Youth is that culture. The impact of mass communication on the spiritual values ​​of young people Mass culture and the impact on youth

The concept of mass culture

There is no clear definition of the concept of "mass culture". In most cases, it is better to understand the phenomenon of "mass" and "mass evidence". The influence of mass culture on the populace is reinforced.

The view on the negative role of mass culture in the development of stereotyping of thought, the formation of one-manhood looks, stereotypes and unification of behavior has been broadened.

Zgіdno with other glances, the mass culture is seen in equal parts with the classical elite, it is respected more lowly, which does not deserve respect.

Prote mass culture - not having shown a living culture, the shards of wine are satisfied with the drinking of millions of people.

Mass culture is a specific phenomenon that can high step dynamism.

The knowledge, norms and values ​​of modern juveniles are acquired through the production of mass culture.

Respect 1

In mass culture, there are both actual and potential components. You can see the core of it - the constant constants and the surrounding parts - the past elements. Permanent constants are the mental archetypes of drawings, the current sign system. As a result of the inflow of mass culture, mass consciousness is formed. Vono is syncretic, shards include patriotic orientations, religious feelings, mystical and magical elements, scientific and pseudo-scientific knowledge.

The values ​​of mass culture are super-clear, with an ambiguous interpretation. For example, social justice is how value is saved, but mercy should not be included in the interpretation of the understanding of others, which is worth the basic values.

For the preservation of the core of mass culture, it is necessary that they have family values, practice, patriotism, norms of morality, traditions of the older generations - all those that form the basis, that allow the aggressiveness of ZMI to resist.

The main directions and manifestation of mass culture

The main directives and manifestations of mass culture are:

  1. The industry of "subculture of childishness" (games, create art for children, children's welfare goods, children's camps, clubs, organizations, etc.) social culture, which lay the basic values ​​of the installation, which are promoted by the support.
  2. Get mass information. Manipulating the svidomo of people and molding a huge thought to the greed of their deputy.
  3. The system of national ideology and propaganda. Forms and controls the political and ideological orientation of the masses, manipulating the public opinion on the merit of the ruling elites.
  4. Massive political movements (youth and party organizations, demonstrations, manifestations, etc.). Get to different political actions of a wide range of people.
  5. Masova social mythology (social demagogy, national chauvinism, populism, "polyuvannya on the view" too). Replaces the analysis of rich-factorial, folding causal-hereditary links between undertones and phenomena with simple and fantastic explanations, giving out emotions in an infantile manifestation.
  6. The industry of rozvazhnogo dozvіllya (mass artistic culture, staging and display events, professional sports).
  7. The industry of health care and physical rehabilitation (resort industry, bodybuilding, aerobics, mass physical culture movement, sports tourism, the system of perfumery, cosmetic, medical services, etc.).
  8. The industry of intellectual dosville (artistic self-discipline, groups for interests, collections, popular science quizzes, games toshcho).
  9. Game complexes (mechanical game machines, virtual action systems).
  10. The system of organization, management and stimulation of a calm drink for services, speeches, ideas. Forming the standards of socially prestigious styles of life, images, interests and needs in a supple way.

Socialized the role of mass culture

Masovaya culture is already infusing the formation of hromada positions in the population. Vivchennya її socializovanoї roles additionally helped:

  • signify directly the development of socio-cultural processes in the society;
  • to reveal in the minds of the fundamental changes in the future the characteristic features of the її infusion on various social groups;
  • assess the social implications of її on the welfare;
  • ignore the most unsafe shkіdlі vplivi on a mass basis, showing the possibility of regulation of such influxes.

Respect 2

Socialization can be vertical (inter-colonial) and horizontal warehouse. At to the current world there is a tendency to weaken the vertical transmission, disruption and balance in the past of the increased distrust of the young to the values ​​of the older generation, and sometimes the total exclusion of these values.

The weakening of the verticals of socialization leads to the rise of the roles of the horizontals: young people with success socialize one by one within one generation, expanding and adding their own values. Started dominating asocial institutions of socialization.

Ninі majestic social role began to play a mass culture. Vaughn vitiсnjaє sіm'yu, school, authority of older generations. Modern mass culture is being created for the mass people, who do not feel the pressure to sprinyattya, without intermediary connected with the psycho-physiological centers of satisfaction, more easily reach their goals.

Socialized function of mass culture:

  • form statement about life success;
  • introduce new models of behavior;
  • signify the values ​​of the young, change the old ones;
  • change the statement about prestige, social status;
  • I create images successful people and etc.

Masovaya culture pours into the specialty behind the formula "information plus rozvaga".

When evaluating the mass culture, it is important to protect it, but the national interest and traditional values ​​are shown to be important.

Masovaya culture is created mass spozhivannya. Її the main function is rozvalno-compensatory. Mass culture functions with the improvement of social protection. Vaughn є mass yak for hoarse audiences, so і for an hour.

The mass culture has a hypertrophied adaptive side, after which it transforms into a singing form of business. Masovaya culture "calms down" people, replacing other layers of culture.

Today's manifestations of young people are inextricably linked with such concepts as dozvіllya, youth culture, life. Sociologists have long commemorated that the young people are much more irritated when they are grown up. As soon as the youth have grown up with a greater orientation towards stable speeches - unruliness, cars, furniture, the stench of more accumulated pennies, then the young are most often oriented to the meeting of satisfaction. So at the same time, from the new survivors came a new culture of survival. modern youth culture.

The first cassettes are born from the recordings of the lovers of the couple, discos are playing, pop culture is steadily developing - the first groups, the first fans, the first hangouts. Naprikintsi XX cent. youth begins to win more and more often as a symbol. A lot of grown-ups are drawn to the interests, as traditionally they were taken in by the youth. For example, the new fashionable trick of today's youth culture is adrenaline satisfaction.

Youth, as such, is connected with rizik, trials. Mature, vіdchuvayuchi in the singing sensi I don't stave the guest of vіdchuttіv, start to take over from the young їхній style of life. Real trials can be done piece by piece: haircuts with a parachute, extreme prices and more.

Today’s youth culture has become a shear of rich fashion trends: hippie culture has given rise to the “unisex” style, punks have added black color to the wild fashion, skinheads to the fashionable comb “noble fox” skinny. Such examples can be called impersonal. Youth culture - values, likeness, interests, likeness to youth. Cafés, discos, mass performances have become the center of their public manifestation. Batkivshchyna of classical youth subcultures, like punks, skinheads, rockers and others. є Great Britain.

At present moment one more peculiarity of the young as a social group has come to light. Young people are still living in the situation of the global information space, sharing the Internet and others. Mustache can speak with mustache. At the same time, be a cultural podia cannot be isolated either in the hour or in the open. І in the USA, і in Thailand, і in Singapore, і in Russia є koristuvachі global merezh, MTV. Therefore, these young people, who want to know first-hand, can satisfy their business in Ulyanovsk just like in New York. However, not all resources have access to these resources. Tse to fallow i vіd pributka, i vіd equal culture, i vіd situation. The studies show that the current life styles of young people are rich in what lie in their minds on the car, light, high level of achievement, high social status, style of life will be significantly influenced by these young people, yak focused on youth, like on a period relaxation, roses, like for an hour, if it is necessary to “get along” and try out the happy joys of life. Who cares about sports, who cares about painting. Htos nothing not to mumble in this and є the essence of the moment under the current youth culture.

One of the most important values ​​of people is freedom. Freedom of speech, dіy, the choice is necessary for self-assertion and self-perfection. W. Dahl wrote: “freedom is will”. I want these words to be synonymous, they can look at the troch іnakshe. Freedom is a song between, it is not possible to destroy it. And the will has nothing between. That is why young people can understand the meaning of the word "Freedom".

The value of life is coming - awareness of the need for health. We are guilty of practicing a healthy way of life. Tilki healthy people you can feel the complete individuality, see all the beauty and beauty of life in all manifestations. Ale more young people usvіdomlyuє.

