Soak the curtains in salt. Chim vіdbіlity kapron tulle in the form of grayness and life, the shortest way, vіdguki. Bіlizna for helping starch

Decorated with white tulle, the windows give a special lightness, freshness and shakyness to the life. Ale, like a mustache of white fabrics, synthetic tulle accumulates zabrudnennya and dosit gently losing its blindness. Sonyachni promenі“vipally” the structure of the fabric, which penetrates into the middle of the street sawdust clutter, particles of kitchen boiling water and garou with an hour change the whiteness of the tulle to a dark grayish-yellow color, seep cigarette smoke, like the middle of the household chickens.

The most radical and intolerant gentlemen begin to work on changing the tulle firanka. Ale, let's unify later purchases. It will turn tulle obov'yazkovo, as if you will change the hour of joy, how to teach, how to correctly fall in love with tulle in the home minds of people's minds with minimal financial expenses.

Read from this article:

Revealing the secrets of vigilance

If the mass of confusion is critical and the patience of a careful gentleman reaches the boundary, the franks break at the front. Ale with tulle, paradoxically, permanent pruning does not help to reverse the situation, but leads to an opposite result. The whiteness of the fabric does not change, but, on the contrary, it looks like a smoky color.

Vіdbіlity tulle will help us, either in the production of industrial butt chemistry, or in the people's welfare of our mothers and grandmother.


Today's chemical industry promotes impersonal effects as a viable, as well as supplementary, flame effect.

When you see it, read the instructions to the purchased property and read the rules of the chemist. Ale remember that often zasosuvannya khіmіkatіv ruynuє fiber fabric to utvodnya rok.

The chemical water is added at once with the right powder at the machine tray, otherwise the tulle is soaked for 20-30 quills at the water after the day. Relatively rinse.

Homemade victories

All the help for the sounding of the sound є at any booth under the hand. Cost the stench inexpensively, the method of stosuvannya clumsy navit for gospodarok-pochatkіvtsіv, zusilla minimal, and the result - white and shining.

It is even more important that home remedies do not lead to allergic reactions.


The genius of simplicity confirms the great kitchen strength, which is well seen by the straggler, without being an allergen. Schob vibility tulle, we need 3 tbsp. spoons of the great pomelo of non-iodized salt, as if mixed with 10 liters of water and pivsklyanka (per eye) of the powder. We fill the tulle at any other place, ideally for the whole night, or at least for 3 years. After the end of the hour, we erase it, or I will do it by hand, or at cleaning machines, and relatively propoliskuєmo kіlka razіv.


It’s fun to “weed greenery” ... It’s not hot for me, because the result itself is such that the tulle looks just right, moreover, wind it for even brighter firanok.

Razmіshuєmo in 200 ml of water pharmacy brilliant green (diamond greens) a quantity of 10 drops. You can add more strength to the effect of 2 tbsp. spoons of salt on horseback. We wonder for a couple of hvilin, chi having settled the siege. If so, then we will move to a complete equal division, so that the green divisions will disappear when we are drunk. Vilivayemo ready concentrate at filling with water a basin and rinse the tulle curtain. You can stretch 5 strands at the pelvis, periodically turning over. Vyyavshi tulle, not vychavlyuєmo yogo, but rozvіshuєmo and give drains of water, and then at the straightened look it is dry to the touch.


In the front, the vipranium tulle is filled with capacity for watering, in which one cup of blue is placed in 10 liters of water. We check the differences on the presence of sedimentary breasts, as they can appear on fabrics. We polish the tulle through the blue, sweat by the water. When pranny is in the automatic machine, we add a cap of blue in the tray for the police officer.

Ammonia and water peroxide

A wonderful folk zasіb, like sensitive kapron tulle and organza - ammonia, mixed with water peroxide. The stench is available at the skin pharmacies and is inexpensive. Fallow according to the hour chosen different ways vіdbіlyuvannya.

Express method. At the water, more than 50 degrees, pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia and 2 tbsp. spoons of peroxide water. Kindly mix the concentrate with a spoon. Wet in a new fabric, which is visible, on the first year, periodically turning over. Let's do good propoliskuemo. Not v_dzhimayuchi, rozvіshuєmo straightening tulle for drying.

Night method. Vitrimuёmo tulle for vіdbіlyuvannya tsіlu nіch at rozchinі z vody and ammonia bulbs. Vrantsі retelno propoliskuєmo and razvіshuєmo for drying.

Vidbіlyuvannya іz prannyam avtomatіvі machines. Add 20 ml of water peroxide to the powder tray at once. We install the early mode "delicate".


