Standard for cob illumination of the federal state government with changes. Federal State Educational Standard for cob lighting. I. Foreign regulations

Extend to point 1. FSES NGO (hereinafter referred to as the FSES project) “…the totality of obligatory and ulcerative diseases was possible until the end of the day.” However, clause 4 is consistent with 273-FZ and can be reduced to 1) structure...; c) minds of implementation...; 3) the results of mastering the OVP of NGOs. We can help you find ways, methods, methods, organization, etc. Don't bother with the standard. Therefore, in my opinion, paragraph 1 is pedagogically inaccurate, and additions to the standard are legally illegal, so they cannot be replaced. It is necessary to clarify Art. 11 273-FZ for part of the typology lighting standards.

Subject to clause 3 The draft Federal State Educational Standard directly ensures the “uniformity of the world wide open space of the Russian Federation”. Unity includes local, methodical/technological, organizational, managerial and other aspects. From a different point of view, the integrity of the obligatory federal part can be ensured only if a warehouse and storage of federal basic items (at the same time as semantic lighting units) are installed, as well as The minimum hour that is allowed for the replacement of the installed initial/primary items (as ce bulo BUP 2004). Until the time has been determined for federal primary subjects, it is pointless to identify/concretize the subject results, since the hour itself, as the main resource of the teacher, the study means the complexity of the place of illumination (the change of learning and the change of learning). And “The place of illumination is the pedagogical purpose of illumination (instruction and education)” (M.N. Skatkin, I.Ya. Lerner, L.Ya. Zorina and other Vitchinian teachers). The meta is objectified (for example, in physical education in meat tissues) of the product, and the objective results are the essence of the product. Yield in managerial significance is the level of conformity to the result of a mark, delivered diagnostically and normatively, such as the Federal State Educational Standard.

While the normative number of years has been established, it is impossible to introduce federal basic subjects into the same amount of light.

In clause 13.2. it is said that “Special results of mastering the main lighting programs The corneal illumination does not contribute to the perineal and sub-bursal attestation.” Osvita, from now on. 2 273-FZ, education and training. The product of inspiration is innovation, and innovation is innovation. The result, obviously, is the quality (level/step) of maturity and the quality (level/step) of eternity. Since the school is supported by the liberal attitudes of ideologists to the Federal State Educational Standards project in the world of rank (level/level) of education (applicability, practicality, etc.), then the level of education is more often important to judge, with relying on that other code as the standard of behavior and activity of the citizen of the Russian Federation.

Extended to clause 17. “The obligatory part of the PLO NGOs shall become 80%, and the part that is formed by the participants of the public campaigns for the selection of fathers (legal representatives), which begin from the transfer, proposed by the organization, I as long as the lighting activity is active, - 20% Zagal obsyagu PLO NGO". A rational arrangement that creates a necessary and sufficient degree of didactic freedom in the design of the classroom in order to meet the needs of students/recipients, the supply of books (ZP) and the capabilities of readers and systems of distance learning iti. It is also necessary to specify that the transfer includes basic/secondary school subjects, elective elementary subjects (for example, to be introduced from another class), elective elementary subjects to be introduced from 1st grade ( yak BUP 1993).

The introduction of part-time activities is confirmed by 273-FZ. The concept of extracurricular activities is not defined in Art. 2 is not included in the text of 273-FZ, and is also not included in the warehouse of lighting programs that are installed in Art. 12 273-FZ (as amended on December 25, 2018). At school, in a normative and legal sense, they talk about the implementation of behind-the-scenes and pre-professional additional behind-the-scenes programs, and the concept of “part-time work” is removed for internal work. Additional lighting and routine work are of the same nature, which requires a good choice of the storage of objects that are processed, and the time of their modification. Traditionally, part-time work included electives (financing line of the initial plan) and group/studio/sections (financing this and other number of rates for readers/teachers and supplements It is important to cover the number of class sets). Part-time work is a quasi-innovation of the Federal State Educational Standards, directly zeroing out the system of additional education for children (the problem of recruiting up to the pre-school education level). It is necessary to exclude it from the Federal State Educational Standards project. Vikoristovat the concepts of “elective elementary subjects”, “elective elementary subjects”, “advanced education”.

clause 18. stipulates: “PLO NGOs are implemented by the organization, which carries out educational activities, through the organization of lesson and extracurricular activities...”. The main educational program is based on compulsory education, part-time activities are voluntary. Obov'yazkov's appearance on the right is timid, often not obov'yazkovo. Nonsense.

Extended to paragraph 19. “Part-time activities are directly aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the educational program...”. Day-to-day activity directly achieves goals in order to obtain educational products/results, which are put to the authority of the student/vikhovani himself, his fathers (legal representatives). Children are all different. Interests of different people. Professional lives are the same. All options for goals, both unhelpful and guilty, are packaged in OOP.

U 24.2.1. a warehouse of interdisciplinary programs has been identified as a form of submission of intersubject substitution, which is presented to students of all lower primary/high school subjects. It is consistent with the theory of multiplicities (Euler's theory) to separate the subject, non-subject (for example, the concept of “molecule”, methods of naturalization/marriage, rational operations, language, etc.) and sub-subject substitution, which does not increase, for example treasure, until the project of the Federal State Educational Standard specifies the possibilities until substantive results On Dumka, V.V. Kraevsky, A.V. The farmer's underground subject area includes “outside and backside initial times, skills, advanced ways of activity.” Meta-subjectivity is a quasi-innovation of the Federal State Educational Standards. At A.G. Asmolov's meta-subjects – law, ecology, economics; at Yu.V. Gramiko - sign, knowledge, problem; at A.V. Khutorskogo – numbers, letters, culture, light science; L.G. Peterson is the light of activity. “Meta-subject is the fundamental basis of background knowledge, those that stand behind the initial subjects are in their basis” (A.V. Khutorskoy -0-0-1257262267). How everything can be “in the main” (under) and at the same time “in favor” is unavoidable in our minds. Before interdisciplinary programs, clause 24.2.1. introduce: a program for the formation of universal initial processes; medicinal program; correctional robot program. And where are the interdisciplinary programs of work with children, the development and formation of a culture of self-illumination, the development and formation of a polytechnic culture, professionalization, etc.?

Notified until 24.2.2. “Working programs for initial subjects, courses are responsible for: 1) planned results of mastering the initial subject, course; 2) replacement of the form of implementation of the initial subject, the course; 3) more thematically planned From the designated number of years, it is necessary to allow the skin to assimilate the substances.” What is a “course”? The form of organization of the place, features, methods, organization of learning/education at school is elementary/secondary subjects. The Federal State Educational Standard 2009, from clause 19.5 to the initial program structure, included 8 elements. In clause 24.2.2. The Federal State Educational Standards project has not been given an explanatory note, which, as a rule, deals with the organization of the implementation of the program (dividing the class into groups, etc.), reveals the methodological features of the topics, etc. Obvious is the relativity of the pedagogical attitudes of the students to the Federal State Educational Standards project, the reliance on the theory and practice of developing initial programs.

clause 24.3.2. “The initial plans of the NGO (hereinafter referred to as the initial plans) will ensure the introduction into action and implementation of the Federal State Health Service, which means the basic obligation of the requirement and the maximum obligation of the classroom commitment of students, the warehouse and the structure of obligatory subject areas.” “Implementation” is a generic concept; it includes the specific concept of “putting into action.” Once something has been implemented, it is finalized and completed. Resolution of the Head State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 29 April 2010. N 189 “About the approval of SanPiN” (With changes and additions as of November 24, 2015) it is stated “Hygiene measures up to the maximum legal obligation of summer light (table), I will insert hustle “The maximum permissible classroom requirement (in the academic year )" and "The maximum permissible requirement for extracurricular activities (in the academic year)", as well as in paragraph 10.5 that "The main educational program is implemented through the organization of lesson and extracurricular activities . Zagalny obsyag navantazhenya and maximum obsyag classroom navantazhenya na uchnіv is not guilty of over-exerting the vimog established in the table.”

The Federal State Educational Standards project is required to standardize the minimum hour and maximum working hour of school/retirement work, as before, as well as Labor Code normal working hours for a worker. Vantage is the tightness/thickness of the initial work. SanPiN “The intensity of initial work in lessons on core subjects may reach 60-80%.” Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to bring the draft Federal State Educational Standard and SanPiN to a single terminology; in another way, establish that the maximum permissible daytime hour of daytime (initial, which is followed by the same) work of study/recruitment includes the hour that is allocated for the presentation/acquisition of basic and additional programs. For this hour, lie near the school’s area of ​​responsibility. We cannot “The hour allocated for part-time activities is not covered by the maximum permissible daily requirement of students” (POPOP NGO. Praised for the decisions of the federal initial-methodological association from behind-the-scenes coverage. Editorial protocol No. 3 /15 dated 10/28/2015). In this case, the child’s working hours will be greater than those of adulthood. There are high risks of decreased mental and physical health of students/conspirators. The hour of the child’s participation in additional educational programs, which are implemented by the school, is indicated by the child’s camp and is dominantly in the family’s family (ZP).

24.3.3. “The final obligation of classroom attendance of students for 4 initial years cannot be less than 2851 years and more than 3345 years.” What should I say about the number of children (the human essence of the people up to the 18th century), fathers (ZP), and teachers? To understand/understand the sense, you need to indicate the number of years per week. Please refer to SanPiN To take care of your birthday, you need to consider the number of initial steps in your skin class. Ale any SanPiN, no Federal State Educational Standard 2009, no project of the Federal State Educational Standard the trivality of the initial fate on the level of NGOs in the initial years is not established. From a legal point of view, it’s amazing what is included in the PZOP NGO “The triviality of the initial fate when the cocotal light is removed becomes 34 years, in the 1st class – 33 years.” (POPOP NGOs. Praised for the decisions of the federal initial-methodical education from behind-the-scenes coverage. Edited by protocol No. 3/15 dated 10.28.2015). The importance of trivialities in POP NGOs leads to the insignificance of trivialities of the initial fate: “Most schools in Russia are subject to such structures in 2017-2018: the little ones of Pershk start over a period of 33 years, students from 2 to 1 1st class – 34 years.” Wanting, “the triviality of the initial fate of the main underground light becomes 34-35 years old.” (POOP TOV. Praised for the decisions of the federal initial-methodical education from behind-the-scenes coverage. As amended by protocol No. 3/15 dated 10/28/2015). According to SanPiN in 1st class 21 years/week. In grades 2-4, there are 23 years/week at the Pentecost, 26 years/week at the Sixtide. So at the sixteenth day 21 h/n*33 n+26 h/n*34 n*3 = 3345 h. Anyway, what combination corresponds to the number 2851?

The FGZ project indicates the triviality of the initial fate in the initial years, the number of years per year in the division of classes.

In clause 24.3.5. “...obligation of day-to-day activities for students during the development of early illumination (up to 1350 years after the beginning).” This will take you from 0 to 1350 years after a long period of time. On the one hand, FGZ allows for a non-binding nature, including day-to-day work; On the other hand, if the school takes all 1350 years for extracurricular activities, then before funding there is a minimum of 4201 years, and a maximum of 4695 years. Vitrat increases by 40%. How do I plan to finance the development of the Federal State Educational Standards project and spend it on such an obligation on the scale of the region, the Russian Federation, how can schools obtain the maximum option? The number is absolutely unrealistic. Up to 1350 years of study per year, or up to 10 years per week per study, then in first grade the maximum hour can be 31 years per week. The Federal State Fund project allows for the unsafe care of children. In reality, at school level, 2-3 years per school are enough for extracurricular activities, otherwise the additional income will be unclaimed. If we allow the “merege” (must say/write, but don’t understand what it is) to be the fate of installing DOD in day-to-day activities, then we will continue to fortify the city. Set the DOD date to be assigned to part-time work and that’s all. Whenever you enter a year of extracurricular activities in the maximum permissible classroom (the lowest hour in an academic year), there is a stalemate. For the implementation of the power of the POO NGO, at the maximum number of years, 1995 years will be lost (3345 years - 1350 years). The Federal State Educational Standards project says “up to 4 years”.

Establish that the student who is assigned to part-time work must enter up to the “Maximum permissible classroom workload (in the academic year)”, otherwise the child studies at school for more than a year, below “Maximum permissible...”. And here the concept “Maximum permissible...” includes sense.

Section III of the Federal State Educational Standards project establishes opportunities for the implementation of EVP of NGOs, including personnel, financial, material, technical and psychological-pedagogical skills. The classification of minds meets the criterion of completeness. It is important to include the following types of security (minds): legal, didactic, methodical, psychological, sanitary and hygienic, personnel, material, technical, technological security. The skin type of mind has invariant sides/alternative lines, including information, science, and finance. For example, informational, scientific, financial aspects of didactic security (minds). When developing the minds of implementing the OVP of NGOs, it is necessary to analyze the matrix of minds: types/aspects.

