Dragon Age: Origins, Side quests. Dragon Age: Origins, Side quests More, no more just grew

Vlasna, the essence of his quest is to deprive Lothering and destroy it further. However, I don’t want to work until you complete all the mission quests (as long as you want to complete them, of course) - once you leave Lothering, you will no longer be able to return to the next one.

Non-plot quests

As you enter the town tavern, you will be marked by a group of Loghain soldiers. A novice of the local Church ingratiates herself with your Rozmov and tries (unsuccessfully) to defeat the soldiers, who are not at all what they are looking for. Ale biyki, no matter what happens, you still won’t survive. If you know all the life of the group commander, you will be at the mercy of victory and you can either kill him or let him go home. At any time, this novice would introduce himself to you as Leliana and ask to join your group.

Leliana is a romantic interest for both a female and a human character. A low influx from it can completely cross the love line.

When you leave the village at night, you can mark the checkbox. When you talk to him, you find out that his name is Sten, he is a kunar, and he is imprisoned in a cage for killing many villagers. The walls are not blocked by killing and he knows that the year of death, wanting to strive for better death with a sword in his hands.

If you wish, you can release him and take him as your permanent companion. The Reverend Mother in the Church will give you the key to the cloister, since your group will have Leliana or you have given the Church a generous penny donation. You can also defeat the Threat to destroy it and give you the key to earning the praise of Morrigan, but not Alistair.

If you break the Wall, you will lose Leliani's praise.

You will pick up this quest immediately upon entering the territory of Lothering, if the local robbers who are collecting refugees are looking to profit from you.

You can pay them the necessary bribe, you can ask for money from them (for which you have to invest points in Recon) or enter into a battle with them. After that, as soon as you get over all the life with the gang, it is good for mercy. You can spare him and punish him to get home, or still kill him (with a grain of salt, but you are going to kill him and kill him until you are confirmed - serve the corpse of the templar on the bridge). Once you killed him or drove him out of Lothering, then all that you lost is to report your deeds to Ser Bryant, the head of the templars. We will reward you with 20 ruble coins. If you bought off the bandits (or lured money out of them with a threat), you can simply tell Bryant about them and send your templars to get rid of them (if the bandits never go anywhere, so you can turn them around) and finish with them yourself) .

On the bridge, where you fought with the bandits, you will find the body of a templar, and on it there is a medallion and a leaf. Give them to Sir Donall in the Church, and be respected - if you are released from the city, you will not only take away the pennies, but before that you will be given less justice.

Sir Donal can give you some details about the situation in Redcliffe, where you will need to go later in the main storyline.

This quest is given to you by farmer Barlin at the Dane's Tavern. To get rid of the debt, ask someone who doesn’t know about any well-paid job. It feeds, as you know in the roots. Especially for your RR, it is not at all difficult to understand them, it is enough for a mother in the group of an ally to want to take one point off the prepared one. The recipe is simple: prepare three portions of grind (the dough for them can be bought from the same Barlin). If you don’t have any immediate extract, you can get it from the bodies of spiders that are located on the downstream part of Lothering.

This task you take away from the elder Miriam. The task is simple to complete - give it three small zillions of health. If you don’t have them in your possession, you can make them yourself - the elven root for hats, and dances can be bought from Barlin in the tavern.

Miriam gives you only the rewards that your group wants with one point in Prepared Potions.

This task you take away from Allison only if your group wants one point from the beginner Pasta Preparation. I’ll ask you to prepare three simple pastas for her. Warehouses for them can be purchased from Barlin.

If you first talk to Allison, Miriam or Barlin without a group member with a proven skill, then after you say that you cannot help them, you will no longer be able to quit their task later.

Church Preserve:

When you reach Lothering, you will have to deal with the local robbers (not the ones you saw on the bridge). There are three groups of robbers, and all three are located near the village in the lower part of the map. The group has archers, and (like all robbers) they can reach the unacceptable level of stunning the enemy, so be careful. (You can now stealthily lure one or two vikors and attack them with parts.) The leader of the robbers (the yellow mini-boss) stays with this group, which is located on the top point of the map. After you finish with all three of us playing, turn around behind the fence.

Perhaps you have already seen the boy who has wasted his money. This quest lets you know the secret. The poor woman's body is located approximately on the road between the village and the river bank. There you will be attacked by at least a dozen warriors, so be ready. After you see them, take the medallion from the body and give it to the Devons brothers.

You should blame the three naughty witches that can be found at the snow-gathering map. After you figure them out, turn around behind the fence.

Since you have completed all three quests of the Church, Brother Devons will present you with a personalized sword in the city. garnius sword At what stage of the game?