In the front, vipranium with your hands, or in the automatic machine, the tulle is lowered for polishing into the basin from the sum of 200-300 grams of starch and 10 liters of water. We leave the curtains for 5 years, after we hang them without drying them. Hydnist to starch in yogo in vіdbіlyuyuchih dominion, and in the given relief forms of tulle.

Gospodarska milo

Rub on the great third a briquette of the Lord's sweet and sipte yogo into a metal container with water. Let the sums boil and clean up from the stove. Cool down a milestone, expanding it with cold water, until the warm summish is gone. Soak at her tulle against the night. Straighten the tulle and rinse well.

Vidbіlyuvannya kapron firankas

Kapron tulle, with all its structural strength, has a neat approach when it comes to prana and ventilation. Vіn is also sensitive to chemіchnyh zabіv, so it is not possible to work out from the zastosuvannyam vіdbіlyuvacha.

Be sure that the temperature of the water does not exceed 30 degrees during pranny, and the pranny mode is carried out at 400 rpm.

As soon as the first hour of the general selection was overwhelmed by the problem, like weeding tulle, then the optimal choice for this is soaking in salt (one bottle for a 10-liter volume of water) or rinsing at the water level of greenery or blue. Similar to the use of potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate in the case. Brewed in a three-liter jar, add grains of potassium permanganate to a slightly erysipelas tone. We add half a briquette of the planed master's milk and mix it up to the uniformity of that stump. We place tulle at the roses on pіvgodini. Then we wash it in an automatic machine in the “Manual cleaning” or “Delicate cleaning” mode.

Vіdbіlyuvannya fіranok with organzi

The tulle with organza is narrower than the lower one, it seems to be a neat approach both in case of prana, and in case of ventilation. Do not heat water above 40 degrees for both processes. For vіdbіlyuvannya pіdіyde soaking in greenery, blueberry, salt or water peroxide with ammonia.

Krashim for organza is important starch vіdbіlyuvannya, scho nadaє їy relief forms and syayuche- white color.

After rinsing the tulle without twisting, it immediately rises.

Vidbіlyuvannya old tulle fіranok

Over the old ones, those strongly zhovklim tulle flanks, it is possible to improve more, so that they can be made whiter. Here is the following combination of a few of the last receptions:

  • back - viprati in the automatic machine;
  • vivariti kip'yatіnnyam at the mіtsnuyu rozchinі gospodarskogo mil;
  • add peroxide to water and ammonia;
  • rinse with salt water;
  • rinse in starch - for completion.

Watching at the right car

For minimization of zusil and with a shortage of time, you can vibility the tulle in the machine. Who needs:

  • I will hand in front the viprati tulle;
  • in front of the victories, the machines perekonatisya in the purity of the drum and in the new forgotten after the past cycle of color whiteness, so that the vipadkovy farbovannya disappears;
  • place the tulle at a special bag to prevent fabric deformation;
  • Prati in the “delicate” mode with a temperature that does not exceed 40 degrees and the number of wraps is 400.

  • having removed the curtain, it is good to shake the tulle behind the house for maximum visibility of the sawn particles, so that the stench does not get into the fibers of the fabric;
  • dzhe brudnі firanki before prannyam vіdmochіt on nіch near the water from the powder;
  • prati tulle following the temperature of the water is not higher than 40 degrees, so that the yellowness does not stick to the fiber of the fabric;
  • always wash the curtains until they are washed;
  • under the hour of manual training, do not rub the fabric, but rather lightly squeeze it over;
  • por_vnyano new tulle can be used with the addition of a shop voucher;
  • Vibileni firanki not slid vykruchuvaty and vіdzhimati hands, including the program vіdzhim pralnoї machine. Weaving the tulle from the pelvis, we rose it so that we could give a drain of water, and then we rose at the liquor-vologous stand on the eaves. The folds straighten out under the vag of their vag of tulle;
  • when the vicorist is used, the laundry is slightly heated, so that the synthetics, under the influx of high temperatures, do not renew the zhovtiznu;

We hope that folk technologies on the basis of long-standing home care will help you to improve the tulle in your home minds and breathe in a new, new, blind-white life, giving you a sense of freshness of that aesthetic satisfaction.

The tulle has already been aged for a long time to the present day. Navit new design solutions for the design of apartments rarely do without tulle. However, with an hour of wine, you can spend your pleasant look, please, and so on. At this article, it is possible to simply turn the original appearance of the material.

Not all household gifts know how to make tulle, if you want a window, hung with a beautiful white lace, looking just wonderful. However, this is far from being the case.

