How shvidko learned to pray in Tabasaran. Brief introduction to prayer

For additional instructions, you can learn to read the prayer. They began to read the prayer, consecrated with books, explaining the great significance of this type of worship for a Muslim. But here you can take a very short course of a single prayer of two rakaats. Having read this prayer manual, you will be able to understand how to read all other prayers.

The method of reciting namaz is based on the Hanafi school of fiqh (Islamic law)

Instructions on how to read namaz

1. While standing, say the broad intention (niyat) to perform the prayer: “For the sake of Allah, it is the intention to perform the prayer in 2 rakat.”
2. Raise your offending hands, open your fingers, extend your palms to the back of the Qibli, level your hands, stick your thumbs into your earlobes and chant “Allahu akbar”.
3. Then place your right hand on your left hand, wrapping your little finger and thumb of your right hand around the wrist of your left hand, and lower your folded hands a little below your navel and read Surah “Fatihah”:
"Auzu billahi minashshaytaani r-rajim
Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim
Alhamdu lillahi rabbi halamin
Arrahmaani r-rahim
Maaliki Yaumiddin
Iyyakya nagbydu wa yyakya nastagiin
Ikhdina z-siraatal mystaqim
Siraatalyazina angamta aleikhim
Gairil magdubi aleikhem valad-daaallyin
Aamin!.. ("Amin" sounds to himself)
Read another surah of the Koran (may-yaku)
4. Having lowered your hands, chant: “Allahu akbar” and work your hand” (waist bow).
5. After holding your hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: “Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah”
6. After straightening, with the words “Allahu Akbar”, remove the soot (earth slope). When knocking out the soot, you need to first get down on your knees, then rest on the offending hand and, only after that, your face and nose will touch the place of the soot. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Ag'lya."
7. After this, with the words “Allahu Akbar”, rise from your seat in a sitting position.
8. After pausing for 2 seconds, and saying “Allahu Akbar,” lower yourself into the fish tank again.
9. Stand up straight.
10. Repeat steps No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
11. Read the prayer (du "a) "Attahiyyat":
"Attakhiyatu lillyahi vasalavatu vatayibyatu. Assalamu alley ayuuhannabiyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatykh. Assalamu alleina wa gala giybadillahi s-salihiin. Ashkhadu alla illaha illallah.
12. Vimovte vitannya: “Assalamu galekum wa rahmatullah” by turning the head to the side of the right shoulder, and then to the side of the left.

At Tsomu the prayer is completed.

Wash your prayers (read prayer)

To perform prayer, it is necessary to vikon the five minds (shartivas):

  1. First wash prayer purification from impurities (najasu). In other words, the whole thing comes from the place of prayer, from the body, and from the place of impurities. Women need to do istinja (cleansing of the thyroid organs after discharge), and men need to do istir (extra cleansing of the thyroid organs after sebum. For which it is recommended to cough, stomp on the place and work to the side). To cleanse the anus after cleaning, you need to wipe it dry with a paper, then rinse it with water and wipe it dry again with a paper. During this prayer, apply clothes to a clean garment and stitch it so that your prayer kilim (you can replace the kilim with a towel, etc.) is clean. But we clean - this means that if you were told to eat in this place, then you were happy with it.
  2. Male obmivannya (taharat, wudu) and external obmivannya (ghusl). Smaller washings should be undertaken after you have fulfilled your needs and have completed the instructions in paragraph 1 for cleansing the body’s organs. Outside washing (ghusl) is taken: for men - when sperm is seen during the hour of labor and sleep (pollution), for women - the period of post-sleep cleansing and the menstrual cycle.
  3. The third mental prayer is covering the singing parts of the body (satrul-awrat), to open it is considered haram (protected) For men, the aura is the entire part of the body from the navel to the knee. A woman has aurat – the entire body, including the hands (up to the wrist) and the front.
  4. The prayer must be continued until the fourth day of the mind. special beast at Bik Kaabi(located near Mecca, Saudi Arabia) - Istiqbali-Qibla. Tim, whoever is in Mezza and can’t see the Ka’bah, needs to face accusations right up to the Ka’abi, and whoever is far from Mecca and can’t see the Ka’bah, he is guilty of going to war, more precisely in his bak, vikorist and compass, as there is no one our guidelines.
  5. P'yata umova namaz – tse timely execution skin from five ointments. Namaz offered before the appointed hour is invalid. The schedule of ointments for skin inflammation is set according to the calendar depending on the geographic location. You can find a detailed list of prayers on our website right hand

The nourishment of religion and prayers began to become increasingly frequent during the rest of the day. More and more people want to enrich their spiritual lives. Once you learn how to perform the Namaz obov'yazkova for every Muslim believer, do not forget the Namaz, it is a sin. All believers are obliged to read Namaz, just as all Christians pray to the Divine Gods. We are going to begin our journey step by step, as we who have recently accepted Islam are not yet fully aware.

Vlasne means prayer, ritual, one part of the five steps of Islam. Previously, prayers were based on the strong vim of the formulas of the unity of Allah. Of course, in the Koran there is no framework for writing about the creation of prayers, but there are a lot of inscriptions into parts, such as the hour of prayer, formulas, specific manipulations, etc. This is a copy of all the works of the Prophet Muhammad. The current news was shaped over the course of the last century and was recorded on a sheet of paper. The main prayer consists of a number of parts of prayer postures that accompany the chanting of formulas. Actions go one after another in song sequence, having destroyed them, the process is considered ineffective, and the vimova is obligated to the Arabic language. Therefore, successful spiritual actions are formed from such necessary prayers:

  1. Rankova Fajr.
  2. Pivdenna - zuhr.
  3. Eve - Asr.
  4. Vechernya – Maghrib.
  5. Nichna – Isha.

They end up alone, and en masse, completely silently, at the obvious place of rebirth. Sunday is observed in the mosque on Fridays, and the reason for performing prayers must be thoroughly remembered. Also, it is allowed to make a special kilim, called sajjada. During the period of mass prayer, people gather near the imam - the representative who oversees the process. And the axis that the representative of the female status is concerned about is that they are to blame for being in a different position in front of the men or standing behind.

