Three peers Isakovsky analysis. Analysis of Versh M.V. Isakovsky “Three women of the same age. For you, drinkers

For help, please help with literature! assignments by the author Pineapple:3 the best answer INSTRUCTIONS
Read the sermon. Restore your respect to the feeling that you have received after reading and association. Write down briefly the thoughts you have encountered in this world, first of all the hatred about the heroes and your thoughts on the problem of identification.
See the main storyline of the report. Consider the main and other operational aspects. Describe the central concept of recognition.
Analyze the plot diagram. It may have an exposition, a beginning, a development, a climax, a resolution, an epilogue. In a short description, several parts of the plot schemes in this case can be presented in a simple way or in a different way.
In the exhibition, the author describes the situation that conveys the main reaction, the environment and the minds in which the creative head conflict was formed. In the confirmed exposure there is a non-viscous element.
The beginning of the storyline is the beginning, the beginning of the conflict situation. At the end of the conversation, show special respect.
What follows is the development of the action. The development of the plot is a dynamic part of the creative work. In it, the author not only describes the events that are being developed, but also gives characteristics to the heroes, revealing their special characteristics.
The greatest tension in the plot is found at the climax. This part is the pinnacle of discovery, when ideas are at the forefront of development, emotions are heated, and the characters’ personalities are revealed to the maximum.
The climax is followed by a resolution in which the problem is resolved. The behavior of the heroes becomes entirely reasonable. The author goes to the description of the inheritance. This part has the greatest significance in the writing of its heroes.
The epilogue, then, is a short description of the further portion of the characters. The diagnosis may be different.
Select the composition of the announcement. Bring respect back to consistency and the interrelationship of its parts. Know which skins the character is introduced by the author in and out of the story.
You know, what methods of communicating the inner light are identified by the author. In short artistic prose, an important place is occupied by descriptions of the appearance of characters, interiors, and landscapes.
Consider the ways in which the author depicts the plot. This could be a monologue, internal monologue, dialogue, communication from a third person, etc. bud. You can also find the place in the text where the author expresses a powerful thought. Respect how you yourself can do this - in the presence of a powerful person, through your favorite character and in a way that is not obvious.
Analyze the images of the head characters. In the confirmed ones, call them 2-3. Describe the characteristics of the characters, their relationship, the uniqueness of their skin. Support your thoughts with quotes from the text. Think over the significance of the main and other characters in the developments of the plot and in developing the main ideas of your creation. In the analysis, the experimental part devoted to the analysis of characters may be the most significant and voluminous.
Reconsider the stylistic features of the review. What place does it occupy in the creativity of the writer, as characteristic thoughts as identified in the author’s creative position. For such an analysis, you will need to read the biography of the writer and a short description of his creative path. Browse encyclopedic and prehistoric literature, monographs and articles about this writer.
Express a powerful thought about the revelation. You will simply be able to make vikory notes immediately after reading the text. If your views diverge from the writer’s thoughts, put them in a mild form, without pretending to be absolutely right.

8th grade Date __________________ Russian literature


Get to know the work of the wonderful songwriter, Mikhail Vasilyovich Isakovsky, with his songs, which have become popular, beloved by the people;

Please note that the poet’s creativity is connected with Fatherlandism, the lands of the land, what he does to encourage the people to live, and his inspiration, it seems;

Read through the words: clearly read the verses, write down the songs;

Take the inspiration of love to the Fatherland, to the native land,

to the folk song

Develop creativity in students, work smart with text;

Bring cognitive interest to the subject, sensing pride and patriotism.

Installation of the bathroom : thematic presentation, illustrations to creativity

M. Isakovsky, portrait of the poet.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment. Greetings, checking the readiness of students before the lesson.

    Updating the basic knowledge of academics.

    Checking the homework.

    Motivation for the initial activities of students.

    The teacher's word.

In the Istori Rosіysko Radyansko, Litheuri Mikhailo Vasilovich Isakovsky, to the same row with such fucking, Yak V. Mayakovsky, S. єensin, A. Ashev, M. Svitlov, A. Prokof'yv, A. Twardowskiy ... Kozhen Individual - Unique images and forms that define the life of the people of that region. The uniqueness of Isakovsky, who sings in a soft and gentle voice, has a warm, penetrating and light lyricism, in the breadth, lightness and diversity of his humble creations, which touches the soul.

At 30 years old XXcentury, Isakovsky became one of the founders of mass lyrical song, and the Soviet and post-war years reached new, unprecedented heights for this genre.

    Stunned by those and the lesson.

    Development of new material.

    The teacher's word.

