Image of the master from the novel master and margariti. Tvir “Image of the Maistra. Where's the kohannya?

On the sidelines of the novel “The Meister and Margarita,” the author shows the moral aspects of marriage in the present era and in the distant past. People have always focused on “what is truth” and “what are the moral criteria.” Great thinkers and philosophers did not come up with a clear answer, but Mikhailo Bulgakov tried to solve this problem in his work.

The main characters of the novel

The author introduces two storylines: the events take place in Moscow in the 1930s and in Yershala two thousand years ago. The book has a central point: you write a novel about Pontius Pilate, burn him, and then end up in a psychiatric hospital. Later the author of an anti-religious story about Jesus Christ is placed there. Another sings to the doctors that Woland, Satan himself, has appeared in Moscow, and you can’t believe the stink and make a diagnosis. Margarita checks on the master, as for the sake of his order she signs a contract with dark forces. Woland presents her as a queen at the ball, which is what the woman is good for.

In Yershala, the Jewish procurator submits to the will of Caesar, suffering the innocent Yeshua Ha-Nozri. Over the years, the hegemon has suffered for his family and suffered for a long time. In the remaining sections of the novel “The Maister and Margarita,” the image of the Maister plays an important role in the role of Pontius Pilate: he releases him, and he himself regains happiness with his wife.

The Russian capital is visited by the black magician Woland with the cat Behemoth, the demon Azazello, the elder Koroviy and the witch Gella. The fatal lantzug begins with Woland talking with Mikhail Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny, as if they were to purely feel the birth of Jesus Christ. Satan conveys death to Berlioz - he crosses the tram, and in the evening this terrible event appears. Woland settles down at his apartment and begins to prepare for the dark ball, and before it there is a dark magic session for Muscovites. Margarita signs a contract with Satan and becomes the queen of cleanliness.

In Yershala, for the order of Caesar, they follow Yeshua Ha-Nozri, and only the Jewish procurator can follow. There is no fear for anyone, for which you will suffer eternal torment: for many thousands of months, you will sit with the dog Banga and talk about your affairs, and only the Master will judge you in what nci novel.

The book has a problem

For centuries, people have struggled with morality and morality. The image of Margarita in the novel “The Meister and Margarita” demonstrates a different type of action. She is ready to give up everything for the sake of truth and love.

Often people take away their benefits through deception, hypocrisy, violence, evil, nonsense, and then, being afraid to waste them, go back to the plot again. Pontius Pilate did not want to sacrifice his place and status, for which he would be condemned to eternal torment.

Mikhailo Bulgakov presents positive and negative images to the novel “The Master and Margarita”, to show that without a moral sense a person cannot be happy. There are no people in the world without sins, but those who, having repented, can absolve themselves of their wrongdoing. For Pontius Pilate, his forgiveness was due to freedom, having bestowed upon him the Maister.

Image of Yeshua

The Maister and Margarita are the positive heroes of the novel, who resemble the prototype of Jesus Christ. In the Yershalaim chapters, Bulgakov presents the image of the hegemon with the same marriage of the preacher Ha-Nosri. Yeshua is encouraged to hear the truth, for which he will be condemned to death. At the same time, the inhabitants of Rome believed that the hour would come if there were no greedy rule and violence. Isn’t it wrong to say that in these words there is warehouse evil, for how to save life?

Yeshua is nice to Pontius Pilate, but he wants to betray him, but he is afraid of risking his peaceful life. He is faced with a dilemma: should he strafe or should he go against his conscience? Should he have mercy or should he waste his power? The hegemon chooses first: he only looks as formidable as a lion; In truth, no one has a fearful, fearful hare’s heart.

Image of Pontius Pilate

A share of the inhabitants of Rome is in the hands of the Jewish procurator. One historical passage says that Pilate bears responsibility for unhealed punishment, executed without trial. Such cruelty was manifested through the fear of losing one’s status. Those close to you follow a similar procedure. On the pages of the Yershalaim chapters, Mikhail Bulgakov miraculously demonstrates this typical characteristic of images.

