How can I withdraw my DAAD scholarship to study at a university in Nimechchyn?

Aesthetic cosmetology The current Russian student knows that you can live on a scholarship for a whole month, or just a little. It’s hard to hear stories about those that “I could get a ticket from your friend for a scholarship to fly to another place, live there for a day and fly home,” but not the mother of such possibility.

It’s a waste of pennies, as the state sees it for a student, it’s unlikely that he can get a ticket for the intercity bus, so they’re talking about a flight. However, in addition to the standard state academic and state social scholarship There are clearly few alternative ways to increase your student income. For example, named personal scholarships. So scholarship named after A.I. Solzhenitsyn paid 10 for the youngest students

regions that begin in the branches of journalism, literature and political science. The monthly sum is 1500 rubles, the payment period is 12 months. The criteria for selecting fellows are simple: a start on “good” and “excellent” for the entire hour, a start on literary creativity and (or) scientific research in Galusia

literary creativity , political science and journalism scholarships named after E.T. Gaidar

Approximately the same thoughts, but it is awarded to students of economics faculties. The thousands of sums that the students receive are awarded Yu.D.Maslyukov scholarships , also costs 1,500 rubles, otherwise you can get five more lucky ones. in the field of literature and journalism.

Here the minds are serious: the student is responsible for being the author of a literary work, first published over 2 years, in order to receive an important scholarship, being a winner or winner of the international, all-Russian, regional or It's different.

However, the amount is standard - 1,500 rubles per person for 10 scholarships. To avoid over-insurance of personal scholarships, you need to build on the “good” and “excellent” and provide low documents to complete your initial achievements. Taking one of these scholarships is very prestigious, but not so much to improve

financial situation . However, there are other options. For example, take part in the selection that Volodymyr Potanin’s charitable foundation is soon organizing.

“The scholarship program is the most great project V. Potanin's charitable foundation

, which dates back to 2000 years. During the implementation of the program, scholarships and grants were awarded to 17 thousand students and graduates from 83 universities in Russia. Scholarships and grant recipients of the Foundation share the following values: an active position in life, creativity, the importance of changing oneself and changing one’s life,” as reported on the foundation’s website.

The Potanin Foundation is rightfully considered unique; students all over Russia become its scholarship recipients, which is a great success. And, of course, the penny support is not worth it - a nominal scholarship in the amount of 15,000 rubles until the end of the term. Unfortunately, as of 2013, master’s students will no longer be able to take part in the competition.

Students who are majoring in finance, credit and international economics can compete for scholarship to VTB Bank(2300 rubles). Students who are engaged in scientific research activities may be subject to scholarship to Rosatom the size is 5000 rubles, and those who begin on the “Architecture and everyday life” directive - scholarship to the Foundation for the development of living standards

(5000 rubles). Scholarship Oxford Russian Foundation (3500 rubles) can please students who will learn directly: history, archeology, history and theory of mysticism, cultural studies, secular literature, political science, law, psychology, , philology, philosophy, economics, ethics and religion. And sociology students can determine

scholarship to the VTsIOM Foundation for sizes 2500 or 3500 rubles. The program “Lift in May” will greatly benefit hundreds of students of various specialties (5,000 rubles).

Well, that's not all, it turns out

scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation (2200 rubles) and Government of the Russian Federation (1400 rubles), and Presidential (7000 rubles) and Government (5000 rubles) scholarships, which are awarded to students and graduate students, which begin priority modernization economics directly, for special scientific achievements. It turned out that there are not so few ways to increase your initial scholarship, such as being active, talented and having good success in your studies.

Have fun! Submission of applications for participation in these programs is possible through Veddil academic mobility

Department of External Relations.

Presidential Scholarship

  • Russian Federation
  • for navchannya behind the cordon
  • The program transfers financial support to undergraduate and postgraduate students outside the border for 1 semester to one year.
  • The scholarship includes expenses for education, visa, medical insurance, travel and accommodation.