In the process, like before Christianity, speaking, eating, drinking, laughing and dealing with any outside noise is blocked. Of course, as you yourself understand, it is not possible to fight before Allah in an alcoholic, absurd state. And the rules have their own faults, and for example, illnesses, and people with disabilities in the realm of health can cancel the ritual, sitting, or saying, lying down, thinking about prayer. In the modern world, in rich Muslim countries, there is especially no control over the completion of prayer, technology and the right conscience of the believer. It is important not to overwhelm yourself with your work, namiri ta bajanya shirishe, robiti zverenenya. Insanely, and the new appearance is necessary, it shows that the clothes are clean, without stains, and the hour according to the orders of the Koran, with the instructions for skin prayer.

It’s okay if you recently became a Muslim and don’t know for sure about the literacy of the prayer process. Golovne, your pure and wide bread has learned. The simplest and most effective way to do this is to start building a mosque and repeat the prayer after someone else. This is a wonderful option for new people, read the Quran first and be well informed. Look at all the actions, positions of the body that the prayer involves. To begin with, in order to read the hour of prayer for each type of skin, consider the rules of prayer. And also, remember the words and order of the prayer, for starters, I would like three short suras. It’s not at all difficult, like all beginners, they may experience difficulties and difficulties, but this does not mean that the prayer will not be absorbed with full strength. Stop working with all your heart, broadly.

How to learn how to perform prayer for a girl

An uninformed Muslim woman must be aware of the rules, first of all starting before the daily prayer, and then substituting for Christianity, and avoiding the status of a woman. The correctness of performing namaz is ancient to everyone, the importance of it depends on how hands and feet become involved in the process. Women, as if they are Muslims, must also know the correctness of their Arabic language, but not delve into the sense.

It is extremely important to read the words correctly, so that the prayer of the vikonala of the skin is poorly understood by a woman at the time of writing prayers, and then the Russian alphabet will become stagnant. So, girls need to be clean and go to the toilet before going to prayer. Convert to a completely covered body, depriving the frontal area, arms, hands, feet. Then, raise your hands, fingers up to your shoulders, and point your fingers towards the back of the Kaabi. The pose is like this, your arms are placed on the line of your breasts, your legs are parallel to each other. Having completed the reading, fix your hands on your chests, place the right pencil on top of the left, and begin to pray.

How to learn detailed prayer from scratch

It has already been said that newcomers to the Muslim faith, when they are dying, most often repeat the prayer after the previous one.

So you will repeat that ringing until the prayer for mercy. You can also independently learn literacy step by step during the hour of prayer. Start reading four verses of the Holy Qur'an, memorize them and understand their meaning. Of course, it will be difficult for beginners at first, but it seems that you don’t understand why to start. Put your thoughts and your external appearance in proper order, enjoy the vastness of the beast to Allah. It is recommended to read one of the main prayers - rak'ah - from the beginning.

It consists of a cycle of prayer poses, techniques, and accompanying formulas. Two types of rak'ahs are written - fard and sunnah, the stench is pronounced out loud, after the prayer of the midday prayer. For a person who is not surrounded by illnesses, who has reached ripeness, who is not in a state of age, and who is obligated, there are two prayers. First, please start before reading, those who pray are ordered to thoroughly cleanse the body, which requires not only going to the toilet. For this you need to cough a few times and stomp a little.

The provisions may reach the front part of the Kaaba, the shrine near Mecca. You can use the compass to indicate it directly, try to follow the instructions. Golovne from the rules, finish the prayer at the indicated hour, if you start a little earlier, the prayer will not be effective. Find out the layout for each geographical position of the Muslim region, following this, you can practice on your own and in the mosque.

Tell your friends

The one who is going to read the prayer may not be desecrated, but someone else may have an outside wash or a little wash. If you don’t have anything, you can’t read prayer. Now, they are still waiting for you to wash your hands and pray. Only this woman and man can go to prayer.

Video of learning how to read namaz for women

This video, insha Allah, will help you understand what and how to work. Detailed description in the text below.

Our main goal is that women of the cob can learn to read the prayer. We tried to briefly write down the order for them. There is a minimum requirement, one might say. And for those who want to understand the subtleties more thoroughly, we would like additional information in the “report”.

Namaz for a female cob for 2 rakats

Rank prayer-fajr consists of 2 rakats. For more than 100 years of prayer, vikorista in the additional prayers. How to perform the prayer from two rak'ahs correctly? The rules of this prayer are the same for all Muslims. The only thing that can be seen is the position of hands and feet in prayer. To perform prayer correctly, women need to know not only the meaning of the Arabic dua and surah, but also understand their meaning. Below there will be a diagram of the viconn prayer with a translation of the meanings of the Russian language. It is important to learn to read the audio from an Arabic language teacher or to listen correctly to the audio. It’s very important - Vimova’s words are correct. In order for the prayer to be able to cancel the woman-cob when writing the surida in the Russian alphabet, it is a pity that such writing does not convey the correctness of the language.

Prayer is one of the obligatory acts for a Muslim, which is referred to as “fard”. Correct prayer is the key to a Muslim’s success. You can read about how to read prayer correctly on our website. We read the prayer correctly at once from Namaz-time.

