Last update windows 7 professional. Different ways to update Windows manually. Manual update Windows Update Client

Microsoft has ceased to release updates for the Windows 7 security system and stopped the technical support of this version of the system. To keep your computer to be serviced and remained protected, receiving monthly security updates, you have the opportunity to make a free update to Windows 10.

For windows users 7 and 8.1 The planned annual period of free update to officially ended.

Immediately after this date, Microsoft launched a site intended for users with disabilities using auxiliary technology for Windows. However, he stopped working on January 16, 2018. However, using a utility that is still available to download from official servers, anyone who else can fulfill a free update to Windows 10, but only before the OS Windows 10 (version 1709).

However, at the moment you can immediately update to the latest topical version (version 1909) with. In this case, the new Windows system will be automatically activated using a digital license.

Free update to Windows 10

To take advantage of the free update offer, you must perform the following steps:

2. Download new version Windows 10 Media Creation Tool utilities, with which you can upgrade your Windows 7 SP1 or 8.1 operating system to Windows 10 for free.

3. Run the utility and accept the license agreement.

5. Wait until the utility boosts all the necessary files, check your computer for compatibility and downloads all the necessary updates. This may take some time depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

7. The update can take from one to several hours depending on the configuration of your computer.

After the update is completed, the OS will be installed. Windows 10 (version 1909).

Council. To quickly find the number windows version 10, enter in the Winver search string, press ENTER, and you will see a dialog box with information about the current version of the OS.

8. Connect to the Internet and check the activation of the system. Click the Windows + I key combination to open the application. Parametersand go to the Update and Security\u003e Activation menu.

A person who has long been closely connected with computer equipment, knows that not all programs are equally useful. Downloading some utility from the Internet, you can pick up a virus that will harm your computer. So with updates operating system. Of course, they do not contain viruses, but they can cause crashes, critical errors and slow down the system as a whole. Therefore, it is very important to know which 7 cannot be installed.


First and main advice at - do not install fresh "updates." There are cases when the failed patches and update packages themselves respond to Microsoft. Therefore, if your OS has detected a whole list of fresh files, do not hurry to download them. Wait a month or different. The list will certainly reduce. So it will be easier to understand what windows updates 7 Cannot be installed.

Unlicensed OS

Most problems with updates usually occur in pirated operating systems. Due to the assignment to manually execute and you have to collect "axis" in parts, they use custom settings other than official drivers. As a result, a whole list of "killers" of unlicenzion OS appeared. So, what updates cannot be installed (Windows 7 x64)?

  • Kb2872339;
  • Kb2859537;
  • KB2882822.

These three updates lead to a conflict with the system core. As a result, applications stop loaded, critical system errors and other unpleasant confusions are occurring. This is due to the incompatibility of the kernel and some of the cracks and activators.

Do not install the update KB971033. It changes the activation system. As a result, OS begins to issue a message that you use the unlicensed version, and requires activation.


Which Windows 7 updates cannot be installed? 2015 became one of the richest on "surprises":

  • Kb2862330;
  • Kb2864058;
  • Kb2965768;
  • Kb2993651;
  • Kb2982791;
  • Kv2973201;
  • Kv2970228;
  • Kv2975719;
  • Kv2975331.

The update data "Love" completely twist the system, interfere with the launch of applications and lead the OS into a completely inoperative state. Open windows can disappear or become invisible. It would be possible to call it mysticism, but here not to laughter, because the system becomes completely inoperable.

You can download everything. Disconnecting on the pirated operating system you must understand one thing - from what you download updates, nothing will change. The main thing is not to install them. Always manually check what exactly offers to install the "update center".

Do not set up updates all together. Especially if a large period of time has passed. Here is the same situation as with drivers for equipment. Having installed all a bunch, knowledge that Windows 7 updates cannot be installed, will not help. Conflicts may occur in software, and older patches are put on top of new ones. It will not lead to anything good.

Before updating the system, always create recovery points so that you can roll back the latest changes. So you will secure yourself from the most unpleasant consequences. However, in case Windows activation disappears, you still have to try to hack it again.

