Hyperactive aggressive child.




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Causes of aggressive behavior

The reason for the fact that the child demonstrates “important” behavior, becomes extremely aggressive or even possessive, may be a whole complex of various officials.

Loss of impulse control is evident in the fact that children unnaturally frame their rapt ideas and bajanas - they immediately begin activities that involve themselves in life and do not think about possible inheritances.

As a rule, they cannot detect and they do not have the ability to tidy up their anger, and their temperament and aptitude for attacks of anger, which is accompanied by violence, have developed.

Impaired impulse control, not least, can be caused by the presence of antidiuretic hormone in the body.

The reasons for the development of antidiuretic hormone in the child’s body may include depression, sickness during pregnancy, for example, when the mother is pregnant, smokes, takes drugs or drinks alcohol, etc. g folding under the canopies, such as hypoxia (sour starvation) or .

Hyperactive children with impaired respect and difficulty concentrating often become unknown at home and school, and frustration with everyday life often provokes aggressive behavior in them.

In fact, drinking with such children produces great maturity in adults.

A low level of intelligence is a serious disadvantage for the development of specialness and may be the cause of aggressive behavior in a child.

Aggressive behavior from constant violence is avoided in children with weak intelligence just outside of school, among children and children with poor success.

At the initial stage of “important” behavior and in case of culpable impairment of social behavior, there is a close interrelation between the diversity of characteristics and factors of importance in everyday life (psychosocial factors of risk), which It is important to recognize and root in a timely manner.

Once the process of transforming the “important” behavior of a four-year-old child into a damaged social behavior of an eleven-year-old child is practically impossible to change, an important role is played by helping families in the early stages of developing special characteristics. It’s better to prepare for your baby’s grooming during pregnancy or during the first month of your baby’s life. .

It is a great pity that less than 10% of families are aware of the real need to withdraw psychological help, but still do not withdraw it, or withdraw it too late.

As we have already understood, the marriage of Father’s husband and respect also becomes the cause of childish aggression.

Even the child needs very little from you.:

- For example, play at once or marvel at Uzbek films 2012 with the participation of schoolchildren, or just feel like you’re taking the word to your address.
A good re-watch of family films may be right for your family.
For the sake of the fathers of a hyperactive child
How does it mean whether a child has hyperactivity deficiency syndrome or is simply active?
Let's separate this understanding.

Ditina is active:
For most of the day, “not sitting in your seat” gives preference to loose, passive games (puzzles, construction sets), but otherwise you can get stuck on something - you can read a book with your mother, and pick up the same puzzle.
- It’s fast and plentiful, put on an endless amount of food.
- For new sleep disturbances and poisoning (intestinal disorders) - rather than blame.
- Ditina is unquenched, so she absolutely does not react to fences and boundaries.
And in any kind of place (budinok, store, kindergarten, children's maidan) there is, however, active activity.

– Often provokes conflicts.

He does not control his aggression - he fights, bites, lashes out, and uses tools at his disposal: clubs, stones.

Main causes of hyperactivity

1. Often hyperactivity is the result of a not smooth birth and disruption in the infant.

The rhizic group includes children who were born as a result of Caesarean delivery, important pathological births, small babies who were born with a small pregnancy, and prematurity.

Doctors say that the ecology and the pace of daily life at once deprive the body of the best, it is not surprising that hyperactive children are not a rarity, but rather the norm of our modern life.

And it’s important to note: not all children who enter the risk group are necessarily hyperactive!

That way, since all the “unreasonable things” (restlessness, hysteria, colic, sleep disturbance) did not appear until the baby’s first day of birth, then it is not too late to bring them back to normal afterward.

It is necessary for a devotee to avoid two extremes - to show supra-mundane softness and to show him great achievements.

Permissiveness cannot be allowed: children must have clear explanations of the rules of behavior in different situations.

Keep the thickness of the fence and trace to a reasonable minimum.
The child needs to be praised for her skin breakdown if she manages to bring the matter right to the end.

In practice, it is important to learn the steps correctly and distribute the forces.

It is necessary to protect children from distractions associated with high levels of exposure (TV, computers) and to avoid the tendency of people to buy money.

- In some cases, activity and restlessness may be the result of the child’s fathers presenting her with certain defenses that she, due to her natural abilities, simply cannot emulate, as well as her supermundane counterparts.

U tsyomu vipadku daddy varto buti mensh vimoglivimi, try to change navantazhennya.

- “Rukh is the essence of life,” lack of physical activity can become a cause of excessive restlessness.

It is not possible to satisfy a child’s natural need to play fun games, play games, run around, and do food.

Some disrupted behavior may be a child’s reaction to mental trauma, for example, to a crisis situation in the family, separation of parents, bad placement before her, caused by a different class of school, Likt from the teacher and fathers.