33. “The standard establishes the most... special... meta-subject... substantive...” results. This classification of results is consistent with the results prior to classification. So, the Federal State Educational Standards specialists do not concern themselves, with their terminology, with a meta-subject matter - a per-class classification. Special results are a general concept. Subject and non-subject results are also special, their wear/hair is special. A child has two poles: in the process of enlightenment, the organism and characteristics are developed and formed, always through the implementation of subject and cross-subject programs, which act as a form of giving extra-subject place. The goals/results are the development and formation of a specialization (dominant literature, mathematics, physics, etc.), and the goals/results of the development and formation of the organism (dominant subjects are technology, physical culture, partial art, armchairs, etc.). The Federal State Educational Standards project has completely revised the typology of goals/results.

35. “Meta-subject results... are responsible for representing youthful learning with universal, regulatory, communicative actions, taking part in social activities, and dealing with information. yu". In the Federal State Educational Standard 2009, paragraph 9. stated: “The standard establishes opportunities to achieve results... meta-subjects, which include... universal elementary activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative)...". It’s good that the Federal State Educational Standard 2009 did not lose the features of universal basic activities, about which they have written a lot and seen books. “...special,...regulatory, cognitive...” (How to design universal initial actions cob school/ Edited by A.G. Asmolov. - 2nd view. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 2010). Cognitive, regulatory and communicative actions depend on the particularity of each sensory action. The universal basic activities of the Federal State Educational Standard 2009 were a compilation of the basic basic principles of the BUP 2004 “Cognitive activity... Information and communicative activity... Reflective activity » (Order of the Ministry of Defense of Russia “On the approval of the FKGOS NGO, GO and S(P) About education” dated 4 February 2004) 1089) .

The FGZS project additionally introduces to universal initial activities “smartly take part in common activities, smartly deal with information.” Nowadays, the share of family activities is reduced to cognitive, regulatory and communicative skills. Handling information is part of the communication skills associated with various information and communication devices/systems. The introduction of the concept “Method-subject results” is synonymous with the concept “Initial knowledge and skills”. “Under general initial meanings, we understand that they are universal for all school subjects and main areas human activity" Project Program for the special development and formation of universal elementary activities for students at the beginning of primary education (Lighting system “SCHOOL 2100”). How are UUD and OUUN the same thing, now introducing new concepts without a sufficient framework? As you know, “You should not multiply those that arise without necessity” (Occam’s Razor). The Federal State Educational Standards project will focus on the concept of “Native beginnings and skills.”

The Federal State Educational Standard and the Federal State Educational Standards projects have hypertrophied meta-subject results/beginnings and skills/beginning subject results that go under the heading “Read in”. “The political discourse has indicated a reorientation of the school with the highest priority to teach children to “think, figure out problems, acquire knowledge” (USA), “learn to learn” (EU)” Kuzminov Y. I., Frumin I. D., Zakharov A.B. Russian school: an alternative to modernization. – M.: Illuminate nutrition. - No. 3 2011). Reading is important/required, but “... the first mental work in the future and basic elementary learning” (M. Planck). The Federal State Educational Standards project needs to know the optimal relationship between substantive and non-subject goals/products/results. Otherwise, you can learn to read without learning anything else.

36. Subject results... Let's take a look at the transformation to achieve subject results in mathematics and computer science.

Federal State Educational Standard (6473 words), approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2009. No. 373, in 12. “Substantive results...” (1313 words) p. 12.2. “Mathematics and computer science” establishes possibilities for substantive results in mathematics and computer science. The arguments were formulated in 5 paragraphs (113 words). Additions to the Federal State Law with specification were available every day. The specification could have been included in the PZOP of NGOs, praising the decisions of the federal initial-methodological education from outside information (As amended by protocol No. 3/15 dated 10.28.2015): clause Mathematics and computer science (399 words).

The project of the Federal State Educational Standard (25255 words) has 36. “Subject results...” (3238 words) p. 36.4 “Mathematics and computer science. Mathematics" is formulated in 7 paragraphs (185 words) Addendum 4. "Mathematics is possible to achieve substantive results in mastering the initial subject "Mathematics", which is submitted for intermediate certification", details are given and specification is possible in paragraph 36. 4 (1682 words). Tobto (1682/399) 4.22 times the description of subject results in mathematics and computer science. This is a necessary, but not sufficient criterion for the level of specification.

It is important to note that the specification can be achieved up to the subject results from mathematics and computer science in the 2nd stage: in the Federal State Educational Standards project and in Addendum 4 to the Federal State Educational Standards project.

To analyze the first stage of the re-creation of the Federal State Educational Standard, clause 12.2 of the Federal State Educational Standard contains 39 basic mental elements from mathematics and computer science. For example, 9. Laying out the foundations of the world; 20. Make sure to complete arithmetic operations with numbers. Similar to paragraph 36 of the draft Federal State Educational Standard, there are 41 elements. For example, 22. Point the butt; 32. It is time to work with information presented in graphic form (sometimes diagrams). Behind the bags of the folded table and the application of the re-creation procedures developed by the developers to the project, it is possible to create such a restoration instead of the re-creation of the Federal State Educational Standard in part, which was able to provide substantive results from mathematics and computer science, even on the level of NGOs in the logic: “Vimoga” FOGS" - "Vimoga to the FSES project" / type Re-creation procedures. In the process of re-creating the Federal State Educational Standard for NGOs, the draft Federal State Educational Standard: 16 were switched off, 4 were reformulated/renamed, 9 were specified, 4 were detailed, 2 were aggregated, 10 mental initial elements were added.

Abstract: proponation to the first level of the re-created version of concretization was possible to obtain substantive results from mathematics and computer science without obtaining the possibility of being “more specific.” On their basis, it is possible to deduce an infinite number of specifications offensive level(Distribution option in addendum 4). Obviously, the specification of the substantive results of the first level in the Federal State Educational Standards project should be considered as a working stage (the reader does not need it), and from the point of view of brevity and functionality, it is inappropriate not to include it until the remainder of the text of the Federal State Educational Standards project.

Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 19, 2014. No. 1598 “About the approval of the Federal State Illumination Standard for the cobalt education of students with limited health capabilities”



Regulatory documents

List of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated 08/07/2015. No. 08-1228 “About the direction of recommendations”

Federal State Educational Standard of middle (full) outdoor lighting (10-11 grades)

(approved by order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413)

I. underground position

1. The federal state lighting standard of average (renewed) lighting (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of benefits required in the implementation of the main lighting program of average (renewed) lighting These (hereinafter - the main lighting programs) lighting installations that have state accreditation.

The standard includes the following benefits: mastering the basic lighting programs until the results are achieved; to the structure of the main educational program, including the integration of parts of the main educational program and their obligations, as well as to the interaction of the basic educational program and parts, I how it is shaped by participants in the lighting process; to the minds of the implementation of the main lighting programs, including personnel, financial, material and technical and other minds.

It is possible to achieve the results of mastering the basic educational programs, the structure and minds of the implementation of insurance, and the individual characteristics of students at the stage of intermediate (repeated) educational illumination, including the current needs of students with limited opportunities for health and disabilities, as well as the importance of this stage of illumination for continued the beginning of vocational education, professional activity and successful socialization in educational settings. [Next>]

Regulatory documents:

Day-to-day activities of schoolchildren one of the innovations of the Federal sovereign lighting standard of another generation. Subject to the draft of the new Basic Initial Plan, it becomes a binding element school coverage and put before the teaching staff the task of organizing a developing environment for students.

The fundamental importance of the lighting standards of another generation is the strengthening of their focus on the results of lighting as a system-building component of the design of the standards. The new Federal State Educational Standard specifies the relationship between education and education: education is perceived as a mission of enlightenment, as a value-oriented process. It can spit and permeate all species lighting activities: I’ll start at the beginning and then I’ll work on it step by step.

The main goals of post-hour activities with the FGSS are the creation of minds for students to achieve the social benefits necessary for living in a marriage and the formation of a value system accepted by the marriage, the creation of minds for the rich development of social Implementation of the skin condition, creation of the cervical midstream, which will ensure the activation of social, intellectual interests of students in the world hour, the development of a healthy, creatively growing individuality with a formed huge population and legal self-knowledge, prepared for living in new minds, created for socially significant practical action flatness, implementation of volunteer initiatives.

In fact, when organizing day-to-day activities, problem nutrition arises. For example, the division of the due date in the layout, the effective use of external resources, etc.

Pochatkova Zagalna Osvita (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade)


by order of the Ministry of Light

that science Russian Federation



(Ed. Instructions of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated November 26, 2010 N 1241,

issued 09/22/2011 N 2357, issued 12/18/2012 N 1060,

issued 12/29/2014 N 1643, issued 05/18/2015 N 507,

dated December 31, 2015 N 1576)


1. The federal state lighting standard for cob lighting (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of benefits that are obligatory in the implementation of basic lighting<*>.

<*>Clause 6 of Article 2 Federal law dated 29th 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" (Collections of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, article 7598; 2013, N 19, article 2326; N 23, article 2878; N 27, statistics 3462, No. 30 , Statti 4036, No. 48, Statti 6165; 2014, No. 6, Statti 562, Statti 566; No. 19, Statti 2289; No. 22, Statti 2769; 2933; N 26, Art. 3388; N 30, Art. 4257, Art. 4263).

The standard includes vimogs:

until the results of mastering the basic lighting program of early lighting;

to the structure of the main illumination program of the cobalt illumination, including the ability to complete the parts of the main illumination programs and their obligations, as well as to complete the obligatory part of the main lighting programs and parts that are formed by participants in lighting projects;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

to the minds of the implementation of the main educational programs of the initial education, including personnel, financial, material and technical and other minds.

In order to achieve results, the structure and minds of the mastering of the basic illumination program of the cohodal illumination will cover the centuries and individual characteristics of those who begin with the removal of the cohodal illumination, male The importance of cob lighting is the foundation of all offensive lighting.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

2. In order to ensure the implementation of the right to study for students with limited health opportunities, this Standard for the regulation of special benefits and (or) the federal state standard of education for students with limited opportunities for health is established. within the limits of health and (or) federal state lighting standard uchniv s Rosemary's support(Intellectual destruction).

(clause 2 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

3. The standard is the basis for an objective assessment of the consistency of the establishment of the benefits of lighting activities and the preparation of students who have mastered the basic lighting program of cobalt lighting, regardless Types of forms to master and forms of learning<*>.

(clause 3 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

<*>In accordance with the provisions of Part 2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law dated 29 April 2012. N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" (Collections of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, article 7598; 2013, N 19, article 2326; No. 23, statistics 2878, No. 27, statistics 3462, No. 30, statistics 4036, No. 48, statistics 6165; , statistics 2769; No. 23, statistics 2933; No. 26, statistics 3388; No. 30, statistics 4257, statistics 4263).

(the wine was introduced by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

4. Pochatkova zagalna osvita can be created:

in organizations that carry out educational activities (full-time, part-time or part-time);

posture of organizations that contribute to educational activities, in the form of family education.

It is allowed to study various forms of education in order to master the forms of learning.

The term for the development of postnatal illumination has become a number of factors, and for people with disabilities and those with limited health opportunities, when following the adaptation of the basic educational programs for postnatal illumination, regardless of ID stasovuvannykh lighting technologies, will increase by two more.

In a lighting organization that implements integrated lighting programs in the halls of mistest, when implementing lighting programs, the initial lighting will ensure the minds for learning know, learn and become familiar with the field of this particular type of mysticism, the knowledge of creative activity and advanced training of students before achieving professional education in the field of mysticism .

(clause 4 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

5. The standard is divided into regional, national and ethnocultural characteristics of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

6. Standard of straightening for safety:

equal opportunity to create bright cob lighting;

spiritual and moral development and education of students with the removal of the cob's spiritual illumination, the formation of their community identity as the basis for development huge marriage;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

decline in the capacity of basic educational programs of preschool, primary education, basic education, secondary education, vocational education;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

saving and development of cultural diversity and the global decline of the rich national people of the Russian Federation, the right to learn the native language, the possibility of chopping off the original language of the native language, volodin not the spiritual values ​​and culture of the rich national people of Russia;

Unity of the world wide space of the Russian Federation;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

democratization of enlightenment and all enlightened activities, including through the development of forms of state-wide government, expansion of opportunities for the implementation of the right to choose pedagogical practitioners methods of teaching and training, methods of education information about the knowledge of students, graduates, the development of various forms of educational activities of students, the development of the culture of the educational center of the organization what is the effect of illumination;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

forming a criteria-based assessment of the results of students’ mastery of the basic educational program, the activities of pedagogical workers, the organizations that carry out the current educational activities Yes, functioning of the lighting system;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

minds for the effective implementation and mastery by students of the basic educational programs of the cob illumination, including the provision of minds for the individual development of all students, especially those who are most in need - special minds are taught, - gifted children and children with limited potential for health.

