Regulating the turnover of a penny. Good penny turnover: understanding, structure, principle of organizing the forecast and assessment of the turnover

The process of non-breakdown of penny signs in the ready and non-ready forms is called Financial turnover. Win part of the payment turnover of the country, moreover, pennies, perebouyuyu in circulation, vikonuyut function of payment, accumulation and accumulation.

A penniless turnover is stored around the canals in a pile of pennies, like the stench of collapsing one one to one (moreover, by the most irregular in absolute value flows), for example, between the Central Bank and the commercial banks; mіzh by enterprises and organizations; mіzh banks and enterprises; mіzh banks and populations; mіzh physical persons too.

Issuance of pennies in obig be viewed permanently. Gotіvkovі pennies vipuskayutsya in obіg, if the banks see їх to their clients, for an hour zdіysnennya cash transactions.

Bezgotіvkovі pennies in ob_g vipuskayutsya komerts_ynymi banks, if nadaєtsya posička kliєntu. One hour clients repay the poses and create a ready-to-go bank. As a result, there are a lot of pennies in return.

Під emitting pennies rise to such a release of pennies in obig, which produce up to out-of-town business penny masi, scho at the turnover.

The structure of a penny ob_gu can be characterized by different criteria: by the economical change and by the form of functional pennies.

For the economical wisdom of the surrounding parts of a penny turnover, small spheres penny wins, you can add:

  • for a penny-commodity turnover (penny-rozrakhunkovy), for service workers, for a sale, for a market for products, for a service, for a market for work power;
  • on a penny turnover, tying from payments of a non-commodity nature (penny-credit and penny-financial turnover), service servants market of credit resources, market of priceless papers, foreign exchange market.

With a whole penny, it’s free to move from one part of a penny turnover to the market, depending on the situation, as a result of the law, it’s going to drink and propositions.

Naybіlsh widened є classification of a penny turnover in fallow lands in the form of functional pennies - on gothivkovo-pennyі unprepared.

Got_vkovo-penny turnover - a part of a penny turnover, equal to the sum of all payments that are accepted at the ready-made form for the singing period of an hour, the price of uninterrupted circulation of the ready-made penny signs (banknotes, treasury receipts, exchange coins). Got_vkovo-penny turnover at Russian Federation to be organized by the state from the name of the Central Bank. The whole turnover of the service attendants is the denial of that vitraction of a large part of the pennies

Got_vkovo-penny turnover - Rukh got_vki in spheres ob_gu and vikonannya them functions for payment and cost ob_gu. The price of a penny turnover, equal to the sum of all payments that are valid at the ready-made form for the singing advance of an hour, the price of uninterrupted circulation of the ready-made penny signs (banknotes, treasury receipts, pink coins). The whole turnover of service servants rejects that vitraction of a large part of the pennies' income of the population. In the Russian service, the service provider also has a large part of the state communications of legal entities, especially private companies.

Get ready to be victorious:

- to ensure the circulation of goods and services;

- for payments from viplays to wages, payments prior to it;

- to pay for valuable papers and viplays to income for them;

- for payments to the population for communal servants... The good-money turnover of the Russian Federation is organized by the state in the name of the Central Bank.

Accept and receive a welcome rorakhunkovo-kasovі centri under the territorial main management of the Bank of Russia, which form the basis for the turnover, and bring in the reserve funds. Reserve funds banknotes and coins є a stock of non-penny signs for regulating cash resources.

Got to be issued by the Bank of Russia on the basis of an unconditional permission - a document that gives the right to the Bank of Russia to open a reverse cash register for the collection of reserve funds of banknotes and coins. The whole document is seen by the governing bodies of the Bank of Russia at the border of the Emirates directive, that is, the boundary allowance of pennies for the animal husbandry, established by the Uryad of the Russian Federation.

The important role of the stabilization of pennies in Russia was consolidated by the Bank of Russia on 5 June 1998. Regulations "On the rules of organizing a profitable penny turnover of the Russian Federation", which are not unchanged before the announcement by the territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia, the Russian-cash centers, credit institutions, and other branches of the Russian Federation, including those of the Russian Federation ...

The main principles of organizing a good-for-penny turnover in the Russian Federation, they play at the offensive:

- all enterprises and organizations are guilty of obtaining a receipt from commercial banks (for a sum of money imposed by a service bank);

- banks will install any surplus of preparation for enterprises of various forms of power;

- don’t need to get ready for payment at the enterprises for payment of payments, viplays of social character not more than three days;

- Obig ready to serve as an object of the forecast plan;

- management of a penny amount of money in a centralized order;

- Organization of a cheap and penny turnover of money on the basis of preserving the stiffness, elasticity and economy of penny money. Territorially establish the Bank of Russia to control the robot to establish banks for organizing the ready-made penny turnover, taking into account the order of conducting cash operations and the robot with the preparation of the status up to the designated position.