To reduce your child's diet, give priority to proper nutrition, in which there is no shortage of vitamins and microelements.

Childish aggression

What is aggression?

Aggression – this physical and verbal (verbal) behavior is directly related to harm.

How is aggression detected in children?

  • The anger and the overwhelming cry of the unbearable, the reason for which is simple: dissatisfaction with the physiological needs of the child.
  • An aggressive reaction is the reaction of a struggle for survival.
  • The physical attack on the one-year-old has subsided, conflicts through play with toys in the baby are 1.2-5 years old.
  • If a woman’s father is intolerant of her behavior, then the results can take the form of symbolic forms of aggressiveness: nagging, disobedience, pushing against others.
  • Screaming, crying, biting, kicking in a child of 3 years, which is associated with the limitations of her “pre-sleep instinct”, with the conflict between insatiable feeding and her father’s “not possible”.
  • Bailiness in a boy, crying, heather in girls of preschool age.).

The boys here show more aggressive tendencies, but the girls remain afraid of their manifestation through fear of punishment.

At that time, before the aggression of the boys, the emphasis became more polite and tolerant.

In young schoolchildren, the most common acts of physical attack are in boys and “socialized” forms of aggression in girls: images, teasing, super-naughtiness..

In younger boys, physical aggression (attacks, hits) continues to dominate, and in girls, negativity and verbal aggression (lashes, criticism, threats, liking) continue to dominate.

Is it really bad?

  • Don't make a mistake.
  • Aggression contains its own positive, healthy benefits that are necessary for life.
  • This is effortlessness, zeal for the achievement of the goal, desire for victory, and overstepping the mark.

Therefore, the main approaches may be directed not at the exclusion of aggressiveness from the character of children, but at the exchange of control over negative manifestations and desire for positive manifestations.

Causes of child aggression.

Aggression may occur in the following situations:

as a reaction to frustration. - if a child older than five years old rejects contentment, the torment of other children and creatures.

This type is rare, but always requires special treatment from a neuropsychiatrist. Other

- Hyperactive child.

Such a child is restless, aggressive, she swallows everything and everyone, a “train” trails behind her and ruins that image.

  • The behavior of such a child is characterized by impulsiveness, thoughtless actions, and broken fences.
  • Such a child can be loving, generous, sweet at heart, or a biochemical imbalance of the cerebral measles may cause her behavior to become overactive.
  • Such an impulsive child is the subject of a doctor’s turbot, who can punish the necessary treatments.
  • Anticipation of aggressiveness
  • The best way to overcome the supermundane aggressiveness in a child is to show love to her.
  • There is no baby who sees himself as being aggressive.

Fathers should try to understand the reasons for the child’s aggressive behavior and eliminate them.

Let the child have the opportunity to squelch his energy.

Feel free to hang out alone or with a friend.

Don't let an overreactive child sit idle." width="359" height="128 src=">!}!}

Let your energy be wasted in “peaceful” purposes: sports, science workshops, “tinkering”, etc.

Turn on watching films and TV shows with scenes of violence and cruelty.Help the child make friends, and begin to socialize with peers.

and hyperactive children»

Ust-Nersk main zagalnosvitny

schools with correctional classes

educational psychologist

Pascal Victoria

Ust-Nera village, 2010

Today we will talk about the difficulties that often arise in children of the pre-pubescent age, and we do not know why children are so worried and what to do with it, how to sleep properly.

Let's try to solve one of these difficulties. Aggression (Latin type -, (Latin type - attack ) is a fundamental behavior that is consistent with the norms and rules of social behavior of people in a marriage, that causes harm to attack objects (living and non-living), that causes physical harm to people (negative experiences, stress awe, fear, oppression, etc. .)(Psychological Dictionary).

Bass and A. Dark see 5 types of aggression, which can be schematically represented as follows:

All these types of aggression can be prevented in people of different ages, and some appear from early childhood.

The development of aggressive behavior in children is influenced by many factors, for example, the manifestation of aggressive behavior can be caused by somatic diseases of the brain, and by various social factors.

Nowadays, more and more scientific research is emerging that confirms the fact that scenes of violence shown in cinemas and on television screens correspond to a heightened level of aggressiveness of spies.

Old men are trying to show their butts to their children.

The greatest guarantee of good self-control and adequate behavior in children is the father’s self-control. Hyperactivity


In literary literature, the term “hyperactivity” does not yet have an unambiguous meaning.

From a lot of people to modern manifestations of hyperactivity, there is disrespect, impulsiveness, and increased roachal activity. Among the reasons for the appearance of hyperactivity in a child can be genetic factors, genital trauma (85% of cases), and infectious diseases transferred to the child.:

Before the age of puberty, manual activity is increased, as a rule, and impulsivity and a lack of respect are lost.