Tall, broad-shouldered, with great figures and penetrating eyes that amazed all the eyepieces, Mikhailo Isakovsky was born on the 20th of 1900 in the Smolensk village. Once again he sings with his heart to the very edges and has repeatedly studied them in verses and songs:

There is a village near Skhidsky district,

Where I have lost my childhood;

I, where would I go, without sounding,

My land is Smolensk,

My dear land!

Here is my youth

When I was lost...

Through the copses

She made platitudes.

Life is high

The wines braided.

Zustricha unpodded

Checked here

Far away

Zvidsi jumped.

    Congratulations to the students.

1st lesson: Isakovsky’s fathers were poor people from poor people. Of the 13 children, only five survived. Mikhailo was the 12th child.

Mikhail’s mother, Daria Grigorievna, patiently bore the endless hardships and turbulence of her wealthy homeland. She couldn’t read or write.

The father who sings is Vasil Nazarovich - a hard worker, an orach, a baker, a carpenter, an accommodating, gentleman of the rulers. Volodya was born with the beginnings of literacy and for a long time he was able to work with leaflets in his neighbor’s village. He loved the newspapers and magazines that his father brought home from the post office, and Mishko, who was self-taught, became literate, independently learned to read, and then write.

From so many villages people came to new unwritten villages with requests to write letters for them to their relatives and friends. Tim Mishko himself got into the habit of drawing almost a feeling on the paper, revealing his soul. The unique genre of the “lyric sheet” has taken a great place in Isakovsky’s poetry over the years.

2nd lesson: In the fall of 1910, Mikhailo was walking to school, as he was in the village. Go to another class at the same time, the fragments will be able to both read and write. However, the school never happened. “I didn’t feel comfortable walking to school, especially during the winter,” he says. - Bast shoes, it’s true, I was able to weave them, so it was safe in the air, but I had nothing to wear. So I sat through the whole winter, as it were, on the rough stuff.” Before that, there was another important reason: from the 7th century, he developed severe chronic short-sightedness due to inflammation of the retina and bleeding during the day. The reader, Katerina Sergievna Goranska, came to help. Vaughn sent the boy a set of assistants for another class, and Mikhailo began to study at home.

3rd lesson: About an hour later it was time to go to school again, and then Mikhail Isakovsky began to show literary talent. And in 1914, one of his scientific achievements gained light. It was “The Soldier’s Prokhannaya”, over-armed in the Moscow newspaper “Novina”. So, already lately, Mayday sings on the dawn of the first publication.

In 1921, the first collections of Isakovsky’s works were published, and in 1927, M. Isakovsky’s book was published. Axis of stench...

4th lesson: Until the mid-30s, Isakovsky gained widespread popularity, his songs being heard all over the country.

Songliness and melody were organically attached to Isakovsky’s verses already in the 20s, and one of them - “Vzdovzh Selo” - became a kind of dzherel, a dzherel of the song river in the 30s. And how it began, without even knowing it, was a complete disappointment for everyone.

Since the other half of the 30s, Isakovsky has become one of the most popular and most beloved songwriters among the people.

The period of the Great White War was immensely tragic and heroic for our region. Mikhail Isakovsky's illness prevented him from putting on his soldier's overcoat.

At Glotivtsia, at his village, his home was burned by enemies. The Smolensk region fell under the heel of the fascist occupiers. He sings throughout the war, having lived near the small town of Chistopol, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Father's little booth of looting and destruction,

At Vogni, at Dimu, my Smolensk region.

Just before the war, I took the sword in my hands,

Both brothers and friends are rushing to the front.

I am bitter, because I am sick and sick,

Why go to battle without me stinking.

Fight for Batkivshchyna, which share

Navika became our lot.

    Review of the presentation.

    The teacher's word.

Isakovsky’s lyrics of these terrible fates are a true poetic chronicle of the war.

An insignificant share and universal glory, which has not sung before, a small song"Katyusha" . Created in 1938 - 39, before the Second World War, when the Hitlerites were already occupying Poland and were preparing to attack our country, the song resonated with sensitivity, clarity and purity in the most beautiful senses - love for a close person. Even then, in those peaceful hours that already smelled of gunpowder, “Katyusha” was the most popular song of all.

    Listening to the song "Katyusha".

The apple trees and pears have blossomed,

Fogs poured over the river.

Katyusha came ashore

To the high bank on the steep side.

I went out and started a song

For the steppe gray eagle.

About the one I loved

About those whose leaves were preserved.

Oh, this song, little girl,

You fly after the clear dream,

I fight at a distant border

Say hello to Katerina.

Let him guess the girl is simple,

Let him smell that she is sleeping.

Let us take care of the dear land,

And keep Katyusha safe.

The apple trees and pears have blossomed,

Fogs poured over the river.

Katyusha left the shores,

I took the song with me.

    Negotiated Versha.

    The teacher's word.

During the war, a share of the song spread across decades, across borders and continents. They knew and sang in the rich corners of our Earth.