Do not believe what to update the system must. The main argument of some users is that the operating system protection is updated. In fact, it is not. Most dangers will protect the computer antivirus programs and utilities to protect against advertising software. The one that is updated through the center is used for the security of a computer "on site." Roughly speaking, this is the last frontier, which must be overcome the hacker. But no one needs home computers. No one will hack them. And in large firms and corporations, in any case, there is a licensed software that is unreasonably updated.

So, you learned what Windows 7 updates cannot be installed? Update the operating system if everything works for you as a watch, not necessarily. You can nourish yourself a headache without getting anything sensible in return.

Greetings to all readers and lovers of a computer theme on your blog!

Many often ask questions about Windows 7 updates. In particular, the problem is combined, about the need for the procedure itself, as well as the effect of patches, on the overall state of systems and a computer. We will talk about it today and talk. Today I will tell about this in more detail. Go!

Why do I need updates?

Any operating system is still quite raw. For example, the same seven had problems with network security in the initial editions. Even some ports could not be discovered because of their lock in the OS code. Then the first service pack (SP1) appeared. He put the beginning of the correction of all bugs by Microsoft.

It is noteworthy that even no one has already been engaged in Windows Vista, as it was considered completely failing and did not meet himself, both on the part of the ease of use and the safety plan.

You can always download any updates on the Microsoft website. Even in the operating systems themselves there is a special center that independently loads all the necessary software. In addition, all the necessary software can be downloaded manually. It also has on the trackers, truth is loaded from there more dangerously, especially with few well-known sites.

It is necessary to do this regularly, as patches not only increase the level of network security, but also contribute to stabilization and acceleration of the system.

This is especially true of powerful computers with processors in 4 or more nuclei, as well as rAM 4 and more gigabytes.

Do I need to put all the updates?

An excellent question. I will try to explain more clearly and simple language. The update can be divided into two groups.

  • Important relating to the hardware of the computer (i.e. iron). And so that you do not need to put on mandatory.
  • The second group can be attributed patches that concern office programs, time zones, language packages.

At least system administrators and advise you to put all available software if there is little space on the hard disk, then it is better to choose only the most necessary patches.

For example, concerning hard drives, processors, graphics modules, firewalls, network cards, security policies, administration and other important sections and topics. It is especially worth installing the package of Paks, and not separate parts of updates.

I will give an example. We have a powerful computer. For the Ryzen processor, new updates from Microsoft itself have been released, which increase the speed of the operating system on this hardware. Plus to everything, the update includes software that adds language packs in Microsoft Programs Office.

What do you think it is more important to download and install? Of course, the software for the hardware. Especially if you and the office use not often use other phones. In this case, system administrators advise you to download software separately, parts, and not through the automatic update center.

What updates are needed for security?

If the computer is connected to the global network, there is always a risk of penetration into it. Theft of personal information and hacking accounts in various social networks. What to download updates for the breeding system? In short, all. To begin with, it is necessary to take care of Firevol. It is just an invisible shield between the global network and the user. Of course, you can put a more advanced software, from third-party developers, but also by Microsoft copes with work.

Next, you need to take care of network ports that are often used to using hackers. For example, overlapping (making an available foreign use) port, you can not doubt that if it has noticed a tricky and unfinished programmer, it will definitely use it.

This is especially true of the RAT viruses with the backdorm code. I will explain more clearly. Imagine a program for remote administration. For example, Timwiere or P-admin. You can manage your computer from another machine, and just as those at which you are sitting at this time. Such software is like and uses ports. Now imagine that your car will be able to manage another person.

And you will not even know about it, and it will have access to your files, see what you do, can even copy information, and you will not even notice. That is why it is always worth watching the release of new updates. And even better, put additional software. For example, NOD32, Kaspersky or the same free avast.

What should be known before loading and installing?

First, the installation of the update packages can confuse activation. For those who use licensed products from Microsoft, there is nothing more worried. It will only be necessary to re-enter the code that is specified on the box with Windows. But those who use assemblies and the repacks will have to be more difficult.

In this regard, only the installation of the beta version of the operating system or the search for the activator can help, which is illegal, so I warn you immediately. It's wiser just to find Windows with the updates already integrated on the last day and put it, especially if you have not demolished the system for a year or cleaned it.

