What is needed to prepare kyukyu? Kükyü recipe – a brown version of snidanku. Kyukyu from greens

The French came up with the omelette, the English came up with eggs and bacon, and the Germans didn’t like to indulge in eggs for snacks.

And from the residents of the Caucasian regions - Azerbaijan, Virmenia, Dagestan and others - they are ready to eat a traditional grass called kyukyu. It is customary to bake it in the oven, adding a lot of cilantro and lamb fat.

Classic Kyukyu

Naturally, residents of Slovenian and other countries slightly modified the recipe to suit their traditions and similarities. Not everyone can eat lamb fat, but it does not appeal to the skin, especially to those who like healthy food.

Cilantro is also a specific herb, so be sure to enjoy it for the amateur. Therefore, today's kyukyu strain has a lot of variations, and which one will give the advantage depends only on you.

In this kyukyu recipe, lamb fat is replaced with vershkova butter, but the grass is less tasty.

What you need:

  • eggs size: 6 pieces;
  • a lot of greens - dill, sorrel, spinach, basil, green cabbage and so on;
  • 3 pieces of medium-sized tomato;
  • a piece of paper measuring 50 g;
  • a spoonful of olive oil and salt for relish.

Steps for preparation:

  1. Cream the white stock eggs with the help of a paste and beat the pepper mixture using a mixer.
  2. Beat the beans thoroughly and mix them with finely chopped greens.
  3. Place the butter mixture on the bottom of a baking dish, greased with olive oil, and cover it with tomato slices.
  4. The final step is to add the whites and place them in the oven, preheated to 180 for 15 minutes.
  5. After finishing the cake, divide it into portions and pour melted butter on top.

Kyukyu from greens

To prepare this green kuku, add natural yoghurt to the recipe. Through this you can use thick sour cream or matsoni.

What do you need to prepare the omelette:

  • eggs for a quantity of 4 pieces;
  • rice cereal zavbilshki 100 g;
  • I love the greenery and the green cibula;
  • natural yogurt zavbilshki 150 RUR;
  • a small piece of olive oil on tops measuring 50 g;
  • salt.

Steps for preparation:

  1. Carefully wash the grain and cook until tender.
  2. Cream the butter with protein and add yogurt and rice until first.
  3. With careful hands, achieve the balance of the madness.
  4. Viliti sumіsh on the front smeared|smeared| oil|mastil| form and place in the oven to bake.
  5. In the meantime, add and trim the greens. Beat the whites well with a mixer.
  6. Mix the white mixture with the herbs and herbs.
  7. Once the surface of the pastry is covered with a thick crust, you can squeeze it out and place it on top of the egg white mixture. I need to tidy up the oven again.
  8. After 20 hvilins, wilt, cut|narize| for the stuffing and serving, pouring first and melting the butter on top.

Hello everyone. Did you miss my lazy recipes? Today I will share with you an authentic recipe from my father’s Azerbaijani kyukyu omelet - a whole omelet with greens. I really love our national cuisine. We are always more beloved than others, but, as it was, those who are more important to us are marvelous to others. Have you downloaded a video that broke the Internet? There, where the Americans try better than us, selet under a fur coat, jellied meat and other delicacies. Funny.

We, who grew up in the Radian Union and grew up on the friendship of peoples, are often respected by our relatives and friends and from other cuisines. So, for example, in Baku a gentleman can cook borscht, and in Moscow there are plenty of people who cook Uzbek pilaf. Before speaking, you probably don’t know that we have hundreds of different species of swimming, and it looks completely different.

The main advantage of Azerbaijani pilaf is that the rice is cooked and served alongside the meat. The first type of rice should be taken so that it is not boiled, but is stripped from grain to grain. We have pilaf with meat and chicken, with dried fish and juice, with watermelon and plenty more.

The axis, for example, is Shirin pilaf, or sweet pilaf, with sultanas and dried apricots.

And tse plov turshu govurma. The rice itself is called pilaf, and the rice that is served before it is called govurma, from the Azerbaijani “govurmag” - “gasiti”, like a kshtalt stew. In this version, the gourma contains lamb, tsibul, chestnuts and plums. The most common type of pilaf, which is prepared for special conditions and is my favorite.