Spiritual culture is even more important in today's youth. Spiritual culture can give the beginning of painting, the people of the world only. Bagato who can become artists, writers. Inner spiritual joy is closely connected with the freedom of the people. Today, juveniles take an active part in various visits to save their environment, protect nature, care about the disabled, people of a frail age, etc. Today's juveniles are able to adapt in different contexts and develop their own thoughts. A person is guilty of honoring another person, regardless of their material, physical camp; it is not guilty to put yourself more or less quiet than other people. I think that today's juveniles don't have any problems.

Young people, in essence, are comradely people and kind. Our light-gazer is different, which is seen by our aunts, uncles, mothers, tat, children and grandmothers. I understand "cool" and "vіdstіy". We try to support the ethereal world and we cannot live without intercourse - the axis is another value. As we spend a good hour at the meeting, then we see the bonds of friendship with new friends. For additional help, we will show our manners, our waviness, and we will win the respect for ourselves, just like good people. At twisted whilinu qi, people always support and help.

The skin of a person is good luck, wealth, happiness. That is why juveniles are encouraged to take away sanctuary and not alone, but a sprat. Not everyone can afford it. In our hour, it is necessary to cry for the well-being of enlightenment (for the blame of the budgetary basis). So, this is a financial problem, but young people are conscious of purposefulness, and they try to get hired as a waiter, a salesman at a kiosk, a promoter, to be paid for by a robot.

Another value is patriotism. Love to the native land, respect to the state, almost obligatory before the fatherland may be present at the witness of today's youth. The stench understands that the earth, to walk on such a stink, to eat its fruit, to live in the warmth of that calmness of the zavdyaki її brown copalins - the house of a friend of the mother. Adja does not seem vipadkovo: "Fatherland - mother." My duty is to work everything for її prosperity and be proud of her.

Today's youth are already communicable and universally blamed. Young people have great prospects. The stench boldly marvel at the future, they try to make their mark.

Nowadays, young people have a lot of problems, as they show change, tolerance, patriotism, inclusion, good manners of behavior in relation to their peers and grown-up people, and also I think correctly and correctly express their thoughts , sexual discord and immorality, I think that's right dress nicely. (so, if someone forgets that he himself is dressed, in the first black, falls into the eye and creates an old thought about a person) so, next, do not waste the dawn from the field, passively put the youth to the current politics and to the people, like to stand in power. Today's juveniles practically do not comply with the norms and rules of good behavior. Zvichayno well, the skin is free to choose itself - chi next to you to finish the singing vimight chi ni, ale, on this day - tse є gostroy problem.

Є kіlka rozvyazan tsikh problems:

Revival earlier than the Association of Russian Literature, created in 1811, as an aid to the development of culture, spirituality, and knowledge native movie, and add a priceless contribution to the special molding;

Introduction at schools and VNZ obov'yazkovoї primary discipline"Etymology of Russian Literature";

Organization of regular conferences, debates, rallies from locals and various people to help young people express their thoughts beautifully, as well as culturally lead super girls;

Mi - tse is not future, but today, like future future! Sob, for the devil's time, don't feel the mouth of "the future of Russia is the army of the unspoken", I call out to our youth before the stench was set up to its vchinkiv and engaged in self-improvement.

Є. M. Steshova

student of GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova

Є. V. Smolokurov

Associate Professor GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova


Mass culture plays a great role in all the galleys of the society. The method of this essay is to increase the factor of the injection of mass culture on juveniles and youth subcultures.

In this abstract, there are signs of mass culture, counterculture, subcultures, and how the stench interacts with each other.

The work is composed of the introduction, the main part, the visnovkіv and the list of literature.

main part

Molodіzhna culture lie down to especially folded yavischi. About tse to certify the fact that until recently the very її іsnuvannya was put under doubt. In our days, the number of quiet, hto doubtful in її presence, has become insignificant, problems associated with it and complexity have been lost.

The main points of youth culture are the understanding of youth and youth. Youth - the center of the phase was the stage of life, with the stretch of a skin person to pass from childhood to adulthood. Instead of this transition, the process of socialization. Oskelki tsey transition zdіysnyuєtsya not one by one, the rest are all who make such a transition and become juveniles. The rest of the socio-demographic group, which will combine the signs of such a century, the social status of that socio-psychological authority.

It goes without saying that the signs are assigned to be even unstable and invisible, the stench to fall due to the nature and equal to the development of society, culture and features of the process of socialization. And at the beginning of the stage of socialization, the grandfathers expand more. So, even in the last century, the period of youth, most often ending up to 20 years, oscills until the last century, a person began his labor activity and entered into older than life.

Today - at the link with a sharp increase in the term of well-being of enlightenment - the upper boundary of youth has risen to 30 and more years. Those same vydbuvaetsya and s lower cordon, right, at the gate directly. Previously, she won 14 fates. Now it's out - at the link with the phenomenon of acceleration - sometimes it goes back, up to 10 years, especially about youth culture. Most of the scholars agree on the fact that for centuries between youth there are 14 and 30 fates.

Tsі interі vkazuyut on those scho scho skladє majestic social group - mayzhe half of the population suspіlstva. Through tse її the role of the sustainable and cultural life is constantly growing. Why, in our hour, has become a new sight: as before, young people jumped, as if they were more mature, or similar to them, now a zustrіchny ruh has appeared from the side of grown-ups. The stinks do not hurry to separate from their youth, to save their youthful look, slang, fashion, form of behavior and ways of rozvagi. This is a manifestation in which to witness about those that the youth culture is aware of, that they make us face the phenomenon of our very hour.

At the stage of socialization, signs of youth are designated - age, social status and socio-psychological power - to recognize deep, subtle changes. In the world of growth, physical, physiological and state development and maturity are being developed. Practically daily social status is filled with a number of specific figures: in 18 years, a person is officially recognized as grown up, who conveys the right-hand man and shoes.

Socio-psychological authorities also become completely singing and stable, establishing a unique character. Krіm tsgogo lyudin, as you enter into life, otrimu osvіtu, nabuvaє professions and qualifications, mastering in the support of traditions, zvichaї, іdeals and values.

The main channels of socialization are the family, the school and the main pledge, the partnership of one-year-olds, and the establishment of mass communications. Under the influence of the cultural socialization of the warehouse, I will be more important for my obligations and vinyatkovo important for my part.

Youth culture is one of the most recent in the process of socialization and especially cultural. Її socially - psychological coils are rebuying in a pragmatic young person and young people zagal to self-confidence, self-assertion, self-expression and self-realization. Tsі natural aspirations yakі always take the necessary support. On the right, in what may be all the names of the channels of socialization, for the sake of the suspіlstvo of one-liners, they look at the young man as the main rank as an object in the vein.

For the rest, in such a state of mind, it is necessary to simply accept and acquire the value of the essential culture. However, a person who enters the world does not fit to be a passive object, far from everything is accepted in proponation culture. His fresh look allows you to be more honored by those who the deacons of the elements of culture of the older generation are no longer in the spirit of the hour, otherwise they will require renewal.

The very process of critical comprehension of that creative renewal of culture, which allows you to work in your own right, to be honest, and to produce until the appearance of a youthful culture.

In foreign literature, the turns of youth culture are often seen in the light theory of "generational conflict", the conflict of "fathers" and "children". The basis of such theories, as a rule, is the system of psychoanalysis 3. Freud, the core of which is composed of a single complex. In the ancient myth about the tragedy of Tsar Edip, who killed his father and befriended his mother, Freud gave a universal explanation of all inter-human variances, including those of the gen- erations of that people.

Today's successors look at the conflict generations as a head and universal destroying force of history. In my mind, the whole past history was a history of struggle between old and young, fathers and children, mature masters and young undergraduates, old professors and young students. How modern, show the struggle of generations to show up for students and youth, for youth culture.

