Viki posting in VKontakte notifications.


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Unfortunately, VK distributors have not yet made it possible to post a wiki list on the main page of the public page (for now there are only a few in the new tab).

That's why people are afraid to try and create other posts that lead to the menu side.

Basic commands and capabilities of the wiki menu

The functionality of this page is even wider.

With this help you will be able to make your menu visually appealing, easy to read and structured.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to include absolutely all commands in our material, so we can only know about the actions.

Robo menu for additional media files

Operates using special buttons.

The text view of media files is: [ ].

De media XXXX_YYYY – the media file itself, options – different settings (for photos and videos), link – the text that will be displayed when you hover the cursor over the photo/video.

For photo options there are:

For video:

Headings of different levels can be created using additional symbols ==

Add “==” signs to the beginning and end of the title.

Butt marvel at the screenshot:

Used with header text to design a VKontakte group menu

You can also customize the following text parameters: italics, bold or gray, head or under, top or bottom index.

It is also possible to align text in the center or to the right.

Below is a table with commands:

Vikorist's quotes for respect

Vikoristannya tag allows you to beautifully design the quote.

Lists can be categorized as either numbered or labeled

For a numbered list, use the “#” symbol before each new item.

For a bulleted list, the same as before, except with the “*” sign.

Working with the entrances

In order to gain access, add a “:” sign before the word.

Depending on the number of signs, the access will increase or change.

Internal messages from the group menu

This is the sending of internal social resources.

measures on VKontakte (posted to people, in public, discussed, program, page, video and images).

I look like this:

In this way, the team will help create a comprehensive list with all the design elements.

What kind of things happen?

VKontakte pages can be divided according to different criteria:

  • Text (only text);
  • Graphically (vicarious image of buttons, background, etc.).

For the images (below the vikorized picture):

  • Z acrite (the structure itself is not visible);

  • Open (all items are visible);

  • With a small or hidden banner (we can either open it or close it).

Regardless of the type you choose, follow one principle.

Also, don’t be afraid to combine these types.

For example, you can first create a graphic part with buttons (background, style, design), and then supplement it with various text information (for example, “Parts of food”, vikory spoilers).

How to create a text menu

Less popular and simpler is the text list on the Wiki page. Please do not misplace the same buttons. This is just a list of anchor posts.

  1. Below is presented

  1. Pokrov's instructions

  1. , how to create a text list for the VK group:
  2. For the cob, it is necessary to adjust the spirtiness.
  3. To do this, go to “Keruvannaya in spilnotoy” and select the “Parts” section.

Find the “Materials” row, select “Boundations” and save adjustments.

“Latest news” will appear on the main page.

  1. Go to them and click “Edit”.

Enter the name.

Below is the VK text editor.

Here we create our list.

Vikorize this construction:

Find out all the necessary items.

Leather a new point from a new row.

  1. Here you can vikorist the different teams that we have been talking about more often.
  2. It is necessary to create blank images using buttons.
    We won’t talk in detail about working in graphic editors, because there are plenty of lessons on working with Photoshop and other programs.

We will take such images.

  1. All three pictures are partly great.

  1. If we open the navigation, these images will look like one whole picture with buttons arranged on it.

  1. Let's add images to the VKontakte text editor.

  1. Having pressed a picture onto the skin, you can vibrate the parameters and specify the design.

  1. Right-handed - switches between visual and text editing modes.

  1. In the text version, our images look like this:

We change the writing noborder to nopadding to select the space between the pictures and close them.

And after the sign "|"

Let's add some strength.

We press “Save this page”.

  1. The results resulted in the following menu:

By applying a little bit of strength and consistency, you can create an original design that fits into.

How to secure

In order for the wiki menu to be displayed on the main page of the page, you need to complete the following steps:

Copy your menu message.

To go back to editing, copy the URL from your browser's address bar.

Add the image first, marvel at the picture below.

Now publish and pin the post.

Here you will have the opportunity to tinker with the images.

  • Aje vono will be respected. This way you can fit into the elegant design of the public and tell the customers what they pressed and then take to the menu.

  • Yak vidality

The visible wiki menu does not mean complex settings.