Oz, smut, why should we print the trace of performing namaz - ritual washing - taharat. After which, you know, in which direction is the Kaaba located and spread the kilt along that direction. The obligatory task of the one who prays has come - a voice is given to the world for this day's prayer. Our intention is formulated as follows:

“I wish to earn 2 rak’atis of the additional (Sunnah) morning prayer, generously for the sake of Allah.” The number of rakats and the name of the prayer in this proposition are replaced according to the type of prayer you are going to read.

Reading the prayer correctly: order of bows

  1. Takbir. When performing takbir, we raise our hands and say the words takbir “Allah Akbar!” (Allah is great!). In this case, men point their thumbs at the earlobes at the collar, and women raise their hands to shoulder level.
  2. Sana. After this, the people lower their hands below the navel and stack them one on top of the other so that the animal loses its right. The women themselves will be afraid, but their hands will be lost on the level of their breasts. When it reads like this: “Subhanaka-llahumma wa-bi-hamdika wa-tabaraka-smuka wa-tagala ?adduka wa-la ilaha gairuk” . (Glory to You, O Allah, and praise to You, may Your Name be blessed, and may Your succession proceed, and there is no god but You. Aguzu b-llahi mina-sh-shaitani-r-raim. Satan, stoned) Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim (In the name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful.)
  3. Next, read Surah Al-Fatiha. “Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim Al-hamdu l'allahi rabbi-l-halamin. Ar-rahmani-r-rahim. Maliki yavmi-d-Din. Iyaka nagbudu va yyaka nastagin. Ikhdina-z-sirata-l-mustakim. Sirata-lazina 'an'amta 'alaihim gairi-l-magdubi 'alaihim va-la-d-dallin' . (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of lights, the Merciful, the Merciful, the King on the Day of Judgment. We worship You and we ask You to help us, lead us along the straight path, the path of those blessings that You have, not those who are under wrath, and have not gone astray).
  4. After "Al-Fatiha" one reads another surah from the Koran. For example, "Al-Ikhlas": “Bismi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim. Kul hua-laha ahad. Allahu-z-samad. Lam yalid va-lam yulad. Wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuvan 'ahad". (Say: “Allah is exalted, neither was he born nor was he born, nor was he equal to Him.”)
  5. Belt slope. Having seen the takbir “Allah Akbar”, we lean forward and say “Subhana Rabbia-l-Azim” (Glory to my Great Lord).
  6. Having seen the takbir “Allah Akbar”, we straighten and say: “Sami’a-Allahu liman hamidah” (Allah senses whoever praises Him.) “Rabbana laka-l-hamd.” (Our Lord, to You is all praise.)
  7. Once again we see the takbir “Allahu Akbar” and the earthly bias. Knees stick out to the ground, then hands, and then foreheads and noses. In whose position the tricha is said to be “Subhana rabbi-l-a’la!” (Glory to my High Lord).
  8. We pray “Allahu Akbar” and come to the sitting position.
  9. The earthly slope is repeated again.
  10. Having washed the takbar, we turn in a cob position with our hands joined at the level of the navel for men and at the level of the breasts for women. (This is how the first rak'ah ends.)
  11. In another rak'ah, the same actions are repeated:
    • do not read sanu ta tasavuh;
    • After Surah Al-Fatiha, you should read another Surah from the Koran;
    • After another prostration, read “Tashahud.”
  12. Sit down and read next: “At-tahiyyatu li-llahi wa-s-salawatu wa-t-tayyibat. As-salamu alaika ayyuha-n-nabi, va-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh. As-salamu 'alaina wa-'ala 'ibadhi-llahi-s-salihin. Ashhadu 'al-la 'ilaha 'illa-llahu wa-ashhadu 'anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa-rasuluh'. (Glorified, blessed, godly deeds of Allah. O Prophet, peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His blessed one. Light and health to us and the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god, except Allah, and ħammad - slave).
  13. If the prayer consists of two rak'ahs, then read the salawat, verse and date of salam. If the prayer consists of 4 rak'ahs, after tashahhud, turn to 1 rak'ah and repeat everything again.
  14. Salavat: “Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadiv-wa-'ala 'ali Muhammadin kama sallayta 'ala 'Ibrahima wa-'ala 'ali 'Ibrahima, 'innaka hamidum-makhid. Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammadiv-wa-'ala 'ali Muhammadin kama baraktu 'ala 'Ibrahima wa-'ala 'ali 'Ibrahima, 'innaka hamidum-mahid'.(Allah! Bless Muhammad and his family Muhammad, as You blessed Ibrahim and his family Ibrahim. Verily, You are Glorious, Praiseworthy and Great. Allah! Reward Muhammad and your homeland Your generosity, as You bestowed generosity on Voya Ibrahim. , Vidatnyi Great.)
  15. Ayat-dua: “Rabbana 'atina fi-d-dunya hasanatav-va-fi-l-'ahirati hasanatav-va-kina 'azaba-n-nar.” (Our Lord, grant us goodness in our lives and goodness in the rest of our lives, and save us from punishment by fire).
  16. Salam. Turning your head, your right-hander will see: As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatu-llah. (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah). They repeat, turning their heads to the left side.
  17. At the end of the prayer there is a Dua “Allahumma Santa-s-salaam, wa-minka-s-s-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-chalali va-l-'ikram!” . (O Allah, You are the world, and to You there is light, Your grace has multiplied, O Volodar, the greatness of the gift). You learned how to perform prayer correctly. Perhaps, at first, you will find this procedure difficult and unforgettable. However, good practice will help you master new skills.

Praise be to Allah, Whom we praise, we pray for help and forgiveness, to Whom we offer repentance and to Whom we face the evil of our souls and our filthy deeds! Whoever Allah leads to the straight path, no one will lead into error, and whomever Allah leads into error, no one will guide to the straight path. I bear witness that there is no god other than Allah alone, who has no companions, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.