7. The Standard is based on a systematic and actionable approach, which conveys:

education and development of the special abilities that suggest strength informational partnership, innovative economy, the goal of a democratic community partnership based on tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for the rich national, multicultural and multi-confessional warehouse of the Russian marriage;

transition to a strategy of social design and design in the system of illumination on the basis of the development of place and technology of illumination, which means the paths and ways of reaching a socially important level (result) of the special and cognitive development of science iv;

orientation to the results of illumination as a system-creating component of the Standard, the development of the specificity of the study based on the acquisition of universal initial actions, knowledge and mastery of light become the main result of illumination;

recognition of the critical role of the place of illumination, methods of organizing illumination activities and the interaction of participants in the illumination activities for the achievement of special, social and social goals iznavalnogo development of students;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

the face of individual age-related, psychological and physiological characteristics academics, the role and significance of types of activity and forms of spilkuvaniya for the purpose of highlighting and training and their achievements;

protection of the onset of preschool, early childhood, primary and secondary education;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

diversity organizational forms that range of individual characteristics of the skin (including gifted children and children with common health potential), which ensures an increase in creative potential, cognitive motives, richness of forms of interaction with one-year-olds and adults in cognitive activity;

guarantee of achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs of initial illumination, which creates the basis for the independent successful acquisition by students of new knowledge, skills, competencies, types and methods ity.

8. Compliant with the Standard when the cob is cut off, the following applies:

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

establishing the foundations of the community’s identity and the scientific outlook;

Forming the basics is important to carefully read and understand before organizing your activities - carefully accept, save goals and achieve them initial activities, plan your activities, carry out control and assessment, interact with the teacher and peers in the initial activities;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

spiritual and moral development and education of students that conveys their acceptance of moral norms, moral attitudes, national values;

value of physical and spiritual health of students.

The standard for the direct development of special characteristics of a graduate ("portrait of a graduate of a cob school"):

the one who loves her people, her land and her Fatherland;

whoever respects and accepts the values ​​of the family and partnership;

supplementary, which actively and intensely understands the world;

What basics should you take into account before organizing your activities?

ready to act independently and bear witness for their undertakings before the family and marriage;

good-natured, who is able to listen and hear a little about the spirit of the spirit, explain his position, and express his thought;

establishes the rules for a healthy, carefree and alien way of life.



9. The standard establishes the possibilities based on the results of studies that supported the main lighting program for cob lighting:

specific, which include the readiness and commitment of students to self-development, the formation of motivation before beginning and learning, the valuable and meaningful attitudes of students, which reflect their individually-special position these, social competencies, special berries; the formation of ambushes of community identity.

meta-subject, which includes the mastery of universal elementary activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), which will provide young people with key competencies, which will form the basis for learning, and inter-subject their understanding.

subject, which includes mastery that begins during the learning of the initial subject until the specific for this subject area from the removal of new knowledge, its transformation and stagnation, and to establish a system of basic elements of scientific knowledge, such as the foundations of the current scientific picture of the world.

10. Special results of mastering the basic lighting program of initial lighting of the guilty image:

1) formation of the foundations of the Russian community identity, feeling pride in their Fatherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of their ethnic and national identity; formation of the values ​​of the rich national Ukrainian marriage; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

2) the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world from its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

3) shaping the creative production to another thought, history and culture of other peoples;

4) the development of adaptation in the world, which dynamically changes and develops;

5) acceptance and mastery of the social role of learning, development of motives for initial activities and the formation of a special sense of achievement;

6) development of independence and special responsibility for one’s own activities, including information activities, based on statements about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

7) formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

8) development of ethical feelings, kindness and emotional-moral sensitivity, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

9) development of skills of interaction with mature and same-year-olds in various social situations, the ability to not create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

10) formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy way of life, the presence of motivation for creative work, work on results, and a strong focus on material and spiritual values.

11. Meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program of basic illumination may look like:


2) mastering methods for solving problems of a creative and creative nature;

3) the formation of plans, control and evaluation of initial activities in accordance with the set task and the minds of its implementation; identify the most effective ways to achieve results;

4) the formation of an understanding of the reasons for success/failure of initial activities and the establishment of constructive activities to lead to failure in situations;

5) mastering the primary forms of cognitive and special reflection;

6) development of sign-symbolic methods of supplying information for the creation of models of objects and processes that are being developed, schemes for achieving initial and practical tasks;

7) active vikoristannya the main features of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) for enhancing communication and learning tasks;

8) the use of various methods of searching (from pre-video resources and the open primary information space of the Internet), collection, processing, analysis, organization, transmission and interpretation of information in This is similar to the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the primary subject; In addition, you must enter text using an additional keyboard, record (record) values ​​in digital form and analyze images, sounds, prepare your speech and interact with audio, video and graphic support; adhere to the norms of information vibrancy, ethics and etiquette;

9) mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres according to the goals and instructions; We are aware that there will be a need for communication and writing of texts in written and written forms;


11) readiness to listen to the spivrozmovnik and conduct a dialogue; readiness to recognize the possibility of different points of vision and the rights of each mother; express your thoughts and give reasons for your point of view and assessment;

12) the significance of the paths and paths of their reach; Please be aware of the division of functions and roles in the work; maintain mutual control over family activities, adequately assess the behavior of the authorities and the behavior of those who are away;

13) readiness to constructively handle conflicts in order to protect the interests of the parties to the conflict;


15) enrichment with basic subject and intersubject concepts that represent the connections and connections between objects and processes;

16) always work with the material and information center of the initial light (including the initial models) depending on the replacement of a specific initial item; moldbath cob vine culture of dictionary development in the system of universal initial processes.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

12. Subject-specific results of mastering the basic educational program of primary education with the specifics of subject areas included, which include specific initial subjects that must be represented:

12.1. Russian language and literary reading

Russian language:

1) the formation of initial manifestations about the unity and diversity of the global and cultural space of Russia, about the language as the basis of national self-esteem;

2) understanding of the teachings of those who are a manifestation of the national culture and the main function of human formation, awareness of the importance of the Russian Federation as a sovereign language of the Russian Federation, and of the international community nya;

3) formation of a positive attitude to the correct understanding written language as exponents of a foreign culture and a huge position of people;

4) complete discussion about the norms of Russian language (spelling, lexical, grammatical) and the rules of language etiquette; Carefully focus on the method, tasks, methods and minds of the mind, choose adequate methods for the successful development of communicative tasks;

Literary reading:

1) modern literature as a manifestation of national and secular culture, a means of preserving and transmitting moral values ​​and traditions;

2) awareness of the importance of reading a special development; formulated statement about the world, Russian history and culture, human ethical manifestations, understand about good and evil, morality; success in learning from all basic subjects; formulated consumption for systematic reading;

3) important roles of reading, scribbling different species reading (knowingly, vivchayuche, vibirkova, poshukova); We are aware of the need to perceive and evaluate the changes and specifics of various texts, to take their part in their discussion, to give and evaluate the moral assessment of the main characters;

5) independently choose the literature to cite; Use advanced tools to understand and obtain additional information.

(clause 12.1 as edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 2015 N 1576)

12.2. Real language and literature reading by real people

Ridna language:

1) the development of a valuable approach to the common language as a preservation of culture, inclusion in the cultural and cultural field of its people, the formation of cob manifestations about the unity and diversity of the cultural space of Russia, about the language as the basis of national identity domosti;

2) enrichment of the active and potential vocabulary stock, the development of the student culture of the Volodymyr region in line with the norms of oral and written language, the rules of formal etiquette;

3) the formation of basic scientific knowledge about the native language as a system and as a phenomenon that develops, about its equals and units, about the patterns of its functioning, the mastery of the basic units and grammatical categories of the native language, the formation of positive put to the correct vocabulary and writing native language as exponents of a foreign culture and a huge position of people;


5) rejuvenation with initial activities with in movable units and then use knowledge to improve cognitive, practical and communicative tasks.

Literature reading by my family:

1) understanding of native literature as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the people, as a special way of understanding life, as a manifestation of national and world culture, ways of preserving and transmitting moral values ​​and traditions th;

2) awareness of the significance of reading for a particular development; formulated statement about the world, national history and culture, human ethical manifestations, understand about good and evil, morality; the formation of consumption in the systematic reading of my family as a way of acquiring knowledge for oneself and the world; ensuring cultural self-identification;

3) selection of different types of reading (knowingly, knowingly, vibirkov, poshukov); We are aware of the need to perceive and evaluate the changes and specifics of various texts, to take their part in their discussion, to give and evaluate the moral assessment of the main characters;

4) reaching the level of reading competence necessary to continue studying the level of reading competence, movnogo development so that you can master the technology of reading out loud and silently, with elementary techniques of interpretation, analysis and the transformation of artistic, popular science and elementary texts with the help of elementary literary scholars to understand;

5) awareness of the communicative-aesthetic capabilities of the native language on the basis of the transfer of prominent works of culture to one’s people, independently collecting literature to write; Use advanced tools to understand and obtain additional information.

(Clause 12.2 was ordered by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 2015 N 1576)

12.3. Foreign language:

1). mastering the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior;

2) mastering basic linguistic phenomena necessary for learning in elementary language and writing foreign language, expanding linguistic horizons;

3) the formation of a kind attitude and tolerance to the native language of another language on the basis of knowledge of the lives of one’s peers in other countries, with children’s folklore and accessible images of children’s fiction.

(clause 12.3 issued by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 2015 N 1576)

12.4. Mathematics and computer science:



3) at the beginning of the development of mathematical knowledge for the development of basic knowledge and basic practical tasks;

4) constantly combine oral and written arithmetic operations with numbers and numerical expressions, select text data, work in accordance with the algorithm and there will be the simplest algorithms, track, recognize and display geo metric figures, work with tables, diagrams, graphs and diagrams, represent, analyze and interpret data;

5) adding top messages about computer literacy.

12.5. Sustainability and knowledge of nature (Navkolishniy svit):

1) understanding of the special role of Russia in history, instilling a sense of pride in national atrocities, victories, victories;

2) the formation of a creative production of Russia, our native land, our family, history, culture, nature of our land, and everyday life;

3) the usvidomalennya of the hobylishnoye, mastered the foundations of Ekologa Grandomotnosti, elementary rules of moral behavior at the svita nature of people, the norms of healthyazbaychuychychyki in the natural that social middle core;

4) development available methods education of the nature and matrimony (care, recording, extinction, evidence, alignment, classification, etc., with extracted information from family archives, from many people, with open information other space);

5) develop the development of the head and reveal causal-hereditary connections in the best possible light.

12.6. Basics religious cultures and secular ethics<*>:

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 18, 2012 N 1060)

<*>The selection of fathers (legal representatives) includes the following principles: Orthodox culture, foundations of Jewish culture, foundations of Buddhist culture, foundations of Islamic culture, foundations of secular religious cultures, foundations of secular ethics

(the wine was introduced by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 18, 2012 N 1060)

1) readiness for moral self-examination, spiritual self-development;

2) knowledge of the basic norms of secular and religious morality, their significance in the chosen constructive issues in the family and household;

3) the reasonable importance of morality, faith and religion in human life and marriage;

4) the formation of primary statements about secular ethics, about traditional religions, their role in the culture, history and reality of Russia;

5) beginnings to the historical role of traditional religions in the emerging Russian statehood;

6) the establishment of internal settings of particularity must be consistent with one’s own conscience; inspiration of morality based on freedom of conscience and religion, spiritual traditions of the peoples of Russia;

7) awareness of the value of human life.

12.7. Mysticism

More imaginative mysticism:

1) the formation of the primary manifestations about the role of image-creative mystery in the life of a person, its role in the spiritual and moral development of a person;

2) formation of the foundations of artistic culture, including on the materials of artistic culture native land, aesthetically placed to the light; the depth of beauty as value; consume artistic creativity and merge with mysticism;

3) enrichment with practical thoughts and skills in research, analysis and evaluation of works of art;

4) mastering elementary practical knowledge and skills in Various types artistic activity (painting, painting, sculpture, artistic design), as well as specific forms of artistic activity that are based on ICT (digital photography, video recording, elements of animation, etc.).

1) the formation of the primary concepts about the role of music in people’s lives, its role in the spiritual and moral development of people;

2) the formation of the foundations of musical culture, including on the materials of the musical culture of the region, the development of artistic taste and interest to musical mystique and musical activity;

3) take the music into account and develop your performance into a musical creation;

4) the creation of musical images in the creation of theatrical and musical-plastic compositions, the creation of vocal and choral works in improvisation.

12.8. Technology:

1) highlighting the primary manifestations about creativity and moral importance in human life and marriage; about the world of profession and the importance of choosing the right profession;

2) the acquisition of primary concepts about material culture as a product of the subject-transforming activity of people;

3) get started with self-service; rejuvenation with technological methods of manual processing of materials; mastering safety rules;

4) the development of infused knowledge and skills for the creative development of complex design, art and design (design), technological and organizational tasks;


6) acquire basic knowledge about the rules of creating a subject and information center and be able to consolidate them for the creation of initial knowledge and design art and design projects.

12.9. Physical culture:

1) the formation of primary statements about the importance of physical culture for the improvement of human health (physical, social and psychological), about it positive influx on human development (physical, intellectual, emotional, social), about physical culture and health as factors for successful learning and socialization;

2) when you are young, organize a healthy lifestyle (daily routine, morning exercises, healthy exercises, rough games, etc.);

3) forming the habit of systematically monitoring one’s physical fitness, the magnitude of physical exercises, health monitoring data (growth, body weight, etc.), indicating the development of basic physical abilities (strength, flexibility, vibrancy, coordination ї, gnuchkostі), including preparation for compliance with the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Defense" (GTO).