Literally after two or three years, this species becomes significantly stronger - the dependencies of this genus look no longer familiar. The stench transforms into gray virobi, clad in rudiments or orange-colored separations. At the link with cym, most household gifts are given as a whole to reasonable nutrition, as a way to bring tulle into the minds of the home.

Moreover, how to make tulle at home minds, there is a sprat of ways. A rich home gift for making tulle, going to different vіdbіlyuvachіv or zabіv for seeing the flames.

One of the most popular speeches, built to turn the tulle first look, є zasіb under the name "Bilіzna". In order to make the tulle as good as possible, it is necessary to prepare the right concentration of roses.

Vіdpovіdno to іsnuyuchoї їіnstruktsії, yak zastosovєtsya to tsgogo zasobu, yogo next to grow in a few liters of water. If there will be preparations of roses from the necessary concentration, they put firankas there, but no more than lower on pivgodini.

When vikoristannі bіlіznі sіd vіdrazu vіdоlyuvat, sо thеy сіb сіlіy сіlіy number оf important nedolіkіv, yаkі needs tо be respected before tim, yоvіdbіlyuvati firanki. For example:

  • Danes may also have a specific, and often unacceptable aroma of chlorine, which you can afford to indulge in for help refreshing again or a whole series of other similar diseases;
  • if the whiteness appears in a wild way, then with a high imovirnistyu only for help to go far away, direct the tulle at a presentable look.

Selection of active chemical speeches for vaping

Warto means that in the minds of the home, the gentleman is often corrugated by means, released on a promiscuous scale. With whom, the brand of such a person is far from being important.

Winners of the right kind are often mixed with hot and cold water divorces in singing proportions. After that, as soon as there will be preparations, the tulle will be soaked in a new one. If you need to protect yourself, what time of soaking can kolivatatsya in a few years before doby.

In order to get away from different kinds of plamas and pozhovtinnya tulle, you can speed up with different ways to see the plamas. Sound tsі zabebi more concentrated, zv'azku z chim їх sіd apply directly to the plot, de bulo was marked as a streak of confusion.

Prote can be worked in a different order: if you want to work in different concentrations, then you can soak the firankas for a song hour. If you happen to be obov'yazkovo viprati. If the stink dries up, then, singsongly, there will be a more memorable positive effect.

In the case of the following, in the obov'yazkovy order, it is safe to make sure that for the display of flames that are far from suitable for the skin type of tulle. Deyakі see similar fabrics are not built vytrimati pouring in similar features and just crumble.

In order to appreciate the positive effect of using these synthetic cleansing speeches, it is necessary to respectfully read the instructions before the ceremony. Tse allow vіdrazu vstanovit, which is the same type of fabric pіdіyde that chi іnshiy zasіb. In addition, the instructions will become much easier to learn the process of developing speech.

Dekilka of national benefits on tulle

Warto means that a lot of home-giving gifts are made due to the cost of craftsmanship, directing to the use of tulle, to the greed of a different kind of folk methods. Їx on this day, it is necessary to finish the rich:

  • vivarium;
  • blue;
  • brilliant green;
  • ammonia;
  • relief from water peroxide;
  • starch;
  • potassium permanganate, or an obvious potassium permanganate.

With victorious vivaruvannya as a viable technology for firankas, it will not be possible to coristuate, be it like additive speeches.

In order to implement a similar technology, it is enough to take a saucepan of a decent volume, and be careful. The deputy of a new one can add a pardon or a powder. Let the pan be filled with water again, and the franks are put there. If so, all the confusion is put on the fire and boiled as much as dochi, until the cute or pralny powder is not broken up again. If it happens, the firanks should boil for a long time.

Significantly, that the introduction of tulle can be done for the greenery, as if it were in the minds of the home.

In order to correctly master the technology, take five drops of greenery, sort it out from the actual amount of water. As soon as a siege is begun at the rose, it is necessary to start a siege.

If it’s too early to finish, rinse near the water with greenery, leave the firnki there for a sprat of whilin. Let it be hung on hanks without a veil, so that the whole zayva of the countryside and the firnki dry out normally.

To turn the tulle of cob white near the water, which is recognized for rinsing, add a standard cap of light blue in front. Varto signify that the principle of diy here will be the same as that of greenery.

Most often, other ways to get rid of ammonia and peroxide do not work for certain types of fabrics. It is the most effective way to find out, where there will be contributions to one or the other component.