Blackstone Naymantsev Hall:

At the Lothering tavern you can meet a representative of the Blackstone Naiman organization. If you are ready for spivpratsiu, then take it from cost a charge From it there are screenshots of leaves from treasures.

You don't necessarily need to work for the Naimans in Lothering - you can work in any other place, where they have a representative - for example, Redcliffe or Denerim, and one of them includes a relationship with a resident of Lothering, and, having left it , You will no longer be able to turn back and complete this quest.

For starters, you can see two things:

Three soldiers deserted from the guild of the Naimans, who still had time to serve, but they also brought with them speeches that belong to the guild, and these very speeches should be heard and turned around.

You can find deserters with stolen supplies:

There are taverns nearby on Lake Calenhad;

At the Frosty Mountains, the right hand is in front of the entrance to Orzamaru;

At Brudnoy Budinka on Zakinutia Street in Denerim.

If you stand on the merchant's side, you will lose Morrigan's praise, or lose Alistair's praise. If you change the trader's trade to compromise and lower prices, you will deserve Leliani's praise, but Morrigan will not deserve it at all.

If you sense a particular bloodlust in yourself, you can simply kill the seller.

As you enter the cage behind the Walls, you will be attacked by about a dozen refugees, who are determined to pay off the debt to Loghain City for you. You will not be able to convert them in any way due to this twist and you will lose the chance of interrupting their ears.

On the way out of Lothering, you will attack a group of Dark Evils, including Alpha Harlock, who will attack a pair of dwarves - Bodana and Sandala. If you kill them all, the dwarves will tell you, and from then on, when you break the tabir, they will be there as a merchant (Bodan) and a sorcerer (Sandal). Bodan is also recognizable to you the rest of the news And the feelings that you ask about them (although half of the episodes will be a recounting of your powerful deeds).

On the corpse of the Blood Mage on the bridge, where you met the dwarves, you will find a sheet and take the entry from the Codex “The Stings of Maleficar”. Whenever you go to the Bashta of Magi, you can find treasures there that can be found in the leaf.

Not far from the Church, the barbarian Hasind loudly denounces the imminent death of everyone. You can calm him down (or worry about being locked in by threats) and then defeat the villagers without losing heart, or extract money from them.

If you speak to the Reverend Mother in the Church first, she will ask you to make a penny donation. maximum amount, yaku can be given - thirty silver coins).

The progress of the quests is placed in spoilers, so that those who do not want to read and learn about this quest in advance do not feel satisfied with the game.


This person has a "noble person": in the Wild Lands of Korkari, a little bit of food was given to the place of the sustrich with a wounded soldier, you will learn Polova kvitka white with a red center. Let him (companion) say that the dog from the camp in Ostagar is looking for such a tree, because he thinks that with his help it will be possible to heal the fighting dogs of the Mabari, who have been weaned from the blood of the dogs. After returning to Ostagar, you will only have to find a huntsman and ask for food. out into the city- 50 crowns, 20 hours nothing.

In other cases: When you approach the houndmaster in Ostagar, a dialogue will begin. You can ask your hero, as a new recruit of the Siri Guardians, to go into the cage with the out-of-breed dog and put a muzzle on him (or you can kill him and complete the quest, by yourself). After this dog, let me know that the healing of this dog requires some kind of flower that grows in the Wild Lands of Korkari, white from the heart of the heart. If you bring it, the dog will give you some ointment.

Yak otrimati: go to the deserter's cage near the infirmary in Ostagar and talk to him. It is clear that without intending to enter, you were actually trying to steal the key from the screen of the magicians. Now, having spent a number of days at the cage, he is ready to exchange this key for water and water. I can also see you at a health guard nearby:

You can give it away in exchange for a key (praise to Alistair +1, for his presence in the party) or just like that (praise to Alistair +2). Another option is to kill the deserter and take the key (unpraised Alistair -5). Having removed the key in one way or another, you will be unable to select the moment unless the white screen is calmed down and taken instead (this will need to be done before entering the vault).

Korcari Wilds

Yak otrimati: go to the body of missionary Jogby, which is floating in the lake near the passage to Ostagar, take a sheet from his father Rigby, read about storing supplies and read the screen for hints:

  • Find out the tree that fell on the ruined booths (you need to turn around before you know it),
  • Go under the bridge from the tree that has fallen (don’t miss it, because there are three tall ones on that tree),
  • I know I’m going around that it collapsed, right-handed,
  • Stand between a high ornate arch and a standing stone overgrown with moss,
  • Stitch from stone and root (there will be a bunch of woven stitches),
  • Find two great statues and the screen between them.

Nagoroda: Great-handed flat sword of Chasind (Chasind Flatblade) from gray chavun. Also, the screen will have one more sheet to Dzhogbi, in which Rigbi write that he could not find the Hasindi.

