Variety of choices limits freedom. How do freedom and necessity appear in human activity? How freedom is interpreted by the Christian faith

Testing facility for self-verification

1. How was the concept of “freedom” connected with the political struggle of the New and New Hour?

In the New and New Hours, freedom’s abolition and liberation from the shackles of despotism emerged with particular force. All revolutions wrote the word “freedom” on their ensigns. Few political leaders and revolutionary leaders have not sworn to lead the masses to true freedom.

2. To what extent can freedom of choice be restricted?

The freedom to choose to cause chaos is not limited. People will want riches when freedom is unbound, they will want even riches and not recognize the boundaries, and even on Earth there are plenty of blessings between powerful forces and it is necessary to come to terms with them. By the way, there will be rules and laws, there will be no punishment for such terrible crimes as theft and murder, etc. And the third option is the development of this relationship from the impossibility of absolute freedom. Such freedom would mean for a person no restrictions on his choices, which would put him at the edge of his position with praised decisions. The widely known zagalny expression “Buridan’s donkey.” The French philosopher J. Buridan (bl. 1300 - 1358) is credited with a story about everything, which is placed between two equal and equal parts of the hay. Unable to figure out which way to gain the upper hand, the donkey died of hunger. The same could have happened with a human being.

3. How is freedom interpreted by the Christian faith?

The Christian faith has no such freedom. Christians embrace God's Promises here. Everything is dumbed down to me. “The pre-eminence and omnipotence of God are diametrically opposed to our free will. All will be accepted and the inevitable consequence will be: we do not obey the will of anything, and everything is done according to need. In this way, we do not surrender anything to our free will, but everything is subject to the gift of God,” asserted the religious reformer Martin Luther. This is the position of the adherents of absolute conformity.

4. Show how knowledge of the objective laws of nature flows into the conscious activity of people.

It is very important to make decisions about your faith objective laws nature, so as not to ruin the difficult situation. For example, we know that this place has an active volcano nearby, and we will probably have our own life here, because this becomes unsafe.

5. What is the urgent need?

At first glance, the enormous necessity means that we live in minds that have unequal access to the sharing of resources for material and spiritual life.

The main mechanisms of suspenseful necessity include power, power (sharing and ordering), social (socially reinforced and hierarchized) function, as well as uncontrolled, spontaneous social Real differentiation. Suspicious need a lot of people (mostly the unemployed, economical migrants, those who live between poverty) are perceived and experienced as injustice. p align="justify">Great necessity, the massive dissolution of marriages, as a rule, lead to an increase in social tension, especially during the transition period. This itself is characteristic of Russia.

6. Explain what connection is meant by “freedom”, “choice”, “responsibility”.

The connection between these concepts is quite simple: freedom depends on the availability of options for choice. Freedom of choice transfers the responsibility of the individual to make a choice.

The term “free marriage” is used to mean marriage, where political and economic ideals actually function. The theory of free marriage means that all people have free access to the resources they need to realize their potential. The basis of free matrimony lies in three areas: economic freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Economic freedom rests on the free will of any sovereign handover to the functioning market. The only thing that is under the control of the power is the protection of the rights of power. Prices are only set by participants in economic interactions on the basis of demand and proposition. With economic freedom, the dealer has the right to select whatever he wants, and the buyer can buy any goods from any dealer. It is not their duty to establish a monopoly in a free marriage; prices cannot be varied individually.

Freedom of speech respects the right of every person to voice their thoughts, and the absence of censorship. Although this right and vikorist in a number of countries, in fact, its achievement is far from ideal. Freedom of religion means complete freedom to choose a religious denomination, as well as the right not to adhere to any religion.

A person owes his mother the right to undisturbed freedom in his life, freedom to pursue the goals of power, unless he begins to violate the rights of other people. Therefore, the state needs to ensure the rights of every person, and not limit them. It is only possible to create a free marriage.


1. Make arguments that support the theory about the impossibility of absolute, unbounded freedom of a person in marriage.

The life of a person in marriage is bounded by law. And as if we didn’t want to cross the street into an undesignated place, we would be punished, because this meant violating the rules of the road.

2. Which of the two suggestions below do you think is more correct?

“Our life is a whole line that we are responsible for describing the greatness of nature on the surface of the earth’s core, without the possibility of going beyond it for even one moment.”

“The course of speeches seems implausible even to those who have finished their battles. History in and of itself can neither pacify a person nor bring them to the point of brutality. The people carry the entire burden of the world on their shoulders: they are responsible for the world and for themselves.”

3. Explain how you understand the expression: “Freedom is a choice.”

Freedom is the limit of any kind of constraint I feel. Apparently, freedom gives people the right to choose everything.

4. Describe different models of free matrimony. What are your statements about such a marriage?

Free marriage - this marriage is not bound by legal laws. It would be impossible to live in such a marriage, chaos would ensue. In this way, absolutely true succession is an illusion, and even if it is fully illuminated and a thinking person will become aware of it. It is possible to deprive one of freedom, but at the same time it is important to do it according to conscience, without wasting human goodness, and obligingly carry out one’s work with the comfort of those who are absent.

5. Sometimes freedom is understood as permissiveness. On the cob of the XX century. In Russian villages they sang the following ditty:

There is no God, no need for a king.

Governor vb'emo,

We won't pay taxes

The soldiers have no idea.

What kind of legacy can lead to such a decline in freedom? Concretize your statement with butts.

Such corruption of freedom and leading to permissiveness, which gives rise to villainy, murder, nonsense, etc., which was guarded in Russian villages at the beginning of the 20th century. with a strike against the landowner.

Purpose: awareness of scientists with different senses and aspects of the concept of “freedom”; analysis of various philosophical, socio-political, moral and ethical problems, which may not only be philosophical, but also deeply specific; identification of different approaches to the development of these problems.

Possession: § 20 (Bogolyubov L.M. Lyudina and marriage. Suspension. Part 1); fragments from the work of philosophers (didactic materials).

Lesson plan:

1. The concept of “freedom”.

2. Why can we have absolute freedom?

3. Between freedoms: a) “external” necessity and show differences;

b) “internal” freedom regulators.

On the subject: Good institutions are good if they respect people who respect themselves, and therefore respect their obligations, the obligations of the common man (F.M. Dostoevsky). Freedom is the right to do everything that is permitted by law (C. Montesque). Freedom is not about not streaming to yourself, but about being in control of yourself (F.M. Dostoevsky).

People have the power to destroy freedom. This is a natural preference for independence, self-reliance, and readiness to take responsibility for your own mistakes. The joy of freedom is one of the strongest human feelings. With freedom, a person is bound by the development of his plans and goals, the ability, with an authoritative will, to achieve life goals and the paths of their achievements. Never before has freedom been recognized as the natural right of every human being. Aristotle, who was able to demonstrate matrimony without slavery, asserted that freedom is not in the nature of noble people, and a slave has a slave nature. True, having added wine, some noble people waste their slavery through penny banks, but it is not fair. Aristotle did not know that slavery is superseded by the idea of ​​natural rights, since all people respect it freely.

The idea of ​​natural rights played a great role in the fight against various forms of special servitude of some people over others: slavery, serfdom, vassalage. In the world of human progress, ideas about freedom gradually expanded: the number of free people, the sphere of their freedom, free choice, and self-esteem grew.

