The day of the eldest group's beloved one. Thematic day “Play and Games”. Sereda is “the day of your favorite toy and game”

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Plan for the thematic game “Game of Games” senior group

“In order to become a healthy child,

Children don’t need to learn to read – they need to learn to play!” Fred Rogers

Goal: promoting the professional level of teachers in the organization of children's play activities; development in children of interest in types of games and encouragement of their strong creative self-realization in play; getting the fathers to actively negotiate the food and creation of minds for the development of children at home.


Lighting activity

Splendid activity

Monday is Russian Folk Games Day.

Motto: “Our Russia is famous for its painted spoons, and it is also written with Russian matroshkas.”

1st half of the day

Educational conversation “The colorful world of toys. What wine?" Presentation "Classification of toys"

Organization of Russian folk games “Pyatnashki”,

“Burn, burn clearly”, “Strumok”,

"Crucian carp and pike"

2nd half of the day

Educational conversation “How they played for the old hours”

Painting of the folk toy “Russian Beauty”

Exhibition of dolls in national costumes (group 3)

Master class with fathers: “Preparing dolls from the paper “Bereginya”

Tuesday Day of theatrical performances.

Motto: “The curtain has lifted and the axis on the stage Popelushka is alive.

She manages to laugh and sleep and after the ball at her the prince checks.”

1st half of the day

Educational conversation “My Fathers’ Toys”

Creative craft:

painting “Visiting a Cossack”

Theatrical performance of the Cossack "Chipolino" for children

It is more practical to use water puppet dolls.

2nd half of the day

Video about the Obraztsov Theater.

Gra-dramatization from life-size dolls.

Lighting situation

"We're walking, we're playing"

Wednesday is the Day of Intellectual Games and Games.

Motto: “I want to know everything!”

1st half of the day

An educational story about Robotics.

Children's laboratory: “What are the toys made from?”

Exhibition “Today’s Games”

Checkers tournament

"I know. Think. I'm overrunning"

Board games “Imaginarium”,

"Monopoly", "Sea Fight"

Construction "At the Lego Place".

2nd half of the day

Intellectual game

“Which one? Yaka? Yake?

Solving crossword puzzles “In Love with Cartoons”

About/and activity “Riznotsvit-

new water", "Test from the pen"

Thursday Day of your favorite games and role-playing games.

Motto: I have a backpack on my shoulders, and I still have a toy in it. The group was having fun, I called out to my friends.

It is fitting for us to play a role-playing game: sometimes we are all readers, sometimes doctors, sometimes tigers.

1st half of the day

Rozmova “Life is a game”

Motion-movement miniature “The sea wiggles once...”

Creative craftsmanship

trade in attributes from s/r gri

P/game with a plot twist “Kulbaty dog”

2nd half of the day

Tvr of riddles “My favorite toy”

Re-look at the cartoon “Toys”


“Toys are more expensive in the world”

Master class with dads “Toys in the kitchen from fruits and vegetables”

Friday is the Day of Musical Games and Musical Games.
Motto: “Now the game is not a romp, but with great meanings,

1st half of the day

Educational presentation about the conservatory.

Creative workshop: making noise-making toys

Round dance “On the mountain there is a viburnum” - dance on musical instruments.

Gra "Guess the melody."

2nd half of the day

Round dance "How our friends went"

Gra “Name the tale where the heroes sing” and sing this song.

Exhibition musical games Vushok.

List of references

NOT. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2017) The main back-lighting program for preschool education “View of the people before school”, Moscow

MM. Borisova (2017) Small games and games are right. To keep children 3-7 years old busy. Methodical handbook. Federal State Educational Standard.. Moscow

Respect! Respect!

At our DBOU School 1248 SP №7

from 14 leaf fall to 18 leaf fall 2011 rock 6 m. will be held "Tizhden Games and Games"

We love you so much: you know, friends! It’s impossible for a child to live without games. We understand that today is a new century. Without knowledge there is no chance of success! We need to testify, and we want to understand everything: Why don’t we get excited, how can we get excited? And we just want to play in peace. In this family, become a soldier, play checkers, and ride as a band. And the dolls sat up, everyone was checking and checking on the children, And we are looking forward to the good news - Let's play again with a group of friends! Turn back to your childhood, join us in the new one, І dearest friends We are grown up by all means!

“Tizhden gri and igrashki” dedicate « All World Child Day ».

This year will be dedicated to a different topic and will be held in a special atmosphere.

Of course, the fathers cannot prevent the skin from entering - or, in short, as if closed or open, the most important games are played out on the part of the fathers. Therefore, it is possible to learn about fathers from the program of every day, to learn about the usefulness/disadvantage of certain toys and the peculiarities of the organization of children's play.

At the joint venture№7 It is a good tradition to hold a competition between fathers to create the most creative children's toys. Then the day of play in the kindergarten ends with a marvelous exhibition, ideal for giving to little ones without any enemies, and perhaps for the most practical mothers and a number of new useful toys to borrow from rupees.

The “toy” theme of the table is so wide that there is no shortage of ideas for organizing themed days.

It's a day of sports games at the gym or on the playground, and a day of musical games - at the music and assembly hall. The day of theatrical play, on which you can improvise with the details of the show. It’s great to organize a national toy day, and not only to celebrate, but also to show the little ones what their grandfathers and grandmothers played with, if there were no Barbie dolls and transforming robots, to guess the songs and nursery rhymes that could accompany The children are playing. Or you can go to the museum, asking the volunteers to emphasize the respect of the little ones on the “toy” exhibits, so that the excursion does not drag on and does not bore the little ones.