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

13. In case of sub-bag assessment of jaundice, mastering the basic lighting program of cob lighting as part of monitoring the success of the process of mastering the replacement of other initial items must be prepared There are a variety of basic-practical and basic-cognitive tasks based on:

systems of knowledge and phenomena about nature, marriage, people, technology;

more advanced methods of activity, meaning basic cognitive and practical activity;

communication and information skills;

system and know about the basics of a healthy and carefree way of living.

The subsumable assessment of the bone quality mastered by the students of the main illumination program of the cobalt illumination is influenced by the organization in which the illumination activity is carried out.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The subject of the sub-assessment of the students' mastery of the basic educational program is the achievement of subject and meta-subject results of the mastery of the basic educational program. You need further coverage.

You can see two warehouses near the bag assessment:

the results of intermediate certification of students, which reflect the dynamics of their individual educational achievements, the achievement of planned results of mastering the basic educational programs of the cobalt program illuminate;

the results of the pouch work, which characterize the level of mastery by the students of the basic molding methods of action for the support system of knowledge, the necessary removal of the background illumination of the offensive level.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

A sub-assessment of the mastery of the basic lighting program is carried out by the organization that carries out the activities, and is aimed directly at assessing the achievement of planned results. Our main lighting program for cob lighting is about to begin.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The results of the sub-study assessment of the mastery of the basic illumination program for basic illumination are used to support the decision to transfer students for the development of basic illumination.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

Until the results of individual studies of students who do not support the sub-basic assessment of the mastery of the basic illumination program of cobalt illumination, it is necessary to:

valuable orientation of learning;

Individual specific characteristics, including patriotism, tolerance, humanism and others.

Confirmed assessment of these and other specific results of the initial activities of students can be carried out during the course of various monitoring studies.



14. The main illumination program of cob-grass illumination means the replacement and organization of illumination activities in the eradication of cob-grass illumination and is aimed directly at the formation of grazal culture, spiritual-moral, social Real, special and intellectual development of students, creating the basis for independent implementation of initial activities, which will ensure social success , development of creative abilities, self-development and self-refinement, saving and valuing the health of students.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

15. The main lighting program for cob lighting is to place the binding part and the part that is formed by the participants in the lighting sessions.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The obov'yazkova part of the main lighting program of the cob slaughtering program will be 80%, and the part that is formed by the participants of the scouring activities will be 20% of the main lighting program of the cob scouring program. and illuminate.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

16. The main illumination program for early childhood illumination is implemented by the organization, which carries out illumination activities through the organization of lesson and part-time activities during the day until bedtime. container-epidemiological rules and regulations.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The main educational program for early childhood education is divided into three sections: target, local and organizational.

The purposeful section indicates the main purposes, goals, goals and planned results of the implementation of the main lighting program, as well as ways to achieve these goals and results.

The whole section includes:

I will explain the note;

planned results of students' mastery of the basic lighting programs of cob lighting;

system for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the main lighting programs of cob lighting

a program for the formation of universal initial activities for students in the development of postnatal illumination;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

program of spiritual and moral development, training of students in the development of early childhood education;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

a program for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and carefree way of life;

correctional robot program.

The organizational section defines the overall framework for organizing lighting activities, and sets out the mechanisms for implementing the main lighting programs.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

Organizational section includes:

initial plan for cob lighting;

plan of day-to-day activities, calendar initial schedule;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

system of minds for the implementation of the main lighting programs in accordance with the relevant Standards.

The initial plan for early childhood education and the plan for day-to-day activities include the main organizational mechanisms for the implementation of the main educational programs for early childhood education.

The organization that carries out the activities of the main agricultural lighting programs, which is subject to national accreditation, subdivides the main educational program of the agricultural crops. This is consistent with the Standard and with the regulation of the basic lighting program for cob lighting.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

(clause 16 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated September 22, 2011 N 2357)

17. The organization that carries out the illumination activities is divided, the main illumination program of the cob lighting program is responsible for ensuring the achievement of initial results in the development of the main illumination program of the cobs. Our lighting is consistent with the requirements established by the Standard.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

Lighting programs of cobalt lighting are implemented by the organization, which carries out lighting activities both independently and in the form of limited forms of implementation.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

During the holidays, the possibilities of organizing children's health care and their health, thematic barn changes, summer schools, created by the organization, carry out illumination activities and organize additional illumination.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

To ensure that the individual needs of students are met, the following is transmitted in the post-primary lighting program:

(paragraph requested by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated November 26, 2010 N 1241)

day-to-day activity.

(paragraph requested by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated November 26, 2010 N 1241)

18. The organization of lighting activities behind the main lighting program of cob lighting can be based on differentiation instead of meeting lighting needs and interests students, which will ensure the development of the surrounding basic subjects, subject areas of the main lighting program of the primary lighting program.

(Clause 18 as edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

19. Guidelines for the divisions of the main lighting program for cob lighting:

19.1. The explanatory note is guilty of revealing:

1) for the purposes of implementing the basic lightening program for cobalt ignition, specified in accordance with the possible Standard, up to the results of mastering the basic lightning program for pelvic sterilization by students viti;

2) the principles and approaches to the formation of the main lighting program of the seedbed lighting and the warehouse of participants in the lighting activities of a specific organization that carries out lighting activities;

(clause 2 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

3) I'll give you a dirty description basic lighting programs for cob lighting;

4) out-of-the-way approaches to organizing after-hours activities.

(clause 4 introduced by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated September 22, 2011 N 2357)

19.2. The planned results of mastering the main lighting program of cob lighting are:

1) to ensure connections between the Standards, lighting activities and a system for assessing the results of mastering the basic lighting program of cob lighting;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

2) to be the basis for the development of the main educational program of the initial public awareness of the organization that carries out educational activities;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

3) as a substitute and criterion basis for the development of work programs for elementary subjects and basic methodological literature, as well as for the system of assessment of the quality of mastery of basic educational programs by students. You comply with all possible Standards.

The structure and replacement of the planned results of the mastery of the main lighting program of the initial lighting is responsible for adequately reflecting the capabilities of the Standard, conveying the specifics of the lighting activity (restricting the specificity of the objectives of the development of creamy basic subjects) to demonstrate the age-old capabilities of students.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The planned results of the students’ mastery of the basic educational program of the primary educational program must be clarified and specified in the background of specific, meta-subject and subject results as they are achieved from the position of the organization both in light activity and in the position of assessing these results. Assessing the results of the activities of the educational system, the organization that carries out educational activities, and pedagogical workers are responsible for ensuring the planned results of mastering the main educational programs. what kind of illumination will begin?

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

19.3. The initial plan for the initial study (hereinafter referred to as the initial plan) means transition, difficulty, consistency and division between the periods of learning initial subjects, forms of intermediate certification of students.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The main lighting program for cob lighting can include one or more initial plans.

The forms of organization of lighting activities, the division of initial and post-hour activities within the framework of the implementation of the main lighting program of cob lighting means the organization that creates Effective lighting activity.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

Initial plans will ensure the development and development of the sovereign language of the Russian Federation, the possibility of investment and development of the sovereign language of the republics of the Russian Federation and other languages ​​from among the peoples of the Russian Federation derations, and also establish the amount of time to take, what to do with their education, for the classes (rocks) of education.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

<*>The wine is turned off. - Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643.

The basic subject areas and the main tasks for the implementation of the replacement subject areas are shown in the table:

Subject areas

The main tasks of the implementation of the change

Russian language and literary reading

Formation of the first statements about the Russian language as the sovereign language of the Russian Federation, as a result of the gathering of people of different nationalities in Russia and beyond the cordon. Development of dialogical and monologue oral and written communication, communicative skills, moral and aesthetic feelings, creative abilities.

Real language and literature reading by real people

Formation of the primary manifestations of the unity and diversity of the global and cultural space of Russia, about the language as the basis of national self-esteem. The development of dialogical and monologue oral and written language by Rida Moya, communicative skills, moral and aesthetic sensibilities, creative abilities by Rida Moya.

Foreign language

The formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance to the native languages ​​of another language on the basis of knowledge of the lives of one’s peers in other countries, with children’s folklore and accessible images of children’s fiction, the formation of cob on the formation of a mixture in spoken and written form with the noses of foreign language, communicative skills, sensibilities, senses to my foreign creative activity

Mathematics and computer science

The development of mathematical language, logical and algorithmic thinking, knowledge, and security of developments about computer literacy

Sustainability and knowledge of nature (Navkolishniy svit)

Formation of a creative setting for the family, locality, region, Russia, history, culture, nature of our land, and everyday life. Understanding the value, integrity and diversity of the world, its place in the new world. Formation of a model of safe behavior in the minds everyday life and in various unsafe situations in extreme situations. Formation of psychological culture and competencies to ensure effective and safe interaction in society

Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics

Development of knowledge to spiritual development, moral self-refinement. Formation of the primary statements about secular ethics, about ancient traditional religions, their role in the culture, history and reality of Russia


The development of creativity to the artistic-figurative, emotional-valuable infusion of creative works, image-creative and musical mysticism, the expression in creative works of their work to the utmost light


Formation of knowledge as a basis for learning and knowledge, creation of sound-analytical activity for the practical development of applied knowledge from the knowledge acquired during the implantation of other initial subjects, formation of cob knowledge practical transformation activities

Physical culture

Value of health, harmonious physical, moral and social development, successful learning, formation of cobs, self-regulation through the methods of physical culture, formation of an attitude towards saving and valuing health, the development of a healthy and carefree way of living.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 2015 N 1576)

Quantity occupy the bosses in 4 initial years you cannot become less than 2904 years and more than 3345 years.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated September 22, 2011 N 2357)

In order to meet the individual needs of the student, part of the initial plan, which is formed by the participants of the classes, conveys:

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

initial lessons for the destruction of basic obligatory subjects;

initial activities that will ensure the various interests of students, enhancing ethnocultural issues.

To develop the potential of students, gifted children and shared health opportunities, individual initial plans can be developed with the participation of the students themselves and their parents (legal representatives). The implementation of individual initial plans is accompanied by the support of the organization, which ensures the implementation of light activities.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

(Clause 19.3 as edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated November 26, 2010 N 1241)

19.4. The program for the formation of universal initial actions in those who begin with the removal of cob ulcers is liable to:

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

a description of valuable guidelines for the replacement of lighting when removing cob lighting;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

connections between universal initial processes and the replacement of initial objects;

characteristics of special, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal elementary activities of students;

typical formalization of special, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal initial processes;

description of the onset of programs for the formation of universal initial processes during the transition from preschool to early childhood.

The formation of universal initial processes in school under the hour of removing the cob lighting may be indicated as the stage of completion of the beginning of the school.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

Work programs for several basic subjects, courses, including extracurricular activities, are divided on the basis of the results of mastering the basic educational program, the basic educational program, and the organization of the programs included before її structures.

3) thematic planning with a designated number of years to be spent on the development of the skin.

3) more thematic planning.

(Clause 19.5 as edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 2015 N 1576)

19.6. The program of spiritual and moral development, training of students in the development of primary education (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is aimed at ensuring the spiritual and moral development of those who begin in the same class, after school and before school. It is clear that there is a large pedagogical work organization that has important educational activities. , family and others. Institutes of matrimony.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The program is based on the key tasks, the basic national values ​​of the Russian marriage.

The program is responsible for transferring the education of those who begin to the cultural values ​​of their ethnic and sociocultural group, the basic national values ​​of the Russian matrimony, the underground human values ​​in the context of their enormous formation Identity and security:

the creation of a system of inspirational approaches that allows one to master and practically master knowledge;

the formation of a complete light environment, which includes scheduled, after-hours and after-school activities and includes historical, cultural, ethnic and regional specifics;

formation of the student's active and active position.

The program may result in a transfer of the planned results of education - the formation of value orientations, social competencies, behavior patterns of young students, recommendations for the organization and ongoing pedagogical control of lesson results after-hours activities aimed at broadening one’s horizons and developing extra-curricular culture; for knowledge of the human values ​​of secular culture, the spiritual values ​​of ancient culture, the moral and ethical values ​​of the rich national people of Russia and the peoples of other countries; according to the molding of those who begin with the removal of cob-shaped illumination of valuable orientations of the underground human place, active living position, the need for self-realization in illumination and other creative activities; to develop communicative skills, skills of self-organization; forming and expanding to a positive interaction with extra light, developing the foundations of legal, aesthetic, physical and environmental culture.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

19.7. The program for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and carefree way of life can ensure:

forming a statement about the foundations of ecological culture in the application of ecologically responsible behavior in everyday life and nature, safe for people and the environment;

awakening in children to be careful about their health (shaping the goal to achieve good health) by the way of finishing the rules healthy image life and organization of health, preserving the nature of the initial activities and spilkuvaniya;

the formation of cognitive interest and a detailed approach to nature;

forming healthy food installations;

the development of optimal flow regimes for children with the understanding of their age-old, psychological and other characteristics, the development of needs in physical education and sports;

maintaining healthy, creative daily routines;

forming a negative assessment into risk factors for children's health (reduced activity, smoking, alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive drugs, infectious diseases);

becoming smarter, resisting exposure to alcohol, drinking alcohol, narcotics and strong speech;

molding, consume the child, fearlessly go to the doctor with whatever nutrition is associated with the peculiarities of growth and development, I will become healthy; development of readiness to independently maintain one’s health based on the development of special hygiene skills;

forming the foundations of a healthy initial culture: be able to organize successful initial work, create healthy minds, acquire adequate habits and accept the task of managing individual characteristics;

the formation of safe behavior in extreme conditions and the simplest behavior in extreme (super-stressful) situations.