Robot plan.

Purchase-and-penny turnover …………………………………………………… .3

    Gotіvkovo-penny turnover, yogo witness ………………………… ..3

    Economic change of good-money turnover ……… .3

    Principles of organizing good-money turnover …………… 8

References …………………………………………………………… 13

Theoretical part

Food number 6. Got_vkovo-penny turnover.

    Got_vkovo-penny turnover, yogo witty.

Got_vkovo-penny turnover - the collapse of the sale at the connection with the sale of goods, payment for the value of the services and the payment of new payments. You can get lost in the game. The base for the penny beast є the beast of goods. Variety of forms of variability is the power of the eternal post-ruin. However, developing on the basis of the sale of goods, it is a penny exchange of special features and we will not forgive the repetition of goods. Efforts comrade to implement the implementation of the sphere of interest and coexistence. I don’t lose a penny in the sphere of business, and I know to be victorious for the health of new commodity metamorphoses.

    Economical zm_st of good-money turnover.

A penny, which is in circulation, has three functions: payments, collection and accumulation. I will stop the function of a penny, let it be, that this is a sick man without zupinki. If the stench is time-consuming to pinch its own ruff, the stench is to vikonuyut function of accumulation. Funktsіu mіri partostі pennies, but at a penny turnover, do not be victorious. The full function of a penny was visited before the entrance at a penny obig before the hour of the establishment of the price of comrade. That is why the function of the world is injected only for the need in pennies for a penny turnover, even for the value of a penny turnover. For example, if a person comes to the market, before you buy a product and transfer a penny to the seller, you can bargain, if the price of the goods arises, and if the price of the product comes up, then it will be transferred to the hands of the seller.

Got_vkovo-penny turnover є one of the main warehouse penny turnover, which also includes a free turnover. The main part of a penny turnover is a payment turnover, for a penny it functions as a payment, vikoristovuyutsya on cancellation of borg crops'yazan. Payment turnover is carried out in both ready-to-use and non-payment forms. Part of the non-payment turnover in the payment turnover of reloading (70-80%). Due to the economic processes of the people's government, they will be ahead of the most unprecedented payment turnover.

The banking system is a gateway point for the circulation of ready and unprecedented payments, and the completion of payment costs is a very important function, closely linked to the credit operations carried out by the system. Oscillations of enterprises, private individuals in the process of cash-and-cash servicing without first linking with banks, the prerogative of the very rest of the transformation of Borgs to their customers on a payment card. Bring the rakhunks up to power, cans of cim increase the penny.

Groshova masa є the result of the interaction of two streams. One reason is the issuance of pennies, which means the sale of payment cards through banks of middle economic agents, which require pennies, which are turned into pennies by the employees, but it’s very easy to change the bank accounts in the assets of the banks through the sale. Zazhayuchi for those who let the release of payment cards are more active, lower turnover, penniless masa tendencies to increase. Possible penny turnover - penny mass and obsyag credits - order from the exchange rate є main documents of penny-credit policy.

Got_vka, scho perebuє in the sphere of ob_gu, vikonuє function in the ob_gu of the payment zasobu. A penny at the function of paying vikoristovuyutsya in advance of the process of exchange of goods, and its completion. When selling goods from a credit, they must pay for the repayment of borg crops, which were determined at the time the goods were bought by the buyer. In addition, the acceptance of the function of paying for the payment will be accepted in case of successful changes that are not connected without interchange of goods in the process.

In spheres of money, they function alternately - like for money, like for payment. A penny, rejected for a sold comrade, can be a vicarious seller for repayment of an earlier commercially available loan, or if you have a link with the other non-commodity expenses, you can be a victor to pay for goods. functio n zobu obіgu.

Penny can function in such forms: metal, paper, credit.

In addition, it offers:

      Potentially pennies, if the parity is nominal and real;

      Хні deputy (signs of partostі) - uncommon coins, paper pennies (treasury receipts), credit pennies (promissory notes, banknotes, checks).

In the case of metal waste, they played the role of an extravagant equivalent and played all the functions of a penny. With the development of the capitalistic paperwork, a penny is worth of gold coins. For service of other payments, it is good to buy a coin. A collection of shot pieces is one of the most important pennies, instead of a non-profit (bilon) coin, the nominal partiy of which is replacing the partiality of metal, which can be avenged in ny, and vitraty for a carbuvannya. Every coin is available for purchase, also from alloys (minno-nickel, minno-zinc). The house of a pitoma of a vag in a penny bag is not large. The stench is vypuskayutsya in singing sizes and, as a rule, may interfere with the payment force. The main type of pennies for donations is paperwork signs of partost.

