When the Mother of God is on the river.


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At the end of spring, when the old woman’s summer gradually gives way to the first autumn frosts, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main Christian saints - the Resurrection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Due to the difference in the number of years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the dates of the day of the nativity of the Mother of God differ among Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

About those who were destined to be the fathers of the most pure daughter in the world, the pious couple Anna and Yokima were informed by an angel from afar.

But the angelic manifestation conveyed the long-term fate of childlessness for the whore, which the Jews at that time accepted as punishment from God.

Family couples without children became steadily more polite to the point of humiliation and indulgence, and were respected by others.

Under this, the great-grandfathers of Christ were kind, kind and merciful people.

Among the folk rituals and reception at the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017 There were many that were directly related to the weather forecast.

Our ancestors noted that if there is frost on this day, then spring will be cold.

And as the birds circle high in the sky, the autumn will be warm and protracted.

As soon as there was fog at the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the autumn turned dark and lingering.

And the dew that fell on this day preceded our ancestors about those who can already expect the first serious frost in a month.

The weather of that day was a nasty sign, as it marked the end of a bitter winter with severe frosts.

Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017: highlights for marriage

The most common rituals among the Slavs on the Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary were related to marriages and children.

In addition, there is a low restriction on eating at the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thus, the Orthodox Church does not support the consumption of meat, alcohol and low-grade herbs during the Feast of the Virgin Mary.

When you sit at the Christmas table, it is impossible to eliminate the cries and shortages.

It is necessary to complete fasting not only on the physical, but also on the spiritual plane.

On this day it is necessary to pray abundantly and widely, conduct services at the temple, give mercy and do good deeds.

Beautiful greetings from prose at the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017

The main traditions of this saint can be traced to the garni of tradition at the top and prose at the Resurrection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Zokrema, the message of the prose with garni and warm words is addressed not only to relatives and friends, but also to simply known parishioners.

You will find options for rich prose for celebrating the Feast of the Virgin Mary in the next collection.

Beautiful prose for congratulations on the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017

Today's light is holy - the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I greatly admire and long for lightness and holiness in the soul, family happiness, love and trust, correct life decisions, honesty, good nature and mercy.

I hover with the Great Saint, with the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos!

I encourage you to always remember about faith, about God, about moral values ​​that define human essence and support people.

May your life be prosperous, but your life will remain with the world.

May the Lord help us all, and let our souls be transformed!

Greetings from the Day of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, may this bright day fill our souls with joy and joy.

Please send us all the best in family life and encourage those in need through intercession.

Glory to the Mother of God, Virgin Mary!

Evil greetings at the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017 at the top

Our Lady of Holy Strength

May you bless us for good.

What day was it a miracle?

At Nazareth's family,

The world has appeared

Believe me, that love is bright.

Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017: the history of the Holy
21st Spring - Feast of the Virgin Mary 2017, one of the greatest Orthodox saints - the day of the birth of a single woman, who was born with great honor - becoming the mother of the Savior of mankind.
The Rebirth of the Virgin Mary itself is considered one of the most important events in history.

As evidenced by church retellings, the Mother of God was born in Nazareth, to her righteous friend Joachim and Annie, who, regardless of the royal lineage, lived modestly and righteously, not asking God for anything other than one happiness - children.
They were so cruel to their barren friends, and the priests offered them rich sacrifices of God.
Then Joakim went to the desert for 40 days in order to beg the heavens for the gift of the child, and his righteous squad Anna joined his maiden to the point of tearful prayers.

And the Lord sensed this vast blessing and sent His Angol.
Previously, people used to celebrate the 21st of Spring, because Autumn, which meant a whole day of games, special rituals and songs, was also the date that marked the end of the summer.

I began to make endless calls: distribute one to another chasti, prepared for a new birth, go to visit before the young, extinguish and re-ignite the boiler in the booths, collect the tufts from the beaches for the winter.

In addition, the saint is associated with a great number of folk signs, especially related to the weather.

Our ancestors noted that if the weather is warm on this day, then autumn will be warm.

The fog is likely to be cloudy, and as soon as it clears, the weather will be mild.

Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017: the history of the Holy

And from the morning of the 21st spring, having loaded the boards, you will fully wait for the cold winter and the boards for the next forty days.

The dew of one day dews every other day for exactly one month.

Moreover, the more dew is washed off, the more snow there is in winter.

The Virgin Mary is considered the patroness of family gatherings, and on this day it is customary to hold family dinners.

It is important that the children, who are the people of this day, are protected by the Virgin Mary throughout life through harm and misfortune.

Likewise, the Mother of God helps mothers with their children, and also at the hour of bedtime.

That’s why we should pray to the saint for the Swedes, pain-free, and healthy heads.

It is believed that the 21st spring is outside under the planks, which means that the Virgin Mary mourns the sins of people.

The Feast of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Ever-Daughting Mary is celebrated on the 21st of the week of the Orthodox calendar.

More than twelve saints are sacred to the church fate, as the 14th spring began.

The service is being held at the hour

history is holy

The New Testament contains even scanty information about the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and, for now, nothing is said about the birth of the fathers of the Virgin Mary.

Details of the people of the Blessed Virgin Mary come from the apocryphal text of the mid-2nd century, “The Proto-Gospel of Jacob.”

The Holy Resurrection of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected by the church in the fourth century.