All you need to do is go to “Sleep Management”, the “Distributions” section and add the materials.

It is important to remember that if you vikorized the fastening of the post, you will not lose it.

Therefore, it is also necessary to remove it (otherwise you would like to remove it from the fastenings). Ready templates people, this “wiki layout” is complicated and scary.

I really don’t want to get involved.

It’s true, like Bachimo, it’s easy to finish everything.

Don't be afraid to experiment and be original!

[Total: 3 Average: 5/5]

Every person on the popular social resource VKontakte knows about the possibilities of creating different groups, but few people know about how to come to the creation of a powerful site with any such group... Everything that is needed for a person in this situation, - basic knowledge about wiki mark and use it for your own purposes!

About those such as wiki-layout, how to correctly format the layout and correctly format the creation of groups, and so on, so to speak...

I’m going to start using the inextricable possibilities of wiki markings, because every now and then I’m trying to figure it out thoroughly.

The following information is provided, I believe, it will be more useful not only for newcomers to this resource, but for seasoned experts with experience. What is Vicky marking? Well, the unfortunate wiki-hosting of VKontakte is nothing more than a special design of information web pages for the group you create. This valuable tool allows you to create “masterpieces”: menus, tables, tags, as well as organize an additional structure of navigation elements to move objects in the middle of the group, format text according to the needs template. Why do you need a wiki layout?

When forming a group, such marking plays a significant role, because I will help you follow this, whether it be edited or not. Let's say you wanted to create a group for a popular nina to make money on

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The wiki layout system for editing online pages predicts the HTML layout, but allows you to more easily mark out heavy-duty and structural text elements, as well as format each element separately.

The main advantage of such a mark lies in the fact that a leather worker, perhaps not a particularly proficient craftsman, can teach himself all the intricacies of this craft.

Do you know that wiki-marking takes care of all page changes, which makes it possible to update two different editions, choosing the additional option for updating. On the pages where the layout has been laid out, all innovations will appear immediately. For starters, I would love to include a section.

To do this, you need to go to the “Information Editing” section so that you can check the required option in your settings.

For example, don’t forget that the “New items are included” option will be there, so you can rename the items in your own way.

I call it Pochatkova and it says “fresh news”.

Now from mine light hands You have a division, work whatever you want, then.,

edit for good health!

How to fold the pages

Of course, I myself am not ready to create the sides of the page for my group.

  • Then I fell asleep thinking, after all, read the instructions from the layout on the wiki, I don’t get this fact...)))

For those who don’t know what a page is... It’s an Internet element that contains information for secret viewing by all traders.

It turns out that the pages are formed automatically if you specify specific text:

[[Name of statistics]]

It turns out that the pages are formed automatically if you specify specific text:

  • or else

[[Name of the article|text for sending]]
Texts are served on pages with the help of special characters – tags.
An example of tag design is provided in the table below.
Layout templates for group menus

Now, once the topic of the content has been selected, and the necessary material, you are ready to create and further design the group.
Choose the type of design that is most similar - graphic or textual display of information.
For a visual demonstration, we will take the basic template for text and application of code options:

Template 1.
menu first!

Template 2

*[[wiki layout is standard]]
*[[wiki layout expanded]]



  • *[[Sandbox]]



[] "'[[Rules]]"'

[] Photo albums

[] Creativity

[] Photos



As you have already realized, there are more than a few different types of coding patterns. Vikorist required types

templates, and the group you created will be adjusted to the highest standards.

Of course, there is room for imagination, but you will have to write the code yourself.

Come and do a little research and re-read a lot of information to learn the basic principles of wiki-layout codes.

I’m telling you, it’s simple, even the code starts and ends with the primary tags, and the icons in the middle all appear in the information view with a small text to describe them.

What are the spoilers for her role?

Spoilers come from the title, and again in place.

Such objects can be found and shown through.

Spoilers are necessary to receive great amounts of information, all the time looking at how to “overwhelm” the page with information of additional value.

Examples of spoilers are presented in the table below.

  • Having worked in this direction for a week or two with Wiki, you will have power over the VKontakte group!
  • Do you want to find a place where you can place your robot apps, write a blog and advertise your services?