Forward paperwork pennies appeared at China at 1230-1263 rr. About another issue of the asignats zgaduvav Marco Polo in 1286 r. In the second powers, paperwork pennies appeared (from the 17th century). The paperwork appeared in Russia in 1769 and was called asignats.

Poyava paperwork pennies tied with the development of commodity virobnitstva. Metallic waste is dearly costly for the state. In addition, a vid of expensive metals comes from the state’s endowment in a way, and the replacement of metal pennies with paper signs is another type of economy.

The call to be built, for paper pennies - the defenders of new pennies - was established by the state. For the sake of the stench, the process of getting metal pennies has vanished in the world of seeing the nominal change from the real vagi, designated on them.

The appearance of paperwork pennies is zoomed in by the objectival laws of metal processing and the need for turnover from pennies. The state does not end up with paperwork pennies, it’s deprived of the vicorist power and the need for a penny, because of the primus course for securing a penny, as well as scattering its vitrates.

Paper pennies are worthless signs (signs of partiality), over a primus nominal, as you will be impatient to metal and released by the power to cover your vitrates. Historically, the stench has vanished like the signs of gold and silver.

The sense of paperwork pennies is in the one who stink of disagreement, there is no independent partiality. Pose by the process of beating - tse klaptiki paperu. Primusov is the nominal parity (nominal) of paper pennies, which will become a power, having a suspicious significance in the boundaries of the whole country.

The state can quite establish the nominal number of pennies, however, the number of paper pennies in any banknotes is not interchangeable. Alec and end the illusion of the power of the state over a penny target. Having consumed in obіg, the signs of partiality are in accordance with the laws of power, and the fragments of paperwork pennies historically winnished as signs of partiality of gold and silver, then in the basis of їkhnyogo obіgu lie signs of metal obigu. Regardless of the mass of pennies and the nominal of them, the real part of the visa is not to be stamped by the state, but by active minds, the law of partost, the law of pennies.

Oskilki papery pennies are not very powerful, all the stench can independently show the functions of world partos, belongings, svitovy pennies. Smells were hungry for the function of getting paid and for paying. Paper pennies are sometimes used to accumulate functions, or, on practical paper pennies, pennies appear as a fake idol, and are very strong to the point of being unstable. Paper pennies for their nature are nestiyki, oskilki:

        The stench may be overpowering;

        Emіsіya їх tied not only with real needs, but also with growing unproductive, overwhelmed by vіyskovy vitrates;

        It is not just the mechanism of spontaneous regulation of a penny obigu, fragments of paperwork pennies, is the function of belongings.

By a spontaneous reaction, the violation of the law of pennies є pennies. See a number of reasons for the value of paper pennies:

    Over-the-top issue of pennies in obig. Riznitsya between the nominal rate of pennies and vitrates for the eternal life of the state.

    Paper pennies are paid at the time of the loss of the population to the order (the payment is accepted for the nominal).

    With gold monometalism, the passive payment balance of the overworldly one will drink on gold yak for small pennies and money for paper pennies for the value of metal.

    Principles of organizing a good-for-penny turnover

The best-priced turnover of the country is organized according to the principles of singing principles.

Gotivkovo-penny turnover of the country is regulated by the following laws and regulations: Regulations of the Central Bank of Russia dated 5th June 1998. N 14-P "On the rules of organizing the good penny beast of the Russian Federation" (approved by the Central Bank of Russia on the 19th breast, 1997), Federal law from 26 April 1995 p. N 65-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)", as well as the provisions of the Federal Law dated 3 February 1996. N 17-ФЗ "About banks and banking activity", Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law from 21.11.1996 r. № 129-ФЗ "About accounting oblik", Federal law from 22 May 2003 p. No. 54-FZ "On the provision of cash management technology in the event of the validity of the available penny payments and (abo) the outlets for the payment cards validity" and of the latest federal laws and legal acts, of the federal government.

Subject to article 34 of the Federal Law from 10 worm 2002 r. No. 86-FZ "About the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" (the Bank of Russia) with the help of organizing the bill of the Russian Federation of the best penny money, the Bank of Russia is entrusted with the following functions:

    Forecasting and organizing vyrobnitstva, transporting and collecting banknotes and coins to the Bank of Russia, the establishment of їх reserve funds;

    Establishment of the rules for securing, transporting and receiving documents for credit institutions;

    Establishment of a sign of the payment of banknotes and coins to the Bank of Russia, the order of the payment of banknotes and coins to the Bank of Russia, as well as replacement of standard banknotes and coins to the Bank of Russia;

    Viznachennya order of conducting cash operations.