“About those who believed! Fight Allah properly and die no differently from Muslims!”(Al Imran, 3:102).

“Oh people! Fear your Lord, Who created you from one human being, created a pair of you from them, and dispersed many men and women to resemble both of them. Fear Allah, in whose name you ask one for one, and be careful not to sever your family ties. Indeed, Allah is watching over you” (an-Nisa, 4:1).

“About those who believed! Fight Allah and speak the truth. Then we can correct your affairs for you and forgive you your sins. And whoever listens to Allah and His Messenger, he has already achieved great success” (al-Ahzab, 33:70-71).

With his arrival, Islam brought freedom and happiness to people, drove them away from a blind way of living, pointed out the vices of ignorance and harshly punished the sons of Adam to awaken to him. Islam is a religion that has established the most thorough and unchangeable rules for everyday life. Islam is a religion that, in the most important situation, with its principles instills in a person the confidence that it will endure all the difficulties of standing on his path. At first glance, the formation of such positive qualities in humans seems incredible in a short period of time. However, after becoming more familiar with the basics and principles of this pure and distant form of religion, one is not deprived of doubts about what is truly possible. It’s fortunate that people have fallen under the rule of these rules, and it’s our responsibility to know and follow them. We ourselves have set ourselves the goal of enlightening our spivvitchniks in this galusa. This book is presented to our dedicated readers with information necessary for the skin about the obligatory orders of Allah Almighty, the Lord of the world, as well as other pillars of Islam. Vikonuvati this attribute is obov'yazkovo, not caring about any difficulties, troubles, problems or troubles. Naturally, in this book we will talk about prayer and the purification associated with it. Allah Almighty said about prayer: “Verily, prayer protects against evil and evil”(Al-Ankabut, 29:45).

We believe that many of our followers are singing about this verse. Ale mi, it’s a pity, we know that a lot of people forget about this. People are forgetful of their nature, and therefore Allah Almighty, through His Book, gradually instructs the sons of Adam to guess and repeat those that they already know. Allah Almighty said: “And tell your fortune, for fortune telling brings benefit to those who believe”(az-Zariyat, 51:55).

Another method of writing this book is to try to put an end to the differences and inconsistencies associated with prayer and purification. We all know that in those days, since we were forcibly removed from our religion, various innovations were introduced into prayer, as in other ascriptions to Sharia. It often happened that the Sunnah of the most beautiful of people - the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him - was ignored. Most people still don’t know that such innovations and nonsense can lead to further prayer and washing. Every Muslim is obliged to know that his deeds will be accepted by the Almighty Allah until the advent of two minds:

According to Pershe The action may be carried out broadly and only for the sake of Allah Almighty. In this case, a Muslim is obliged to fear only Allah, to love Him more than he decides, and to submit to His mercy.
In a different way, a Muslim is obliged to carry out those other activities in the same way as the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, blessed be Allah, did. This is consistent with the Sunnah.

It is common for one of many minds to perform rituals of worship that are ineffective, be it prayer, washing, fasting, zakat, etc. Therefore, having put an end to the discrepancies and inconsistencies associated with prayer and purification, we also avoided when writing this book on the verses of the Holy Quran and reliable hadith of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. The fragments in the book are based on the diversity of Islamic law, we tried to reflect in it the rulings of the Sharia, which are based on the Koran and reliable hadith, taking into account the ideas of authoritative Muslim theologians. Naturally, having read this book, many people care that it would be wrong to introduce song changes before it. This book is the fruit of human efforts and, of course, there may be differences between the two. Therefore, we would like to thank our readers for their respect and constructive propositions and promise that all the results will be protected by future data. The most thorough is Allah Almighty, and the sinless is His messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

We ask Allah Almighty to make our deeds generous for the sake of His one and true Sunnah of His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. We are deprived of wishing our readers success, good luck in this field. Let's not forget that we all have a duty to Allah and, finally, we will turn to Him! Truly, Vіn is quick to rozkhunok!


  1. A person who fulfills natural needs must choose a place where people could not drink, could not hear the sound of gases and smell the smell of excrement.
  2. Before entering the toilet, you should say the following words: “Allahumma inni a’uzu bika mina-l-khubusi wa-l-habais!” (“O Allah! I surrender to You in the form of vile devils of men and women!”).
  3. A person who fulfills natural needs is not guilty of dissent from anyone, instilling words of affection and responding to anyone’s call without need.
  4. A person who governs natural needs, with respect to the sacred Kaaba, is not guilty of turning her back to her enemies.
  5. It is necessary to avoid spilling excrement (feces and cuts) on the body and clothes.
  6. It is necessary to uniquely manage the natural needs of the places where people live and live.
  7. People are not guilty of fulfilling their natural needs in stagnant water or in the water in which they bathe.
  8. It is not advisable to perform sechovypuska while standing. It is worth paying more attention to the presence of two minds:

    • How rewarding is it for one who does not waste the cut on his body or clothes;
    • As people sing that no one should be mixed with the rubbish of their evil place.
  9. It is necessary to clean the offending passages with water or stones, paper, etc. However, purification with water is the most beautiful.
  10. It is necessary to cleanse the offense by passing with your left hand.
  11. When leaving the toilet, you should say the following words: “Gufranak!” (“I ask for your forgiveness, Lord!”)
  12. It is important to enter the toilet from your left foot and exit from the right foot.

Allah Almighty said: “O you who believe! When you get up for prayer, then wash your faces and your hands to the liqts, wipe your heads and wash your feet to the ankles” (al-Maida, 6).

