Why bother with groups of anonymous alcoholics?


  1. Cooking
  2. There are not too many alcoholics and drug addicts.
  3. I'm an alcoholic.

I don’t drink for 4 days, 2 months and 5 days.

This confession is needed for three reasons:

I need to speak out in order to get rid of the perceived wrongdoing.

We need to tell those who are drinking now that it is possible to get out of their drought.

I've lost a lot of weight.

I just wanted to eat right away, after the first glass, and for lunch, being already kinder to the drink, I poured a bit of soup into myself.

For dinner - cognac without snacks.

One day on the birthday of colleagues, who were not quite drunk, one of the spivorotniks “whistled” with the words: “Zustriv is here Tetyana, I’m talking, I’m not drunk.

Tverezu - I don’t drink, that means I’m not ***.”

I felt a fever, I thought, it’s funny, what is this crazy choice of Rimi... And at that moment I realized that I was naively going to let it go, no one notices anything.

How I was cheating

The dose of alcohol consumption increased, the signs of my instinacy began to become visible: I swelled a lot, especially the bags under my eyes were visible, my cheeks appeared, and the curls of my lips began to droop, cutting through the nasolabial fold.

One narcologist, having earned a gift: rozpov, so that you can vikorist a lot, like a magic wand - regularly.

This brought me to the idea that it is possible to continue to drink, even though you might be able to “wash yourself off.”

And I started playing in the “Wiklich narcologist” group.

Luckily, I paid well and could afford it myself.

We became friends with Dr. House - we came to the same level of dignity.

The doctor needs to call a proven one or from a decent clinic (the cost will also be decent - 9,000 rubles).

Bazhano, for the whole hour, if there is a narcologist in the apartment, some of your loved ones will be at home: mother, girlfriend, boyfriend (as you were spared).

Stop the stench from making broth for you - you’ll want to eat as soon as possible until the end of washing.

Croc back

But I finally got married!

I won’t forget this, as it happened to me.

Chantly, I almost took in the humor and the truly genius affinity: having lived a few years with this people, I managed to quietly drink so that I didn’t notice!

Is it a bad lie?


I went to bed early and was tired.

One can imagine a “funny” attack on the beginning of our sleeping life: I showed my brother the magazine I worked with – and on one of the sides there was an advertisement for cognac.

A young lady was sitting next to us. Having poured some cognac on the little one, she, without hesitation, tapped him with her finger and said with tenderness: “Mom...” I didn’t die on the spot, but the next person, fortunately, it happened... It couldn't last for long. I just decided to tie the knot - and all the people grew up. I swore that I would take control of everything. I just decided to tie the knot - and all the people grew up. I couldn't. I just decided to tie the knot - and all the people grew up. It got to the point where he himself called the narcologist to me... It seemed like he couldn’t go any lower. Alcoholics Anonymous Group Satisfied.

With the help of simple techniques, you will be able to overcome the pull-up to the dance calmly – and safely – without leaving your home.

    Crocs Understand why you are singing. Having poured some cognac on the little one, she, without hesitation, tapped him with her finger and said with tenderness: “Mom...” I didn’t die on the spot, but the next person, fortunately, it happened... To effectively implement the process

  1. The first thing you know is that you are aware of the problem. In Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism is treated as an illness for which the Power of God can help you;

    • However, the AA pose is a different model for understanding alcohol levels.
  2. One of the best approaches to common problems with drinking is to look at it in terms of survival instinct. Your human brain is much more intelligent than its alcoholic counterpart, which simply does not understand that it can live without alcohol.

    • You can outwit the alcoholic brain by learning to think about someone who is next to you;
  3. You can use the same technique if you are told to do so. Pour it into the real spirit - instead of saying “I want to drink”, say “I want to drink”.

    • If you imagine the alcoholic brain as an external object, you will realize that it has no power over you.
    • As you go, your alcoholic brain will lose enthusiasm and turbulence you more and more.
  4. Soon you will learn how to deal with its twists expertly, and it will become much easier for you to maintain firmness. Eliminate satisfaction from indulgence from alcohol addiction.

    • If you've been thinking about quitting drinking for a while, one of the biggest challenges you'll face is accepting the fact that you're now going day after day without alcohol.
    • If you sit at home and do nothing, your alcoholic brain will reach you with a drink, and it will be difficult to quit drinking, because your human brain will not function.
    • Why do you need to develop in any way directly - so you will occupy your human brain with the right one. Find (or re-open) hobbies that will produce visible results. Get your body in shape, take care of your old car or turn a new hundred. Start cooking, play a musical instrument, practice decorating, and go for a walk with your friends. Vipiti.
    • The decision lies with the neocortex.
    • As the neocortex (you) can understand how the midbrain functions, the rest loses its strength and can no longer eliminate alcohol.

