How can I provide social assistance to a student?



Unfortunately, our country is deprived of a number of giants of different colors that fall into the category of those who will require it.

The majority of Russian citizens are now rejecting government assistance in the form of various supplements and benefits.

Such material benefits can be used by certain categories of the young population. They are often faced with students of various initial degrees who will require additional financial assistance in connection with these and other living situations. For them, this type of payment is a national social scholarship, which is paid in all budgetary institutions of the region.

Let's figure out what kind of financial assistance is, what amount is paid and what documents are necessary and required.

  • What is a social scholarship?
  • This type of scholarship is one of the payment options available to students without full-time studies.

In addition, it seems that the social scholarship is not available to these students, who start using the allocations that are received from the federal and/or regional and/or local budgets.

The order is regulated, first of all,

federal law

  1. Intermediate professional education.
  2. Until then, all programs related to the training of Middle Lankan frontiersmen, as well as service workers and qualified robot workers are introduced. Students who are starting any of these programs will receive a stipend of 730 rubles; things are illuminated.

Until next time

lighting programs

specialty (5 years of induction in full-time department), master's degree (2 years of induction) and bachelor's degree (4 years of induction).

Students who seek training in one of the designated programs are guaranteed a scholarship of 2010 rubles per month.

  1. Varto note that Article 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4520-1 dated February 19, 1993, which confirms sovereign guarantees to individuals who live and work in the areas of Extreme Night and in the territories that were assigned to them, an increased amount of scholarships has been transferred to the value of the regional coefficient.
  2. This coefficient of differentiation depends on the region.
  3. Zokrema for the Vologda region will be 1.25;
  4. for the Altai Republic - 1.4, etc.
  5. Thus, the social stipend paid to designated districts may be increased by the district coefficient.
  6. In addition, the initial mortgage can be additionally transferred to other material needs, even from the income earned by the designated mortgage, and not deducted from the budget.
  7. Who is entitled to receive a social scholarship? Clause 5 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ provides a long list of such benefits that this scholarship is entitled to. Until then, lie down and sleep:
  8. children who are officially recognized as orphans;

children who have lost their father’s nurturing;

  • individuals who, during the period of their formation, spent, for whatever reason, both fathers and the father known as one;
  • children with disabilities;

disabled students, those of groups 1 and 2;

individuals who suffered from disability as a result of military trauma;

Law No. 273-FZ stipulates that social benefits can be paid according to established standards.

This is the stage for 1st and 2nd year students who are starting full-time, budget-funded education and are pursuing undergraduate and graduate programs. In this case, the guilty mother’s assessments for her success are no less “good and distinguished.” The social scholarship for such students will increase to 6,307 rubles (not covered by the district insurance fund).

І is assigned to the results of intermediate certification.

In order to receive this scholarship, you need to provide documentation

financial situation

student's family. If a student spends time with care of his child (until the child reaches the age of three), in connection with vaginism and curtains, or if he takes an academic permit, then for this period he pays social security Other scholarships are not eligible. This is established in paragraph 16 of the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 08/28/13.

Since scholarships are being withdrawn from out-of-town students, Law No. 273-FZ and other conclusively adopted regulatory documents do not establish the exclusion of social scholarships based on the registration criterion.

  • Therefore, this student is taking away his social scholarship at the outposts.
  • Rules for applying for a social scholarship
  • We will be awarded a scholarship from the date if the student has submitted a document prior to the initial deposit that confirms his/her membership in one of these categories of specialization, as defined in Law No. 273-FZ and Statute 36. what do you see

musculoskeletal organs

  • socialist.
  • To remove this additional information, you need to:

passport (another document that identifies a person);

  • Addendum, where the form of entry, course and other similar data are indicated.
  • information about the family budget for the remaining three months, which will cover the month spent by the student on the scholarship.

These statements are submitted to the form 2-PDFO about income from the work of each father. If dads don’t withdraw their salaries, then other documents are needed to confirm income (pensions, etc.). How to remove this information can be indicated to the social security authority.

Also, the stench may introduce a new overflow of documents necessary for the withdrawal of social scholarships.

As soon as everything is collected, the social security authority draws up a contribution to the social scholarship, which is transferred by the student to his initial deposit.