The orderly conduct of cash operations themselves is regulated by the Order of the conduct of cash operations in the Russian Federation, approved for the sake of the directors of the Central Control Laboratory from 22 April 1993 r. No. 40. With this document, it is indicated that the organization of all legal forms can be taken from the banks. For the establishment of a cash register in a ready-made leather industry, the department is guilty of the mother of the cash register and keeping the cash book in the established form.

Admissible control kasova tehnіka bilja Rosіyskoї Federatsії zastosovuєtsya obov'yazkovo vsіma Yurydychna special, їh fіlіyami that іnshimi vіdokremlenimi pіdrozdіlami, i navіt fіzichnim special, zdіysnyuyut pіdpriєmnitsku dіyalnіst without utvorennya yuridichnoї individuals pid hour zdіysnennya gotіvkovih fіnansovih rozrahunkіv pid hour trading operatsіy.

In addition, the Federal Law was issued on May 22, 2003. No. 54-FZ "On the storage of cash control technology in the case of good money supply and (abo) delivery of payment cards"

The procedure for the hardening of the form of forms of suvority cards.

Prior to the blanks of the suvority, which are equal to the cash receipts, receipts, receipts, and other documents are to be issued, which are designated for the creation of the current pennies and (or) the payment of the cards after the registration Forms of blanks are approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the viciousness of the central authorities of the structures of state power, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and procurement organizations, common sub-entities of the business development after the singing.

Documents drawn up on forms, є original regional documents. Organizations and indivdualnye pіdpіnіmtsі lead the field of forms. Forms of the suvor power by the power є about the accounting department.

Vrahoyuchi, scho got_vka, scho to arrange the organization, you can see yak maino, oblik got_vka pennies I will follow the rules of the accounting area, including the documented state operations established by Article 9 of Law No. 129-FZ.

Subject to the provisions of the Law, all state operations, which are carried out by organizing, are guilty of being drawn up in legal documents. Tsі documents є the original regional documents, on the premises of which accounting area... Effort of the primary regional documents to be taken to the oblast, as if the stench is folded in a form, so that they can be found in the albums of the primary regional documentation, or even if they are folded due to the essential requisites.

Subject to the Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia dated 5 June 1998. N 14-P "About the rules of organizing a good-for-money penny on the territory of the Russian Federation":

Organizations, enterprises, establish independently from the organizational and legal form (dal - enterprises) select vilny values ​​in the installations of banks on the latest rakhunks on the contractual minds.

Got_vkovі koshty, so go to the cash registers of enterprises, to install the bank before installing the bank for other money on the rakhunki of the cich enterprises.

The order of that line of preparation is established by the servicing institutions of banks in the skin industry for the weather with these servers, in case of the need for accelerated turnover of pennies and timely reliability until the end of the day.

At the cash desks of enterprises, there may be a collection of money in between the boundaries of the times, which are established by the installation of banks, which are serviced, for the weather with the cores of those of the enterprises.

There is a limit to the surplus of money in the case of establishing banks in accordance with all enterprises, independently of the organizational and legal form of that sphere of activity, as may be the case and good news.

Departments for the weather with service providers їх bank settings can take a penny, go to їkh kasi, on purpose, transferred by federal laws and іnhi legal acts, which is going on in the territory of the Russian Federation, and the normative acts adopted on the last day to the Bank of Russia;

List of literature.

    Groshi. Credit. Banks: Initially-methodical complex. - Novosibirsk: NSUEU, 2009 .-- 132 p.

    Zhuravlyov V.M. Kasovi operations at the butts. - M .: TOV ІІA "Podatok Іnfo", TOV "Status-Quo 97", 2007. - 116 p.

    Bezgotivkovogo penny turnover in the Russian Federation 2.1 Legal basis for the regulation of the penny turnoverі principle yogo organizing Legal framework ...

  1. Organization gothic penny turnover from RF

    Abstract >> Фінанси

    ... . ORGANIZATION APPARATELY-Penny TURNOVER 2.1 Principles organizing gothic penny turnover in Russia Head of the Central Bank at organizing gothic penny turnover- Forget yogo efficiency, elasticity and economy. Tom turnover gotivki ...

  2. Principles organizing that form of free rosters up to (3)

    Abstract >> Фінанси

    Look: 1) bezg_vkovy penny turnoverі principle yogo organizing; 2) the form of unprepared ... gothic penny turnover open the door penny beastly and without penny turnover... Expansion of spheres without turnover ...

  3. Gotivkovo-penny turnover, penny systems

    Robot control >> Financial sciences

    My control robot є " Gotivkovo-penny turnover, yogo organization. Groshova system". Me bulo ... penny income of the population. Gotivkovo-penny turnover organize on the basis of offensive principles: all enterprises that organizing guilty of zberigati gotivka ...