In the history of philosophical thought, freedom is interpreted in different ways. Voluntarism absolutizes free will, bringing it to the savagery of an unbounded particularity, ignoring the objective minds and laws. Fatalism views human skin as the inevitable realization of a cob's adjudication, which includes free choice. Marxism understands freedom as the need is understood. Human activity is a fusion of freedom and necessity. The need to be attuned to the objective data of the individual's minds.

Everyday philosophers respect that people are “destined” to freedom, because the transformation of light in the way of awakening and in this way creates the objective of mental freedom. Objectively, then. independent of the will and knowledge of people. The venerable idea of ​​freedom and good thoughts are only realized when it comes to dating. We are, first of all, aware of the profound fact that the ways of man and the ways of nature are different. Then - awareness of the fact that there is a variety of goals and ways to achieve them. Because people who are alive and don’t know that it is possible to live differently, this poses a problem of freedom and consumption. The problem faces him when he learns about the existence of other living ways and begins to evaluate and collect them. Philosophers see stages in the development of the idea of ​​freedom. The first stage of awareness of freedom manifests itself in its designated as informed needs. When a person begins to scrutinize his life and the lives of those who are absent from his mind, it is impossible to change it through the combination of material and spiritual possibilities. Then he voluntarily submits to the need to live as he lived before. Another stage in the development of the idea of ​​freedom is the feasibility and potential of obtaining. The more material and spiritual interests a person has in his order, the greater his ability to choose. This is also another stage in the development of the idea of ​​freedom. The greatest stage in the development of the idea of ​​freedom, in the opinion of modern philosophers, lies in the present: if all the natural choices of people are not controlled, then there is the power to create, to create a new possibility, which has never been seen before.

That. Liberty- The independence of social and political subjects (including their particularities), which is reflected in their flexibility and ability to make power choices and actions according to their interests For that purpose.

To the thought of S. Montesque: “There is no word that would take on so many different meanings and cause such different impressions on the minds as the word “freedom.” Some call freedom the easy ability to overthrow someone whom they respect through tyrannical rule; Inshi - the right to rob the one who suffers from the stench; third - the right to wear armor and commit violence; Fourthly, it is their privilege to live under the ceremonies of people of their nationality and obey their own laws. Yaky people long time ago cursing freedom for wearing a long beard. Others call this a certain form of government... They decided to call freedom the government that most closely resembled their names and insolents.”

Here Montesque speaks about the various misunderstandings of political freedom itself. When behind the skin of the thoughts suggested by him there are specific facts, the songs of the state, the people, the political figures. The philosopher himself appreciates that political freedom lies in the ability of mothers to “do what they want, and not be discouraged from doing what they are not supposed to want.” In this manner, Montesquieu links political freedom with moral virtues.

Besides politics, freedom can be seen in all spheres of life in a marriage – economic freedom, religious freedom, intellectual freedom, etc. And on all levels – freedom of individuals, nations, powers, societies.

What does it mean to be free?

What is absolute freedom?

What are the boundaries of freedom, what are the stench of?

Are the stars necessary or not?

For all the great meanings and essence of the concept of “freedom,” it is obvious that there is no “pure” (absolute) freedom. It is impossible to live with a spouse and be absolutely free from the outside. The freedom of each member of the marriage is bounded by the same development and the nature of the marriage in which he lives. Superfoods and differences call for nutrition about the animals’ orderliness, and, therefore, the strategy of behavior of particularity.

The worshipers of the first come from the act of divine creation of all things. Why is there a place for the free will of people being deprived of such a reasonable thing? (Page 218. Buridanov donkey.)

Another position is based on the interpreted necessity as an objective pattern of development of the nature and matrimony. In this approach, being careful means knowing the objective laws and making decisions based on that knowledge (page 219).

With all the importance of pointing out the points of view, it is clear that it is possible to ignore the necessity, environment, mental activity, and persistent trends in the development of people, otherwise it will be, what is called, “more precious to oneself.” But there are such restrictions that most people cannot calm down and wage a fight against them. Various forms of social and political Swaville; harsh caste structures that force people into the strict middle of the social grid; Tyrannical powers, according to the will of the poor, are forced to live a mostly meager life. There is no place for freedom here, or it appears at the edge of a trimmed look.

For all the importance shown by external freedom officials, what is even more important, in the minds of many thinkers, is internal freedom. “We will only escape from external oppression if we escape from internal slavery. Let us assume responsibility and stop being influenced by external forces in everyone)), – written by N.A. Berdyaev. In unison with the above, the words of the current German philosopher G. Rauschning sound about those who have come "The unsafe freedom, another freedom, the less political and social freedom of the past: internal freedom, which was previously tried, did not lead to anything."

Some modern philosophers insist that human activity cannot be ignored, but the individual is absolutely independent in his inner life. Vin himself selects not only the option of action, but also formulates sacred principles behavior, jokes and substitutes for them. And therefore, the objective minds of people do not play such a great role in their choice of models of action (read the previous position on page 221, in response to the question at the end of the paragraph).

The goals of human activity must be formulated according to the internal impulses of the skin of a person. A cordon of such freedom may deprive the rights and freedoms of other people. The people themselves need this information. Freedom is not complete without compliance, without obligations before marriage and its members.

Human freedom in all its manifestations is the basis of current democratic regimes, the main value of liberalism. It is important to know how the legislator enshrines the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens in the constitutions of states, in international covenants and declarations. In the future, marriage increasingly shows a tendency to expand human freedom. The task is completed.

1) Does Sensi Vikorist understand the concept of “freedom” in the following fragments?

1. The shackles are hard to fall,
Victims fall - and freedom
You will be received gladly at the entrance,
And take the sword and give it to you. A.S. Pushkin

2. Protek for the Russian people
Darkness and tyranny for a long time.
I want to live, I want freedom!
I respect you, I am human. O. Dobrolyubov

2) How do you understand the words of F.M. Dostoevsky: “There is no more uninterrupted work and it is more important for people, who, having lost their freedom, know sooner who to cower in front of”! What does it mean that it is easier for people to follow their will, rather than make good choices and be responsible for their actions? How can we explain the unbreakable struggle of people to freedom, Bagatov’s fight against the oppressors and the Svavilians?

Zavdannya No. 3,4, 6,7,9, building. 224 assistants.

Homework § 20, letter notification for supply No. 5 and No. 8.

These are the lessons to be learned New topic course “Socio-political activity of people and development of marriage.” The choice of forms and methods of work during lessons is largely determined by the specificity of the place, which, in appearance, appears in the following:

There is a great sense of significance of the central concept under the theme of “freedom”, its richness and diversity of aspects, which inevitably makes it difficult to reach the wide range of food that is being looked at;

There is diversity in the interpretations and evaluations of almost all foods that are covered by this topic. This, on the one hand, gives the “sophisticated” nature of the problems that arise, and complicates the introduction of such definitions; on the other hand, transfers inclusion to replace elements of discussion;

Finding a connection between the rich aspects of the topic (free will, choice, political freedoms and legal guarantees and boundaries) with moral, ethical and legal issues. Also, where the students did not develop up to the relevant material in the main school, the teacher will have to provide additional explanations and comments.