And don’t let the day of play in kindergarten end with a great “toy ball”, with cheerful music, games and small “baby” dances for preschoolers to “request” their favorite and most beloved... toys!

We ask our fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers to participate in the “Games and Games”.

We wish you success and creativity!

Implementation plan

“Tizhnya gri and igrashki” at the children’s kindergarten

Chastina persha

Monday: “Travel to the brink of Fairy Igor”

Motto of the day:We come to the children's kindergarten, There the toys are chasing the boys. The Fairy asks us to be her guest, and plays happily with us!

Come in

    Vidkrittya “Tizhnya igor and igrashok.” Rozvaga of the group “Travel to the Brink of the Fairy Igor”

    Rozmov “The Charming World of Toys” (the teacher’s talk about the history of toys, a look at illustrations and various toys in the group room)

    Exhibition “My Favorite Toy” (children bring their favorite toys from home for one day, and their teacher will control the exhibition)

    Drawing on the theme: “My favorite toy.”

The reaction with the Fairy is different for each skin group.
Here the Fairy invites children to the exhibition, here to remove their traces from the appearance of a charming leaf and tickets, and children admire it from the enchanting forest, having learned about the rich history of toys, here The fairy prepares a theatrical performance. .
In the skin group, the stories about the history of toys will be even more informative and informative. Children don’t just play with the games our great-grandparents played, but they themselves are happy to play with straw, gantry, wooden, knitted dolls, dolls - grains.
At the end of the day, children paint their favorite toys and play the exhibition “My Favorite Toy.”

Tuesday: “Day of health and crumbling igors”

Motto of the day:If you want to become strong and cute, hurry up to the nursery for training!

Come in

    Rozmova “How to live vitamins”

    Physical education program “Health Path” (on a walk)

    Design of the photo newspaper “Healthy Family”

On this day, the children were delighted to learn about vitamins A, B, C. We found out where they live, what they need, read poems about vitamins, solved riddles, etc.
The skin group went through its “Health Path”. The children were looking at the beginning of the path polished bags From images of vitamins. Throughout this walk, the children gained strength from vitamins, demonstrated their intimacy, strength, flexibility, and resourcefulness.

Sereda: “Day of theatrical games and dramatization”

Motto of the day:Kazka, kazka, primovka, Rozpovisti is not hot!

Come in

    Exhibition “Theatrical Games” (toys made by the hands of creators, children and fathers)

    Open show staged

    Theatrical games in groups

On this day, at the skin group on display there were theatrical toys made by the hands of fathers and children, teachers and children.
The children and their teachers prepared theatrical performances and directed outdoor shows for children of other groups.

Thursday: “Day of musical games and musical games”

Motto of the day:Now gra is not rozvaga, And z great significance, It is important to play music, develop your voice and hearing.

Come in

    Show - presentation of musical noise instruments

    Folk games, games - fun for groups

    Independent activity of children in the fields of musical creativity

    Promotion of themed bags

The children were very pleased when they went to the music hall that day. Here they not only learned musical noise instruments, acquired by children and fathers from various groups, not only felt their importance, but they themselves became participants in a musical noise orchestra.
At the skin group, children played folk games, fun games. On this day, the pockets of musical creativity were replenished with a variety of didactic material from the music industry.
Carrying out the thematic “Things of Games and Games” was inspired by the creative spirit of teachers and thorough pedagogical expertise.


Motto of the day: World Day b ditini.

Come in

Literary d OSUG toys

Mla dour groups

For whom is it necessary to borrow from library funds?
The wonderful children of the poets wrote entire cycles of poetry under the title “Toys”.
One of the most famous and the most popular is the cycle of verses of Agnia Barto.
There are also poems about games by Valentin Berestov, Mikhail Yasnov, Emmy Moshkovskaya, and other poets.
And the scribes made kazki. Gianni Rodari, for example, wrote Kazkov’s story about the price of toys with the draft “Black Arrow”. I didn’t get any other benefits from playing with toys!
Verses and fragments of fairy tales can form the basischildish manifestations .
Can be organized
exhibition of games based on fairy tales about toys .

Scenario of celebration before All World Day for the child “Popelushka” for children d nіy, senior and preparatory b them in groups.

The preschoolers enter the hall to the music, chant the hands, and then sit down.
VEDUCHA: Besida"Convention about your rights" .

Hello, guys. Do you know that for almost 50 years now, around the end of the leaves, Children’s Day has been celebrated throughout the world? Back in 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the practice of holy day All World Day children as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding of children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children throughout the world.