"The Meister and Margarita" is a novel of deep philosophical significance. The author proves that the most terrible dashing person can become a righteous person. Pontius Pilate acknowledges his greedy mercy: such an honest person as Yeshua is not guilty of wasting life. The hegemon comes to the forefront about fear: “This is the worst thing.” The author introduces the image of Maistra and Margarita to show that not all people are so fearful - many are not afraid of punishment and go to extreme lengths in their morality. For his pardon, the procurator sentenced him to immortality, and that would probably result in more punishment.

Maister ta Margarita: image of the Maister

The author does not give the name of the main character of his novel; Radian Russia had plenty of such examples. The writers of this era can be compared to living mummies: they write only those who listen to the public, and do not pretend to have original ideas. The novel about Pontius Pilate is believed to be due to the fact that in anti-religious Russia this topic has lost its relevance. The great idea for which the Master, sacrificing his goodness, is deprived of light, and the author burns his child in the process.

Woland is about to write his novel and says: “Don’t burn the manuscript!” In the book "The Maister and Margarita" the image of the Maister echoes the life of Mikhail Bulgakov himself. The young writer burned the blackboard of his novel on Christian themes, earning no recognition from critics throughout his life, and barely a decade later he began to make his mark among the public.

Image of Margariti

It is moral for people to work hard for the sake of their family and loved ones, without fear of death. Humanity knows wives who are respectful of their men behind their affairs. This was the main heroine. The image of Margarita in the novel “Mister and Margarita” is different from others: she is young, beautiful, she was the retinue of even the great Fachian, and she enjoyed luxury. Vona did not know happiness until her meeting with Maistrom.

In her family, Margarita is willing to sprout from Satan himself. Woland appears in Moscow to test the main characters of the novel, reward them for their loyalty and love, and punish liars and citizens. He has visited Moscow more than once, and during his time a lot has changed: architecture, clothing, lifestyle, but not just the people themselves. In the novel "The Meister and Margarita" the images of the Muscovite heroes are presented as greedy and cruel. It’s not surprising that Woland chooses Margarita as the queen of his dark ball - honestly a woman with a great heart to love. For all the positive qualities of Margarita, she is rewarded - she will again connect with Maistrom. For the sake of the wife, the woman is ready to undergo the most important tests, having experienced how she will experience her happiness.

Dark honor

In the novel "The Meister and Margarita" the image of Woland is distant from the real Satan, about whom terrible legends have developed over the course of many fates. She looks like a person who, according to her conscience, chooses her clothes. Woland united Margarita with her khan Maistre, punished the immoral Muscovites, showed how to free Pontius Pilate, and finally quietly disappeared. Almighty Satan has the worst of human viciousness, which cannot be said about the Jewish procurator. The author presents Woland and the hegemon with the image of Maistra and Margarita: the road to heaven is closed to them, but the stench itself in the novel is honest, honest, and the smut - the stench has lost its allegiance to one another, having gone through impersonal moral trials.

The novel “Meister ta Margarita” is the apogee of Mikhail Bulgakov’s creativity. The skin row of the book has a problem that is typical for Radyansk Russia in the 30s. Let's talk about the tragedy of the writer. Who is this scribe? Among the most important people, there is a need to speak freely what is on your mind. In another way, he is no longer a writer, but a scribbler who has lost his individuality.

One of the main characters of “Maistra ta Margheriti” is a true writer. Please do not write to the representatives of MASSOLIT. What is more important to them? First of all, the material side of nutrition. For example, I sings in the marriage with Maistrom. The homeless man learned from the one who writes filthy verses in no way at all. And Meister? No, he’s not like that. In order to develop the theme of God, Meister is working on a novel about Pontius Pilate.

Of course, as a talented person, the Master dreams about recognition, about popularity, and about the blessings of life. But everything is different. In the novel, no one has ever called Maister by name, because he is a genius who wrote an amazing book. Meister lives in a small apartment, as there is a hut near the basement. Ale vin doesn’t worry about this, he even manages everything in his life, and the kohan’s wife helps him in everything.

The master wants to be recognized by the camaraderie of cowards and hypocrites. And someone has a tragedy. Scientists are encouraged to revive the novel, just as literary critics began to publish one article after another, which tore the manuscript to pieces. The master fell into disrepair. Being in the throes of depression, he burned a novel to which he dedicated his entire life, believing that through this book misfortunes had befallen him. The remaining drop was the article by Latunsky’s criticism. Meister goes to a psychiatric clinic.

