not understand the value of committed friendship.

Good afternoon friends.

Vipadkovo zustrila is on the Internet, perhaps some of you are familiar with the material.

Why did I turn my respect back?

Shvidshe for everything, because “everyone in this world is perishable.”

  1. This will unite us - smart, rich and healthy, with others...).

It’s not at all necessary to think about the transition to another life, it’s important to ask everyone to start here and now, perhaps you can change your life before there’s another hour.

Five of the widest pities of dying people

I’ll immediately say that the same people, as they are dying, valued their life as lived for nothing, more than half of them repeated it all over again when they got to start living their lives for the first time.

And yet, terminally ill people looked back at the passage of the stage with awareness and insight, and practically in their skin they regretted the loss of opportunity.

Well, what turned out to be true?

By creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new possibilities.

Think while the hour is working on you.

So I would like to add: happy is the one who has nothing.


3. It’s a pity that you didn’t have the courage to express your feelings.

Most of us suppress our feelings in order to preserve the songs of mutual relations with other people, in order to conform to the canons of respectable people.

We are all subordinate human thoughts.

Try to force yourself into your outer frame and cry out for the bitterness of the suffering that provokes illness.

Unfortunately, not everything is in our hands; from time to time we calm down under the fuss of the storm.

It’s important not to let yourself get sick, you can’t constantly push yourself and push yourself to the brink.

4. It’s a shame that I didn’t support hundreds of dollars with my friends.

Having acquired their own families, people move on to another plane and merge with their seemingly irreplaceable and trusted people - friends.
We are so overwhelmed by the power of life that we allow friendship to move into the background.
5. I’m sorry that I didn’t allow myself to be happy.
I feel sorry for this look and it’s completely disgusting.
Many people haven’t realized until the end that their happiness is a choice of food.
The smells were ordered by the signs and manifestations that had formed.
The stench was present in the “comfortable” way of life.
Through fear of change, they pretended to be in front of others and in front of themselves in that they were satisfied with their lives.
Having acquired their own families, people move on to another plane and merge with their seemingly irreplaceable and trusted people - friends.
I feel so sorry for the terminally ill Austrians, who have lost the ability to change their lives.
Perhaps, for us everything is a little different.
Fortunately, not everyone will end their life with a hospice.
This means that statements about life’s fates can be different.
And yet we live, so those who still have renewed strength and health should listen.
Having acquired their own families, people move on to another plane and merge with their seemingly irreplaceable and trusted people - friends.

Do you understand the stink of morality in the sprint races for survival, for taking new heights?

Friends, today I do not entertain your thoughts about what I read, I do not ask you to deprive me of your reading.

I close comments on all posts for about an hour, about 2-3 years.

No, I'm not going.

And I’m not needed in the hospice (blah-blah) Don’t look for a connection, you won’t find it... Sonyachna Kolo is tired of light 🙄 Let’s get going...

The statistics, as before, come out once every 5 - 8 days.

If anyone cares, you are welcome to read it.

Anyone who is bothered by spilkuvannya or vinikne terminology - write to a special mail.

Love life and be healthy!

Having put the food on, how does the rich man say: what are people scolding about, looking back at their lives, when we are 30, 40, 50 years old?

The food prompted a lively discussion, with some evidence that we will share with you today.

Lessons with frequent “not”

I think it’s good to find out what people do before they die.

It is important that Beethoven said on his deathbed: “Clap your hands, friends, the comedy is over!”

Lou Costello said before his death: “It was the coldest I’ve ever tasted.”

1. Don’t buy speech

In whose place you are investing.

Go up in price.

Say goodbye to the girl who told you “maybe”, because she is alive at the other end of the earthly circle.

Remember: living testimony and hatred, and not speeches, are the essence of life.

2. Don’t give up what you don’t want to give away

You think that you are waiting for an hour to catch everything.

It's not like that.

6. Don’t wait until others tell you so

We must first tell ourselves “so” ourselves, and decide to give a firm confirmation a little later.

7. Don’t steal violins from the office

It looks like rubbish.

Ale tse encourages trust in you.

Be honest.

Your word may be true in the Word.

8. Don’t deprive your life of space to someone who weighs you down

Don't eat cheap food.

Don't read third-rate novelties.

Try to trim yourself in front of your colleagues, who are only timid, who are weaving in the corridor, trying to water their ears and everything.

Don't spend an hour with people you don't intend to live with.