The following subtopics can be added to the main tasks:

Awareness of scientists from different senses and aspects of the concept of “freedom”;

Analysis of various philosophical, socio-political, moral and ethical problems (freedom and necessity, freedom and Swaville, freedom and authenticity), which may be not only formal-philosophical, but also deeply specific zmіst; identification of different approaches to the development of these problems.

Methodically, most appropriate to the goals and particularities of the substitution, you can use methods of problematic learning (creation problem situations, problematic wikilad, heuristic Rozmova). It is also more effective to extract fragments from philosophical, scientific, popular science authors that can be found in different schools and directly.

Plan for introducing new material

1. The concept of “freedom”.

2. Why can we have absolute freedom?

3. Between freedoms:

a) “external” necessity manifests itself differently;

b) “internal” freedom regulators.

1 . To begin with, a look at the first principle can be found in the words of S. Montesquieu: “There is no word that would take away so many different meanings and deal with the difference of influence on the minds, like the word “freedom”. Some call freedom the easy ability to overthrow someone whom they respect through tyrannical rule; Inshi - the right to rob the one who suffers from the stench; third - the right to wear armor and commit violence; Fourthly, it is preferable to live under the rules of people of their own nationality and submit to their own powerful laws. All these people have cursed freedom for a long time and now wear a long beard. Others call this a known form of government... They decided to call freedom the government that most closely resembled their names and insolents.”

Here Montesque speaks about the miscellaneous darkness itself political freedom. When behind the skin of the thoughts suggested by him there are specific facts, the songs of the state, the people, the political figures. Together with the studies you can try to recreate historical realities. Due to the many meanings, the interpretations retain their relevance to the present day. The philosopher himself appreciated that political freedom lies in the fact that mothers are able to “do what they want, and do not hesitate to do what they are not supposed to want.” In this manner, Montesquieu linked political freedom with moral powers.

Besides politics, freedom can be seen in all spheres of life in a marriage. economic freedom, religious, intellectual etc. and on all levels - freedom of identity, nations, powers, marriage.

If the problem of freedom is escalated to a special level, then the problem of freedom is reduced to a nutritional level: what does people mean by free will, otherwise seemingly determined by their own lives and circumstances by the current environment?

2 . For all the meanings and essence of the concept of “freedom,” it is obvious that there is no “pure” (absolute) freedom. Here it’s time to get down to the handyman (section “Buridan’s Donkey”), where some arguments will be made for how to properly wrap this mount. One of these arguments is the assertion about those who full of freedom One thing leads to another - schoolchildren can illustrate with wet butts.

It is important to emphasize the concept that emerges from this thesis: freedom human setup, a form of connection between people and other people. Just as it is impossible to love alone, it is also impossible to be free without others or for their reasons. Otherwise, it would seem that in order to become absolutely free, people would have to become separated from others, and therefore from themselves.

3 . What are the boundaries of freedom, what are the stench of?

The first link is to understand what is at the center of the respect of schoolchildren, - freedom and necessity. We must first fully identify the needs of our people. In essence, we are talking about the regularities of the natural and social background of people, which we cannot help but pay attention to. Superfoods and differences call for food about the food of order, and also about the strategy of behavior of specialness. The link between zym and river is based on two main positions. The first inhabitants come from the act of Divine creation of all things. What is lost in such a reasonable place for the free will of people? Various types of nutrition are analyzed at the assistant.

Another position is based on the interpreted necessity as an objective pattern of development of the nature and matrimony. Within the framework of this approach, being careful means knowing the objective laws and making decisions based on the understanding of this knowledge.

With all the importance of pointing out the point of view, it is clear that it is possible to ignore the necessity, environment, mental activity, and persistent trends in the development of people, otherwise it will be, what is called, “more precious to yourself.”

But there are such restrictions that most people cannot calm down and wage a fight against them. Various forms of social and political Swaville; harsh caste structures that force people into the strict middle of the social grid; Tyrannical powers, according to the will of the poor, are forced to live a mostly meager life. bud. There is no place for freedom here and it appears at the edge of a trimmed look. Schoolchildren are encouraged to learn about the history of the facts of the free revolutions, to guess what their social structure was, the main events, and the results. It is important to emphasize that before the conquest of humanity, this path must include the establishment of legal norms, democratic institutions, and the emergence of legal powers. Dorechno vikorystuvati zavdannya 3, guided by the principles of § 18 of the assistant.

For all the importance in the form external factors Freedom is even more important, in the minds of many thinkers, inner freedom. “Mi Zvilnimos vid calling the deprivation of Todi, if the internal slavery is stir -up, Tobto is used on the same time, the Zvinuvachuvati calls,” wrote M.A. Berdyav. In unison with this, the words of the contemporary German philosopher G. Rauschning sound: the instruction of the century of “unsafe freedom, another freedom, the lower political and social freedom of the rest of the past: internal freedom, as it will always be in and tried it, it won’t do any good.”

In this manner, we move into a new conceptual area: freedom – versatility. To begin to discuss the problem of pressing choice in given circumstances and gain confidence for your decisions, you can turn to the plot of the story-parable “Six and Seven” from the novel “The Scaffold” by Ch. Aitmatov. Let's guess what's going on in one of the episodes Gromadian War. Chekist Sandro infiltrates the counter-revolutionary corral along with the inveterate Guram Dzhokhadze, in order to vindicate the order: protect the corral of your gang. The Chekist manages to win the full confidence of the members of the pen: he shares with them, who are already accustomed and runs for the cordon, bread and salt, sings songs of white rot, in which people say goodbye to Fatherlandism, and then, Having the best moment, the gang and all the others fall from the Mauser. Wiconano mandate. What did the fearless security officer do? “Sandro once again killed about sixty of them, beaten on the spot, and, having killed three, put the muzzle of the Mauser to the crown. Once again I shot a short moon near the mountains. Now we will see who we sang our songs...”

Students are encouraged to appreciate this, as this parable and especially the ending can be interpreted using the categories “necessity”, “freedom”, “choice”, “borg”.

You can go to different situations, real creations creatively writers. It is important to reconcile students without moral boundaries and there is no legal freedom. A person is truly free only if he is willing and voluntarily to make an hourly choice for the benefit of good.

In most preparatory classes, it is advisable to organize work with small fragments from philosophical works.

Fragment 1: from the work of N. A. Berdyaev “The Place of Creativity. This is proof of the human being’s vindication.” ( Mikola Oleksandrovich Berdyaev(1874-1948) - Russian philosopher, who at a young age embraced Marxism, then switched to the position of Christianity. In 1922 simultaneously from a group of philosophers who were expelled from Radyanskaya Russia.)

People are aware of their greatness and power, their worthlessness and weakness, their royal freedom and their servitude, aware of the image and likeness of God as a drop in the sea of ​​natural need. One can rightfully speak about the Divine walk of mankind, which is similar to the lower forms of the organic life of nature. With equal force of argumentation, philosophers steal the original freedom of man and thorough determinism, so as to lead man into the fatal trap of natural necessity... with futility, forever.

Providing information to the text

1. What do you share with Berdyaev about the super-humanity of human nature?

2. What do you think shows the “royal freedom” of people?

3. What can you say about this “slave-like situation”?

4. Was the human being, in its early stages of development, free of necessity? What forces have been able to distinguish between the people’s survivability and undeniable necessity?

