Intermunicipal seminar on forming uud.



Description of the presentation with the following slides:

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Slide description:

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Diagnostics of regulatory universal initial actions

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Description of the presentation with the following slides:

The function of regulatory management systems is the organization of their activities (including the initial ones) © Fokina Lidia Petrivna

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Description of the presentation with the following slides:

REGULATORY UUD will ensure the educational organization of their initial activities Regulatory UUD Targetology Planning Assessment Predictive Correction Control Volovial self-regulation © Fokina Lidia Petrivna

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Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Accept the molding of the first brush 1. Shaping the brush with the help of supporting parts;

2. Work on concepts;

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

3. Conduct a dialogue;

4. Creation of problematic situations.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

© Fokina Lidia Petrivna

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Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Diagnosis of skills 1. What kind of lesson was given to you in class?

For example, continue with one of the propositions: Learn____________________.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Evaluation criteria 1 point – by choosing the correct sequence of actions 0 points – without starting before the assignment or ending with mercy © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna

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Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Diagnosis of peculiarities of sound planning development (A.Z. Zak’s method) Meta: identification of the formation of sound planning as a way to intelligently develop a program of actions to achieve the set goal.

Century: stage of cob learning (9-11 rocks).

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

© Fokina Lidiya Petrivna © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna

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Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Diagnostics and control 1st grade Our Taya cried loudly: She was mumbling the ball.

Hush, Tanechko, don’t rush, don’t drown the ball.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

2nd grade The old swans knelt before him.

Grown-up children snuggled on the birch tree.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Below them lay a krizhana desert.

At the cafe I nodded my hand.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

The sun reached the tops of the trees and trembled behind them.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Burians are tenacious and fruitful.

I had already fallen asleep if I called out to me.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Think about the formation and development of regulatory actions 4) Vikorize the color and graphic forms of self-esteem.

5) Encourage children to be active, take initiative, or be involved.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

6) Inspect in the process such forms of work as: - Organization of mutual verification of assignments, - Mutual assignments of groups, - Discussion by participants of the ways of their activities;

- Maintaining a reflective portfolio.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

© Fokina Lidiya Petrivna © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna

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Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Applied methodological complex of diagnostics of the level of formation of regulatory UUD 1st grade Startova Pidsumkova 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade Graphic dictation Methodology “Codification”, “Corrective test”) Test for respect (P.Ya.Galperin and S.L.Kabelnitska) Methodology for diagnostics of p. Level of formation (A.Z.Zak) “Lesson and rule” (A.L.Venger, G.A. Tsukerman) “Diagnostics of meta-subject specific results of early education” 1st grade (E.V. Buniev, A.A. Vakhrushev et al.) "Diagnostics of meta-subject and special results of cob illumination" 2nd grade (E.V. Buniev, A.A. Vakhrushev et al.) "Diagnostics of meta-subject specific results of cob illumination" 3rd grade (E.V. Buniev, A. A.Vakhrushev and in. ) "Diagnostics of subject and specific results of cob illumination" 4th grade (E.V. Buniev, A.A. Vakhrushev and others) © Fokina Lidia Petrivna © Fokina Lidia Petrivna

Slide 19

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

List of methods for diagnosing regulatory UUDs Methodology "Corrective test" (literary version).

Meta: an important obligation of respect (for the number of exchanged letters) and concentration - for the number of accumulated mercy.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Stock: © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna

20 slide

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

List of methods for diagnosing regulatory UUDs Test for respect (search for differences in images) Meta: identified values ​​are found for differences in objects.

Century: preschool stage (6.5 – 7 years).

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

Form and situation of assessment: individual work with a child.

There are two similar pictures that can last 5 times.

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

The child is asked to know and show (name) the difference between the pictures.

  • © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna
  • 24 slide
  • List of methods for diagnosing regulatory UUDs Diagnosis of peculiarities in the development of sound planning (methodology of A.Z. Zak) Meta: identification of the formation of the action of sound planning as a way to intelligently develop the program of action planning to achieve the set goal.
Century: stage of cob learning (9-11 rocks).
  • © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna
  • 25 slide
List of methods for diagnosing regulatory UUDs Methodology for identifying the memory to accept and save the created image © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna © Fokina Lidiya Petrivna
  • Formation of regulatory UUD
  • Kornieva V.I
  • Teacher of cob classes MBOU ZOSH No. 5
  • Regulatory UUD – to organize your own (including initially) activities.
  • UUD (back-of-the-envelope memory) is the most important thing that you may lose after school.
  • Regulatory UUD – to organize your own (including initially) activities.
  • 1. Please take into account this information before organizing your activities (planning, control, evaluation):
  • Regulatory UUD (Federal State Educational Standard. Section II. P. 11)
  • 1. Please take into account this information before organizing your activities (planning, control, evaluation):
  • - accept the information, save the goals and follow them from the initial activities;
  • - work on a plan and plan your activities;
  • - Podolannya impulsiveness, fleetingness;
  • - intelligently control the process and results of one’s activities, including the development of the transferred control in cooperation with the teacher and peers;
  • - be able to adequately perceive grades and marks;
  • - differentiate between objective complexity and subjective complexity;
  • - Interact regularly with adults and with yearlings during initial activity.
  • 2. Formation of goal-directedness and persistence in achieving goals, lifelong optimism, readiness to face difficulties
  • PLAN
  • Action planning
  • Performance assessment
  • baby
  • Discuss and discuss
  • remove the results
  • I’m important, so... now I can do better,
  • I didn’t get it, so...
  • I need to repeat....)
  • It worked out for me, I learned it, I learned it,
  • I recovered well from the old days, so...,
  • I'm a vikorist
  • that’s why it worked out for me, etc.
  • Colorful and graphic methods of assessment,
  • drying schedules
  • Well done, let me show you respect,
  • you tried your best...
  • Carnage of forms
  • activities
  • organization of mutual verification of orders,
  • - Mutual relations of groups,
  • -discussed by the participants the ways of their activities
  • 1. reliance on the special everyday knowledge of the students;
  • 2. selection of valuable gaming material;
  • 3. creation of a problematic situation in the goal-setting process;
  • 4. choosing a label from the teacher’s prescribed formulas and lining the choice of label;
  • 5. modeling the lesson, introducing the concept of “zavdannya”;
  • 6. setting a goal for the second lesson, and for the most important period of an hour
  • 7. discussing a finished plan for the initial task;
  • 10. robot with a deformable plan is the top initial task;
  • 11. follow the plan with daily and overworld points;
  • 12.formation of your plan for the completion of the initial task.
  • - “navmysni pomilki” - technique “folded order from pastas”
  • search for information from registered gerels,
  • analogy,
  • - “multi-color correction” technique
  • - dispute;
  • - Mutual control;
  • - “I’m looking for mercy”
  • - CONOP
  • memorize the material in class;
  • "zavdannya - shepherds"
  • - “consistency with your actions and results”;
  • - “reasonable nutrition”
  • - “folding room behind the chairs”;
  • - “the victorious estate has been lined”
  • - “spelling and mathematical sophisms”
Do we really need such a right?
  • To learn to see Headquarters it is necessary to destroy the nutrition of the school, so that they hang around the premises, the right:
  • Do we really need such a right?
  • What are you doing if you're afraid?
  • What words are taken from the bow and why?
  • Why are several words missing and three dots replaced?
  • Point your butt.
  • The primary department and the specific department are not the same ones.
  • For special notice
I teach children the virtuousness of any mathematical task, otherwise it is incorrect.
  • I proponuyu pomilki viyaviti uchnyam.
  • I teach children the virtuousness of any mathematical task, otherwise it is incorrect.
  • For the sake of perfection, I present the task with unrealistic and supernatural data, the scientists will reveal it.
  • I teach the truth to take revenge on the principles and gaps that students need to know.
Each pair of children is given one card with butts:
  • Gra "Lisenka"
  • Each pair of children is given one card with butts:
  • The butts are folded in such a manner that the beginning of one is the beginning of another.
  • According to the skin butt, scientists record similar similarities.
  • You can control your skin yourself.
It can be folded so that the skin type corresponds to the number of the joint on which record:
  • By writing down the smell of the butt on the skin, children control themselves: in order of the stench to go.
  • Give your children the opportunity to develop self-control in their children.
  • Learn to hold cards with butts:
  • Gra "Number Controller"
  • Learn to hold cards with butts:
  • « Having completed these examples, you can check for yourself - the sum of all evidence is equal to the number 10.
  • To the right “Vipravte amends.”
  • Learn in 5 minutes to know all the benefits and improve them.
  • You can ask the children not to make too much noise, but to correct them.
  • The reversal is a beast.”
  • During the hour of penmanship and after writing the letters, the children observe the tracing paper for the correctness of the image.
  • Then you will know and see a green dot in the distance to the letter.
  • choose cats to organize your behavior;
  • remember and learn the rule, instructions at the hour;
  • plan, control and follow a given pattern, rule, and norms;
  • convey the intermediate and final results of your actions, as well as possible benefits;
  • start and finish at the right moment;
  • galvanize unnecessary reactions.
  • Criteria for the formation of educational regulation of their activities
  • Step of help
  • -Remember for whom help is expected
  • 1. The action ends unexpectedly 1. The student is able to put together a plan of action.
  • 2. You can make the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, as needed.
  • 3. Learn what has already been learned and what promotes learning, as well as the strength and intensity of learning.
4. The student can set the initial task on the basis of a comparison of what is already known and mastered by the student, and what is not yet known.
  • 5. Learn the building up to the strong-willed zusilla.
  • 6. Learn skills in resultant, procedural and predictive self-control.
  • 7. An internal action plan has been formed in the school.