M. Bulgakov, in his work, showed the tragic fate that was destined for all writers who worked in the thirties of the twentieth century. Tim, who was inspired to write behind the template, blocked the road. Quite a few writers who dared to speak their thoughts out loud were admitted to psychiatric clinics or suffered from pitiful, evil suffering. The novel “The Meister and Margarita” reflects the real state of Russian literature at this time.

Perhaps, Bulgakov write about himself? Perhaps he himself is the prototype of the Master? Both Maister and Bulgakov raise the same problems in their works - the problems of Christianity. Offended, having lost their minds, they throw the sense of their entire life at the waste. The critics took no offense to the book. And even after the death of Bulgakov, the literary community called “Maistra and Margarita” the most brilliant creation of world culture. Woland turns his master's novel. The words “Do not burn the manuscripts!” became prophetic. A brilliant creation may be forgotten. The mystery of becoming poor is impossible.

M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

The problem of creativity in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov

"Meister and Margarita"

The novel “The Meister and Margarita” was published after the death of the author, and without cuts in our country, Viyshov, only in 1973. Apparently, the remaining inserts in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov dictated the squads in the cruel fate of 1940, three years before his death. The author himself defined the genre as a “fantasy novel.”

And for nearly a decade now we haven’t smelled the super-spirits of this extraordinary creation. The novel amazed everyone with its form. She bewitched and captivated. The Gospel story from Yeshua has mixed up all the cards. Such a veil has hung between the worthless reality, which gives room for an anecdote, and the great strangers, where the monthly cycle leads obliquely, which rests on the sky.

This remaining spirit of Bulgakov declines in other novels, time, in "The White Guard", food about light and tranquility, the theme of everyday life, the connection between a private person and history, the connection between heaven and earth and the theme of creativity . The problem of creativity is one of the most pressing in “Mister and Margherita”. Regardless of the importance of other problems, let’s try to see this as one of the most important ones.

The novel opens with an epigraph from Goethe's Faust. This epigraph suggests an eternal plot, but it also hints at a similar plot in literature. Nemov introduces the theme of calm and everyday life, history and fate, the main ones for the “White Guard”, before the novel “The Meister and Margarita” the theme of mysticism enters.

At the end of the grass, Woland arrives in Moscow with his “revision”. At this very hour, at sunset on Wednesday, a few days before the Orthodox Holy Day, two people were walking on the boulevards near the Patriarchal Headquarters - Mikhailo Oleksandrovich Berlioz, the head of the writing organization Massolit, and the singer Ivan Mikolayovich Ponirev, who writes under the pseudonym Ivan Bezdomny.

The homeless man wrote about Christ - obviously, anti-religion. Having learned from Berlioz, who currently holds the post of editor. The poem did not turn out quite the way the editor wanted it to. Jesus in the image of the folk poet of the Viyshov “Well, as if alive.” Here's a little detail: one hero is a master, who will appear later, writing a novel about Pontius Pilate and about Yeshua (one of the names of Christ), the other is about Christ. For now, the stench is millions of miles away, which contributes to culture and agitation. Ale Jesus still leaves Ivan Bezdomny alive. On the fact that the hero, having come to life, converges, perhaps, both the master and Woland (to talk about this without pretension), and Ivan Bezdomny, who did not lend his pen to Berlioz.

Moscow, their natives are the authors and associated masculurists. One of them is Mikhailo Berlioz, the head of the ruling MASSOLIT, which stands for “mass literature and literature for the masses.” Unhappy Berlioz suffered under the wheels of the tram with ill will, like the devil, and Annushka, who spilled oil on the tram slats; This is part of this “mass”, which is how the autonomic Berlioz forges his mysticism.

The hero of the novel's title appears here in the middle of the first part. In the description of the appearance of the raptom, it is clear that the author himself recalls the novel: “shinned, dark-haired, with a gossamer nose... a man of about thirty-eight.” The same can be said about the entire history of the life of the master, whose share, in which one can guess the significance of the special one suffered by the author.