(verses written by the author M. Maydanik)
Autumn day at leaf fall
Holy on the calendar!
Day of Gifts and Quiet,
Are you ready?
Extend your hand with a laugh
German, Russian, Yakut,
English, Estonian -
Let the bright sun shine!
So that we could live peacefully
People are happy, kohanni,
Sprouts all over the planet
Nini is given sacredly to children!
Too holy in the world,
Don't worry about everyone!
To love adults and children
Let's catch them all together!
Ale today is Child's Day
The whole world celebrates Christmas,
View from Paris to Hong Kong
Sign up to fly on air:
Let's go! Kohaemo! Virimo!
Peace be with you!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!
Dear children,
Happy kitties!
Our boys
And girly daughters!
We care about you,
I grow, I adore,
As you grow up -
Not marked!
You are our joy
And our difficulties,
So you stand
Smarter and more beautiful!
You are our pride
And in life there is luck,
Vi - Vdyachne
We are continued!
SONG “SONYACHNE KOLO” Children go out to the middle of the hall, stand in a group, then sit in their place.
VEDUCHA: Quiet. This is not the case here. Can you feel someone crying?
Popelushka went to bed and cried.
LEADER: Guys, can you tell me why crying is so much fun? (children's reports) Let's knock and find out who lives here?
They knock, Popelushka comes out and cries.
VEDUCHA: Dear girl, why are you crying?
Popelushka: It’s a Christmas ball at the palace today and I really want to go there. The axle and cloth are shaky. Alas, my mother’s evil mother has put a lot of pressure on me, so that I’m afraid I won’t suddenly end up victorious. (Stepped up) And I really want to dance, sing, have fun. (Crying)
LEADER (from the boys): Guys, can you tell me what kind of hero came before us, from what tale? (Types of children) Correct. We won’t leave Popelushka in trouble, but let’s help him get rid of all the work around the house? Dear Popelyushka, the boys wanted to help you. Are you fit?
Popelushka: Oh, that’s good. (Displays the list of porridge). First, as Machukha instructed, sort out the peas and kvass.
Popelushka: What a fine fellow you are, you got into such a neat little business so quickly.
LEADER: Our boys know a lot and understand a lot. What else do you need to do around the house?
Popelushka: Get the money out of the excuses.
VEDUCHA: Well, it’s very simple, our boys will get into trouble.
GRA "PIDMITY PIDLOGA" Povitryani coolies scatter a broom over the bottom and into the hands for cleaning, everything is swept into a little corner of the hall.
VEDUCHA: Did our boys get into trouble?
Popelushka: Yes. The last task is to make sheep soup.
VEDUCHA: We won’t forgive our girls for getting into trouble with this
After the evil Machukha enters.
STEPHMOTHER: Yes, yes, the linen is clean, the soup is ready, and the kvass has been picked.
Popelushka: I spent everything, can I go to the ball now?
STEPHMOTHER: You say you're all upset? And did you iron my daughters’ cloth, water the flowers in the winter garden, feed the fish, plant parsley and crepe before winter?
VEDUCHA: Shanovna can’t do this with small children, they still lose their rights and lose their choice. Popelushka wrote everything you asked for. So let her go to the ball.
STEPHMOTHER: Don’t be foolish!
LEADER: Guys, let's help Popelushtsi, let's let Machukha go to the ball.) We immediately recognize you as good friends and mothers of many friends.
What children should read about friendship and friends
VEDUCHA: We asked you to let Popelushka to the ball?
STEPMOTHER: I’m straight, I don’t know how to fix it? No! I believed everything - NO!
LEADER (turns up to the boys): Guys, let's once again help the poor Popelushtsa, we will understand the evil Machukha. Let's shout in unison - LET US OUT! scream
STEPMOTHER: closes her ear - Grind it all out, pin it, yours took it, so be it - Poppelushka is going to the ball today.
Popelushka: How wonderful!
VEDUCHA: Today is our holy day. MI Holy All World Children's Day. So join us at once. Today?
Popelushka and Mother: Well done.
And of course, without a bright, cheerful mood, the saint will never be seen. So let's have fun, let's play fun games.
Before these games, you need to be specially prepared - to find out what kind of folk games they loved to play in the old days; prepare skills for them and master two or three games. The games can be different - round dances or loose.
Mastering new (or forgetting old) games is very difficult in the company of dads.
Mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers are encouraged to guess what kind of games (rules, verbal games, table games, round dances) they played in childhood.
Can you guess the rules? Show grue? Learn to play in it?
It's not that simple! What is it about those who bravely galloped through a motorcycle when Bartov’s famous “I’m sideways, I’m on the spot, and both feet at once” were written? And what do these old men remember about how they rode in the classics “without stupid people”? Haven't you forgotten what a "cue ball" is? In just a few more minutes, our children will no longer be able to recognize anything on their own: the boxes of shoe polish, in which sand had accumulated in 60, will soon disappear completely.

Show your class! "Play in our yard":"Palniki", "Boyars", "Stander", tag on one nose, "The sea is wriggling", "Farby", "So-threads", vishibali.

STEPMOTHER: You guys are having fun, it’s time for us to turn back home.
Popelushka: Until the day.

VEDUCHA: Until new zustrich.

SHOW OF TOYS " Tsikavy toys to borrow from the group.”

Part of a friend. Vihovannya is growing.

Scientific and methodological competition

Robots from the following nominations are accepted for the competition:

    Implementation of the project of a play library for children preschool age

(The games themselves and the games with report description)

Promotion “Good game”

And children who procrastinate in their children's kennels. Children who are often and seriously ill and spend a lot of time in hospitals.
You can make toys for your children with your own hands (with the help of your father) and send them to the baby’s room, nursery or children’s hospital.

at the children's kindergarten No. 2164, Moscow metro station

Working with dads

    Tests for adults (with a screen) “Children’s games and games tell us about the character of an adult.”(Magazine “Grata Children” No. 4, 2004, p. 31.)

    Talk to your dads about your children’s favorite toys.