In the hour of discussing the remaining food, it is appropriate to concretize Berdyaev’s thesis about those that philosophers sharply disagree in assessing the stage and manifestation of human freedom in the minds of primacy. Some people appreciate that there are many different forms of development on this planet. social status(slavery, slavery, racial, religious inequality) led to harmony among people among themselves and with nature. Many thinkers (for example, J.-J. Rousseau) placed the golden age of humanity in the past. This is a different idea. Therefore, with her, people in the first place could hardly feel free, even if due to the staleness of natural factors. Prote rich is not less in this. There are many religious philosophers who directly affirm that at this stage even worse forms of slavery appeared. People who discovered their own moral laws, did not change their internal transformations, were still in control of their own habits and passions, often destructive to themselves and others.

In this way, we are already making a distinction between external freedom, which is achieved through the weakening of all forms of social responsibility and the “rooted nature”, and the internal one, associated with the perversion of all worldviews people.

Fragment 2: from the work of E. Kasirer "Technique of current political myths". ( Ernst Cassirer(1874-1945) – German philosopher. Former rector of Hamburz University; After coming to power in Germany, the fascists emigrated and laid the remaining losses at leading American universities.)

As soon as we begin to think about free will, we are faced with an impenetrable labyrinth of metaphysical nourishments and paradoxes. We know that political freedom is one of the most successful and most popular extinguishers. All political parties insist that they are the truest representatives and defenders of “freedom.” They will always define this term in a way that suits them, and use it in their own interests. Freedom, as an ethical category, is essentially simple. She is free from this richness of thought, which is powerful in political and philosophical terms...<…>

Whether it is not consistent with the motive, but the nature of the motivation undermines the freedom of action. In the ethical sense, a person is free, since this motivation is based on her powerful judgment about those who have her moral obligation.<…>This means that the laws that we follow in actions do not come automatically, unless the subject himself establishes them.

Contributing to his theory, Kant overcame the possibility of fundamental unreason: ethical freedom, he said, is not a fact, but a postulate, not a gift that human nature has, but rather, more importantly, a gift that a person can set before himself. The need for ethical freedom becomes especially important in times of acute social crises, when there is an inevitable ruin of all the foundations of life, when an individual feels a deep uneasiness in the power of power.

Freedom is not a natural property of people: in order to enjoy it, you need to create it. If we simply follow our natural instincts, without realizing the need for freedom, we will sooner choose slavery. It is also obvious that it is much easier to rely on others, without thinking, judging, and deciding for yourself. This is the reason why both in particular and in political life to the will to set up as quickly as before a tractor, but not as before. With important minds, people will not throw off this tractor. And here the totalitarian power and political myths come into play. New political parties tend to embrace the dilemma of “freedom or non-freedom.” The stench is oppressive and deprives the very sense of freedom, protecting people from any particular species.

Providing information to the text

1. What is the sense of the concept of “freedom” does the author understand?

2. How can we ensure that political freedom is extinguished by various political parties? How are the wiclicans doing this?

3. What is the sense of freedom as a moral and ethical category?

The people are considered free;

Is the people becoming free?

5. Why Vikonanny’s need for freedom becomes especially important in times of crisis suspinal development?

6. What is the point of the thesis about those who, following their natural instincts, people will soon give precedence to slavery to freedom? Prime your crown.

7. How do you understand the situation: a totalitarian power discovers the very place of freedom, allowing under which people a special type of responsibility?

8. How do you think the concepts of “freedom” and “renewal” are related? What can be seen in the minds of “unfreedom”? What is “unprecedented” freedom?

In order to give more specificity to the statements about the relationship between free will and autonomy, we can go back to analyzing the current situation. Lyudina carries out a fleeting killing. What is the point of reliability (in this case, moral responsibility is at the forefront of our respect) but for what? It’s worth mentioning here that the controversy surrounding this problem has been going on for a long time. Thus, already in the Middle East, two types of Catholic believers gave prophylactic diseases in the diet. P. Abelard is important that the fleeting murderer is burdened with the sin of murder. Bernard of Clairvaux did not take kindly to him, who, having declared the innocence of the person, committed the crime through the primus stove. Where there is no freedom of choice, there can be no certainty.

However, according to the thought of a number of philosophers - also our fellow participants - people will always have freedom of choice, and therefore, it cannot be freed from the burden of conformity.

Fragment 3 itself taken directly from the work of the philosopher. Here are some lessons from A. Camus “The Myth of Sisyphus”. ( Albert Camus (1913-1960) - French philosopher and writer, laureate Nobel Prize from literature; at the rocks of Another World War, taking an active part in Russia's Support.)

I can’t say that the people are free, I can lose my power to freedom. I don’t have any crazy statements about freedom, but there are just a few interesting ideas. The problem of “freedom has begun” is meaningless, because it is otherwise connected with the problem of God. To know how good a person is, it is enough to know what a lord is. This problem is rendered absurd by those who understand and pose the problem of freedom, and at the same time eliminate it from any sense, since in the presence of God it is no longer so much the problem of freedom as the problem of evil. The alternative is obvious: either we are innocent and the testimony for evil lies with the omnipotent God, or we are free and reliable, but God is not omnipotent.

Subject to text

1. What does Camus consider to be the main criterion for this freedom?

As scholars are familiar with the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Bisi”, it is possible to predict the actions of one of the heroes of the novel - Kirillov: “I have discovered three times the attribute of the deity of the world and know: the attribute of the new one - Svaville!” “If there is no God, then I am God.” In such an order, in order to become free, the requirement to “beat” God, only in this way it is possible not to serve the daily immortal essence, not to lie under the will of God. It is interesting to know from the scholars how the writer himself took this kind of position (often instilled in the jokes of some of the heroes of “The Brothers Karamazov”), how much of his work he gave to Kirilova, Stavrogina, and Ivan Karamazov. It is characteristic that a very real character is similar to the famous hero Ivan Karamazov - the most famous German philosopher of the late 20th century, the most heartfelt champion of God, Friedrich Nietzsche.

Finally, we will highlight the options that can be selected both in this activity and in the case of the selected bags in the entire section.

1. Does Sensi Vikorist understand the concept of “freedom” in the following fragments?

2. How do you understand the words of F. M. Dostoevsky: “There is no more uninterrupted work and more for people, since, having lost their freedom, they can find someone better to show off before”? What does it mean that it is easier for people to follow their will, rather than make good choices and be responsible for their actions? How can we explain the unbreakable struggle of people to freedom, Bagatov’s fight against the oppressors and the Svavilians?

3. Below are fragments from two documents.

List them, indicate their similarity and importance.

“...People become popular and are free and equal in their rights: social distinctions may be based only on the core.

The method of any political association is to preserve the natural and invisible rights of people; These rights are freedom, power, security and oppression...

Freedom lies in the ability to do everything without harming others; Therefore, the restoration of the natural rights of every person does not mean anything other than protecting other members of the marriage with these rights themselves. These boundaries may not be defined by law.”

From the French Declaration of the Rights of the People and the Giant (1789).

All people are considered free and equal in their dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and are obliged to perform one another in the soul of brotherhood.<…>

Every human being has the right to life, to freedom and to personal freedom.<…>

Article 29 (clause 2)

With their rights and freedoms in place, every person is obliged to succumb to such limitations as are established by law, including in order to ensure proper recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and the satisfaction of the just in morality, public order and goodness. in a democratic marriage.