Maister writes a novel “not about those at all” and comes out of it in the literary world. They didn’t stop writing the novel; instead, different statistics appeared. The fear that is tormented, the master burns his novel. Following the denunciation of Aloysius Mogarich, the master was arrested for storing illegal literature, and when he was released, he himself was sent to a psychiatric hospital. “Oh, how I guessed right!” - the master says when Ivan Bezdomny informs him at the chamber about the share in the Patriarchal rates. Here he calls the name of Woland, who is now recommended as Woland more than Stepan Likhodeev. Like a novel within a novel, connected with the life of the master in Moscow and the unexpected benefits of the “evil spirits” in this place, the same is created by the master, who already knows everything about his lot. Three positions stand close together: Bulgakov, Yeshua, Master. Creating a hero as an author is not easy.

Maister for Bulgakov is more of a writer. Master Bulgakov to serve the greatest spiritual treasure, in addition to that idle life of mysticism, which is led by writers at the tables of “Griboyedov” or in the corridors of MASSOLIT. The master does not push, he is internally independent. Like Yeshua, the master takes pleasure in the suffering of others. Even though Bulgakov’s hero does not subscribe to the idea of ​​forgiveness. Vin bears little resemblance to a passion-bearer, a Christian, a righteous man.

The master has survived the unknown, re-examined in the literary middle, he cannot come to terms and defeat his enemies. No, I’m not being mean. Here you understand very well the difference between fear and fear. Fearfulness is fear multiplied by meanness. Bulgakov's hero did not compromise his conscience or honor. Fear destroys the soul of an artist.

The Gospel story is artistically covered by the master. In the sections about Yeshua, you gain freedom, artistic freedom. Mystery in its meticulousness hits the mark. This is where the master flows into the land of wonders. Scenes of the martyrdom, Pilate's palace, a white cloak with a crooked lining - farbi blind. This is how you marvel at Karl Bryullov’s painting “The Last Day of Pompeii”: you are overwhelmed by the beauty of the body, the light and the darkness, rising with the knowledge of what a place it is. The scenes of suffering at the crossroads have a richness and lack of simplicity that suits the moment.

Can we say that this is pure mysticism? No. Tse is the master, who conveys his reference to the novel. Kazka? We are running out of blood, but we are not afraid. Ale kazka kaztsi riznitsya. Those that Bulgakov paints are the Moscow of the thirties, the “tour” of Pan Woland and the companies that the master saw - great action. Here you mix fairy tales and non-Kazakhs, a mixture. The master is trying to get in touch with the girl. Those who in “The White Guard” were in the dreams of the heroes or in the deepest truth from themselves, are here in the square. At the theater, finally, Yeshua, along with other actors, came out to bow to the spectators. The director mistakes Yeshua for an actor.

The writing of the novel, the legend about the novel, the knowledge of the novel and its renewal occupy the minds of the heroes of the novel and its creator.

Having learned about the death of Berlioz, the master does not scold about him, he only scolds about those that such a fate did not touch the brass and others. The element of revenge is panning, wanting mercy, like Woland, he climbs out of the cracks. Chort here is not the fuck here, but the fallen angel, Yaki Znova vid. The Angel, shouting with Chorny's ravish, call the rahins with the tim, who was closing the Stravinsky Maystra at Klinik, hto, who put it on the cholіth of Berlioza. Two singers are sung at the divine little booths, and Ryukhin sings to angrily cheer up Pushkin. The all-powerful masters of masculinity (Lichodians, Brass, Romans, Berliozians) are in favor of their own. This is no longer the Last Judgment, but the last judgment, the judgment of mysticism over life, the payment of mystery. The idea of ​​MASSOLIT recognizes accidents. This occurs at a session of black magic, where one begins to develop mysticism for the masses, and at the end of the session, like the rituals of the theater, appears to be weakened.

The gap between the mass and the master is obvious. Annushka is as close to the master’s works as she is to the works created under Berlioz’s wing.

This is the place, the master's novel, and the very mystique of the building to meet the viewer and the reader. This place is Ivan Bezdomny and his share.

At the age of six months, Ivan Ponirev sleeps in his room with happy faces, Ale of your happiness is guarded by a sharp syringe

“Mystery is immortal,” Bulgakov asserted at the White Guard. So, mysticism is immortal, says the master, so, “do not burn the manuscripts.” I master ide. He does not waste “the world”, Yeshua sees for him a special share, rewarding him with “peace”, which the master knew so little from life.

