Play perri cacconis.

Treasure chest of ideas The approaching Fufelshmertz does not bother to guess different ways conquering the world, and at the same time laying down all sorts of dangers in order to liquidate the agents who are interested in introducing your vile plans into your life. In the game Agent-P Strikes Back, you will have the opportunity to help P’s beloved agent, Perry the Muscle-noser, who has become the most important missionary. He is the only one who, having lost the entire organization, decided to transfer the agents of the hunt for a new super machine to another world. Perry has the same method of following his colleagues and, with your help, trying to get them out.

Come and get up and fight with the majestic robots that Dr. Fufel has eaten all over the place.

The hero is responsible for collecting gold and silver and searching for portable clothes, where he will have to fight with the Agent-P Strikes Back.

The confidentiality and rights of the agent P are not considered, but with you we are the most senior and swedish, knowing that there is a reliable assistant and friend behind our backs.

The cream of that hero

cob stage accompanying holographic image of your commander., 3D board games based on real games, puzzles and arcades, business and entrepreneurship.

You can remove any area from your skin.

You have lived many lives at once, trying new skin types. Enter a completely new world with millions of games. Regardless of the skin game, we have games for all the gusto.

Would you like to check it out?

Come and play!

The founder of the League of Holy Fools' Fighters, who daily specializes in mischief, is constructing new, even more cunning devices, mainly tasked with forcing the Trishtatians and forcing them to serve his evil genius. Ale is still at the forefront of the interests of the community

great hero

Play Peri kachkonis - agent P, the people of the enchanting world can sleep peacefully.

They are not afraid of any approach from the brittle professor.