Umovi do small obmyvanya
People, who perform a little washing, are guilty:

  1. buti Muslim;
  2. be full-time (on the thought of active teachings);
  3. don’t be mentally ill;
  4. Bring clean water with you;
  5. mothers intend to do a little washing;
  6. remove everything that may cause water to get on the washing organs (farm, varnish, etc.), and also, during this small wash, do not deprive any part of the washing organs of dryness;
  7. cleanse the body of impurities;
  8. get rid of feces and cuts.
Actions that will help you to wash the ineffective
  1. Excrement that comes out of the anterior or anal passage, such as cuttings, feces, anterior mucus, gases, bleeding, etc.
  2. Deep sleep and restlessness.
  3. Getting used to camel meat.
  4. Without a middle dotik to the state organ and anal opening (to the mind of the ancients).
Actions that do not bother small washing with ineffective
  1. Everything that is visible from the human body, behind the pile of excrement that comes out of the back and front passages.
  2. Dotik to the woman.
  3. Lived hedgehogs cooked on fire.
  4. I really doubt it for a little while.
  5. Laugh and recit.
  6. Dotik until the dead.
  7. Vomit.
  8. Drowsiness.
  9. Dotik to sewage. (When you reach the dirt, wash it off with water).
The procedure for doing a small wash

A person who performs a little washing is guilty of intending to earn it in his soul. However, it is not necessary to listen to the voice of the namir, because the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did not raise the voice of the namir before washing, prayer and other rituals of worship. At the beginning of washing, you need to say: “Bi-smi-llah!” (“For the Name of Allah!”). Then you need to wash your hands three times (Fig. 1). Then it is necessary to rinse your mouth and nose three times (Fig. 2-3) and wash three times from one ear to the other and from the place of hair growth until the end of the gap (or beard) (Fig. 4). Then you need to move your offending hands three times, from the tips of your fingers to your fingers, inclusive, starting with your right hand (Fig. 5). Then you need to wet the palms and rub your head with them. When wiping your head, you need to run your hands along it from the end of the head to the head of the head, and then straight ahead (Fig. 6). Then you need to insert the outer fingers of your hands at the ear opening and wipe the outer ear with your thumbs (Fig. 7). Then you need to move your legs from your toes to your ankles, starting with your right leg (Fig. 8). It is necessary to keep space between your fingers and ensure that the water reaches your toes. After completing your daily ablution, you should remember: “Ashkhadu alla ilaha illallahu wahdahu la kulki lyah, wa-ashhadu Anna Muhammadan abduhu wa-rasulukh, Allahumma-j'alni mina-t-tavvabina wa-j 'alni mіna-l! "(I bear witness that there is no god except Allah alone, Who has no companions, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger! O Allah!


Falls for which great washing becomes obligatory

  1. After article wear (as it turns out, this was not the case), and also after the poles or the same, which happened as a result of an addiction.
  2. After the end of menstruation and post-term bleeding.
  3. For the Friday prayer.
  4. After death: we must embrace the dead Muslim, since he is not a martyr, and lie down on the path of Allah.
  5. When you accept Islam.
Vypadki, for which great washing є bazhanim
  1. Great was the washing of the people who washed the poor man.
  2. Before entering the camp of Ikhrom for the performance of the Hajj, die, and also before entering Mecca.
  3. To re-enter before the statutory act.
  4. Women who suffer from chronic bleeding should practice extensive washing before skin application.
The order of the Great Washing

Since people intend to do great work, they must say: “Bi-sm-l-lyakh!” (“For the sake of Allah!”) and move your hands. Then you must remove the anal opening, and then do a little washing. Then you need to pour water on your head three times, brushing the hair with your hands so that the water reaches the roots of the hair. Then you need to remove all the parts of the body that are missing. Then move your feet and legs. (This is how the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, performed a great obliteration).

If a medical bandage or plaster is applied to any organ of the body, then, for small or large washings, it is necessary to wash the healthy parts of the body, and wipe the bandage or plaster with a wet hand. If wiping the bandage with a wet hand or the plaster will damage the damaged organ, then wash it with sand.


Washing with sand can be used if:

  1. water is either daily, or it is not enough to perform small or large washings;
  2. wounded or ill, people are afraid that in the wake of a small or great wash, they will fall into their camp or continue to suffer from their illness;
  3. It’s very cold, and people can’t get enough water for small or big washing (warm up either) and they’re afraid that the water will be bad for them;
  4. there is little water and just enough for drinking, preparing food and for other necessary purposes;
  5. it is impossible to reach the water, for example, because the enemy or the hut of the creature does not allow the opportunity to approach the water, because a person is afraid for his life, honor and peace, because he is in a state of weakness, and because he is not able to draw water from a well why is it too bad . bud.
Actions to stop washing with ineffective sand

All that needs to be done, small and large, is washed with ineffective, as was said earlier, to be washed with ineffective and great washing. If, after washing with sand, water is available and it has become possible to use it, then washing with sand becomes ineffective. A person who has performed namaz after washing with sand is not guilty of repeating this namaz again, as long as he knows water. The end of the term is similar to that of other prayers, and the washing with sand is ineffective.

The procedure for washing with sand

Since people intend to wash themselves with sand, they must say: “Bi-sm-l-lyakh!” (“For the sake of Allah!”), and then place the dolons once on a place set up for washing with sand. Then you need to clear the valleys from the sand by blowing on them or splashing them one against the other. Then wipe the face of your hands with your palms.
Washing with sand can only be done with clean sand or similar liquids.
It is not possible to wash with sand for the presence of water, since it is not necessary to comply with Shariah, and in this case, a thorough prayer is considered invalid. Therefore, it is not possible to wash with sand because of the presence of water, as soon as the hour of prayer reaches the end: it is necessary to do a little or a lot of washing with water, and then perform the prayer.