Vimogi to candidates:

hulks of the Russian Federation;

Grant programs within the framework of the regular benefits of the Russian Federation from foreign countries (list of countries presented on the website) for the organization of academic mobility provide students, postgraduates and graduates with training or internships outside the border, That is why I will often pay for the cost of the receiving side.

Candidates and the procedure for participating in the competition will depend on the mobility program.

Catalog of program presentations on the website of the Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The programs are coordinated by the Ministry.

The Department of Academic Mobility informs the Department of External Relations about current competitions and provides support in the preparation of necessary documents.

Grant program for the District of the Republic of Tatarstan "Algarish"

Since 2006, the republic has initiated the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N.

Minnikhanov is implementing a grant program for the Republic of Tatarstan for the training, retraining and internship of citizens in Russian and foreign scientific and scientific organizations.

There is no such thing as a regional program of this kind in Russia. Students can withdraw a grant for studying abroad within the framework of advanced diploma programs from the partner university KFU, as well as for starting master's programs with a completed diploma.

Graduates, graduates and scientists can withdraw a grant for completing an overseas internship (from 1 to 3 months).

Detailed information about benefits for candidates, the application procedure, etc.

Presidential Scholarship

The variety of countries, universities and disciplines participating in the program can be found on the Program website. availability of bachelor's/faculty's qualifications; a document confirming entry/enrollment in master's and postgraduate programs with a foreign official;

together with brain programs, including continuing your career with leading

There is a lot of information on the Internet about various scholarship programs, but before you find the right one, you will have to read dozens of sites, including German and English.

Deutsch-online presents a selection of the most popular funds and grants for the development of Russian language - for whom, in what terms, in what size, the same scholarship is available.

Let's go!

1. DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)

Perhaps, with the largest available fund, to what extent they want to go to the beginning of Germany. Otrimati DAAD scholarship

realistically, we’re not talking about five or six, and we’re not talking about 30-50 scholarships, like some other foundations.
Nearly hundreds of scholarship recipients from Russia, as well as from the regions of many countries (and not less) are going to begin before Germany for various programs of this fund.
The German Academic Exchange Foundation or DAAD provides scholarships and grants for various categories of candidates:
- programs for students
- programs for postgraduate studies (Master’s degree or Master’s program) — programs for graduate students and young adults- passzhennya

initial practice at the enterprise of Nimechchina Students can apply for travel before the summer

I go to school

But it will take a semester to get started at a German university. In addition, senior German students can win a scholarship from the Pedagogical Exchange Service and travel to Germany for the entire month and contribute Russian language to a German school.Student journalists can also try their hand at applying for an internship with Nimechchina for up to three months. In general, DAAD has no different programs on different terms and for different directions.

Having received a Russian diploma, you can continue your studies in Nimecchina: DAAD offers various scholarship programs for economists, creative arts graduates, and other specialties.

For upcoming master's students (German: Master), perhaps the widest profile in search. The mind is important

garnished rhubarb

Whether it is a Bachelor or Master program, a classical university or the University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) - practically anyone can apply for Deutschlandstipendium.

This scholarship is financed half from the funds of sponsoring companies (Robert Bosch, SAP, BASF), half from the federal budget.

A great advantage of this program lies in the close contact with enterprises, which would like to materially support the upcoming talented fachists, and the opportunity to take part in seminars held by the sponsoring enterprise, and programs for students.

When selecting applications for the Deutschlandstipendium, the level of success, special family status (orphans, students with disabled children or close relatives, foreign students), as well as the active participation of the candidate in social and cultural life are taken into account schools/vishu/places.

On the plus side, there are various awards and prizes, for example, prizes for sports achievements and prizes at the Olympics.

Detailed information can be found on the website of a specific German institution (the application must be submitted not through the scholarship fund’s website, but through the institution’s coordinator).

Marvel at how you can list your university before the universities participating in the program

(The version of the site is also available in English).

The amount of the scholarship is small, but 300 euros per month adds up the allowance to the student budget and allows you to spend more than an hour studying. 3. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Who the program is aimed at: students and postgraduate students no older than 30 years of age who are planning to start at Nimechchina.

