A story about Muhammad and who he is. Islamic Encyclopedia

This article presents the biography of the Prophet Muhammad - the most important position in the Muslim world. Allah handed over the Koran - the Holy Letter - to you.

The biography of the Prophet Muhammad begins approximately 570 years ago. that is, if you were born. This happened in Saudi Arabia (Mekti), among the Quraish tribe (Hashim clan). Abdullah, Muhammad's father, died before his people. And the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, Amina, entered the other world when she had just completed 6 years. Vaughn was the daughter of the leader of the Zurkha clan from the local Quraish tribe. Allegedly, the mother of the Prophet Muhammad planned to destroy the city of Medina in order to establish the grave of Abdullah and her relatives. Having stayed here for nearly a month, the stinks went to Mecca. Amina fell seriously ill on the way and died near the village of al-Abwa. This became approximately 577 years old. With this rank, Muhammad became an orphan.

Childhood of the mighty prophet

The future prophet was immediately inspired by Abd al-Muttalibo, his grandfather, and the guilty piety of people. Then the seller Abu Talib, Muhammad’s uncle, continued the training. The Arabs at that time were full of pagans. Moreover, among them were seen some adherents of the unity of God (for example, Abd al-Muttalib). The main part of the Arabs lived on the teren, which was their quiet, nomadic life. There were few places. The main ones can be seen in Mecca, Taif and Yathrib.

Muhammad becomes known

The Prophet, from his youth, was distinguished by his devotion and piety. This is how I believe in one God. Muhammad initially shepherded the queue, and then began to take his fate from the trade leaders of Abu Talib, his uncle. Postuvo Mohammed became aware. People loved him and bestowed the nickname al-Amin (which means “deserving of trust”). Axis was the name of the Prophet Muhammad as a sign of honor for piety, respect, justice and honesty.

Companions of Muhammad on Khadija, children of the prophet

Later, Muhammad in his trade settled one rich widow on the estate of Khadija. She encouraged you to become friends with her within a dozen hours. The friend lived a happy life, not caring about the differences between the ladies. They had six children. Khadija was all the children of the Prophet Muhammad, including Ibrahim, who appeared after her death. At that time, polygamy among the Arabs was widespread, and Muhammad lost his loyal squad. Other squads of the Prophet Muhammad appeared in a new position after the death of Khadija. There is so much to say about him as about the honest man. The children of the Prophet Muhammad have the following names: blue ones - Ibrahim, Abdullah, Kasim; daughters - Ummukulsum, Fatima, Rukiya, Zainab.

Prayers in the mountains, first of all the blood of Gabriel

Muhammad, as before, departed to his native Mecca and settled down there forever. His retreat lasted for several days. I especially fell in love with the cave of Mount Hira, which towers majestic above Mecca. The Prophet Muhammad himself took away his first blood. A photo of the oven is shown below.

In one of the days that took place in the year 610, when Muhammad was close to 40 years of age, a remarkable event took place with him, which completely changed his life. In the video, having said Raptovo, the angel Gabriel (Jabrail) stood in front of him. He pointed out the words that the callers had appeared, and ordered to speak to Muhammad. The one who made the opera, who said that he was illiterate, couldn’t read them. However, the angel poured out, and the rapture of the prophets revealed a sense of words. The angel ordered him to subtract them and pass them on to other people.

This became the first revelation of the book, known today as the Koran (from the Arabic word for “reading”). This day, again, fell on the 27th of Ramadan and began to be called Laylat al-Qadr. This is the most important concept for believers, which is the story of the Prophet Muhammad. Life was no longer possible for him now. She was given over to the care of God, whose servants spent the rest of their days, proclaiming His message everywhere.

Further revelation

The prophet, possessed by the revelation, saw the angel Gabriel not immediately, but when it was lost, appearing in different images. Once upon a time, Jabrail stood before the prophet in the human likeness, which obscured the image. Sometimes Mohammed could hardly catch his piercing glance at himself. The Prophet lost his voice for an hour, having said something. Mohammed Inodi, having withdrawn his sincerity from deep suppression, began to pray. However, in other situations, words appeared absolutely “enough” if, for example, the prophet was busy with everyday activities, going for a walk or listening to a local conversation. Muhammad was unique from the beginning of his public sermons. Vіn vazhav for the best special person Rozmov with people.

Judgment of Muhammad by the people

The special way of developing Muslim prayers was revealed to him, and Muhammad immediately began to pious rights. Vіn robiv them today. This screamed a whole lot of praise from those who bashed him. Muhammad, having given high orders to his public preaching, was barked and ridiculed by the people, who were in great need of his actions and deeds. The people of Quraish at this time were seriously alarmed, having realized that the persistence with which Muhammad strengthened the faith in one God would thus maintain the prestige of the rich god, and also lead to the onslaught of idolatry, if people were brutalized to the faith of Mu Hammed. The prophet's relatives became his main opponents. They mocked and belittled Muhammad, and also committed evil against the new believers. Without any butts, there is a lot of pain and suffering from people who have accepted a new faith.

Migration of the first Muslims to Abyssinia

The short biography of the Prophet Muhammad continued with a move to Abyssinia. At the corner of the village, two great groups of early Muslims moved here. Here they were forced to embrace the Christian negus (king), who was even hostile to their way of life and dreams. The Quraish put a fence on the special forces, military, business, and trade connections with the Hashim clan. It was strictly forbidden for representatives of his clan to appear at Mezzi's. Very important times have come, in the near future many Muslims have been killed.

Death of Khadija and Abu Talib, new friend

The biography of the Prophet Muhammad was marked by this hour and other mysterious events. Khadija, Yogo's squad, died on 619. Vaughn was my favorite assistant and henchman. Abu Talib, uncle of Muhammad, died of his fate. And he himself protected him from the baked attacks of his fellow tribesmen. The Prophet expressed grief after leaving Mecca. Having decided to fly to Taif and find a corner here, they threw him away. Muhammad's friends betrothed the pious widow Sauda to marry her, as she turned out to be a good woman and also a Muslim. Aisha, the young daughter of Abu Bakr, his friend, knew her entire life and loved the prophet. And even though she was still too young for love affairs, she still went to the homeland of Mohammed, following the current sounds.

The essence of Muslim rich marriage

The companions of the Prophet Muhammad are an okrema topic. These are some of the people's biographies. It is clear that there is a feeling among people that they do not understand the reasons for wealth in the Muslim world. At that time, a Muslim who takes himself into a squad of several wives, almost as if he were listening, giving them his blessings and his protection. Men were also called upon to help their friends who died in battle, to give them power outside their everyday life. They are treated as if they were close relatives (of course, things could have been different in the case of mutual relations).

Nich Ascension

The biography of the Prophet Muhammad was marked by another important concept. The Prophet in 619 had the opportunity to experience another extraordinary thing in his life. Tse Laylat al-Miraj, Nich Ascension. It appears that Muhammad woke up, after which he was transported to Jerusalem in a magical creature. On Mount Zion, over the site of the restoration of an ancient Jewish temple, the heavens opened. So I walked in such a way that I was brought to the throne of the Lord. However, neither he nor the angel Gabriel, who accompanied Muhammad, was allowed to enter the border region. This is how the Prophet Muhammad was celebrated. That same night, the rules of prayer were revealed, which became the center of faith, as well as the inviolable basis of life for the entire Muslim world. Muhammad also met with other prophets, including Moses, Jesus and Abraham. She deeply appreciated and exhaled this miraculous spirit, adding to the certainty that she would not leave Allah and would not deprive one of her with her troubles.