The program for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and carefree way of life may have its place:

1) meta, given and results of activities that will ensure the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, saving and valuing the physical, psychological and social health of students in the removal of cobalt illumination, description of value their guidelines that lie at its foundation;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

2) directly health-preserving activities, ensuring the safety and formation of the ecological culture of students, which reflects the specifics of the organization that carries out educational activities, asking the participants of the educational activities Ikh vydnosin;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

3) models of work organization, types of activities and forms to engage in with students from the formation of an environmentally friendly, healthy and safe school life, behavior; physical education, sports and health promotion, prevention of the use of psychoactive drugs by training, prevention of child road traffic injuries;

4) criteria, indicators of the effectiveness of the activities of the organization, which is part of the educational activities of the formation of a healthy and safe way of living and an ecological culture of students;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

5) methods and tools for monitoring the achievement of planned results for the formation of an ecological culture, a culture of a healthy and safe way of life for students.

(clause 19.7 as edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated September 22, 2011 N 2357)

19.8. The program of correctional work may be aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development children with limited health capabilities and assistance to children of this category in mastering basic educational programs for early childhood education.

The correctional work program can ensure:

identification of the special needs of children with limited potential for health, perceived deficiencies in their physical and (or) mental development;

current individually oriented psychological-medical-pedagogical assistance to children with interconnected health capabilities with the management of the characteristics of psychophysical development and individual abilities of children (subject to the recommendation of a psychologist o-medical-pedagogical commission);

The ability is mastered by children, along with the potential for health, of the basic illumination programs of early childhood illumination and their integration before the organization of the illumination activities.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The correctional robotic program may have the effect of:

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

a system of comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with the possibility of health in the minds of light activities, which includes psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children by identifying their special light needs, mon Monitoring the dynamics of children's development, their success in mastering the basic educational program behind-the-scenes lighting, correction of corrective approaches;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

describe special minds initiation and treatment of children with limited health options, including a barrier-free environment for their life, highly adapted educational programs for early childhood education and methods of initiation and treatment, specialization their assistants, chief aides and didactic materials, technical features the beginning of collective and individual coaching, the provision of assistant services (helper), who provides children with the necessary technical assistance, and the implementation of group and individual corrections;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

mechanism of interaction in the development and implementation of correctional inputs of teachers, fachivts in the field of correctional pedagogy, medical practitioners organizations that effectively highlight the activities of other organizations that specialize in the family and other institutions of matrimony that are responsible for ensuring integrity lesson, after-hour and after-school activities;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

planned results of correctional work.

19.9. The system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main backlighting programs of the initial backlighting is:

1) consolidate the main directions for that purpose evaluation activities, description of the object and place of assessment, criteria, procedures and storage of assessment tools, forms for presenting results, understanding and boundaries of the assessment system;

2) focus educational activities on the spiritual and moral development and training of students, achieving planned results, mastering the replacement of initial subjects of basic education and forming universal initial activities;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

3) to ensure a comprehensive approach to assessing the results of mastering the basic educational program of initial illumination, which allows for the assessment of subject, meta-subject and special results of initial illumination;

4) transfer an assessment of the students’ achievement (a sub-sum assessment of the students who have mastered the basic educational program) and an assessment of the effectiveness of the organization’s activities, which Effective lighting activity;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

5) allow you to assess the dynamics of the initial achievements of students.

In the process of assessing the achievement of planned results of spiritual and moral development, mastering the basic educational programs of the beginning of the program, various methods and forms are used to mutually complement each other (standardized and writing and sleeping work, projects, practical robots, creative robots, self-analysis and self-assessment, caution, testing (tests), etc.).

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

19.10. A plan for day-to-day activities and an organizational mechanism for the implementation of the main lighting program for cob lighting.

The after-hours activity plan caters to the individual characteristics and needs of students through the organization of after-hours activities. Day-to-day activities are organized to directly develop specialization (sports and health, spiritual and moral, social, extra-intellectual, extra-cultural) in such forms as artistic, cultural, philological, choral studios, and sports. and sports clubs, school sports clubs and sections, conferences, patriotic Olympiads Information, excursions, entertainment, jokes and scientific research, substantive practices and other forms on a voluntary basis are subject to the selection of participants in the training sessions.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The plan for the day-to-day activities of the organization, whereby this day-to-day activity means the structure and structure of the directions, forms of organization, and the obligatory work of the day-to-day activities for students with the removal of the cob. Illuminate (up to 1350 years over the course of time) to ensure the interests of the scientists and the capabilities of the organization that carry out the illumination activities.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The organization that conducts day-to-day activities independently develops and approves the plan for day-to-day activities.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

(clause 19.10 issued by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated September 22, 2011 N 2357)

19.10.1. The calendar initial schedule is responsible for scheduling initial activities (classroom and after-hours) and planned breaks when lighting is cut off for completion and other social purposes (vacations) behind the calendar periods of initial work:

date the beginning and completion of the initial fate;

trivality of the initial fate, quarters (trimesters);

terms and trivialities of the holidays;

terms of intermediate certifications.

(clause 19.10.1 issued by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

11.19. The system of minds for the implementation of the main illumination program of cobalt lighting is consistent with the possible Standard (hereinafter referred to as the system of minds) is broken down on the basis of the specific capabilities of the Standard and will ensure the achievement of the planned results mastered not the main lighting program for cob lighting.

The system of minds may embrace the peculiarities of the organization that carries out the lighting activity, and guides its interaction between the Cosmos and social partners (as the center of the lighting system, and within the framework of the inter-household emodi).

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The system of minds may take revenge:

a description of the available minds: personnel, psychological and pedagogical, financial, material and technical, as well as basic methodological and information security;

organizing the necessary changes in the right minds is consistent with the priorities of the main awareness-raising programs of the initial awareness-raising of the organization, which is involved in the awareness-raising activities;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

mechanisms for achieving goal orientations in the system of minds;

hemorrhage chart ( road map) forming the necessary system of minds;

Control over the camp of the mind system.

(Clause 19.11 was issued by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated September 22, 2011 N 2357)



20. The system was able to support personnel, financial, material, technical and other minds in the implementation of the main lighting program. We are engaged in cob lighting and achieving the planned results of cob lighting.

21. An integrative result of the implementation of these goals may be the creation of a comfortable lighting environment that develops:

will ensure high brightness enlightenment, accessibility, openness and benefit for students, their fathers (legal representatives) and all marriages, spiritual and moral development and education of students;

what guarantees the protection and value of the physical, psychological and social health of students;

comfortable in terms of pre-school pedagogical practitioners.

22. To ensure the implementation of the main lighting program of the initial lighting program in the organization, which carries out lighting activities, it is the responsibility of the participants in the lighting activities to Use your mind to ensure your ability:

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs of the beginning of the educational program in all schools, keeping children safe and healthy;

identification and development of students' abilities through the system of clubs, sections, studios and groups, organization of suspinal-cortical activities, including social practice, vikoryst and possibilities of the organization of additional education illuminate;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

work with gifted children, organization of intellectual and creative activities, scientific and technological creativity and design and research activities;

participation of students, their fathers (legal representatives), pedagogical workers and the vast majority in the development of the main educational programs of primary education, design and development of internal school a new social environment, as well as the formation and implementation of individual educational routes for students;

effective time allotted for the implementation of part of the main lighting programs, which is formed by the participants of the lighting projects, such as before asking the students and their fathers (legal representatives), specifics What kind of organization that carries out illumination activities and takes into account the particularities of the subject of the Russian Federation;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

the development of current lighting technologies of the active type;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

effective independent work of students for the support of pedagogical practitioners;

inclusion of academics in the process of understanding and re-creating the post-school social environment (settlement, district, town) to achieve real management and action;

updating instead of the main lighting program for early childhood lighting, as well as methods and technologies for its implementation is consistent with the dynamics of the development of the lighting system, feeding children and their parents (legal representatives), as well as with the understanding of the particularities of the subject of the Russian Federation;

effective management of the organization, which helps to highlight the activities of various information and communication technologies, as well as current financing mechanisms.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

23. Possibilities for personnel to implement the main lighting programs for early-stage lighting include:

staffing of the organization that carries out the activities of pedagogical, medical and other practitioners;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

the level of qualifications of pedagogical and other practical workers of the organizations involved in educational activities;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

continuity of professional development of pedagogical workers of the organization, which carries out educational activities.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

An organization that carries out lighting activities implements early lighting programs and may be staffed with qualified personnel.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The level of qualifications of the practitioners of the organization that carries out the current illumination activities, which implements the main illumination program of cob illumination, for skin planting is responsible for inform the qualifications assigned to qualified witnesses, and (or) professional standards for a responsible position.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated May 18, 2015 N 507)

The continuity of professional development of practitioners of the organization, which is responsible for the current work on the main awareness-raising programs of early-stage illumination, must ensure the mastery of practice. Researchers of organizations that carry out educational activities, additional professional programs with a profile of pedagogical activity at least once every three years.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

The system is committed to creating the mind for a comprehensive interaction between organizations that will create awareness of activities to ensure the possibility of replenishing human resources, maintaining a consistent methodical approach MKI, the withdrawal of operational consultations from the implementation of the main illumination programs of the cobalt illumination, the promotion of innovative information to other organizations that operate Illumination activities, comprehensive monitoring and tracking of the results of Illumination activities and the effectiveness of innovations

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

24. Financial considerations for the implementation of the main lighting programs of the cob lighting loom:

to ensure the organization that carries out the illumination activities, the ability of Vikonannya to the Standard;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

Knothepachuvati by the realization of the overall part of the main groaning of the elaboration of the same part, the forms of an obvious vіd -vyd kil, foreman of the forefront on the tyazhin;

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

depict the structure and costs of expenditures necessary for the implementation of the main illumination programs of the initial development and achievement of planned results, as well as the mechanism of their formation.

The standards that are established by the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation are consistent with paragraph 3 of part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law dated 29 April 2012. N 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”, regulatory expenses for the provision of government services municipal service In the sphere of illumination, the skin type and directness (profile) of illumination programs are determined by the arrangement of forms of initiation, boundary forms of implementation of illumination programs, illumination technologies, special minds for the development of illumination. and studies with the possibility of health, the provision of additional professional education for pedagogical workers, the provision of careless minds initiation and training, protection of the health of students, and the regulation of other transfers named by the Federal Law on the specifics of the organization and educational activities (for different categories of students)<*>.

(Edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

<*>In accordance with the provisions of Part 2 of Article 99 of the Federal Law dated April 29, 2012. N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" (Collections of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, article 7598; 2013, N 19, article 2326; No. 23, statistics 2878, No. 27, statistics 3462, No. 30, statistics 4036, No. 48, statistics 6165; , statistics 2769; No. 23, statistics 2933; No. 26, statistics 3388; No. 30, statistics 4257, statistics 4263).

(Wine as edited by the Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643)

Paragraphs six to eight are included. - Order of the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1643.

25. The material and technical understanding of the implementation of the main lighting programs of cob lighting can ensure:

1) the possibility of reaching the teachings of the provisions of the Standard was possible until the results of mastering the basic lighting program of cob lighting;

It was presented on June 6, 2009. It became the result of a ground-level reform of the Russian education system and directives to:

  • achieving comprehensive development of young students in the context of education and training in health indicators and individual intellectual abilities;
  • stimulation of creative abilities and the development of theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • learning to interact with society, gaining communication skills, familiarity with modern culture.

The active development of technology and the reduction in the importance of dry information without deep understanding and stagnation in practice have laid the foundation for the standardization of cob lighting on the federal level. Today’s knowledge itself has no value in a reality that is rapidly changing, and therefore it is only important to creatively reconsider, interpret and recover the information that has been stolen. ki in the primary-vikhov complex, and in everyday life.

Having abandoned the old radyan pedagogical methods, the Russian system of cobalt education has seen the need to modernize the approach, and therefore, to promote the federal standard of the basic school Federal State Educational Standard cob illumination. The standard regulates the general procedure for the implementation of educational programs at the first stage of school education, which constitutes the same situation. Along with the basic skills that are relevant for young students (the ability to write, understand and read), the prospect of forming the effective initial activity of the student, based on the totality of initial motives, skills, etc., comes to the fore. Imagination, knowledgeable interest, cleverness in dealing with other tasks, control the process of their progress, adjust their goals and efforts in order to achieve successful special and professional self-realization.

A set of federal standards for secure clicking:

  1. Creation of a single Russian open space, adapted respecting the rich tradition for students with different intellectual abilities and health capabilities.
  2. The decline in educational programs could lead to universal initial activities, which children are guilty of experiencing as a result of mastering subject areas at different educational levels.