Take two to one from spivvіdnoshnі - two parts of ammonia to add one part of peroxide to water. Nadalі insults tsі speech razvodit in the vіdrі hot water, resolutely mix it up. After that, rinse the tulle and put it on the pivgodini. Vyyavshi її zvіdti, I will rinse again, kindly shake and hang to dry.

Finish the original way of tying from the tulle for the rahunok of potassium permanganate.

The technology of zastosuvannya tsієї spoluchy here will be offensive - for the cob the tulle will happen to be resolutely wetted and kindly merciful, vicorist for whom the Lord is more than sweet.

Then we are ready to finish the concentrations of roses, where to lower the tulle for about the first year, but sometimes it takes more than an hour, or not more than forty quills. After that, rinse, wiggle and hang to dry.

You can speed up to see the tulle in such a half-hearted way, like starch. In this case, the procedure will be even simpler - starch is grown by cold water, then tulle is placed on a sprat of fluff, after which you hang it on your body.

Literally in one or two days, I will follow again. For rahunok, starch can be seen easily.

Original ways of vaping

Today, a lot of people are covered with salty rosemary in order to see the confusion that they were trying to do. And here are two technologies.

  1. To tidy up the back of the cloth from the saws (to shave for the rahunok rinsing or to shake), then put the firnki at the powdered salt shops - for five liters of water, add no more than five tablespoons of kitchen salt and a small amount of salt powder. Let's sweat the tulle, deprive it of yoga for a few years, or better, deprive it for nothing. If you pass a sufficient hour, carefully wash the fabric, and then rinse and dry it.
  2. Another way is used in the offensive: after that, as the work is completed, the franks should be put in rozchin, where about a couple of spoons of salt were added in front. Trimati firanki there need not be more than 15 khvilin. If such an operation is not followed by rinsing the fabric, you just press it up and hang it.

As if tulle was made from material on a kapron basis, it should be done in a more gentle mode. In this way, it’s not varto vikoristovuvaty chemical fabrics, so that after them the fabric is already unpresentable looking. Among the traditional methods, the most striking are the ones that can be victorious in cold water.

Zocrema, you can vicorate brilliant green, blue or potassium permanganate. Varto designate that it is possible to vicorate salt, moreover, it can be cured like in the process of pranny, and so it is for an hour of rinsing.

In addition, for trimming the shape of kapron tulle, it is necessary to refinish it with starch. In other times, the tulle will be stovburchitis, most of the time with flames, so it’s respectful to practice with it.

Visnovki: you can pick up tulle for help different methods, as from the zastosuvannyam of various special chemical warehouses, and for the analysis of the revision of folk methods. Smut in case of smut - preserve the structure of the fabric, so that it does not become unacceptable.

Vibration of tulle in domestic minds. Vybіr zalezhnostі vіd type of fabric. Recipes for the preparation of roses, which you can cook, on the basis of salt, brilliant green, peroxide, soda. Peculiarities of seeing tulle at the machine.

Nothing so refreshes the interior, like the bottom, which is covered with bright whiteness, tulle. However, every year a white color of darkness fills a gray or yellow vіdtinka - a street drink and a sleepy light, a cigarette smoke and a kitchen gar rob your right. Pass one, two, three days - and what? The tulle is not light, but, on the contrary, it becomes wild. How can I shy away the news of the lord, if I want to rebuild the tulle again? The reasoning is simple: they support the revision of folk recipes for help.

What way to choose?

Select the method of selecting tulle bandages from the type of fabric, from which type of sewing. Today's widest tulle with organza and capron.

  • Organization

Beautiful, scarcely primply in the corysty of the fabric. Do not tolerate contact with hot water and industrial waters. Z national benefits for watering tulle with organza, it is suitable to soak in a mixture of peroxide and ammonia, rinsing in salt powder with adding greenery. Another wonderful and inexpensive method of using tulle with organza in home minds is for additional blue. Razchin for rinsing is prepared with 3 liters of water and 3 tbsp. rare blue. After a new order, the tulle should be lowered at the warehouse for 5 quills and the tulle should be rinsed at pure water. It is also possible to wink the blue when you see the tulle at the right machine. It’s better to pour 2 tbsp. Koshti that syyuchy result will be safe.

  • Kapron

To finish the lower synthetic material, which will require a lot of work and a delicate touch. It is impossible to wear yoga at high temperatures (maximum - 30 ° C) and the firmness of wraps over 400. How to make kapron tulle in home minds? More proponation at the store of craftsmanship can create an evil heat with this material, incorrectly squeezing the fabric, and from folk remedies, accessories that ensure a stable effect on cold water.

