The most beautiful maps that the additional “Goblins and Dwarves” gave us. Goblins and Dwarves: What are the new Hearthstone cards? A set of Goblins and Dwarves cards

For Blizzard, the success of Hearthstone was a disappointment. The company that made World of Warcraft and Diablo certainly didn't have the guts to turn into a hit of such magnitude. In the spring, the number of active Hearthstone investors exceeded 20 million and grew.

The essence of Hearthstone, like other collections card games- fights between koristuvachs. The game presents hundreds of cards that call upon enchanting powers or activate spells, unless during the duel the only ones available are those that were previously added to the deck.

Building decks with the most efficient card draws is an important part of Hearthstone. Considering the size of the deck - no more than thirty cards - it makes it difficult to compromise. On one side, the deck is based on an attack strategy. On the other hand, it is necessary to transfer some of the enemy’s popular tactics.

The power of building a strong deck to transform the game landscape - the so-called “meta”. Old decks, which do not support new developments, quickly go out of circulation or mutate until they are unknown. Many cards that were highly respected have lost their value without being handed over to retailers, but Blizzard is willing to make changes even faster.

Hearthstone has added three dozen cards from the Curse of Naxxramas expansion card. New monsters and new tactics have completely changed the game. The new expansion under the name “Goblins and Dwarves” has four times more cards than Naxxramas. What stink do the Gravians smell? Let's try to get back together.


Hearthstone's richness extends to one of several types. They are respected by creatures, some by pirates, and some by demons. At the same time, the essences of one type are usually of the same type, the lower ones are called “synergy”. This is what prompted, for example, decks with murlocs. However, murlocs do not become of particular value, unless there are a lot of them, they will become stronger than each other and quickly turn into a serious threat.

Hello, dear readers of the site

boom day- not too late, if Doctor Boom Those mechanisms appear in Hearthstone: the stinks were also similar to the main cards of the first great expansion in the 2014 edition Goblins and gnomes, a collection that brings with it such dishonest things as the Piloted Shredder, glorious spells such as Zbroj's Mechanical Oil and even a host of similar “toxic” cards.

A large number of cards with the death rattle

First, the lower meta additional Goblins and gnomes began to show themselves seriously, it was necessary to nerf the Grave Digger. The set featured two cards designed to combat strategies based on synergy with death rattles, but, unfortunately, one of them was not rich enough to combat the pressure of the undead. The Junior Exorcist never outgrew the Boneyard, and the Sanctifier of the Scarlet Crusade was not effective against the cards on the Possessed Pozun and the Nerubian Egg table, so one of the low-quality Paladin decks in the hours of the Black Mountain Blizzard actually vanquished them at once , so as to spare the rest in advance.

As a result, the Burial Ground was nerfed after a very long and rotten reign. Only in another month, the Goblins and Dwarves map was completely erased, opening the door to various other strategies that did not revolve around the skulls and brushes at the bottom of the map.

Advance rates

For those who rang until the hour of the classic update, similar to the checks, strong changes in the new set, which added to the tempo of the game, became a brutal awakening for the Gravians. All front methodical recommendations The selection of cards in the Arena has become unavailable. Instead, in order to gain more benefit from the additional fire or transformation, it has become more attractive to choose as many cards as possible for 2 mani. On the ladder, the stickiness of the Piloted Shredder changed the style of gameplay in Hearthstone even before its introduction Standard format, and such cards as the Unstable Portal and the Merciless Vibble, indicated the depth of the game in those dark hours.

Similarly, Dr. Boom was a map that bends the meta, one by one transforming the Pre-conceived idea onto the obligatory map of his camp (tables that the important dwarf will remove the nerf from that hour, as the postal leader of the Vibukh-bots the seam is not neat), nadauchi i good characteristics for 7 mani, and a highly variable possibility of clearing the table with the help of bots. Zagalom and zagalom, from two to eight units of beats, divided into subdivisions. Whatever you thought about the original version of Yogg-Saron, you wouldn’t want to leave this move. The boom was deprived of a part of the skin deck until the residual output. Do you know the situation?

Aggressive and deck control

Say what you want about the aggressive tools in the set, but you need to know that deck control has also been taken away from the faceless possibilities. The overall problem of Victim with AoE was due to the help of Light Bomb, Warrior having taken away the dominant Zahisnitsa, Warlock - Mal'Ganis for building a deck on demons from the Abyssal Summoner (infection card looks like such a weak situation Noah!), and the Ancient Educator gave all classes neutral ability Renew your health, as you have achieved more options for controlling decks, whatever. The copy of this filthy lad and the slug irritated the skin Control of the Magician is happy.