Addressees benefited from FGZS cob illumination There are the following categories of participants in the event:

  1. The teaching staff of the school, which may be remembered professional activity within the framework of the official government policy of enlightenment, in order to achieve the short-term and long-term goals set for the enlightenment system.
  2. School administration is a vikorist provision of the Federal State Educational Standard for the development of management mechanisms for the promotion of innovation, regulation and control of the primary-school complex within the framework of regional particularities.
  3. Schoolchildren - implementation is underway within the framework of the Federal State Law constitutional law on the basis of religion, nationality, material security and health opportunities, which would ensure the possibility of successful self-realization and professional growth in the future.
  4. Fathers of young schoolchildren, how to deny access to the basic documentation of the mortgage, in order to formulate statements about the goals and guidelines of the current lighting system, making decisions about additional education and organizing the admission of children.
  1. Vimogs up to the structure of the ORP, including their obligations and the binding and optional parts that are formed by the participants of the light tires, based on the needs and regional specifics.
  2. It is possible to ensure the implementation of programs - logistically, technically, financially, and personnel support - to ensure the initial process, without any basic activity it is impossible to establish.
  3. Possible until the results of mastering the subject minimum, the stage of formation of specific, meta-subject competencies.

The nature of the teacher’s activity has changed significantly. We appreciate that readers need to understand the important information exchange (including electronic resources), the hour for preparation before lessons increases. The initial outline of the lesson has changed the scenario plan, which means the consistency of the activities of the students, which gives greater freedom to teachers and the importance of group forms of work, which is more important than the front ones.

In general, the teacher’s activity has seen a lot of changes in all aspects of work.

Aspect of activity Characteristics of the city according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Preparation before the lesson The scenario plan for the lesson is the basis of the lesson and conveys a variety of non-standard forms of work, methods and techniques to the material. During the training period, teachers use knowledge from their colleagues, advanced technologies and innovations, Internet resources and methodical training.
Basic stages of the lesson More than half an hour of activity is devoted to independent activities of students. The obligatory stage of the lesson includes goal-orientation (students independently set the goal for the lesson) and reflection (children evaluate the effectiveness of work in class).
Teacher's head in class The teacher is responsible for acting as an organizer of educational activities by setting initial tasks, selecting information and processing, and organizing methods of action.
The importance of children's activities Reader's formula: analyze, complete (explain), align, continue, create a diagram or model, establish (make a draft), choose a solution, method of solving, follow up, evaluate, change Come on, think of it.
Teach a lesson The classes are dominated by individual and group forms of activity, non-standard approaches that allow the presence of teachers, tutors and other students in the lesson.
Interactions with school fathers The remaining fathers may be active participants in the initial educational activities, the teacher informs them about the life expectancy, initial and high successes of the children.
Illuminate the middle The lighting environment is adapted to the needs of students (including children with disabilities), and this affects the zone of education and classes, using ICT technologies.
Navchannya results Three days of results (subject, special and meta-subject) are taken into account, portfolios are created, and adequate self-esteem of students is stimulated. The dynamics of results are ensured, and those not correlated with standard indicators.

Numerous standards that regulate the initial educational process, such as federal standards, are aimed at addressing individual and cultural development of academics. This aspect itself is supported by the methodology of a specially oriented approach, allowing for the effectiveness of the interaction between teachers and a group of students, realizing the differentiation of learning between different lighting routes.

The order of specific orientation is based on lighting standards and FGZS program for cob illumination a modular-competent approach has been put in place, which consolidates the self-worth of the first stage of pre-school illumination and places the accumulation of illumination knowledge on the basis of the skills of yesterday's preschoolers for successful growth. kіlnyh svetnyh orders.

Standardization of early childhood education may provide equal minds for the beginning and training for all students, including children with limited health capabilities. Inclusive education in this type is based on the consistent exchange of everyday and basic knowledge between students, the development of communication skills, and the tolerance of all participants in the education sessions and theirs. behave intelligently in various social situations. As a result, young students become tolerant to the point of despair, tolerant, always forgiving, and therefore ready for further development and self-realization in their initial and early career.

Federal standards focus on the objectivity of assessing the academic achievements of schoolchildren. Remnants of the normative approach to the achievements of the achieved knowledge and skills from installations on great equal indicators having become morally outdated and having lost their relevance, there was a need for modernization of the assessment system in order to maintain the dynamics of the child’s success, the level of mastery of the material and the level of enlightened achievements. However, it is important that such procedures do not cause discomfort and emotional tension in the students for the implementation of all control functions. It is not surprising that the normative approach has successfully replaced the evaluation system, which has become extremely clear to both students and members of their families. Now the learning process retraces the achievements of the initial mark, and the assessment is based on the evolution of the dynamics of the learning successes of the study. In connection with this, the skills of self-assessment and reflection, which young students gradually learn, are aware of the level of their achievements and adequate compliance with the marks set by the teacher.

Promotion of FGZS at the corn school: key documents

Standardization of lighting implies reform of the lighting space on all levels, and the basis for this process is local regulations and documents of regional, municipal and federal significance. Regulating the organization of the initial-evolutionary process, local acts that are being organized to accompany the process of transition to the Federal State Public Health Service of NGOs are responsible for ensuring the up-to-date norms of the current state policy in Galusia.

  1. The main educational program for the cob school has been fragmented and confirmed.
  2. The regulatory framework of the primary school has been updated to the extent possible, the main activities have been confirmed, the logistics and financial security system has been established, and the mode of conducting lessons has been established.
  3. The school’s instructions comply with the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard and the qualifications of teachers, and a plan has been implemented to improve the qualifications of teachers who work in younger classes.
  4. Local acts have been introduced that regulate food payments, additional compensation for the basic salary, incentive and compensation payments, employment contracts and additional benefits.
  5. Methodical aides and assistants who will be victorious at the cob school have been confirmed.
  6. An optimal model of educational activity has been identified, including not only classwork, but also day-to-day activity of primary school students.
  7. A plan for methodical, consultative and psychological-pedagogical support has been developed, which will ensure maximum comfort in the transition to the lighting standards of the new generation.

Benefits of the Federal State Educational Standard for NGOs up to the results of mastering the lighting program

The differences between the initial capabilities of children, their intellectual and physical abilities suggested a slight complexity in implementation pedagogical process Some single criteria for success could not be reached by all graduates at the same time. In this case, the focus on the development of singing beginners included the individuality of vectors for the development of young students, creativity and experimental warehouse of the initial process. That's why Federal State Educational Standard for NGO (cob illumination) focus on the formation of academic competencies that fit within the framework of individual educational routes.

The document has the following benefits based on the results of the educational activities of the young school:

  • Special – children may have an individual-special position, persistent motivation for cognitive activity, development of social-communicative competencies, readiness for self-development, patriotism to that huge identity.
  • Meta-subjects - focus on the importance of universal elementary activities (UUD) - competencies that allow you to successfully develop knowledge and skills, collected in one subject area, in another.
  • Subject matter - knowledge to understand, the principles of their formation and algorithms of development, which are formed in the course of learning different disciplines.
Result type Complex of target competencies of primary school students
  1. The formation of the primary foundations of the community’s self-identification, such as pride in the Batkivshchyna, the presence of basic knowledge about the Russian people and culture, their national and ethnic affiliation, the understanding of the significance of humanism and democracy personal values.
  2. Awareness complete picture to the world of different people natural minds, peoples and cultures.
  3. Showing a clever attention to the culture and national characteristics of other peoples.
  4. Enrichment with the first skills of adaptation in mental activity, which is rapidly changing.
  5. Formation of the first principles of independence, recognition of responsibility, awareness of the importance of social justice, moral standards, preservation of special freedom.
  6. Appreciation of the social role of the student, formation of positive motivation for the process of learning about the world and special attitudes in learning about the environment benefited from FGZS for cob school.
  7. The manifestation of aesthetic needs and feelings.
  8. Showing emotion, moral sensitivity, friendliness, and genuine empathy for the feelings of others.
  9. Volodinya's beginnings are mixed with one-year-olds that have grown up in the course of initial and daily tasks, the existence of unique conflicts and contentious situations.
  10. Encouragement to maintain a safe way of living, readiness for physical and creative activities, careful attention to natural, material and spiritual values.
  1. The significance of the initial goals and objectives is to preserve them throughout the entire period of ongoing illumination activities until the results are recorded.
  2. Mastering the methods of the highest level of experimental, playful and creative nature.
  3. Create a strategy for reaching the initial tasks from the most stagnant ones effective ways dii, monitor the results in order to correct intellectual activity.
  4. It is important to analyze the reasons for success/failure, to act constructively in the minds, if achieving the goal is hampered by low problems. A selection of symbolic models for a schematic representation of objects, objects and displays that are involved.
  5. Active use of communication skills and information skills for advanced cognitive tasks.
  6. Presence before conducting search activity to enrich the system of knowledge, readiness to collect, systematize, analyze, interpret and present information in accordance with the latest ethical norms.
  7. Formation of skills in semantic reading and logical, intelligible expression in spoken and written forms.
  8. Volodinya uses basic actions to analyze, analyze data, search for trace-causal connections and analogies.
  9. Willingness to conduct a dialogue based on knowledge from different points of view, as well as to argue and correctly defend your position.
  10. Covering with the first information about the essence of objects, objects, boxes between objects, awareness of basic intersubject connections.

Vimogi of the Federal State Educational Standard for the cob school see the significance of the results of mastering the light level behind the skin from the subject areas:

  1. Russian language. Formation of the primary understanding of what is the main identifier of national culture and self-esteem, positive attitudes to the development of oral and written language. Knowledge of basic views on Russian norms, the development of complex communication tasks, the understanding of simple initial processes with human units.
  2. Literary reading. The profound importance of reading, the understanding of the specifics of various texts, the formation of basic comprehension and interpretation, the formation of reading competence at the level necessary for the development of knowledge tasks (reading not out loud and to myself, the importance of actualizing respect on the most important details).
  3. Foreign language. Demonstration of spilted cobs (in spoken and written forms) with the noses of foreign languages, showing tolerance in the spilted language.
  4. Mathematics and computer science. Formation of basic mathematical knowledge, knowledge of computer literacy, knowledge of basic techniques of logical and abstract thinking, knowledge of specific elementary-living tasks, which are based on the knowledge of simple arithmetic operations, knowledge patterns of everyday geometric shapes.
  5. Extraordinary light (husbandship, natural knowledge). Formation of an important issue for one’s family, people, the nature and historical and cultural values ​​of the Batkivshchyna, the understanding of the role of Russia in secular history, the mastery of the beginning of establishing causal and hereditary connections in nature and marriage.
  6. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Familiarity with the basic norms of morality, secular and religious morality, the importance of faith in people's lives, awareness of the importance of human life.
  7. Mysticism (more creative, more musical). The formation of the first concepts about the role of mystique in the life and modern culture, the development of practical skills in the acquisition and interpretation of works of mysticism, the development of elementary skills in painting and musical activity.
  8. Technology. The presence of primary knowledge about the value of subject-transformative work and its moral significance, the development of self-service skills, knowledge of safety rules when interacting with various materials, readiness to complete difficult tasks structural, artistic and creative tasks - individually and in a team.
  9. Physical culture. Awareness of the importance of physical activity and its influx into the psychological-emotional state of people, the development of the principles of health-saving in the organization of educational activities, the implementation of systematic monitoring of self-esteem and the main indicators of roses a round of physical abilities - coordination of movements, strength, fluidity, vibrancy.

Vimogi of the Federal State Educational Standard of NGOs to the structure of the educational program

Basic lighting program for corn cob lighting, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, replace the variable (changed) and binding parts in the mixture from 20% to 80%. Due to the influence of government policy in the sphere of illumination, the structure of the OVP may face:

  1. An explanatory note - to meet the strategic goals and objectives of pedagogical activity, the basic approaches and principles that ensure regional characteristics and specifications are established.
  2. The planned results of mastering the discipline are divided into subject, meta-subject and special criteria.
  3. The initial plan, the formation of acceptable inter-intellectual pursuits, duties of extracurricular activities and the replacement of educational disciplines. It regulates the hour that can be used to organize the completion of studies in the format of part-time activities or to increase the classroom time devoted to the study of other subjects.
  4. The UUD formation program is a system of formation that allows the transfer of competencies from known to unknown knowledge (all types of UUD are considered in the interconnection of primary disciplines).
  5. Programs of several initial subjects and courses, which have characteristics, valuable guidelines, planned results, thematic planning and material and technical equipment, the necessary implementation of assigned tasks.
  6. The program of spiritual and moral development is based on the international pedagogical tradition and key in the wilds, transferring a tolerant approach to aliens, shaping an active lifestyle position, acquiring cultural and cultural values.
  7. The program for the formation of a culture of safe and healthy living means the popularization of a healthy lifestyle, the prevention of deviant behavior and Shkdlivikh zvichok, Optimal mode of roach activity.
  8. The correctional work program has been developed for primary school students with disabilities, which conveys procedures for identifying special initial needs, providing comprehensive support, and creating the minds they need.
  9. A system for assessing the results of mastering the minimum level that operates within the framework of intermediate certification and regular assessment within the framework of a criterion-based individualized approach.