Kapron is not afraid of rinsing and soaking with additional salt, rinsing with greenery. Kindly help to improve the quality of roses based on potassium permanganate. Preparing the warehouse, as you see, will not take a lot of time, but the receiving result will be saved for a long time.

For this: I will add potassium permanganate in three liters of warm water, in a quantity sufficient for fermentation, water the lower erysipelas color. Add 100 g of grated gospodar's sweet, resolutely mix until the separation of that soft stump. Vitrimat tulle at a cut of up to 30 quills and viprati on the “Manual Pranny” mode, adding a lot of rinsing.

The white tulle, which has recently been quiet in its eye, today looks neohaynous? Or maybe, a fabric nabula of a yellowish color? Pozbutis sirogo nalotu i zhovtizhni self-tightness is possible.

Refineries of brilliant green, salt, soda, blue, peroxide water for whatever minds successfully pierce the yellow tulle and fabrics. different types. The sir_st is overwhelmed by the franks against kapron and organzi, to that it is obov'yazkovo varto vrakhovuvaty power of these materials - do not get into hot water and do not boil the boil. The best way to add a gray sludge is to add salt, soda and water peroxide.

How to organize the old fabric?

Turn the first whiteness to the old tulle with ease. One or two methods of recovery are often insufficient and necessary to carry out complex visits, which are resuscitated

  • Viprati tulle at the automatic machine with additional powder
  • Vivariti tulle - boil with a stretch of the year at the milestone milestone
  • Soak water in peroxide, rinse with clean water
  • Rinse with a simple salt rosette
  • Consolidate the effect by rinsing with a little warm water and adding 200 g of starch.

How to prepare and zastosuvati rozchin?

Let's look at the simplest care, like a skin gospodarka can be under the hand.

A permanent resident, be it a kitchen, won’t only improve the taste of your life, but with a marvelous rank help to win the firanks that they have spent looking. Strength is safe, accessible, does not cause allergies, and it is possible to fearlessly vicorate for cleaning any fabrics in all occupants, including a child's room. Otzhe, how to vibility tulle at home minds sill?

To make the tulle anew becoming white, it is necessary to prepare powder-salt rozchin from the rosemary 4 tbsp. great salt + 100 g of pure powder for 4 liters of warm water. The tulle is worn in a different size for 5 years (the ideal option is the whole night), then it is washed and rinsed, as if forever. Strength can be vikoristovuvaty and as a prophylactic zasib, schoraz after the early firanks by placing them on 15 khvilin in a range of 5 tbsp. salt and 5 liters of water.

  • Zelenka

Strengthening the effect of kitchen salt is additional, no wonder, brilliant green. Stop at the stage of the final rinse. To prepare a dressing that gives the whiteness of tulle, you need to mix 250 ml of hot water 3 tbsp. salt. Then add 7-8 drops of greenery to the room, mix again and add to 4 quills. For the whole hour, the sight of the siege is to blame. Take away the warehouse, pour it over the water for rinsing, not letting the siege pass - otherwise, the green radiance on the fabric will not disappear. Soak the vipranium tulle in front for 3-4 lengths, periodically turning yoga over. Finished firnki distance, trochs wedge without twisting and open for drying.

  • water peroxide

In addition, with ammonia, it will help to clean the yellow deposit, garu and saw the kitchen tulle from the added fabric. Forgive me, inexpensive that Dive method. In order to make the tulle with yoga help, it is necessary to mix 3% of peroxide and ammonia at a spivvіdnoshnі 2:1 and pour it into the container with five liters of warm water. Remove the tulle for soaking for 25-30 quills, after which the two should be carefully rinsed and left to dry, without sagging.

Good and at the same time, an absolutely non-vitrate way of using tulle in home minds is soda. Yak and strength, won't be in the kitchen - you can turn the old firanks like this. Vykoristovuyut її as an additional zasіb for the front soaking of tulle before the machine pranny. The task is simple: up to 4-5 liters of water add 50 g of powder and 1 tbsp. sodi with hot water. Mix the grains of the powder until it is completely separated and soak it in a separate warehouse of tulle for 20 strands. Transfer to the machine, viprati in the normal mode and rinse well. Dry in the same way to all forward swings.

Right in the right machine

At times of inconvenience, on additional soaking of tulle, you can speed up the process, summing up the windfall with machine damage. For short result the tulle bazhano vitrifies the saw and the dribbling smittya, neatly fold it into a sprat of balls, and then zavantazhit into the drum. It is important that the machine didn’t lose its forgetful speech in a vipadkovo way, it’s a good idea to make a firnka.