Groshovy obig- There are a lot of pennies in ready and unprepared forms, for servicing the sale of goods, as well as non-commodity payments and payments to the government. A penny turnover will turn up to be ready and unpretentious. Participants in the gothic-penny turnover of the enterprise, organization, establish, independently of the forms of power, bank financial organizations of the population. Received-day turnover- Payments made up by the ready.

Got_vkovo-groshovy obig - the collapse of the got_vka in the sphere of ob_gu and vikonannya them 2 functions: cost to payment and cost to ob_gu. Got_vkovo-penny ruch, come for help new species pennies banknotes, metal coins, credit instruments. Emіsіyu zdіysnyuє CBRF. Winning vipuskuyu gotivku in general and viluchak їkh, as the stench has become obsolete, and also replace pennies for new types of banknotes and coins.

The structure of the current penny turnover of the transferring of up to new penny streams between the sub'ects of the penny turnover or the penny turnover: 1. Between the system of the central bank and the system of commercial banks - the monopoly of the central bank on the issuance of goods in circulation, linking up a cheap turnover in the processes of supplying banks from the side of the central bank and of the central bank. The receipt, issued by the central bank, must be approached either without a median in the operations of commercial banks, or in the case of organizations. 2. Between the commercial banks, between banks and their customers - hunting the sphere of the sale of goods from the customers of the commercial banks and the provision of these customers with the necessary research. The whole turnover will be secured by the servants and servants by the penny incomes of the population. The population is also vikoristovuyu for vzaєmorozrakhuniv, ale more part of it, utility payments, I will buy good goods and pay for additional paid services, buy valuable papers, pay fines only. 3. Between organizations and populations - realizing cash services to the population through banks and organizations. The cost-effective turnover between organizations is insignificant, although there are a lot of projects to be considered without a cost-effective way. For dermal organization, there is a surplus of readiness in cash, and a penny, which will change the cost, due to the building in a commercial bank, which will provide services to the organization. A part of the sale, which is at the cash offices of the organizations, is victorious for the services of the out-of-pocket workers, and a little more will be transferred to the population as small incomes.

4. If you are surrounded by giants - there will be an hour for payment, if payment is received at the sight of a simple transfer of a penny token to the receipt of payment. At the same time for two sides please do not need technical items... It is also not necessary to use a third party to remove the right to submit the right to the right. The payment can be inaccurately acquired.

Got_vkovo-penny turnover to be repaired at the cash-flow centers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Got_vka is transferred from the reserve funds to the werewolf boxes, so the stench itself comes into obig. From the turnover cash registers of the RCC, we are ready to go to the operational cash registers of the commercial banks. Clients - legal and physical persons - are more likely to see them. A part of the sale, which is at the cash desks of enterprises, is victorious for distributions from-for them, but more will be transferred to the population as of the other kinds of penny incomes. The population is also vikoristovuyu got_vku for vzaєmorozrahunіv, but a lot of them are asked for payment of taxes, funds, insurance payments toshо. Such a rank, pennies, must be taken either before the operational cashier banks, or even before the cash registers of enterprises and organizations. A good-for-money turnover in Russia is organized according to the principles of the offensive principles: all enterprises and organizations guilty of taking possession of the goods (at the expense of a part established by the limite) from commercial banks; banks will install any surplus of preparation for enterprises with more forms of power; obig ready to serve as an object of the forecast plan; management of a penny volume to maintain a centralized order; meta got_vkovo-den to turnover - to preserve the efficiency, elasticity and economy of the denomination; The reception of the enterprise can be deprived of the servicemen їх establishments of the banks.

Got_vkovo-penny turnover - the price of payments for the singing period of the hour, which is displayed as a preparation for the purpose, as well as for the payment.

Sphere vicoristannya gotivka Basically, the population is tied with incomes and includes:

  • rozrakhunki population with enterprises distribution trade that huge food;
  • that payment of pennies;
  • deposit of pennies to the population at the deposit and withdrawal of pennies from the bank;
  • payment of pensions, additional assistance, scholarships, insurance benefits;
  • the issuance of a loan by credit institutions;
  • payment of valuable paperwork and payment of income for them;
  • communal payments, payment of taxes to the population from the budget.

In such a rank, the idea is to be victorious for the circulation of goods and services, for services that are not tied together with goods and services. Got-penny money can be found with additional types of finances:, metal coins, other credit instruments (, bank bills, credit cards). The emissia of acceptance is welcome, as a rule, the central banks, in the outskirts of the country, the treasury. Between enterprises and organizations, the out-of-the-box rule, gothivkovo-penny turnover is insignificant.