Not included in this group are students who are planning to start at the Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, as well as students of creative specialties who have not completed a creative degree. entrance exam.

Applications are accepted by mail, if the application arrives after the stated term, it will not be considered, then the terms of delivery of correspondence from the regions of Russia to Germany (in from two to six years). What is covered when selecting candidates: final grades from school and university plus active participation in social welfare and political life

Since your brothers are actively involved in the political life of the country and are involved in international contributions, this scholarship is an ideal option for you, and it does not matter what specialty you begin.

Golovnya - put together a competent motivation sheet and prepare documentary evidence of all your achievements, participation in party elections and membership in large organizations.

After finishing the program, you will have to do a little more work and write a report on how the program helped you to achieve your goals and continue to be politically and socially focused.

A report on the terms and conditions of the scholarship program can be read at


4. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

The selection for scholarship programs for the Heinrich Böll Foundation will be carried out every day on the river: right from the beginning of spring and spring.

Unfortunately, the selection of applications for the ongoing 2014 process has already ended.

In 2015, all foreign students who have previously attended school or university in one of the countries that are not part of the European Union (Russia, Ukraine, That's it). Only Master programs can be funded for this program and post-graduate studies for the Bachelor program, unfortunately, are not funded. It is important to submit your application immediately before starting or, most importantly, during the first semester. Obov'yazkova wash is a good rhubarb with water from German wash (type B2), the remainder of the selection round for this scholarship takes place on

German mine . It is also important to submit two recommendation sheets (for example, in the deposit box) on a special).

organization form. Those who share its ideas and present their projects and ideas have a high chance of becoming a fellow of this foundation.

You can read the report about the fund and how to accept applications

(German or

The Rosie Luxemburg Foundation encourages young students and postgraduate students to take active civic positions through the promotion of political literacy, democratic values, social justice and solidarity, as well as equality and social affiliation and behavior.

This foundation is close to its ideology of the “Left” party and will want approximately 150 active students and graduate students urgently.

Important considerations in the selection of candidates: admission to the state high initial mortgage of Germany, a diploma of completed higher education (Bachelor - Bachelor, Diplom - diploma, Staatsexamen - holding), outstanding success, very good reputation Volodinya is a German mine, and also an active part in life Political and civil organizations are similar to the ideology of the foundation. For whom this scholarship is not suitable: for senior students in the “pre-graduate” phase, as well as for anyone who is starting a bachelor’s degree or completing their first graduate degree. A semester outside the border (not in Germany) and stay in the Russian Federation also do not support funding.

The scholarship amount is 750 euros per month, in addition you can see about 20 euros for books and

chief aides, as well as deductibles for medical insurance up to a maximum of 65 euros. Deadline for submitting an application: deadline is the 15th of the month for those who want to withdraw the scholarship from the doomsday quarter and the 15th of the month for those who want to withdraw the funding from the year.On the side of the site you can find

overflow all documents required for submitting an application, and also read more about the fund itself.

One more

important moment

For those wishing to submit an application: please ask in advance for a letter of recommendation and a copy of all certificates and diplomas, and also send one photograph and one copy along with other documents.

6. Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung

One of the main goals of establishing a foundation named after Alexander von Humboldt is to encourage the development of cultural interaction and dialogue between countries. This fund encourages active young people with outstanding merits of the Academy, who play an important role in the development of their region, as well as Germany.(politics, media and media, administration, social-civil and cultural activities), who may be looking for enlightenment and evidence of work and are ready to continue to develop their project in collaboration with There is also another organization from the German side.

This program, named after the Federal Chancellor, provides funding ranging from 2,150 to 2,750 euros per month, as well as an individual mentor, as well as participation in seminars and projects in support of this and children, including courses for them.


More details This fund is also Various scholarship programs

for undergraduate studies and scientific research activities.

7. Copernicus Stipendium

This scholarship will be useful to those who are currently still a student in Russia and one of the countries of the SND and will think about those who would not like to spend one semester in Germany in one of the three German places of Berlin, Hamburg or Munich. Participants in this program are required to take the course basic programs at the university, and practice for business and organization towards the final part of his stay in Germany. Students live in guest houses or student housing.