Like special chemical products ("Dr. Beckmann", "Bingo tulle", "Frau Schmidt", "Pilotex tulle"), so the people's recipes are revised by the state of the art.

The most important and safest for technology and fabrics are soda, strong and confectionery rozpushuvach. Їx to add in the drink for the right powder (for a quantity of 1 tbsp of soda or salt and 1 sachet of fluff) and carry out a cycle of great exercise on the “Delicate”, “Sweet” or “Manual application” modes. The temperature of the water is not to blame for the higher than 30C, and the swidth of the wraps is 400. The higher temperature will give a turning effect - the tulle is zhovkne, and the swidth of the wraps is greater than just zips the structure of the fabric. And add the axis with prana 1 tbsp. otst not only not to damage the tulle, but to give it a blind gleam that enchants.

Vіdbіlity tulle at home minds, not having spent a lot of work with that strength, it's completely real. A couple of years - and miraculously white tulle again embellish windows, filling the interior with light and calm.

At this time, tulle is one of the most requested textile materials. Vіn robyt іnter'єr quiet and nadaє yoma aristocracy. And after an hour, the fabric wears out its original look and fills with yellow or gray zabarvlennia.

At this time, tulle is one of the most requested textile materials.

Bagatiokh gospodarok fixes the problem of being able to produce tulle, even though it doesn’t allow you to reach the required result. Ale, you can work for the help of other ways.

Why choose from synthetic tulle

Tulle is light and transparent fabric. It is prepared both from natural and synthetic materials. For weaving tulle vicorist wool, shovk, linen, bavovna, kapron fibers and organza. The area of ​​zastosuvannya tsієї fabrics є dosit wide. From it they make clothes, decorative embellishments, as well as home textiles: servettes, tablecloths, curtains.

In the course of time, synthetic tulle consumes brightness, grayness and yellowness are established. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya in the past vlivu saw, dormouse light, tyutyun dim, boiling water, fat, hot water. The remaining factor to become the biggest problem. When prana is in hot water, the tissue changes its structure and this process becomes irreversible.

Yearly, the tulle is filled with a yellow or gray eye.

How to make tulle at home minds

It is possible to achieve a rich effect and give a tulle with a pleasant look with the help of modern and folk methods. With any type of leather, the type of material may have its own characteristics:

  1. For the treatment of kapron tulle, zastosovuyut potassium permanganate, blue, brilliant green, salty roses. After the procedure, such a material is treated with starch, so that it takes shape.
  2. Virobi s organzas seem to be more delicate approach, they should be twisted.
  3. For tulle weaving, it is necessary to choose the method of weeding, as long as the fabric does not shed. Organza is good to endure contact with saline, blue, green, water peroxide with ammonia.

Important! The tulle needs to be lowered into the gaps, which, in turn, shards due to the uneven weaving on the fabric are settled with yellow patches.

Curtains, like victorious ones, are stretched out with a rich rock, it is necessary to use for help dekilkoh ways:

  • vivarium;
  • zastosuvannya peroxide and ammonia;
  • salt rozchin and іn.

Such a fabric will require a complex approach. Ale first, proceed before the procedure, whether any material should be cut off well into the saw.

Watching at the right car

  • Belle;
  • synergetic;
  • Oxamite;
  • Vanish;
  • Vitrilo;
  • Swan;
  • Persil.

Optically protect the luminescent barn. The peculiarity of it lies in the fact that these warehouses do not create, but rather create an effective effect. Before them one can see:

  • Beckmann;
  • Bos plus.

Deputy of rehabilitated zasobіv, you can add 10 tablets of water peroxide.

Popular featured in the photo

Synergetic - soft and delicate for tulle.

Belle - universal zasib for vіdbіlyuvannya

Persol ensures a long-term effect.

Vanish Oxi Action - effective zasib for tulle

Vіdbіlyuvannya vikonuєtsya in offensive order:

  1. A tulle is placed at the drum, special liquids are poured into the water, then the powder is poured.
  2. The machine is set to delicate mode. Pranny vykonuetsya for 40 ° C.
  3. So that after the procedure, the fabric was easily smoothed out, before placing it at the machine, turn it around to look like a straight cut sprat.
  4. Do not turn the firanks after the morning. Burnish the fabric in a stretch and let it dry in a natural way. The advantage of this method is that it is possible for the ability to increase the volume of fire.

