Nobel laureate physiologist Ekls stverdzhuva.

Golovna Treasure chest of ideas Thousands of people twist their brains.

All the same, it seems, he knows less about new things, less about space.

Mozhlivo, riddles

gray speech so it will not be revealed until the end. NATALIA BEKHTEREVA, a neurophysiologist from the world, an academician, an honorary member of dozens of scientific partnerships, has been engaged in “brainstorming” over the past century.

She was a scientific researcher at the Human Brain Institute near St. Petersburg.

In her rare interviews, Natalya Petrivna cleared the veil of the mystery that haunts us “in the middle of our thoughts.”

Anyone interested in creativity should know about the phenomenon of light.

And it doesn’t deprive us of creativity: even though little knowledge has been given, creativity often plays a major role in any situation.

And what is she equipped with?.. The brain has its own self-preservation block and protects the victim’s command – a favor detector.

What kind of camp is this that needs to fall, so that it shines upon you?

"Brain Assault"? Alienity? A kind of trance, if you can perceive the “inner voice” or the “voice of the fire”?

I could say this: “For vision, activation of the vocal areas of the brain is necessary, including, most likely, the 39th and 40th fields behind Brodman.”

If you don’t want to climb into such nets, then it’s simply not your fault, but you need to be careful, for example, by the way.

You need a little detachment and at the same time a long focus on the problem.

And then, perhaps, it is possible to turn on the reception of reserves.

Sweetness and soul are not synonymous for me.

However, information has a rich formulation, but it is even worse.

Approach like this: “Confidence in yourself in a wonderful world.”

If a person comes to you after inconvenience, first, when she begins to understand, she instructs him to do the same.

Although the brain of an unknown person can still receive information.

Ale, don’t make such a mistake.

When the first boom in the phenomenon of “life after death” began, at one of the meetings, the President of the Academy of Medical Sciences Blokhin asked Academician Arutyunov, who both experienced clinical death and were still alive.

Arutyunov Vіdpov: “Everything is missing from the black hole.”

What's this?

Have you forgotten everything and forgotten?

Did nothing really happen? What is the phenomenon of a dying brain? It is only suitable for clinical death.

Eternal nutrition: what is telepathy?

I can say one thing: reading other people’s thoughts is not safe!

It is impossible for the spouse to read thoughts.

There is nothing “invented” from telepathy.

This is the instinct of self-preservation.

As soon as all people begin to read other people's thoughts, life in society becomes boring. As if this phenomenon had come into being, it would soon go out. Who hasn't tried telepathy yet?

Before us, countless such “divine ones” came to the institute. Nothing has been confirmed. I would like to see various escapes - for example, if mothers realized in the great uprising that their children would face even more tragedy.

Sir John Carew ECLS (1903-1997) - Australian neurophysiologist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1963 for his discovery of the mechanisms of stimulation and galvanization in the peripheral and central sections of the nerve cells.”

Together with his colleague, the founder of emergency neurosurgery, Wilder Penfield, who performed over 10,000 brain operations, he wrote the book “The Dungeon of the People.”
Also, other types of evidence are required, it is important to monitor the brain.

John Eccles is one of the greatest neurophysiologists of the 20th century, the founder of modern electrophysiology.

John ECKLES: quotes Sir John Carew ECLS (1903-1997)

- Australian neurophysiologist, Nobel Prize laureate in physiology and medicine
“Science and religion are similar in many ways.

Both science and religion are influenced by the creativity of people. The obvious conflict between science and religion is a legacy of ignorance.

We are known through the Divine Act.

The Divine Promises guides us through the course of our life. When we die, the brain ceases to function, but God’s Providence and love do not work. The skin of us is a unique essence, endowed with knowledge, a creative God.

This is a religious thought, and moreover it takes advantage of what we know about the world.” (Eccles 1984, 50).

“What I am aware of is the main mystery that greatly overturns the biological explanations of how my body and brain develop. Obviously, this reconceptualization confirms the religious concept of the soul created by God.”(Quoted in Brian 1995, 371).

It is necessary to know that the same spiritual things that souls irritate and live in the spiritual world are like the material things that linger in bodies and brains and exist in the physical world.” (Eccles Evolution of the Brain: Creation of the Self. - London: Routledge, 1991. - P. 241).