From the Legal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

4. The German philosopher Schelling wrote: “Freedom is a mercy and a blessing that can be grasped like a weeded fruit. Freedom may be guaranteed as clear and immutable as the laws of nature.”

What do you think is the order of the Mav on the VAZ Schelling?

Types of assignments 1–20 include a number, a sequence of numbers, or a word (word formation). Write the responses in the right-hand fields with the assignment number without spaces or other additional symbols.


Write down the word missing from the table.

Viborchi systems


In the row below, you will find the concept of how it is necessary to understand the concepts. Write down this word (word acquisition).

1) mita; 2) tax system; 3) excise tax; 4) progressive scale; 5) Declaration.


Below is a mix of terms. All the stench, in addition to two, is considered to be “deviant behavior.”

1) crime; 2) inspiration; 3) social status; 4) guilt; 5) mobility; 6) evil.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the leading row, then write down the numbers under which terms are indicated.


Choose the correct values ​​in accordance with freedom, necessity and flexibility in people’s activities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Variety of choices limits the freedom of activity of a person.

2. One of the manifestations of the need for human activity is the objective laws of the development of nature.

3. A person's intelligence is determined by the choice of behavioral strategies in different situations.

4. Freedom is not limited to an insane benefit for people and marriage.

5. A person's willingness to evaluate their actions in terms of their benefits for others is one of the manifestations of a sense of respectability.


Establish the relationship between the types of products and the indicated characteristics: before the skin position given in the first section, select the corresponding position of the other section.


How important is the financial and economic regulation of the market that a power can substitute?

1. fight against inflation

2. Foreign loans

3. development of an economical lighting system in secondary school

4. awarding sovereign cities for military successes

5. Improving effective employment

6. Influx of globalization processes


Select the correct measurements based on factors that reflect the effectiveness of production in the market, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The effectiveness of the production process in the minds of the market is driven by the increased benefits of the international field of practice.

2. Before the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of production in the market, it is necessary to introduce new contributions.

3. The increase in the efficiency of production in the market economy is due to government regulation of the cost of production.

4. Investment policy is one of the officials who emphasize the effectiveness of production and the market in mind.

5. The efficiency of production, in the minds of the market, is indicated by hidden development trends.


Set consistency between characteristics and types economical systems


In power Z, most of the enterprises are under private government, while state and municipal enterprises emerge. What other signs indicate that the economy of the country Z is in line with the market type? Write down the numbers under which numbers are indicated.

1. Unprepared forms are actively being stagnated in the processes between enterprises.

2. Prices for goods and services are calculated in relation to the product and proposition.

3. Enterprises have to deal with the problem of resource sharing.

4. Producers of goods and services compete for food supply.

5. Everyone has the right to freely dispose of their property and the space for entrepreneurial and other economic activity not prohibited by law.

6. The state is centralizing the distribution of resources.


The graph shows the situation on the market of perukarsky services: the proposition line S has moved to a new position – S 1 (P – price of the product, Q – quantity of the product).

What factors can cause such a change? Write down the numbers under which numbers are indicated.

1. expansion of boundaries

2. new fashion trends in comb styles

3. reduction in taxes from small businesses

4. discover new ways to take care of your hair

5. change in the profit tax rate


Select the correct markings for social mobility and write down the numbers under what is indicated.

1. Intergenerational mobility is an equal change in social status among different generations.

2. Organized mobility is the movement of people or entire groups uphill, downward or horizontally, as sponsored by the state: for the benefit of the people themselves or without their benefit.

3. Before the horizontal type of mobility, it is necessary to remove the military rank by line.

4. Prior to the vertical type of mobility, the transition of people to the lower social sphere is expected.

5. Social mobility- this is the division of marriage into groups that grow differently in marriage.


For a long time they nourished the inhabitants of the land of Z. They were given food: “What, in your opinion, is the behavior of people connected with, what is dying?” The results of the feeding (% of the number of feedings) are presented as diagrams.

Find out from the given list the ideas that can be worked out based on the diagrams, and write down the numbers under which are indicated.

1. The minority of experienced young people can understand the reason for the behavior that is associated with the influx of social withdrawal.

2. Some of those who respect that the behavior of the person they admire are connected with their way of living, among girls more than among boys.

3. However, some of the food in both groups respects the fact that the behavior that improves is the result of psychological factors in character.

4. Three quarters of the nutrition of the skin group respect that the behavior that is healed is related to the way a person lives.

5. Some of them, which indicate a genetic diversity of behavior that is affected, among girls more than among boys.


Choose the correct sentences about the forms of sovereign government and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The nature of the division is of equal importance between the center and regions and determines the form of sovereign rule.

2. All modern democratic powers are pursuing a republican form of government.

3. Monarchical rule transfers the transfer of power from recessions.

4. Under the republican form of government, the population replaces the monarchical order.

5. In this republic, elections in major election districts are surrounded by a song term.


Establish a relationship between the sign of development (indicated by letters) and the type of economic activity (indicated by numbers).


Rada of the Federation of Federal Elections Russian Federation- The upper house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - to the Parliament of the Russian Federation. Select the lines that mean the newly-important body is subject to Article 102 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

1. Top food about trust in the Order of the Russian Federation

2. significance of the elections of the President of the Russian Federation

3. confirmation of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the regulation of the supervising state

4. significance of elections State Duma up to the Constitution and federal law

5. The purpose for planting and the payment for planting heads Central Bank Russian Federation


What is less important than the over-insurance of the social and economic rights of people and citizens, as enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which numbers are indicated.

1. health declaration

2. the right to rob and buti obranim

3. right to social security for everyone

4. guarantees for ship protection

5. the right to choose a language


You have been asked to prepare a presentation about the system of Ukrainian law. What could be included in the “Criminal Law” slide? Write down the numbers under which the specific positions are indicated.

1. The implementation of the security function of this rule of law will ensure the normal flow of socially-correlated commonwealths, which are regulated by other laws of law.

2. In the event of a punitive violation of the norms of this law, a fine is imposed, in addition to the release of the will.

3. Galusa is right, which unites the legal norms that define what actions are evil, and punish their actions.

4. Each side will agree on the following principles: equality of the parties, common independence, independence, autonomy of will.

5. Business transactions are brought to the attention of the authorities.

6. The government has identified all types of evil as the most unsafe evildoings of people.


Establish consistency between characteristics and types of social norms.


Choose the correct markings for legal culture and write down the numbers under what is indicated.

1. Legal culture – totality legal knowledge, reconfigure the settings of the particularities that are implemented in the process of processing, fusion, and behavior.

2. Legal culture includes those elements of legal knowledge that are associated with political institutions and the practice of their functioning.

3. Legal culture transmits a singing spirit of legal thinking and sensitive understanding of legal action.

4. Legal culture does not include results legal activities as spiritual and material benefits created by people.

5. For evaluation legal culture The most important significance arises from the ancient legality, which has subdued the evil of power.

Read the text below that has missing words. Select from the selected list the words that need to be inserted at the place of overflow.


“A person who actively masters and directly transforms nature, marriage, and herself, ______ (A). All people have their own socially formed and individual expressions _____(B): intellectual, emotional-volitional, moral, etc. Their formation is connected with the fact that _____ (B) in intimate activities with other people learns and changes the world for itself. The process of learning and creating social awareness is simultaneously a process of _____(G). Speciality means a special form of formation and development social connections, To the world and with the world, to yourself and with yourself. Vaughn is characterized by _____ (D), then. Pragues go beyond the boundaries of power, develop, expand the sphere of their activity, open to all the influxes of married life, to all the evidence. This is a person who has her own ____ (E) in life, who shows independence of thought, and is responsible for her choice.”