    Preparation of costumes and attributes for plot and theatrical games: “Teremok”, “The Girl is Murdered”, “Mandrivniki”.

Work with the osvitans

    Consultation “The role of a teacher in beginning preschoolers plays children’s musical instruments.”

    Reminder for athletes "Attributes for homemade plot-role games for children."

    Preparing folders for transferring "Gra."

Vikova group


Russian Folk Games Day

Play with matroshkas and pyramids “Like all the carnage stinks!”

that II youth group

Bogorodsky toys. “How they played for old times”

Middle group

Russian folk games and toys “Kuchamala”, “Miracle little bag”

Senior group


Play with balls
“Balls in the cat”, “Pick-and-roll”*

I and II youth groups

Play with hoops
“The ball is a hoop”, “Trap at the target” (p. 101-102) *

Middle group

Play with pins(by choice of candidates)

Senior group

Another half day

Play in play areas with your favorite toys

I and II young groups,
middle group

Excursion to the kindergarten museum: “Our great-grandmothers and grandparents played with these toys” (for subgroups)

Senior group

* “Just run, shave, climb, throw.” E.I. Vavilova.

Vikova group

Day of plot-role games “I play those that are at hand...”
(Magazine “Gra ta children” No. 4, 2004)

Play with cubes
“We will do it ourselves”, “What can you spend with this?”
Goal: development of creative abilities.

I and II youth groups

Creation of the game situation “Medical Sickness”*

Middle group

Story-based role-playing games with your favorite toys

Senior group


Rusty games with a plot setting
“Shaggy Dog”, “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Birds and Planks” (S.N. Teplyuk “Activities on walks with children of the young preschool age”)

I and II youth groups

“Birds and Kishka”, “Quochka and Chickens”, “Hares and Wolves”**, p. 114, 116

Middle group

“Misholovka”, “Crucian carp and pike”, “Vovk u rovi”**, p. 155

Senior group

Another half day

Play with farbs, olives, colors

“Riznobarvni galyaviny”*, p. eleven

I and II youth groups

“Riznokolorova water”*, p. 27

Middle group

“Flying in the shadows”*, p. 39

Senior group

* “What doesn’t happen in the world.” O.L. Agayeva.
* * “Exercise activities, games and the right to go out.” V.G. Froliv. M., 1986.

Vikova group

Day of Games and Games of Different Nations

Exhibition “My Favorite Toy”
Children bring toys from home, and together with the teacher, control the exhibition and ask children from other groups to attend it. Children are tour guides. They talk about their toys and show how to play them.
Excursions for children
II young group - middle group
Middle group - senior group
Senior group - to I junior group

In all groups


Rukhlivi games of different nations

"Stribki across the river" (Turkmen gra) *, p. 223
“Who gave away to leave” (Tatar gra) *, p. 79

I and II youth groups

“Quail” (Ukrainian gra)*, p. 116
“Treat by the tail” (Turkmen gra)*, p. 122

Middle group

“Ivanka” (Belarusian gra)*
“Kiltse” (Belarusian gra)*

Senior group

Another half day

Children play with their favorite toys brought from home
Meta: learn kindness, develop a sense of humor at once, don’t get bogged down, encourage children to share toys, learn about the peculiarities of the games of other peoples.

I and II young groups.
Middle group
Senior group

Pre-school preparation for children of other groups

Senior group, middle group

* “Children of the Rukhly Games of the Peoples of the USSR”, police officer A.V. Keneman, 1998.

Vikova group

Day of theatre, theatrical games and dramatizations “We are artists, we are spectators”
Vistava for children (children's acquaintance with dolls-puppets) “Get Pinocchio”

All groups


Play to develop the roc's abilities

“Litaki and snowstorms”, “Murahi”, p. 43, 41*

I and II youth groups

“Granny Malanya”, “Evil the Babovna”, p. 48, 46 *

Middle group

“How are you living?”, “Head and tail”*

Senior group

Another half day

Tabletop Toy Theater “The Girl is Murdered” (for A. Barto and P. Barto), p. 25**

I and II youth groups

Table theater "Chervona Shapochka", p. 68**

Middle group

Finger Theater “Two Greedy Wedges”, with an upcoming show for children of the young and middle groups.

Senior group

Children play with the “Geometric Constructor” (fairy tale characters are selected behind the picture)

Senior group

* “Methodology and organization of theatrical activities for preschool children and young schoolchildren" E.G. Churilova (p. 40-54).
* * “Theatrical games for preschoolers.” L.V. Artemova, 1991.

Vikova group

Day of musical games and musical games

Musical and didactic games: “How does a bird sleep?”, “Tambourine”, p. 87, 88 *

I and II youth groups

Musical and didactic games: “The guests have arrived before us”, “Kovpachki”, p. 88, 89 *

Middle group

Musical and didactic games: “Our path”, p. 89 *; “Listen with respect,” p. 91*

Senior group


Rusty games with various musical instruments: bubo, drum, maracas, noise boxes, etc. (for selection of children and children)

In all groups

Another half day

Individual games with musical toys: tumblers, dolls, buboons, rattles, tinkles, organs, rattles, organs. “Whose bell is it?”, “Guess what it sounds like?”

I and II youth groups

Concert for children - for children "E - muzicanti"

Middle group
senior group

* “Starting preschoolers to play children’s musical instruments.” N.G. Kononova. M., 1990.


