Dead gentleman.


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Andriy Volodimirovich Panin is a brilliant Russian actor in the theater and cinema.

In 1999, he rightfully took away the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2001 he became a laureate of the State Prize of Russia, and in 2003 and 2013 (posthumously) of the Nika Prize.

He has also been nominated for the Golden Eagle award more than once.

All the awards and prizes talk about the outstanding acting talent of Andriy Panin.

He was a prominent artist.

In an hour of your life, you will reach a famous public, earn the love of spectators and become famous.

The biography and special life of Andriy Panin began in Novosibirsk.

The actor was born on May 28, 1962 to his family.

Batko - Volodymyr Panin, former radiophysicist.

Mother - Ganna Panina, taught physics at school.

Two years after the birth of the mighty actor, the homeland moved to Chelyabinsk.

And if Andriy Panin received 6 victories - in Kemerovo.

The actor respects this place itself.

A young sister, Nina Panina, was born right there.

As a child, Andriy Panin took up boxing, karate and dancing.

After graduating from school, the actor, following the recommendation of his father, joined the Kemerovo Food Institute, and later received health insurance for his behavior.

Nezabar joined the Kemerovo Institute of Culture.

I entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio for only the fourth time.

Oleksandr devotes all his spare time to sports, music and friends.

Apparently, the boy also enjoys the theater.

Sometimes he gets along with his colleagues on the shop floor.

Shows interest before operation.

Perhaps, Oleksandr is following in the footsteps of his father.

Synopsis of Andriy Panin – Petro

Syn Andriy Panin - Petro, the younger third child of the actor.

The boy was born on September 30, 2008 to another artist’s lover.

His mother is also an actress – Natalia Rogozhkina.

Nina the boy is 9 years old.

It’s a good start to go in for sports.

It is significant that the blue ore hair is offended, like her mother.

Having started, Tetyana Frantsuzova decided to kill the child at home in Kemerovo.

It appears that Andriy Panin, having not come to the People’s Day, also did not show up this year.

Tetyana Farntsuzova and her daughter are planning to live in the USA.

Andriy Panin's squad - Natalia Rogozhikna

Andriy Panin’s team is Natalia Rogozhkina, a Russian theater and film actress.

Young people met 2000 people.

Both actresses were 20 years old, and Andriy Panin was 32 years old.

Natalia Rogozhkina began to sniffle at the man.

It signified his directorial talent and artistic ability.

She herself became the organizer of an exhibition of the actor’s paintings.

The whore gave birth to two blue ones - Oleksandr and Petro.

When the first son appeared, Andriy Panin felt two feelings - joy and fear.

Andrey Panin was very careful about his family, loving his squad and children.

My family often slept at the same time.

And then the hundred-year-olds became happy.

Childhood of Andriy Panin

Panin Andriy Volodimirovich was born in Novosibirsk.

The actor’s fathers were physicists.

Two years after my son’s birth, my family moved to Chelyabinsk, and they lived until the boy turned 6 years old.

After the future artist’s fathers moved to Kemerovo.

In this place, the upcoming artist is first class.

The 16th fate of his life will come, Panin will spend his time at this very place, and he will be placed before the next one.

In Kemerovo, he started at the Institute of Food Industry, and then started working in the health sector.

Andriy Panin immediately graduated from the Institute of Culture.

After the institute, the actor entered the corpse of the drama theater of the Minusinsk city.

After spending a good hour there, he turned to Moscow.

The actor gained popularity in 1998 after starring in one of the leading roles, Sailor, in the comedy film “Mom, Don’t Judge” directed by Maxim Pezhemsky.

And having starred in the film “Mama” (1999) directed by Denis Yevstignev, Andriy Panin has firmly established his popularity.

A team of actors – Nonna Mordyukova, Oleg Menshikov, Volodimir Mashkov, Yevgen Mironov – performed brilliantly behind him on the significant Maidan.

The artist became even more famous after starring in 1999 in several episodes of the television series “Kamenska” by private detective Vladislav Stasov.

Andriy Panin.

Unfinished life

Last year, the group of actors who starred in Pavel Lungin’s film “Vesilla” won a special prize at Cannes for “the most beautiful ensemble of actors.”

Among them is Panin, who played the role of the alcoholic Garkusha.

In addition, 2000 years ago, Andriy Volodimirovich appeared in one of the leading roles - special officer Major Vyacheslav Voron - in the multi-episode television film "Cordon. A Taigi Romance", directed by Oleksandr Mitta.

The actor portrayed the role of a gangster authority perfectly in Oleksandr Atanesyan’s action film “24 Years” (2000).

Absolute popularity fell upon Panin after he won the role of the main antagonist, the corrupt policeman Volodya-opera, in the cult series about the gangsters of the 90s “Brigada” with Sergius Bezrukov in the main role.

In the first part of Mikita Mikhalkov’s film duology “Burnt by the Sun 2” (2010 - “The Predestination”), Andriy Panin played the role of a different type - the pioneer leader Kravets.

In the film "Generation P" (2011), an adaptation of the novel by Victor Pelevin directed by Victor Ginzburg, the actor appeared in the role of the driver Kolya Smirnov.

And in the film "Visotsky. So alive" (2011, director - Petro Buslov) Panin plays a special doctor and singer and musician Volodymyr Visotsky, who speaks of the clinical death of the artist, who came to a concert in Uzbekistan.

“Visotsky...” exclaimed the ambiguous comments of film critics and friends and relatives of the great person.

In the 2012 film “Horde” (directed by Andriy Proshkin), Andriy Volodimirovich created an unusual image for himself - the khan of the Tatar-Mongolian Golden Horde, Tinibek.

The line took away the impersonality of prestigious film awards, but representatives of the clergy and historians spoke differently about it.