It's effective press the tools This does not mean that there is no good opposition left for them. The thefts of the mini-bot Paladin and the Zaklik from the battle have confused the class of the gree plan, based on full control of the most midrange, the prototype of the Paladin archetype on secrets, which has been terrorizing ranked games for a long time Great tournament. Shaman's Swordbearer and Mace of power to spin formed a strong basis for an important deck with direct harm, synergy of mechanisms simultaneously with Discharge, while the Myslyvs vikorized Glaive Thrower for ruinous effect in aggressive builds. І Others still had little access to their fucking combo of the Power of Nature and the Wild Roar, which ensured 14 beats per hand without any other tool.

Search for good decks on the Internet

The mixture of mechanisms, Goblins and Dwarves meta was also characterized by rapid clarification of the list of decks on the ladder, the search for the creation of decks, and popular sites about Hearthstone decks, such as Tempo Storm. Similar discussions with the fullness of the characters have also been based on a well-curated and regularly updated analysis of the marks and important archetypes that have not existed before. This provided easy access to a list of decks ready for ranked games, “polished” for a broader base of players. The original analysis is difficult to know, and it is inevitable to get enough of the “sir” with the content that we have heard today, where Vicious Syndicate and HSReplay offer original alternatives.

September 9, 2015 marked the end of an era: from that moment on, all your opponents were busy looking at the decks on the Internet, and you were rowing uphill following the flow of your own creativity.

The first similar decks were Control Warrior, Handlock, Zoolock, Midrange Myslyvets and Midrange Paladin (originally called Control Paladin, but renamed from another modified one). І three-piece decks – Face Myslyvets, Mechanism Mage, Tempo Rogue, Midrange Druid and Midrange Shaman. Unfortunately, the lists of decks were immediately lost, the fragments of the stink were given only through posting on imgur, which now shows the only mercy 404. On the third day, they began to publish them through the collection of decks on the site, which means that the stinks are still available today (although demonstrate nerfs versions of maps) for those who click on similar roads to the past.

Dodamo bits of science

You can supply power, as there will be plenty of sleep between the Boomsday Project and Goblins and Dwarves. Looking back, it becomes clear that the Goblins and Dwarves have significantly moved the symbol of strength to the number of equals, since the actions of the culprits were not nerfed, the later cards are of the same value Nya of mercy for the detective team. The merciless vibukh proudly loses his first appearance, aka Powder! costs one more mana to inflict due to the normalized result and reduced synergy with Demons. Likewise, the possibility of exchanging a stolen mini-bot “two” for “one” can no longer be taken away for no cost

I love you, dear readers! Axis and a new app has been released for Hearthstone called “ Chorna Gora", and this means that the next entry is additional Goblins and Dwarves, What gave us a great number of cards, 123 in total!

Some cards were rotten, some were good, and some cards turned out to be bombs and were destroyed and forever lost in meta. Let's see which cards have taken root the most in the game.



Mal'Ganis- new legendary demon ta vidminne replenishment for Demonlock (). It’s always a good idea to play against demons, mainly to get some from the Abyssal Summoner, or to gain the hero’s power without spending any money.

Merciless vibukh- Removal, which is often used against the collection of Zoolocks and Demonlocks. The card was amazing, but it’s too random. That pair of beautiful beads on our table is never a surprise!

Dark bomb- one more new removal, which came to replace the old one just at the moment when the soul guard was nerfed. The dark bomb hits all the other and third drops, so you can’t help but be quiet.


Zahisnits– it’s a pity that the Warrior was given only one card, so he can compete on on a permanent basis, Zate yaku! The spell is stable 5\5 for 6 mana, otherwise you still need to turn it around, and turn it into your hand, even if it has characteristics 7\7, otherwise you call 2 Vibuh-bot 1\1, which comes out with a lead of 9\9, plus all the time the bombs are vibrating and hitting the opponent’s table. If you haven’t crafted one yet, let’s go!

Rozdratator- Mechanism 1\2 s divine shield, Essentially, the improvement of the Soldier of Zolotozem. It’s really tough at any stage of the game.

Ancient healer- 3\3 for 5 money - not enough, but not enough it targets you at 8 points of health, This is less than one third. This card has changed the meta, and should not be taken in aggro decks. Not alone and if there were any outbursts, it would seem like a class that can cheer itself up, Priest, take this lad into the deck, which is the same as before.

Mechanical assembler- a mechanism that is so changing the meta having created a great number of decks on mechanisms. This mechanism plays an important role in cob grain, So in the middle, it creates for you a majestic streak behind the tempo, as if it were going through a beat.

Piloted shredder – « sticky a mechanism that plays practically through. 43 for 4 mani is not very cool, but it compensates for the death rattle, but if you take away 11, it will no longer be bad. Of course, the ones you want will not always appear, you can show up for Saving History or the Messenger of Fate at your table, otherwise there is little chance of getting it.

What are the additional cards? Goblins and Dwarves"Were you most worthy? Write in the comments!

I thank you for your respect. Good luck in the game!

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