Please create a website for this.

  • But there is another, simpler way out - the VKontakte group with a wiki link.
  • In this article I will explain how to create it.

Practice is more practice!

  • Do you want to find a place where you can place your robot apps, write a blog and advertise your services?
  • I will describe the process using a real group - futuristic copywriting.
  • I'm working with the new Vkontakte design.

The old one will soon live out its life - so I won’t look at it.

  • Should anyone have a problem, the process will be of little consequence.

First thing you have to do is create a new group:

Open the “Groups” section.

Click on the “Create spilnota” button.

  • We create a new spіnota Enter a name.
  • Indicate that it can be changed as many times as possible. Now select the type of communication: group or public page.

The store is described more clearly.

Is the group a public page?

When you're done, tap “Save.”

Group created

Now you can visualize the smut of the image.

Press the “Enjoy a photo” button with the right hand.

Let's make some awesome images for the story

Show the route to the picture.

Put your logo, photo, or paint on it in a special way.

Behind the other frame, you can see the area that will become the main image of sleepiness.

See the required area outside the frame

Now draw a small circle around the area to become a miniature of your group.

The size of the stake can also be changed

The axis has come into us. The side has increased by 35%! Beauty!

Don't forget about status.

There you can also write about this.

For example, your slogan and contact information.

Otherwise, I’m dumbfounded about those that are your day off.

On this

preparation robots

end and begin in the simplest way – wiki layout.

How to find out the group ID

The menu, blog entry, list with robot butts - everything can be created using the additional wiki pages.

VKontakte is a lousy service with no tools for creating a new page.

Natomist will have to vikoristovvat scripts.

Don’t curse, no matter how hard or inappropriate.

For the script, you will need to recognize your group ID.

As you did not change the address - these are the numbers in the address row that come after the word “club”.

I have already changed it, but such a simple method of obtaining an ID is not available.

Click on any post on the wall to open it.

There is a side editor here.

Alas, what we still need is not food, but strength.

Marvel at the address row. You need everything that is expanded to the words "?act=edit§ion=edit".. Obv'yazkovo save page ID and post on it Tse duzhe

important moment

New page

It is not yet attached anywhere and there are no daily instructions on it.

If you close it, you will spend it.

I would like to create a file that will save the structure of your group.

Register it in the form “Title – postal name – page ID”.

ID is “page-124301131_50771728”.

You will need more.

The axis, for example, is the structure of the “Pidslukhano” group.

The menu also has 2 sides.

Post the script here to create new stories.

It's easy to know.

Save all messages and ID in a separate file so as not to waste

Why bother if you saved the page ID and forgot about sending it?

Enter the address "" into the address bar.

First of all, enter your page ID.

Pinned wiki story to group

You've already created the top side.

Now it needs to be secured at the top of strength.

To do this, copy the message to the side and paste the notification on the wall. VKontakte will automatically create a send button and attach it under the post. dedicated to the century.

You can find out what happens with her.

There everything is sorted by topic - take it and put it in place.<>I will show you how to establish knowledge of these groups in practice.

Let’s create a page “About me”.

To start creating them using an additional script, write down the ID and go to the editing page.

There are two modes on the editing side: basic and layout mode.

I feel like I'm mercilessly glitching - the messenger is constantly lamenting.

And most functions are not available to anyone else.

That's why I'm trying to get my money's worth out of my hands.

To switch to wiki-sharing mode, click on the icon on the right in the mountain. Go to Wiki-tagging mode

What's on the "About Me" page?

Not much information, a list of advantages over other copywriters, perhaps a photograph. Let's take it easy. Write the text now.<>.

It’s especially less difficult to write in Kohanoma, and then copy it to the VKontakte editor.

Don't forget to press the "Save page" button after making a skin change.

Now I’ll add a photo.

Click on the icon next to the camera view and enter the route to the image.

Click on the icon next to the camera view on the toolbar

Axis and our photograph

I want the text to flow around the image, so I’ll add the left parameter to it.

And I don't want people to lie

new version

adding the “nolink” attribute.