“The fragments of materialistic concepts are not able to explain our uniqueness, as we are all aware, I am tempted to attribute this uniqueness to the peculiarity, or soul, of a supernatural spiritual creation.

The theological significance of this concept is great.

This is a great confirmation of our belief in the origin of the human soul and in its supernatural appearance as a successor to the divine creation.”

(Eccles 1994, 168).

“I believe in both the reality of the world in mind and spirit, and in the reality of the material world. I believe that in the processes of biological evolution there is some kind of Idea that will solve the call before we appear - the essence of self-knowledge and uniqueness that fades above the greatness and hiddenness nature and will be touched by them." (Eccles 1979, 9) .

“The death of the body and brain can be seen as the death of our twentieth butt.

I would like to be confident that the liberated soul will find in the future even greater change and even more wondrous experiences. It is possible that this will happen to a new body, how to embrace traditional Christianity.”

(Eccles 1991, 242).

“I believe that we are born of the creative deeds of the one who is called God. I suspect that after these lives, continued life is waiting for us, where my “I”, and my soul, living and beyond, is in another brain, in another computer, where such an equalization can be made., truth, love and beauty, with gratitude for the divine gift of life, which gives us the amazing ability to become a part of human culture. A person can achieve what his capacity allows. For example, one of the greatest achievements lies in creating a family like living with a kohanna. I grew up and abandoned religious education in such a family, for which I am already grateful.

A life devoted to enlightenment, science, mystery and work about the sick, is also filled with the impersonality of possibilities.

You must first learn to love those who are in order.

We are all controversial facts that have secretly settled on this wondrous

spaceship - planet Earth, as it deserves on turbot, but not worship.”(Quoted in Templeton 1994, 131).

“You call the destruction of our planet the most important task of our present day.

I'm no good.

The most important thing is to protect people from materialistic degradation.

The famous Russian writer Ivan Bunin did not accept the revolution of 1917 and once again deprived Russia.

Vin traveled to Paris.
For years this place was called Bunin's place.

There he lives, reading his stories, accounts, and sometimes verses to his friends.

He already loved Russia and wrote more about it.

In 1922, Romain Rolland nominated Bunin for the Nobel Prize.

I axis 1933 on the 10th day of leaf fall, all the newspapers in Paris came out with great headlines: “Bunin - Nobel laureate.”

1956 r. Khimiya, Mikola Mikolaovich Semenov (together with the English chemist S. Hinshelwood) Russian scientist, academician, one of the founders of chemical physics, founder of a scientific school, daughter of the Hero of the Socialist Party, having created the secret theory of Lanzugian reactions, thermal breakdown of dielectrics, developing the theory of thermal breakdown of gas bags.

He was awarded the Lenin Prize and the State Prize of the USSR.

1958 r. Physics, Pavlo Oleksiyovich Cherenkov

1937 rock P.A.

Cherenkov revealed an unprecedented polarization and the last generation of vibrations, as if they were being produced by water, which would counteract the gamma-vipromotions. Now this vibration and the effect itself are called the Vavilov-Cherenkov vipromotion (effect). in modern lyric poetry and in the traditional field of great Russian prose." Parsnip was expected to receive a prize. He sent a telegram to the Swedish Academy of Sciences, with the following words: "Of course dyachny, zvorusheniya, proud, zdivovaniya, zbentezheniya." Russia, but he sings, so as not to imagine the posture of Fatherland.

1962 b. Physics, Lev Davidovich Landau

Laureate of the Stalin Prize, having formulated the theory of the multiplicity of particles when high-energy beams are connected, introducing the concept of combined pairing, having formulated the theory of two-component neutrinos, having formulated the theory of "quantum" ovї rіdiny" Fermi-type.

Awarded the Max Planck Medal and the Fritz London Prize.

Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1962 for "revolutionary theories in the physics of condensed gas, especially rare helium."

1964 r. Physics, Mikola Gennadiyovich Basov

Professor, Director of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Laureate of the Lenin Prize for research on the development of molecular oscillators and paramagnetic boosters, investigating the possibility of stagnation of lasers for no thermonuclear plasma.

Together with A. M. Prokhorov and Charles Townes, he accepts the Nobel Prize in physics for his development of the principle of laser and maser operation.