Preparation before moving to Yasrib

Muhammad's share has now changed dramatically. At Mezza he was still ridiculed and re-examined, and his message was already felt by the people beyond the borders of this place. A number of elders of Yasrib urged the prophet to leave Mecca and move to their place, where he would be accepted as a judge and leader. Jews and Arabs lived peacefully near Yasrib, and they gradually fought one after another. The smells suspected that Muhammad would bring them light. The Prophet immediately pleased his followers with riches to go to this place, while he himself lost himself in Mezzi in order not to arouse suspicion. Even after Abu Talib had died, the Quraysh could have attacked the prophet and killed him, and Muhammad miraculously realized that early and late it was not enough.

Muhammad arrives in Yasrib

Various dramatic scenes accompany the life of the Prophet Muhammad at the hour of his departure. Mohammed was struck by the wonder of being completely filled with the wondrous knowledge of the deserts of the city. The Quraysh did not bury many times, but Muhammad was still able to reach the palace of Yasrib. They were waiting impatiently at this place. When Muhammad arrived, people immediately decided to settle in them with proposals. The Prophet, who recognized such hospitality, gave his camel the right to choose. The camel hung around the place where the dates were drying. The Prophet was given a place to wake up. The new place was taken over by Madinat an-Nabi (in translation - “the place of the prophet”). Vіdomy today u skorochnі yak Medina.

Reign of Muhammad in Yasrib

Muhammad immediately began to prepare a decree, which was voted in this place by the supreme head of all clans and tribes that fought among themselves. From now on, the stench is less likely to obey the orders of the prophet. Muhammad established that all citizens can share their religion. It is your responsibility to listen peacefully, without fear of the worst disgrace or re-investigation. Mohammed asked only one thing - to get together, so as to face any enemy who would dare to attack Medina. The tribal laws of Jews and Arabs were replaced by the principle of “justice for all”, so as not to withstand religion, skin color and social formation.

The life of the prophet Muhammad in Yasrib

The Prophet, who became the ruler of Medina and was blessed with great wealth and influx, is no longer alive as a king. From simple clay budins, created for his squads, his life was formed. The life of the Prophet Muhammad was forgivable - he never had a damp room. A door with a well was located nearby the Budinochkas - the place that has now become a mosque, where devout Muslims gather to this day. Continuous prayer, as well as the instruction of believers, covered almost the entire life of Muhammad. In addition to the five obligatory prayers that were celebrated in the mosque, many hours of prayer were added, and most of the night was devoted to pious prayers. His squad performed the night prayer together with him, after which they retired to their chambers. And Muhammad continued to pray for many years, until the end of the night, unbearably, in order to wake up just before the holy prayer.

Decided to turn back to Mecca

The prophet who died to turn to Mecca, at the end of 628 years, decided to bring his death into reality. He collected 1400 of his followers and destroyed the road with them, completely unarmoured, in tents that consisted of more than 2 white covers. The followers of the prophet, who did not care at all, were relieved at the entrance to the place. It did not help to tell those who had confessed to Islam that the rich people of Mecca had confessed. The pilgrims, in order to avoid possible harm, brought their sacrifices near Mecca, under the name of Hudaibiya. In 629, Muhammad launched plans for the restoration of Mecca to a peaceful path. The truce in Khudaibiya turned out to be unsatisfactory. The Meccans again, in the fall of leaves 629, attacked the tribe that was in alliance with the Muslims.

Mohammed's entry to Mecca

With about 10 thousand people, the largest army ever left Medina, destroying Mecca. The whole place was destroyed, after which Mecca surrendered without a fight. With the triumph of the Prophet Muhammad, he went directly to the Kaaba and performed rituals around it 7 times. After this, the prophet raised the sanctuary and destroyed all the idols.

Hajat al-Wida, death of Muhammad

Since 632 years ago, there has been a single full-time pilgrimage to the Kaaba, known as the Last Pilgrimage (Hajjat ​​al-Wida), founded by the Prophet Muhammad (a photo of the Kaaba in today's view is presented below).

During the hour of this pilgrimage, revelations about the rules of Hajj were sent to you. And to this day all Muslims follow them. If, in order to stand before Allah, the prophet reached the mountain of Arafat, he pronounced the rest of his sermon. Muhammad was already seriously ill at that hour. The world of strength has continued to chew the keruvati at the mosque with prayers. There was no further increase in illness, and the prophet was still angry. Yomu was 63 years old at that hour. This is where the life of the Prophet Muhammad ends. His followers could very well believe that he died as a simple man. The story of the Prophet Muhammad teaches us about spirituality, faith, devotion. It’s not just Muslims who are talking today, but also representatives of other faiths from different parts of the world.

Prophet Muhammad was born in Mektsi (Saudi Arabia) approximately 570 stars. e., among the Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe. Muhamed's father, Abdallah, died before Sin was born, and Muhamed's mother, Amina, died when Yoma suffered six deaths, leaving Sin an orphan. Muhammad was related from the beginning to his grandfather Abd al-Muttalibo, a man of guilt, and then to his uncle, the merchant Abu Talibo.

At that time, the Arabs were the last pagans, among whom, however, there were seen quite a few adherents of the One God, such as Abd al-Muttalib. Most of the Arabs lived nomadic lives in territories that were easy for them to live in. There was little space. The main ones among them can be called Mecca, Yasrib and Taif.

As a young man, the prophet was convinced of his piety and devotion, believing, as I did, in One God. From the beginning he passed the queues, and then began to take his share of the trading rights of his uncle Abu Talib. Having become aware, people loved Him and, as a sign of respect for piety, honesty, justice and respect, bestowed the honorable title of al-Amin (She who deserves trust).

Later in the trade, a possible widow in the name of Khadija requested that, in about an hour, Muhammad would make friends with her. Unconcerned with the wife, the stinks lived happy lives of friends, caring for sixty children. And although at that time polygamy among the Arabs was a major phenomenon. The Prophet did not take other troops with him until Khadija lived.

The new camp has given plenty of time for prayers and reflection. As he calls his friend, Mohamed went to the mountains that left Mecca, and settled there forever. Several days passed during Yogo's self-government. Yomu especially fell in love with the stove of Mount Hira (Jabal Nyr - Burn the Light), which towers majestically above Mecca. In one of these days, which fell on 610 years, with Mohamed, who was close to forty years old at that hour, something happened that completely changed everything in his life.

At Raptovo's vision, the angel Gabriel (Gabriel) appeared before Him and, pointing to the words that the callers had appeared, told Yoma to recognize them. Mohamed made the opera, declaring that he was illiterate, and that he could not read them, but the angel continued to sing, and the Prophet raptured the sensations of these words. He was ordered to subtract them and pass them on to other people. This ceremony marked the first revelation about the words of the Book, known as the Koran (in Arabic “reading”).

This day again fell on the 27th of the month of Ramadan and gave rise to the name Laylat al-Qadr. The former life of the prophet was no longer due to him, but was given under the tutelage of the One who called him to the prophetic mission, and decided the days of his days of service in the service of God, everywhere shouting for his messenger.

Removing the revelation, the Prophet did not immediately see the angel Gabriel, but when he did so, the angel did not appear in that same appearance. Sometimes the angel stood before Him in human likeness, darkening the horizon, and sometimes the Prophet could no longer catch His sawing gaze. At times Vіn feels like he has lost his voice, which calls to New. At other times, he rejected confession, deep in prayer, and in other episodes the stench seemed quite “quite”, if Muhamed, for example, was on a tour about the affairs of everyday life, or went for a walk, or simply buried rumors in the snake I'm having a conversation.