Ranok: Charging.
Let's warm up a little,
We are splashing in the valley.
Our little legs are still warming up,
We are drowning swedishly.
We covered our mittens,
We are not afraid of bad things.
We chatted with the frost,
Like snowflakes swirling.

Didactic gra“Pull up your bags to the thread.”
the development is based on the color; name and differentiate the main colors (yellow, red, green, blue).

Didactic game “Geometric figures”
fixing the shape of an object: colo, square, tricut.

Didactic game “Miracle little bag” (guess, don’t be surprised)
: development of tactile senses

Play to develop fine motor skills.
Didactic game “Once kvass, two kvass.”
Didactic gra "Busi" (strung).

Be careful about the operation of the door at the children's kindergarten.
Gra "Find a match."

Didactic games:
“Invest at the slot of the figure”
"Multicolored clothes pins"
“Place them in order.”

Walk: Gra "Steam Locomotive"


Ranok: Charging.
We got up early today
І charging became timid.
Hands up,
Hands down,
Left-handed - right-handed, turn around.
Hands wider to the side -
One two three chotiri.
Low and low
I quietly straightened up.
And they breathed deeply,
We saw it - that’s all.

Gra "Let's have a wake-up call for the doctor and the bunny."
mold in children forever and create from household material; Add toys of a similar size to the creation of disputes.

Be careful.
Practice with nature.
Gra "Leaves"

Evening: Gra “Lisenka for a squirrel”
You will be molding the prepared pattern, sealing it, and playing the spores, vikory and toys. Vikhovuvati good-natured installations to their one-year-olds.

Be careful.
Gra "Potyag".


Morning: charging.
Bjoli sit on the vuliks (Sit down)
And finally marvel.
Wanted to have fun
They flew off one after another. (big)
They flew to the galyavina,
They sat down together on the bed. (Sit down)
Our red coins
They close the pelyas,
Quietly falling asleep
Hit your head.

Dikhalna to the right “Let’s smell the flower.”
molding of the dead; training of correct nasal breathing.
Hello, my dear little girl.
Chuckling in the wind.
The sun grows loudly,
You will be pestered all day long.

Be careful about the dog.
Practice with nature. Let's go for the birds. Play on the asphalt “Metelik”, “Snake”, “Mugs”.
Rukhliva gra "Along the Rivne Road"

Evening:dihalna to the right “Naduemo mikhur.”
training of correct nasal breathing; the formation of a rhythmic vision and destruction.
Puff up, mikhur,
Grow great,
Don't burst!

Watch out for the birch tree.
Work at the children's kindergarten.
Rukhliva gra "Pastki".


Ranok: Charging. Graz with ensigns.
Stribok-skok, stribok-skok.
Strib - skok, strib - skok, axis is my ensign.

"The doctor arrived before us."
The trainer orders toys for the bunny to sit on. Medic, doll, little hedgehog - and they say: “Like a devil in a medicine room!” Little animal, are you all sick? After all, the doctor has gone to the sick, but there are no more doctors. What is it timid? We absolutely need a doctor. Who cares for the sick? Oleno, will you be a doctor? Do you like sick animals? Put on a robe. Now to the doctor. The cry of the sick at the office.”
The “doctor” listens to the sick, looks at the throat, and gives the face.

Vikhovatel: Doctor, we have an office at the doctor’s office where your ear and nose are warm. I am a nurse, I give injections. Your illnesses come before me.

Treatment of sick people is carried out. The nurse assists the doctor: writes a prescription, administers medications to the mouth. Don't hesitate to give injections.

Whisperer seems to be: “I have to go home, my work is finished. Who will be the nurse? Taisiya, go and pray for me. Bring the dolls to Taisya to rejoice. It’s good to give injections, it won’t hurt at all.”

Be careful.
Work at the children's kindergarten.
Rukhliva gra "Vovk and hares".

Evening: game - situation"Pharmacy extension".

The vikhovatel plays the role of a pharmacist. He asks for the sick (games and children), praises the work of his pharmacy.

Pharmacist: Our pharmacy has a lot of products. Come, let’s help you first. (Turns back to the game) Medic, have you seen the doctor? What's your recipe? (Reads the recipe) So, the doctor ordered the mixture. Axis, drink one spoon at a time and see. Who's attacking? Liza, I thought that the little bunny in you was sick. What did they prescribe for you? Pigulki? Go take a walk. Give the bunny a pill right away. The neck will pass soon. Who is in pain? In the gut? Zhenya, your kitty is full, your hands are for her. What about you, Oleno? Maybe some vitamins? Take it.

To pharmacies throughout the region
There are faces and drops,
We live in Vilikuiemo
At the hedgehog, at the chap.
Come to the pharmacy
You are cutting off your faces!

Be careful.
Practice with nature.
Rukhliva gra "Gorobtsi ta kit".


Morning: Buratino exercise
Pinocchio stretching

Once - getting sick,
Two - getting sick,
Three - getting sick.
Hands have grown
The key, apparently, is not known.
Let us get the key
You need to stand on the scaffolds.

"Three Bears"
Three witches went home

Tato buv great-great
His mother is younger than he is growing up
And the little darling is just a krichta,
Even a little one,
I walked with the bryazkalts.

We're splashing around right now

And then we become stupid
And immediately we turned around
And everyone laughed at once.

Kazka "Ripka"with display on flannelgraph .
Grass with a division of roles behind the Cossack "Ripka".