1964 r. Physics, Oleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov

Senior member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief editor of the "Great Radian Encyclopedia", founder of the Institute of Foreign Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Lenin and Sovereign Prizes in Science and Technology and the Nobel Prize From physics, creator of quantum electronics.

Spilno z N.G.

Basov and Charles Townes won the Nobel Prize in physics for developing the principles of laser and maser operation.

1965 r. Literature, Mikhailo Oleksandrovich Sholokhov

1975 r. Economics, Leonid Vitaliyovich Kantorovich

L.V. Kantorovich was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics (along with the American economist T. Koopmans) for his work on the theory of optimization.

1978 r. Physics, Petro Leonidovich Kapitsa

Russian physicist and engineer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Hero of the Socialist Party. Practices from the physics of magnetic fields, physics and technology low temperatures

, quantum physics of condensation, electronics and plasma physics, having developed a pulsed method for creating high-power magnetic fields, and created a machine for adiabatic cooling of helium, revealing the surface density of rare helium.

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, awarding the Gold Medal named after.


medal of Faraday (England), Franklin (USA), Niels Bohr (Denmark), Rutherford (England), Kamerling-Onnes (Netherlands).

Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics “for the fundamental findings and discoveries in low-temperature physics” (together with Arno Allan Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson).

1987 r. Literature, Josip Brodsky

Vidomy was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature “for his all-embracing authorship, clarity of thought and poetic depth.”

I. Brodsky is one of the youngest Nobel Prize laureates in all its history.

Having emigrated to the USA, at the time of the award he had already been living abroad for 15 years and was a citizen of the USA.

Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, prizes named after.

Mandelstam and Lomonosov Prize.

Awarded the medal of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Smoluchowski, the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Partnership of London, the Barden Prize, the Wolf Prize, the gold medal named after.

Vavilov, gold medal to them.

Lomonosov RAS, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the UNESCO medal named after. Niels Bohr, medal of the American Physical Association. Nicholson, the "Triumph" award.

Member of nine foreign academies of sciences.

The Nobel Prize was awarded jointly to A. Abrikosov and Anthony Leggett “for contributions to the development of the theory of superconductors and supraplanarity.”

Library "DOSLIDNIK" Natalia Bekhtereva - Labyrinths of the brain“I beg you,” she said to the cob of roses, “not to treat me as a witch or a clairvoyant!”

- The phenomenon of osyyannya?

There is someone you know about who is involved in creativity.

And not without creativity: while still little taught, the ability of the brain often plays a vital role in any situation.

In Steinbeck's novella "Pearl" the pearl catchers seem to say: in order to find great and pure pearls, a special spirit is required, which can be equaled with the creative one.

From this drive there are two hypotheses.

Persha: at the moment of lightening, the brain works like an ideal preparation.

But then we need to know that the information came from somewhere else - from space or the fourth world.

This is still unproven.

And you can say that the brain itself has created an ideal mind and “appeared.”

Madness is in the genes

- HOW can genius be explained?

There was an idea to create an NDI in Moscow to study the brains of people’s gifts for their lives.

Directly - no.

And as our work progresses, we encounter truly “amazing” phenomena, and we admire them.

For example, the phenomenon of alternative vision.

Tse zir without direct vikoristannya eyes.

This phenomenon has been seriously verified.

- You seem to have said that there are villages near the villages... And behind the great rahunok?

It wasn’t me who said this, but the Bulgarian woman Vanga, when I was visiting her.

Most religions give us freedom of choice. Like atheism, before speech. You can sing left-handed or right-handed... What do I believe?

The prote person cannot recall from memory absolutely everything that happened with her.

As we are older, it is more important for us to earn money.

With fates, memory becomes vibrated: people of old age remember their childhood well, but often cannot say what they did before.

If the vaults of memory are opened to the end, the Japanese will end up with diseases such as sclerosis.

It’s not safe to read other people’s thoughts! “DON’T be afraid of being a dissenter,” the famous Russian neurophysiologist Natalia Bekhtereva told me.“I thought I told my colleagues at the institute about my views on the power of the human brain and decided to say: “You need to see a psychiatrist.”

Alec was gone: the stench threatened to investigate him directly.”

Who doesn't see telepathy?

- Natalya Petrivno, did you get the idea to “catch” an idea for additional equipment?

Much confidence was placed on the human brain revealed by the Institute



Thought – it’s a pity, no.