Warto note that it is often necessary to submit the indicated addition with a stretch of rope, so that the student can quickly withdraw I'll help you if you need it . Please check with the initial depositor for these terms.

Once an application has been submitted, the scholarship will be awarded.

The basis for the actual payment of income is a regular local act of the initial mortgage. The stipend is paid accordingly. In addition to the proof that confirms the right to a social grant, there is only one year of insurance coverage.

And that upcoming initial fate will again have the opportunity to draw it up..

Warto note that the application for payment of a scholarship may be suspended in the event that the student is on health insurance or does not have a basis for withdrawing it (then a report has not been submitted to the social security authority). About those who can be removed!

Danish species

sovereign assistance

, shown in the available video material:

Nowadays, many families are not able to create their own minds for sleep.

Such families themselves receive government social assistance.

  • Dear readers! financial state a huge hulk;
  • selecting the relevant parameters to establish a connection as necessary;
  • self-addressing, the basis of which is a self-declaring process.

Russia has developed special laws and regulatory documents that deal with the special regulation of social assistance to the population.

In addition, the state is fragmenting low federal proposals that are aimed at giving money to the citizens.

Important understanding

In advance of sovereign assistance:

When registering sovereign assistance, keep the following points in mind:

  • you have the right to social assistance;
  • the presence of necessary evidence;
  • insertion of truthful data;
  • the presence of a powerful myn;
  • practicability;
  • the presence of a steady gain.

Submit the name

The reasons for withdrawing government social assistance are:

  • shortage of finances;
  • presence of more than two children;
  • the family has a people with capabilities;
  • vi є;
  • You are a student of the singing category.

Legislative aspects

Under the siege of the national social

help establish the legislation of the region, and itself:

How to get rid of federal help

Social protection can be considered, which indicates the locality of a citizen who is either from a low-income family or not.

All necessary steps are provided only if the person is sent through the appropriate procedures to the MRC or the body responsible for providing assistance.

The Department of Social Protection has 10 days to analyze the application sent by the citizen and write a statement with praise or support.

If additional data control is necessary, for example, more data about income, then social.

The defense may send an advance confirmation indicating that the verification has been carried out.

The period for making a residual decision varies within a month from the period of filing the application.

the creation of the necessary minds to ensure the availability and good quality of social services;

changes in the level of inequality in society;

  • increased income of the population.
  • Who should I owe it to?

State social assistance is paid once and is given to decisions based on the place of residence or place of residence of a person and is paid no more than once per 12 months.

The family is not secure, or the people who live alone are not secure; behind their independent minds, the average income per person is less than the subsistence minimum.

These are the regulations in the Moscow region for the largest socio-demographic groups of citizens.

Types of support

The main types of social assistance of the social service that are practiced in the territory of the region are:

How to arrange a benefit

To apply for social assistance, you need to contact the social security organization of the population and carry out the following operations:

  • submitting an application to the family about income and registration of assistance in the form of subsidies and about the main thing, which is their power;
  • provide all necessary information;
  • The applicant, after the completion of 10 days from the application period, may withdraw a report to the social protection authority about the praise of social services.

help or about Vidmova.

For students

Awarded to the national social scholarship of social authorities.

It is prohibited to carry out students who were denied social assistance from the state. The state is taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety of vulnerable citizens. An important aspect is the creation of the necessary minds by the availability and clarity of services.

Legislation Russian Federation conveys great support to the population, which recognizes the need for additional assistance on the material plane. Such communities provide medical, social, living and lighting services - in order to compare the capabilities of people with others that they require, and to help them realize their potential as much as possible. One of the forms of such support is the promotion of new types of scholarships for those who start with middle and high initial mortgages of people.

  • Pochatkova meta
  • different species scholarships
  • - To stimulate students, to accept their new implementation in the educational sphere, to ease the minds of students’ lives., orders of the Russian Federation, presidents of the subjects of the Russian Federation, orders of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • Named scholarships;
  • State social scholarship.

State social scholarship be due to students who understand the special needs of social and material terms.

With this type of payment, payments can be made regardless of the student’s ongoing success.