Be careful.
Practice with nature.
Rukhliva gra “Geese and swans”

Kazka "Kolobok" from a show at the "Bi-ba-bo" theater.
Be careful.
Rukhliva gra "Koni".

Authors: Yusina Ganna Viktorivna,
Bantush Valentina Volodymyrivna,

The state has no budget lighting installation Moscow city center is in the middle dark-illuminated school z pogliblenim vivchennyam English language No. 1375 Structural structure No. 5,
m Moscow

PLANNING OF VIKHOVNO-SVITNO ROBOTI (for this year – 07.11 – 11.11)

Group: senior Topic:"I toys".

Purpose:Expand awareness of children about toys; clarify the name of the toy, how to play with it; see stock, shape, color, material.

Bag drop: exhibition of children's creativity “Toys from Polkhiv - Maidan”. Date of the bag call:Thursday - 10.11

Receivable for carrying out a bag entry:vikhovateli.

Tyzhnya Day


Integration of lighting glazes

Interactions with fathers/social partners




Monday – 07.11


physical culture

I'm healthy



practice, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Rankov gymnastics.

D/I «“Find pictures of the place” - learn to follow the sequences. perebіgu dіi.

M/I“Pick up a toy”

Purpose: Place objects in the shelf according to the named number and remember them and read them to find an equal number of toys.

Fizo. І / У “Rolling a ring along the bottom” - read roll the ring in the center.

(Violetta, Mark, Tanya, Katya, David, Dima K.).

Besida: “Everything begins with the words “hello.” Meta: consolidate formulas of verbal sensitivity.

Lotto “Igashki” – expanded. statements about objects in the supernatural world.

Circle the toys by the dots and name them.”

Place information in accordance with the rules of the road traffic in Father's little corner.



Awareness of the alien. “Igrashki” (div. “KRO” by Morozov, page 33). Goal: Systematize children's knowledge about toys. Form the formal concept of “games”, and clearly describe the subject; indicate its essential signs, recognize the object by description.

Physical education

I'm healthy

Physical culture. (Behind the plan of the physical education instructor).




I'm healthy,






Reading x/l,

Artist creativity,


Careful about “Autumn Landscapes” - clarify the knowledge about the successors. main changes.

(Div. G. Lapteva, page 22)

P/I "Blind Man's Bluff".

I/U "Ribaliv".

Labor darling:

We collect dry needles and sticks from the plot area.

Situational Rozmova “Why do you need to read it?” Meta: Explain to children that they need to read, broaden their horizons.

S/R gra "Zoo" - formulate and creatively develop the plot of the game.

Activate roach activity with wine sports equipment.

D/I “Describe the house.”

robot before bed

Tell the children of R.N. the fairy tale “The Toad Princess.” Cherguvannya in the distance. Purpose: secure it, cover it on the table, lay out the tableware correctly. Rozmova and her children about the value of daily sleep. Finger gymnastics"Dwarf".


Gymnastics after sleep. Zhartovuvannya.

Moral education: conversation “Who formed whom?” (div. V. Petrova, p. 36) - make children aware of manifestations of injustice.

Compiled descriptive story about your favorite toy. (Varya A., Nastya, Dima L., Rostik, Vlad, Yarik).

Repeated songs learned during music lessons.

Situational discussions with children about honesty.

Cherguvannya in a corner of nature.

Role-playing game “School” (Students come before school. Their teacher is there to conduct lessons).


Caution “Purposeful walk in the territory of the garden” - whirlwind more economical installation to everything that sends us away. (Div. G. Lapteva, page 41). P/I “Fox in the henhouse”. I/U “Walking like a snake.” Pratsya na dilyantsi.

Tyzhnya Day





Sleeping activity of adults and children with proper integration of light channels

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activity (activity centers, group assignments)




Lighting activity in regime moments

Tuesday 08.11


physical culture

I'm healthy



practice, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Rankov gymnastics.

D/I «"Guchno-poshepki" -

Read the children to select phrases similar to the sound

(sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew in; . . .)

M/I“Pick a figure” - secure and separate geometric figures Cabin: straight cut, tricut, square, colo, oval.

FIZO. I/U “Beat the pins” - learn to throw the ball in front of your chest with both hands. (Dasha, Yana, Varya, Vlad, Dima L., Glib).

Rozmova and her children about the culture of behavior under the hour.

Walking into nature's corner: Rooting the soil in the indoor growing areas. Meta: Read how to keep an eye on your indoor growing plants and learn about the need to fluff up the growing soil; seal and fluff.

Make pictures of toys and paste them into an album.

Individual conversations and consultations before asking fathers.

Consultation “By playing, we get to know nature.”

Absolutely illuminating activity

Communication socialization

Development of language. “A speech about the peculiarities of the enemy on the topic “Our Games.” (Div. Ushakova, page 32).

Meta: Read a description of the current appearance of the toy, how you can play with it, and what kind of games you can play at home. Secure the use of words close to you by replacing cognate words that are useful in language





I'm healthy,






Reading x/l,

Artist creativity,


The warning “Autumn Wind” is to expand the phenomena of autumn nature.

(Div. G. Lapteva, page 25).

P/I “We are merry boys.”

I/U "Swedish flights".

With Diana, Vareya

Tanya, Mark Goal: secure the rakhunok to 7 (with aspen leaves).