In the provinces from the developed market economy and the part of the outlets, the total payment turnover will become 3-8%. Tse reach by way of transferring the salary to the bank rakhunki. IN THE USA salary I will get rid of less than 1% of the population, in England - up to 10%, in Canada - 5%. All the residents of the population, for the comrade and servants, ask for additional checks and new payment cards.

The sphere of the favorable turnover of Russia is unreasonably wide. If I won 1/4 on the cob of Rinkov reforms, now I will surpass 40%.

Main the reasons for the expansion of the sold-penny turnover:

  • economical crisis;
  • crisis of getting ready;
  • crisis of non-payments;
  • trust of rosrahunks;
  • insufficiently organized system of middle banks;
  • with the speed of arrival with the method of unifying taxes and expanding the available payments for between banks.

Rizke the expansion of the turnover of money to the growth of the vitrates of the turnover, replacing the old banknotes with new ones, before the appearance of the "black hit", the shortage of tax payments. The results are deficiency, financial instability. If there is a penny turnover passing for bank rakhunks, then the central bank of mav bi has more opportunities for yogo vrahovuvati, regulation and mati I'll give you more information about the economy of the economy, Tse would not allow the expansion of the economy. Non-insurance ready turnover is most often transferred to foreign currency, and the price of payment from the state is expanded to the process of getting for viplays from the budget.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation reports the regulations of the rules of the victorious preparation of the country. At the same time, a different order of development has been established for the participation of the population, in the form of a link of ready payments from the development of business. Assigned rozrakhunki go to the unreported order. Individuals, who do not engage in practical activity, are welcome to develop them in a suitable or non-compliant manner. According to the decent order of organizing the readiness-penny turnover for the skin industry, there is a surplus of readiness in their cash registers, and all the pennies, which are supposed to be transferred, are guilty of the bank. For the presence of a number of rakhunkiv at the small banks, the enterprise on its own investigation goes up to one of them with a rosary to establish a limit of surplus stock in the bank. Before the hour of the conversion of the bank’s enterprise, it’s going to be a bit of a limitation. According to the company, it didn’t provide any financial support from the bank, it didn’t take too much cash, and it wasn’t given enough money.

The issuance of documents to enterprises from the bank is carried out for the current supply to the bank. To secure the free health of the viplat by the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, set the minimum amount of the minimum allowable surplus for the bank for the bank at the operational service for the day.

Prior to the transition to bank accounts, the turnover is planned and regulated on the basis of the balance of penny incomes and the vitrate of the population and on the basis of the cash plan of the Derzhbank. For the rest of the number of plans, the problem of imbalance of pennies and commodities, food about the size of the economy, and pennies from obigu has appeared. Emіsіya is small directive in nature. With the transition to rinkovyh vіdnosin plans, the emisії ceased to be directive. The forecast for the balance of penny incomes and vitrates will help the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to increase the amount of money for the population, predict the structure of the living conditions. As the balance reaches the population, it means that it’s worth a penny in the hands of the population. And here for the cash service of the customers, a penny is needed.

The main statistics of income of the population in the whole balance: payment of labor, pensions, additional assistance, scholarships, income from the government business activities... The annual income from the payment of the right amount of income due to the change in power. Payments do not transfer 50% of the population's income.

Vitrati population - buying goods and services (2/3), binding payments and deposits (10%), buying currency (20%). There is a growing number of pennies in the population, which has gone down sharply, as it has accumulated from valuable paperwork and contributions. Z 1991 p. Russia has forecasts of cash turnover, so it is rooted in the validity of the reality at the value of the cheap money in circulation. The stench is consumed with the mark of viznachennya consumer in the best pennies in the whole in Russia, in the regions and banks. Predictions of cash turnover represent obsyag, dzherela nadkhodzhen getting to banks, size it directly from the viewpoint and by resolution - the amount of money for pennies. Rozrakhunks are stored in banks on a quarterly basis with a monthly fee and will be sent to the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation two months before the ear quarter. The RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, three days before the ear of the quarter, will display the turnover figures for the whole region as soon as the receipts arrive at the banks.

In the previous part of the cash register turnover, it appears: the trade of the virus, the virus of the transport enterprises, the virus of the branch service enterprises and the types of food, the rent and the communal payments, the supply of money for the sale of foreign currency for the sale of the virus Vidatkov_y parts are seen: payment of work, pensions, additional assistance, delivery of goods from the purchase of agricultural products, state vitrati.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is to switch to market forecasting methods, with respect to the establishment of a refinance rate, a change in the rates of payments, a set of rules for binding reserves, and a set of costs for penny units. The main way to regulate the deadline is more operation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the market. At the end of the day, a complex system for regulating the turnover of a penny is vivid.