Fighting from Zhovtiznoy for additional salt

Sil - a cheap way to get tulle

This product is always in the master's arsenal, and the process of adoption is absolutely unobtrusive:

  1. Soak the tulle for two years in a warm milieu.
  2. Let's mix 3 tbsp. in 5 liters of hot water. l. salt and trochs of pral powder, like a vibe, you sound coristuetsya.
  3. If you take away the openings of the troch ocholone, put the tulle and fill it less for 3-4 years, and more often for nothing.
  4. After the end of the next hour, wipe the fabric and thoroughly rinse.

There is one more variant of vikoristannya salt. The fabric needs to be wiped forward from the powder. Then we will soak in warm water with additional salt for 15 khvilin. At the process of preparing the difference, trim the proportions indicated in the description of the first method.

Vikoristovuemo peroxide water

Water peroxide and ammonia are low-vitrate products for weeding tulle.

It is possible to turn the cob whiteness of tulle for additional powerful peroxide. For whom it is necessary to work the offensive:

  1. For 5 liters of water at a temperature of 60 ° C, add 2 tbsp. l. water peroxide (3%) and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  2. Mix the roses resolutely.
  3. If the temperature drops to 30-35 ° C, soak the tulle for 20 strands.
  4. The fabric is guilty of being left on the surface, otherwise it will appear as if it were separated.
  5. Let's rinse the tulle well and dry it for drying.

Important! Warehouse of ammonia and water peroxide is the most effective method for removing synthetic fabrics, as it is impossible to cope with high temperatures.

Take citric acid

Vikoristannya citric acid- a simple way to rotate white firanks

For which method of improvement it is necessary to work on the foot:

  1. Soak the material in warm water and wash it with the Lord's love.
  2. Fill in the tulle on pіvgodini. Add citric acid to rosemary 3 tbsp. l. for 5 liters of water.
  3. After the end of the day, rinse the fabric.
  4. When looking at the old tulle, it is possible not to reach the necessary result from the first try. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

Let's go blue

Blue to put on the tulle of a miracle

  1. Add a cup of blue to a bowl of water, stir the roses. Yogo temperature may exceed 40 °C.
  2. Place the fabric and rinse with a stretch of 5 strands.
  3. Let's stretch out by the clean water. After such a trim, tulle adds a lot of whiteness.

We turn the whiteness for additional potassium permanganate

Weak rozchin manganese turn white tulle

Tsej sposіb sposіb іstuєtsya popularієєєє єєє єєєєє єєєє єєєєє єєєєє єєє єєєє єєє єєєє єєєє єєє єєєє єєє єєєє єєєє єєєєє єєєє ії ії ії ії ії і і iznatіv і і іz nayefektivnіshih domіnіh methodііnі.

  1. At the cebro with warm water, add a small amount of potassium permanganate. Rozchin is guilty of nabouti light erysipelas color.
  2. Let's drink 100 g of pure powder chi similar to the quantity of the detailed gospodarskogo 72% sweet.
  3. Soak the material in cold water, and then rinse it in spring water.

It is possible to resolutely wear fabric on the back, after which you can place it near manganese roses.

Vikoristovuemo brilliant green

  1. Soak firankas for 2 years at a milestone.
  2. Mix 10-15 drops of greenery in 250 ml of water. Let the warehouse brew for 3-5 quills. If at the bottom of the bottle vipade siege, stir again. Do not varto vikoristovuvat razchiny with greenery, scho nastyly razchinilas, tse cause until the appearance of separation on the fabric.
  3. Stop zasib at the stage of finishing rinse. Vipran fabric should be lowered at the openings by 2-3 lengths.
  4. Spravte material, sob zasib penetrated all yogo delyanki.
  5. Zelenka can be combined from the sill, but it is allowed to strengthen the power of the difference. In 2 liters of water, dilute 6 tbsp. l. salt, stir the warehouse.

This method does not give a trivial effect, but for a certain hour the material turns white.

Video: master-class with brilliant green for pranny tulle


  1. Prepare an enameled pan or a pot made of stainless steel. Fill the dishes halfway with water.
  2. Add 100 g of the Lord's mil and add yogo to the pan. To enhance the effect, you can add 150 g of powder.
  3. Put the dishes on the fire. If all the components are different, place the tulle and vibrate for 1-2 years.
  4. Trivality to lie down in the form of a degree of weediness of the fabric.
  5. When rinsing, there is a unique change in temperature. Whisk a heart of heat, and then cold water.

Important! Vivaryuvannya zastosovuetsya only for natural fabrics, piece material under the influx of high temperature in the future, gray zabarvlennya, as if it would be impossible to suck.