Code: Leaf to Jogby (A letter to Jogby), Farewell letter to Jogby (Farewell Letter to Jogby).

Yak otrimati: find the body of missionary Rigby on the maidan behind the bridge from the tree that fell, on the new one there will be a leaf with his commandment. Next, make your way to the large camp of Rigby at the site of Tevinter ruins at the bottom part of the Wild Lands, take the screen from the storage in the bag and the amulet Clay Idol (+10 resistance to cold y). The screen can be opened and taken away instead of an unenchanted amulet, or taken to Jetta in Redcliffe Village.

Code: Rigby's Last Will and Testament.

Yak otrimati: You need to find Missionary Rigby's document in his camp in the early part of the Wild Lands, lie at the screen between two notes, read it and look around (press and hold the TAB button) - the first sign in appear under the roots of a nearby tree. Next, activate it with the right mouse button (aim from the pressed TAB), after which other signs will become visible (see the card). You need to go to each of them and activate them yourself. The sequence of activation does not matter; all that remains is the sign of the white bridge from the backlog of the pots and pastes. Khasinda's shovanka can be found in a rotten tree on a galley on the day before the bridge.

Nagoroda: a very bad collection of armor and more - the barbarian mace with steel (Barbarian Mace), the slimy Chasind Crusher, the tsibul of the Wild lands with the yew (Wilds Bow), the leader's sholom (Thane Helmet) and the Chasind Robes.

Code: Signs of the Chasind.

Yak otrimati: pick up a note and a Pouch of ashes from the body of a dead soldier across the bridge from the pit and shepherds. Read and verify this information, go up the hill on the day and develop gunpowder on a pile of stones. After whom Gazarath appears.

Code: A Pinch of Ashes.


Yak otrimati: virushiti do Lothering for the plot. At the entrance, your company will be greeted by bandits who have allowed you to leave for the village for 10 rubles. What you can earn:

  • try to pay off, otherwise the bandits don’t hesitate and want another 20 rubles,
  • tell the bandits that a trade caravan is following you, that it’s bad to defend yourself, the stinks may believe it,
  • contact the bandits with their affiliation to the Siri Guardians (prote, having found out about this, they can wither in the city, blame for your and Alistair’s heads),
  • provoke an attack (to be tempted to pay).

Once the option of fighting has been chosen, then during the fighting hour you must concentrate on the gang of bandits - you will capitulate if you become a corpse. Then you can ask for all the loot (the amount is more than gold), and then let them go anyway. You can also tell the family of robbed elves who are sitting on the bridge in Lothering, about the share of the bandits who slept, how they will die or escape. Finally, at the church you can find the head of the templars, Ser Bryant, who will reward you with 20 silver coins for reporting the knowledge of the bandits (you can also ask him for additional help and you will see the key in the chest of drawers).

Note: In the chest of drawers in the church of Lothering there are old Elven slippers, but by the end of the day there are none of them there. Read about how to ce vipraviti.

Yak otrimati: After dealing with the bandits of Lothering, you can mark the body of a murdered templar right there on the road. Take the medallion and note from the body, read it. Respecting everything, the lost former gray Henric (Ser Henric), such a prankster of the Urn Holy Ashes(Urn of Sacred Ashes). Next, find your comrade Ser Donall in the church, inform him about Ser Henry’s share and turn his medallion. Ser Donall can clarify the situation a little more - it appears that the urn is being found for Earl Eamon of Redcliffe, who is suffering from an undiagnosed illness. How to ask about the city, then Ser Donal appears to be 1 gold.

Code: A Note from Ser Henric.

Yak otrimati: go to Elder Miriam at Lothering. Vaughn ask the fox to know Likuvalny Rosliny And I would like to create three small healing poultices for the sick, wounded and refugees. For this you need three elven roots (Elfroots, grow from Lothering) and three flasks (Flasks, can be bought from Barlin). It is also necessary to understand herbs (go back to Morrigan, if you will). Nagoroda: 50 sribnyaks.

Yak otrimati: go to Barlin at Dane's Refuge and ask that there is no well-paid robot in Lothering. Barlin sets up three Venom dances so that he can open pastures in his fields. You will need three creatures from the extracts (Toxin Extracts, can be obtained from the giant spiders that were discovered outside of Lothering), three flasks (Flasks, can be bought from Barlin) and bad knowledge in the extracts (return to Leliani ). Nagoroda: 75 sribnyaks.

Yak otrimati: go to Allison near Lothering. She really wants to set traps in her fields for Barlin’s butt and ask her to harvest three moth pastures (the same ones that she traps, Spring Traps). For this you need three triggers (Trap Triggers, can be bought from Barlin) and knowledge in pastes. Nagoroda: 50 sribnyaks.