Wanting the concept of youth culture, which is based on the theory of generational conflict, imagining the figures of this phenomenon, they suffer in the heat of the stench on obvious overbilling, simplification and schematism. We stink in front of the facts of history. In the primary sector, the culture was homogeneous, in it there were no subcultures, as there was a conflict of generations. At the next stages of history, culture begins to differentiate, it blames subcultures, zokrema, mіska and silska. For young people to become a special social and demographic group, which allows them to speak about the conflict of generations.

Only in our time, young people are seen in a prominently independent group and become especially youthful subcultures, but, however, they are in order with others - women, women, and women. Now there are real opportunities for vindication of differences and corruption between generations.

Deisno, today's pace social development signifi cantly. If you know that there are a lot of principles, norms of behavior, knowledge, ideals and values, you yourself understand the way of life of the older generation, which was socialized 25-30 years ago, and the new generation shows different floorings, what to melt in your own potential feasibility for rozbіzhnosti and protirіch, yakі can escalate into conflict. Until then, with age, a person’s building is reduced to adaptation, it’s no longer possible to take it and win new equals with the young. Therefore, people of the older generation are increasingly aware of the pace of life, which is quick. All tse posilyuє ymovіrnіst possible conflicts.

Tim is not less, in culture, it’s time to finish the mitzny and solid ball, which secures the offensive between generations. But still, at the singing stage, culture is really going through deep, radical changes, with the right hand, it’s not a “generational conflict”. The rest can act as a lesser form of changes, which are found, even though the causes are more pronounced. Before that, cultural revolutions do not take place so often, which is also a sign of the “generational conflict” theory.

Juveniles most often disperse not because of the culture of many generations, but according to specific positions. Nasampered, її not the sovereign hierarchy of values ​​that has been formed. Sound the warehouse culture of the elements in the following order: illumination and intelligence, mastery and intelligence, moral values, aesthetic values ​​too. However, juveniles should put morality in the first place, for which aesthetic, intellectual and other values ​​should follow. Ale navіt estetichnі іnshі tsіnnostі often marvel through the prism of morality. In the arts, it is a moral issue to call us forward. As a reminder of the sociological background, the cultural people of her - tse, let's consider the moral specialty.

In general, young people are characterized by emotional and moral acceptance of light. At її vedintsі overwhelm ruhi, dії that dynamics. In the equal world, it is characterized by a sharp contrast between good and evil, categoricalness and maximalism, intolerance to nonsense, injustice, hypocrisy, dishonesty, bait-and-switch. Itself in the middle of the galuzi juveniles are most likely to diverge from the culture of the older generations.

Here it is better to know mutually and mutually trust. Therefore, often the best medium for her is the single-layered syllables, which can be both official and informal. For the rest, it is obvious that they are overwhelmed, the shards in them are less than ієrarkhії, be it the rules of that border.

Their juveniles feel most like home. Here it is easier to know mutually. The stench allows you to carry out a permit, discuss special problems cheer up cheerfully. Through qi spіlnoti juveniles gain emotional and moral self-denial. The stench is the main source of creation of youth culture, which is the main form of self-expression and self-realization.

For the most important youth culture is the culture created by the youth itself. Shodo tsyogo won is similar to folk culture. Behind its equal, it is also often not too high, it is compensated for by an inexact breadth and honesty, a doorway and a bribe-like boldness. As a folk, youth culture, this and the other world oppose to itself the official, mass culture and often high.

At the same time, youth culture goes beyond what is created by the youth itself, and includes a culture specially created for the youth, including the mass. A significant part of the cultural industry is straightened out by the satisfaction of drinking and relishing the youth. It is especially worthwhile to add that rose, as well as fashion, clothing, dressing, embellishment, cosmetics too.

The main visual forms of youth culture are enlightened by the light of feelings and emotions. The central place in it is occupied by music; Only the music of the building is more vislovlyuvatya. It reminds life of poetry, infects with energy, changes and raises mood. Music can become the main source of communication. Vaughn in the best way self-expression. The main genres in this case are rock and pop music, and the whole culture is often called rock culture. Rock music in mass culture is capable of going beyond the scope of art and becoming a style and a way of life.

In the order of rock, pop music elements of youth culture also appear in slang (jargon), clothes, vzuttya, old look, manners of behavior, ways of rozvag, etc. Slang, or youthful language, is recognized as a literary language, special and small for obligatory vocabulary, as well as promoted expressiveness and emotion. Clothes and immediately include us in front of sneakers, jeans and a jacket. The old-fashioned looker has great significance for the credits, the long hair: for the hippies the stench of old, for the punks - short ones in bright colors. All the elements of culture carry a symbolic vanity, stench means the spіlnіst that єdnannya єnannya їії in culture її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її її Vіdіlennya іnіd zagalnoї Kul'tury.

Youth culture is a subculture that is in line with others. Won є dosit amorphous illuminance, schoplue student, creative, working, silsk juveniles, various kinds of marginals, etc. Significant part of the youth is not tied to her, but the link is even weaker, it is symbolic. Youth culture breaks up into an impersonal group and currents, the most active of which are united by a few quieter rock ensembles.

Some of them are shanuvalniks (fans) of any sports team - football, hockey, basketball. For the next hour, one of the leading bands becomes a leader, and then we step forward our leadership: after the beatniks and the hippies, punks appeared, then rockers, metalists, etc.

In general, the role and significance of youth culture, and as a result, the mainstream culture is overwhelmed by local ones. The stench cannot be compared with the roll and the influx of mass culture. However, at the same historical stages, the role and influence of youth culture can grow sharply both in terms of its scale and in terms of its meaning. Let's take as an example of this by becoming the movement of the counterculture, which happened at the Sunset in the 60th century, the main disruptors of which were the student youth and the intelligentsia.

On the back of the hand, vinik is a leftist political radical. On the cob of the 60s. it went with the cultural movement and began to quickly gain strength, transforming itself into the strained movement of the counterculture. Without being influenced by political goals, it was not possible to reach them directly, but through culture and art, through revolution in society, life styles and systems of values. Rukh spiraling ideas J. - J. Rousseau, F. Nietzsche, 3. Freud. The concept of G. Marcuse, a contemporary successor to Freudianism, was put forward by him in the book "Eros and Civilization" (1955).

The counterculture acted as a new list of modern civilizations and pan culture. On the thought of її prikhilnіv, on the cob zahіdna tsivіlіzаtsіya two tendencies of development are small, one of them was symbolized by Orpheus (Dionysus, Narcissus), and the other - by Prometheus (Apollo, Hermes). Orpheus indulges in grief and malt, love and beauty, sensitivity and bliss.

Prometheus, navpaki, symbolizes practice and necessity, mind and panuvannya over nature, freedom and strangulation of freedom, rationalism and practical melancholy, obmezhennia and vitiation of natural, sensible desires of people. Zahidny light robbed vibir on the melancholy of Prometheus, and the whole yogo evolution can be seen as the last forgetfulness of the one that Orpheus symbolizes - a little, rough on the malt, that firmness of the one that Prometheus instills - the rose, pratsyu that melancholy. The "repressive civilization" became the basis for such an evolution, which rests on panuvanny of soulless technology, important primus cleaning, under the root of nature and strangled in people, yogo feelings and aesthetic zdіbnosti. The counterculture acted like a technocrat, a mind and an intellect that fettered and bordered sensitivity, from a list of technology as a threat to science. The most severe criticism was directed against the cult of mass suspense and mass culture. In the midst of all existing culture, in the minds of counterculture addicts, in the spirit of saving that distant development, the art of the avant-garde was deafened, as if it were the right "kingdom of freedom."

