Homemade Dungan lagman.


Lagman is a popular national pastry in Central Asian cuisine.

There are many recipes for preparing this herb.
The master's skin chooses the very recipe that suits it best.
Although this herb was not prepared according to any recipe, the main ingredients are vegetables, meat and long grain.
I want to share with you the recipe for lagman in Dungan style.
To prepare this dish we will need the following products:
seven bottles of wheat beard,
half a teaspoon of salt,
two eggs,
second kilogram of yowl pulp,
two medium-sized bell peppers,
two medium potatoes,
one great ripchasta cibul,
two celeri,
one medium sized carrot,
one tablespoon of tomato paste,
one tablespoon of soy sauce,

fresh greens,

ten tablespoons of rosemary oil,

five watch-pieces,

trobs of white cabbage.

Now we begin to gradually prepare the lagman.

4. We begin to prepare the loxini for the lagman.

Place the dough on the table.

To remove the stake, press it onto the dough with your hands.

The color is not thin and small in size.

Now, using a prepared knife, we cut it into long slices, about two centimeters wide.

It's not the fault of dark women being thin.

The leather pieces are coated with oil and crushed so that they become like skeins.

  • 5. Now we take a plate and a refill.
  • Now from the skeins we pour the stake onto plates, but not too thin.
  • After the whole bottle has ended up on the plate, we pull it back from the plate, collecting it before purchasing.
  • Buy it back.

Ale is not shy even thin.

  1. We take the lokshina into our hand and spread it across the table.

Dungan lokshina is the traditional basis of juicy, chalky, strained and aromatic lagman.

  1. You don’t have to buy it in the store, and it’s not easy to prepare it at home.

  1. Before speaking, you can prepare and serve Dungan lokshina as an independent herb, supplemented with sauce, seafood and meat.

  1. There is a great number of variations in recipes that allow you to produce this herb.

  1. Below are the most extensive bread recipe from the photo.

  1. Cooking time: 2 years 30 minutes.

  1. Number of servings – 6

Briefly about one of the most popular hot herbs of Asian cuisine.

Dungan lagman is a national dish of Uzbek cuisine.

When prepared correctly, lagman can create thick soup and liver damage in no time.

It would be a shame if you prepared it or else you would aim for the fatty lagman.
Lagman is prepared throughout Central Asia. 1:00.
Ale kozhen people have their own recipe for lagman. Dozens of recipes for preparing lagman from the Kazakhs and Kyrgyzstan.

This herb is also popular among the Dungan people, who live in Central Asia and China.

  • The Dungan lagman is characterized by not including only red meat (lamb, yalovic) in the recipe, and a unique national seasoning, tiho, and leaves of the dzhusai plant, which taste like wild garlic.
  • Lagman is not as complex a herb as it appears at first glance.
  • Either way, you can cook this gospodarka yourself on the stove.
  • Basically, the consistency of the finished herb should be like regular Ukrainian borscht, which you always need a spoon for.
  • This is an important criterion for the deliciousness of a deli.
  • This recipe is prepared for 4 servings.
  • The hour for preparing the lagman for the Dungan:
  • Calorie content:
  • for 100 UAH.
  • product - 161 Kcal, 10g.

- Giroud, 4g.

- Carbohydrates and 13g.

- squirrel.

The preparation of such lagman begins by thoroughly coating the meat until golden brown.

It is better to carry out all operations in chavuntsi, so the herb will not burn.

For this operation you will need to spend 10-15 and 3 tablespoons of olive oil.

After the shortening has finished cooking, add the ground beef to the meat.

Lagman is served on small portioned plates.

Place the meat on the dish.

When this is done, pour the sauce thickly over the slid.

After the meat, add the vegetables, and then the loxin.

At first glance, grass seems like a mixture of one and the other.

Lagman can be described as a very thick soup.

Vadzha ta lokshina for nyogo get ready okremo.

Combine these two components only in a portioned plate, or rather, in deep bowls, where the lagman is placed in balls.

Place the wadju first, then the lokshina, then place the sauce and sprinkle the animal with fresh greens - cilantro and dill.

While the meat is being stewed in this manner, continue to describe how to prepare Dungan lokshina.

We pour a bottle of warm water.

Dispense half a teaspoon of salt and soda.

The base for the dough, which has been prepared for a year, is kneaded and soaked with prepared water.

Be careful so that it becomes viscous and viscous.

Serving lagman

Let's get the vaju in order.

We taste, add bay leaf, spices, and add additional salt as needed.

We have a very thick soup or, if you want, meat and vegetables in a thick sauce.