“Katyusha” was a song-warrior, a song-heroine. It’s not for nothing that when the Red Army had a new threat of armor – the Guard’s rocket mortars, the soldiers gave it the nickname “Katyusha”. On the request of the commander of this army, General A.I. Nesterenko, Isakovsky wrote a new version -“Song about Katyusha” . Nyumu Buli has the words:

And on the sea, and on land –

Front-line roads

Walking Russian "Katyusha"

Walk in a fighting manner.

Mow down the Germans completely,

Absolutely bastards,

And the nickname does not sleep,

And he doesn’t let me cry.

On the Fatherland of Isakovsky, where the “steep bank” rises above the Ugra, there is today’s original monument to the song “Katyusha”: on the attachments to the great stone-boulder of the middle plank there are words from These are the songs, and the order is an altanka with benches under a canopy. This is not just a tribute to the memory of the glorious countryman. The monument plays a vital role. According to tradition, boys from the army, who join the army, gather here to say goodbye to their names, take a walk, and say sacred words.

Ale the strongest, most noteworthy letters of writing until the end of the war“The enemies burned down the house” , which has become a popular song over the years.

    Listening to the song “The enemies burned down the house.”

    Negotiated Versha.

Before us is the story of a soldier-hero, who, having gone through a long war with glory, turns back to the distant lands and knows nothing, except for the settlement on the site of his hut and graveyard, having taken over the khan's squad.

Student: As a matter of fact, Isakovsky’s poetry of military rocks is not a great mobilizing force. About this, and the numerical lists of front-line soldiers, which are saved in a special poet archive.

The verses and songs of Isakovsky’s military doby convey the triumph of life, which can be heard in the very names of these works:The birds of passage are flying...", the poem "The Song of the Batkivshchyna", "Glory, Russia!", "Glory to the People", "The greenery of the field has faded...".Miraculous and other songs of Mikhail Isakovsky of post-war rocks:“Yakim ti buv”, “Smell me, garna” and a particularly wonderful song to the music of B. Mokrousov"Samotya accordion" .

10. Reading by the teacher of the verse “Three women of the same age”

11. Review of the presentation “Analysis of the poem “Three women of the same age”

    Consolidation of the researched material.

    Work on cards in pairs.

Learn to select food for discussion and prepare suggestions.

    Concluding words from the teacher.

Mikhailo Isakovsky lived 73 years. The remaining five fates through an important illness, he wrote very little.

In the spring of 1967, Isakovsky wrote such penetratingly pure and even dull rows as he dedicated to his squad, his faithful friend and sidekick, Antonina Ivanivna.

It's autumn day.

It's not hot, it's not summer

Get up across the river -

Autumn, remaining

The remaining days.

Quiet the sun again

And the blue is pure.

Ale falls and falls

Z tree of dead leaves.

More peas and reds

Everyone is waiting for themselves, girls,

Ale geese are late

"Vibach Farewell!" scream.

* * *

I have launched

I'm silently whispering a message,

Soon there will be flies

Close the light.

No, I won’t be embarrassed

I really can’t do it

I just say goodbye to Hoja

That's it, I love it so much!

I walk like the rocks are early, -

I walk, wonder, wonder.

Ale lishe “to bachennya!”

I won’t say it anymore.

On the 22nd of 1973, Mikhail Vasilyovich Isakovsky passed away. In the middle of this fall-out, non-network, which is often noticed by our literature, the stage, Isakovsky’s creation is perceived as a bucket of jerelle water with its purity and freshness.

In Russian poetry, Isakovsky is considered to be the custodian and promoter of classical and folk song lyrical traditions. Isakovsky’s poetry has long ago become an invisible part of the spiritual culture of our people. The color does not “drip” from the quiet and penetrating creativity of this poet, who speaks to the soul of the people, simple wisdom, like life, garnet, like a song, and love for the people until his beautiful singer “does not pass, no!”

    Supplementary bags for the lesson.


Homework: remember the verse “The enemies burned down the house”

Lyrica M.V. Isakovsky is tied to the sleep of folk poetry with clay ties. Folk manifestations, notes, structure and way of thoughts to live in the poetic light of Isakovsky. Therefore, reading his verses, it is important, more than a deep penetration into the secrets of the idea, to place in the middle one another image, to present both the direct meaning of the word and the form of its occurrence in the folk-poetic knowledge. When comprehending the replacement of a revised text, the required principle of thorough, and most often reverse, repeated reading.