The counterculture voted new system values, some special space was occupied by the ever-so-called “new sensitivity”, freedom of self-expression, gra, visualization and fantasy, “non-verbal” ways of intercourse, etc. On the way to the attainment of new values, the search for a "new sleepiness" was given great importance, the specific forms of which were the diverse "communes", which were blamed on the basis of natural, spontaneous gifts of brotherhood and love, liberated whether it be ієєєрхії that subordinates acii.

A special role was played by the "sexual revolution", as little as possible to create true love, free of any obmezhenie of the most sanctimonious morality. The sexual revolution acted as one of the main ways of shaping the "new sensibility".

In the world, in the life of new values, the transition from the Promethean mind to the Orphic sensitivity, from the productive practice to the non-turbo grey. Vishchoy i kіntsevoyu rukh counterculture voicing suspіlstvo like vitvir mystetstva. Art in such a support - in the soul of avant-garde - can be angry with life itself. For each soul, the path to aesthetic satisfaction will no longer be mediated by the art. Satisfaction with that nasoloda blameless on the skin kind of activity that comes to mind like a gra.

One of the notable manifestations of the counterculture was "hippi", the style of life and behavior of those in a special way clearly showed the characteristics of the whole movement. Protest against the current existence of that culture, having taken the form of an inflow into the life of that culture. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Gandhi, Francis of Assisi were taken as butts of the inherited stench. The stinks left the places, they lived as comunes. Kviti acted as a symbol of the kokhannya, like khipi were worn by the hair, on clothes or they hung yogo on the nyoma, they wore it from paper, they plaited it at the wine. The stars of their currents were called the "flower revolution". A number of the hippies were drunk on drugs out of love.

On the cob of the 70s. The movement of the counterculture is going through a crisis and step by step go back to the beginning. Vono is doing mischief to neo-conservatism, which, having voted for a new system of values, is rich in what is the opposite of counterculture. Have 70 rocky. youth culture turns to its status as one of the subcultures.

Youth culture is a transitional stage in the life of young people. At the same time, from the completed process of socialization and inclusion in the older life of young people, they become either a supporter of mass culture, or they give the priority to a high culture, that is, to the other world, saving fidelity to certain elements of youth culture.

original document?

Entry 3

2. Juveniles and “mass culture” 11

3. Youth "elitist culture" 12

6. Juveniles that scientific knowledge 13

7. Pobutov culture of young 13

9. Youth subculture 14

Visnovok 22


The current stage of rethinking cultural values ​​and further the share of Russia's culture is rich in what to lie in the spiritual camp, social and bulky position of the Russian skin, and to learn from the development of the riches of the Russian and worldly culture ї young people.

Under culture, there are changes, values ​​and differences in people, as a sleeping group for a singing group of people and serve to order and regulate the behavior of members of the group. The confirmation of that transfer of culture to the coming generations is the basis of the process of socialization.

In the minds of economic and political changes in life, the role of a young person is growing, building up to self-realization, self-expression and self-development, so that you can independently make a decision. Itself on the youth to lie is historical responsibility for the preservation and development of national cultural traditions and values, for the civilized integration of Russia in the world of spivtovaristvo.

Today there is a need to talk about the fundamentally new and sensible role of young people, about looking at them no less than a generation, as they are distinguished by age-old characteristics, and exercising to active self-assertion that self-denial. In this hour of self-imposed young people, without a clearly pronounced paternalistic and ideological opposition from the side of the state and political parties, it seems, without any special hope for the help of the state.

The relevance of the study of the problems of youth culture, which sharply became sharp until the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century, on the one hand, is connected with the sharp decline in the cultural level, the second national-cultural self-identification of all large parts of the growing generation n Russians. On the other hand, it is connected with the special historical and social significance of the youth culture for the share of the state and the state. The most obvious characteristics of the culture of the young and significant world signify the suspіlno-sovereign development of Russia, the national mentality, as well as the place, like a loan of our country that Russian nation from the svіtovomu spіvtovaristvі.

Russian juveniles, like a splurge, are going through a crisis of values. Suspіlnіy and іndivіdualіnіy сvіdomosti а spiritual vacuum.

Young people see their own culture and subculture, which is due to the non-insignificance of their social roles, lack of respect for their powerful social status.

1. Features of modern youth culture

The concept of "youth culture" was created to describe a particular type of social space, which people inhabit, as if they were living in a place without rights and in a fallow camp. In fact, the generation that enters the society has no real access to significant resources. The stagnation of young people is also manifested in the fact that for all hours they were seen as “socially mature” not as a self-worthy group, but rather as a natural resource of the future society, which requires socialization, vihovuvati and victory.

In the description of "young" we have the earliest biopolitical construct, and the most tenacious. Pererakhuyemo basic principles of this approach, as if they convey a look at the youth, as at a social problem, and give examples for the introduction of young people from the side of state officials and professionals (“fakhivtsiv z molodi”), both in the West, and in modern Russia.

1. Juveniles are recognized as a homogeneous age group with united psychological characteristics and social needs.

2. Youth is important as a special step in the development of specialty. Models of behavior and values ​​that will be conquered by young people in this period become ideological guidelines that do not change further.

3. Transition (transition) from childish fallowhood to mature autonomy includes the so-called phase of "rebellion", as part of the cultural tradition, which is passed on from one generation to the next.

4. In the rest of the hour, the transition of new minds to social transformation and modernization will require control and encouragement from the side of professionals.

From these principles, the ideology is directly evident, which obstructs the need and “naturalness” has matured the prevail and dominance, which in practice leads to the recognition of that discriminated discrimination for the mark of the age. It is necessary to recognize that discriminatory ideas have “grown” in theoretical constructs so deeply that it is impossible to write about young people without using the words “adolescence”, “transitional age”, “pubertal period”, “youth transition”, “youth problem”. When the time has come to not part with these stereotypes, then try to critically rethink them.

The concept of "youth culture" in T. Parsons appeared with statements about the stability and dotality of the development of suspension systems. For whom understand, it was noted that there was a resurrection of zahіdnyh suspіlstv, the belief in the possibility of well-being and the prosperity of all yogo members. Youth culture seemed to be an independent social expanse, in which young people can gain authenticity, just as in these schools the stench is granted real rights and is more controlled by grown-ups. In traditional (pre-industrial) industries, sim'ya has been victorious all the necessary functions of social reproduction - biological, economic and cultural. In today's industrial sectors, the family, in my opinion, is executing traditional functions in the sphere of culture (develop that professionalization). Young people occupy the most opposing position in them, moving between two valuable worlds, between patriarchal models of family socialization and mature roles, as set by the market rationality and a special bureaucratic structure.

It is worthwhile to be aware of the "Inshy", seeing your unique style: the manner of the Grie, the intellectual suffocation, in the okremi vipadki in the dress. If you want to dress up, then there is no place for outrageousness and loudness, it’s more navmisne that podkreslene znevaga fashion trends in clothes and glamor, or choose a sporty style.

As in many modern young people, a special self-identification is clearly expressed, so the stereotypes of behavior are strong, which imply the depersonalization of attitudes. The position of foreignness in this existential brokenness is seen as well as in society, so in the intergenerational splintering, countercultural directness of youthfulness. Social alienation manifests itself most often in apathy, baiting to the political life of the suspense, figuratively, apparently, in the position of a “third-party poster”.

This is characteristic of today's youth culture - the importance of spontaneity to creativity. This particularity is even more negative, to that, in a right way, educated to cultural values, it is less likely to be in an active culture-creating self-sufficient activity. This clearly changes the situation from self-identification. People accept or are guided by some of the components in their own identity, no matter what.

In today's minds, the supra-evolutionary fragility of all social processes in the modern culture of youth can be seen in a lot of areas, which evenly enumerate the rive and direct cultural self-realization, as the cultural side of the cultural ї activity of a young person.