Read the report about attributes in the group, which I learned more about.

Available parameters “nolink” and “left”

To look at the result - go to

emergency mode
call for help buttons

Perhaps you can see the words in bold.

See the required fragment and press the “B” button or use the Ctrl+B key combination.

The combination Ctrl+B also works

What happened in the results?

In my opinion, it's disgusting

Formatting a portfolio on VKontakte

  • Now we can create a manual portfolio for clients.
  • I use 2 methods:

Create albums with screenshots and a list page with messages posted on them.

Create a side for skin work and a list side.

For the butt, I will design 2 works in the portfolio - in my own way.

Portfolio album

To create an album, open the menu Keruvannaya spіnotoyu.

Go to sleep adjustment

Here check the box opposite the “Photo Albums” item.

Now you can create them.

Save your money.

Add a block of photo albums

On the final page, click the “Add Photos” button and select the route to the required files.

Added screenshots of our robots to the album

Let’s say I want to add an article to my portfolio about how to take screenshots of texts that don’t fit on the screen.

For this purpose I take a screenshot of the article and cut it into small pieces in a graphics editor.

What's the matter?

Because otherwise the text on the image will appear too different and it will not be possible to read it.

Such a portfolio is of little use.

And so I’ll split it into a bunch of normal-sized fragments and add it to the VKontakte album.

I ended up with 4 pieces of text and a miniature.

Place the cursor over any image and click on the “Move photo” icon.

Move new images to a new album

Create a new album.

Click "Add to new album"

Give the album the same name as it was at the time.

That's it, now we have 2 albums, in which screenshots of 2 articles are saved.

Finish it, maybe.

2 albums with screenshots

Create a “Portfolio” page and write down its ID.

The robots themselves cannot be placed on it - only names, thumbnails and short descriptions.

Click on the “Add photo” icon.

We are adding a new picture to the sidebar

Click the “Select from sleep photo” button.

Open the album and select a thumbnail.

Find your miniature added to the album

In the new account, open the album or the first screenshot from the new account.

I copy this message (entirely).

You need to insert it into the photo tag between the vertical rice |

and square arms that close]].

Insert the message between the symbols | ta]] So you select the thumbnail, when you click on it, the required album or a screenshot with the beginning of the text will appear (you will see what you have indicated).

Portfolio page

Well, everything is much simpler here.

Create a new website and don’t forget to write down its ID.

Click on the “Add a photo” icon and add a screenshot to the text, first cutting it into small pieces.

Ideally, 1 image – 1 paragraph.

What's the matter?

Because VKontakte strongly compresses the image.

If you captivate an entire screenshot, and then spread it across the entire page, it will be dangerous.

Small fragments do not suffer as much.

Now turn on the markup mode (as soon as possible).

Turn to

standard mode

Now let's make our portfolio more presentable and handy.

I will add a title to the new one, the name of the work, short descriptions and sending to the site, they are published.

Axis what happened.

Add a little information about skin work

Design of the “Services and Prices” page

We already have a page “About yourself” and a garne portfolio. Perhaps the time has come to show clients the price tag. I think we will formalize it in the table below.

She just realized it.

Create a new website, save your ID and off you go.

You can read in detail about all the tags that are required for table layout Wiki markings VKontakte

In order to create a side, you need to write the name on the double square arms.

For example, [[Reviews to your needs].

The side will be automatically formed. You will be able to follow the creation of the message and edit it. Wiki layout VKontakte table

  1. Shchob
  2. create a table using wiki markup,
  3. You need to enter special characters.
  4. First, put the icon (| in the beginning of the table), then press enter and enter the sign |+ in the next row, with which the title is indicated.
  5. If you want to create a new row, you need to enter the |- sign and then write down the main rows.

To see between the tables in a dark color, put a sign to hail!. For the clear-sighted, it is necessary to place a vertical boundary in the middle.

To close a table, you need to add the | tag.

The tables are especially handy if you are holding a competition in your team and want to display data about those who have the same results. Also, using an additional table, it is easy to organize information so that people can quickly need it to your side.

Share with friends or save for yourself:

Wiki layout VKontakte templates