In the television series about Sherlock Holmes, which is the latest after the tragic death of the artist, Panin played Doctor Watson.

As director Andriy Panin, he collaborated with Tamara Volodymirtseva, having released the comedy television series “Forward!” in 2005, and the comedy “Onuk of the Cosmonaut” in 2007.

"Onuk of the astronaut" having caused the trial, initiated by Yuri Gagarin's pads.

The cosmonaut's daughters played the process, and all the secrets about the first cosmonaut were revealed in the film. Another activity of Andriy Panin Since 2005, Panin regularly visited the Judicial Council of the High League for the Merry and Wineful Club.

In 2006, the artist graduated from the course of actors with the experimental master of VDIK im.

S.A.Gerasimova. Who killed Andriy Panin is still unknown And their two children lived in a different apartment, and after Panin died, they added it specifically so that the mother could calmly cope, be alone with herself, and escape the hustle and bustle.

Before the speech, there were still feelings that Panin had separated from his squad, and that close friends were categorically missing this information.

As it happened earlier, the neighbors from Panin’s apartment felt like they had slept for a few days, but the stench didn’t matter to them, they thought that the people just felt bad.

To go out when human life is in trouble?

Some became very embarrassed, others repeatedly sneered and shouted “I’ll help the Swede.”

Andriy Panin was, on one side, the soul of the company, a wonderful friend and comrade.

I would like to talk about the fact that farewell to him took place at the Moscow Art Theater.

Chekhov, and from whose theater the actor has been working for 15 years already, but he was still loved in the team as one of his own.

Financial support was taken over by close friends Panina and the film studio, de Vin. On the other hand, Panin might be withdrawn, alienated, and even a little wondrous. This is what you should say when giving interviews to journalists.

Somehow there were signs of mood, because Panin, in the depths of his soul, was truly dissatisfied with his wealth, but we were able to find an interview seven years ago, where the artist speaks about those who do not deserve the power of the image in the mirror, calls himself a schizophrenic, it seems who always experiences depression and insists that she doesn’t love anyone. In another interview, he admitted: “I always thought that at 42 I might die..

It is symbolic that the offended actors died of their own accord in rented apartments due to inadequate furnishings.

Special life

“The face is so revealing that just mom, don’t worry,” is how Panin described his appearance.

  • To be honest, the writing redness of the wines was not only a little bit rusty.
  • At the main commission, if you entered before the theater, you were glad to go to work at the factory, and not to play at the cinema.
  • However, his directness and charisma earned his right - Panin achieved his goal and became a strong artist.
  • And the girls were simply moved by his self-confidence.
  • Perhaps Panin became friends five times.
  • But don’t talk about the colossal amounts of money for the everyday situation.
  • It is also clear that after my first love with the economist Tetyana, my daughter Nadiya has grown up.
  • When Panin turned 32, he became known as a 20-year-old actress of the Moscow Art Theater.
  • Chekhov and Natalia Rogozhkina - the stench began to wreak through the performance.
  • 2001 r. Natalya gave birth to one son, Oleksandr, and then another son, Peter.
  • “There’s ore.
  • And she gave birth to me an ore son.
  • Neanderthals were also rudimentary.

What a rarity!”- this is how Andriy loves to talk about his squad.

Panin's most popular films and series

“Mom, don’t fight”


On the right, Andriy Panin has a bruise and a traumatic brain injury on his head,” said Volodymyr Markin, official representative of the ICR.

- So, in this film, the evidence does not emphasize the criminal nature of the actor’s death.

To establish all the conditions, judicial examinations are carried out.

They will help to establish the relevant causes of death of Andriy Panin.

Friend's version:

Andriy was beaten to death?

Andriy Panin was 50 years old.

I was in wonderful shape, without sacrificing my health at all.

“That’s a different version,” KP reported from the investigation.

- Andriy Panin drank a little, then the fighting began.

When the body was found, there was a lot of blood in the apartment - on the underside, on the sofa.

Before that, Panin’s denunciation was in the Sinks.

Possibly, the stinks appeared because the actor, being irresistible, fell (empty drinks for alcohol were found near the apartment. - Ed.).

It’s entirely possible that they beat you.

Before the speech, Panin himself had soreness on his fingers.

Experts confirm: it is not a fact that Panin fought.

The unbelieving man, it turns out, is hitting his fist against the wall as hard as he can.

What a waste it is for our cinema.

From the beginning of his career, the gentleman impressed with charisma.

Surely the film “Mom Don’t Judge” became a cult classic in the late 90s.

Andriy played the lad in a vest for a premium, a sailor who is alive to concepts, to whom the devil himself is not a brother.

Most of my roles are due to luck.

He knew a lot, without being hackneyed, and was able to accurately convey the character of his heroes.

Panin's trademark is such an open laugh that it is decontaminated.

The actor will be hailed on the Troyakurovsky District

The farewell ceremony for Andriy Panin will take place at the Moscow Art Theater named after O. P. Chekhov.

The funeral and farewell to Andriy were taken over by us, the Guild of Film Actors, and the Society of Russian Filmmakers,” Valeria Gushchina, general director of the Guild of Film Actors of Russia, told KP.

– All financial support was taken over by the film studio “Mars Media” (where the actor starred in the film “Sherlock Holmes.” - Ed.) and his friend - actor Volodymyr Mashkov. Plus, Panin’s friend Oleksandr helped finance everything.

You people, the theater and cinema are far from the world. Meals with the Panakhida meal were already in progress. 12 bereznya about 11 wound for the actor you can say goodbye to the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.

There were 15 fates at the theater, but he saved a warm hundred days from the team.

Andriy's funeral will take place on Troyakurovsky District.

Having seen everything, you will find your remaining corner next to Vladislav Galkin and Yevgen Zharikov on the famous Actors Alley.


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