Vimogi FGZS cob illumination to the minds of the implementation of AFP

Federal standards have been legitimized as a substitute for the regulatory process, and, in my opinion, necessary for its implementation. Basic FDMS cob lighting This means the creation of an accessible, open and comfortable light environment, which will help preserve and improve the psychophysiological health of children, stimulate their cognitive activity, and develop their communication skills.

Save yourself so as not to waste:

More information about the advancement and modernization of the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as knowledge that may accompany the process of transition to federal standards, will help the statistics of the electronic journal “Advocate of the Intercessor of the School Director”

- how the intercessor director prepares readers before the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standard for NGOs (new Federal State Educational Standard)
- The Ministry of World Affairs has adopted a new Federal State Educational Standard for primary school (Review of legislation)

Remnants of the six are still fulfilling their needs and learning about the world through gaming activities, considering the knowledge and skills in Russia, the light environment may be maximally oriented towards their needs, and therefore resources and about information that stimulates the highest levels of light during gaming activities. In connection with this, there is a strong emphasis on didactic and digital information, and have a play area in the classroom.

It is not surprising that the text of the federal standard scrupulously reconsiders the necessary implementation of the software minimum:

  1. Personnel - availability to the staff of elementary school teachers and subject teachers who work with young students of the necessary level of qualification, as well as managers and methodologists who create the minds for the continuous self-development of teachers c.
  2. Financial - to ensure the consistency of expenses and expenses, necessary for the implementation of the program lighting minimum.
  3. Material-technical - provision of sanitary-household and sanitary-hygienic minds, continued protection and fire safety, optimization of the lighting environment for the needs of students with disabilities.
  4. Information and educational activities - resources necessary for planning and development of primary education activities, providing the educational process with the necessary information, and teachers - with means for self-development and development. Advanced qualifications.
  5. Initial-methodical - necessary to improve the efficiency of the lighting process, to preserve high performance indicators of the equipment of initial-technical activity.

Federal State Educational Standard for NGOs: evolution of standards of the remaining rocks

FGZS cob hazel lighting in 2018 having recognized the daily changes. Resolutions for the sake of the Ministry on February 21, 2018, without changes or amendments, were confirmed by the previous draft of the Federal State Educational Standards for NGOs, which specified the results of the beginning and the structure of the spiritual program. The updated standard has secured the necessary minimum of basic subject matter that can be reached by the skin.

The updated standard changes the roles of the teacher and teacher:

  • the teacher accurately formulates the results of learning from various elementary disciplines;
  • The study allows access to the necessary conditions for skin cancer, which allows you to effectively identify the areas of knowledge and adequately implement the evaluation criteria.

Subject results from other disciplines were further specified. During the intermediate attestation, it is necessary to verify the lighting results regulated by the origins of disciplines, which on the one hand simplified the control of lighting brightness, and on the other hand required reworking of the main and working lighting Their programs have simplified the preparation of documents. U standards of the Federal State Educational Standard for cob lighting The results of studying Russian and foreign languages, reading, and mathematics, thematic modules were prescribed for such disciplines as “ORKSE”, “Creative Art”, “Technology”, “Music”, “Physical Education”. Modular teaching conveys variability and provides schools with the freedom necessary to choose the right logic for studying the subject.

In addition to the subject changes, there have been significant results from the beginning of the school, which are based on the paradigm of basic competencies. During school and day-to-day activities, children will learn how to navigate an individual light path, evaluate and relate their activities to moral and ethical values, and succeed. but communicate with one-year-olds and adults, establish conflict-free mutual understanding, inform social values, demonstrate shanoblive staging to the point careless behavior. The special results of the updated Federal State Educational Standards reflect the benefits of the new national project “Osvita”.

In addition to the meta-subject results, readers may speak out about the development of pre-study knowledge of scholars and the preparation of public speeches. Few updates may be due to the fact that the division of meta-subject results is due to the fate of learning (whose burden falls on the shoulders of the readers). A working group is being formed that breaks down meta-subject results, which, however, cannot be avoided without mercy, it will be necessary to go to the regional centers for assessing the quality of knowledge and obtain a full-time educational psychologist for this process.

The changes have resulted in a shift in the UUD, which has been replenished with two new ones – we must take part in the overall activity and work with information that is closely related to the concepts of “strong competencies”.

  1. Taking the fate of the sleeping activity, young student obliged to be aware of the activity, to use methods and ways to achieve the result, to share roles, to take part in the negotiations, to act behind the power plan, to be careful, to be in control, to reflect and control one’s activity, tolerantly to act and conflict situations.
  2. When working with information, students are responsible for selecting a range of data, medical assignments, analyzing the creation and textual information in a new format for the presentation of information, and using charts, tables, and illustrative materials. This is a document that complies with information security rules.

The detailed UUD in the new Federal State Educational Standard allows for diagnostics and assessment (obligatory assessments enhance meta-subject results, diagnostics can be carried out for a specific module and for all disciplines).

Based on the updated federal regulations, in the obligatory part of the OOP, the conscription program needs to be modified:

  • the place of work between the priority tasks of the world, the interests of scientists and fathers, individual and regional characteristics;
  • the given principles of their implementation in the context of the specifics of the lighting installation;
  • forms and types of school work.

The training program includes a program for spiritual and moral development and a program for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe way of living.

Such changes, in the opinion of methodologists and experts, turned out to be insufficient, so in 2019 the Federal State Educational Standard for primary school was updated again.

FDMS cob lighting 2019

The project of fate, presentations for a large discussion on February 29, 2019, in connection with the priority of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, requires a more precise formulation of substantive results, in order to protect the divine aspect. Under the Tsomovynnoye of the Obvyazkovo, the forms of the overstone program is zbergayg, and the participants of the overstone is the right to get the right to the plug -in the okschyrennnya to the hoglong motherel, the yakshcho in the tsomo є consuming. Conducting methodologists and teachers worked on the text of the project, trying to put the essentials in the Standard of Cleaning, to reduce the emphasis on students and bureaucratic work for readers.

The provisions of the updated Federal State Educational Standard were published on the official website of the Ministry of World Affairs and the clarification could therefore be assessed before the substantive results within the framework of the interim certification. The results of mastering the basic material are divided into different subjects, and others are transferred to a modular principle. The remainder will ensure additional flexibility in the formulated work programs necessary for the development of individual lighting routes and the implementation of a specially oriented approach (to remain in the material and technical set night security). The sequence may be dictated by the logic of the discipline, but readers can transfer material from one discipline to another, based on the intellectual and secular characteristics of the students.

This change is due to the implementation and provisions of OOP:

  • The education program has replaced socialization programs, education and spiritual and moral development;
  • the lower limit of the ligamentous period of time for the implementation of ORP was reduced to 2851 years;
  • The day-to-day activities at the beginning of the school have now been limited to 1350 years;
  • The technical equipment of initial mortgages is detailed by regulations.

What is not important is the change in the sequence of sections of the document: in order to achieve the results of mastering the OOP, NGOs can now complete the FGZS, and they will be followed by addenda that will specify the possibilities for the substantive results of the beginning. What is more significant is the absence in the text of the project of a riddle about a systemic-active approach, the obviousness of sub-bag certification after completion of primary school and the rigid breakdown of the initial school. territory behind the rocks.

I would like to point out particular criticism in the new Federal State Educational Standard:

  • This is possible through the methods, methods and forms of organization of the educational process, the normative number of years allocated for the development of federal disciplines;
  • insufficient approach to didactic freedom lighting organizations(20% of the total cost of lighting programs), which adapts the design of the lighting process to meet the needs of participants in lighting projects;
  • There is a need to regulate the maximum and minimum daily lighting requirements for students, the time necessary for mastering additional and basic programs.

new FDMS corn cob lighting 2019 The formation of a single world space is on the horizon, the creation of which was threatened through the subversion of various programs and methodological literature by schools in one place and region. Thus, children from secondary schools could not bear the knowledge that, in the long-term perspective, this would create a serious problem for assessing the results of the beginning and entry to greater initial investments. To complete the updated standard, it is important to know the skills that children have when they graduate from school.

As a result of the innovation, it will be possible to develop different types of educational programs, including for innovative schools and correctional schools (classes). The project also presents a variety of subject areas of cob, main and middle lighting, which guarantees the consistency and consistency of the lighting process. This is an example of a strong consensus, in which the reader is aware of the minimum amount of information that can be mastered by students, and schoolchildren and their fathers are aware of the individual educational trajectory that allows you to quickly fill up the clearings of the knowledgeable, expanding and burying the subject of the vestment. The FGZS updates, in the opinion of its experts, demonstrate a balance between government control, variability and freedom of the educational process.

System reform federal bodies viconic ruler did not go unnoticed and the Ministry of Light of the Russian Federation was recently reorganized into 2 departments, whose functions of monitoring the comprehensive system of cob lighting and basic lighting were recently created by M News of Russia. About the remaining news Read below for the discussed formation of the new Federal State Lighting Standards (FSES) for primary lighting and basic lighting for 2020.

The new Federal State Educational Standards (FSE) will be approved at the beginning of 2020, and in the next quarter of 2020 the work on updating the main school programs will be completed. This was stated by the Minister of Illumination of Russia Olga Vasilyeva at parliamentary hearings on the topic “About the advance in the capacity of illumination in the Russian Federation” State Duma FS RF.

“After the standards have been approved, and we plan to work until the end of the day, we will organize work to update the basic educational programs. This work may end in the next quarter of 2020,” Vasilyeva said.

Vaughn guessed the principles of forming standards: specification was possible to the results, structure and minds of the implementation of the development of educational programs; The replacement of the Federal State Educational Standards may be as reasonable as possible for all participants in the educational process, including fathers, informs the portal

“The position of the ministry is quite simple: the teaching of schools may be based on the best available basic literature, but there is not a lot of help. Therefore, a new procedure was being prepared for the formation of the federal transfer of the assistant. They have a clear understanding of what the experts are entitled to, and their rights. The document clarifies the concept of a conflict of interest, the new procedure specifies the flow of criteria from which the examination is carried out. “We ourselves are significantly reducing the risk of the loss of obscure assistants to our Russian schools,” the minister explained.

“As of today, we have 39% of readers over 50 years old. And this is good, because these people have great knowledge. But the food is different: today we have very few people who return to the profession after being sick,” Vasilyeva said.

The share of workers in the century until 29 June will become 5.5%, until 2029 this year, according to estimates, may increase to 13%.

“For our students, less than 70% of applicants receive a diploma, and only half of graduates reach the middle school grade,” Vasilyeva said.

These are great numbers. We are working hard to reach a budget of 62,720 osib. I less than 31 thousand. get to school. Why? Types of nutrition vary. And this does not deprive food in payment for the volume, but also for other meals. Young teachers are simply afraid to go to school, because the standard of education is such that more than 50 years of training is not a practice. This is unacceptable and requires work. “We’re already timid,” she said.

“The school may lose the following documents: work program on the subject, calendar and thematic planning, electronic magazine, electronic book,” said Vasilyeva.

Vaughn noted that within the framework of the “digital lighting medium”, already in 2019, a comprehensive flow of documents has been prepared that may be brought before lighting installation just once.

“We have made these recommendations. We are not afraid of many amendments to the law. For the time being, in consultation with the Ministry of Labor, we will introduce amendments to the Labor Code, as well as documents that are already confirmed,” Vasilyeva explained.

“It is obvious that bureaucratization is becoming the main problem of the school day. This problem faces the system even more severely,” Vasilyeva said.

Earlier, the results of the TALIS survey (Teaching and Learning International Survey, conducted by the OECD) were published. The investigator took the fate of 4 thousand. Russian readers and school officials.

“90% of readers are satisfied with their work and express satisfaction with it. But this does not at all mean that there is no food, which would require discussion,” the minister said.

“Readers are fascinated by news. The problem disappears; “It’s true that the dynamics were a little troubling: between TALIS in 2013 and 2018-2019, the readers realized that it had decreased a little,” she said.

So, in addition, readers have to remember calls related to various social services, taxes, and the Ministry of Taxes.

“Often even more marvelous (vimogi). I read news about how to get a lot of beetroot, to show how many trees in the school yard... In one more article: to tell how many people were there on Saturday, how many boys and how many girls. I can go on for a long time, but it doesn’t matter to the process of illumination and really matters to me. I will feel the excitement that our colleagues know,” Vasilyeva said.

Main update - specification was possible until substantive results. In the previous edition, the standard gave more subtle settings, setting a frame. And what does it mean, in what class, - for all this, nutrition is small independently provided by the skin school, - the Ministry of Education explained to "Russian Newspaper". – Therefore, the educational program of one school was radically different from the programs of the court school.

With the approval of new lighting standards, this practice will disappear. There will be a single fundamental base everywhere: both in the primary school and in the outer school. It will be written down what and if the teaching can be taught. With this connection between objects the quilting is clearer. For example, between history and literature. Mathematics and physics, physics and technology.