The right to receive a social scholarship in 2019 Right on the otmannya What kind of scholarships are available to such categories of citizens as students? lighting installations

  • edges:
  • category students; Military service contract soldiers who served in the Russian Army or other military formations, or the FSB and the Russian State Security Service;
  • 3 rocks and more

students below 10,328 rub.

for 2018

The amount of social scholarships in 2019 (Table) Social scholarships in 2019 will be increased by 4%. The power determines the minimum size of all types of government scholarships and transfer facilities

  • professional education.
  • Thus, the amount of social scholarships from 1 September 2019 for students will require: 890 rubles per month

- for educational colleges, technical schools, schools and other institutions of secondary professional education; 2452 rubles per month— for VNZ students (who are starting with specialists, bachelors and masters). Data established amount - no longer minimum threshold

allowable payments for socially disadvantaged students in 2018.

With the skin tan, the initial edge setting establishes the optimal

amount of social scholarship

The responsibility of the legal scholarship fund is confirmed by the Government of the Russian Federation, and by the sovereign bodies of self-government of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
Coming from individual financing, the remaining decision to establish the amount of social scholarships is taken by the management of the local VNZ and SUZU, as a rule, the rector’s office in cooperation with the head department.
Type of scholarship

Size in 2018 year

Size in 2019 (Indexation +4%) Technical schools and colleges VNZ students

  1. Graduate students, assistant trainees and residents
  2. Graduate students of technical and natural sciences
  3. The procedure for applying for a social scholarship
  4. Steps that a student must take to get rid of
  5. Evidence that demonstrates the low income of each member of the family (prescribed payment of guilt to replace all income of the surrounding person) for the rest of the payment, as well as copies work records unemployed members of the family.
  6. Evidence and all necessary evidence to prove that the applicant can claim protection social scholarships.
  7. Contact the USZN to issue a certificate regarding social security status.
  8. Receipt from the USZN until the initial branch of the university or college.

Transfer of documents

A student who needs to start applying for this type of scholarship submits the following package of documents to the public health authority:

  1. Photocopy of passport.
  2. A copy of the student's receipt.
  3. Application.
  4. A certificate of student status is available in the dean's office.
  5. Evidence about the family camp.
  6. The income demonstrates low family income.
  7. A certificate of disability and other documents that confirm the student’s social security.

Example on the topic of social scholarships for students

Denis starts at 1 course technical school on a cost-free basis. He is underage and has no father (he lives from his grandmother). Grandma works in

child's cage

  • And it takes away a minimum salary, and a stipend, which does not depend on the food and office.
  • Since the beginning is to be completed on a full-time basis, Denis cannot be further expanded.
  • The people live near the village of Rivne.
  • In this situation, the child, who has lost her father, is given assistance in the form of a social government scholarship by law.

Regulated by Article 36, paragraph 5. To formalize such an entry, social support collects the following evidence: family warehouse;

about income for the remaining quarter;

about the transfer of copyright rights; about the initiation and withdrawal of scholarships.

  • Denis’s grandmother collected the necessary information about income and guardianship.
  • Denis, from his Chergu, having taken away from the dean’s office the information about the beginning and withdrawal of scholarships. The citizens handed over their collected papers to the social security authorities. As a result, Denis began to remove additional data 2237 rubles scholarships.
  • The amount is not large, but it is reasonable for rural locals.
  • Orphans, disabled children, and students with disabilities can claim this scholarship. military service from 3 rocks, victims of radiation, children from low-income families.

The most popular food and support for new social scholarships for students

Feeding: We are a young family, resentment is starting today in one of the major VNZ Moscow. We live with a family resident of VNZ. I’m working hard at the beginning of the hour, but I still don’t have enough money for the day.

How can we eliminate any additional scholarship based on those who are not offended by health problems and other significant conditions that guarantee us payment? Yakiy maximum size these scholarships?

Subject: The citizens handed over their collected papers to the social security authorities. Kozhen takes the initial deposit independently

decisions on the amount of social scholarships

students who have submitted an application.

In order to qualify for payments, it is enough to submit to the population protection authority, in addition to obligatory documents, proof of the family’s low income and proof of residence with a resident.

Families must present a certificate of love.

The amount of social scholarships is determined individually for the skin area.