Yak otrimati: talk to Sten, who is sitting at the cell, on the way out of Lothering. From different devices you can recognize that the walls are planted in the cage for driving in. However, there is a readiness to suppress evil, helping the Sirim Guardians in the fight against the spawned spirits. To release him, you will need a key from the cell, which is kept by the Reverend Mother, the following options are available:

  • transfer to the venerable mother the Wall under the guardianship of the Sirih Guardians, which is important to achieve, in order to make the task easier, make a donation for the benefit of the church, and the more, the better;
  • If Leliana is in the party, then the reverend mother will send Wall to her funeral;
  • for obvious stealing habits, try to steal the key from one of the party members;
  • For obvious reasons, it is evil to try to zap the flesh of one of the fellow party members.

Trying to call the Reverend Mother to calm down Morrigan (+4) and shock Alistair (-13). Note: The wall must be released from the castle before completing any of the upcoming quests: Broken Circle, Arl of Redcliffe, Paragon of Her Kind or Nature of the Beast.

Lothering Chanter's Board:

Yak otrimati: Read on the church preacher's note about those who Ser Bryant promised to pay 3 gold to the one who knows how to liquidate the three gangsters who have dug in on the outskirts of Lothering. Then you are no longer able to earn money and take the city from the preacher Devons (Chanter Devons, near the gold - the gang of the third gang is guilty of equipping the new important steel casing).

Note: After this, two further quests will become available.

Yak otrimati: Read on the preacher's note about the fact that farmers are afraid of attacks by pestilence witches on the outskirts of Lothering. After that, find three witches, deal with them and take 1 gold from the preacher in the city.

Yak otrimati: read in the preacher's home about a boy whose mother disappeared just a week ago. Smilivtsya, whoever knows her body or any speech that could lose the riddle about the orphan, is obliged to pay the wine of the city 50 silver coins. The body of Sarkhi lies beyond the field, in the sharpened form of the fortresses. You should fight them off, take the filigree copper ring and turn around the town.

The Circle of Magi

Yak otrimati: find out in the library that in the first version of the Bashti Krug, you would like half of the opened book and conduct experiments that activate various objects ranging from the description of the summoning rituals (and the corresponding different readings in the names of Russia I'll translate it!).

Right first: Summoning Font, Tome of Spirit Personages, Summoning The First - ends with the appearance of a primari boar (Spirit Hog).

Friend's rights: Summoning Font, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Summoning The Second - ends with the appearance of a Trickster Whim.

Right third: Summoning Font, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Common Table Carving Spot, Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Amu, Spell of the Third ( Summoning The Third) - ends with the appearance of the bereskarn “Shadow that rips” (Fade Rifter), which you will have to deal with (the skins will become mittens (+10% before damage to electrics), so called electrified mittens (Charged)).

To the right is the fourth (the sequence of all three front ones): Summoning Font, Tome of Spirit Personages, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary Common Table Carving Spot), Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery, Summoning The Fourth - the remaining one is Earl Forshedow, steal until the wines are evaporated, and take away for tag for the code .

Code: Summoning Sciences, The Notes of Arl Foreshadow.

Yak otrimati: at the Great Hall on the third side of the Bashti Circle, find five stolen stories, read them and learn about those that the magicians who wrote in these stories became victims of Shahrai Beyha Joam. After that, when you move around the global map, you will have a random encounter with him and his gang, the results of which you will find out into the city- hood with cameo (Cameo Cowl, +2 to cunning, +0.5 to health upgrade in battle).

Code: Five Pages, Four Mages.

Yak otrimati: In the Vezha Krug you can find out and read the notes for the codex: three on the first version (at the study rooms and in the library), two more on the other version (for Owain and the blood magicians) and the rest on the third version, at the Great Hall. After whose room is being repaired Great Hall You need to activate the statues in this order:

  • statue with a vessel near the river (The vessel in hand);
  • statue with a raised sword (A sword raised);
  • statue with a sword lowered;
  • statue with a shield (Shielded from each side) at the central location of the exit gate on the fourth top.

If everything is assembled correctly, then everything will be updated and you will be able to go down to the first floor to the door near the basement. When you try it, the demon Shah Wyrd may appear, you will not be able to contact him and take him away. out into the city- Yusaris, Dragonbuster (silverite handler with two rune slots, +20 to resistance to fire, +5 to harm against dragons).

Code: Watchguard of the Reaching; Yusaris, the Dragonlayer (Yusaris: The Dragonslayer).

Yak otrimati: find the body of the blood mage by first exiting from Lothering to the Imperial Highway (you must work until the area is depleted) and collect the leaf of Bel Grus. Then go to the Vezha Krug and on the other version find Bel's Cache.