Allah Almighty said: “And they were punished not to worship Allah, to serve Him generously, like monotheists, to perform prayer and pay zakat. These are the rights of faith” (al-Beyina, 98:5).

Malik ibn al-Khuwayris, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, having proclaimed that the Prophet, peace be upon him, blessed be Allah, saying: “Perform the prayer as I pray.”

Wash necessary for performing prayer

The namaz of goiters treats the skin of full-age Muslims who are in good health. For the effectiveness of prayer, the presence of the present minds is necessary:

  1. purification, then. it is necessary to perform a little (or as much as necessary) washing or to replace it with sand, as necessary;
  2. perform namaz at the precise meaning of your hour;
  3. the body and clothing of the one who prays, as well as the place of performing the prayer of guilt, to be cleansed from defilement;
  4. covering parts of the body, as Shariah prohibits covering before the hour of prayer;
  5. beast of an individual at the sacred Kaaba.
  6. the intention (of the soul) is to perform the same prayer.
Actions to break prayer with those who are not valid
  1. Religiousness (may Allah Almighty protect us from this!);
  2. navmysne nevykonannaya be-any stovpa, ob'yakovaya deї or wash namaz;
  3. it is wrong to say words and do things that are not brought before prayer;
  4. make sure to bow down, stand, and sit;
  5. completely creating the sounds and words, and changing the order of the verses at the time of reciting the Qur'anic suras, so as not to indicate the order to which Allah sent the tribute to the suras;
  6. navmisna izha or drink;
  7. smіkh chi smіkh (blame becomes a laugh);
  8. the constant awareness of the feet and muscles of the body, which are observed during the hour of prayer in the soul, without collapsing in front of anyone;
  9. finding water after washing with sand.
Actions performed by some nebajans at the hour of prayer
  1. Marvel at the mountains;
  2. turn your head around for no reason;
  3. marvel at the speech that follows the prayer;
  4. put your hands on your belt;
  5. lay your hands on the ground during the hour of prostration;
  6. close your eyes;
  7. for no reason to work hard with your hands, so as not to miss the prayer with those who are not doing it (chukhasti, khitatisya, etc.);
  8. Robiti prayer, as already served;
  9. re-read Surah al-Fatiha in the same rak'ati;
  10. get up for prayer, stream stream, kal chi gazi;
  11. perform prayer with the sleeves of your jacket or shirt rolled up;
  12. perform prayer with covered shoulders;
  13. perform namaz based on images of living things (creatures, people, etc.), and also perform namaz on such images or by resorting to accusations of them;
  14. do not put yourself at risk;
  15. Please try to perform prayer with your tongue;
  16. do not straighten your back and arms when making bows;
  17. the unevenness of the ranks of those praying and the appearance of a place in the ranks of the innocent at the time of group prayer;
  18. bring your head close to your knees and press your elbows to the top of your head as you bow to the ground;
  19. press the imam at the hour of the group prayer;
  20. reading the Koran at the time of making explanatory and prostrations;
  21. Always perform prayers at the mosque in one and the same place.
Places in which it is forbidden to perform namaz
  1. desecrated place;
  2. on the grave, and also on the grave, or having savaged the accusations before it (to perform a funeral prayer);
  3. near the lazna and toilets;
  4. at the place there are camel's legs or at the camel's paddock.
"Allahu Akbar!"(“Allah is great!”) – 4 times;
(“I testify that there is no god, God!”) – 2 times;
(“I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!”) – 2 times;
Haya Ala-s-salah!(“Hurry to prayer!”) – 2 times;
Haya al-falah!(“Hurry to success!”) – 2 times;
"Allahu Akbar!"(“Allah is great!”) – 2 times;
“La ilaha illa-l-lah”

"Allahu Akbar!"(“Allah is great!”) – 2 times;
“Ashhadu alla ilaha illa-l-lah!”(“I testify that there is no deity, the creme of Allah!”) – 1 time;
"Ashhadu anna Muhammad-r-rasul-l-lah"(“I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!”) – 1 time;
Haya Ala-s-salah!(“Hurry to prayer!”) – 1 time;
Haya al-falah!(“Hurry to success!”) – 1 time;
“Kad kamat-z-salah!”(“Namaz has already begun!”) – 2 times;
"Allahu Akbar!"(“Allah is great!”) – 2 times;
“La ilaha illa-l-lah”(“There is no god, there is no God!”) – 1 time.

In order to perform prayer, a person is obliged to rush with all his body to the sacred Kaaba, which is located in Mezza. Then the intention is for the soul to perform the same prayer. Then you must, with your hands raised at the level of your shoulders or up (Fig. 9), say: "Allahu Akbar!"(“Allah is great!”). This takbir is called in Arabic “takbirat al-ihram” (lit. “defending takbir”), and since people began to perform namaz, actions that are permissible in namaz are protected (from speak, etc.). ). Then you must place the heel of your right hand on your left hand and place your hands on your chest (class="menbe">Fig. 10). Then you can begin to pray: “Subhanaka-llahumma wa bi-hamdika wa tabaraka-smuka wa ta'ala jadduka wa la ilakha gairuk!”(“Most Pure Thy, O Allah! Praise be to Thee! Blessed be Thy name! Exalted is Thy majesty! There is no god beyond Thee!”)

Then the one who prays is guilty of vimovity: “A'uzu bi-l-lyakhi mina-sh-sheitani-r-rajim!”(“I surrender to Allah in the face of the damned Satan!”)
Then you must read Surah al-Fatihah (“The Qur’an, which is revealed”):
1. “Al-hamdu li-lehi rabbi-l-alamin!”
2. "Ar-rahmani-r-rahim!"
3. “Maliki yaumi-d-din!”
4. “Iyaka na'buda ya yyaka nastain!”
5. “Ikhdina-z-sirata-l-mustagim!”
6. “Sirata-l-lyazina an’amta aleikhim!”
7. “Gairi-l-magdubi aleikhim va la-d-dallin!”