What a terrible sight this is, and what a merciless payment! Bulgakov’s hand punishes the crooked master, but it does not harm the master himself. What's in store for this new life? The novel has a cruel phrase: “It doesn’t happen so that everything becomes as it was.” The master is fussing. There is nothing more to write about. Bulgakov finishes his novel with a dying hand and, it seems, doubts the power of the mysticism that is reviving. You must believe in Ivanka and be afraid for him. You should learn from your share of the master's repeated share. Just as in the scene on the Vorobyovy Hills, the reader seems to crave grief and pain in the novel. The novel again becomes sensitive to the point of pain, with an element of laughter and a play of mysticism. Suffering does not burn in the fire, just as manuscripts do not burn.

Bulgakov’s novel is a master’s novel, which has a very good understanding and has sensed another master, its hero – his share, his writing selfhood.

A educational plan (as needed, but the text does not entirely follow the plan; a plan for a guide for readers, for a group working on a novel).... Pilate and about Yeshua are also not inventions, but “guessing”. This is confirmed by Woland, who was especially present at the hour described in the manuscript. Father, Meister is writing in his basement on Arbat. Margarita helps you, encourages you, and prevents you from slurring. The novel, which has not yet been completed, has all of their life laid out, for the sake of the new one. Margarita's manuscript should be left to no lesser peace, lower Master, folding...

And I feel both valuable and light. The novel contrasts sharply with the calmness of Judith of Cariath and Aloysius Mogarich, who is always destined for the death and suffering of people. The reality of the first part is the fantasy of the other. The novel “The Meister and Margarita” is clearly divided into two parts. The connection with them and the edge with them is chronological. Part of the novel is realistic, regardless of obvious fantasy.

Lyrics: “Song about the Falcon”, Song about the Stormbird”, “Legend about Danko”) 2. Artistic interpretation of the categories of freedom and unfreedom in the novel by M.A. A. Bulgakov.

The writing of the novel “The Meister and Margarita” by M. A. Bulgakov added twelve fates to his life and contributed a lot of work. Regardless of the mystical nature of the plot, the author raises in this work closely related to everyday problems, for example, the problem of creativity and the place of a writer in marriage.

Looking at the way of Maistra, it is impossible to ignore the fact that in his image Bulgakov himself represented the becoming of the creator during the first half of the twentieth century. The characterization of Maistra, given in the novel by the author, even differs from the standard figures prevailing among writers at that time. Having condemned and harshly criticized the first published chapters of the novel about Pontius Pilate, the Maister did not accept his writing, but instead continued, writing against the system and not paying attention to the ingenuity of literary brilliance.

The master needed to convey his thoughts to the reader, and not get a positive assessment of his creativity from critics and representatives of MASSOLIT, in essence, of all sorts of difficulties. Prote. After the endless torture brought the hero to the point of nervousness, causing him to burn the novel, the Meister appeared before the reader evil and oppressed, likewise cursed. Melodiously, in this way Bulgakov himself tried to depict the tragedy of creativity in that difficult period for the development of free thought.

Having named the main character Maistrom, the author clearly intended to show the reader's lack of critical respect for the hero's work in a real-life setting, in place of the novel about Pilate. Master recognizes Bulgakov as a true talent and a renowned expert in the field of literary creativity. However, the world of attention to the application of any new and free thought will block the genius and excellence of the Master in this field. For the main character, on behalf of representatives of the MASSOLIT association, the novel and other literary activities did not bring income. And the money won for the “lucky ticket” was made by the Maister in the implementation of his literary idea, since others, however, wrote for the sake of profit.

Bulgakov did not give the name of the main character, but at the same time illustrated the significance of his place in the novel, including the “title” of the Master in the title of the work. Margarita so spontaneously called him, thereby reinforcing her playfulness and love affair.