The emissia of pennies for transferring a penny for rakhunok such dzherel:

  • lending to commercial banks:
  • lending to the state:
  • increase of gold and foreign exchange reserves

For the first one, the emissia will take care of bills and bills, for the other - for the sovereign oblasts and goiters, for the third - it’s not safe, there’s some gold and currency for those who are safe.

The security of banknotes should be served by the assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, moreover, the Bank of Russia established the procedure for conducting cash transactions, established the rules for the transportation, collection, and cash flow, the form of the mechanism for closing reserve funds of banknotes and replacing coins, and the starting procedure. The functions of cash regulation of pennies are deposited on the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which are organized at the head territorial administrations of the Bank of Russia, and the reserve funds of pennies and coins are established. The stench of the necessary safety of the money, the regulation of the purchase structure of the penny mass, replace the single banknotes and the economy of vitrates for transportation.

In addition, in the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, werewolves have been installed, which can take and see a penny during a working day. The surplus of pennies in the case is limitutsya, the surplus is transferred to the reserve fund. Cash service of commercial banks in a warehouse on a contractual basis. The issuance of pennies, the receipt of extra pennies, the cashier of the service providers to see through the views of their operations for the correspondent bank accounts and the other legal entities.

Emіsіya gotіvki- The price of the release of pennies into circulation, when there is an increase in the amount of money in circulation. The assessment of the economy at the command economy was strictly regulated by the state, for the market economy there was a method of forecasting the economy. Emirates operations (operations with a release and a penny for money), go to:

  • the central bank (emitting bank), which claims to have a monopoly right to issue bank receipts (banknotes), so that I can change a part of the received penny money;
  • treasury (sovereign visonautic organ), as well as vouchers for paper money-penny signs (treasury receipts and coins, prepared from cheap types of metal, on those in the pristine lands of the fall, it is close to 10% of the off-the-shelf vouchers).

The state is alive when it comes to regulating the process of virobniting, vikoristovuyu lending and penny systems for weakening the cyclical cycle of economic processes. In Bagatykh lands in the past, there is a lot of strengthening of the inflationary process, such a method of stabilization of the economy, yak targeting- the establishment of central banks with the aim of regulating the growth of pennies in exchange for and credit, such as a small number of central banks. Oskilka penny perebryaє for the flow of growing economical officials, and why not lay off an increase in the amount of pennies, a lot of the country, and a lot of money was seen in the target aggregation of pennies. On the basis of the targeting є the establishment of a straight line between the money and the money. An important moment, which infuses the efficiency of regulating the dynamics of a penny mass with the help of additional operating systems;

The organization of the ready-made-penny turnover

The organization of the ready-made-penny turnover is understandable from the butt of the Russian Federation.

Russia has gotten-penny turnover of regulations "Regulations on the rules of organizing a cheap penny beast of the Russian Federation", approved by the Bank of Russia - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Central Bank of the Russian Federation). Provisions will be binding until the approval of the territorial institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, rorakhunkovo-cash centers (RCC), credit institutions and other branches, including the establishment of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, and to the authorities that are accepted (by the instructions of the Russian Federation)

As far as the position of all enterprises is concerned, the organizational and legal formations are taken into account in the settings of banks at the latest rakhunks at the negotiated minds.

Got_vkovі koshty, so go to the cash registers of enterprises, to install the bank before installing the bank for other money on the rakhunki of the cich enterprises.

It’s worthwhile to be issued by the enterprises without prior to the cash register, the banks have been installed, either through the joint cash registers at the enterprises, as well as by the enterprises of the State Committee of the Russian Federation with the help of the Russian Federation for the transfer of information

Upon receipt of the approval of the establishment of banks from enterprises, in order to be serviced in the order established by the "Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash operations and rules for securing, transporting and transporting Russian banknotes and coins of the Russian Federation Bank in credit fierce 2010 r. No. 2405-U). The order of that line of preparation is established by the servicing institutions of banks in the skin industry for the weather with these servers, in case of the need for accelerated turnover of pennies and timely reliability until the end of the day. The terms of production are transferred by the enterprises of the production, as a rule, by those of the day.

The request, taken from physical persons for the payment of taxes, insurance and other payments, shall be created by the administrators and the collection of payments without any middle prior to the establishment of the bank or the transfer through the State Committee of the Russian Federation.

Limitations of the trip, which are available at the cash desks of the enterprises of the day, are set up by the banks, which service providers, for the weather with the kernels of the cich enterprises. At the same time, the specifics of the activity of the enterprise. Limit cash for ordering a bank can prevent a normal business from the early days of the coming day, it can start in the middle of the middle-day Vitorg got it, etc. The issuance of documents to enterprises by banks is carried out, as a rule, for the current supply of funds to the credit institutions.