The words (words) in the list are given in the naming section. Kozhne slovo (slovospoluchennya) mozhe buti vikoristane lishe once.

Choose one word after another, remembering your thoughts and skin gap. Please note that there are more words (words) in the list, you will need the following to fill in the overflows.

List of terms:

1. individual

2. brightness

3. needs

4. Vihovannya

5. position

6. socialization

7. specialness

8. activity

9. Individuality

Part 2.

Write down the assignment number first (28, 29, etc.), and then open the answer to the new one. Write down your statements clearly and legibly.

Read the text and vikonite zavdannya 21-24.

Special and professional education... this form of investment in human capital is absolutely similar to investing pennies in possessions, which are other non-living forms of capital. The function of such an investment is to promote the economic productivity of people. As soon as the investment achieves this result, the benefit of a successful wine business rewards the people with generous payment for their services. This difference in revenue provides an economical incentive to invest capital in the form of a machine or in the form of a person. In both cases, the additional profit is due to the expenses incurred for its recovery. When it comes to special education, the main expenses lie in the income spent during the period of initiation, in the sums of income spent in connection with the contribution of earnings, and in specific expenses for additional education, such as fees for initiation and in spend on accessories and possessions . ..

Investments in human capital cannot be financed in the same minds as easily as investments in physical capital. It doesn’t matter to understand why this is happening. If a long-term position is given to finance the investment in physical capital, the lender will secure the security indestructible lane And the parts that have been lost, for the material assets themselves, and in case of non-payment, can be insured for the sale of a part of their capital investments by way of selling the material assets. As it gives a similar position to the increased profitability of a person, it is obviously impossible to secure similar security... Such investments are inevitably associated with a great risk. The average income can be high, but the average income can be even greater. One obvious reason for decline is death and waste of productivity, but more importantly, perhaps, energy, energy and luck. As a result, if long-term positions are given to those who will be deprived of future earnings, the significant proportion of them will not be reversed...

Whatever the reasons, the market has led to a shortage of investment in human capital. Thus, the state can be treated as a “technical monopoly” (the remainder of the expansion of such capital investments is determined by administrative expenditures), and it is also necessary to correct the situation on the market (the fragments of the markets Whose attack did not reveal any humility).

(M. Friedman)

What is the function professional education named by the author? What is the economic incentive for investment in vocational education? What specific expenditures on lighting improvements need to be covered to ensure the effectiveness of the investment?

Show proof

1) vidpovid on first power supply: improvements in the economic productivity of people;

2) Confirm on the other's power supply: Payment for labor services;

3) 3rd power supply: payment for training, aids and possession. The power supply may be

given in other, similar formulas

Who are the officials who will generate the risk of investment in human capital, according to the author? Vikoristuyuchi text, enter the three factors of the rhyme.

Show proof

The following risk factors may be indicated:

1) it is impossible to secure security in the form of material assets;

2) the death of a person or the loss of their usefulness;

3) importance in wealth, efficiency, luck.

Risk factors may be indicated in other, similar formulations

Show proof

The correct answer may contain the following elements:

1) power supply: during the process of socialization, the individual develops intellectual, social and physical skills necessary for achieving his social roles;

2) social roles and general butts are acceptable:

Study (for example, a first-grader learns to read and write, masters school disciplines; all this will help him learn at different levels of legal and professional education);

A member of the family (for example, fathers teach children the elementary techniques of self-service in everyday life; on this basis, in the future, the child’s lot in the Viconn’s family will increase, working at home and maintaining domestic dominion). Other social roles may be named, other applications may be applied.

Applying for social roles that are shown to have connections with socialization will not be insured at the time of assessment.

Insertion of social roles that are not typical for a child is not covered when assessing the evidence of correctness

The power controls certain aspects of the socialization of individuals. Vikorist's text, knowledge of the married life and facts of married life, provide three explanations of this fact.

Show proof

The following clarifications may be helpful:

1) the power is based on the molded values ​​of the citizens, the singing political culture of the citizens;

2) the state is committed to the promotion of law and order and the development of legal awareness among citizens;


4) the country is focused on the normal functioning of the market, so it prioritizes the development of professional education.

Other clarifications may be provided.

What sense do spouses give to the concept of “employment contract”? Having a good knowledge of the spouse's course, put together two propositions: one proposition to contain information about the age in which in the Russian Federation it is allowed to establish an employment contract for zagal rule, that one proposition that reveals whether it is established Russian legislation guarantee under the terms of the employment contract.

Show proof

The correct answer may contain the following elements:

1) sense understand, for example: an employment contract is an agreement between a worker and a worker, which establishes their mutual rights and obligations; (It may be pointed out differently, closer to the place of meaning and explanation of the sense of understanding.)

2) one proposition with information about the age in which in the Russian Federation it is allowed to formulate an employment contract according to the illegal rule: The formation of an employment contract according to the illegal rule is allowed with persons who have reached the age of 16 years.

(Another proposition may be formed that would place information about the age of the employment contract under the illegal rule.)

3) one proposition, which reveals the basis of knowledge of the course, whether a guarantee has been established by Russian legislation at the time of the conclusion of the employment contract. For example: one of the guarantees established by Russian legislation under the terms of an employment contract is the protection of unpaid work from the established employment contract.

(It is possible to formulate another proposition that reveals, based on knowledge of the course, a guarantee established by Russian legislation at the time of the conclusion of the employment contract.)

Name and illustrate with butts the three main duties of a doctor, secured Labor Code RF.

Show proof

The correct type is at fault Named and illustrated with butts, the military uniform, acceptable:

1) desperately wrap up her work obligations (for example, Olga works as a teacher; she gets ready before classes, checks the sewing of her students then);

2) enforce labor discipline (for example, Leonid never agrees to work);

3) discontinue the established norms of practice (for example, a doctor at a polyclinic receives patients at regular intervals);


5) Dbayno set up to Main Robotodavtsia (set, Fedir pratsuu, the bus; vin piditrima, the cleanliness in Kabіnі Ta Saloni, NOTS PASAZHERS, NOT SLID Psuvati Sidinnya, rosemalvuvati stati in the bus);

6) be sure to inform the robot seller or the frontline worker about the unfortunate situation that poses a threat to people’s lives and health, saving the robot seller’s time (for example, Irina, while at work, smelled smoke, screamed ala pozhezhnikov and confided in the company’s care).

Other equipment may be named and illustrated, other applications may be indicated

In the country Z, a lighting reform is being carried out. Students were given the opportunity to choose special courses and profiles based on their interests and needs. Which development trend does this butt illustrate? Let us point out two powerful examples that illustrate this trend. One of the options for the plan to open this

1) The concept of socialization of the individual.

2) Main stages of socialization:

a) primordial (from childhood to youth);

b) secondary (mastering new social roles in a mature adult).

3) Functions of socialization:

a) mastering the system of knowledge about the world, people and about marriage;

b) acquisition of moral values ​​and ideals;

c) mastering practical skills, beginners, etc.