From the beginning, the prophet was unique in public sermons, respecting especially the special Rozmov with the stuck people and with those who received New Oversight changes. I discovered the special path of Muslim prayer, and I unfathomably disseminated the worthy pious rights, which invariably screamed complaints from the side of those who were teaching him. Having abandoned the most important orders to publish a public sermon, Mohamed was ridiculed and barked at by the people, who were in sufficient need of His approval and influence. At times, the rich Quraysh were seriously alarmed, having realized that Muhammad’s insistence on the firm belief in the One True God could not only maintain the prestige of the rich god, but could lead to a complete outbreak of idolatry, as people raped begin to strive to believe the prophet. The deeds of Muhammad's relatives turned into his main opponents: belittling and disparaging the Prophet himself, they did not forget to do evil and against their faithful ones. There is no shortage of pain and suffering from those who have accepted the new faith. Two great groups of early Muslims in search of a place moved to Abyssinia, where the Christian negus (king), even though they were hostile to their loves and way of life, were willing to give them intercession. The Quraysh decided to put a fence on all trade, business, military and special connections with the Hashim clan. Representatives of whose clan were most reluctant to show up at Mezzi. These are very important times, and many Muslims were condemned to extreme poverty.

In the 619th century, the squad of the prophet Khadija died. Vaughn was Yogo's most beloved henchman and assistant. Why did Muhammad’s uncle, Abu Talib, die, having kidnapped him from the worst attacks from his fellow tribesmen? The Prophet was overcome with grief by depriving Mecca and flying to Taif, trying to find the corner, and then being thrown out there.

The prophet's friends betrothed Yoma to a pious widow in the name of Saud, who turned out to be a good woman, and also a Muslim. Aisha, the young daughter of my friend Abu Bakr, knew and loved the prophet all her life. And although she was too young for love affairs, she, along with other names, still went to the homeland of Muhammad as a ruler. However, there is a misconception that prevails among people who absolutely do not understand the reasons for Muslim wealth. Nowadays, a Muslim who takes a few wives for his squad, working with a feeling of sleep, mercifully gives them his protection and blessings. Muslim men were called upon to help the squads of their friends who had died in battle, to give them power around the house and to manage them, mute from their closest relatives (of course, everything could be different if they were mutually dependent) ).

In the year 619, Muhammad had a chance to experience the most important night in his life - the Night of Ascension (Leylat al-Miraj). It appears that the prophet was awakening and transferring the magical creature to Jerusalem. Over the site of the restoration of the ancient Jewish Temple on Mount Zion, the heavens opened and the roads opened that ushered Muhammad to the throne of the Lord, pro neither you nor Gabriel, who accompanied him to the angel, was not allowed to enter into succession. and regions. This prophetic night revealed the rules of Muslim prayer. The stench became the central and inviolable basis of the life of Muslims. Muhammad also communicated with other prophets, including Jesus, Moses, and Abraham. This miraculous miracle even calmed and humbled the Prophet, adding to the certainty that Allah would not deprive Him and would not deprive Him of any sum.

Now the prophet's role has changed to the highest rank. He was still being re-examined and observed in Mezza, and the message of the prophet was already sensed by people far beyond the borders of this place. The elders of Yasrib urged him to leave Mecca and move to his place, wherein would be accepted as a leader and judge. At whose place Arabs and Jews lived peacefully, and they steadily conquered one after another. The smells suspected that Muhammad would bring them peace. The Prophet gladly pleased His followers with riches to move to Yathrib while He was lost in Mezza, so as not to attract any suspicions. After the death of Abu Talib, the Quraish could calmly attack Muhammad, kill him, and miraculously realize that this could happen early and late.

The departure of the prophet was accompanied by various dramatic scenes. Muhammad himself marveled at his full knowledge of the local deserts. As many times as the Quraish did not fill Yogo, the Prophet was still able to reach the place of Yasrib. They were waiting impatiently at his place, and when Muhammad arrived at Yasrib, people were destroying him on the spot with propositions about the doorway. Knowing their hospitality, Muhammad gave the right to choose to his camel. The camel backed up in the place where the dates were drying, and the mitte was presented to the Prophet for waking up. The place acquired a new name - Madinat an-Nabi (Place of the Prophet) and soon became known as Medina.

The Prophet immediately began to prepare a decree, according to which Vin was voted by the supreme head of all the tribes and clans of Medina, who were making war among themselves, who were now agitated to submit to His orders. He established that all the inhabitants of the country are free to practice their religion in a peaceful manner, without fear of being subjected to the greatest disgrace. We asked them only for one thing - to gel and date any enemy who would dare to attack the place. The ancient tribal laws of the Arabs and Jews were replaced by the basic principle of "justice for all", regardless of social status, color or religion.

Having become the ruler of a place-power and having lost untold wealth and inflow. The prote prophet is no longer alive, like the king. His life was formed from simple clay budins, formed for Yogo squads; You can never feel the dampness of the room. Not far from Budinochka, a door opened from a spring - a place that has now become a mosque, where devout Muslims gather.

The entire life of the Prophet Muhammad was spent in constant prayer and in the spirit of the faithful. In addition to five obligatory prayers, which he spent at the mosque, the prophet devoted many hours to personal prayer, and sometimes devoted most of the night to pious thoughts. His companions performed the night prayer together with Him, after such a stench they retired to their chambers, and after many years of prayer they continued to pray, unbearably sleeping until the end of the night, so that they could quickly wake up before the pre-light prayer.

In the year 628, the Prophet, who died about returning to Mecca, decided to bring His dream into reality. Vіn having destroyed the road with 1,400 followers, absolutely without armor, at the pilgrim's tents, which consisted of two simple covers. However, the followers of the prophet were warned at the entrance to the place, regardless of the fact that the large population of Mecca had confessed to Islam. To end the day, the pilgrims made their sacrifices near Mecca, in a place called Hudaibiya.

In 629, the Prophet Muhammad began plans for a peaceful rebirth of Mecca. The truce, established in the town of Khudaybiya, turned out to be unsatisfactory, and in the fall of the leaves of 629, the Mekans attacked one of the tribes that was in a friendly alliance with the Muslims. The Prophet attacked Mecca with about 10,000 men, the largest army that had ever left Medina. The stench was heard near Mecca, after which the place fell without a fight. The Prophet Muhammad, in triumph, went to the place, immediately going straight to the Kaaba and this time performing ritual ceremonies around it. Then he went up to the shrine and destroyed all the idols.

In 632 years, the prophet Muhammad began his one full pilgrimage to the shrine of Kaabi, known as Hajat al-Wida (the Last Pilgrimage). At the hour of this pilgrimage, revelations were sent to Yom about the rules of the Hajj, which all Muslims follow to this day. When the prophet reached the mountain of Arafat to “stand before Allah”, He pronounced His remaining sermon. Mohamed was already seriously ill. He continued to pray for the world with prayers at the mosque. There was no worsening illness, and he was still ill. Yomu Bulo 63 rocks. Apparently, His remaining words were: “In Paradise, there is no place among the most worthy.” His followers strongly believed that the Prophet died at the moment of death as a simple man, ale Abu Bakr recited to him the words of revelation after the battle of Mount Uhud:
“Muhamed is only a messenger. There are no longer any messengers as there were before;
If you die and are killed, then why are you going back?” (Quran, 3:138).

© LLC "Sadra", 2016


Arabia, which was also called “scorched land,” was a deserted desert, endless deserts, valleys and hillocks. Arabia is a waterless land, a land where nothing grew except desert thorns, which they called “spruce.” The lives of the Arabs, which could perhaps be called lives, were more like crypts, in which things under the name “people”, crawling about, spent their wretched lives, gorging on dates and stale water.