    Control lies in your hands and in your power to throw a drink.

    • The process based on TOVU principles will also help you with other chemical deposits.
    • This technique can be used against a variety of conditions such as cigarettes, prescription drugs, drugs and other dangerous substances.

If on the right you reach the view of life, all speeches begin again.“It’s fun at first, but then it’s scary,” the drunkards say about their rich day’s revelry.

If there is no strong willpower, then the meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous come to help those who want to say goodbye to their addiction - meetings are held in many regions of Russia.

Moscow has dozens of such groups.

A correspondent for RIA Novyny visited the news of non-drinkers and explained what is needed to relieve addiction.

Club members

It’s dark and light, there are posters about the fight against drinking on the walls, a stand with lots of photographs in a bundle - a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous passes by a room on the first version of a richly paneled surface on the outskirts of Moscow.

Some participants in the gathering walked around the table, others sat on the tables along the walls.

Alcoholism was recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization in the middle of the last century.

According to doctors, more than a million Russians have such a diagnosis.

The level of pure alcohol consumption in the region is 10.3 liters per person.

The figures are decreasing: in 2008 there were 18 liters.

Otherwise the problem becomes serious.

Partnerships of Alcoholics Anonymous are self-sufficient, such as skin pimples, collecting pennies for consumption.

After the meeting, the legal account increased by 700 rubles.

The word "sponsor" is often heard in rosemaries.

This is what spiritual mentors are called, who preserve the steadfastness of troubling times.

“I’m often asked for help, to be glad, although I used to be a regular visitor to drug treatment clinics. Today I go to work - it’s full of chills, the sun is shining. On the way to the metro, I pass a train station, and my “combat comrade” is lying there.. .Adje And I could be right there, otherwise I’ll sit warmly with you, dear ones,” the wake-up caller Evgen sulks.

Alevtina speaks in a voice that can be seen, clenching the ball of her hand in her hands: “I myself don’t drink anymore, I want to drink sometimes. But my 14-year-old daughter starts drinking beer early, and I can’t drink it. ongoing scandals A month ago, they put the police on notice in the child’s room, who contacted a company of frozen pods, which, it seems, not only drink, but also use drugs... I have such thoughts spinning around: “Why am I chronicling in I have such a daughter?" Why, they couldn’t find me a decent child in the heavenly office?” Well, they gave the yak an axle. They can now be locked in the center for important supplements. I understand that this is the best option for her."

The zustrich lasts for about two years, and ends with a short prayer.

  1. The real problems caused by alcohol are related to the physiology of people who accept body changes.
  2. The greater the “experience” of a person who drinks, the greater their health.

You can recognize the unacceptability of this character by enduring major changes or seriously working on improving your health.

Masked problems arise in the emotional sphere of a person who is addicted to alcohol.

Many of them, people who have given up drinking, start to drink again for many years, since alcohol clearly brings them into contact with reality.

Depressive conditions

Becoming unsatisfied is a completely normal reaction to information. However, every person in his own way tries to find a way out of the situation.

Many of us give precedence to extreme domestic alcoholism.

People who have quit drinking have to learn again how to resist the attacks of melancholy.

During the hour of rehabilitation, active exercisers may benefit from walking in the fresh air, exercising the body and doing physical exercises.

Yoga can help you strengthen your spirit and body at once.

What other rational ways out of a pathological state are respected for better vikorism by people who have quit drinking?

What is the most common cause of sleep disturbance?

Often the most common problem for those who quit drinking is persistent insomnia, difficulty sleeping, lying, lack of sleep or regular nightmares.

The obviousness of nightmares is reflected in their realism.

Moreover, their plot is often tied to drinking.

In order to bring healthy sleep back to normal, many people who have stopped drinking begin to engage in evening physical activity to promote natural sleep and, apparently, reduce sleep.

Exercising in France allows you to recharge your body with energy and quickly get out of a drowsy state.

Problems in the homeland

People who are addicted to drinking alcohol on a regular basis are faced with another serious problem.

A sudden change in a life of power often leads to an inadequate acceptance of change from the side of loved ones.

In essence, individuals who have quit drinking become completely different people in the eyes of others, sometimes strangers and difficult to understand.

Problems of a herbal nature are an invisible part of the clothing process.

To relieve discomfort until the body returns to full health for people who have stopped drinking, a diet based on cereals, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, be it any kind, rich in coarse fiber, helps.

Difficulty in thinking

After a repeated and irreversible addiction to alcohol, people have to endure problems associated with mental confusion.