Code: Maleficarum Regrets.


Quests The child was wasted and the child was wasted in the castle You can take a moment to help the village of Redcliffe to beat off the attack of the Mers, who came to life, and after the battle.

Yak otrimati: talk to Kaitlyn, who is at the Redcliffe church. Vaughn ask to know її young brother Bevin (Bevin). You should find Caitlin's cabin near the village, go to the bedroom on the first floor and open the closet where Bevin is kept. Conversions and spellings can be confused with the key from the screen on another version with the native sword, The Green Blade. If you can’t find it, you can try again at the church.

The sword fragments cost pennies, so you have to pay Caitlin for it: 50, 75, 100 or 500 silver (otherwise you don’t have to pay). The sum was chosen in the face of the position of fellow party members before you - Morrigan will be against any payment, Walls will praise the sum in the hundreds. To get the sword, you can ask Caitlin for a kiss, and after the battle, help them both get to Denerim.

Yak otrimati: talk to the elder Murdoch about helping the henchmen of the village of Redcliffe and helping the farrier Owen (Owen) to find his daughter, Valena, at the castle, regardless of the unpraised Morrigan and the Wall (-5). Valena can be found in a small area on the lower side of Redcliffe Castle - Main Floor. You can say this about the underground tunnel or put the coins in this chamber, come what may, and then go to the forge.

However, if you don’t surprise Valena to the point of Connor’s rejoicing, then she will become important and will have to say something about Owen. Then, this year, the village will have a new farrier with a different set of goods for sale, from whom you can add the Far Song (if you lose Valena, it will be impossible to buy it). Nagoroda:

  • Amulet - how to tell Owen about Valenya’s death, and then introduce himself to the new farrier as Owen’s relative,
  • Shielded Dwarven Armor - to steal Owen's daughter.

Note. Once upon a time, Valenya and Owen will have Boots of Diligence and some of the Diligence Armor Set for sale. The farrier who replaces Owen is selling the Dalek Song, perhaps the best cybul in Greece. Make a powerful choice.

Brecilian Forest

Yak otrimati: talk carefully with Cammen at the tabir. Vin knows from the elf Gheyna, and does not take the bad girl seriously, because You are no longer a wise man. You can help couples get together:

  • having seen the skin of a sheep in the forest for Kammen, so that he would be found to be a fool,
  • Having reconciled to Hein (a newbie in spades!), Kammen’s social status is no longer so important.

Nagorodoyu There will be a book, The Saga of Iloren (you can give it to a dealer or sell it). Or you can breed a couple of skills:

  • having bitten Kammen and learned about her Heine (as you have a heroine),
  • having bitten Heina and learned about Kammen (who is your hero),
  • singing to Hein that Kammen secretly hates him,
  • telling Heine that Kammen was really just going to drag her down.

Code: The Tale of Iloren.

Yak otrimati: rub on Zakhidny Bresiliani on the wounded elf, Deygan, and wonder what to do with him:

  • throw yogo or drive in,
  • bring them to the camp of the Dalish soldiers, handing them over to the patrol along the way with Mithra.

As you look at the wounded man, you can see his words: a dagger, arrows, blackened skin laces, and a figurine of a long-time myslyv, a visor made of maple wood (the heir will be the one who will remove the hundred-year-olds from the clan). If you lie to Deyghan, then when the camp comes out, you can talk to him and take away the sapphire from the city, and if the elf’s speech was stolen, then you can turn the statue and not give away the hundred-hundreds of shares.

Yak otrimati: talk to Varathorn at the Dalish camp and look for something new in the Bresilian Forest, I will crawl the bark from which wines you can get especially in the wild and the owners. You will find the bark in Western Bresilian, on a tree that fell into the I'll share the part foxes. Then you will lose the information to the maystra and will appear from the city:

  • ask Varatorn to prepare the Wolf-Killer (Wolf-Killer, need 28 affinity, damage 8.40, critical hit modifier 1.40%, armor penetration 7.20, +4 damage against Mertz, +8 damage against beasts),
  • ask the master to craft a breastplate made of silverite, Varathorn's Armor (Varathorn's Armor, required 30 strength, armor 8.92, resistance 8.75%, +3 to armor, +20 to resistance to the forces of nature, +25 to vitality),
  • How can you grind it out, re-convert Varatorna to earn and those, and otherwise,
  • get rid of the city and win another prize - Varathorn's Amulet (+20 to resistance to the forces of nature, -1 status),
  • overly thirsty and deprived of bark.

Note: Complete this quest quickly to eliminate glitches.