There are no difficulty in this, by the way, several articles from my blog on this topic:

I also want to warn that after installing the packs of packs that you download on the progenic sites, it may well change the time zone in Windows. This is due to the fact that the postcode package was most likely initially loaded for another country. In the future, the programmer translated it into Russian, pulled out of it all too much, and then spoiled. Therefore, I always advise you to download updates from Microsoft's website.

Of course, they can install on your laptop, something that you do not particularly need, however, you will at least be confident that with your current system nothing terrible will happen and there will be no failures that can lead to breakdown hardware or graphic shell itself.

What problems may arise?

Immediately give you advice - do not update without the Internet. If you have any difficulties, you simply cannot find an answer in the network, and this is important, since when a software failure, you need to immediately correct, or, in the worst outcome, you will have to re-install the operating system.

So, we turn to frequent problems and their solutions.

Updates are infinitely loaded.

This is often the crookedly made by Windows windows. The reasons must be a lot. For example, poorly written activator completely spoiled the registry. Because of this, with an automatic update, the system does not understand the system, which updates are actually needed. For 32 or 64 bit bit, for seven or eight, for the processor or other. The registry is an integral part of the work of the graphic shell from Microsoft. And if something is wrong in it, it will definitely affect the future at work of the system.

The update computer sees, but does not put.

Here again, some kind of cant with the windows itself. Most likely, not that package of updates, which is needed. If the pack service is loaded manually, then it is likely that such updates are already on the computer. Or you downloaded packages more old version. In general, this should be warned by the software itself during installation or operating system. However, if we are dealing with the assembly from the novice programmer, it is quite possible that notifications about this will not.

In this case, I advise you to connect the automatic update center and everything needs to be downloaded through it. Otherwise, it is better to abandon the installation of the data that you downloaded.

It turns out an error - not applicable to this computer.

Often such a sign appears due to the incompatibility of the software versions and the machine itself. For example, you can see the 64-bit seven. A package package is designed for 32-bit. Accordingly, the system will not allow it to be installed.

Therefore, it is important to upload that software that is intended for your system.

Also, it is likely that you are trying to establish a software that is written for Vista or ICPI. Check everything, if necessary, download software from another server or torrent.

Updates are much loaded the system.

Most likely, after installing the packages you have not rebooted. This happens when any actions associated with updates are still displayed in the computer processes. Or in the background, unpacking continues and installing files. Before rebutting your laptop, make sure that the updates have completed the installation. Otherwise, then you will have to delete everything and renovate, since the installation process is not renewable.

Carefully read what a particular program writes when installing, as Microsoft products are always supplied with the instructions for subsequent actions.

Files ship the processor.

Maybe you opened the program twice. One version was perfectly established, the second - hanging in the background and loads the processor. In such cases, it needs to be found in the Task Manager. Open it and looking for the most power consumed computer file. Next, simply press the task.

Possible, in the background there is a unpacking, and the processor itself slows down, and hDD. It happens with cheap models. They are high enough to write quite high, but the ability to work with a lot of sweat simultaneously. Hence the brakes all systems.

Data load memory.

Pretty frequent phenomenon. Check if the torrent is running and you are downloading any large file? The memory is very loaded when overwriting to a hard claim or the extraction of information from it. Or with a multitude of running processes with incorrect priority. For example, in the background you have some photoshop, and the priority has real time.

Close all running programs until you put all the updates.


Well, that's all. Let me remind you that the most latest updateswhich were large and useful enough, went out in August 2017 and in April 2017. Swing, install. If you have any problems, you can always visit my blog and find the answer.

By the way, subscribe to the site, and you will be notified of the publication of a new material. Share the article with your colleagues and friends on Facebook and other networks. Remember, it is better to find a solution to the problem in the network than yourself without experience try to do something! To new meetings on the site, my readers and lovers of gadgets!

Although this indicator may vary depending on the study, it becomes obvious that Windows 7 is a popular solution from users. Causes Good: Stable operation of the system Even on old computers, pleasant appearance and full support for modern software.

If you use Windows 7, then encounter one serious problem: system updates.

Windows 7 was released in October 2009, and since then users must update computers every month. If the automatic update is disabled, then the receipt of all current updates has resembled a nightmare - the computer downloaded hundreds of updates, constantly rebooted and all this occupied a decent time.