Sometimes, too much alcohol leads to hallucinations and unclear explanations of powerful thoughts.

How can so many idle people cope with such inconveniences?

The most effective help in this situation can be exercise, diet, intake of other foods, for example, nicotine, malt.

Yoga, massage sessions, fitness and gymnastics, and manual therapy can also help.

Stressful situations

Well, people, it would seem, have finally given up on alcohol; they often experience great inconveniences and fatal misfortunes that may make them want to drink again.

In such situations, we were no longer able to get drunk.

Naturally, in order for the principle of replacement to become true, it is not enough to simply drink straight wine instead of wine, and mineral water instead of a burner.

A whole host of other attributes are important.

  • Thus, it is absolutely not recommended to pour water into glasses for a burner, or into kelikhs for wine.
  • This insignificant trifle creates a picture of a large stale people that is similar to an imitation of drinking alcohol, which is simply unacceptable.
  • There are a number of rules that can be established as a simple example of the behavior of a large feeding person at the hour of bed:

If you are drinking wine in a hurry, you should quickly drink it with a different type of flask or a completely different wine glass, first filling it with a drink that sharply differentiates the wine by its smell, color and relish;

Since the main alcoholic drink on the table is a burner, preferably vikorystvovat as a replacement for licorice, brewing carbonated drinks, poured whatever it is, just not into a glass;

Since those present drink beer from large bottles or wine glasses, the advantage is given by mineral or sweet barless water, which fades directly from the neck of the drink.

Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship

  • The most common shortcut for turning to the lips is the collection of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Members of such organizations provide psychological assistance and themselves provide encouragement to those behind the principle of “jealous-jealous.”
  • Like the leader at the meetings, the Alcoholics Anonymous club can get a church minister, a professional psychologist, a psychotherapist, a narcologist.
  • Regardless of how the therapy is organized, the main principle here is the provision of mutual support from the participants to the club.
  • Almost every club of Alcoholics Anonymous works together with a program that develops from the last hours on the road to the evening of clothing.

The main points of such programs are based on the following:

recognizing oneself as a stale, sick person;

Forget it, you don’t want to injure yourself permanently by blaming yourself for letting your eyes fall.

Many serious alcoholics view such situations from a perspective that allows them to exclude negative aspects from a special clothing program.

At the end

How can you safely quit drinking and be separated from your mouth once again?

Every person knows a powerful, individual way of optimal nutrition.

Chantly, I almost took in the humor and the truly genius affinity: having lived a few years with this people, I managed to quietly drink so that I didn’t notice!

An ideal system can only be called a diversion system because it does not interfere with the search for a replacement for alcohol and does not cause changes in behavioral stereotypes.

To achieve the goal of drinking more alcohol is helped by saying goodbye to the lives of yesterday, the signs of moisture, reconciliation in the absence of achieving more.

All this requires a full awareness of all the advantages of a sober life, as well as an orientation towards a brighter, more successful future, as the world of people enjoys without alcohol.

Getting used to alcoholic drinks is the most complicated task, because you cannot drink it on your own.

The program is based on the fact that the skin group has thirty to fifty deposits.
Most importantly, the Association of Alcoholics Anonymous embraces a large number of alcoholics who remain in remission for a long time.

Another thing is that people are aware of how they are ready to share with each other.

  • The purpose of the sustricha is to comprehend the past peaces of life, to instill spirituality and new goals, to redirect the stale and direct its aspirations in a new, more productive and better direction.
  • To achieve the stated goals, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles:
  • faith is in power;
  • mutual assistance;


faith among those who entrust.

The work is carried out in the form of research, in the meetings they discuss important problems, share information, and give practical benefits.

Supporting friends who themselves suffer from the same problem comes at a high cost - it helps you to stop drinking alcohol more quickly, rather than getting the help of a qualified narcologist.

On the skin, the basic axioms by which all members of the population live are read.

These rules are called “12 rules”, for the obviousness that they have a spiritual warehouse, and there is no need to impose faith on the participants.

The understanding of such people is to understand that hope and faith are needed to correct the peculiarities and change the life of the long-suffering.

The group is completely safe, otherwise they won’t have to sacrifice anything.

Each of the participants himself decides that it is necessary to donate some amount of money to be spent by the partnership: renting an office, buying books, tea and malt for the tea ceremony.

Delayed inodes allow ambiguous messages about the treatment of alcoholism for a specific group.

Some people have seen the success of the program, but they cannot praise it.

Alcoholics Anonymous, with the help of these people, helped them stop drinking alcohol and gain peace of mind and happiness in their future.

Other patients did not want to go to the meeting for the last hour, while others, after an hour, began to form hardness groups at churches.