In a thorough manner, children will independently dress and unwind.

Story games to choose children.

Experimentation with sand.

D, \i. “Name whose leaf” Meta: develop the leaves of the trees.

Work before bed

Reading "I am a passenger" by T. Shorigin. Cherguvannya in the distance. Meta: explain that the spoon and bottom should be placed right-handed in front of the plate, the fork left-handed. Besida: “More expensive than a piece of bread.” Meta: information about the path that life takes in the human body, explaining the need for careful chewing.


LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Rozmova “Odyag and Health” (div. M. Fisenko “Life Life”, p. 76) - information about the types of benefits of the Odyag.

« Painting from nature room growth" Meta: Read on to paint with thin lines and simply paint the watercolor with olive oil. (Pasha, Zoya, Tanya, Mark).

Rozmova on the topic “Who and how you can get along and say goodbye.” Meta: consolidate formulas of verbal sensitivity.

Plot-wise - role-playing games iz vikoristannyam budіvel. Meta: desire to accept roles, role behavior.

Design: construction set - “TECHNO” - develop thinking, modeling, agility and hand motor skills.


The goal of “Sign in Autumn” is to develop your creative imagination. (Div. G. Lapteva, page 35). P/I "Vitivniki". I/U "Mavpochka". Pratsya na dilyantsi.

Tyzhnya Day





Sleeping activity of adults and children with proper integration of light channels

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activity (activity centers, group assignments)

Interactions with fathers/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

background lighting installations).




Lighting activity at regular moments

Sereda – 09.11


physical culture

I'm healthy



practice, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Rankov gymnastics.

D/I“Say it out of the blue” -

To develop intelligence and mental intelligence in children.

M/I“Call me a fuck” -

FIZO. I/U “Circus Horses” - learn how to walk and run on a signal (sub-group of children).

Ecological awareness“Our assistants are growing.” Meta: games: reinforce in children ideas about how to help themselves and others lose their health in the future.

Work in the center of the book: a selection of books about toys.

Mosaic “Make a toy from a mosaic” – develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Encourage children to independently stage familiar fairy tales.

Encourage fathers and children to guess folk proverbs and explain their meanings.

Absolutely illuminating activity


FEMP No. 10 (Novikova div., page 27). Meta: Learn about the combinations of the number and the number 8. Read the relationship between the number and the number; sweep in between 8; close the time-hour manifestations: “early morning - evening, “day - night”.

Phys. Culture

Artistic creativity

Physical education (as planned by the physical education instructor).

Painting “Groups from Polkhiv to Maidan”. (D. Koldina, page 101). Purpose:Know the painting of Polkhov - Maidan, with its characteristic elements. Read the composition of the verses from the motifs of the Polkhiv-Maidan. painting. Extend love to folk creativity. Rozvivati creativity.




I'm healthy,






Reading x/l,

Artist creativity,


The mission of “Birds of Migratory” is to expand the knowledge of the life of birds.

(Div. G. Lapteva, page 26)

P/I "At Uncle Trifon's."

I/U “Catch the ball.”

Practice: tidying up the farmhouse - forming a culture of practice.

Tell the children about those who need help alone. Guess how much it is necessary to fight with the prohannyam and yakuvat.

Cognitive and follow-up activity: "Parachute" Purpose:See that springiness is present again. Understand how the power of the wind (rukh) can be victorious.

Independent activity of children during walks, games of choice.

robot before bed

E. Uspensky “Cheburashka go to school” . Analyze the robot further. Completed version “My Games”. (Div. plan). Game situation "Who is swedish". Meta: Close it yourself and quickly release it.


Gymnastics after sleep.


Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Zhikharka” Meta: to develop the creativity of children, cleverly conveying the character of the characters with gestures, voice, facial expressions.

Handle children with familiar objects of square, round, rectangular shapes.

Prak. to the right “Krascha Lizhko” Meta: Close the place yourself, quickly and beautifully tidy up the bed after going to bed.

Lively games at the gaming activity center “Our Microdistrict”.Meta: Continue reading and deriving different results from household material. Develop in your mind the meaning of the future future controversy.


The goal of the “Practice of the People of Spring” is to bring home the importance and necessity of door cleaning. (Div. G. Lapteva, page 34). P/I “Fox in the henhouse”. І/У “Chaplea on the meadow”. Pratsya na dilyantsi.

Tyzhnya Day





Sleeping activity of adults and children with proper integration of light channels

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activity (activity centers, group assignments)

Interactions with fathers/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

background lighting installations).




Lighting activity at regular moments

Thursday - 10.11


physical culture

I'm healthy



practice, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Rankov gymnastics.

D/I“Name it in one word” -

learn things in one word, learn vocabulary.

M/I“Chi vistachit?” - read children’s jealousy and inequality of groups of objects different sizes, Make it clear that the number does not lie below the size.

FIZO."The ladder at the hoop."

Purpose: to direct into the target.

(Maxim, Zoya, Kristina, Pasha, Rostik, Kostya).

Besida “Hedgehog culture is serious on the right.” Goals: Close your mouth correctly, use cutlery, close your mouth, and chew the food silently.

S/r.i. " Children's garden Meta: read at once, spend, practice, get busy.

Play with didactic material at the center of musical development. “What am I playing?” Goal: development of timbre hearing.

Consultation “Preparing a preschooler’s hand before writing.”