  1. How do you care where and when the action takes place? By what means did the “three women of the same age” come?
  2. According to the folk poet, the High Bank is a place of love affair. Guess a fragment from the verse “Katyusha”: “Katyusha went out to the shore, / On a high bank on a steep ...” In the verse “Three Contemporaries” the steepness of the bank is not accentuated. Chi tse vipadkovo? The truth of this very stanza is another “insightful” image. In the “wantings” in the rows: “Then remove the stench with a throat / From the young birch tree...” Guess the other works of Russian poetry. What kind of association does the neck of a young curly birch tree evoke?
  3. The girls try, “Is the water near the river warm...”; In other words, it is said that “in the distance the fog can no longer creep...”. Cold water and fog that creep in, according to popular belief, foretell disaster; The warmth of the water and the fog that rises are joy. So maybe it’s true “... only for whose sake / did the stink come here”? Navishcho M.V. Did Isakovsky need the word “nibi”? And also: what did the girls want to find out when they tried “the warmth and water in the river”?
  4. Read the stanza again:

        And there is no month in the sky,
        Not a month, not a day.
        And the girls went back,
        Pictured to the point of tears.

    What does it mean “there is no moon, no moon, no star in the sky”?

  5. Get another micro-renewal: why didn’t the “boys-ashukans” come? Have you lost the stink? What more time did “three girls of the same age” hear the bitterness and pain?
  6. Formulate the theme of M.V.’s poetry. Isakovsky “Three women of the same age.” Inheriting approximately the same path, characterize M.V. Isakovsky “The enemies burned down the whole house.”

For you, drinkers

Find out from fragments of the article by A.T. Tvardovsky "The Poetry of Mikhail Isakovsky."

“The words of Isakovsky’s song, for their many faults, are tops that have their own place and sound, a living poetic organism that itself conveys the melody for which you were destined to be angry and happy at the same time . Isakovsky is not an “author of texts” and not a “singing lyricist,” but sings at the top of some organically powerful beginning of songwriting, which, before speaking, has always been one of the most characteristic features of Russian lyrics.

This rice is close to Isakovsky as the author of the most popular songs from the classics of Russian poetry, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, the top of which are sung, as they say, across the side. And among them are many widely known folk songs (they also often lost the names of their great authors). These are poetic creations, created without the burden of their song significance, and then called to themselves and their musical interpretation.<...>

The words of those who steal Isakovsky’s song from place, do not let us tell you that this place is wise, feisty, which, among others, is not uncommon in folk songs, but thoughtfully lyrical and destructive. All the top speeches of this genre, which have gained the widest popularity, reflect significance, seriousness and deep communal, patriotic thoughts.<...>

Among the relatives. Artist O.M. Chiptsov. 1945 r.

Isakovsky’s amazingly warlike masterpiece, which also became a widely known song “The Enemies Burned Down a Country House”, combined with its traditional song-like, stylized devices with a state-of-the-art tragic setting. . suffering and sacrifice for the people - their victory over the right-wing war against the enemy.<...>

Isakovsky’s lyrics speak about the integrity of my mental makeup, about modesty and humility, about a kind, sensitive heart, not shy, prote, to the point of sentimentality, or rather, protected from its innate sense of humor. The special image of the poet is presented in organic unity with his creativity.<...>

The whole spirit and the nature of his poetry, the characteristic figures and forms of which are close to the spirit and the warehouse of the people's hard-working character, alien to bawling and eloquence, can be seen more effectively in action, not in words, not at all less. nogo, prote, sensing humor.<...>

Sings may be the origin of the story in the most significant way, which would have been in the form of something that would inadvertently resonate with the spirit and deep side of people’s life. The axis of the song is not a song, a lyrical painting of a late party “three of the same age,” as the lads of the sustrich call it.

      And now the days are descending, -
      Isn't it time to get home?
      And more and more often three girls the same age
      They look in the distance. .

This simple, ditty tune of speech from her, with a fiery intonation, can be carried back to the pre-war era, and to even more distant hours of rural life. It was written on the very beginning of the fiftieth rocks, since the bitterness of the war was still seen in the special bitterness of wartime rural agriculture - too many names and not enough names. And the verses, in which there are no words about it, are permeated with pain for being “the same age” with their heartfelt image and fearful end:

      What are you doing, lads,
      Forgot - didn't come?!

Thus, the unsightly and perhaps pastoral form of “Three Contemporaries” contains the place, perhaps, of no less living misery than such a strong verse of Isakovsky’s war fates, as “The enemies burned the river.” I’ll go home..."

Food and food

  1. Like rice poetry M.V. Isakovsky is listed in the statistics of A.T. Tvardovsky?
  2. What image of Isakovsky - the singer and the people - came to your mind after reading his masterpieces and biographical materials about him?

Koshelev Y.R. Living recession // Mikhailo Isakovsky. One hundred songs. Smolensk, 2000. P. 3-6.

After lessons

Prepare to hold a literary and musical evening “Living Slaughter” (songs of M.V. Isakovsky in my homeland and in my land).

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