The camp of youth culture, vvazha V.Ya. Surtaev, stunned by the following factors:

1. The current Russian culture, like in the institutional, and on the subject-dialny equal today, is changing in the crisis state, like the suspility itself. On the one hand, the significance of the cultural development of the population for the successful implementation of social projects and the exit from the crisis is not again recognized by the authorities, on the other hand, the commercialization of the cultural process, values ​​of "high" culture to the average values ​​of aggressive mass culture, which most strikingly manifested in the electronic databases of mass information, so it can not help but appear on the system of installations, orientation and cultural ideals of young people.

2. Try the implementation of a comprehensive program of humanitarian socialization on a sovereign scale, not a small success. Today, a single system of humanist socialization is practically daily, and private initiatives in this sphere, as they are being developed in experimental chi non-state initial mortgages, stun just a few groups of young great Russian cities. Larger schools of humanitary socialization are intermingled standard set humanitarian disciplines and the so-called “before-the-night work”, as you don’t get young people to cultural values ​​so much, as you turn them to the recklessness of recreative-provocative self-realization.

3. The youthful age (15 - 18 years), and the singing world and the entire period of maturation, are resurrected by the rices of perseverance, intolerance, suffocation, which are supported by the experiences of ambivalence of social status (no longer a child but still not grown up). the very specificity of inducing young people among the same after century and the social belonging of a group of one-year-olds, as it satisfies the typical young people's needs in the style of behavior, fashion, dosvill, international intercourse. groups of the same type are concocting a social-psychological therapeutic function - a sub-announcement of social awareness. Obviously, such groups develop high cultural norms and attitudes, mind us in front of emotionally sensitive feelings of action and youthful nonconformism.

4. The peculiarities of the generation can be directly injected into the youth subculture, which may not be age-old, but rather generational features, in which the phenomenon of the most youthful forms of wisdom and behavior are manifested.

Tim is not less, the deacons are stable, the inevitable figures of youth culture are understood, wanting a new generation of young people to enter life with a little more standards to the culture of supremacy and powerful cultural behavior and self-expression.

In the young psychologist, the reason is the reason for that, the young vidda, the visible to the vides of the Mystics (kino, telebacco), Adja to guide the artist Litimature of the young people of the yak in pictures (chi reinforced with Kazakhs - Nightlsh with vidican Is of the Words.

In the broader plan, the context of cultural life, the cultural atmosphere become for youth the opportunity for emotional self-realization and the subject of sensitive devotion. This has one of the reasons for the extreme, unacceptable from the point of view of the social norms of the behavior of a part of the youth public at rock-star concerts or at stadiums (and even watching sports events is a kind of emotional release for a young fan). Everything is psychologically natural for youth subculture, as it is accepted by mature people (often quite legally) as a viraz counterculture and a sort of supple viklik.

The sensitivity of culture, exaltation to the unambiguous definition of “good” and “evil”, the recognition of the invincible and insane victory of “their own” over “them” are produced in young people, especially in the youthful age, to the superiority of moral assessments over artistic ones, to the pozaesthetic. A young person is sometimes known, and often uninformed, opening a book or breaking a movie theater, if she wants to be cleansed morally, become a better, nobler, freer.

The impulses of emotional and moral, from one side, that of a respectful zmist, from another, in the cultural sphere are accompanied by young people as a manifestation of a group stereotype and group behavior at the boundaries of their generation.

How often you can feel in the young fuse: “You don’t understand us”, and yet “us” fills the sense of generation: us - means “all my one-liners”. Obviously, this phenomenon is more of a universal nature, but less of an extension to the sphere of artistic and cultural development.

Here the fear of self-identity is manifested, being alienated by peers (not casually post-discotheques call them “behind self-identity”). єtsya like a team. First of all, the group stereotype is explained by the lack of equal formation of the self-specificity during the period of socialization, and the individual does not gain a special significance and completeness. And tsya "rozmity" among NATO is not so memorable.

The paradox of such a phenomenon lies in the fact that, opposing themselves to the world of grown-ups, a young person is still essentially “same”, only “sameness” is the middle of his generation and that is not accepted. Youth fashion best of all butt. At the choice of clothes, a young person is guided, first for everything, for his own sharpness, so that he should be sure, do not be the first, or do not finish fashionably dressed.

Young people are characterized by group stereotypes of behavior, which are based on pragnennya to age-old identification, the middle of one-hour trade in the entire "foreign", as opposed to oneself - a grown-up world, to which one lies, including fathers, vikladachs.

head office characteristic feature contemporary youth cultureє її vіdokremlenіnі, vіdstoronіnії, often-densely defiant, outrageous in view of the cultural values ​​of the older generations, national traditions. The mass appearance of youth subculture often has a negative character. Against this background, youth culture with its specific ideals, fashion, my, mystical daedal, is rated as a counterculture.

Another characteristic feature of today's youth cultureє overestimation of creativity. This particularity is even more negative, to that, in a right way, educated to cultural values, it is less likely to be in an active, independent cultural-creative activity.

The third characteristic rice of youth culturecan be called її avant-garde, directing to the future, often extreme. Most of the time, these rices will join with the serious foundation of historical and cultural traditions.

Later, the youth culture as the culture of the singing age group is characterized by the emotional and moral self-denial of the youth, by the jokes of the roaring change, under the influx of group stereotypes of the minds, attitudes and interests.

2. Juveniles that "mass culture"

"Mass culture" has long and loudly been accepted as a symbol of something base, which is dulling. Prote vona spiraetsya on the advanced technology of our time: polygraphy, lighting technology, audio and video equipment, computer graphics and other. Dynamism, "clip" have become the invisible rice of the psychology of today's youth. To that one, who cares about his right cultural impact on juveniles, dbaty, so that cultural actions, be it of any kind, have grown to modern technical capabilities, and insured the special features of the youth.

It is necessary to be more courageous to invade the territory of show business and to double the ability to speak to the youth of your voice, but about speeches of immeasurable significance. "Mass culture" is not guilty of more than just a permissive butt. Vaughn can lead far beyond the boundaries of show business.

3. Youth "elitist culture"

The culture of the 21st century gradually glimpses the youthful middle class. For everyday knowledge, rich in what is molded with relish and sounds to reach the distant past, "avant-gardism", "absurdism", "postmodernism", "conceptualism" the mysticism of the young is created by the mindless, painful and inexorably distant " real life " . But at the same time, in the cycle of "isms", the most difficult problems of the buttya at the turn of the thousand are collapsing, before that, in our country, the sickly snake of the supple structure of that system of values.

Exhibitions, creative evenings, festivals of modern art, moral and material support for the creativity of young people in Ukraine are necessary. No matter what the youth declares, no matter how stench they attack the public, a young culture will require enormous respect, qualified criticism. So, vtim, like all the youth creative elite, wanting not to lie on the surface.

4. Youth is spiritually foolish

Only a small part of the young spiritual aspirations are formed in the bosom of the sim. For greater freedom of conscience and conscience - such a "carte blanche", like, vtim, may be lost and not played.

That is the most reasonable thing for young people to help in knowing the spiritual well-being of people, first for everything, with the traditional for Russia Orthodox culture, in vihovanni tolerance, in the active defense of young people in the rush of totalitarian sects and aggressive ones, who promote the rightness and left-wing radical political currents, which masquerade as other religious denominations.

5. Youth is a cultural recession

The cultural recession of the past epochs is not to blame for simply imposing on the youth. We all have before our eyes a summation of obov'yazkovogo schematized and zaideologovannogo vykladannya literature, scho "whipped" in rich fortune-telling to serious reading.

The culture of the past can be given as if it were alive, and the cicada is important for a modern young person. Zokrema, and local knowledge can and can rise from the daily practice to a living and bright enlightenment. Otherwise, there is not much to turbuvati "thirty forgotten ancestors."