4) Institutes (agents) of socialization:

a) the importance of the family in the first socialization;

b) the role of education in the socialization of the individual;

c) the influx of yearlings into socialization;

d) ZMI as agents of socialization and others.

5) The importance of socialization in the formation of personality.

There may be other correct formulations of the points and sub-points of the plan. Stinks may be presented in native, nutritional or mixed forms

At the end of the day 29, you can display your knowledge and memory in the place that is most beneficial for you. By this method, select at least ONE from the conditions below (29.1-29.5).

Select one of the options below, open its place in the mini-creation form, indicating, if necessary, various aspects of the problem posed by the author (captured by topics).

When presenting your thoughts on the problem at hand (identified by those), when arguing your point of view, gain knowledge from the course of marriage, other concepts, as well as the facts of marriage and life. viy dosvid. (For the sake of factual argumentation, use at least two butts from different devices.)

29.1. Philosophy“Complete knowledge from now on means the incomprehensible depth of our ignorance.” (R. Milliken)

29.2. Economics“Inflation is one of the forms of taxation that does not require legislative praise.” (M. Friedman)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology “There are many ways to build a career, but the surest of them is to be born to the right family.” (D. Trump)

29.4. Political Science“The freedom of a person begins from the moment when in the power in which he is alive, ceremonies arise praised laws" (K. Jaspers)

29.5. Legal studies“It is impossible to set foot on this entire earth without running into contact with the authority and the borg that must be conquered.” (T. Carlyle)


1. Write down the word missing from the table.

Activity structure

Version: __________.

2. Find out the concept that is useful for deciding to understand the one presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) subject of activity; 2) meta activities; 3) structure of activity; 4) specifics of activity; 5) object of activity.

3. People's needs have been lowered. All the smells, except two, are due to social needs.

1) in labor activity; 2) from the created; 3) creativity; 4) mutually frosty; 5) at the end; 6) at the hedgehog.

4. Select the correct values ​​according to human activity and write down the numbers under which are indicated.

1. The components of the structure of any activity are traits, motives, emotions.

2. Cognitive activity on the communicative transmission helps to understand the terms.

3. Culture is the result of transformative activity.

4. The activity of people in influencing the behavior of creatures is of an informative nature.

5. Labor is the main thread of a person’s life.

Version: __________.

5. Select the correct judgments about self-assessment of specialness and write down the numbers under which are indicated.

1. Self-esteem is the exit point of self-knowledge.

2. A person develops self-esteem by equating himself with others.

3. Self-esteem of specialness is protected as a result of real achievements.

4. People with low self-esteem compare with others only when they become successful.

5. Low self-esteem interferes with the development of leadership traits.

Version: __________.

6. Choose the correct values ​​according to human activity and write down the numbers under which are indicated.

1. A person’s activity is of a creative and transformative nature.

2. Human activity is determined entirely by mental reflexes.

3. In contrast to the behavior of creatures, human activity is oriented toward satisfying the needs of the moment.

4. Human activity is influenced by social needs.

5. The activity of a person is of a strong-willed and intelligent character.

Version: __________.

7. Choose the right product according to your needs.

1. Demand is the need that is experienced by people, in that which is necessary for life.

2. The need for self-realization, self-assertion to meet ideal needs.

3. An example of biological consumption is the need for the world to learn more.

4. The need to serve as a spontaneous motive for activity.

5. The need, call for some kind of object, with any help you can be satisfied with.

Version: __________.

8. It has long been the practice of the people’s masters to rob them of their food everyday life, decorate household items - clothes, washing utensils, kitchen utensils, fishing and watering utensils, furniture. Products from birch bark, wood, ceramics and other objects of decorative art are the results of activity.

1. spiritual and practical

2. social and transformational

3. creative

4. cognitive

5. prognostic

6. Individual

Version: __________.

9. Choose the correct values ​​according to the human nature of the individual and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. A person’s personality as a particularity manifests itself to us first in the particularities of thought and memory.

2. People, as special people, are ahead of the power of adding social benefits.

3. A person, as a person, is characterized by the interruption of mental processes.

4. A person’s personality as a particularity manifests itself to us before his participation in the life of a marriage.

5. Human beings, as a special character, are first characterized by diminished jaundicedness.

Version: __________.

10. Establish consistency between different types of needs and needs of people



1) spiritual (ideal)

B) at the spilkuvanna

B) they have new knowledge

2) social

D) in a suppository wife

3) biological (natural)

D) in the air for dihannya

Write down the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the table.

11. Select the correct markings for the activity and write down the numbers under which are indicated.

1. Activities related to satisfying the needs of people, social groups, and spouses.

2. Creative activity is inherent in both people and creatures.

3. The result of work activity creates material and spiritual values.

4. The same type of activity may appeal to different motives of people.

5. The structure of the activity conveys the clarity of the goals and abilities of its achievements.

Version: __________.

12. Choose the correct words about the person and write down the numbers under which names are indicated.

1. Before spiritual (ideal) needs, people traditionally include the needs of wind, food, and maintaining normal heat exchange.

2. Before natural (biological) needs, people bring the needs of the world known to the fullest light, attainable harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic creativity, etc.

3. Activity is a specific way of human life.

4. The consumer is the experience of human consumption, which requires support for life and the development of specialness.

5. Only people know how to create unnecessary benefits and values.

Version: __________.

13. Kirilov 17 rokiv. Find out from the given list of rices what characterizes him as special. Write down the numbers under which numbers are indicated.

1. Kiril has light hair and black eyes.

2. Kiril’s height – 180 cm.

3. Kirilo helps the fathers look after their ailing grandmother.

4. Kirilo takes up athletics.

5. Kirilo is a kind and thoughtful person.

6. Kirilo is off to a good start at school.

Version: __________.

14. Galina 16 rocks. Find in the following list the rice (yaks) that can be cooked social character. Write down the numbers under which numbers are indicated.

1. Galina has light hair and brown eyes.

2. Galina is kind and smart.

3. Galina is a very attractive girl.

4. Galini’s growth is below average.

5. Galina is an honest person.

6. Galina is friends with a lot of her classmates.

Version: __________.

15. Claudia is preparing to travel to Spain. She learns the Spanish language, reads books about the history and culture of Spain, and consults the knowledge of Spanish mythology on Internet forums. She had already planned her route and added a ticket. Find out from the given list the functions that Claudius uses to reach the mark, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. learning the Spanish language

2. purchasing a tourist voucher

3. Copying on the Internet

4. reading books about Spain

5. knowledge of Spanish mysticism

6. make Spain more expensive

Version: __________.

16. Select the correct values ​​in accordance with freedom, necessity and reliability in a person’s activity and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Variety of choices limits the freedom of activity of a person.

2. One of the manifestations of the need for human activity is the objective laws of the development of nature.

3. A person's intelligence is determined by the choice of behavioral strategies in different situations.

4. Freedom is not limited to an insane benefit for people and marriage.

5. A person's willingness to evaluate their actions in terms of their benefits for others is one of the manifestations of a sense of respectability.

Version: __________.

17. Vasil starts at school and around the beginning he starts choking with paintings, checks, sports games. In other words, the field of his activity is wide. What components are included in the activity structure? Select the required items from the list provided and write down the numbers under those indicated.

4. Possibility

5. results

Version: __________.