Before speaking, dear, we talk about what we have today, you can often serve it as a supplement to pilaf. It's called won kyukyu(voice to the remaining warehouse) - this green omelette in Azerbaijani style. And if it’s true, then there’s a lot of greens in the omelette, because there’s a lot of greens in the omelette. And pilaf made with such an omelette, as you guessed, is called kyukyu pilaf. Ale omelette made from greens is a completely independent herb. We often cook it for lunch as the main herb, simply because it is very tasty and tasty.

In Azerbaijan, this light and fluffy green omelette is a must-have summer program that every summer cannot do without.

For the omelette we need:

  • greenery: The more diverse, the better. I had a bunch of dill, parsley, cilantro, green thyme and tarragon.

    Tarragon, vin tarragon — secret ingredient , which gives a delectable relish and aroma to my kyukyu. The wine looks so tasty to the gray one, and I never thought that the wine would be so tasty to the oiled one.

  • chasnik (green or zvichainy) - for bazhannyam and relish
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • salt for relish
  • oliya - for lubricating (for me it’s melted)
  • matsoni (yogurt or sour milk) - for serving

You can add more pressure to the sauce if you didn’t put it in the omelet together with the greens. These diamonds can also be beautifully placed on a dish and served with pilaf.

I’ll talk about pilaf later, but in the meantime, try this little piece of Azerbaijan. Delicious!

Absentee guest of our site is Sevda Gasimova. Here is a recipe for preparing a tasty, cinnamon-colored and very simple herb - kyukyu.

The axis is so simple, it’s funny the name of a simple and popular herb in Azerbaijan - “KYUKYU”.

We have a number of different types of appetizers - green kuku, cauliflower kuku, eggplant, and meat.

Today I want to present to you the simplest option - green pie.

I would like to point out that this or that green may change. This is similar to what you have in your refrigerator. This appetizer is served both hot and cold.

All and necessary:

1 large bunch each of spinach, cilantro, dill, green cibul
6 eggs
50-70 g melted or top butter
Zhmenya voloskih gorikhiv
Salt pepper

Katik (matsoni, kefir, yogurt)

Everything is very simple. It’s good to skip the greens. Every year I wash a few greens near the great bowl of cold water, the whole pond, the sand comes out of the water. And then I wash the greens in a lot of water.

The greens are chopped finely, but without fanaticism)

Add eggs, salt and pepper for relish

And mix well. The deco in which the kyukyu is baked is coated with olive oil. Not much at all. Reshtu oliya is melted and watered for the beast.

With the oven heated to 160-170 degrees, place a sheet of butter. Start with the lower mode of the slab at 15 degrees, then on the upper mode at 15 degrees.

When the kyukyu is ready, carefully transfer it to a dish in which to serve it. We cut it into portions, like a cake. It is clear that the animal is sniffling with finely chopped, lubricated, lubricated, hairy peas. When the peas are lubricated, they create a very tasty aroma and crunchiness.

Cilantro can be replaced with parsley and green basil.

Zhovtkovu masa can be added|added| 1 tbsp. l. sour cream for a richer and more delicate taste.

English eggs with bacon, rich French omelette, eggs are a favorite among the Germans. How do you like the Azerbaijani kyukyu? If you have picked up the classic herbs from eggs, then kyukyu will definitely suit you.

Strava does not require large expenditures, it does not include exotic products and it is easy to prepare. The recipe can be modified by adding greased eggplant, bell pepper, sour cream or natural low-fat yogurt. The classic recipe calls for a mixture of butter or lamb fat, or better yet, replace it with melted butter. If there are people in the family, then you can add greased minced meat to the kyuku, or grease the chicken breast, so the dish will become lifelike.

The grass bakes in the oven and you don’t need to clean the stove again and again. Varto note that the dish takes 15 minutes to prepare And if you don’t open the oven for too long, you can remove the wrong ones from the oven, the cup will be low and the food won’t lose its richness.