(“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!
1. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,
2. Gracious, Merciful,
3. Pay Day to Volodar!
4. You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help.
5. Lead us along the straight path,
6. the paths of those whom You have blessed,
7. not those against whom they were angry, and did not go astray ").

Then he can say: "Amen!"(“Lord! You are our prayer!”). Then he is obliged to read any sura (or suri) of the Koran, as he knows from memory.

Then he must raise his hands level with his shoulders and, obviously, say: "Allahu Akbar!", Create a waist bow, magnifying Allah Almighty (Fig. 11). It is important to place your back and head parallel to the back and place your palms on the column of the cups, with your fingers spread. While constantly bowing from the waist, he is guilty of saying: "Subhana rabbi-al-azim!"(“Pure is my great Lord!”) Bazhano add to this word: “Subhanaka-l-lahumma Rabbana wa bi-hamdik! Allahumma-gfirli!(“Most Pure You, O Allah, our Lord! Praise be to You! O Allah! Probach me!”).

Then he can rise from his bow. As we rise, we are guilty of vimovity: “Sami'a-l-lahu liman hamidah!”(“Let Allah sense the one who has praised Him!”) and raise your hands level with your shoulders. Having completely left, he must say: "Rabbana wa-laka-l-hamd!"(“Our Lord! Praise be to You!”) or: “Rabbana wa laqa-l-hamdu hamdan kasiran tayyiban mubarakan fih, mil'a-s-samavati wa-mil'a-l-ardi wa-mila ma shi' ta min shi'in ba'd!” .

Then, due to humility before Allah, we strive to complete our earthly work before Him. When descending, one is guilty of vimovity: "Allahu Akbar!". The current earthly slope, it is necessary to place the forehead and nose on the ground, offending the knees, offending the knee and the tips of the fingers of both legs, remove the fingers from the toulub and do not put them on the ground, point the tips of the fingers at the other to Mecca, strengthen the colony one from one and from 'Eat your feet (Fig. 12). Whose guilt is due three times: "Subhana rabbi-l-a'lya!"(“My Most Pure Almighty Lord!”) It’s important to add this word: “Subhanaka-l-lahumma Rabbana wa bi-hamdik! Allahumma-ghir!

Then he is obliged to raise his head from the bow to the ground, seemingly at which "Allahu Akbar!" After this, you are obliged to sit on your left leg, place your right foot vertically, pointing the toes of your right foot towards Kaabi’s back, place your right knee on your right foot, opening it with your fingers, and place your left foot like that on your left foot (small 13). . While in this position, he is guilty of: “Rabbi-gfir, va-rhamni, va-khdini, va-rzukni, va-jburni, va-athini!”(“Lord! Probach me! Have mercy on me! Guide me on the right path! Grant me peace! Set me straight! Keep me healthy!”) Otherwise, he is guilty of saying: “Rabbi-gfir! Rabbi-gfir!(“Lord, vibach me! Lord, forgive me!”)

Then there is humility before Allah and respect for Him and words "Allahu Akbar!" to create another earthly slope in the same way as the first one, as the very words indicate. This is where the first namat cancer ends. Then he is guilty of standing on his feet, seeing "Allahu Akbar!" Having risen, he is obliged to earn in another rak'ah everything that he earned from the first, after the opening prayer. Having completed another rak'ah, he can speak with words "Allahu Akbar!" raise your head from the prostration and sit down in the same way as when you sit between two prostrations (Min. 13), and then press the ring finger and little finger of your right hand to the bottom, connect the middle and great fingers, and ivny send to bik Kaabi. Swinging your impressive finger up and down, you can read prayers "Tashahhud", "Salyavat"і "Isti'aza".

“Tashahhud”: “At-tahiyyatu li-lehi wa-z-salyavatu wa-t-tayyibat! As-salamu aleyka eyuha-n-nabiyyu va-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh! As-salamu aleyna wa ala ibadhi-lehi-s-salikhin! Ashhadu alla ilaha ila-llah, wa-ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh! (“All wisdom is to Allah, all prayers and righteous deeds! Peace be with you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah is blessed! Peace be upon us and all the righteous servants of Allah! I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is God slave and messenger!")

“Salyavat”: “Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama salleyta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahim!” Innaka hamidun majid! Barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama baraktu ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahim! Innaka hamidun majid! (“O Allah! They praised Muhammad and his rad in the same way as you praised Ibrahim and his rad! Verily, You are worthy, glorious! And bless Muhammad and your raid in the same way as you blessed Ibrahim and yogi’s! Verily, You are praiseworthy, glorious!”)

“Istia'za”: “Allahumma ini a’uzu bika min azabi-l-kabr, you min azabi jahannam, you min fitnati-l-mahya wa-l-mamat, you min sharri fitnati-l-masihi-d- dajjal ! (“O Allah! Verily, I surrender to You through the torment of the grave, and the torment of the hell, and the grief for life and after death, and the peace of the Antichrist!”)

This is what you can ask from Allah, whether it is good for the worldly or for the world. Then he is obliged to turn his head to the right (Mal. 14) and say: (“Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah!”) Then he is obliged to turn his head to the left and say: “As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatu-l-lah!”