  1. 9. Don’t misbehave
  2. You can say that everything has been listed above - I’m sorry.
  3. It's not like that.
  4. These are the tattoos for the riddle, like with me and before.
  5. You can’t turn around in the past, you can’t put it right, and thinking about your failure to get a reconciliation is futile and foolish.

Do not bookmark pages that you have already read.

Today everything will be back to normal.

Just remember that your tomorrow is rich in what lies behind your today.

List of lessons

Invest your pennies for good while you are young.

Be generous and don't let people get under your skin.

I'm afraid the chance comes.

When you are 50 years old, you will laugh at the rich blessings you earned in your youth.

You will definitely note young people who have made up for the same mistakes that you made in the past.

Soon you will come to realize that all the mercy and oversights, as if they were scars, are part of the story that makes up your life.

Believe me, after 20-30 years with a group of friends, you will let out random rants about your memories of youth.

Your mercy was necessary.

Vibe yourself.

2. Those who could have earned money, but did not earn money

At 20 rocks, you scold about those who did not ask for a bachelorette, which they deserved, and even more optimistic, because you know that the right moment will present itself to you.

When you are older, you will have a different kind of pity: you will feel pity for the vestments you didn’t dare take on yourself, and for the opportunities you wasted.

You may be questioned in the category of “what if I did something differently?”

You imagine that your life could have turned out differently: you could have a great little house, a cool car and a beautiful squad.

Good or bad, but no one ever knows what happened.

I have always had enough troubles, I have a wonderfully great homeland, and I love my squad.

But I’m still scolding about those who, 50 years ago, couldn’t muster up the humor and didn’t get to know the charming girl who was sitting at a small table in the university room and laughed at me.

Life gra

Life is a game, in which there are rules and graves.

You know, you will lose and you will win.

But in the game there is luck, chess and the wrong moves of the superniks.

The game is unprepared, and those who cry out sorry at once can play into your hands in the future.

This is the way of life.

Follow your dream

I’m guilty of not doing it when I was young.

I realized that I urgently needed to enter the university.

If I could believe in myself, conquer my dreams, and not worry too much about finding a good job in the future, then today my life would be completely different.

I would like to turn back and talk to myself.

It is necessary to live like the rest, to wash the skin of life, to let it go to sleep.

This statistic: what do people do before they die? .

Listening to the voices of the dying, Bronya compiled a rating of the most extensive pre-death stings and commented on them.

“I am guilty of not allowing myself to live, listening to the best of my soul, being myself, living the way other people expected me to live.”

At the end of the day, looking back, people realize that they have lost too much of their lives, and live their lives not the way they would like.

The vibration appeared inaccurate and fragmented under the pressure of the surroundings, someone else's influx.

It is important to first identify your goals in life: what you would like to do that will bring you satisfaction.

We are not morally ahead.

Even if the soul does not think about material things, it wants to be happy like in childhood, since there are still no fences and cordons.

Once your health has been spent, you have no strength to change your life.

“I’m scolding about those who gave robots everything to themselves.” This is a pity that most often occurs among people.

They stink about how much the young people spent on routine work, careers, and earning pennies.

For social status, everyday people often sacrifice spiritual closeness with their loved ones: old dads, furry friends.

Years of mischief, so that I did not feel the first words of the child and did not have time to say the words of love and love to the fathers who had left life.

For statistics, contacts, which have a beneficial effect on our psyche, take only 30-40 minutes.

in a day (!).

Bronya thinks that you can simplify your way of life by reducing your income to income. .

This is to create an influx of free space in life, to allow us to be happy, and therefore to open ourselves up to greater opportunities.

It seems to me that what’s worse than the very sight of death is the sense of irrevocability of the situation: the inability to love, prove, earn money, ask for help and say goodbye, and say the words of death.

You can tell the biblical truth: “I will fill you with the fullness of days...” The fullness of days can be interpreted as the joy of life, its abundance.

You can come to the end of the hike “hungry”, or you can eat “food” for the joy of washing your skin every day.

We choose carefully ourselves.

Of course, it is not easy to rise above the familiar framework, everyday routine, obligations, and other people’s obligations.

It is absolutely necessary to feel the pain and anger of your soul, to openly recognize those emotions, to allow yourself to become yourself, to become happy.

  • Every one of us has been given his own term, but today and now we can recognize that living is so quick and tendentious that it is necessary to live today and now, live like this, there will be no tomorrow.
Then I’ll regret it less.

Olena Valve for the Sonna cantata project.