The map of the Tomsk region reports.

Technologies The Tomsk region is located at the new meeting of the Western Siberian Plain. The satellite map of the Tomsk region shows that the region borders the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khanti-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Omsk and

Novosibirsk region


Area of ​​the region – 314391 sq.


The region has 16 municipal districts, 4 municipal districts, 118 rural and 3 municipal settlements.

The largest places in the Tomsk region are Tomsk (administrative center), Siversk, Strezhevoy, Asino and Kolpashevo.

The economy of the Tomsk region is based on the fuel and energy complex: production and processing of naphtha, production of natural gas, brown coal, peat, color and ferrous metals.

Vasyugan swamps in the Tomsk region

Brief history of the Tomsk region

The territory of the current Tomsk region began to be settled by Russians in the 16th-17th centuries.

In 1719, the territory became part of the Tobolsk province.

In 1782, the Tomsk region was established, and in 1804, the revolution moved to the Tomsk province.

In 1925 the region became part of the Siberian region, and in 1944 the Tomsk region was created.

Blakytnye rocks near the Tomsk district and Tomsk region

The primary source of the region is Tyumen, and the secondary region is the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At the end of the day, the region borders the Omsk, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions. On the map of the Tomsk region with cordons you can see the size of the region.

From evening to afternoon the area stretched for 600 km, and immediately after sunset – 780 km.

The satellite map of the Tomsk region shows a lot of pain.

The main river of the region divides

central part region of the part. The Livoberezhny region is a swampy lowland.

In the world, the Vasyugan swamp is the most reclaimed in the world.

Its storage area is 53 thousand. sq.

  • km.
  • On the right birch, Obi hurts much less.
  • This territory is covered with mossy forests.

All rivers that flow through the region enter the Ob basin.

There are 95 thousand lakes in the region.

The territory of the region is located in a number of natural areas.

Most of the region is covered by middle and fresh taiga.

Rashta's territory is being absorbed into the forest-steppe zone. The region produces naphtha, gas, peat and other pine forests.
This one has treasures of gold, titanium, zirconium and lining. Transport arrangements, roads and routes
Tomsk region is located at a significant distance from the central part of the region. 382
The direct route from Tomsk to Moscow is 2877 km. The region is developing all types of transport.
The total length of highways in the region is 7156 km. 70

The territory passes through the federal highway M53 "Siberia".

Oleksandrivsky, Asinivsky, Bakcharsky, Verkhneketsky, Ziryansky, Kargasoksky, Kozhevnivsky, Kolpashivsky, Krivosheinsky, Molchanivsky, Parabelsky, Pershotravnevy, Tegulditsky, Tomsk, Chainsky, Shegarsky.

Places of the Tomsk region - list of places in alphabetical order:

Misto Asino foundations in 1896.
Population of the city – 24354 people. Misto Kedrove
founded in 1982. Population of the city – 2034 people.
Misto Kolpasheve foundations of the 17th century.
Population of the city – 23180 people. Misto Siversk
founded in 1949. The population of the city is 107,498 people.

Misto Strezhevyi foundations in 1966. Population of the city – 41541 people. Misto Tomsk

foundations at 1604 roci.

Population of the city – 573647 people.

Tomsk region located in Sibirsky Federal District, between other Russian regions - Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk territories.

The administrative center is Tomsk. Misto StrezhevyiThe most important monument of the Tomsk region is the architectural appearance of Tomsk, the history of which began in the 17th century. On the streets of this old place you can see marvelous examples of wooden architecture - fragmented life-like buildings.The ancient Russian architecture there miraculously combines with such directives as classicism and baroque. By daylight Tomsk looks like a fairy tale place. There are also natural monuments in the Tomsk region that you should include on your excursion route. One of them is the Talovsky bowls. This is the creation of the vapnyaku at the sight of the bowls. In addition to these natural monuments, there are approximately 15 nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in the region.Important places of the Tomsk region: 69000000000 Talovskiy Bowls, Vasyugan swamps, Mogochyne, Sledcha NKVS, Museum of Wooden Architecture, Tomsk Fortress, Resurrection Church, Ruble Monument, Museum Slovenian mythology, White Lake, Blue Streamchak. Subject of the Russian Federation: Head office (administrative): 314,4 m. Tomsk 70

Federal District: Siberian Chastina

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