How to prepare chicken breast puree soup.


2017-11-29 Pokrov's recipes for preparing the most basic creamy soup from chicken and potatoes following the classic recipe, with pecheritsy, capers, toppings and toppings.

Marina Danko





100 grams of finished herb

4 gr.

3 gr.

In carbohydrates

2 gr.

54 kcal.

Option 1: European classic recipe for creamy chicken and potato soup

Puree soups, with wider plates in European cuisine, are not so popular among the Slovenian peoples.

This kind of herb is better for the main seasoning soups.:

  • First of all, the puree soup is long enough to finish, which means it’s fast and you’re hungry for the last hour.
  • In another way, it is customary to treat chicken with children’s meat, and therefore such soups can be given to both adults and children.
  • Thirdly, it’s even more delicious!
  • The most extensive is the classic version of chicken puree soup with potatoes.
  • You can wait until you're alive, and you'll miraculously survive.
  • This soup-puree is rich in color for people with problems with etching, and it miraculously helps people feel happy in the post-operative period.
  • warehouses
  • small chicken carcass - 1 kg;

great cibulina;

five potatoes;

licorice morkvina;

leek stem;

celery and parsley - a small amount;

bay leaf;

Place the chicken and vegetables from the pan into a bowl and blend with a blender.

Season with ground pepper and add hot broth.

Pour in the glasses as needed to bring the soup to the required consistency.

Place the saucepan of pureed soup on the stove, bring to a boil and knead.

This kind of herb is better for the main seasoning soups.:

  • Option 2: Homemade Swedish recipe for creamy chicken and potato soup
  • For shvidko creamy soup, choose your own chicken fillet.
  • This kind of meat can be cooked for literally 25 minutes, and if you slice it later, then it’s swedish.
  • chicken white meat – 200 gr.;
  • three medium potatoes;
  • not even a spoonful of butter;
  • small carrot;

small cibulina;

two bottles of white loaf;

a sprig of fresh crop.

Yak shvidko prepared cream soup with chicken and potatoes

The cleaned fillet is washed with cold water.

Cut into small pieces, place in a saucepan, add a liter of water and place on a heating plate.

Without bringing it to a boil, remove the pina from the broth.

After peeling the potatoes, rinse the bulbs and cut them into pieces of sufficient size.

We lower the potatoes into the broth, and after boiling, cook the chicken together with the potatoes over low heat, covering with a lid, so as not to let the steam escape.

While the potatoes and fillets are cooking, we clean the cibulin and finely chop it.

Clean the carrots and grate them into the middle third.

This kind of herb is better for the main seasoning soups.:

  • Fry the vegetables in a frying pan with a little oil until golden.
  • You can add them to the soup without basting, but without sautéing it will add more rich flavor and color.
  • Place the mixture in a saucepan until the potatoes are ready, and boil the soup over low heat for another 10 minutes.
  • In a dry frying pan, grease the loaf into small cubes until golden brown.
  • We add chicken from the saucepan with soup.
  • three medium potatoes;
  • Cut the fillet into small pieces and place it back into the soup.
  • A decal of shmatochki can be removed to add in portions.
  • tops, fat content 12% - half a bottle.

Prepare yak

First, wash the gomilki and cook them until ready with added salt.

The broth requires two liters of water.

Having cleared the pond, wash the mushrooms and cut them into slices.

Add cibulin using thin scrapers and grate the carrots onto a third grater.

Melt the oil over a small fire and brush the cibul and carrots.

In a large frying pan, on top of the oil, brush with the pecheritsa.

Remove from the saucepan, place in a boiling broth, bring the vegetables to a boil, and simmer over low heat until near the end.

Once the stench has softened well, remove it and transfer it to the blender bowl, more details.