Wars and strife were a common feature of married life at that time. Mecca was the temple of idols. These merchants were merchants and liquor traders who bought up human souls for dirhams and dinars.

The tribal way of life and bestiality, associated with the harsh oppression of sickness, were an invisible part of the mortuary structure of Arabia. The spiritual crisis that occurred in Arabia was partly the same as a light spiritual crisis, one of which was the strengthening of the oppression that destroyed the calm and social order of the marriage.

A group of rich people and spirits, who were engaged in trade in Mezza, acquired illegal means of great wealth, exploiting the lower levels of marriage. Liquority and harsh exploitation concealed more and more waste and increased the spiritual density of the population.

The Arab tribes, through their ignorance, worshiped natural phenomena and idols. The Kaaba was converted into a pagan temple 1
"Nahj al-balagha", Allame Khoi, volume 2, page 173; "Tarikh Jamei Adyan", prov. Ali Askar Hikmat, page 479.

Obscene sounds and the very way of life diminished the greatness of the whole nation. The disenchantment of the Arabs before the Islamic period led to a situation about which history says: “And the fruits were the moral development of that malignancy, with it - carrion, with extinguishment - fear, with logic - a sword...”

Based on their names, the Arabs recognized those who were similar to the Arabs and who had Arab blood as the best and the worst in the world. Otherwise, in the era of primary ignorance (jahiliya) 2
If you are interested in the topic of ignorance of the current world, read the Persian translation of the book “Jahiliyyat al-Qarn al-Ishrin”, written by Muhammad Qutb.

Well known in the 20th century, nationalism was the cult of pre-Islamic Arabia. The skin tribe was written as something that may be considered as an important criterion for itself.

Raids, robberies, barbarism, oppression, aggression, treachery characterized the priorities of the Arabs at that time.

The killing was regarded by them as a manifestation of true valor and courage!

A daughter in the family meant ruin, and often the humiliating extreme poverty tempted the Arab to imagine himself as a child, killing or burying an innocent child with live bait at the grave. If a pagan Arab was told about his daughter’s birth, his exposure became black due to the storm. Father calmed down and sized everything up, as if to deal with the inconveniences: take the punishment, deprived them, or bury them alive in the ground and “they will not forget their worth, because sometimes only the girls in this will become apparent 'I respected the trash' 3
Taken from the Holy Quran, 16:58–59; 17:31. Also published in Tafsir “Al-Mizan”, volume 12, page 294.

In this manner, following from what has been said, it follows that the Arab people, living in a deep quagmire, let go of a spiritual storm. The Arabs turned into fierce people and robbers. The stench, like many other peoples of the world, was followed by slaughterhouses and legends, which served as the basis of their “religion”.

It is completely obvious that a ground-level transformation of such a marriage was necessary. But with the help of the hand of revival, the divine people were responsible, as they were directed by the Almighty himself, and only in such a situation could there be any mercy and spoils. On the way to reaching the improvement of the marriage, such a person is not greedy. Knowing our own special opponents, we do not reconsider our interests, and under the guise of “filtering” the elements that are not in our system. However, such people have the ability to change these people into better ones. You will walk the path of Allah and work for the benefit of the people. One thing is clear: the leader, by abolishing moral and moral virtues, is not able to correct the marriage and lead him to salvation. This is given exclusively to the divine troops. With the help of reducing the stench, this will deeply and completely transform the individual and social aspects of a person’s life.

And now the time has come to marvel at the new light band, at its specialness and the changes that it brought from itself.

The origin and heritage of His Lordship Muhammad (S) 4
The form is shortened - let Allah bless yogo ta rіd yogo.

Mecca was locked in a dark and heavy night. There were no traces of life, no manifestation of any activity. Just high in the sky, the month has completely disappeared from behind the mountains, shedding its dark light on the simple huts in the middle of the sands.

After the last night, a charming wind swept through the hot lands of the Hijaz, preparing them for an unhappy recuperation. At the same hour, the mirrors became familiar to the simple purity of the night, giving it sparkle, richness and modest richness. The stinks looked down and laughed at the sleeping inhabitants of Mecca.

As soon as the sun had set, as if on that heavenly wind one could feel the singing of the birds, that the early lads were throwing themselves away, the skies wagging their souls.

It was early morning, and until then, an unconscious Movchan woman was panting in the area. Everyone was sleepy, and Amina was the only one who couldn’t sleep. Vaughn noticed that... The giblets were sifted... Incredulously, she noticed in her room a number of unknown and prostituted women, who looked like odors. The breed was enraged. Who stinks? How did you get to the closed doors?! 5
"Bihar al-Anwar", volume 15, page 325.

A few hours passed, and Amen’s heart appeared on the road. After many months of awakening in the early days of the seventeenth Rabbi al-Awwal, their eyes were illuminated by the wonder of the children.

Everyone was excited for the appearance of little Muhammad (S). But at the same hour, as if Amenya’s bedroom suddenly fell silently, the young man Abdully was not with her. Because the fate was such that, turning back from a trip to Syria, he died at Medina and died there, depriving Amina again 6
"Kamil at-tavarikh", page 10; "Tyutyun", volume 1, page 61; "Bihar al-Anwar", volume 15, page 125.

Muhammad (S) – unspoken incompetence

The birth of the Prophet Muhammad (S) was accompanied by a number of unexpected phenomena that were observed in heaven and on earth. Zokrema, the stench was revealed at the Gathering, which at that time was swayed by the wheel of civilization.

A few fragments were born in order to restore peoples from dissolution, spiritual decline, and to lay a new foundation for the benefit of the progress and prosperity of mankind, even at the time of the birth of Muhammad (C) the world had a vision that would encourage people wake up from the sleep of ignorance and forgetfulness .

The great palace of Anushirvan was in the eyes of people a symbol of eternal power and power. That night the castle shook, and the fourteen teeth of its wall fell. 7
"Bihar al-Anwar", volume 15, page 257.

The fire at the Zoroastrian temple of Fars, which had been burning for a thousand years, went out uncontrollably. 8
There, p. 258–263.

Halima - the celebrant of Muhammad (S)

In the old days, among the Arabs, there was an increase in the need to give newborn children to the nursery of a year old who lingers in the outskirts of the place, the remaining children in this type are not only growing in the clean and fresh air of the desert, and also in This is the shortest, correct Arabic dialect that can only be detected on empty. expanses of Arabia 9
Seriy Khalbie”, volume 1, page. 99.

Therefore, having inherited this ancient sound and through those who had no milk in Amin, Abd al-Mutallib, the grandfather and guarantor of Muhammad (C), intends to find for his beloved onuk (a common guess about his son Abdullah) an important and reliable woman, yak dbala b about nyogo. After previous rumors, how the Anniversary of the Years is collecting Halima from the Bani Sa'd tribe, who was famous among the Arabs for his valor and redness. Halima was one of the noblest and most noble wives of her time. She turned to Muhammad (C) at the side of the tribe and talked about him as about her powerful child.

It can be seen that the people of the Bani Sa'd tribe experienced dry land for a difficult time. The dry, deserted expanses and the attenuated clouds of the sky were the reason for the congestion of their dark, difficult situation. From that day, when Muhammad (C) arrived at Halimi’s day, grace came upon her: life, which had passed in evil days, now began to mature, and the faces of the women and children began to feel fresh, Halimi’s breasts , in which there was little milk, filled up. The pastures of these lands, where lines of sheep and camels were grazing, burst into greenery. Before Muhammad (C), the whole tribe was going through important times!