The fund takes over the cost of living expenses

utility services

, insurance, food and other expenses necessary for life, and also pays 220 euros for the cost of travel, visa and travel to Germany.

What do you expect from the upcoming scholarships? Our dear brothers actively participate in the Copernicus Foundation's program of visits to the world, as well as voluntary volunteer activities in Russia and other countries, which you can document when applying for a scholarship.

An important requirement for participation in the program is also your knowledge of German language (level B2-C1) and at least three successfully completed semesters at your university.

This foundation provides a variety of scholarship programs to finance education.

As part of the main selection, applicants with an average certificate grade of at least 2.0 in the German grading system (equivalent to “good”) can apply for the BAFöG and can also receive confirmation of entry Whom am I hanging?

Unfortunately, foreigners with paragraph 16 and 18 on a residence permit (entrant or student visa) cannot apply for the BAFöG, but they can apply for another scholarship to this fund.

  • Foreign students can receive a scholarship of up to 650 euros per month plus additional assistance to pay for medical insurance.
  • Students with children can pay 276 euros in addition to the basic scholarship amount.
  • In order to receive a scholarship, it is important to confirm a good level of German education: no less than DSH-2, Test DaF-4 or Certificate C 1 to the Goethe-Institut.
Terms of application: for Bachelor students no later than three semesters before graduation from the university (for example, if 7 semesters begin, you need to submit an application before the 4th semester);

for Master students until 30.05 for the beginning of the summer semester and until 30.11 for the beginning of the winter semester, you can submit an application only before the first hour of the first semester; for diploma students (Diplom, as well as Magister or Staatsexamen) - latest until the end of the 6th semester. More detailed information about the fund and its program is on the scholarship website at

German or English languages. In addition, if you want to start in graduate school, you can scholarship

up to 1000 euros from this fund.

Unfortunately, this foundation does not provide financial support for the specialty “Medicine”.

If you choose any other direction and decide to use your best efforts and still submit an application, the y axis

Those who graduated from school outside of Nimecchina can apply for funding for Master's studies as early as the first semester.

The size of the scholarship for this category does not depend on the income of the father and becomes a maximum of 597 euros per month for EU citizens and a maximum of 750 euros for the rest.

You can additionally deduct 300 euros for books and basic aids. Applications are accepted until the 1st of March for the start of the upcoming winter semester, for example, in the beginning of the semester, interviews with associate professors are conducted, and in the beginning of the semester, selection tours are held. In the other half of the tree, the lucky ones receive confirmation of the scholarship. Tim, if you want to try your hand at getting this scholarship, we recommend reading

additional information on foundation website.

The section “Nutrition and Types” reports

describe yourself What documents are required to apply for this scholarship? 10. Other scholarships

Various federal states and localities have their own “local” programs and scholarships.

Federal land Baden-Württemberg has funds for promising undergraduate students and provides them with financial support of 300 euros per month (Baden-Württemberg-Stipendium). The state of Nordrhein-Westfallen, as well as other federal states, provide scholarships to their students.

Cologne has its own scholarships for athletes, Berlin has its own scholarships for artists, Munich has its own scholarships for doctors.

  • In addition, a special program for medical students is provided by the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung.
  • There are a lot of different scholarships available especially for specific specialties: lawyers, economists, engineers.
  • An important point: the person who carries the scholarship fund can tell a lot about those who have a great chance of winning a scholarship - who was Rosa Luxemburg, what contribution did Alexander von Humboldt make?
  • If the fund is named after a political figure, then his fellows will become interested in politics.
prepare and submit all necessary documents, resumes and motivational sheets, as well as collect all proof-certificates that confirm your part-time work Important:

It is unlikely that you will get two scholarships at once!