This kind of herb is better for the main seasoning soups.:

  • Before the puree, add a liter of broth and tops, add chicken, grease the mushrooms and sauteed vegetables.
  • In a dry frying pan, grease the loaf into small cubes until golden brown.
  • Once the soup is thickened, add broth.
  • Stir thoroughly and bring to a boil.
  • Mushrooms, greased cutlets and carrots can, like other components, be mixed with the main mass or add more detail to one part of it.
  • Option 4: Spicy creamy soup with chicken and potatoes with capers
  • A version of creamy chicken soup-puree.
  • The recipe for the third is modified from the previous one.
  • The chicken fillet is not boiled, but coated in a little butter, and instead of the broth we use water.
  • Capers will add some piquancy to the herb.

350 gram chicken fillet;

cybula - small head;

45 gr.

root celery;

low-fat toppings;

a tablespoon of capers;

25 gr.


Option 5: The lowest puree soup with chicken and potatoes with top cheese

Another version of the popular creamy chicken and potato soup.

This kind of herb is better for the main seasoning soups.:

  • The first strawberry cheese has top-notch relish, let’s smear it with the vegetables for a while.
  • chicken broth - two liters;
  • 250 g white chicken meat;
  • potatoes - three small bulbs;
  • one morkvina, a chasnik and a little cibulin;
  • Sir “Philadelphia” – 180 gr.;

Prepare yak

Light crackers with chasnik relish.

We peel carrots, two small cloves of chasnik and cibulin.

After rinsing with water, cut the cibulin into thin slices, and the chasnik with carrots with a fine grater.

Lubricate the ear with top oil until the ear opens.

Having added the carrots with a chasnik, simmer under the lid until golden.

When the broth is boiling vigorously, add chopped fillets.

After boiling up to 20 khvilins over low boil, add a few scraps of potato and add salt.

Having brought to a boil, cook the potatoes until softened.

Before the potatoes are ready, add basil, carrots and cheese.

Let the little ones know the herbs of the “grown-up” table, the chicken soup will be easy for the baby and immediately rich.

However, so that the grass does not lose its grub value and does not spoil the bark, it is important to cook it correctly.

There are song nuances here. So, if you are about to add vegetables to the chicken puree soup, you should do this already at the final stage, and heat-treat the products. So it’s better to save the brown elements in your warehouse.

However, the main component of the soup has its own subtleties -

chicken broth:

  1. .
  2. Cook some parts of the bird carcass - savor it.
  3. It’s more important that the amount of fat in poultry meat is still low (no more than 9%), and the axis of brown proteins is about the fifth part of the fat.
  4. The calorie content of various cuts and carcasses can range between 164-241 Kcal.
  5. All at once you need to boil 5-7 chickens, then remove from the stove and prepare before serving.

The puree soup is poured into portioned bowls and garnished with greased croutons or chopped herbs.

This kind of herb is better for the main seasoning soups.

  • Chicken puree soup can be enjoyed as a lunch for both children and adults - it’s rich, tasty, and very easy to prepare.
  • For the broth, you can use chicken meat on a brush, for example, steno or stegenze, or you can get by with chicken fillet - this is a dietary option.
  • It is also better to add cream to the soup, potatoes, and other vegetables – for example, traditional dressing with cybulette and carrots.
  • If you want the most dietary option, there is no need to grease the vegetables - just bake them in a dry frying pan.
  • 250 g chicken meat
  • 2–3 cartoplini
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cibulin
  • 1 tbsp.
  • l.
  • Oils for lubrication

1/5 tsp.

dried thyme

1/2 tsp.


1/5 tsp.

ground coriander

2–3 bay leaves

1 liter of water

1–2 sprigs of fresh herbs for serving

  • Preparation
  • 1. Cut the chicken meat into small pieces, carefully cutting off all the parts.
  • Place the chops into a saucepan, add a bunch of bay leaves, salt, spices, herbs.
  • Add water and place on fire.
  • After boiling water, remove the heat and cook the broth over low heat.
  • 2. While the broth is cooking, peel and cut the potatoes into pieces.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the bay leaves from the broth and add the potatoes to the pan.
  • 3. Chop the peeled carrots fairly, but not too large.