Microsoft solved this problem in February 2011, when the Service Pack 1 update package was released, which included all previous updates and patches. Now users could install all updates at a time, without having to take place a long process of phased upgrade.

Since then, many users have expected a second update package, but Microsoft had other plans for this.

Hundreds of updates for clean installation of Windows 7

If you do clean installing Windows 7 Today, then, probably, noticed that in order to get a fully relevant version of the OS, two hundred updates should be installed. This process may take a couple of hours at best. This is due to the fact that Microsoft since the release of Service Pack 1 in February 2011 no longer released cumulative updates for Windows 7, so they had to receive updates released in 5 years.

Microsoft solved this problem with Windows 10 due to the release of cumulative updates (which include all previous patches and when installing the cumulative update, all available updates are installed), and now this work Passed with Windows 7. True, without SERVICE PACK 2 output.

Recently Redmond has released an update called "Convenience Rollup Update" for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (KB3125574). The update includes all updates issued for the period from the output of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to April 2016. To get the most relevant version of the OS, you need to install updates released after this date.

To install the Convenience Rollup update, you must first install the service stack for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (KB3020369). This is a prerequisite in order to see the download. To install the update, you will need at least 4 gigabytes of disk space.

What is waiting for Windows 7 users? It is difficult to predict, but you should not expect a new accumulative update in the near future. Microsoft promised to release update packages not related to Windows 7 and 8.1 each month, but did not provide information on cumulative updates.

Hello Admin! I want to update on your laptop Windows 7 home basic to windows 7Maximum (Ultimate). How can this be done without a complete reinstallation of the operating system?Home basking seed was installed on my laptop from the store and it is quite flawed in terms of what is not in itAero Peek, BitLocker, as well as a lot more, I can not even change the wallpaper on it. Independently tried to update, but I got a mistake"To update the release of Windows 7 to another release of Windows 7, use Windows Anytime Upgrade Upgrade. What kind of "Windows Anytime Upgrade" and where to take it?

Hi friends! Our reader and Windows 7 Home Basic does not contain quite a lot of functions (network, mobile, for enterprises, etc.)which may be needed to experience experienced users or professional system administrators, but whether they will be useful to the usual user, let everyone decide for itself. In today's article, I will show you how without fully reinstalling the operating system to update on your Windows 7 home basic computerbefore Windows 7 Professional or Maximum (Ultimate) make it very simple, but you must have licensed keys from Win 7 Pro andUltimate If you do not have them, I will give my own, once I bought a professional and maximum versions of the seven, these keys are only suitable for the update and will make it possible to work in the system without activation of 30 days. I think in 30 days you activate OS. After updating, all your installed programs will work, and your personal files will remain in place.Before working, I advise you to backup OS.

So, we have a laptop with installed Windows 7 home basic.

Download Microsoft Official Online Advisor to Windows 7 (Windows7UpgradeAdvisorsorSetup)

if the site is inaccessible, then download "Windows Anytime Upgrade" on my cloud storage.

Run advisor.

After installing, open the "Start" menu And choose the "Advisor to transition to Windows 7", which will diagnose our OS for that, can we update until the next version.

"Start check"

The result of the test says that we have an update installed on our Windows 7 PC home base to Windows 7 professional or maximum.

Now launch Windows Anytime Upgrade.

Click "Enter the update key"

Here you must enter the license key from Windows 7 professional. If you do not have it, then take it (VTDC3-WM7HP-XMPMX-K4YQ2-WYGJ8), it will come to the upgrade.

A license key checks.

We accept license terms.


The process of updating the system to the Pro version begins.

Update successfully completed!

We update Windows 7 Professional to Windows 7 Maximum (Ultimate)

And now our OS can be updated to the maximum version.

Again, run "Advisor to transition to Windows 7"

"Start check"

The adviser is not against that we updated to the maximum version of the OS.

Run "Windows Anytime Upgrade".

Click "Enter the update key".

You must enter the license key from Windows 7 maximum. If you do not have it, then use the key (FJGCP-4DFJD-GJY49-VJBQ7-HYRR2).

A license key checks.

We accept license terms.


The process of updating the system to Ultimate is begins.

As a result, we have on our Windows 7 Ultimate PC.

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