Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: photo from the family album.


It is extremely rare that the Italian actress Monica Bellucci appears in public with her daughters and her love affair with Vincent Cassel.

It was literally days before the paparazzi found real success.

Monica was labeled with the twelve-fold Virgo and the six-fold Leona.

The photographs were taken several days ago, most likely, by Milana.

Since it is still difficult to judge the similarity of a young daughter with any particular one of her fathers, then the Virgo is already guessing her mother’s fate.

Judging by the appearance of the 12-river beauty, the family headed straight to the locality. Monica Bellucci and Leoni Cassel Leoni Cassel

Monica Bellucci and the Virgin of Cassel Diva Kassel Guess what, the song of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel was 19 years old.

The couple still retains the title of one of the most beautiful families in the world.

In 2004, a few days before Monica turned forty, a friend gave birth to a daughter, Diva.

In 2004, a few days before Monica turned forty, a friend gave birth to a daughter, Diva.

At the Cesar Awards, de Bellucci took a lot of money for her role in “The Apartment,” the actors showed up at once and were never separated. For a long time, Vincent begged Monica Bellucci to marry him, but she was convinced that “she was never obsessed with love affairs.” The actress finally decided to get married three years after they met, having lost Vincent before the car accident.

In her endless education, Monica expressed her dark humor: “I thought it would be more logical to be a widow than to be a huge mess.

So black color to go be any woman greater than others.”

Still from the film "Neverturning"

The stinks became friends in the spring of 1999.

Nezabar Monica Bellucci gave birth to a first-born daughter - they named her daughter Diva.

When the baby appeared, the couple was fermented, and the little ones happily spent the first months of their lives in one breath.

Also, in one of the interviews, the actor confessed: “There are so many more fates for the food that I would have earned five minutes before the end of the world, I would have guessed: having taken off with a parachute.

Right now I would like to get down to business with my squad.”

My friend’s daughter Leonie was born in 2010, and Vincent pointed out that my family can live in the same house, and the children know where they live.

It’s amazing that this very thing has subsided to the distant separation.

It is clear that the woman is about to lose her freedom, even if she makes any move she has the right to lead to a catastrophe.

Virgo and Leoni are the daughters of one of the most beautiful couples - actors Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci.

Bellucci and Cassel lived 19 rocks at once, but through the rocks they decided to separate, saving friendly hundreds. Now Virgo and Leonie are ready to live with Monika, as they are ready to spend all their time with the children, rather than often being with their dad. Diva and Leoni, 2014

“When the girls were little, I didn’t find it embarrassing to change diapers,” says Vincent.

“And now the stench has grown and is following us here.”

Monica and the Virgin on the beach, 2010

Vincent and his daughters at the same time for retirement, 2016 According to Dzherel, girls start school in several schools in different countries

, including the capital of Portugal, Lisbon.

You know all sorts of languages: Italian, English, Portuguese and French, and they often become more expensive at the same time as their fathers.

“My eldest daughter Diva always thought that I wasn’t working,” Monika guesses.

- I spent a lot of time with the children.

The virgin does not hesitate to wear the doors for her eyelid insertion.

Recently, the paparazzi caught sight of the actress, who was leaving the hotel at the same time; Diva was wearing long cloth with a high cut, and bright makeup on her face.

Another time, the Virgin was dressed in a light black blouse with a bare belly and a piquant neckline. Monica and her daughters together, 2017 Before the speech, after these paparazzi photographs there were a lot of dissatisfied comments.

Dovga cloth with this

deep viriz

the 12-year-old girl looks like she has a lot of smell - this is the new idea of ​​the actors' shady friends. The 13-river Virgo looks noticeably older for her life. Monica tries to protect her daughters from intrusive paparazzi - she reveals little detail about her life and does not publish photographs.

Prote Virgo, who is growing up, cries out more and more from journalists, and, it seems, the maiden herself is tired.

She recently posted her gym selfie on the Internet.


long time ago

combines with the Dolce&Gabbana brand.