  • It is entirely possible to submit multiple applications to different funds and apply for one of these scholarships.
  • We hope that this information will turn out to be a boon to our readers who were planning to try their best and go on a journey to Germany.
  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), an organization that brings together all German assets and promotes the development of academic exchanges abroad, first through student and student exchanges.
  • The primary goals of the organization include:

obtaining foreign young scientific personnel to begin scientific research activities in Germany and, if possible, saving long-term partnership investments with them; improving the qualifications of young German students with openness and mutual understanding through foreign internships; I will help the countries that are developing and the countries-reformers in Converging Europe with the help of practical structures in the world of greater illumination;

support of German studies, German language, literature and foreign studies in foreign major sources.

These goals are consistently identified in more than 200 programs. These programs are recognized for all parts of the world for all scientific purposes. The stench, however, is as brown as that of foreigners and Germans. In addition, DAAD provides support to the largest initial contributions from its international activities for additional services - information programs, marketing programs, advisory assistance, assistance to students and scientific professionals . to encourage effective structures of major initial deposits in the countries of the third world, all DAAD programs will, in principle, be open to everyone directly from science to all countries of the world from a bilateral direction.

In some cases, the framework and mental exchanges are fixed in interstate affairs about the cultural diversity of the two countries or on the basis of the DAAD’s relationships with foreign partner organizations. As a rule, in this case, the partner party receives the most important proposals, such as bilateral scholarships, additional services of the party that accepts it, which allows for possible payment for studies at the university, etc.

For data for 1999 rubles. The value of the increase in the number of scholarships seen by the DAAD is indicated.

34,237 Germans and 25,807 foreigners received financial support from the DAAD.

  • Representation of DAAD in St. Petersburg:

DAAD Scholarship Programs

  • Programs for students
  • Summer courses of German language in Nimechchina, 3-4 years.
  • Students of the 3rd and 4th courses of all specialties with extensive knowledge of German language and academicians of German language universities for up to 32 years.

Known prices for student groups, 7-12 days.

  • Students of 3, 4, 5 courses of all specialties under the care of one payment.
  • Programs for postgraduate students and young graduates of advanced specialties
  • Scientific and postgraduate scholarships for young scholars, scientific internship (collection of material for a dissertation, 1-6 months, century – up to 32 years).

Scientific internship to advance scientific qualifications, 7-10 months, century – up to 32 years.

  • Graduate studies and dissertation completion at Nimechchina, up to 3 years, century – up to 32 years.
  • "Mikhailo Lomonosov"

Propositions for special programs - Special program AT Siemens and DAAD

  • The final course of postgraduate studies at a German university and the completion of a dissertation in Germany.
  • Research scholarships for Russian postgraduate students who submit a dissertation from Russia for up to 3 years: from 12 months to 24 months. Vishiv graduates who received a diploma no more than 2 years ago. University graduates with a specialist or master's degree who started at a Russian university with one of the disciplines in the field of engineering sciences,

natural sciences (physics, biology, chemistry), as well as mathematics and computer sciences, in order to obtain a PhD thesis in Germany and Russia. What does this scholarship mean for every person - it pays to study in the process of completing it.

As a rule, they are considered six months of additional help for a song sum.

What is DAAD?


community organization from Germany, which is associated with a large number of universities. Regardless of its voluntary nature, DAAD also supports a large number of both initial depositors and foreign students. Scholarship programs are just one part of their activities, and this material is dedicated to scholarships themselves..

DAAD scholarships are payments to foreign students that allow them to fully or partially compensate expenses for their studies after studies in Germany. Who can apply for viplata? We have noted the post-university nature of scholarship programs several times.

  • The main directions are rightly assigned
  • graduates of high initial mortgages
  • However, there are also problems that allow you to apply for payment
  • for students
  • The program is great, and the stench does not lie in
  • I'll stay with you

region of residence.

They can also be qualified based on obvious evidence: For students. For summer courses and educational trips.

Students are accepted no less for another course of study.

Meister. Bachelor's degree graduates are accepted, incl. students of remaining courses

Postgraduate studies.

How do I select?

Have a look at the competition.