8. Learning before starting an activity means the sequence of actions.

9. The child can adequately respond to difficult situations and is afraid of getting mercy.

Pedagogical technologies that will ensure the effective development of educational learning technologies. Primary types of forming educational learning technologies. Primary subjects from the priority subdivision of pedagogical technologies. Technology of project development Communication. iznavalnye Regulatory special technology Foreign culture nі.Mathematics and computer science Natural science subjects Philology Lifestyle Technology of advanced research activities iznavalny.

Regulatory Specialties.

Natural science subjects Philology Mathematics and computer science

Pedagogical technologies to ensure the effective development of educational learning technologies. Priority types of educational learning technologies. Primary subjects from the priority subdivision of pedagogical technologies. Communicative-dialogue technologies. Communicative Regulatory Philology Mystery Natural subjects Technological development computer science

Forms of spіvrobіtnitstva that allow you to formulate the UUD.

Form of spіvrobitnitsya Main warehouse spіvrobitnitsya UUD Project activity (as a form of spіvrobitnitsya) Division of equipment.

Assessing the type of friend.

Dotrimannya rules the work of the group.

Transition from the position of someone who begins with himself.

Psychological diagnostics of the stage of formation of UUD assessment of the formation of self-confidence and individual characteristics of the method of “Social-psychological adaptation” by R. Diamond and K. Rogers, which allows you to create a summary of development.

In Dodatkovo you can use either the Cattell test or the Shmishek test.

Psychological diagnostics of the stage of formation UUD formation of value-meaning attitudes 5th and 6th grades - methodology “Assessing the level of development of moral awareness” "Idomosti" (L. Kohlberg's dilemma).

“Regulatory UUD” - forming the rules using the methods of mathematics.

Shchodennik is a helper to a self-developed student.


Command 6 is the storehouse of the number and a great support for understanding about the number.

"Diagnostics program" - Engine activity.

Three main components of a healthy way of living.

Wi-FIT robotic principle Comprehensive diagnostics / food.