  • Prote “On the establishment of standards for the formation of a scholarship fund with additional budgetary allocations to the federal budget” means the minimum amount of payments without establishing an upper limit -
  • for students who seek education in Russia.
  • List of laws
  • Application forms and forms

You will need the following documents:

Most of the unemployed, unemployed, and disabled people who entered the government’s VNZ are wondering what a social scholarship is and how to formalize it correctly.

The legislation of Russia designates a number of people who can receive payments, among them not only students, but also students with special needs and those without assistance. The provisions regarding those who are entitled to additional payments have not changed for 10 years. We all know that there are different types of payments to students, each with their own rates and nuances:

  • support from the President of the Russian Federation;
  • state academic assistance;
  • disability as a result of participation in military or combat operations;
  • those who took part in the liquidation of the accident at Chornobyl and were in the area at that time.

Under this power, the Higher Educational Institution may have the right to an additional list of students from dependent families.

  • As a rule, the average income of a family member is equal to the subsistence level, after which the student has the right to withdraw social payments.
  • individuals who may have the third group of disabilities;
  • giants, like to live with their family, after the death of their father - the head of the year;
  • hulks who linger with one of their fathers on the subsistence minimum;
  • as the citizen's father and guardian are seriously ill and suffering from disability; as a student who has officially registered family note
  • and having given birth to a child from a whore;
as the individual is a minor child and has only one cow.

In particular, a student can go to the administration of his mortgage in order to indicate the reasons for his development, and this is related to skin nutrition.

Who is allowed to receive social payments for VNZ students?

  1. It is necessary to go through a number of stages to obtain additional benefits for a person:
  • Before submitting an application, the applicant may obtain clarified information from the relevant authorities at the place of registration, where the documentation is indicated:
  • what certifies a person to teach;
  • information about everyone who lives in the same household using data from the house register - this information can be obtained from the housing and communal services organization;
  • a receipt for the income data of everyone who lives in the household will be visible on the job for the remaining few months;
  • confirmation of the fact that the student is in a learning situation of the catless type;

Whenever necessary, depending on the situation, please ask for additional data.

  1. The cost of living is changing soon, so you need to find out what it is at the moment.
  2. After the accountant accepts the application, documentation must be submitted and registered in the registry documents, during which time all data is verified by the clerk, the family income is insured and the supplement is entered on the form. A document that shows the possibility of providing social assistance.
  3. Then the student specifically submits the application to the dean’s office of the university, where he fills out a special form according to the template.

These thousands of payments, which last one day, must be re-issued at the upcoming rate.

The student is responsible for informing the VNZ and submitting documentation in the event that there has been an improvement in the situation of a low-income family, such as an increase in total income or the cancellation of disability, for example.

Social payments may have the right to cancel at the end of the day, because for the start of the upcoming course, the student may face serious debts that threaten their health care. After the citizen collects his needs and selects his situation in the initial setting, he begins to update and extend payments. U

summer period

I will help people with social assistance.

In addition, the right to withdraw a pension for benefits will be canceled in case of problems with lifelong obligations, if an order has been signed for the recovery of a citizen from a large initial mortgage, or upon leaving the status of an indigent family.

The size of the social scholarship for this fate

  • For two reasons, the Russian Federation for academic colleges has a scholarship rate of 730 rubles per month, for those who are seeking education, the rate is 2010 rubles.
  • Social assistance payments do not apply to social assistance. Whose fate is it to look at food supply in order to raise social payments for students to the level of the subsistence minimum. Those who start in the first two courses do not feel overwhelmed, start on positive signs, can receive advanced assistance, the amount of which is indicated from 6,000 rubles to 13,000 rubles.
  • Payments depend on the individual’s active participation in the life of his initial deposit, about his day-to-day successes.

To withdraw social payments from your initial mortgage, you must follow the following rules: Get started on budget ambushes, that’s it. do not pay for the navchannya.

Get into

    • sovereign establishment
    • with accreditation.
    • Denna form navchannya.
    • In addition to payments to the needy, it is decided to give students additional benefits for education, which is guaranteed by the state.
    • behind
    • zagal rule
, they are given to persons so that their fathers and guardians do not worry about themselves.

Among such material benefits: