Ecoprogram "prosuvannya". Marketing in ecology: the application of long-term brand partnerships for the sake of creating a better world Statements about environmental awareness in humanities disciplines. Mechanisms for forming environmental awareness through the population

Nomination 1. " The best program environmental education for schoolchildren"

Municipal osvita Dinsky district

Budgetary backlighting installation of municipal lighting Dinsky district "Serednya" dark-illuminated school №1

Name of the Hero Russian Federation Andriy Oleksiyovich Turkin"


"Ecology is there"

(name of the organization)

"Ecology is there"

2 rocks_

(View program)

(century of learning)


Svitlana Oleksandrivna

(F.I.O. teacher's name)

Art. Denska, 2010

I. Explanatory note

This program is a program eco-biological


Novelty, relevance, pedagogical value

Novelty The programs and their advantages in comparison with previously created programs are due to the fact that the program is based on three important principles: environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and practical. The guiding principle is the most important one. It allows for a group of activities based on the supernatural child of nature.

Relevance The “Ecology and We” program is motivated by the fact that the problem of forming an ecological culture as part of the cultural culture of the child’s particularity has become complicated due to the influx of advancing reasons:

· Scientists really want to know about the world as much as possible, otherwise the latest learning without the inclusion of students in the active process of learning about the nature of skin cancer reduces interest in learning;

· The reader of orientations, in order to convey the teaching song, has a determined knowledge that can be acquired. I need it right now mutualism schoolboy and vykladacha as two people go to another plane or completely perish. This, after all, is immediately seen as the result of learning: this is how the knowledge is lost, without the child’s soul being touched, it is necessary to do everything possible to maintain the interest of children until they learn more about the world;

· The blame for the environmental crisis in to the current world determined by us in advance of social and environmental factors. In connection with which this decision cannot be made only by technical means. The way out lies in the advancement of the cultural level of marriage, in the development of the education system - in educating and informing schoolchildren. Real nature“Great reader, may not know from which child he draws so much knowledge and enmity.” Interest in many objects of inanimate and especially living nature begins to grow early, so it is important to support the broad interest in bringing to light and creating a better understanding of nature in school flax rocks.

Immaculate relevance given course It is believed that his work is connected both with the retrieval of knowledge and skills in galusa and practical ecology, as well as with the rethinking of the worldly, cultural orientations of students, the formation of integrity specialness.

Pedagogical value of the program “Ecology is with us” It is believed that there is a shift towards the development of ecological culture, increasing the motivation of schoolchildren not only until they learn more about the world, but before active activity Great addition and saving natural medium, propaganda of environmental knowledge, instilling an intolerant attitude towards the actions of people who are responsible for the misfortunes of nature. The program will provide the necessary minds for special development, instilling in students an active life position, instilling love in nature Kuban, organizes local access. This program includes developing in children the ability to perform and carry out simple investigations. Once children have mastered this educational program, schoolchildren develop environmental awareness, they develop caution, a sense of composure, the beauty of nature is beautiful, and in the future they give I'll do my best to help. Get married like this special berries, such as kindness, reliability, integrity, self-reliance, love native land, work in a team environment. Kozhen structural component The program confirms its significance, is logical, consistent and specifically reveals the idea and view of the author on the current environmental awareness of children.

Purpose of the program: the formation of an ecological culture, which includes a set of moral and ethical standards and active principles of behavior in relationships between people and nature, marriage and people; the creation of minds of social formation and the development of specialness through the organization of sleep education, environmental activities of children, active daycare work for oneself through the work of Dovkill.

To reach the target, place it on your feet zavdannya:


    learn the underlying patterns of the functioning of ecosystems of various levels and the factors of their stability (for the human body - health factors); expand knowledge in the field of biology, Cuban science, geography, valeology and their stasis everyday life; formulate in students the skills necessary to participate in environmentally oriented activities, as well as the competencies necessary for the implementation of healthy image life, environmental, social and information security, self-realization in marriage, and the incorporation of knowledge as the basis for powerful creative endeavors; acceptance of the professional orientation of graduates in choosing specialties related to health care and biology.