18. Find out the human power that affects social nature:

    building up to the development of creative activities;

    the pursuit of self-realization;

    remember to reach out to natural minds;

    Steadily look at the world and your place with someone;

    the need for water, water, and repair;

    building up to self-saving

Version: __________.

19. Ivan finished his lecture on the topic: “Human life as a result of biological social evolution" He was written from the sidekick of rice, a powerful man. How do they overcome the specifics of the social nature of people in favor of the creature? Write down the numbers under which numbers are indicated.

    recovery of objects given by nature

    date until completion

    turbo about offspring

    pristosuvannya to the minds of Dovkill

    Prague brings to light the extra light

    spilkuvannya for help with articulation

Version: __________.

20. Read the text below that has missing words. Select from the selected list the words that you need to replace the overflows.

“Peculiarities of character, special talents and a zeal of extraordinary talent flow into the other direction of the development of life-giving _____ (A) and into one’s living-being, fruitfulness, fruitfulness. The pace of growth and maturation is influenced by the way of life, methods of _____ (B) (play, sports, education), work and family behavior, the presence or severity of stress, the most important of which are _____ (B), etc. All these factors may be significant as the moments of formation of the ______ (d) subject. The concept of “responsibility” is the most important internal _____ (D) of its activity. It seems likely that the borg manifests itself in people’s willingness to follow the rules of ______ (E), to evaluate their undertakings in terms of their inheritance for those who have left.”

The words in the list are given in the name form. Kozhne word mozhe buti vikoristane leshe once. Choose one word after another, keeping your thoughts in mind and the skin gap. Please note that there are more from the list below, you will need to fill the overflows.

List of terms:

1. marriage

2. people

3. conflict situations

4. Inter-Socialist Centuries

5. activity

6. specialness

7. regulator

9. sanctions

Read the text and vikonite zavdannya 21-24.

Socialization is a broad process that includes the development of skills, memories, knowledge, and the formation of values, ideals, norms and principles social behavior.

The newborn has all the biological changes of mind and becomes a participant in social ties and mutual relations. But every social power is not innate - social awareness, values, sense of conscience and honor, etc. not genetically encoded and transmitted. The implementation of these changes of mind, their instillation in the song of social rage, power lies with the middle ground of mutual interaction between people.

The other side of the connection between the biological organism and the social environment, which is important for the process of socialization, is the stages of formation and development of the spiritual light of the particularity, forms and terms of its mastery of social could, chill out. Let's talk about the chronological progression of the optimal term of acquisition social values, norms of behavior with biological development of specialness

One should not think that the process of socialization is less effective in children or youthful rocks. Incredibly, the foundation of spiritual development is being created in young people. However, for all its significance, this basis has an important emotional-valuable component. Only those who have entered an independent life in adulthood, taking part in rich social connections, the individuality actively shapes its graces, understanding itself what to live in. Process nabutya, development

The people of the social authorities really do not know the age-old cordons. Social roles change, as does the new feature: marriage, retirement, etc. require new functions; The skin's natural status-role disruption in life has the ability to bring a new spiritual image.

Socialization of adults seems to be dramatic, but socialization in youth, although most often it is not noticeable. In the spiritual development of people of an older age, the role of independent analysis and assessment of current social minds, etc.

Features of mass information are often impossible to give direct information to the information of the individual, who is faced with the need to reconfigure, evaluate the already formed features.

The real spiritual life of specialness is the interaction between the external social world and the internal authorities of specialness. The external world interacts with the unique living evidence of specialness, giving rise to the unity of the typical and unique in it.

(A.G. Efendiev)

21. Reveal two aspects of the biological and social connection in the process of socialization of individuality.

22. How is socialization characterized in adulthood? Explain two features of this process.

23. What is the institution of socialization of guessing in the text? Based on useful knowledge, bring up another one and indicate any other function (besides socialization).

25. What sense do spouses give to the concept of “activity”? Having a good understanding of the course, put together two propositions: one proposition that contains information about the types of activity, and one proposition that reveals the essence of one of the types of activity.

26. The concept of “specialness” is important to us in advance of those qualities that were formed in a person in the process of living under the influx of coexistence with others. Concretize this “book” insistence with the help of three butts to infuse social emphasis on people. In the skin of three types, name the viscosity and indicate under the infusion of what it was formed.

27. A prominent psychologist gave a lecture to students about the commonwealth of people, saying that the commonwealth cannot escape from a particular activity. Explain this psychologist’s thesis. Let us assume that this thesis emphasizes the role of natural inclinations in the development of human abilities. As has always been the case, there has been talk about the role of natural and social factors in the development of human abilities.

28. You have been entrusted with preparing a heated speech on the topic “Activity and thought.” Put together a plan, depending on how you highlight this topic. The plan must meet at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in the sub-points.


1. meta

13. 3456

10. 32123

11. 1345

15. 1234

20. 253678

21. 1) biological ideas for the formation of social characteristics of particularity are realized only in interaction with the social environment;

2) the optimal terms for the acquisition of social values ​​are consistent with the songs biological stages development of specialness.

22. 1) socialization during life proceeds more dramatically;

2) in a mature person, the role of independent analysis of the situation is advancing.

23. 1) the text of the Institute of Socialization is named: features of mass information;

2) another institution has been established, for example, the family;

3) another function has been assigned, perhaps Gospodar-pobutov’s.

24. 1) without mastering the norms and values ​​accumulated by humanity until now, the individual cannot become special;

2) social evidence is not simply accepted by the people, but is “melted” into individual characteristics, characteristics of the power of transformation, orientation;

3) the acceptance of social values ​​is shared by the individual with the focus on the transformation of marriage; the creative potential of the individual is inextricably linked with its individual characteristics.

25. 1) sense understanding, for example: “the activity of a person is directly satisfied with needs and regulated by an informed method”;

2) one proposition with information about the types of activity that are related to the knowledge of the course, for example: “There is a rich classification of human activity, including the presence of three types of conductors iv: pratsya, vchennya, gra”;

3) one proposition that reveals the essence of one of the types of activity, for example: “Before you focus on acquired knowledge, you need to learn that skill.”

26. 1. accuracy - a teacher of cob classes to teach a child to write neatly and beautifully;

2. responsibility - fathers, depriving the older brother of watching over the younger brother, form responsibility for him decisions made the same ingredients;

3. Directness of purpose - the example of a businessman, which is an achievement of success for the development of one’s special qualities and acquired knowledge, inspiring a high school student to successfully graduate and enter a prestigious university.

27. 1. It is already clear from the meaning of the concept of “disturbances” that stinks cannot arise from a particular activity, because Advantages are individual characteristics that help her successfully engage in singing activities.

2. No, it won’t be blocked.

3. For the development of human abilities, however, nature is important social officials, because Considering the looming wealth of the people, people can promote them beyond their great social minds.

28. 1. Activity as a way of human life and marriage.

2. Structure of activity:

a) subject;

b) object;

d) motives;

e) dії;

e) result.

3. Types of activities:

a) gra, spilkuvannya, vchennya, pratsyu;

b) material (material-viral, social-transformative);

c) spiritual (cognitive, value-oriented, prognostic).

4. Mystery as a process of cognitive activity.

5. Mystery is the basis of rational knowledge.

6. See the miscellaneous:

a) verbally logical;

b) scientifically similar;

c) scientifically-dieve

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