Similarly, the receipt is regulated in credit institutions, which are serviced by cash-and-cash centers (RCC).

In order to secure free loans from credit institutions, the Bank of Russia will set up the Bank of Russia for the deposits of the landowners, and for those who are authorized by the RCC, the Bank of Russia will establish a day for the skin credit organization.

The establishment of the werewolf cash register processors and cash centers and the decision to go forward prior to the "Instructions for the cash-flow robots in the Bank of Russia" ed. orders of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2010. No. 2405-U.

An easy-to-understand scheme of the Russian Federation's turnover-and-penny (Fig. 2.1).

Small. 2.1. Scheme of gotivkovo-penny turnover in Russia

Main Lanka of Gotivka-penny turnover

With a cob pulse, a start of the mechanism of production, a directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the development of cash and cash centers. It is a good idea to transfer from the reserve funds to the circulating cash registers of the RCC. І in such a rank to come to obіgu. The third cash registers of the RCC are ready to go to the operational cash registers of credit facilities (commercial banks). A part of the pennies will be provided to servants of the local bank, some are to be directed by loans to other banks, and some are more likely to be seen by legal and physical persons who will be serviced by a commercial bank.

A part of the sale, which at the cash offices of organizations, enterprises, is established, is victorious for jobs outside of them, but more will be transferred to the population as penny incomes (wages, pensions, help and assistance).

The population of Vikoristovuyu to get for vzaєmorozrakhunivka, but a lot of it goes to pay taxes, rent and utility bills, buy goods and pay for services, insurance payments, rent payments and others.

As a matter of fact, a penny from the population comes to the cash desk of the trade enterprise, the State Service of the Russian Federation, as well as the enterprises that provide services to the population, or even in the middle of the operations of the commercial banks.

Forecast and estimate of the turnover

For vysnachnya obsyagu, dzherel the need to get ready to the cashier, set the bank and directly in the views, and to find the vypusk of the viluchennya from the beast in the regions, regions, republics and the back of the Russian Federation quarters.

For the purpose of making a request, the prospect should make forecasts for the turnover of the necessary needs for the case of the receipt and the receipt of the receipt from the dynamic ranks.

Rozrakhunkih ochіkuvannyh nhodzhennyh readings to cash credit institutions (commercial banks) and їх types are stored every quarter with a monthly delivery. Cash collection bags from the arrival of that vitrati will be displayed by the RCC, near the open credit organization, 14 days before the ear of the forecasted quarter.

Rosrakhunkovo-cash centers to make forecasts of cash turnovers for the arrival, vitrate and the overall result in the whole on credit institutions, to be serviced, on the basis of the analysis of turnovers, on the basis of the analysis of turnovers, to pass through these cash registers, and on the basis of new loans. Rozrakhunki go around the quarter with a monthly fee, and 7 days before the new quarter, the territory of the Bank of Russia will be installed. The price is necessary for predictive development projects and conducting, in case of consumption, a few pennies, with the help of werewolves' registration of the RCC.

For the purpose of determining the well-to-do money in turnover and for the consumption of enterprises from the current territory, set the Bank of Russia to prepare forecasts of cash turnover in the region, the edge, republics for the requirements of the banks in order to establish the needs of the banks. The robot is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the prospects for the social and economic development of the region, the last tributes about the cash turnover for the previous period, as well as the information about the turnover from the RCC and the bank about the forecasts of the turnover of the preparation and the economic result.

Forecasting the results of the financial dispatch of the territory set the Bank of Russia to the extent of the distribution of entries for the organization of the cheap turnover in the region, and it takes an hour to put the plans for the delivery of goods to the reserve centers.

Territorially set the Bank of Russia around the quarter to analyze the standard of the most favorable penny turnover in the regions.

About the analysis є: tendencies, which are stored in a ready-made penny turnover of this structure; dzherela reliable receipt before cash-set-up of banks and direction of all types of cash-set banks; the speed of the turnover of the receipt before the cash-in-place of the bank; changes and tendencies in the economy; change to the index of living prices; the state of the art of development of non-compliant projects and legal entities physical persons; rіven іnkasatsії gotіvkovoі penny viruchka (especially trade), scho to settle in the sphere of the living market. Vivchaєte territorial distribution of pennies for sale, the reason for the growth of emisії (fast viluchennya) gotіvka; non-pockets of mobility by the institutions of banks of internal cash resources to satisfy the needs of enterprises from customers; the results of the bank control over the control of enterprises, the order of conducting cash operations and robots; how to see changes in the direct vicinity of the penny incomes of the population and dzherelakh їkh formulated; country vitrachnya legal persons want to pay for salary and viplatio social character; the reasons for the approval of the stitching of the foreign trade for the wages and pensions.

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