A tomograph cannot confirm or confirm anything here.

Other methods and equipment are required that have not yet been dismantled.

Today we can have new insights into the active points of the brain.

In the brain, during the hour of special tests, the brain cells are activated.

So, this guy is doing very well.

This method is verbal action and “inspiration without words.”

Unfortunately, it was necessary to carry out experiments in stadiums that were depressing for human desirability.

He ridicules people, with visible annoyance, making them publicly cry and wring their hands.

He revels in boundless power. This can be done not by a psychotherapist, but by a sadist. - It is extremely difficult to produce miracles. His pain-related operations on the outskirts are scary.

- - You guessed about the dreams. Isn't stench a mystery to you?

The greatest mystery to me is the very fact that we sleep.

I think that once our planet settled down, it would be possible to sleep in the dark time.

American neurophysiologist, Dr. Bruce Miller from the University of California, believes that the soul is a philosophical concept, and the mentality and signals of a person can be easily replaced with the help of surgical instruments.

Having recently traced the brains of patients with the disease, I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

It turned out that because the illness was affecting one of the most important parts of the world, people’s behavior was changing beyond recognition.

“It is enough for anyone to believe that living principles, the choice of this or any other religion, authenticity of love are the essence of our immortal soul. However, this is an illusion, like Miller.“Everything on the right is in anatomy: you can transform a close family member or church member into an atheist, a robber or a sexual maniac with the touch of a scalpel.”

According to Natalia Bekhtereva, such experiments on the characteristics of people are at least immoral.

On the right - learn how to create creative ideas.

If this problem continues to be solved, genius will no longer be such a rare phenomenon, and humanity will develop a clear streak in its development.

“Clinical death is not a black hole...”

For me it doesn’t matter.

However, information has a rich formulation, but it is even worse.

Approach like this: “Confidence in yourself in a wonderful world.”

If a person comes to you after inconvenience, first, when she begins to understand, she instructs him, besides himself.

Although the brain of an unknown person can still receive information.

Sometimes illnesses that have come to you tell of those who could not be treated.

And the soul... what is the soul, I don’t know.

Ale, don’t make such a mistake.

When the first boom in the phenomenon of “life after death” began, at one of the meetings, the President of the Academy of Medical Sciences Blokhin asked Academician Arutyunov, who both experienced clinical death and were still alive.

Arutyunov Vіdpov: “Everything left is a black hole.” What's this? Have you forgotten everything and forgotten?

Did nothing really happen?

What is the phenomenon of a dying brain?

It is only suitable for clinical death.

And even if it’s biological, the axis will no longer turn around.

In recent scientific circles, the following assumption has appeared: a person’s awareness is not connected with the brain, but rather the vikory sulfur speech as receiving and transmitting obvious signals that are transformed into emotions.


Until it dawns on us, signals can enter the brain.

Can you call me? Dzherelo: Culture, Svitlana KUZINA There is a common hypothesis that the human brain has a singing power that flows into the hour and space.

And all the world's visual reality is merely a product of the work of our gray speech.

Ale, having “guessed” the Universe, we forgot about our significance.

And they began to worship illusions—some of the Cosmos, some of God.

Where do such strange ideas come from?

How deeply have neurophysiologists penetrated the mind of the prison?

The Director of the Human Brain Institute advises on these other nutritional requirements

Russian Academy

Sciences (RAN), Doctor of Biological Sciences Svyatoslav MEDVEDEV.

Absolutely, including the fantastic ones.

For those who have brains, they are the only source of the world’s wisdom.

However, such hypotheses are not based on facts.

The main problem is that it is important to braid the brain - braiding is extremely difficult.

He has close to 10 billion neurons, of which there are 10 thousand final contacts.

The exchange of information from neuron to neuron takes place not because of the speed of light, such as in a computer, but because of the speed of sound near water – about 1400 meters per second.

Ale, unimportant at all, my brain is straining for some kind of supercomputer.


How does everything work out?

It didn’t make any sense.

Hundreds of laboratories around the world are searching for answers to the question: how do people think? Marno. As if the universal mind had emerged, then there would be no wild creatures Nobel laureate, physiologist John Eccles confirmed that the brain is purely a receptor for which the soul receives light. and I'm sick.

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In normal people, the brain is full of obsessions.