In the spring of 2019, the press took pictures from the backstage of advertising for a new fragrance with the participation of Monica’s daughter, Divi Kassel.

Videos of Divi's shooting:

Divya had her first official appearance on the social scene. The young model attended the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show at Milana: It’s unclear how Monica stands up to the fact that her daughter has grown up so early, but in her interviews she ambiguously makes it clear that she values ​​independence.

“It is important to understand,” like Monica, “that neither our people nor our children are in our care.”

The 2019 year in the press was ruined by paparazzi photos, from which one can judge that the 14th Virgo is already having a boyfriend:

Little is known about our young daughter (born May 21, 2010), except that our look is similar to Monica:

Unfazed by the separation of their fathers and the new love of Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunaka, the girl spends a lot of time with her father. Recently, Vincennes shared a copper seed: Celebrating its 51st National Day.

5) The actress has appeared naked several times during her career.

The most popular photo shoots in the nude style are for the MAX (1998) and GQ (2000) calendars.

6) The Bellucci girls invited for the famous “Pirelli” calendar (and the world of models has the same thing as the Oscars for actors).

8) 7) Monica Bellucci is the permanent muse of Dolce&Gabbana. This procedure has been running for 26 years now.

Love Versh

- "A Silvia" by Giacomo Leopardi.

9) Monika has two daughters.

The first child became an actress two years before she turned forty (the girl was named Diva).

And in 2010, at 45 births, Bellucci gave birth to another daughter - Leoni.

The boys are offended by their love affair with actor Vincent Cassel.

“When I get old, I am more amazed at my children than at the films I have watched,” - like a mirror.

10) During both periods of pregnancy, Bellucci posed naked for fashion magazines.

11) The actress has never tried plastic surgery.

12) Monica Bellucci had two whores.

1990-1994 rocks - with photographer Claudio Carlos Basso.

And from 1999 to 2013 - with the French actor Vincent Cassel.

13) Before having fun with Cassel, Bellucci met 5 times.


In total, their hundreds of days lasted 19 years.

24) Bellucci’s debut in cinematography fell in 1990.

His first work was the Italian painting “Life with Synonyms”.

25) Bellucci’s first success came after the role of the titular Dracula in the film “Dracula” by Francis Coppoli (1992).

26) The actress met her boyfriend, Vincent Cassel, while filming the film “The Apartment” (1995).

27) Monica admits that she doesn’t want to watch the movie “Non-Werewolf” again.

All through the terrible nine-year-old scene of zhorstok zagaltuvannya.

28) The zodiac sign of Monica is Terezi.

29) Monica Bellucci is often called “the other Sophia Loren.”

30) The French actress always takes a contrast shower.

31) Bellucci has a booth near Rio de Janeiro.

Looks like she's "out of her mind" at this place.

32) The turning point in Bellucci’s career was the film “Malena” (2000).

After this film, they began to talk about her as not just a beautiful, but also a very talented actress. 33) The film “Malena”, as Monika herself respects, is half the imagery of her biography. 34) The actress has re-written: shake your hair more than twice a week - it’s bad for your hair.

Before the procedure, thoroughly dilute the shampoo with water.

In addition, before mitty, rub olive oil into the root hair.

35) The actress’s favorite book is Patricia Albert’s novel “The Life of Tiny Modotti.”

36) Bellucci admires cult films “

Licorice has a life

» and “Everyone and a Half” by Fellini.

37) Drink from love - white, cold wine.

38) Lovely color – strict black

45) At the end of 2013, Bellucci gave hope to all the gamblers of her bet with Kassel, declaring: “The war is worse for separation.

Besides, we know a lot about how people get separated and then become friends again, something that never happens in life!”

46) Monica Bellucci was awarded the Italian “Golden Globe” (1998, 2005), and recently directed the “Silver Line” of the Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists (2003).

47) In 2014, Bellucci played one of the leading roles in the film by Italian director Aliche “Miracle”, which won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.

48) One of the remaining works of the actress is the leading role in the duet with Emir Kusturica in his film under the working title “War and Cohanna, or Love Trilogy”

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