6. Juveniles that scientific knowledge

The heads of one-sided propaganda, science is associated among young people with us in front of global threats to humanity and the unimportant "official science" turns to the sphere of supersensible, cryptic, to "thin and parallel worlds." I ce under the miraculous successes of science in biology, psychology, cosmology, informatics, synergy and other.

In the abyss of the total economic crisis, the traditionally strong educational activity of the students was practically exhausted. Ale tse prikaє science influx of young talents, and juveniles - to non-government. The Suspіlstvo can know the strength to tear apart the tragic vicious stake.

7. Pobutov culture of young

Pobutov’s middle ground of young people with turbulence with increasing negative manifestations: severely debilitating signs (drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism), indiscriminateness, the surface of the vents in the sexual sphere, prostitution, vulgarity, the triumph of brute force in mutual relations are practically legalized ah, the criminalization of low sanitary culture, the language of speech is broken, the primitiveness of the disease, the concern of vіdnosin іz "ancestors".

It is unacceptable for these minds to swallow the system of illumination, it is more to overcome the already threatening worklessness in the youth environment. It is necessary to create two mechanisms of suspensory injection on the basis of mass information not for the purpose of regulating their activities, but for the creation of their own "suspended mirrors".

8. Teaching young people

It is necessary to virobiti different mechanisms for promoting the cultural level of the vikladachіv and vihovatelіv in the form of children's kindergartens to universities, right and future fathers, in the wake of the grown-up population. This is a natural idea, compromised in the "people's universities of culture", "universities of health", "universities of Marxism-Leninism" and so on, all the same, it is still deprived of the key and check of the city's ventilation. Otherwise, our suspenstve has no future.

9. Youth subculture

9.1 Zagalni understand youth subcultures

In a broad sense of the subculture, there is a particular cultural subsystem of the "official" culture, which defines the style of life, the value of the hierarchy and the mentality of її noses. Tobto subculture - chain culture chi culture y culture.

For a senior sensi, subculture is a system of values, attitudes, ways of behavior and life styles of a singing social group, which is viewed as a panorama of the supremacy of culture, although it is related to it.

Frolov S.S. proponing the coming typology of subcultures:

1.Romantic-escapist subcultures - directing to the vision of real life, pobudov's own philosophical systems (hippies, interpretations, Indians, bikers).

2. Anarcho-nihilistic groups - a reflection of the globally accepted standards, critically setting up rich phenomena of life (anarchy, punks).

3. Entertaining and hedonistic - orientation of safety dozvіllya (“gold fry”, ravery, snowboarders, benchmarks).

4. Criminal subculture - directly opposed to law and order (goths, skinheads, gangs, gopniks, lyuberi).

9.2 Characteristics of okremi subcultures

The social warehouse is hip and heterogeneous, but we are in front of the creative youth: poets-pochatkіvtsі, artists, musicians.

Zovnіshnіy vglyad, form of robe: independent from the state - dovge hairy combed straight forward, especially the line of the dovkol of the head (“hairatnik” in English. Hair - hair), on the hands - “baubles”, tobto. self-made bracelets or namisto, mostly made of beads, wood or shkiri, often incredibly large knitting light, embellishments with beads or embroidered denim little bag on the shoulder for collecting pennies and documents (“ksivnik”: vіd ksivu - document, villainous jargon), color the clothes are mostly light (do not wear black if necessary), but not yaskravy. The rest of the generation hippі vіdіznyayut such attributes, like a backpack and three-chotiri rings at the vakhah, more in the nose (piercing). It is characteristic of the frequent variation of changing suffixes and words, which cannot be analogous in literary language for the purpose of understanding specific ones to understand, the powerful ones are less hip (for example, even the words “baubles”, “ksivnik” are just that). Rozvagi: from alcoholic drinks in hipi will wine and port wine. Marked often drug use (sound the legen). Part of the hippian ideology - "free kohannya" - with a lot of traces. Hippies are not warlike, stink of pacifism. One of the first bulos went out "Make love, not war". (Engage in kohanny, not war). Ideology: hippies themselves often use the words “Light, friendship, zhuyka”. Typically znevaga to material values, such as pennies and expensive speeches; I was more likely to be fooled by hippy when trying to get expensive speeches instead of cheap ones.

In the youth culture of the 90s. z'appeared tolієnіstichny ruh i pov'yazana z him, spawned by him interpretive subculture. Tolkієnіsti and vzagalі roleviki (lovers of role-playing іgor) were part of the hippie subculture, but in the rest of the hour, their flooring rose, and in their row the stench began to turn on the bagatioh not-hippi. Tolkієnіsti - chanuvalniks of the famous English philologist and writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, (in the slang of interpreters - Professor), born in 1892, and died in 1973. Books by J.R.R. Tolkієna "Volodar kіlets", "Sіlmarіon" and іnshі are considered to the genre of fantasy - kazkovo sci-fi. Tolkієn having created in his creations the enchanting world of the Middle Earth, the populations of miraculous іstotami, one of which was in line with the folklore of the various peoples of the world (elfs, trolls, dwarfs, etc.), iti, human hybrid that rabbit) ), the skin of its own history, geography and inspire the beginnings of its own movement (let's say, elf). Tolkієnіsti get used to the entire world, showing themselves as residents. Zvіdsi nezvychaynі models of behavior in everyday life.

It can be stated that the subculture of talkers and role players is developing most actively and dynamically in the rest of the rock.

Punks (from the English Punk - abandonment, rot, uncommon) are a singing world and antagonists of hippie, despite the fact that there is a lot of similar things with them. Social warehouse: at the sight of the elite hippies of Pankiv - children of working districts, wanting, zrozumіlo, zustrіchayutsya vinjatki.

Zovnіshnіy look, form of dressing: standard pankіvskoy zachіska vvazhavsya "іroquois" - the wife of the long hair to stand upright on the shorn head, but widened and shins pіvgolovi with long hair and wind just vygolenі temples with long hair. The punks give priority to a tattered, brudish robe. Often you can wear punk in jeans, where the women of the fabric are drawn with dirks, fastened with studs and lanyards (Pankiv's love for English studs is superbly large, the stench is inserted everywhere - jackets, T-shirts, jeans and navit at the ear). It's important for punks to wear high army boots.

Musical style: the founder of punk culture is the English group "Sex pistols". Mova, jargon: characteristic is the adoption of words from the evil jargon (“maza”, “huvati”, “labati”) and the marginal adoption of “reasonable” words (“parallel” in the meaning “everything is one”, “suto” in the meaning “bayduzhe”) . Rozvagi: on the vіdmіnu vіd hippі punks z alcoholic drinks vіddat gorіltsi prevagi, willing to take drugs. Tsіkava is another rozvaga - "to go to niches", tobto. to finish the surplus of zhі, nedoїdenoї kimos, pick up and finish smoking cigarette flails.

The ideology of Pankiv is close to hippie in everything that is worth knowing about material values, however, as if the idea of ​​hippie is like “there is a penny, light and so incredibly beautiful”, then Pankiv shvidshe tse “sv t all the same r ... o i nothing can help you ".

Super close to hard rock (zhorst punk) musical style "oh", love music recently appeared skinhead, or skinhead (from the English. Skin head - shaven head, lit. Shkira-head).

Starry look: apparently, to their own self-name, the skins are seen in front of us with a cleanly bare head. The standard clothes are skins, high army boots, camouflage pants, or high-cut jeans with suspenders, and another jacket (bomber).

Ideology: practically all Russian skins are accompanied by very aggressive nationalism and racism. The ideal regime is German national socialism. At the entrance, there are “sharpies”, “sharp-skins” (sharp-skins) (like the English Sharp - hostile, sharp), as they act under the phrase “skins against racial zabobonivs” and є vkrai leva, a pro-communist experimental organization, also “gay skins” (vіd English Gay - homosexual), wanting to hate sexual minorities more, lower race. Rozvagi: frequent rozvago skins and beats with blacks on the outskirts of the University of Friendship of Peoples named after Patrice Lumumbi, as well as beating representatives of other national and racial minorities, de b the stench was not used.