Equal to his other children, Muhammad (C) grew faster, was the best in life, and also spoke kindly. They accompanied him happily and prosperously, which his distant people immediately understood. Haris, Halimi’s man, allegedly said to her: “Do you know what share was given to us for the blessed child? 10
"Sira", Ibn Hisham, volume 1, page 159.

Muhammad (S) u viri podiy

If Muhammad (C) has suffered six fates, his mother Amina, having taken him with her, leaves Mecca and goes straight to Medina to raise her relatives. There is also a version that she went to visit the grave of her boyfriend Abdullah. Alya was not destined to turn around. Amina died in old age and was buried in a town called Abba 11
There yourself, sir. 168.

In this manner, Muhammad (S) spends his father's time with his father, if the child ever requires his father's care and mother's affection.

Image of Muhammad (C)

Just as before, how the people of the Prophet of Islam (S) and the races that followed him were marvelous and talked about his extraordinary characteristics, the language and behavior of his lordship in childhood raised him as one-year-olds, so what to tell your grandfather Abd al-Mutallib estimating this and revealing to a new depth 12
Bihar al-Anwar, volume 15, page 382, ​​402, 366.

The uncle of the Prophet, Abu Talib, said: “I do not at all believe that Muhammad was lying and committing obscene and thoughtless actions, not feeling any inappropriate laughter, nor dirty roses. I spent most of my time on my own.” 13
Right there.

Muhammad (C) faced this fateful fate when this amazing fall occurred. Allegedly, the Jews cooked the stolen chicken and sent it to Abu Talib. Everyone devoured this meat, and only Muhammad (S) did not touch any of it. If Resha wanted to find out about the reason, she said: “The meat was harrowed, and God took care of me from the harrowed stuff...”

Another time, the Jewish slaves took a trigger from their neighbors, promising to pay afterwards. Ale Prophet (C), as before, without sticking to meat, seems to be in doubt about what is permissible.

They also confirmed: “This child is of great importance.” 14
There yourself, sir. 336.

Several fallouts from childhood and youth

The childhood of the Prophet Muhammad (C), which was accompanied by the bitterness of orphanhood, passed under the tutelage of his magnanimous grandfather Adb al-Mutalib and affectionate uncle Abu Talib. Nemov tsi roki, if any sadness tormented his subtle soul, was necessary for the further formation of the great specialness of the Prophet (C). The orphan, who was destined to become a Messenger and a Benefactor, is obliged to learn from his childhood all the intricacies of suffering; He needed his mother’s firmness and resilience in order to bear the difficult burden of the divine message. No matter what the future Prophet (C) was blessed with the kindness of his mother and the tender love of his father, without being abandoned. Abu Talib, following the commandment of his brother, and also at the insistence of his father, Abd al-Mutaliba, took under his power and protection of Muhammad (C). In fact, the nephew replaced Abu Talib's son and became a memory of his brother Abdullah and his father Abd al-Mutallib. Abu Talib was for Muhammad (C) an affectionate father, a devoted uncle and a sensitive and sensitive guardian. Uncle and nephew were closely tied together, so it seemed as if their lives were intertwined with each other like an inseparable thread. Through his great kindness, Abu Talib never separated from Muhammad (C) and took him with him to such great bazaars as Akkaz, Majanna, Zil Majaz. If Abu Talib left Mecca for trade in Syria, then the unborn would honor the separation by taking him with him on the road. Seated on a camel, Muhammad (C) made the long journey to Syria. 15
Sira”, Ibn Hisham, volume 1, page 180.

Zustrich Muhammad (S) with the Chen Bahira

The day when the Quraish caravan approaches the city of Busra 16
A small place in Syria.

What a monk in the name of Bakhir, a simple independent way of living, being in your cell. He immediately noticed the caravan in the distance and the gloom that followed it and stole the mandarins from the scorching changes of the sun.

Bakhir went from his cell and ordered his servant: “Go and tell these people that our guests stink today.”

Everyone came, except Muhammad (C), who had lost the ability to guard their speech. Having realized that the gloom had disappeared over the camels, Bakhir asked: “Why are all the mandrivniks present here?” - “So, the cream of one guy,” was the answer.

The monk asked for the boy to be brought, and when they arrived, the hmara would follow him. Bakhir looked at Muhammad (C) with great respect and then said to him: “I will sing for you for Lata ta Uzzi.” 17
The new idols of the Meccan pagans.

- Don’t feed me for the sake of Lata ta Uzzi no matter what. I swear to Allah, I hate nothing else more for the two of them.

- Tell me then for the sake of Allah.

- Ask.

After a short prayer with Muhammad (C), the monk fell to his feet and hands and kissed them, saying: “As it is given to live in your hour (the hour of your prophecy), then I, one of the first, fight against your enemies. Truly, you are a great person..."

Then Bakhira chuckled as to who should take care of this child. Yoma was pointed at Abu Talib, saying that he was his father.

“It’s not your fault that this young man has a living father,” countering Bakhir.

“He’s my brother’s son,” Abu Talib said.

Todi Bakhir became furious:

- Whose boy is he counting on in the great future? If you want to get to know him and find out about those that I know, they will try to kill him. Take care of them!

- How can you earn money, and how long will your relationships last? - By asking Abu Talib.

- You will be a prophet. The Angel of Revelation has gone down to the next. God will not deprive you of one! 18
Bihar al-Anwar", volume 15, p. 193–204.


Regardless of the fact that Abu Talib was one of the noble Quraishites, yet there was not enough money for the important expenses of his family. Muhammad (C), who reaches maturity, will be able to engage in justice and thereby help Abu Talib.

What profession should you choose, so that it reveals you to the spiritual light?

Respectful for those who Muhammad (C) became a great Prophet and a noble band, as well as to deal with stubborn and untidy Arabs, to fight against fanatical Jews and the wrong traditions of the era of silence, to lay the foundations of the presented palace of justice and To bring happiness into the world is the will of shepherding.

Muhammad (C) tended the thinness of his relatives and the Meccans in the steppes that were located on the outskirts of the city of Mecca. They took away the money they gave to their uncle. Moreover, deserted spaces, removed from the mundane noise, were a great opportunity to escape from a marriage devastated by dissolution and lack of rule.

Moral purity of Muhammad (S)

At the time, when previously acquired natural instincts and aptitudes manifest themselves and are formed in a person, children enter a new path - non-performing and tremulous. You can smell yourself in another world. At this very important moment in the life of a young person, it is necessary to eliminate and bring to the same level his mitta’s fears and spiritual anguish. All kinds of debauchery, debauchery and depravity can destroy the young and throw them into the greedy abyss of misfortune.

Muhammad (S) is alive in the marriage, the atmosphere of which is clouded with immorality. Not just the youth, but even the people of Hijaz, in their old age, dressed themselves in an obscene and self-destructive manner until they were dissolved. A black ensign developed over the skin of the budinki - a sign of depravity, calling out similar outraged people.

Well, Muhammad (C) spent his children and youth in a similar low destiny. However, having not completed the family until twenty-five years of fate, they still did not lose the negative influx of exasperation. During this period of the life of the great Prophet Muhammad (C), it is impossible to trace the least obscene detail behind him. Every time, the Prophet (S), in addition to others, there is a thorough understanding of all moral virtues, such as: generosity, kindness, gentry, patience and vitrim, honesty, trustworthiness, goodwill. from defects. In connection with him, even before the prophetic mission, he was called “Muhammad Amin”, which translates as “faithful and trustworthy people” 19
"Sira", Ibn Hisham, volume 1, page 183.