Yak otrimati: Or get Athras from the camp of the commoners to find out about his squad, Danyla, who has become infected with the curses of the changelings, or get on Daniella from the Similar Bresilian. Following Atras's words, Zathrian insists that Daniella is dead, and Protein does not allow Atras to treat her body. Atlas of reconciliations that Daniella is alive, but has turned upside down, and suspects that you will find her near the forest. You can easily find them in the East Brecilian Forest, among the inverted groups, after which you can:

  • kill Daniella with pity (Vin and Leliana praise it),
  • You are tempted to kill her and then Daniella will attack you herself.

Daniella ask him to give Atras his scarf (Scarf). This scarf can be exchanged for this from Mad Hermit, or it can be transferred to Atras and taken away for the price. above the city - Athras's Pendant, which can also be vicorized in exchange with the desert. Choosing your responses while still interacting with Athras can cause different reactions from your companions (for example, the riddle about Daniella loving Athras, such as Morrigan’s lack of praise (-3) and Leliani’s praise (+2)).

Note: If this quest is not completed, and you accepted the Inversions and decided to kill the Dales, then Atras will attack you and the Inversions, and if you decided not to kill the Dales, then Atras will say that he is going to prank Daniel himself (of course ї there will be no wine gardens).


Nug Wrangler Boermor asked to turn his yoma if he wanted one of the nagas - unfortunately, they all scattered in different directions. The quest ends after delivering one naga to the youmu, and you can bring back another few pennies.

You should look around the erysipelas to live, catch them and deliver them to the beater:

  • the right-hander goes to the Common Halls of Orzammar,
  • from Brother Burkel,
  • on the bridge that leads to Areni Viprobuvan,
  • at the entrance to Glibin Stitches,
  • into the nook of the door of the old Janara.

Nagoroda: 12 srіbnyaks and 25 dosvіdu per skin brought naga.

Code: Nug.

Brother Burkel from Redcliffe Church, which is located in the Common Rooms near the entrance to the Saw Place, even turning to the edge of the ancestors to broaden the light of the faith. You would like to open a church in Orzammar, as the Song of the Light is unbearable to the dwarves, otherwise it is necessary to allow Okhorontsiv. You can vibrate Berkel to make sure of the Nogo Slivets in front of the Litor painter Khrronіk (Tse Viclika, the capture of Lelian +2 I is the non -wrapping wall -5), to say, the yoma is not in the relay dwarves (re -Rosmovi in ​​the other place).

The chronicler Shaper Czibor is located in the Shaperate in the Diamond Quarter. With him you can use vikorism and slander (possible for a character with an advanced skill), as well as cunning. Since your character is smart and cunning, the Chronicler will tell the brothers Berkel to open a small church in Orzammar, otherwise you will be able to embarrass Berkel with his wife.

Note: In the epilogue you learn that after the opening of the church in Orzammar, a lot of new believers appeared among the dwarves, and this caused problems. The Rada praised the closure of the church, but Brother Berkel repaired the operation and was killed during the peaceful march. The Rada voiced this death with an unfortunate outburst, protesting the news about the destruction that began, reached the Church on the mountain, and began to talk about those who High Priestess the new Holy March fades away...

When you complete the quest about Jarvia's jokes in Carta Hideout, you can find a note about Jammer's hiding place. From this note it is clear that there is a screen here, locked with a special lock, and a collection of video cards. For this purpose, you will need three items from three other screens of bandits, and each of them can hold three items, otherwise you need only the cheapest of them(Serial Guardian deducts one injury at a time for taking the wrong object, for which he himself is familiar with the inventory, so it is not worth worrying about the lost benefit):

  • Kanky's Common Box, mark 1 on the map): cloth ring (Silver Costume Ring),
  • Jammer's Common Box, mark 2 on the map: Iron Letter Opener,
  • Pique's Common Box, mark 3 on the map: Garnet Trinket.

Once you have collected all the correct items, they will appear in the inventory, and instead of them, a key will appear on the screen with a treasure where you can stand at the kettle with manual oils (mark 4 on the map).

Nagoroda: 7 gold 55 silver 45 copper and Sholom for the tall (Longrunner's Cap, light Sholom, +0.5 to improve vitriol in battle).

Code: Jammer's Stash.

With the help of Shaper Assistant Milldrate, you discover that the Okhorontsev were robbed - they know a rare tome. The villain, most likely, comes from the netherlands and goes with the description of the foxes.