One of the most important subcultures, like in our country, so in Zakhod, bikers were always respected (in English. Bike - bicycle, motorcycle), those from the light hand of Radian propaganda were often called rockers. Practically all rock chanelers - punks, metalists and a lot of others - vvazhayut themselves as prot-rockers. Therefore, the appointment cannot be correct.

Zovnishnіy vglyad: to make widely circulated Radianskie films that depict the disillusionment of Zakhid. Such a look has come to Russia, having recognized significant changes: long hair, combed back, and, as a rule, tied in a ponytail, a hood on the head (“bandana”, “bandana” or wind “bandana”) beard, a shkiryan jacket with slanting glitters (leather jackets), shkiryan pants, cowboy chobots (cossacks).

Music style: hard rock. The bikers vzagali vіdznyayutsya to achieve the great diversity of musical tastes, which would remember to b on the bike show, which would be widely held in Pokhmіllya, to perform in a way that is not similar to one on one vikonavtsi: Garik Sukachov and the "Pokhmіllya" group, Time -out ta "IFK ". Mova, jargon: krіm svіv, scho mean specific comprehension, scho suyuyutsya motorcycle abo "pride", іnshої specifics mova bikers not maє, krіm, maybe, meaningful interspersed with obscene language.

Ideology: the main understanding of the ideology of bikers is a motorcycle. The whole world is divided into quiet ones, who change their minds to something new, and into quiet ones, who see the victory in some other way, moreover, bikers don’t cry out to other people of any interest in themselves. The place of stunners: bikers are divided into members of any motorcycle club and alone. From all motorcycle clubs we found, without any doubt, “Nichni Vovka” (leader at the prize “Surgeon”).

Behind the old signs to bikers close to metal, or metal, perhaps, nayvіdіsha z ninіshnіh youth subcultures (the metal itself protests against this term, respecting it and calling the musical style "metal"). For now, there are at least three main directions to “metal” (actually, a lot more): trash, doom and did -metality. Starry look: in fact, the same as the bikers. From the best colors, the hope is for the black. For the methylists of the late 80s - the beginning of the 90s, the obviousness of the smell is characteristic great number metal rivets and lancets, at the same time they are dressed like that in the main "pioneers". Ideology: from the current trends of metal the least ideological. Chomus stench is close to pankiv, ale without znevaga to material values. The place of the stars: the main place near Moscow is the “pipe”, an underground crossing from the Arabska metro station to the Praga restaurant, until the middle of 1996. every weekend there were concerts of important music.

Hackers (computer fans) are a youth subculture that is in the molding process. The number of characters is still insignificant - the students are more important technical universities, high school students with a physical and mathematical sleight Set exactly the numerical character of the characteristics important to the fact that the stench is more important for the help of computer merezh. In addition, not all computer fanatics consider themselves to be incompetent with their values, norms, and specific style. Mabut, tse on the right of the possible.

In the middle of the 90s. a new generation of “gopniks” appears, as if they are not controlled by organized malice, but are controlled by a smaller world. The stench quickly showed themselves as "cultural enemies" of the majority of youth subcultures: bikers, ravers, rolers toshcho. Whether it be a pidlіtok, which does not only belong to the other subculture, you can be beaten, sexually assaulted, plundered. The resistance of youth gangs has also gone down in history, but has moved to the periphery.

Football players. Close to criminal subcultures, the group is formed by fans (fans) football teams. Football fans are a collaborative organization of the community. Among the fans of the Moscow "Spartak" one sees, zokrema, such groups, like "Red-white hooligans", "Gladiators", "Skhidny front", "Pivnichny front" and others. . Prior to it, it is important to enter young people who served in the army. The “rights” are vigilant at all matches of the team, their main function is to start a stadium, organize the reaction of the fighters (“I’m sick” too much), and also command the “military events” - battles with the thieves’ teams and the police. Seen to other places even more often tied with beaters - often already on the station square. Zagalom hooliganism of young people is well-kept by the gangs (leaders) from the “Pravikh”.

Subculture of Satanists. Back in the 80s. In the subculture of heavy metalists, a group of “black metalists” was cremated, which got close to the adherents of the Church of Satan. Until the mid-90s. You can already talk about the molding of the Russian satanist subculture. Sometimes the process is blamed on interviews with leaders of satanists; stop, zrozumіlo, namagayutsya zamagayutsya chi extinguish the anti-community and anti-human nature of the rituals and values ​​of satanism.

The rave subculture (from the English Rave - beacon, bezladna mova) is blamed in the USA and Great Britain. Russia has been expanding since 1990-91. The rave style is the successor of techno and acidhouse styles to the musical mind. An invisible part of the ravers way of life - nightly discos with a dull sound, computer graphics, laser exchanges. The basic values ​​that lie at the heart of the subculture are: easy, unturbulent setting to life, exercising to live today, be dressed for the rest of the fashion ... The development of the rave ish subculture in parallel with the expansion of drugs, zocrema, "ecstasy". The praise of hallucinogens as a method of "expanding information" has become, unfortunately, a practically invisible part of the ravers subculture. At one time, there is a lot of playfulness in youth culture, including DJs - the key positions of the rave subculture - that were very negative before taking drugs.

Among the most notable subjects that have recently appeared in Russia, the following are signs of the coming of chotiri: rolerіv, reperіv and skateboarders.

Rollers are called amateurs of roller-skating. The stench gives priority to the sports attire as a scarlet: they can also be identified behind various slings on the knees. The ideology of rollers is similar to that of bikers, with the same difference that a motorcycle is replaced by rollers. The main rolers are high school students (ages 13-16), and students, young schoolchildren. Tsіkavo, that roller companies look like girls.

The subculture of skateboarders, lovers of skateboarding (boards on wheels). Ideology and modern look are similar to those of roller skaters.

Rappa subculture. Rap is the music of black Americans. Russian rappers are dressed like black American rappers (importantly sporty style is overestimated by bright colors), they have a lot of words and inspire others to slay their own scores, powerless to African Americans. The turnip subculture is rich in why they mingle with the subcultures of rolers and skateboarders, the shards of rich rolers and skateboarders listen to repp, and the rappers ride roller skates and skateboards.


Youth culture is worth the age of assimilation, the transformation of global culture, the power of success at this stage of social development, the culture of the singing young generation, and at the same time the culture of the singing age of the age in the life of the skin people, if molded specialty, self-significance and self-realization of the individual , which may not include the cultural aspect.

At one time, youth culture is swayed by society, which functions outside of it, suspenseful psychology, norms, needs, and ideals of the social organism. In this way, the youth culture has an hour-by-hour and hour-by-hour character, reflecting the social and psychological appearance of its hour and time.

List of victorious literature

1. Volkov Yu.G., Dobrenkov V.I. and Sociology of youth. 2001.

2. Markova T.I. Cultural intervention., - M., 2005.

3. Omelchenko Y. Youth cultures and subcultures. M., 2000.

4. Pilkington H., Omelchenko E. Marvel at Zahid: Cultural globalization and Russian youth culture / Per. from English O. Oberemko and U. Blyudinoy. St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2004.

5. Polishchuk St. I. Culturology., - M., 1998.

6. Rozin M.V. Psychological reasons for the demonstrative behavior of members of informal youth groups.// Hromada, self-made rukhs. - M., 2004.

7. Sergeyev V.K. Youth subculture for the minds of the metropolis // Institute of Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M., 2001.

8. Surtaev V.Ya. Youth culture. 2002.

Like a rhythm, so the frequency is to lead to fallow in them - there is a need for more high frequencies, which are close to ultrasound.