The first clues about him can be found in the Patriarch of Constantinople Proclus (439-446) and in the breviary (liturgical book) of Pope Gelasius (492-426).

Their fathers were Joakim from the line of the prophet, King David, and Anna from the line of the High Priest Aaron.

Having reached old age, the friend never had children.

Infertility was considered to be punished by God for sins, and Joakim and Anna were considered to be humiliated.

So, one day, the holy elder Joachim brought his sacrifice to the Jerusalem temple as a gift from God, but the high priest did not accept it and said: “It is not wrong for you to accept a gift because you do not have children, and therefore, you are blessed by God.”

Joakim went to the deep mountain to pray at the wasteland, and his squad lost their home and also prayed.

Just then, an angel appeared before them both, informing them that the Lord had listened to their prayers.

“Your prayer is considered by God, and you will conceive and give birth to a blessed daughter, I see above all other earthly daughters.

For her sake, all the earth's curtains will be blessed.

Tell her Mary,” said the Angel to Mary.

After this Gospel, Hannah and Hannah met across the Golden Gate of Jerusalem.

After the end of pregnancy, righteous Hanna gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Maria.

The friend made a vow to dedicate her child to God and, as her sister-in-law was about to do, take her to the Jerusalem Temple for service until her birthday.

The girls were trying to get their hands on the white water - if any of them were sold, it meant that they would soon be betrothed.

The neighboring women immediately needed to wash themselves with water, even before washing - this action gave them beauty for the entire coming river.

Image of the Mother of God

Troparion of the Resurrection of the Theotokos, tone 4 Rebirth of Your Virgin Mary, joy to announce to the world: with You is the Sun of Truth Christ our God, and having broken the oath, be blessed, and having conquered death, granting us eternal life.

When Your Virgin Mother of God rejoices, joy proclaims to all the world: for in You has risen the Sun of Truth - Christ our God, who has destroyed the curses and given blessings, and who has overcome death, giving us eternal life.

Kontakion of the Nativity of the Theotokos, tone 4 Joachim and Anna died of misery, and Adam and Eve were freed from death, O Most Pure One, at Thy holy birth.

Then Thy people celebrate the holy holidays, they are obliged to forgive sins, and call upon Thee every day: the unfruitful people bring forth the Mother of God and the life-giving spirit of our life.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Mother of Christ our Savior, chosen by God, vipitana with God through holy prayers, dedicated to God and kohana by God!

Whoever can’t comfort You or who doesn’t sleep, Your glorious Rezdva.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, Your miraculous image is suffused with the verb: look mercifully on Your servants and Your all-powerful troubles are indispensable.

Save all the faithful children of the Holy Church, unfaithful beasts who have gone astray on the paths of right instruction, encourage old age and weakness of strength, guide the young in the faith to holy maturity, guide courage to goodness, bring sinners to repentance smell the blessing of Christians, comfort the sick, make sorrows more expensive .

O Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady of the Theotokos, who, through the infertility of the monastery, was celebrated and the purity for the sake of the soul and body of Yours was honored to be the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, with Him none are in heaven and are in Elijah as the Queen, the end of the eternal reign is crowned you.

Tim humbly comes to You and asks: obtain for us from the All-Merciful Lord God the forgiveness of all our sins, free and unmerciful;

to our sufferers, salvation, peace, silence and piety, peace and quiet hours, the sedition of the evil is indecent;

until there is a sufficient supply of the fruits of the earth, a return of prosperity, until the days of peace and times of darkness.

And ask us for everything that our life and salvation requires from Thy Son, Christ our God.

More than twelve saints are sacred to the church fate, as the 14th spring began.

Well, with the retellings, friend Hanna and Yakov, who deeply fooled God, had many children through many fates.

This weighed heavily on them, and they spent many hours in fasting and prayer, offering their devotions before God.

As if, sacredly, Yakov went to the Jerusalem temple and gave gifts, collected for the Lord.

However, the priest did not accept the childless couple’s offering, and the Jewish manifestations of the family without children were respected by the provision of God’s grace.

Yakov, having fallen into the evil spirit, slept for 40 days at the wasteland, and, having buried his head, spent an hour in constant prayers to God.

Hanna, Yakov’s squad, sensed the deep turmoil of that selfishness.

Having soaked the bird on the top of the tree, it had stole, she began to cry and prayed to the Lord with blessings for the child.

At this moment, an Angel descended from heaven with a word about those who were born in the near future.

Yakov, after completing 40 days of fasting, also withdrew his daughter’s birth certificate.

Turning home with joy and reverence.

The born child, Hanna and Yakov, was named Mary, due to prophecy.

If Mary received 3 fates, she was consecrated to God.

The girl was taken to the Jerusalem temple, where she stayed until her birthday with a servant of the Lord.


The greatest number of prophecies about the Most Holy Theotokos are found in the Old Testament books.

With this great saint, Christians all over the world are flocking to the Most Holy Virgin with lamentations for their most pressing problems.

In monasteries and every Orthodox everyday life, it is customary to bake buns in honor of the Holy Mother of God.

The Old Slavic letters “RB” are depicted on the buns.

The water at the temple is blessed on this day and is treated as cinnamon for wives who mourn their children.

Orthodox Christians believe that if a childless woman drinks this water for 40 days, she can conceive and give birth to a healthy child.

After the Divine Liturgy in honor of the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is customary to lay the holy tables at the Budinki.