How can you not see the tulle

The pardon has been expanded when tulle is used for the processing of brood material. In my mind, I drank all the way into the structure of the material and gray color. Independently in the opposite way, we should soak the fabric on the sack in a mile size for the first year, then we will wipe it by hand, or for an auxiliary machine. Just after such a dressing, the tulle is ready to be taken.

Do not zastosovuvat varto for whom you need to clean up chlorine. The most important of them is Bilizna. The main active component of such warehouses aggressively pours into the structure of the fabric and ruins it. As a result, the tulle can fall apart into threads.

The tulle in the process of exploitation loses its privability. Zapobіgti tsimu difficult. But today there are impersonal benefits due to the positive effect, which will help to correct the situation. No less effective folk methods, yakі are grounded on vikoristannі pіdruchnyh zasobіv.

Povіtryany curtains made of white translucent tulle are filled with the classics of decorating the windows with the richness of the rokіv. Independently from the material of the preparation of the air curtains, hourly spend their whiteness under the influx of sun, saw, and irzhі that water salts for exercise. The purchase of new yak_snih curtains on the right is not cheap, like and fresh in the minds of dry cleaners.

Don’t get confused, don’t have personal inexpensive home benefits, which will help you get out of business without especially vitrates finances at the same time. Let me tell you, gentlemen, with pleasure, to share secrets about those who make tulle in the gray in the home minds.


The first word is about the safety of water, so that you can get it without any problems in case of any kind of butt chemistry. In this way, you can speed up no more than once, and that is not bad. On the right, in the fact that such preparations destroy the lower structure of the tulle, especially from natural fibers, and bring it without a hitch to the fire, as it is even more smoothly.


In warm water, dilute any powder or a rare zasib for breakfast and add to the amount of three to five tablespoons of excellent kitchen salt. The tulle is soaked for a period of at least 3 years, ideally - for a night. For baggage, you can still stretch the fіranka in the car prime mode, or rinse twice after soaking. D To fix the result, you can add more salt to the water for rinsing the powder.

The only short time in this way is a trivaly hour for urination.


Blue tulle in such a rank. The procedure can be carried out both manually and in an automatic machine.

With manual rinsing, the firnka is zanuruyut at the preparation of the blues. Proportion: half a teaspoon per bucket of water. Another rinse - no bluing. Shake the curtain and blow it up.

When pranny is in automatic machines, a small amount of blue is added at the air conditioner.

Minus the method- not razmіshanі parts of bluing can make razluchennya or plaits. For reasons of manual polishing over.


For preparation of 5-10 streaks of diamond green, stand in a glass of water, then carefully filter through gauze and mix with 10 liters of warm water. Pure tulle is soaked at the preparation of the rіdinі 5 quills, gradually turning over the fabric.

Minus: incorrect preparations of roses from a siege can sack cloth with green flames.

Peroxide and ammonia

Tsej sposіb dіє duzhe kindly, ale only for tulle from natural fabrics. Proportions of the sum for drinking: 1 tbsp of ammonia, 2-3 tablespoons of water peroxide in hot water (50-60o) water. A clean curtain is soaked at the basin for 30 quills, after which it is resolutely violated and easily lifted.


The acronym does not only make the lower curtains bigger, but still gives them a glint of that stable shape.

For starching, make a paste, like sour, from rosemary on the skin a liter of water - 1 tablespoon of starch.

It is necessary to protezhit, so that the taken-off variety does not have breasts. The tulle is then soaked in starch water for 5-6 years, dried without washing.

Potassium permanganate is kindly sweet

Tsі zasobi y poddnanny give unspodіvano glimmering and lasting result. The tulle curtains are erased at the mile wide with the addition of potassium permanganate, in front of the streaked pivgodini.


For sufficiency, it is sufficient to dispense 4 tablets of pure aspirin in 5 liters of warm water. Soak firanki no less, lower for 3 years, and viprati in the best way.

Respect! Effervescent aspirin is not suitable for the cisco, you should take supplements, as it is less to give life.


This is the babushin method, in which the fabrics were tested, vivaruyuchi in a basin with sweet chi powder the least of the year. With manual boiling, it is necessary to guard for such a “brew”.

Modern technology to come to the rescue and in any situation: right cars automatic type є early warning function high temperatures- tse i є those same vivariuvannya.

Minus the method- unbaggable for kapron curtains.

Strong lightness on the curtains

Vіdbіlity tulle, which has been drunk a long time ago, you can do it in a sprat of steps: boiling with adding citric acid, soaking it with peroxide, water and ammonia, soaking in salt, starching and bluishing.

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