At the Saw Place, look for and finish the Shady Corebit, on which you will find a receipt. It's similar to the ones that have been going on at the Viprobuvan Arena all winter, the bet appeared not far away. In the middle of the snow wing of Arena, you will get a group of suspected types together with Fixer Gredin. Of course, you will have to deal with them (in this case you can get rid of them either after you have dealt with Doolin Forinder or after completing the quest Thoroughly done). Return respect to Jertrin, who is standing next to the thugs, who is a buyer of stolen goods and wants to buy a tome. Quest completion options:

  • Jerthrin pay 2 gold and 30 silver for the folio,
  • The assistant chronicler Mildrat agrees with you, otherwise he won’t give you anything (and you won’t get any information either).

Note: If you want to sell the tome, then do it right away, Jerthrin will not talk to you again.

On the streets of Dust Town, you will ask Zerlinda to beg for your son. If we date her 5 srebnyaks or study about her situation, then we can find out that if she lay down to the caste of miners, she gave birth to a son that was unfinished, after which the people called her (mostly with the gnomes traditions, the boy is in the declining caste of the father), and the father left the child її (because he wants his daughter to join the caste of miners). You can try to help Zerlinda in one of the following ways (praise +2):

  • try to roll over or roll (the skill is in flux!) Ordela’s father, who often hangs out at the Orzammar tavern “At the Innkeepers”, take them back together with the child;
  • Please let Zerlinda lose the baby on Deep Stitches (as their families are supposed to), after which you can turn home;
  • yakscho quest Song on Glibin Stitches completed, then:
    • please Zerlinda to rush to brother Berkel for help,
    • try to get Brother Berkel to let her join the new church;
  • Tell Zerlinda about the diversity of castes on the surface and change them to deprive Orzammar.

Nagoroda: For Zerlinda's reconciliation with her family, additional justice points are given, ~200EXP.


Having arrived at the Trade Quarter of Denerim, you will immediately meet Ser Landry, who recognizes you, having been with Ostagar, and calls for a duel in order to take revenge on the Ser Warden for the death and death of King Cailan (according to the words of Lo gain). You can:

  • (spouting) realize that you are not the Serial Guardian at all, then Ser Landry will get out and go,
  • (fucked) re -re -landrі, pusko vin, then in the innocent, Todi vin, it is said, they are your vinnost, ale is a considerable prove, so it itching is it, if you know, if Knowyda, I, і si,
  • fit for a duel and fight with Landry and his henchmen in the nook behind the Gnawed Noble Tavern,
  • Get ready for the duel, after which Landry goes, apparently, that’s not all (later, under the hour of crossing Denerim, you will be detained by him).

Nagoroda: a mace with letters (Engraved Mace, veridium, Skoda 6.50, affinity +1, Skoda +1, psychic agility +5%) from the body of Sir Landry.

Blackstone Volunteers (Blackstone Irregulars)

Volunteer quests can be started by talking to the Blackstone Liaison Officer at Dane's Refuge near Lothering or later by visiting another Liaison Officer at Redcliffe Church or at the Denerim Tavern.

Yak otrimati: Wait a minute to deliver the letter of request for service to three recruits:

  • Dernal Garrison in Redcliffe (Dernal Garrison, Redcliffe), who lives in a small house opposite the stone bridge on the road to Mlin;
  • Patter Gritch, Lothering, who washes himself in the church, from the entrance to the room of the Reverend Mother;
  • Varel Baern, Denerim, who is located in Elven Alienage.

Note. The sheet must be given to Gritch before Lothering is depleted, otherwise the quest will remain incomplete.

Code: Letter from the Blackstone Irregulars.

Yak otrimati: at the Denerim tavern "Bitten Nobleman" it will be time to deliver several notifications about the death of volunteers who died in service to their squads:

  • Sara at the Denerim Market District;
  • Tania (Dirty Back Alley, Denerim);
  • Larana to the Spoiled Princess Hotel at Lake Calenhad Docks;
  • Irenia to Redcliffe Chantry.

Code: A sheet of letters from the Blackstone Volunteers (Blackstone Letter of Condolences).

Yak otrimati: It will be time to turn around the stolen supplies of volunteers, having spotted the deserters who brought them in, and having dealt with them:

  • Sammael the Deserter, Lake Calenhad Docks;
  • Deserter Tornas, Frostback Mountains;
  • Layson the Deserter, Denerim, Run-Down Back Street.

Note. The owner says that Sammael is visiting the Bresilian forest.

Splenta of Mages (The Mages" Collective)

Quests can be started by speaking in the cold weather at Lake Calenhad Wharf, in the Denerim Trade Quarter or in Redcliffe.

At the pier of Lake Calenhad Please wait to deliver information about the liberation to the three not-so-famous teachings of the mage Terraster:

  • Old Man (Starrick) - what is behind the head gates in Orzammar,
  • Fayd, which stands in the center of the Denerim Market District,
  • Sheth - in the Wonder of Thedas, also in the Wonder of Thedas.