Chop the peeled cibul into small pieces.

  1. 4. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, sauté the carrots and zibula for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  2. The potatoes are cleaned and washed well.
  3. Then it is cut into small cubes and placed in a saucepan with the trigger.
  4. Now let's get on with the lubrication.
  5. Tsibul in detail, rub the peeled carrots on a large third.
  6. Now everything is put into the frying pan and sautéed.
  7. When our lubricant is ready, add it to the pan.
  8. As soon as the soup comes to a boil, add salt and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  9. The cooking time is approximately 20 minutes.
  10. Now let’s boil the chicken fillet in salted water.

The meat is removed from the broth, if cold, and cut into cubes.

While we were boiling the chicken, we were preparing the soup.

Now add the broth, and place the leftover vegetables and meat in a blender and puree everything.

  • Add the tops until the porridge has been scraped off and beat it again.
  • After boiling water, remove the heat and cook the broth over low heat.
  • Then we will add the broth that was left over after boiling the chicken, so that the soup will add the required consistency.
  • That's all!
  • Our dish is ready, pour into plates, decorate with herbs and add trouts of boiled chicken.
  • Potato puree soup with chicken, with a traditional recipe that we are already familiar with, you can learn a little.
  • 3. Chop the peeled carrots fairly, but not too large.

Don’t bother with experiments, try adding canned corn, pecheritsa, broccoli, sochevitsa, almonds.

Sirny cream soup with chicken

To prepare this no less savory herb, you need the following ingredients:

chicken meat (preferably fillet) – 400 g;

  • 2 potatoes;
  • 150 g durum syru;
  • pepper;
  • melting sir;
  • The products have been prepared and can now be printed immediately.
  • Place the chicken fillet in a saucepan of water, potatoes cut into 4 pieces and peeled carrots.

Once again, let’s start with meat.

The fillet is cut into pieces and boiled in water.

For the indicated quantity of chicken meat, we need 1 liter of liquid.

After about 20 minutes, remove the fillet from the saucepan.

The broth cannot be simmered because we boil the cabbage and cibul in it.

  • Cut the trace first.
  • You can put green peas there too.
  • Cook vegetables khvilin 10. Using a blender, you need to blend chicken fillet, broccoli, broccoli and peas.
  • The puree-like porridge is turned back into the broth and brought to a boil.
  • This is where we finish the preparation.
  • Salt and pepper for relish.
  • Blender/food processor.

The remaining “ingredient” seems less necessary, so you can simply try boiling the vegetables, rub them through a sieve, pass the two meats through a meat grinder, but as a result you will not waste the same It’s amazing how it’s used under the name “blender”, and in just a few seconds, saving you a couple of hours.

So, let’s start by rinsing our chicken breast under water (otherwise it was with unknown hands that this breast was packaged), removing the skin (like a breast on a brush) and placing it in cold water.

Bring to a boil, pour in the first broth, pour in the breast again (you can boil water in a kettle and pour hot water over the breast, this will speed up the cooking process).

Add coarsely chopped cabbage, carrots, bring to a boil and change the heat (to medium, so that the broth does not actively boil, so that it does not gurgle J), ​​after 5-10 simmer the frozen vegetable sum.

After 3-5 minutes, add salt and pepper to the soup until relished.

Cook everything until ready. To assess the readiness of the soup products, you need to pierce the largest piece of carrot with a knife, as it will peel off the knife without your effort, then all other ingredients are also ready.

We knead our soup, remove the chicken and cut it into small pieces, put it in a blender together with the vegetables and broth and beat it to a smooth consistency.

If the soup is rich, and the blender is small, you can beat the vegetables with meat and broth in 2-3 stages, then prepare the puree with a saucepan prepared behind you.