In the image of Maistra, I got a glimpse of the autobiographical characteristics that Bulgakov uniquely introduced in people. This practice has become, in essence, the life of the writer and, as a result, has not been recognized in literary circles for a long time. It is possible that in the image of the Master Bulgakov would like to portray the figures of a powerful peculiarity in order to draw parallels for your reader between the oppressed status of the Master in the real world of the author. Even for centuries, especially in the thirties, censorship did not allow articles or, moreover, artistic literature to be disliked by the authorities. In connection with this, the problem of creativity became more and more serious, having tried to open the way to the image of Master Bulgakov.

Varto means that the share of the main character as a writer and a creative individual in that period can safely be called tragic, but as a person who lives in the most basic life, whose work is impossible. The master was happy with his wife and Margarita, and even Woland took them away from the world of baseness and evil, shown in whose creation it is not Satan, but inferior people. The hero himself, who distinguishes evil among all other people, is Woland, giving the Master eternal peace, eternal peace and the presence of the order of a wife. And the world of people, who ordered the Masters to endure spiritual and other suffering, appeared in the acquisition of real evil, not seen and not painted by the dawn.

I would like to point out that Bulgakov finished writing the novel while he was seriously ill. And the work was respected, is respected and, I am convinced, is respected by the masterpiece not only of Russian, but also of world literature. "Meister and Margarita" - a TV series about life. And it’s not overdone. About life in all its manifestations. About the soul and God, about love and cruelty, about truth and nonsense, about recognition and revival of the senses. This novel is not easy to read, it is also worth re-reading.

One of the most mysterious articles in the novel, madly, Meister. The hero, whose name is the novel, appears in the 13th section. In the description of the appearance there is something that reminds the author of the novel: “a long-legged, dark-haired man with a pointed nose, about thirty-eight years of age.” The same can be said about the entire history of the life of the master, whose share, in which one can guess the significance of the special one suffered by the author. Meister survived the unknown, re-examination from the literary middle. The master, in his unconvinced, broad, humorous novel about Pilate and Yeshua, identified the author’s understanding of the truth. Roman Maistra, the sense of his whole life, is not washed away by marriage. Moreover, it was decidedly thrown out by critics, and was never published. The master wants to convey to people the need for faith, the need for the search for truth. Ale von, as well as himself, was thrown out. For the sake of others, we are talking about truth, about truth - about those higher categories, the significance of which skins you can recognize for yourself. People are busy satisfying their common needs, they don’t struggle with their weaknesses and shortcomings, they easily succumb to tastes, which is so red-blooded like every session of black magic. It is not surprising that in such a marriage the specialness of the creative person, as he thinks on his own, cannot be understood or heard.

Maister's initial reaction to critical statistics about himself - laughter - changed to shock, and then to fear. Faith knows in itself and, even worse, in its own faith. Margarita senses the fear and destruction of the khan, but she is powerless to help him. No, I’m not being mean. Fearfulness is fear multiplied by meanness. Bulgakov's hero did not compromise his conscience or honor. Fear destroys the soul of an artist.

No matter what Maistra’s experience may have been, no matter how bitterly his fate has developed, but one thing is certain - “literary partnership” does not manage to drive talent. Proof of the aphorism “don’t burn manuscripts” is the novel “The Meister and Margarita” itself, the master of the bedrooms of Bulgakov and his dreams, because those created by genius cannot be killed.

The master is not a keeper of the light, as Yeshua believes, because having entered his mission to serve pure, divine mysticism, he revealed weakness and burned the romance, and in the hopelessness of his life he himself came to the house of sorrow. If the light of the devil has no control over him - the Master is blessed with peace, eternal wakefulness - only there is evil with spiritual suffering. The Master can know the novel and get together with his romantic wife Margarita. Bo calm, gifted to the master, is a calm creative one. The moral ideal laid down in Maistra’s novel is not subtle, and is considered to be under the control of spiritual forces.

The soul of a true artist is as calm as it is against the hectic, turbulent life of life. There is no turning back to the current Moscow world for the Master: having saved the ability to create, the ability to study with a khanoy, the enemies have saved his sense of life in this world. The master indulges in fear of life and alienation, deprives himself of his creativity and, in particular, his heroes: “You are tired, having worn out your grease and the eternal bag, you are syna with a smile on your lips. Sleep is precious to you, you dim it wisely. And you’re no longer crazy about driving me away. “I will take care of your sleep,” said Margarita Maisterova, and the sand of sharuds under her bare feet.”

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