Nagoroda: 2 gold.

Code: Letter of Termination.

At the pier of Lake Calenhad You need to find out and bring 10 packs of Deep Mushrooms. These mushrooms are often found in small containers, but if you have more than 10 of them, you can get more of them from the gnome merchant Ruck on Deep Roads. Nagoroda: 1 gold.


Bandit x12 Warrior Rank 2 With quest participants Bandits on the highway beat unnecessarily.
Bandit x3 Rozbiynik Rank 2
Bandit Leader x2 Warrior Rank 3
Rogue x1 Rozbiynik Rank 2
Naimanets (Mercenary) x1 Warrior Rank 2
Mercenary Archer x2 Warrior Rank 2
Bizhenets (Refugee) x11 Warrior Rank 1, 2 Fight at the end of the region after entering the Dane Pitulka.
Mabari x3 Tvarina Rank 2
Giant Spider x6 Tvarina Rank 2
Vovk (Wolf) x13 Tvarina Rank 1, 2 Fight on the quest The last gift.
Black Bear x3 Tvarina Rank 2 Fight on the quest When witches attack.
Genlock x2 Born by Drinks Rank 1, 2
Hurlock x3 Born by Drinks Rank 2
Hurlock Alpha x1 Born by Drinks Rank 3


Soldier x4 Warrior Rank 2
Commander x1 Warrior Rank 3

You just need to go to the exit from Lothering for the first entry of the location.


At the hour of Lothering's first advance, robbers immediately attack the paddock. It is necessary to find them, or drive them away, or inform Sir Bryant about them in the church. As soon as you open the two drawers from the robbers, the smells become aggressive.

25 XP for Rozmova with a squad of robbers;
150 XP, ring Doslednik and 150 ruble coins to collect all the loot;
150 XP, please tell Bryant;
20 coins from Bryant, for driving away and killing robbers.

When entering Lothering, you can take from the body of a dead templar Licensor's medallionі Note from the celebrant. They need to bring Sirka Donall to the local church.

100 XP for completing the quest, if you don’t care about the city;
125 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest to ask about the city.

Quest from the preacher's daughter (can be taken from Lothering). You need to defeat three local robberies (at points 23, 23", 23"").

150 XP and 3 gold coins for completing the quest;
350 XP that sword Saver of the oath for completing all quests from the preacher's desk at Lotheringu

Quest from the preacher's daughter (can be taken from Lothering). At the daytime gathering of the location, protect the witches.

150 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest;
350 XP that sword Saver of the oath

Quest from the preacher's daughter (can be taken from Lothering). It is necessary to find out about Sarch's share. All you have to do is bring a ring Gift for a riddle about Sarkh from the body of Sarkhi at the last night location (at point 24).

150 XP and 50 silver coins for completing the quest;
350 XP that sword Saver of the oath for completing all quests from the preacher's daughter at Lothering.

Ask Lothering Allison for three Trap. For their preparation, three trigger mechanisms are required, but in principle they are not very difficult to operate. To create a prep, anyone at the paddock needs to get the hang of preparing pasta.


Elder Miriam asks Lothering to earn three Small kissing poultices and gives a similar recipe ( Note to Miriam). To prepare them, you need three elven roots and three flasks, but in principle, it is not difficult to work them yourself. To find a place, anyone in the paddock needs to become a beginner in herbalism.

100 XP and 50 silver coins for completing the quest.

Ask Lothering in the Barlin tavern to earn three I just. To prepare them, you need three ingredients and three flasks, but in principle it is not difficult to work with them. To get rid of the food from anyone in the paddock, the preparation will be removed.

100 XP and 75 silver coins for completing the quest.

In Lothering it is necessary to remove the wall from the wall. You can either burgle the lock or pick it off or steal the key from the Reverend Mother in the church. All these speeches (including the plea to the Reverend Mother) are good to come from Leliani. Perhaps the Wall has been accepted as a permanent member of the pen.

full-time member of the Walls pen;
250 XP after completing the quest.

Blackstone Volunteers quest (can be taken from Lotheringu, Redcliffe and Denerimi). It is necessary to select stolen items Guild supplies at three deserters - at the Frosty Mountains, on Lake Calenhad, at Denerim (Port Gates).

ring Frost Strike from a deserter in the Frosty Mountains;
175 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quest of the Blackstone Volunteers (can be taken in Lotheringa, Redcliffe or Denerim). It is necessary to give three List about the call- near Lothering (church), near the village of Redcliffe (budynok), near Denerim (Elfinage).

It is important to note that Lothering becomes inaccessible after completing one of these quests: The nature of the beast, Thoroughly done, Rozirvane Kolo, Urn of sacred ashes.

175 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest.

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