Since the prayer consists of three or four rak'ats, then you can read the Tashahhud to the words: “Ashhadu alla ilaha ila-llah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa-rasuluh!”, and then with words "Allahu Akbar!" stand on your feet and raise your hands to shoulder level. Then he is obliged to perform the rak'ah of prayer in the same way as he has completed another rak'ah, with the difference that in the next rak'ah it is not necessary to read the surah after the surah "al-Fatiha". Having completed the remaining rak'ah, the one who prays is obliged to sit in the same way as he sat before, with the difference that he is obliged to place the foot of his left foot under the head of his right and sit on the seat. Then you must read the entire “Tashahhud” to the end and, turning your head right-handed or left-handed, say to the offended sides: “As-salamu alaikum wa-rahmatu-llah!”.

ZIKRI, which is observed during the prayer

  • 3 times: “Astagfiru-llah!”(“I ask Allah for vibration!”)
  • “Allahumma anta-z-salamu wa minka-z-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-jalyali wa-l-ikram!”(“O Allah! You are peace, and from You there is peace! Blessed are You, O One Who has greatness and generosity!”)
  • “La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la kulki lyah, lyahu-l-mulku wa lahu-l-khamdu wa huwa ala kuli shiyin kadir! Allahumma la mani'a lima a'tait, wa la mu'tiya lima mana't, wa la yanfa'u za-l-jaddi minka-l-jadd!” (“There is no deity except the one Allah, Who has no companions! To Him belongs power and praise! The Vine is written for every word! O Allah! No one can cross You with those that You amuse! No one can date that which You do not "Oh, Volodar, greatness! No one deceives your greatness!")
  • “La ilaha illahu-llahu wahdahu la kulki lyah, lahu-l-mulku wa-lahu-l-khamdu wa huwa ala kulli shiy’in kadir! La hawla wa la kuvvata illa b-llah! La ilaha illa-llahu wa la na'bud illa yah! Lyahu-n-ni'matu wa-lyahu-l-fadlu wa-lyahu-z-sana'u-l-hasan! La ilaha illa-llahu mukhlisina lyahu-d-dina wa lau karikha-l-kafirun!” (“There is no deity except Allah alone, Who has no companions! To Him belongs the power and praise! There is no power and ability except with Allah! There is no deity except Allah, and we do not worship anyone except Allah I'm New "To whom are due blessings, bestiality and beautiful praise! There is no god except Allah! You alone we worship, since this is not befitting the unbelievers! "
  • 33 times: "Subhan-Allah!"(“Most Pure Allah!”)
  • 33 times: "Al-hamdu lil-llah!"("Praise be to Allah!")
  • 33 times: "Allahu Akbar!"(“Allah is great!”)
  • And for example, 1 time: “La ilakha illa-l-lahu wahdahu la kulki lyah, lyahu-l-mulku wa-lahu-l-khamdu wa-huva ala kulli shi’in kadir!”(“There is no god but one Allah, who has no comrades! To Him belong sovereignty and praise! He is born for every word!”)
  • It is important to read after the skin prayer “Ayat al-Kursi” (“Ayat about the throne”): “Allahu la ilaha illa huwa-l-hayyu-l-kayyum, la ta’huzuhu sinatun wa la naum, lyahu ma fi-s-samawati va ma fi-l-ard, man za-l-lyaz yashfa'u indakhu illa bi-znikh, ya'lamu ma beina edikhim wa ma halfahum, wa la yukhituna bi shey'in min ilmihi illa bi-ma sha, you' and kursiyuhu-z-samavati wa-l-arda wa-la ya’uduhu hifzukhuma, wa-huwa-l-aliyyu-l-azim!” (“Allah is without a deity, except the New, Living, Almighty. Neither slumber nor sleep will befall Him. Those who are in heaven and those who are on earth are in charge of Him. Who will intercede before Him without His permission? He knows them ) Mayday and past, while the stench smells from His knowledge only those who amuse Him, His throne (underneath the throne) embraces the heavens and the earth, and does not burden His protection of them. 255). Now whoever reads this verse after prayer, we will be saved from death in heaven.
  • It is also important to read Surah al-Ikhlas (Pirity) after prayer: “Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim! Kul huwa-llahu ahad! Allahu-z-samad! Lam yalid va lam yulyad! Wa lam yaku-l-lyahu kufuvan ahad! (“In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Say: “In the Name is Allah the One, Allah the Self-Sufficing. In the Name there is no people and there is no nation, and there is no one equal to You.””).
  • Sura "al-Falyak" ("Svitanok"): "Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim!" Kul a'uzu bi-rabbi-l-falyak! Mine sharri ma halyak! Mine sharri gasikin s vakab! You're welcome! min sharri hasidin z hasad! "(In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Say: “I surrender until the Lord saves the world from the evil of what He has done, from the evil of the trouble that comes, from the evil of the chakluns, from spitting on the wuzli, from the evil of the party, if you’re going to get sick”)
  • Suru an-Nas (People): Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim! Kul a'uzu bi-rabbi-n-us! Maliki-n-us! Ilyahi-n-us! Mine sharri-l-vasvasi-l-hannas! Al-lyazi yuvasviu fi suduri-n-us! Mina-l-jinnati va-n-us!” (“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Say: “I surrender to the destruction of the Lord of people, the King of people, the God of people, from the evil of the sorrow that arises (or is squeezed) at the remembrance of Allah, who first appears in the breasts of people and comes from the gins of people "")).
  • Say 10 times after prayers and prayers: “La ilaha illa-l-lahu vahdahu la kulki lyah, lahu-l-mulku wa-lyahu-l-hamdu yukhyi va-yumit, wa-huwa ala kulli shi’in kad.” ir! (“There is no god but one Allah, Who has no companions! To Him belong power and praise! He gives life and kills! He is created for every word!”)
  • You should also say this after the Svitanka prayer: “Allahumma inni as'aluka ilman nafi'a, wa rizkan tayyiba, wa amalyan mutakabbalah!”(“O Allah! I ask You for a beautiful knowledge, a wonderful share and a deed that You will accept!”)

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