Moreover, the documents are initially reviewed and verified at the applicant’s home by a special commission, usually formed from a large number of DAAD fellows and/or individuals who may be related to the organization.

At the next stage, the data is transmitted to the German authorities, where the competitive selection is carried out, and at which point the DAAD representative, however, is categorically not allowed to make a decision.

It is important that this method will ensure the most independent choice.

Rhubarb Volodinna German mine Behind the blame of the most important courses, the main programs depend on the availability of peer certificates minimum B1


However, there are some mistakes, despite learning English, knowledge of this language may be accepted. How many grants can you apply for? This is one of the most unambiguous foods.

You can apply for one hour, including

for one

scholarship program under DAAD. However, within the framework of one message, you can enter up to three direct directions - about this report. It would be difficult to look at all the programs; there would be too many of them to put into one article.
We will look at the main ones for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians, because for these countries the programs are important, however. I had already guessed what to lie under the level of obvious illumination. Based on these criteria, you can classify the main programs:
We will look at the main ones for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians, because for these countries the programs are important, however. Rhubarb of flood lighting Program, term Scholarship Students
Please note the group price for 7 - 12 days for students of 2 - 6 courses. 50 euros per day International courses for 3 – 4 years per hour
summer holidays for students no lower than 2nd year bachelor's degree. 950 euros per course + travel
Students - Germanists Advanced qualifications for students of general (professional pedagogical) degrees of 4 – 6 courses. 950 euros per course + travel
I hang low Bachelors Those who are pursuing a bachelor's degree, as well as graduate courses in all specialties - from 10 months to 2 years.
850 euros per month Graduates of creative professions Those who are pursuing a bachelor's degree, as well as graduate courses in all specialties - from 10 months to 2 years.
For artists, musicians, architects, actors, directors, etc. There are programs for 1 - 2 days. Master's degree

The assigned sums are oriental and can be changed depending on the position, and the travel speed directly correlates with the distance to Nimechchina.

For example, compensation for travel from the Asian part of the Russian Federation is less than for travel from foreign regions of Ukraine.

How do you know about all the programs?

The latest influx of DAAD (and many thousands) that are currently in operation can be found on the association’s website for this message.

However, not all of them are suitable for these countries.

You can find out about specific scholarships from these countries here: Only the information provided for the selected person will be accurate and complete. Here are terms, terms, necessary documents, etc. Lines vipay for the program Viplati is transferred to

the entire period of beginning . However, for programs that have completed more than 1 year, scholarships may be considered less initially

to the first river

, and their continuation at the next hour will depend on the success/results demonstrated at the first stage.

It’s hard to guess what the skin program is great number particularities, zocrema. and when submitting documents and reviewing the application..

We will look at an example of one of the most popular scholarships - entry to a master's degree after completing a bachelor's degree in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

Other programs are carried out according to a similar scheme, but with the peculiarities (especially the list of documents) of a specific scholarship. Croc 1. Serving term.

Regardless of its specificity, the application is submitted approximately one hour and immediately before the DAAD representative.

The acceptance of the application, as a rule, begins

z zhovtnya

and will end 31 breasts Applications will be accepted at the earliest possible date.

This is also acceptable for students in their final year courses. You may need a certified copy.

Since this procedure is paid, of course, it is possible to get a certified transfer after the scholarship has been withdrawn.

Collect the package of necessary documentation, remembering that in addition to the one required by the university/DAAD, there are also documents required to obtain a visa. First necessary document

  1. - Application form.
  2. It will be remembered online and will be viewed at the next step.
  3. The package must include:
  4. An autobiography looks like a resume. It’s detailed - about 3 pages, so it doesn’t transfer overloads over an hour. Motivation sheet.
  5. In the report we’ll talk about this below.
  6. When a person submits an application and has already started studying at the magistracy, a certificate of insurance is required.
  7. A special form that explains the choice of specific master's programs.

You can download the forms by sending them: German, English. When pressed, there will be attraction Word document

From the DAAD website - all responsibility for the replacement and security of the file lies with this organization.

Recommendation (preferably in German or English, or with translation) from a VNZ professor, based on the applicant’s qualifications.

Diploma (if the university has been completed) or a copy of all pages of the document (as soon as it continues).

  • Certificate of required level.
  • DAAD respects that the current certificate may not be included until you reach a specific date, if not
  • necessary for any emergency
  • , and what you have asked for may not have been looked at.
  • Motivation sheet
  • The next report is on the motivation sheet and together.
  • It is written that the scholarship is assigned to a specific program, or you can replace the same time with three programs assigned according to their priority for the applicant.
  • The sheet is folded into a loose shape, especially German, and must include:
  • Data about the light.
  • The presence of a diploma or its removal.
  • Proof of work directly from this, including internships, internships, etc. (as they are).

Knowledge of language, other skills, memory.

There are other certificates, diplomas, awards, awards, etc.

Depending on the selected program, submitting an application via the Internet can be either mandatory or optional (the application will be sent by mail or courier).

Online application - you will need to ask for review, and not to enter the university.

  1. All assigned documents can be scanned for inclusion on the site.
  2. Further activities: Go to the organization’s website - Registration.
  3. For this purpose it is necessary to enter all necessary data.

  4. Detailed instructions
  5. By registration in the German system, it is available for (pdf file). Respect! Registration and access to the portal are only available during the application acceptance period (mid-breast).
  6. At other times, the site is redirected to the database of scholarships, without the ability to hijack the system.

From the special office, the application form will be distributed.

Save it and paste the photo.

Completed form and all documents follow the order assigned to a specific program.

be attracted to the site.

If the document is not German or English, then the original is initially attracted, and then the sheet with its translation. The application is being processed.!

Right there – in a special account – you can monitor the status of the application and select additional supporting materials.

Lesson 4. Actually re-silencing the papers

At this stage, special respect must be paid.

There is no mention of sending documents for entry!

It's more than that duplicate applications offline All collected documents will be placed in an envelope and sent to the addresses specified below.

There is no need to use staplers, paper clips or folders. It is enough to put the paper in an envelope. These programs are subject to application submission by mail without online registration.

To restore respect, what is in this situation

Let's turn around again before sending the confirmed documents.

The stench is even stronger after the positive decision about the scholarship program.

Addresses, transfers and terms will be communicated to you individually.

Praise grant.

What's next?

  • If you feel like you have received a scholarship, apply for a visa and go ahead and get the knowledge.
  • As soon as a little bit of the process gets lost, difficulties begin to melt away.
  • Let's talk about them.
  • What is the amount of the monthly stipend?

We already thought about this, but let’s think about it.

In the middle:

International courses – 50 euros per day. For a master's degree and special creative programs - 850 euros per month. Postgraduate studies - 850 - 1200 euros per month. Science projects – up to 2150 euros per month.

Why are we turning to this point? Because before us is the stage of visa cancellation, and therefore confirmation of payment opportunities. For this purpose, it is necessary to calculate the costs for the initiation and feasibility of providing financial guarantees.

Now we are moving to the next point.

  • Do you need to pay for the scholarship? Required
  • , since the program is respected platne navchannya

. In other words, not all stinks are paid. Most national universities respect the number of tuition fees.

With this privacy, however, you can get away with a few pennies.

Plutanina blames herself at the stage of visa registration.

Zdobuvach is guilty

confirm the availability of funds

And it is important that the scholarships are sufficient for everyone.

You can confirm either. little detail is possible, but for the obviousness of his praise both in terms of the association itself, and in terms of the care of a particular person.

  1. For this reason:
  2. It goes without saying that the university and DAAD do not at all mean permission to work from other competent authorities.

It is announced that all income exceeding 450 euros (at the time of publication) will be lost to scholarships.

All is necessary to monitor the process of navigating the DAAD scholarship programs.


DAAD scholarships are another way to earn a living in Germany.

It’s not easy to get through the programs quickly - there’s a competition to get the best ones.

If you don’t kushtuvat, then you won’t be able to get anything.

We took a look at the food options available before applying for such scholarships.