    Acceptance of the development of basic processes of thought (analysis, synthesis, identification), implementation of the needs of boys in local and developmental areas; develop creatively, The cognitive abilities of schoolchildren, as well as the communicative abilities of the skin of a child with respect to their individuality; to form in children the skills of psychological development when interacting with the light of nature, to appreciate the beauty of the nature of Kuban and Russia, to self-illumination; promote a fierce intellectual fervor among the followers.


    acceptance of the mold by schoolchildren as they perceive the enormousness and reliability of their inventions, environmental friendliness and evidence of brooding activity; to pin down the seemingly kind and merciful attitude to the greatest light, the principles of culture of mutuality in the extreme natural-social environment; feel the need for patriotism, the need to be united with nature, and work with the team, being part of the team.

Active research in the “Ecology and We” program.

This program is original, based on the regional component, and is focused on addressing environmental problems in the Krasnodar region and Dinsk region. The specificity of the program lies in the complex and systemic transition to the implementation of the goals of environmental, moral and aesthetic education and enlightenment, so it is impossible to separate these processes in the minds of rural schools. The program is structured according to the socio-natural and illuminating principles. The basic principle of environmental culture is not less about the integration of knowledge about the mutual nature of marriage, but also about the real contribution of each person to the most common environmental problems Krasnodar region and Dinsky district.

Okremi divided programs vikoristovaya for molding base level knowledge of subjects of both the natural-scientific cycle (biology, geography, physics, chemistry) and the humanities cycle (husbandry).

Included in the “Ecology and Me” program, theoretical and practical material can be used to conduct scientific research work, and the results serve as the basis for reports, abstracts, and presentations on scientific and practical conferences in a different region, the creation of an initial-methodological complex, the helpers of ecology and local history at the rural school, the creation of an environmental map of their village and the Dinsky district.

Vіk children, so the implementation of this program.

This program is available for students from 12 to 14 years of age. Along with this section of the program, the program can be used as a guide for high school students.

Program implementation lines.Form and occupy the mode.

2) the formation of an important installation in Russia, near the edge,

nature of Kuban and Dinsky district;

3) awareness of the importance of excess light, mastering the basics of environmental literacy;

4) development available methods knowledge of nature (care, record, vimir, evidence);

5) develop the development of nerves and reveal causal-hereditary connections in the fullest light;

6) the bathhouse for the vikoristan of the field equipment and the vimiruvalnyh fittings;

7) the molding must be properly organized work place, follow the safety rules.

The results of another fate:


1) the formation of the principles of culture of mutual interaction in the natural-social environment;

2) development of ethical feelings, kindness and emotional-moral sensitivity, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

3) formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy way of life, visibility

motivation for creativity, work for results, to a great future to material and spiritual values;

4) development of completely ecologically oriented reflexive-evaluative and practical activities in real-life situations;

5) formation of internal motives for cognitive activity .


1) the formation of the tip is the greatest effective ways reach the result;

2) mastering the elementary rules of moral behavior in the world of nature and people, the norms of healthy behavior in the natural and social environment;

3) mastering available methods of developing the nature and matrimony (upgrading, classification, etc.);

4) vikoristannya in various ways search (in the early days and in the open primary information space of the Internet), collection, processing, analysis of information in line with the cognitive tasks of the group;

7) development of skills in practical activities related to the protection of the excessive middle.


1) the formation of a system of scientific knowledge about living nature, patterns of development as a result of human activity;

2) the formation of a recognition of the importance of ecology in the most current local regional environmental problems, including those caused by environmental disasters in Kuban;

3) in the future, conduct experiments and evaluate the results, as well as create experimental and theoretical knowledge with an objective picture of the nature of the Krasnodar region, Dinsk region;

4) formulate a statement about irrational abuse natural resources that energy, the obstruction of the excessive middle ground in Kuban under the influx of the anthropogenic factor;

5) develop and create environmental posters and leaflets, videos, develop environmental routes, develop and organize social projects and environmental actions among children and adults. .
Form and methods for developing pouches for implementation lighting programs:

    pedagogical vision; testing; project manager; student questionnaire; organization of festivals, exhibitions of work, zmagan, primary and secondary conferences, photo exhibitions; publication of materials on the school website, the school newspaper and the regional newspaper “Tribuna”; publication of leaflets, newspapers.

II. Initial thematic plan

Divided programs

Number of years (theory)

Number of years (practice)

1 rik start

Ecology and current husbandry. The main values ​​of the Earth are Water. Povitrya. Priming.

Roslinny and creaturely world of Kuban

2.1. The diversity of natural ecosystems in Kuban.

2.2. Bioindicators of obstruction in the excessive middle part of the Dinsky district.

2.3. Rare and unique species of plants and creatures of the Krasnodar region.

Ecology of Kuban

3.1. Ecological problems of the small Batkivshchyna and their paths.

3.2. The influx of anthropogenic officials into Dovkillya near the village of Dinskaya.

3.3 Features of Kuban as an industrial-agrarian region.

Ecological workshop

4.1. Ecosystem

4.2 Organoleptic investigation methods.

2nd river beginning

Ecological workshop

4.3. Vitality of organisms.

4.4. Warehouse

4.5. nitrate.

Ecology and human health

5.1. Ecological plantings for healthy human behavior.

5.2. Influx of ecology into health.

Nature protection

6.1. Anthropogenic inflow ta yogo formi.

6.2. Ecological legacies of anthropogenic activity.

6.3. Nature management and methods of management.

6.4. Environmental safety and security.

III. Zmіst programs "Ecology and mi"

Section 1: Ecology and current husbandry.


The main values ​​of the Earth are Water. Povitrya. Priming. Relevance of environmental issues in context suspinal development. Ecology and civilization of the future. Environmental protection in the sphere of suspinal development. Ecology in the highest humanistic order. Suspicious and individual knowledge. Concepts of environmental awareness, environmental ethics. Ecological lighting and basic functions. Ecological education that vihovannya. Ecological culture is the result of ecological illumination.


Photo gallery “Water”, conference “ Today's marriage and culture in the face of current environmental problems,” creative projects"History of environmental awareness in Russia: from young naturalists to young ecologists", pre-slednytsky project“Water, yaku mi p’emo”, “Ecological camp of the Kocheti River”, doslednytska robot“Cress - lettuce as a test - object for assessing congested soil and wind”, Cleaning up the coastal area of ​​the Kocheti River, “Clean Banks” campaign

Section 2: “Russian and creaturely world of Kuban”


The variety of representatives of the kingdoms of plants, mushrooms, and creatures in the Dina region. Representatives roslinny world Dinskaya station, their biological features and significance. Ecological interactions of living organisms. Warehouse, structure, characteristics of the population and ecosystems. Massacre forms Interconnections between living organisms in spouses. Understand: ecosystem, grub lantsug, grub links, competition, hijinks. Concepts: bioindication, resistance to media factors, environmental factors. Rare and unique species of plants and creatures of the Krasnodar region. Chervona book; creatures and plants, listed in the Red Book of the Krasnodar region.


Design of the album “Stories of the Red Book”, competition of the little ones “The World is Around Us”, Excursion “Rosmaitka of Natural Communities and Ecosystems of Kuban and the Village of Dinskaya”, laboratory “Concepts: Systematics, Taxons”, pre-study work of the student “Bioindicators for bustiness in the middle of the Dinsky district excursion to the regional museum “Rare and known species of plants and creatures of the Krasnodar region”, role-playing, business game “Stability of ecosystems, spilnot (important and important in the protected nature of Kuban)”, activity on the road, seminar “Biologists” The great diversity of plants and creatures is the basis of the stable development of Kuban ", conference "The World of Roslin and the Creatures of Kuban"

Section 3: “Ecology of Kuban”


Biological science in Kuban. Directly environmental science, the achievements of ancient times. Camp of science at the stage. Ecological problems of the small Batkivshchyna and their paths. Characteristics of environmental problems, their interactions, causes and trends. The diversity of agroecosystems versus natural ones.


excursion to NDI or rosplіdnik; zustrich iz vchenimi – agronomists; project and research activities of the students “Ecological problems of the small Batkivshchyna and their paths”, presentation of the students “Peculiarities of Kuban as an industrial-agrarian region. Usny journal “The influx of the anthropogenic factor into the village at the village of Dinsky”, photo exhibition “Rosmatization of the agroecosystems of Kuban”, eco-audit, business game“Modeling of unsafe environmental situations of anthropogenic nature.”


Ecosystem. Vitality of organisms. Fight and sleep. Organoleptic methods.


Beware of the ecosystem with hay infusion.

Investigation of the vitality of organisms (using the yeast fungus). Investigation of the interspecies struggle for food (on the example different species molded). Due to the smell of water. The significance of the clarity and clarity of water. Value of water color. I relish the water.

Section 4: "Ecological workshop"


The influx of synthetic liquids into green water plants and the simplest creatures. Acidity of soil. Soil salinity. Bark and poor polyethylene. Warehouse nitrate.


The acidity of water varies according to the water value (pH). Investigation of the influx of synthetic microbes (SMS) on green water plants). Preparation of soil extract. The value of the water pH of the soil extract and the assessment of the acidity of the soil. Determination of soil salinity based on salt excess. Investigation of coristia and harm to polyethylene. Monitoring the change in the warehouse of the air that is inhaled and seen. Determination of carbon dioxide in school premises using the express method. Investigation of sawdust in the school area.

Significant presence of microorganisms in the world. The value of thermal processing of meat and fish products. Value for freshness of fish. Valued instead of nitrates in vegetables, fruits and greens.

Section 5: Ecology and human health


Ecological plantings for healthy human behavior. Formation of a healthy life (HLS). Influx of ecology into health. The congestion of the excessive center is connected with this illness.

The physical body is congested in the human body. Chemical and biological pollutants. Seredovishche vision. Ecology and the triviality of human life. Ecological plantings of human food behavior.


Project "Kutochka with anti-drug robots, the last robot" Kharchovy additives", Doslednytska robot " Mobile phone– it’s handy, but not safe”, the follow-up work “Follow-up food of the school No. 1 of the Dinskaya village”, the last work “My generation is getting healthy”, the last work “Milk in the diet of schoolchildren’s food” iv", the follow-up work "The influx of energy flows into the body of the podlitkiv”, the follow-up work “Infusing headphones into the hearing podlіtk”, the creation of bulletins “Whoever smokes, ruins his life”

Section 6: Nature protection


Anthropogenic inflow ta yogo formi. Direct and indirect anthropogenic influx. Natural and man-made disasters. Congestion of various middle parts. Ecological legacies of anthropogenic activity. Organizational – legal aspects environmental activities Concepts of environmental management. Understand management and marketing. Environmental legislation. Law of the Russian Federation “On the protection of unnecessary natural resources.” Standardization of Dovkill's bones. Nature management and methods of management. Economic and market management methods. Methods of ecological rehabilitation. Processing of solid wastes, industrial wastes. Technology of processing and storage of radioactive wastes. The concept of environmental safety. Environmental safety and security. Environmental safety system. Environmental safety policy and legal regulation.


Photo exhibition “Anthropogenic influx into Dovkilla”, creative robots about the environmental situation in the region, practical robot“Ecological cartography”, the follow-up robot “Rozrobka” environmental monitoring according to the asymmetry of the foliage leaf”, the follow-up work “The infusion of waste oil into the ecology of the village”, Project “Improvement of the school yard”, the follow-up work “Homeless creatures - as an element of the ecological environment of the Dinsky district”

IV. More methodically safe programs

Basic principles underlying the group:

- the principle of accessibility, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin of the child, to create the most receptive minds for their development;

- The principle of democracy, conveys the teachings of teachers and students in democratic settings;

– science, which conveys a selection of material from scientific principles verified by practice.

The work with the Vihovanians was prompted to theoretical training nature and ecology, as well as science and practical activities for saving the environment.

As we begin our studies, we need to learn a new set of knowledge, which will help them learn about the environmental problems of our region and the region as a whole, and become familiar with the diversity of food products and plants in the Krasnodar world. in this region, due to the destruction of the ecological river.

We present to your respects the list of posts on the Internet site of environmental and environmental protection topics.
Rare and unknown creatures of Russia (project of the Ecological Center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov)
The site contains the Internet version of a CD about rare creatures of Russia, released by the environmental center of the MDU in 1995. The site contains the following sections: classification of creatures, voices of creatures, library, video stories, conferences, mailings, photo album. In addition, the site has an internal search system, an Internet forum, and a distribution of new products for email, you can prepay automatically. The site contains over 450 pages of text prepared by zoologists from Moscow sovereign university and low institutions Russian Academy sciences; over 600 unique photographs and tiny creatures of Russia.
Ecological lighting. Lighting for steel socket
The site is supported by the association “Ecological lighting” and is dedicated to promoting the latest in environmental lighting in the SND and Baltic countries. The Theory section has published articles “Humanistic model of ecological illumination”, “Formula of ecological illumination” and “Ecological ethics”. In the section of Internet resources you can find a list of news sites, databases and full text electronic libraries, distance environmental lighting courses, edge lighting projects
Electronic environmental library
The library has two sections: non-periodic publications (books) and periodical electronic publications. Here you can find their annotated list, get acquainted with the text in the on-line mode, marvel report description books, acquire their archives, make an advance payment electronically.
We kindly ask for the project "Global Mislennya"
Project "Global Mislennya" - tse lighting project in the hall of a superfluous middle ground that brings together students and investors from all over the world. The participation of students is limited to such projects at Galusa Dovkilla as “Green Class”, “ Clean air", "Turning Water", "Soil" and "Month of the Earth". The site can be used for the exchange of data, taken from one's own place, with students from all earthly cultures. my daughter is stunned by PGM. Right there " chat and video conferences.
Children's telecommunication project "Ecological friendship"
"Ecological Friendship" is a Russian children's telecommunications project. Within the framework of the project, environmental research of schoolchildren is coordinated, the results of which are published on the website and discussed in a teleconference. The project is working with 137 children's environmental organizations and lighting installations From 52 regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
Lighting project of the Bella Terra state
Lighting project to improve the environmental situation. Supported by a team of young teachers.
Irkutsk Express. Eco-friendly abetka
For materials on "Ecological clothes for children and children." - Branch of MNEPU, 1997 You can also find out on the site for practical reasons with environmental safety: how to create an environmentally friendly environment, environmental safety at home and in the yard, monitoring without accessories, sorry for the sake of for wildlife lovers.
Zeleny Gateway
"Green Gateway" is a guide to environmental resources on the Internet. The purpose of the site is to help community members find information about the problem of excess food pollution, the infusion of food into health, ways of increasing environmental problems, and also about other environmental issues.
Ecology and superfluous middle
Catalog and travel guide of environmental resources.
Greenpeace Russia
Website of the Russian branch of the independent international organization GREENPEACE, which protects nature through peaceful means.
IN-FO uk | Ecology
The site contains an overview of environmental materials presented in sections: environmental doctrine of the Russian Federation, legislation, ecology and environmental problems, natural life, national parks and reserves.
Annotated catalog of journal articles on problems of education
Compile descriptions of journal articles, divided into sections, leading to lower thematic headings, including those related to ecology.
Legal information for the protection of grave goods
The site consists of many thematically large collections of documents and various materials on ecology. The drawing “Steppe of Eurasia” gives information about the flora and fauna of the steppes. Environmental information is provided on Samara region, review of the environmental bulletin, collection of Internet resources on ecology
Environmental education program for children.
Environmental education program for preschool and young children school age for the minds of a child's sanatorium. The course is divided into the framework of the Belarusian branch of the international environmental organization "Green Cross" within the framework of the program of the sanatorium environmental school for mothers with preschool children - "Mothers and Children".
Abstracts from ecology
Abstracts on ecology are presented in zip format.
Gromadsky ecological Internet project EcoLife
An environmentally friendly website that will help establish contacts between people who are concerned with the current problems of environmental protection. The site is supported by contributions and graduate students of the Department of Environmental Protection of Donetsk National technical university and divided into: legislation, methodological materials, environmental organizations, lighting, sending.
Medical examination certificates for installations
Receipts and meals before examinations for 9th and 11th classes, including ecology.
Chornobyl portal
The site is supported by the Institute of Human Problems. The Institute's field of interests includes human problems in the context of technological civilization that is developing. On the site you can find materials about Chornobyl disaster, as well as about other technological threats to humans and ways to defend against them.
Sleep Online
"Experience Online" is an educational project of the Begin.Ru company, the main purpose of which is the creation of an information resource that will contain initial, exam and important materials for those who want to check their knowledge and skills in fine clothing. human activity. In the section Sciences about people
You can find statistics on ecology.

Src="" alt=">Promotion of environmental projects">!}!}

Src="" alt="> Ecological marketing Inter-growth Sustainable development"> Экологический маркетинг Пределы роста Устойчивое развитие Связь материальная Связь психологическая Связь духовная!}!}

Src="" alt=">Importance of Ecology Today">!}!}

Src="" alt=">Further investigation, analysis">!}!}

Src="" alt="> Nationality Nationality on the active part of the population:">!}!}

Src="" alt="> Project Lif. Eko. ru Living - Ecology.">!}!}

Src="" alt="> What is Life - Ecology. . Life - ."> Что такое Жизнь – Экология. . Жизнь - это Экология. .  Экология,  как Гармоничное Взаимоотношение, Взаимодействие с Собой  и с Окружающим Миром.!}!}

Pdf-img/172394332_324917534.pdf-8.jpg" alt="> The Lif. Eko project is urgently needed"> Зачем нужен проект Lif. Eko "Жизнь - Экология. . " открывает для вас массу дверей, где вы сможете познакомиться с любым мастером своего дела по своей потребности и желанию, познакомиться с единомышленниками, найти любой товар или услугу, касающийся пометки ЭКО.!}!}

Src="" alt="> How to organize the project We select the most useful tools for obtaining"> Как организован проект Мы собираем наиболее интересные инструменты для привлечения и развития, как потенциальных и нынешних участников, так и организаторов различных течений (группы, клубы, творческие кружки и т. д.)!}!}

Src="" alt="> Complexity Creativity (guts, clubs, come in) їх"> Комплексность Творчество (кружки, клубы, мероприятия) Коммерция (услуги и их реализация) Благодеятельность (волонтёрство)!}!}

Src="" alt="> Online reading Sound systems: Social measures: "> Online search of Push systems: Social networks: Prepaid databases: - e-mail distribution; Video content:

Src="" alt="> For clubs and churches The most modern tools for drying.">!}!}

Src="" alt="> Spіvpratsia Portal Life – Ecology without anyone"> Сотрудничество Портал Жизнь – Экология это некоммерческая движение, соответственно в ход в него и размещение своей информации в Дар.!}!}

Src="" alt="> Perspective Perspective for the development of the project Lif. Eko. ru"> Перспектива Перспектива развития проекта Lif. Eko. ru Проект «Жизнь – Экология. . » намерена не останавливаться на одном городе Сыктывкар и готова идти дальше, сначала по городам и !} !} settlements The Komi Republic, and beyond throughout the Russian expanse.

Pdf-img/172394332_324917534.pdf-16.jpg" alt="> What a criticism Team"> Благодарность и критика Коллектив "Жизнь - Экология. . " примет  любую вашу критику,  благодарность по поводу организации ведения сайта и общего дела.!}!}

Src="" alt="> The light of possibilities The light of boundless possibilities and in our"> Мир возможностей Мир безграничных возможностей и мы в этом живём.!}!}

Src="" alt="> Interconnections Think about it,"> Ограничивающие убеждения Задумайтесь, есть ли у вас ограничения? Вероятно, что есть, т. к. освобождаясь от одних ограничивающих факторов, наш путь перемещает нас в другие события, где уже новые условия, новые формы взаимоотношение, новые потенциалы и перспективы.!}!}

Src="" alt=">Zdatnіst bachit, chut, speak. .">!}!}

Src="" alt="> Create your own. Portal Lifeko. ru"> Твори себя сам совместно. Портал Lifeko. ru не сможет за вас кем то стать, но вполне, сможет создать условия для исполнения ваших желаний, что устремлены к Счастью и Свободе.!}!}

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