Absolutely illuminating activity


Movie development: The story of “My Favorite Toy.” Meta: Read children's symptoms with special consideration. Correct the words - antonyms. (Div. Gerbova, page 82)


Artistic creativity

Music (behind the plan of a musical roboticist).

Application “Turn and stick as you want a toy” (Komarov’s div., p. 89). Meta: Think of a clumsy plot. Close and virilize. Vikhovavat activity, independence.




I'm healthy,






Reading x/l,

Artist creativity,


Careful “Falling Leaves” - verify the knowledge about changes in nature. (Div. G. Lapteva, page 28).

P/I "Palniki".

I/U "Kangaroo".

Practice with nature:

Tidying up the garden plot from the fallen leaves. Meta: learn to create a joyful mood in the world of work.

Situational Rozmova about those who can be a good friend.

Recognition and follow-up activities “Kaminnya”Goal: to develop patience, respect; encourage interest until further action is gained in helping to solve problem problems; develop communication.

Children can act independently.

robot before bed

Reading: V. Osieva “The Charming Word.” Meta: understand the sympathies and advantages of children. Cherguvannya in the distance. Purpose: secure it, cover it on the table, lay out the tableware correctly.


Gymnastics after sleep.

Preparation procedures.

Rozvaga: Literary show – quiz “What fairy tales and miracles” - continue to learn about and name what kind of fairy tales the presentations of fairy tale lessons. Develop memory, myslennya, uyavu.

“My Bunny” - Close the skill of creating images of your favorite toy from parts, correctly conveying their actual size

(Varya, Dasha, Mark, Sasha).

Fix the fastenings lightly: straighten the stretch, cover with a cover.

Rozmova about friendship; read at once: earn, work, get busy.

Plot-role play: "School" Meta. The children's task is to implement and develop the plot of the story. Familiarity and habituation of preschoolers to the school life regime.

Working in a corner of nature, looking after the indoor vegetation.


The mission of “Gorobtsi” is to expand knowledge about birds. (Div. G. Lapteva, page 33). P/I “Migration of Birds”.

I/U “Potrap at the target.” Pratsya na dilyantsi.

Tyzhnya Day





Sleeping activity of adults and children with proper integration of light channels

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activity (activity centers, group assignments)

Interactions with fathers/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

background lighting installations).




Lighting activity at regular moments

Friday 11.11


physical culture

I'm healthy



practice, knowledge


reading x/l

creative artist


Rankov gymnastics.

D/I"Finish the proposition"

living with folding propositions.


“Tell me about your baby” -

Read the spatial patterns: evil, right, up, below.

Fizo. І / In “Break the pin” - control in throwing the ball towards the target. (Dasha, Varya, Yarik, Vlad, Mark

Situational conversation “About the rules of behavior at the table) Meta: Secure your guts and handle them correctly with a fork and knife.

Play with didactic material at the center of environmental development. Lotto "Rosliny forest, garden, city." Meta: Expand children's knowledge about the forest, the garden and the city.

D/I “Find the games behind the silhouettes and name them” - develop mentality, respect.

Scientific information "Let's get to know the signatures."

Out of the middle lighting activity



Awareness of the alien. “Why is the Red Book needed?” (Div. Volchkova “Ecology”, page 16). Purpose:Vikhovuvat kindly, mercifully, at a higher level to nature, the future needs that must be deprived of the Earth for living; formulate a concept that the beauty of nature is priceless and needs to be protected.

Artistic creativity

Physical culture

Painting “Clown and Doll” (div. D. Koldina, page 100). Purpose:Develop the ability to convey the figure of a person, portraying a face of rice. Read the image of a cheerful clown and the image of a beloved doll. Vikhovu. independence.

Physical education in the open air. (Behind the plan of the physical education instructor).




I'm healthy,






Reading x/l,

Artist creativity,


The warning “It’s time to hang your nose” - expand the knowledge about the natural phenomena of spring.

(Div. G. Lapteva, page 29).

P/I "Geese - Swans".

I/U “Remove the toy.”

Practice: sweeping paths in the area.

Tell the children about those who need to take care of themselves every day from the outside looking in, keep your clothes clean, and comb your hair.

Experimentation:“Traditions of our hands” Meta: consolidate knowledge about the power of the wetland to protect the shape of an object.

S/R gra “Vulitsa” – formulate and creatively develop the plot of the gri.

robot before bed

Reading E. Moshkovska “Images”. Cherguvannya in the distance. Meta: make sure to carefully place it on the table and tidy up the table. Finger gymnastics "Gnome".


Gymnastics after sleep. Walking on massage paths.

Patriotic inspiration:

“Ground passenger transport of the city” (N. Zelenova div., page 42) – get to know children about different types transport in the local area, with the work of people of various professions.

Molded according to plan. Meta: Formation in place of your work; Let's begin to follow this witchcraft and methods of depiction.

Situational Rozmova about those to whom we need to say goodbye. Dealing with and discussing the situation.

Gospodarsko-pobutova pratsya.

Game situation: “Messy stuff.” Goal: To consolidate the mind and maintain order in the group.

Role-playing game "Children's Garden"

Meta: expand and strengthen the statements of children about the replacement of labor activities in kindergartens.


The caution of “Iva” is for children to understand the role of roses in people’s lives. (Div. G. Lapteva, page 30). P/I “Charming stick”. І/У "Pіdkin - сіймая". Pratsya na dilyantsi.

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