Having identified a hyperactive child, the teacher is obliged to contact a neurologist and carry out additional medical treatment. - this is an individual psychological feature that contributes to the ability to feel uneasy in real life situations, including in those that are not so difficult .

Anxiety is situational and hidden.

The concepts of “anxiety” and “anxiety” are often confused.

Anxiety is an episodic manifestation of restlessness and lamentation.

Alone, you will show anxiety, which often arises, and can develop into a stable state, which is called “anxiety.”

Often anxious children suffer from low self-esteem, which manifests itself in self-deprecating, painful criticism.

Such children, as a rule, are more likely to learn manipulation from the side of older and same-year-olds.

In order to help children improve their self-esteem, psychologists advocate identifying the deepest concerns about them and so that they can more often give a positive assessment of their activities and endeavors.
We first need to call the child by name more often and praise her in the presence of other children and adults.
As caution has shown, the emotional stress of anxious children most often manifests itself in fleshy pressures in the area of ​​self-exposure.
Using the elements of massage and simply rubbing the body will relieve muscle tension.
And it is not at all obligatory to seek help from medical specialists.
Mom can do the simplest elements of massage herself or just hug the baby.
You can also do impromptu masquerades, shows, or simply dress up your old lips with lipstick.
Try to shout less, laugh less, and show respect to anxious children - this will create a feeling of hopelessness in the child.
Hyperactivity is a special condition of the central nervous system, in which the processes awakened by galvanization processes are clearly avoided.

It is important to remember that over time, the symptoms characteristic of child hyperactivity will “pass” and stop disturbing both the children and the child itself.

However, without promptly provided professional assistance, the situation can only get worse, and one of the most obvious manifestations of the problem is expressed in verbal form or in the form of a physical surge of aggression towards one-year-olds. and close to sharpness.

Also, aggression can be suppressed if fathers oppress it with incorrectly chosen methods of training.
Supported by favors from the groom, it often turns into aggressiveness, as is the case with character.
We look at the psychological and neurological causes of hyperactivity and aggressive attacks in children aged 7 years and older.
Psychological reasons:
● emotional instability of fathers (quarrels, conflicts between father and mother, aggressive behavior not only at home, but also in society);
● by placing fathers in the interests of the child;
● zhorstoke for marriage with a child;
● high abilities and high moral integrity (as a result, the child is afraid of not fulfilling the conditions placed on her), which do not correspond to a century;
● the presence of bad problems in one or both fathers (alcoholism, drug addiction);
● strong emotional sensitivity to one of the fathers;

● loss of a loved one;
● over-the-top security and control and, for example, permissiveness, the absence of fences;
● inconsistency, lack of uniformity in the medical profession.
Neurological reasons:
● organic brain damage during pregnancy or as a result of birth trauma;
● functional deficiency;
● injuries to the cervical spine;
● dementia, genetic illness;

● infectious diseases;

● transferring stress;

Often fathers do not understand the nature of the behavior of their hyperactive children.

They are beginning to fight the persistent problems of a child with success and discipline.

    Since fathers have come for psychological consultation due to the child’s hyperactivity, then we need to prepare them so that the great world can be practiced not because of hyperactivity, but because of psychological reasons.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    The ancestors and children of the fathers, first of all, are responsible for the consequences that hang down to the child, and the central process is to include the same strengths and the special butt of both fathers - only in which case will you have the right one harmonious development.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    “The book (the first part) was perfect for my children.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    “I looked at the authors’ master’s theses and they are far removed from the practice of preschool education.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    There is a feeling that all work will be based on findings, and not on the results of scientific research.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    All information has long been known to those who are dealing with this problem.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    Authors and philologists do not at all know the psychological and pedagogical research of this galusa, which is rich.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    Instead of work, a bachelor's or master's degree with pedagogical background is indicated; philological background is manifested in places.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    “I commend the authors for their insight into the food.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    After getting to know the book, you will become aware of concerns that are given to some children and not to others.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    The reason for this lies in the process of forming literacy.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    In practice, the book gives: 1. Understanding how literacy develops in different children.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    2. A simple teaching tool for mastering literacy.

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    Good luck, Mikhailo."

    A psychologist will help identify the causes of a child’s hyperactivity and aggressive behavior, identify and neutralize friendly conflict, determine the optimal style of treatment for a child, and give low-risk recommendations that will help correct their behavior. ku.

    “A book for teachers, as we think, and for other fathers.

Helps to better understand the flow of problems.

Written by the best of my knowledge, the author is accessible and eagerly lays out specific material.