With all the bells and whistles of the demonstrated pragmatic self-reliance, the followers, in fact, manifest themselves as a negative and a conformist. The very fallow, in the form of single-toned wines, asserts its “self”. Music is more likely to zanuruє pіdlіtkіv і zalezhіnі vіd rіtmіv, vіsoti, silіnі іn, uniting аnd all metabolic indchuttami dark bodily functions аnd creating a folded din of auditory, bodily and social experiences. At the same time, the greater psycho-physiological influx of music, the greater “high” is taken away into music by the mass of pidlіtkіv, while the greater world of skin pіdlіtok vіdmovlyаєtsya in itself. Japanese journalists held an express follow-up at the largest rock halls in Tokyo. The stench quite well put three questions to the young public: “What is your name?”, “Do you know?”, “What is the river now?”. It turned out that I didn’t know how to look for simple, healthy food. Under the influx of music, the loss of self-identity has become. (2, p. 14)

Inundated rock - music (rockers) often compare with drug addicts; Definitely, ringing up to high frequencies, to a pronounced rhythm is explained by the fallacy of the psychophysiological and social plan, which is to blame.

One of the needs of accommodating music is a musical-rhythmic feel, so that the building can actively (ruh) experience music and accurately recreate yoga. Chuvannya music without intermediary accompanies rukhovymi reactions. In the subcultural subculture, the responses are formed in the singing (current) dance movement. The more different the rhythms, the more the dance moves with them.

Those who see themselves in the greater vipadkivs with the influence of this sphere are a phenomenon that looks like rhubarb on the cob development of music sprinyattya In fact, it is necessary to experience the rhythm and high frequencies of musical sounds at the same time from bodily movements. Tse vіdnositsya until vіku, nadali people who have grown out of the old age, cease with the same enthusiasm to play the music of great frequencies.

In order of mass obscurations in pop-rock-music, one can distinguish the silience of the okremikh podlitkiv to the adoption of classical music. The rest will require the presence of three main musical traits. B.M. Teplov characterizes the capacity as follows:

It feels like a fret, so that the building of the emotionally differentiated modal functions of the sounds in the melody and the emotional vibrancy of the sound-pitched rhythm. Qiu building can be called otherwise - emotional, perceptive, a component of musical hearing. Fretted, I almost make up the indistinguishable unity from the perception of musical height, distinct in timbre.

It shows itself in spontaneous, familiar melodies, in sensitivity to the accuracy of intonation. The order, almost to the rhythm of the modal, almost satisfies the basis of emotional suspense for music. A child's voice has a characteristic viyav that almost feels love and interest in listening to music.

Building up to the auditory manifestation, so that the building is quite corrugated by auditory manifestations, which induce a sound-heavy roar. Qiu building can be called auditory or reproductive component of musical hearing. You will satisfy the main core of the musical memory and manifest the musical memory.

Musical-rhythmical feel. The complex of basic musical necessities satisfies the core of the musical environment. A special building, formed on the basis of music, is a musical ear. (8, p. 322)

The musical ear is angry in an inconspicuous way to spriynyattya height, strength, timbre, and instill folding elements: phrasing, form, rhythm is too thin.

S.L. Rubinshtein wrote that “the musical ear of the sense of the word comes out in the air like a mezhі vіdchuttya, and y mezhі spriynyattya. A musical ear, which is understood as a building, to perceive and present musical images, indistinctly linking with the images of memory that manifest. (7, p. 111)

Pіdlіtok, cries of the ears of music and inclusions in the vikonian musical activity, zanureniya in the development of one's own musical zdіbnosti: vіn pragne to perfect the melodic ear, to the tune of the fret, pragmatically develop the harmonious ear and zdatnіst to auditory manifestations. Developing the inner hearing, piercing the wines of the musical mind and seeing deep spiritually. (6, p. 389)

Ale often podlitki gain satisfaction in the absence of grown-ups to their musical culture, and for fathers it is a drive to discord.

Batkiv is often turbulent and serious in the themes of old rock music, including albums that are drunk, put through by leading record companies, for example:

Propaganda and glamorization of the introduction of drugs and alcohol;

Form that obvious lyric that is self-destructive as an “alternative” or “solution”;

Scenes of violence at clips;

Occultism; songs about satanism and human sacrifice, parts of the staging of these rituals for the hour of concerts;

Sex, which is focused on sadism, masochism, bloodshed, significant women, and violence like it.

The fathers are guilty of helping the little ones, savage respect for their purchases, eavesdropping and looking at the eyes and helping them to identify the music, as if they were ruinous.

Music does not become a problem for a child, a life that is happy and healthy. And yet, as a reminder of the constant ablutions of music, as if it reflects serious ruins by those, and in case of which a new one is afraid of changes in behavior, on a kshtalt, isolation, depression, evil medicinal preparations, alcohol or drugs, then in any case it is necessary to restore respect for your mental health.

1.4 Appliance and computer

Computer mіtsno vіyshov our life. Technological progress is impossible, and, if you want more, computer literacy is becoming warehouse-wide literacy, evidence of illumination, if you want, the civilization of people. It is important to show yourself a person, as if you are claiming a good landing and if you don’t use a computer. Modern mill For example, in the mid-late 1990s, the most busy people called listening to music and watching TV shows, but now the computer cluttered up a lot of clutter. Nearly 70% of today's schoolchildren, asking for questions about their interests and hoarding, build a computer, the All-World Internet, practically similar to doing sports, walking and talking with friends. What is the Internet? "The Internet is a global computer network that gives majestic freedom to koristuvachs." Ale, at the same time, it’s already bigger, lower, just a lace. Now the Internet has become a dzherel, through terrorists to organize terrorist attacks, to sell drugs through it, to sell children through it. On the Internet, there are thousands of problems and mentally defective features.

More than 54% of respondents are interested in the Internet, because they can have a positive impact on their lives, but 46% are negative injection Internet. Some part of the koristuvachs are afraid of the negative impact of the “lined way of life” on their health and physical form. The stench most often marked the negative impact of the Internet on the camp of their hands and fingers, sleep mode, sp. And juveniles from 14 to 34 years old, as a child bachiti in the family, is a strong positive factor, in which case it is more important to spend money on the morning and put it in front of the computer for a long time. (4, p. 211)

What is the Internet like? Nasampered - tse zasіb rozvagi, and then we drank knowledge and help from the navchan. That th, apparently, not all the other zastosovuyut. Even a small amount of data is used to win a computer and the Internet for primary purposes. More pidlіtkіv spend a lot of time in different chats and forums, which, in my opinion, expand the svetoglyad and svetoglyad. But really, we know it’s not so. In view of this stink, they become less wicked and obzhenishmi - in splintering and in freedom as a whole. Tse already in deyaky vipadkah overgrowth in staleness. But, unfortunately, it’s impossible to bring it to yourself. Vіn is guilty of understanding and understanding, only then you can change everything. For more pіdlіtkіv All-world merezha - tse chergovа igryka for otrimannya іnformatsiї, scho yogo squawk, brown from the yogo point of the dawn, but not stochki to the dawn of the grown-ups. Millions of people are being rebuked at their own fallow land on the Internet, and not less than a child, but older people and women. The Internet helps to change the mindset in real life. The Internet gives the illusion of permissiveness. Merezha has clubs of self-destruction, clubs of drug addicts, clubs of terrorists-pochatkivtsiv. In such clubs, you can win death, buy a couple of sticks of dynamite, learn how to pick up and inject drugs correctly. The Internet is full of pornography. Most young people buy a modem less in order to go to a porn site. On the Internet, you can easily find sites that sell video materials with child pornography. And you can go to a similar site if you are a person, including children aged 13-16. Unfortunately negative information on the Internet at once overwhelms. Trivala of a robot behind a computer has a negative effect on rich functions human body, especially shkіdlivy vpliv at pіdlіtkovu vіtsi, oskolki the very same time the organism of the child is forced to grow and develop.

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