Both friends and enemies rejoice in this and see his high spiritual values.

Panegyric works written by poets during the hour of joy of the Prophet (S) on Saint Khadija (A) 20
The shortened form is its light.

Make a guess about his most beautiful qualities, such as his value. Turning back to Khadija, she sings: “...Oh, Khadija (A)! Among the people of this world, you have reached the highest level, you yourself have received this honor. (i.e. you are the only woman who was honored with the honor of being friends with Muhammad (C)) 21
"Bihar al-Anwar", volume 16, page 74.

Another sings in his verses and expresses himself as follows: “If you equate Ahmad (C) with all the creations, then you will surpass them. Verily, his advantages are clear to the Quraish." 22
There yourself, sir. 75.


According to legends, Saint Khadija (A) was the first woman to accept Islam. By the side of my father and mother she lay to the Quraish tribe.

Father Khadiji - Khuwaylid ibn Assad, mother - Fatima bint Za'd ibn Assam. In this manner, the family of Saint Khadija (A), the Mother of the Faithful on her father’s and mother’s lines, rejoices with the noble Arab family.

Khadija (A) had a small pure soul and rejected religious devotion. She was known by the name “Tahira”, which means “pure, immaculate”, and was respected by the most beautiful woman of the Quraish tribe.

The main version is that before becoming the squad of the Prophet (S), the Lordship of Khadija (A) had loved and small children, pro biographers may not remember about them. The reason for this oversight is that their books begin to describe the life of Khadija from the very hour when she took away the honor of becoming a squad of the Prophet (S).

After the death of the man, Khadija (A) did not make friends, although representatives of the famous Quraish tribes wooed her before her. With the mercy of Allah, she took away the honor of the squad of the Messenger of God and the great Prophet (S). Khadija (A) was his first squad and companion in his life for 25 years.

Being a rich woman, she quickly organized a trade caravan, which, due to its number, was superior to all the Quraysh caravans, which we would take together at once. To carry out trade information for the caravan, she hired people. The news about the nobility of Muhammad (C) spread throughout the entire Arabian Peninsula. Khadija (A) decided to propagate her trade records to you.

Yakos Khadija (A) shared her dungeon with her friend Nafise, sister of Yali ibn Umaya. She wanted her friend to talk to Muhammad (C) about a sensitive topic.

Ibn Sa'd confirms the words of Nafisi: “Khadija (A) – the daughter of Khuwaylid ibn Abdulaz ibn Qasi – was a very sensible, practical, wealthy woman and respected the noble walks of all Quraishites. And all her relatives sent matchmakers before her, and the fragments could soon cross the great camp before them. When the trade caravan, like the honorable and benevolent Muhammad (C), turned from Syria, Khadija (A) called me to her and said: “I have chosen you for serious justice.” To which I replied: “I will follow you to the tips of your fingers and always to your services.” Khadija (A) said: “Talk about me to Muhammad (C).” I reached out to Muhammad ibn Abdullah (C) and asked him: “Why don’t you choose your squad?” Vin got out and said that he doesn’t have enough money to start a family, to which I responded: “How do you think I’ll marry you to a wife who has beauty, wealth and is jealous of you for being married?”

- Who are you talking about?

- About Khadij (A).

After this episode, not a lot of hours passed, and Muhammad (C) simultaneously decided to get married to his uncle Hamza. Returning to Khadija's uncle Amr ibn Assad ibn Abdulazi Al-Fakhri, Hamza said: “Muhammad (C) will overcome all the young people of the Quraish tribe for his nobility, honor, virtues and wisdom, and he wants to make friends with Khadija m..."

Well, it was a lot of fun, with the testimonies and participants of which everyone in Quraish knew.

The Prophet (S) spoke about Khadij (A): “I swear to God, I did not have a better squad for Khadij. At that time, when everyone was unfaithful, she accepted Islam first, when everyone rejected me, she believed me. Vaughn didn’t damage her lane for me...”

The Great Prophet of Islam (S) sent a message after the death of Khadija (A) and always remembered her with warmth.

From the confession of Ibn Abbas: “One day the prophet painted several lines on the ground and said: “Do you know what these lines mean?” They told him: “God and His Messenger know more for us.” The Prophet (S) said: “These are the most beautiful women of Paradise: Khadija (A), daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, Maryam, mother of Jesus, and Asiya, daughter of Mazahem.”

In the early days of the prophetic mission, the Quraysh put a great pressure on the Prophet of Islam (S), and they were tempted to move and live together with their relatives and companions at the Girsky gorge of Sha'b Abu Talib. Khadija (A) followed him and was once again in charge of the Prophet during those important events.

Historians write: “The Prophet and Khadija (A) spent their entire camp. All the faith of the Almighty gave them strength to endure hunger, persecution and all the difficulties that they had to face. Everything seemed to be healthy. Khadija (A) was already weakened and immediately after returning to Mecca, she left this mortal world without refreshment.”

In addition, the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Talib, and the remains of the Prophet (S) died, having lost those closest and dearest to them, who were my reliable support in life, in the history of this river they were called fate “sorrow and turmoil.”

At 570 rub. to resemble the Hashim family of the Quraish tribe, which is a little political and economical inflow from the place. Little is known about His early rocks, mainly those that are found in the Koran and in the lives (Sira). Muhammad's father - a poor merchant Abdallah ibn al-Muttalib - died at 570 rubles. As a result of an unfortunate accident at the hour of a trading trip before the end of the day. Muhammad's mother, Amina, died when Yom suffered six fates. Muhammad was taken into custody by his uncle, Abd al-Muttalib, and for two years, since his grandfather died, his uncle, Abu Talib, took custody of Muhammad. While living in Abu Talib, Muhammad was initially a shepherd, then became a merchant.
From his youth, he developed a passion for piety, piety, and honesty. Then Muhammad began to share his fate with the merchants of Abu Talib. They loved the young man so much for his fairness and daring, and they cheekily called him Amin (Merit for Trust). Muhammad dispelled his first fears about the excessive world during his travels with Abu Talib in the trading circles. The reputation of a reliable person, evidence from trade and caravan justice allowed him to take a job from a rich widow, with whom he later became friends.

The new social situation allowed Muhammad to spend more than an hour thinking. He went to the mountains that were like Mecca, and settled there forever. Yoma especially fell in love with the stove of Mount Hira, which towers over Mecca. In 610 r., when Muhammad received 40 rocks, one hour after such doubts, they rejected first the revelation about the words of the book, known to Nina as the Koran. Raptov saw that Jibril appeared in front of him, pointing out the words that the callers had appeared, ordering him to hear them out loud, read them and convey them to people. This idea came to be at the end and gave rise to the name Laylat al-Qadr (Nothing of power, Noch of glory). The exact date is unknown, but it means 27 Ramadan. The first to Muhammad appeared were the five verses of the 96th, with the words: “Read! In the name of your Lord." Then the messengers, from the first revelation to the last, came to Muhammad all of His life (spanning 23 years). The mediator of the transmission of Revelation was always Jibril. Through this new arrival, there is a command to bring the Word of God to people. Muhammad rejoiced in the fact that he is a messenger and a prophet, to bring the right word to people, to fight against the rich, to proclaim the unity and greatness of Allah, to announce the coming resurrection of the dead, and the punishment in the hell of all who do not respect Iruvav in Allah.