Serve the omelette with a bottle of kefir or ryazhanka, and instead of bread, make lavash. In the Caucasus, they are preparing to eat even more stuffed animals. So, for example, drink soup, khash, and mix a few varieties of meat. The very tasty first grass is shurpa. You can prepare it with a quick recipe - http://www.koptim-sami.ru/shurpa.php.

Georgia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan use a lot of cilantro in their herbs. This product may have a specific taste and is not for everyone. In this case, you can replace all the greens with basil, parsley, or whatever else suits your taste.

The smallest baking dish is a chavun pan. Stinks permeate the bottom, which protects the grass from burning. An equally good idea for a sieve-based dish is a stan chi. Consume the food and serve this same herb in a new serving and to the new victor.

We called for a French omelette, hard-boiled eggs, and fried eggs. The Caucasus has its own method of preparing eggs. This traditional grass is called kyukyu. This is an omelet that is baked in the oven. Classically, kyukyu is prepared from green vegetables and topped with burning top oil when serving.

Kyukyu recipe

For preparation you need (from rozrahunka to 3 servings):

  • 6 smoking I am;
  • ½ bunch kinzi;
  • ½ bunch crop;
  • ½ bunch sorrel;
  • ½ bunch spinach;
  • ½ bunch green tsibula;
  • 3 small tomato;
  • 50 grams tops oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. roslin oil;
  • salt for the relish.


  1. Break the eggs and separate the whites from the eggs.
  2. In a bowl, beat the whites until stiff peaks form and stir in the mixture.
  3. Beat the zhovtki vigorously.
  4. Wash all the greens and tomatoes.
  5. Coarsely chop the greens and mix with the beans.
  6. Grease a baking dish with olive oil and add vegetable oil and herbs to the bottom.
  7. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place on the butter mixture.
  8. Carefully add the whites to the top and distribute throughout the entire pan.
  9. Roast in the oven at 180 ° C for about 15 minutes.
  10. Melt top butter|mastila|.
  11. When the cakes are ready, cut them into portioned pieces and sprinkle with topping oil.

The snack is ready.

The final hour of preparation: 30 hvilin

Traditional grass Azerbaijan

Last Saturday, when Oleg said that he was preparing kyu-kyu for us as a snack, I was even tickled by the name. It turned out that the Azerbaijani herb - an omelet of greens - is even more tasty and rich. To be honest, kyu-kyu meni seems to have guessed the Israeli one. It’s melodious that both in this and in other herbs, greens and vegetables are filled with eggs :-)

The topping for the stock omelette is spinach. You decide to take the greens that suit you best - crepe, parsley, cilantro. You can add aromatic celery. Oleg really loved the herb with cabbage, so he finely chopped and added a small hot pepper to the kyu-kyu. It's such a great taste to go out.

Now a bunch of words about preparing herbs. Oleg baked the omelette in the oven in a hot ceramic form. The beauty is incredible, to be honest. You definitely won’t get such an appetizing look in a frying pan. You can cook kyu-kyu in a microchicken oven in a special dish. Please carefully read the instructions before using the microwave oven and set the heat and cooking time correctly.

We've been away for the entire day. And, as it seems, as soon as you start the morning like this, the day will pass :-) as you got up early today for your loved ones, please them with a delicious sauerkraut snack, prepare kyu-kyu.

kyu kyu recipe


  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Creep - 1 bunch;
  • Parsley - 1 bunch;
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • Spinach - 1 piece;
  • Gostri pepper - 1 pod;
  • coated chicken fillet - 100 grams;
  • Strength behind the relish.

How to prepare kyu-kyu:

Krok 1

The greens are washed, dried and finely chopped.

Croc 2

Chicken fillet is cut into pieces.

Croc 3

Hot pepper is finely chopped. If you don’t like hot herbs, then peel the pepper from the insides and partitions.

Krok 4

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add 2-3 tablespoons of water, add salt to taste and stir.

Krok 5

Place chicken fillet, herbs and peppers in a baking dish. Fill with eggs.

Krok 6

We bake the omelette in a heated oven in the background at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for 20 minutes.

Krok 7

Serve kyu-kyu with matsona or sour cream to the table.

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