What else is important to consolidate new standards? They take into account the age-old and psychological characteristics of students of all classes. Golovne - so that the boys do not over-vantage. In addition, the minimum and maximum number of hours required for the full implementation of the main lighting programs has been clarified. The basic substitution of treatment programs has been identified, and the specification and intelligence of correctional work programs for children with disabilities has been specified.

It is significant that the updated edition of the Federal State Educational Standard preserves the principles of variability, as well as the consideration of the interests and capabilities of both educational organizations and those who start, - explained the Ministry of Education . - Also, clarification of the structure of the main educational programs can help reduce the “bureaucratic” pressure on readers.

It seems likely that the first draft of the updated standards was presented at a wide-ranging discussion just like that. And immediately exclaiming the stormy supers among readers, experts, fathers... As a result, the Federal State Educational Standard under the Ministry of Education (now the Ministry of Education) decided to praise the draft standards for the cob school. And the Federal State Educational Standard for basic illumination - send for additional examination.

The new FGZS project was worked on by the faculty of the leading pedagogical universities of the region - the Russian State Pedagogical University (RDPU named after A.I. Herzen), Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU named after V.I. Leni on), Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University (MDPU).

Due to the medical significance of the Federal State Educational Standard, the Ministry of Education is important that any changes that are made must go through all the professional and extensive discussions,” the department said.

What is especially important is that the new standard allows any father and student to admire what can be done in place of the initial subject, and to compare it with the practice of a particular school, with the work of his assistants, with the ID.

The director of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Worlds, Oksana Reshetnikova, called the new Federal State Educational Standards a suspense-power agreement: “Forever, my reader understands the worldly minimum, which is the requirement for school dates, and my father - And knowledge can take away a child.”

- U new versions Standards prescribe control points with specific results that can be achieved before the end of the day. This will help you understand how a child has mastered, like skin cancer, the things she learns, what her problems are, and how they can be solved. This point of control is a chance to correct those that can be further examined long before ODE and EDI,” explained Oksana Reshetnikova.

The head of the regional headquarters of the ONF in Moscow, the director of the Moscow gymnasium No. 1520 named after the Kaptsovs, Vita Kirichenko, expressed respect that in the updated version of the Federal State Educational Standard it is important to find a balance between “control and freedom in the educational process” ".

– Whoever needs the political will of the ministry needs to find a balance between freedom in the educational process and variability within the framework of the Federal State Health Service and control. So we'll be saved obligatory parameters And at the same time, Volodin’s schools cannot be surrounded by this level of freedom, which is necessary for the development of education in the region as a whole. It is also important to remember that we “stifle” the activity of the teacher by monitoring and checking the skin, and we cannot achieve high goals,” she said.

Kerivnik of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, director of Moscow school No. 57 Mikhailo Sluch stated that the standards for specifying the school course in the skin subject area are consistent with the current realities of the educational process. The expert also recommended to check the results of the beginning not after each class, but to proceed to the assessment by stages: for example, grades 5–6 and grades 7–9.

At the end of the discussion, the experts agreed that the goal of updating the Federal State Educational Standard was to ensure the creation of a unified world space in Russia. After the approval of the Federal State Educational Standards, further examination of school assistants will be required. It was also stated that there are no plans to introduce updated Federal State Educational Standards for 2019–2020 to primary schools, reports the portal

You can write a ton of paper with discussions about what school education in Russia entails, you can delve into the details of the discussion, but, finally, it all comes down to a very simple matter: what do we want, size up about the process of reform of the Federal State Educational Standard Olena Chornobay, professor litter to the Institute of Higher Education.

Our children spend eleven days at school. They come there as little ones, but go there with peculiarities that have already been formed. What kind of smut will we be, what will we do at school? Why do you want to learn?

This is not the same abstract food. The “authority” of the sovereignty of that power is true: it is formulated by the special council under the Ministry of Education, and this document is called the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) - the Federal State Lighting Standard.

It’s more fateful that if the Ministry of Education was still called the Ministry of Education, the Federal State Educational Standards, from the beginning and from the beginning, was submitted for discussion among experts. We, the experts, reviewed these projects and gave recommendations for their further investigation. We stated that such standards and the priorities included in them are to bring our school back - from the situation, if it is not developing at the same pace as we would like, and to demonstrate wired lighting systems to the world.

The whole hour is spent doing additional examination. Until the Federal State Law is approved, I will try to briefly and simply explain what the experts are looking for.

It is clear that there are two poles. On one side - study the school, understand the logic and sense of what is written in the textbooks (and not memorize). Please note the price in practice have a mature life. Critically misliti. Creativity. Spoilkuvat, work for the team. On the other hand, there are even more facts, dates, formulas, texts, only less systematically and with an even greater variety of needs real life. The article is not about those who know the world, intellectually, the atmosphere of Pluto in the world, in which the era of Google and Wikipedia has arrived, but about those who work with this knowledge, since the school did not manage to bind him and with too much reality, Not with a host of other knowledge, and this knowledge could not contribute to the development of specialness.

However, it is clear that everything will be forgotten a day after I sleep, and in this case the Russian school will turn into a completely terrible tale about the wasted hour. For example, in the standard, the beginning of history was supposed to be fixed through the memorization of certain facts, and not through the understanding of those that had occurred.

The Federal State Educational Standards projects, launched in 2018 (and little has changed so far), will further shift the Russian school to the “other pole”. I'll go over the main points. The stench, as before, does not allow the ability to monitor the individual progress of students, which does not help them formulate a “memory of understanding.” From class to class, numerical repetitions of the material are given - without complacency and complexity of the task, so that progress in skills and knowledge is revealed under nutrition. The subject matter is rigidly fixed behind the fate of the beginning: this may not deprive the possibility of variability of the beginning and a personal approach. Knowing the inconvenience and creating connections between objects. The subject place is supernatural. There are even more facts “for all situations of life” that are useful for learning from those who have been given to work with the acquired knowledge. And this means even greater importance for children and paper work for readers.

For example, a literature program. You can see that this task involves the formation of reading competencies. The task is more important for the light masses to lose interest before reading. Unfortunately, the fakers mean that new option The Federal State Educational Standard, as soon as it is adopted, will no longer solve this problem, but ignores both those with the characteristics of a daily student, and those with the “living” characteristics of a literary creation. A set of categorical ready-made knowledge about those who “few respected” writers has been raised on the shield (in the finest Radyan traditions: the school, of course, knows best that Chekhov “tried to write”, and there are no two thoughts here). If only I could explain to the authors of the Federal State Educational Standard what Rozmova said about the “author’s position”, “problematics”, etc. is no longer suitable for the rich works written by the remaining centuries. In our opinion, it is possible to “identify the author’s position” conveys the “one thing is true” testimony on the subject, and this, of course, is the voluntarism of one hundred writers. Let's then introduce a standard for the “didactic units” of the subject, so that everyone (including readers) clearly understands: “the author’s position” is the thought of the writer or the hero in whose name the conversation is being conducted? - And so on. The terms assigned by the Federal State Educational Standard need to be brought into line with current literary studies (for example, you can see “microelements” in the text - what do you think is from biology?), and then simply correct the numerical corrections (based on published materials by M.G. Pavlivtsya , NDU HSE).

The national standard may explain what developments are behind the skin lightening result. The ale has not yet been crushed. Є list of “light results”: what can a student know? There is no semantic distinction between rocks (this is true after the eighth and not after the ninth grade).

Experts should first request from the Federal State Educational Standards and State Educational Standards an assessment of the individual progress of students, so that it is possible to improve their dynamics, ensure the onset of advanced knowledge and skills, and present basic material one by one. from other subjects, analyze everything that is related to meta-subject results - so knowledge and memories “fired up”, and not specifically with chemistry or geography. It is important to understand the principle behind which material is selected from the subject, to understand how key concepts are complicated in new levels of knowledge, shift, and add to one another. This is the way the whole world is going.

We can talk about “great ideas”, key concepts that explain to children the fundamental essence of these processes: this is how disparate private knowledge is linked into a single system. Without so many millions of private facts and details, they will be forgotten after finishing school. Those who are not connected with “great ideas” will not be deprived of lessons for the rest of their lives, leaving nothing to tell about the world in which we live.

Today there is significant progress in school education in countries such as Canada, Finland, Singapore, Australia - even as they focus on developing “universal competencies.” Stinks develop characteristics and characteristics, as these and other knowledge can be accumulated in life and as stinks are connected with each other. Without this inevitable disbelief in the value of knowledge taken away from school, apathy, the incomprehension of how the world is ruled, - say, with the knowledge of a great number of facts about this world.

If you go to school, then there will be a strong memorization of facts, dates, formulas, texts, and the task of “learning” everything will become the main motivation for learning. I’m afraid there is no place to learn to think critically, to come up with new solutions, to work in a team, to put knowledge into practice... But these criteria are used to evaluate the competitiveness of schools - and preschool lighting systems in whole.

We can't get around to learning it by heart. This is how we program it. The nutritional competitiveness of the Russian world is even more urgent today - as stated in the instructions of the President of Russia - but this is not what we are hoping for. We will ensure our future - even those who live in 20-30 years, will definitely lie in the competencies, skills and talents of those who go to school today. And the “I have learned and then forgotten” generation is unlikely to lead our country to prosperity, reports the portal

We would like to remind you that the draft updates of the Federal State Lighting Standards (FGLS) have been published for wide public discussion. This is the most important document, which is a significant change in the establishment of school education in Russia. Under the new one will be “sharpened”, be it any helper, be it a lesson, all the lessons.

The task of updating the Federal State Educational Standard and comprehensive basic educational programs, in line with the priorities of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, was set by the President of the state and confirmed in the instructions for the implementation of the message President of the Federal Assembly.

The main direct update - concretization was possible until the substantive results were achieved before the skin's initial subject. In the previous edition, the standard included more advanced instructions for the formation of singing competencies, setting a framework for the possible, and what is determined in what class - for all this nutrition is small independently of the skin school. Therefore, the educational program of one school was radically different from the program adopted by the other one.

New ways of preserving the fundamental nature of the coverage, highlighting interdisciplinary and internal connections. The stench is disintegrated from the understanding of the age-old and psychological characteristics of scientists and the need to overcome their revantage. The minimum and maximum number of hours required for the full implementation of the basic lighting programs of early and basic outdoor lighting has been clarified.

It is significant that the updated edition of the Federal State Educational Standard preserves the principles of variability in the basic educational programs formed by schools, as well as the inclusion of interests and abilities as a subject both these organizations and their academic institutions.

Such clarification could help to reduce the bureaucratic pressure on readers.

The medical significance of the Federal State Educational Standard, the Ministry of World Affairs of Russia is important, what changes are made, it is necessary to go through full professional and extensive discussions, during which a constructive proposal can be identified and protected from the side. of these people, organizations, community. To ensure wide access professional strength and the enormity of the draft of updated standards for cob and basic lighting, the text of the draft Federal State Educational Standard is posted on the resource The resource has the ability to evaluate both the document itself and its parts, as well as make propositions.

The standards clearly depict the state's responsibility for schools before school and fathers. Formulated in detail, the standard can help achieve a comprehensive consensus. Any Russian citizen can get to know the subject and compare it with the practice of teaching the subject at a particular school or with verification materials, control materials ODE materials chi ЄДІ.

Behind the words of S.I. Bogdanova, rector of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, in the Federal State Educational Standards projects the sequence of the main sections has been changed: the section “Benefits to the results of mastering the basic lighting program of cob lighting” is the final one. In this order, from the substantive results, the basic substitution of the rehabilitation program was identified, the specifications and the rationale for the implementation of the correctional robot program were clarified.

Having appointed the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University A.V. Lubkov, it was decided to allow Russia to go to ten wired corners of the world behind the backlight of the world.

AT THE SAME TIME, in 2020, the establishment of cob illumination and basic illumination of all regions of Russia: Adigea, Altai, Bashkiria, Buryatia, Dagestan, Ingushetia, KBR, Kalmikia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Karelia, KOMI, Cree m, Mariy El, Mordovia, Sakha (Yakutia), Pivnichna Ossetia (Alania), Tatarstan, TIVA, Udmurtia, Khakassia, Chechnya, Chuvashia, Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Krasnodar region, Krasnoyarsk region, Perm region, Perm region, Primorsky region, Stavropol region, Khabarivsk region, Amur region, Astrakhan region, Arkhangelsk region, Bilgorod region, Bryansk region, Volodymyr region, Volgograd region, Vologda region, Voronezk region, Ivaniv region , Irkutsk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluzka region, Kemerovo region, Kirov region, Kostroma region, Kurgan region, Kursk region, Leningrad region, Lipetsk region, Magadan region, Moscow region, Murmansk region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novgorod region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Orenburz region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov region, Rostov region, Ryazan region, Samara region, Saratov region, Sakhalin region, Sverdlovsk region, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tversk region, Tomsk region, Tula region, Tyumen region, Ulyanivsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Yaroslavl region, places of federal significance - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - will most likely focus on new system Lighting standards from all basic subjects:

Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Information Science (ICT), History, Geography, Natural History, High World, Biology, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Lifestyle, Natural History, Ecology, Chistopis, Russian language, Russian language language, reading, literature, foreign language, , Technology, Arts, Physical Culture, Creative Mystery and Music, which are taught in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grades of school.

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