What items are required to become a lawyer?

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  • Find out the initial mortgage

    NDU VSHE National Preslednytskyi University

  • Vishcha school of economics

    IDSU Institute state service

  • that management


  • Vishcha School of Finance and Management


  • Institute of Business and Business Administration


  • Institute of Business and Design

    RGUTIS Russian national university

  • tourism and service

    Moscow Polytechnic Moscow field

  • technical university


  • Russian State Social University

    MGRI-RGGRU im.

  • Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    Russian State Geological University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

  • MFUA

    Moscow Finance and Law University

  • MIP

    Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis IGUMO and IT

  • Institute for Humanities

    information technologies

  • VShKU

    Vishcha School of Corporate Management

  • IEAU

    Institute of Economics and Crisis Management

  • MDEU

    Moscow University of Humanities and Economics

  • MIPT

    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National University)


    Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MZS Russia


    National Pre-Slednytsia Nuclear University "MIFI" RANEPA

  • Russian Academy of People's Dominion and State Service for the President

    Russian Federation VAVT All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade Ministry

  • economical development


  • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

  • MDTU im.

    Not. Bauman

  • Moscow State Technical University named after M. E. Bauman

    MDU named after M. V. Lomonosov

  • Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov


  • ІРЯ ім.

    A. S. Pushkina

  • Sovereign Institute of the Russian Name.

    A. S. Pushkina

  • MDMSU im.


  • Evdokimova

    Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after O. I. Evdokimova

  • MDYUA im.


  • Kutafina

    Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov

  • PMDMU im.


  • First Moscow State Medical University named after.

    I. M. Sechenova

  • RTA

    Russian Mint Academy

  • RGUNG im.


  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I. M. Gubkina

    VDUYU (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia)

  • All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia)


  • Russian State Humanitarian University

    MISSiS National Pre-Slednytsia Technological University "MISiS" GAUGN

  • State Academic University


  • at the Russian Academy of Sciences

    RAM im. Gnesinykh Russian Academy of Music named after Gnessin

  • MDAVMiB im.

    K.I.Skryabina Moskovska

  • State Academy

    veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after K. I. Skryabina

  • RUDN University

    Russian University

  • friendship of peoples


  • Moscow State Institute of Culture

    RGTU im.

  • D.I.


  • Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D. I. Mendeleveva

    State University of Management

  • National University of Management

    AGP RF

  • Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

    MGK im.

P.I. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky MDPU


Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University


high competition

when entering universities, where they acquire such a profession.

  1. That’s why school graduates have a meal: “Faculty of Law – how to join the budget?”
  2. EDI results.
, , ,

If a future student is asked to teach “Faculty of Law – how to meet the budget?”, they will become more interested in preparing for state universities. The passing score for such specialties is high, as well as the competition - 2015, at one budgetary place, the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State Duma, 9 people competed. In 2016, it is planned to admit 304 students on a budgetary basis, of which 31 are for applicants with a special quota.

Olympiad survivors, disabled children, orphans can find a position in the competition. Welcome to the university to get started with the program bachelor's degree

operates on the EDI stand. The results are based on 4 steps, and the result of the folding EDI is not included in this term. The more popular the university, the more points you will earn during your studies. For such legal specialties as “Legal Security of National Security”, “Law Enforcement Activity” and “Judicial Expertise”, admission to universities is carried out on the basis of the program

Fahivtsy . These specialties were not subject to change until the system of greater illumination in 2003, but the rules adopted for them are the same as for bachelor's programs.

The best pre-university illumination allows you to develop a headache before the career, then create maximum strength and apply pressure to eliminate it.

Of course, the plan is for a formal arrangement, but the plan for a real one is gaining knowledge and diligent learning. However, if you are aiming to enter the top universities in the country, high grades at school/college will not be enough for you. Moscow State University named after M.V.

Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, MDIMV, RUDN University have the right to conduct additional research start drinking:

The scheme for entering a law school looks like this

  • entry and completion of school, which gives high rhubarb knowledge (including transfer to specialized organizations of secondary education at universities), graduates of which successfully enter law universities;

during the period of starting school - successful participation in Olympiads, for winners and winners of which the right to preferential treatment is granted;

choosing a university, direct training (specialty), form of training (

You will need

Russian language.

It is not a core subject, but if you want to apply for humanities students, this will give you bad marks for entry. It is also much simpler to create a Russian language, neither history nor marriage knowledge. A lawyer will need a thorough knowledge of the Russian legal system, since he requires accuracy in the Russian language, knowledge and understanding of the laws, and borderline literacy in documentation. At various law faculties, for example, at the faculty international law , one of the participants may be foreign language

. You can also add profile study

university, or instead of the history of Russia. In addition to this, you can teach your students internal research from specialized subjects. At the Faculty of Law, internal writing and writing can be carried out on marriage, especially in Russia.

Preparation before the test You can’t sleep well if you don’t know anything about the subject. Your Receive information about the detection and conduct of such tests from Primal Commission

I’m posting this one on your website.

The final stage of the beginning, the verification of the lost knowledge, is called