A small group of followers gathered around Muhammad, and most of the Meccans gathered around him, having learned about the one God, Allah, about the Day of Judgment, paradise and hell, with mockery. The Mekan oligarchy laid the foundation for Yogo's reforms, fragments of the sermons they imitated, supported their political and social influx in the Hijaz, had a negative impact on the goodwill of the Mekans, and, finally, fragments of the assertions The desire to believe in one God led to a blow to the wealth of God and to the trust in the idols of the sanctuary. before the number of pilgrims changes and, obviously, income and income. Re-examinations from the side of the Mekan upper government began to encourage the migrants to begin flowing to Ethiopia. Muhammad was under the protection of his family and continued to preach about the omnipotence of Allah, proving the validity of his claims to prophecy.

At Medina

After the death of the uncle of Muhammad Abu Talib, his main patron, the new head of the family took over from his followers.
Muhammad buv zmusheny shukati will help pose Mecca. Close to 620 rub. he entered into secret agreement with a group of residents of Yasrib, a great agricultural oasis just outside of Mecca. Those who lived there were pagan tribes and tribes that accepted Judaism, were tired of the civil strife that had dragged on, and were ready to recognize the prophecy of the Messiah of Muhammad and make him a third judge in order to bring peace life. From the beginning, most of the Companions migrated from Mecca to Yasrib, and then at Lipna (according to another version - at Veresna) 622 rubles. and the prophet himself. The place began to be called later (Madinat an-Nabi - Place of the Prophet), and from the first day of the prophet's emigration () Muslims kept their numbers.
Muhammad took away significant political power from the city. The Muslims who came from Mecca () and the Medina converts to Islam () became its support. Muhammad also encouraged the Muslim Jews, but they were inspired to learn from a new prophet. The Jews also became loyal and loyal allies of the hawks who accepted Islam and were dissatisfied with the rulers (in the Koran they call them hypocrites).
At Medina, the prophet condemned the Jews and Christians for forgetting the true covenants of God and their prophets. The Mekan shrine of the Kaaba became of great importance, until the believers began to flock to the hour of prayer (qibla). At Medina, a new order was established, the rules of prayer and behavior were established, the rituals of friendship and worship, the order of collecting funds for the needs of the community, the order of settlement, the division of land and the granting of credit. The main goals of religious worship and community organization were formulated. The stench was reflected in the revelations that reached the Koran.

Having arrived at Medina, Muhammad began to fight against the Mekans, who did not recognize his prophecies. In the early days that ceded the vast territory of all Arabia to Islam, Muhammad subsequently took part in three important battles that placed him in the first place as a political leader. This battle of (624) was a first, the Muslims achieved victory; the battle of (625), which ended with the complete defeat of the army of Muhammad; and the invasion of Medina by three Meccan armies (under the command of Abu Sufyan from the family), which ended in failure for the commanders and allowed Muhammad to mark his rise as a political and military leader in the region of Arabia. galom.
The connection between Mecca and the internal Medina opposition calls for decisive approaches. Many of the prophet's opponents were impoverished, and the Judean tribes were driven out of Medina. At 628 rub. The great Muslim army, together with the prophet himself, collapsed near Mecca, but it did not come to military action. Negotiations with the Mekans began near the town of Khudaybiya, which resulted in a truce. Through the river of the prophet and his companions, it was allowed to make a small pilgrimage to Mecca.
After the reign of the prophet, many Mekants openly and secretly switched to his side. At 630 rub. Mecca fell to the Muslims without a fight. Having entered the city, the prophet destroyed the idols and symbols that were in the Kaaba behind the “black stone”. However, after this, the prophet Muhammad continued to live in Medina more than once, in 10/623 r. Having celebrated the “farewell” (Hijjat al-Wada) to Mecca, at the hour of the same day, revelations about the rules of Hajj were sent to Yomu. The victory over the Mekans increased his authority throughout Arabia. Many Arabian tribes made an alliance agreement with the prophet and accepted Islam. A significant part of Arabia settled at the heart of the religious-political union, agreed upon by Muhammad, who was preparing to expand the power of this union in the past, in Syria, and in 632. vin, without depriving of human offspring, died in the hands of the kohan warrior Aisha, 63 roki in Medina, 12 slaves of al-Awwal, 10 roki in the Hijri. The funeral of the Prophet Muhammad at the Medina Mosque of the Prophet (al-Masjid an-Nabi). After the death of Muhammad, the intercessors of the prophet attacked in droves. Daughter Fatima married his brother-in-law, Ali ibn Abu Talib. These two sons of Hassan and Hussein resemble the mustaches of the prophet, which the Muslim world call i.

At Medina, Muhammad created a theocratic power in which he could live according to the laws of Islam. He simultaneously acted as the founder of religion, diplomat, legislator, military leader and head of state.


At the age of 25, Muhammad became friends with Khadija bint Khuwaylid ibn Assad, who at that time was already over forty. Ale, regardless of the woman’s differences, her friend’s life was happy. Khadija gave birth to Muhammad two boys, both of whom died in childhood, and four daughters. In the name of one of the Sins, Kasim, the Prophet was called Abu-l-Kasim (Kasim’s father); Daughters' names: Zainab, Ruqaiya, Umm Kulthum and Fatima. As long as Khadija was alive, Muhammad did not take on other squads, although polygamy was the most common thing among the Arabs.


Islam recognizes Muhammad as an exceptional human being, who overcame others with his religion, and not a few supernatural qualities and, most importantly, with his divine nature. The Koran says more than once that he is a man like everyone else. For Islam, Muhammad is the symbol of a “thorough human being,” whose life is respected by the behavior of all Muslims. He is respected by the “seal” of the prophets, that is, by the seal that seals a number of prophets, represented by Moses, David, Solomon and. His mission was to complete the letter of Abraham on the right.

Muhammad was a blatantly special preacher, a wise and wise politician. The peculiarities of the prophet became an important factor in the fact that Islam turned into one of the most popular religions of the world.
Muhammad dedicated his entire life to service, in secret, in favor of Christians who follow the Trinity and, however, are not monotheists in a strict sense, do not preserve allegiance to the honor of Jesus himself, who does not at all claim to be divinity.


Information about Muhammad, which can be found in the Qur'an, Syria, or gives no hint of the depth and magnitude of His specialness. Late Islamic biographies tend to be hagiographical in nature and are usually based on Arabic perchojerels. In many communities of New Asia, on holy days in honor of the day of the Prophet's birth, poetic biographies of Muhammad are read, in which one can feel the singing influx of Hindus.
Recent biographies of Muhammad published in the Sunset have shown him to be an ambiguous character who inspires neither sympathy nor respect. It is rare that it is possible to write books that represent Muhammad in a different light. Currently, in the academic works of recent Islamic scholars, there is a tendency to present the image of the prophet in a more objective and positive way.

Prophet Muhammad was born on 570 in Mezzi. This family was poor, but barely worth it, and belonged to the Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe. Muhammad's father Abdallah died during a trading trip shortly before his birth, and the boy fell under the guardianship of his grandfather Shayb ibn Hashim al-Kurashi (also known as Abd al-Mutalib), head of the Hashim clan. The climate of Mecca became unpalatable for small children, and at the age of six months, Muhammad was sent to the birthplace of the nomads for education. Muhammad's mother Amina died when the boys were six years old, and two years later the Prophet Muhammad experienced another great grief - the death of his grandfather and guardian Abd al-Mutalib. The boy’s guardian became Abu Talib, the son of Abd al-Mutalib, Muhammad’s uncle and the new head of the Hashim clan. Abu Talib became a great trader at that time, leading caravans and often taking Muhammad's business trips with him.

Around the age of twenty, the Prophet Muhammad began to lead an independent life without formal guardianship at his side. At that time, he had already acquired knowledge of trade, the ability to drive caravans, and did not have enough money to carry out the affairs on his own. Therefore, the young man would be hesitant to hire possible traders. In 595, Muhammad began to manage the affairs of the wealthy Mekan widow Khadija bint Khuwaylid, who was so rooted in his character, intelligence and honesty that she encouraged him to become friends with her. Khadija was at that time 40 years old, Muhammad - 25. Khadija gave birth to Muhammad a number of siblings who died in childhood, and four daughters: Ruqayu, Umm Kulthum, Zaynab and Fatima. While Khadija was alive (she died in 619), Muhammad was among other squads.

The Prophet Mohammed was devoted to invigorating pious thoughts and often spent many days on his own, and once a river - an entire month, at the stove on the slope of Mount Hira, at the bottom of which lies Mecca. After the recitations, 610 rocks, when Muhammad received close to 40 rocks, I saw in my dreams, and I sensed the atrocities until I cried out: “Read! In the name of your Lord, what you have created, created mankind in solitude. Read! And your Lord is generous, having learned kalam, teaching people what they did not know” (96:1-5). This became the beginning of a whole series of revelations that continued until the death of Muhammad in 632. Around 650 years ago, the holy book of Muslims, the Koran, was revealed and collected.

From the very beginning, the Prophet Muhammad was angry about what had begun, and doubted his behavior, thinking that the genies (evil spirits) had attacked him, the protean squad of Muhammad Khadija helped the people to overcome their doubts and converted him that the nameless mayor was the angel Jibraeel. the sight of God. Muhammad converted himself to be chosen by God as a messenger (rozul Allah) and prophet (nabi), to bring his word to people. The first sincere voices proclaimed the greatness of the one and only god Allah, spread wealth widely in Arabia, talked about the certainty of the Day of Judgment, anticipated the coming of the resurrection of the dead and the punishment in the hell of everyone who does not believe in Allah a.

At first, his fellow tribesmen took the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad as a mockery, but soon a stable group of followers emerged, who called upon the new prophet and respectfully listened to his revelation. The Mekan leadership realized the insecurity of these sermons, which threatened to destroy one of the foundations of Mekan trade - the cult of Arab deities, and began to squeeze the followers of the Prophet Muhammad - the Muslims. Muhammad himself was under the protection of his clan and his head - the uncle of Abu Talib, who, even without accepting Islam, was obliged to protect a member of his clan. Around the 619th century, the squad of Muhammad Khadija and Abu Talib died, and Abu Lahab became the head of the Khashim clan, who encouraged Muhammad to intercede.

The Prophet Muhammad became a shukati henchman in the posture of Mecca. He went from preaching to the merchants who came to the place on the right, trying to preach in other places and becoming more and more famous. Approximately in 621 rotsi, the Uzazi Yasrib, Rostashovani, is approximately 400 km on Pivnich VID Mecca, requested Muhammad Vistupi Yak Treytskiye Sudye in the їkhanom trivomas, ib oungata conflicts. It was time to call Muhammad the prophet of Allah and hand him over to the hands of Keruvan with his place. From the very beginning, most Meccan Muslims moved to Yasrib, and Muhammad himself arrived there in 622 years. From the first month (Muharram) of the monthly calendar, Muslims began to embrace the fate of the new era of Hijri (migration), followed by the fate of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Yasrib, which became known as Madinat an-nabi (Place of the Prophet), and bo just al - Madina (Medina) - Mіsto.

The Prophet Muhammad gradually transformed from a simple preacher to a political leader of the community (ummi). His main support was the Muslims who came with him from Mecca - the Muhajirs and the Medina Muslims - the Ansari. At Medina, the foundations of the Muslim ritual were established - the rules of prayer, washing, fasting, etc., and there were bans on liquor, gambling, wine, and pork.

The Prophet Muhammad was immediately inspired to find support from the Jews of Medina and began to support Jerusalem with a qibla (directly, which is required to be followed during prayer) in Jerusalem, but they decided to recognize Muhammad as a prophet and entered into contact with the Mekans - the enemies of Muhammad. I will inform you about the progressive development. The Prophet Muhammad began to speak more vividly about the special role of Islam and its independence as a religion. Jews and Christians are being destroyed as bastard believers, Islam is opposed to the correction of their violation of the will of Allah. On the opposite Saturday, a special Muslim day for sleeping prayer is established - Friday, the main shrine of Islam is pronounced by the Mekan Kaaba, which is a qibla. The Kaaba is made of stone and has a height of 15 m. A “black stone” (a melted meteorite) is embedded in the bottom of the Kaaba - the main object of worship in al-Kaaba. According to Muslim legends, the “black stone” is the great yacht from paradise, given by Allah to Adam, when it was thrown to Mecca. The black stone has become darker through the sins and depravity of people, so that the stench does not spoil the paradise that could be seen in the depths of the stone (a paradise that, having become dark, is liable to be lost there after death).

One of the main religious and political tasks of Muhammad was the liberation of Mecca from the panunation of the rich worshipers and the purification of the Kaaba from pagan idols and rituals. Before fighting the unbelieving Mekans, the Prophet Muhammad began preparing for the beginning of life in Medina. In 623, Muslim attacks on Meccan trade caravans began (gazavat - mi. ch. from ghazwa - raid). In the 624th century under Badr, a small Muslim population, favored by Muhammad, achieves victory over the Meccan militias, regardless of the numerical superiority of the Meccans. This victory was taken as proof that Allah is for Muslims. At the end of the Mekans in 625, a group of people reached Medina, and in the face of grief, a battle ensued, in which the Muslims recognized great losses, but the Mekans did not achieve success and withdrew. The military defeat was connected with internal folds in the Muslim camp. Some of the Medinas, who initially eagerly accepted Islam, were dissatisfied with the united kingdom of the Prophet Muhammad and promoted close ties with the Mekans. This internal medical opposition is repeatedly condemned by the Koran under the name of “hypocrisy” (munafikun).

Over the course of many centuries, the Prophet Muhammad gathered strength for a decisive fight against Mecca, establishing his base in Medina and ensuring support for the rich nomadic tribes. In 628, a great army collapsed near Mecca and collapsed nearby - at a place called Hudaibiya. Negotiations between the Meccans and Muslims ended with the agreement on a truce, whereby Muhammad called for an offensive and to avoid military operations against Mecca. For this purpose, Muslims were given the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the Kaaba. Exactly through the river Muhammad and his companions made a small pilgrimage (after death) according to the agreement.

For an hour, the strength of the Medina community sank. The rich oases that lay above Medina were conquered, and new nomadic tribes became allies of the Prophet Muhammad. Their minds were haunted by the secret negotiations between Muhammad and the Mekans, many of whom secretly accepted Islam. By the beginning of 630, the Muslim army had gone to Mecca without interruption. Muhammad granted forgiveness to many enemies, creating worship of the Kaaba and purifying it from pagan idols.

However, the Prophet Muhammad did not return to live in Mecca and only once, on the 632nd day, made one pilgrimage to Mecca. The victory over Mecca further enhanced Muhammad's popularity among himself and raised his religious and political authority in Arabia. Leaders of various clans and various rulers came to Mecca to negotiate an alliance; Many of them determined their readiness to accept Islam. At 631-632 pp. A significant part of the Arabian Peninsula appears to be included in the political discourse that Mohammed despises.

In the rest of his life, the Prophet Muhammad prepared a military expedition against Syria with the aim of expanding the control of Islam for the future. In 632, Muhammad died uncontrollably after a persistent illness (it is said that he was exterminated). Praises at the main mosque of Medina (Prophet's Mosque).

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