Regulations about the expert council. History of creation and principles of formation. VI. Conflict of interest

decisions of the State Duma Committee
from the rozvitku huge marriage, food
huge and religious associations
dated 21 April 2016 Roku No. 8

about Expert Council
Committee of the State Duma for the development of the commonwealth, nutrition of community and religious services

1. Foreign regulations

1.1. Expert Rada to the Committee of the State Duma for the development of the commonwealth, feeding of the commonwealth and religious associations (hereinafter referred to as the Rada) makes decisions to the Committee of the State Duma for the development of the commonwealth, feeding of the commonwealth of the religions They are united (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) on the lines of renewing the State Duma of this Click on the method:

  • ongoing analytical, expert, informational and advisory support to the legislative activities of the Nutrition Committee, pending its adoption;
  • maintaining constructive cooperation and mutual cooperation between institutions of community partnership and bodies sovereign power in the legislative process;
  • the appearance of thoughts of disorderly organizations and the acquisition of fakes from the sphere legal regulation the activities of NPOs before participating in the preparation process and making legislative decisions to feed the Committee;
  • preparing experts for the meeting of the Committee to protect the interests of civil society and religious organizations.

The activity will be based on the voluntary participation of its members in the work, free access to information, independence of position until a decision is made.

2.1. Conducting an independent examination and preparing draft amendments to several bills submitted to the State Duma by subjects of legislative initiative.

2.2. Providing information and consultation to the deputies of the State Duma - members of the Committee and the health and safety apparatus of the Committee with food supplied to the Committee.

2.3. Participation in the preparation of proposals for introducing changes to federal food laws submitted to the Committee, with the approval of the proposal of deputies of the State Duma - members of the Committee

2.4. Participation, for consumption, in the preparation and holding of meetings of the Committee, parliamentary hearings, round tables, conferences and other meetings held by the Committee.

2.6. Preparation of publications from the mass media about current problems of legislative activity for the Committee.

2.7. Analysis and assessment of the practice of stagnation of official legislation in Russian Federation.

2.8. Presentation to the Committee from the ancient light practice and international standards from the development and stagnation of legislation that regulates the activities of unregulated non-profit organizations.

2.9. In order to carry out its duties, the Rada is authorized to submit proposals and recommendations for the consideration of the Committee in the form of analytical and information materials and other documents, as well as the right to:

Request a meeting for representatives of authorities viconic ruler Russian Federation, civil and religious organizations, mass media, other specialists, etc.;

Receive fakhіvtsіv for work on the improvement of legislation in any singing galuzі. The acquired specialists earn the status of Radi experts.

3.1. The Council is formed of expert groups that correspond to the main directions and profile of the work of the Committee, which are created according to the needs of the decisions of the Head of the Committee.

3.2 Expert groups For the sake of this implementation, it is necessary to stand before the Rada, taking into account the plans and regulations approved by the Committee, to formulate and implement work plans, the order of the day’s meeting, to indicate directly and carry out food activities that must be carried out before Their profile.

3.3. The activity of expert groups is carried out under the supervision of one of the deputies-members of the Committee for the delegation of the Head of the Committee or for decisions of the Committee.

4.1. The Radi warehouse may include representatives of scientific research and primary centers, religious organizations, public associations, churches, legislators and judicial authorities, other organizations and structures, as well as independent experts who have proven themselves as highly qualified specialists in the area of ​​legal regulation of the sphere of activity disorderly organizations.

Deputies of the State Duma, members of the Community Chamber of the Russian Federation, and various civil and religious figures and experts enter the Radi warehouse.

4.2 Members for the sake of carrying out their activities with the Radya on large ambushes.

4.3. The personal warehouse of the members is confirmed by the Head of the Committee.

Changes at the warehouse of Radi members may be made in connection with the legislative work of the Committee and recommendations of Radi members.

4.4. Head for the sake of the Head of the Committee.

4.5. Head of Radi: the current underground care of Radi’s work, means on the stand the decision of the Committee of the specific task of Radi, in charge of the needs of Radi’s meeting, represents Rada in collaboration with state and other organizations, will ensure This is the form of the decision for the sake of the Committee.

4.6. Spіvgolovoy Radya is the first defender of the Head Committee.

4.7. Spіvgolova Rada ensures precise care of the robotic Rada, coordinates the activities of expert groups, hears about their activities, and also works with the instructions of the Head Saki for other renewal, We are concerned with the activities of Radya, including the holding of the meeting.

4.8. Members for the sake of toil right:

Take part in the preparation, discuss and make decisions about food that are considered at the meetings of expert groups;

Take the fate of the formed and discussed plans of the work for the sake of;

Bring in for review for the sake of the proposal, for the sake of review, the necessary nutrition that is included in the competence of Sake, in a planned manner.

4.9. Members For the sake of goiters:

Take part in the meetings of expert groups.

Look at the materials that need to be discussed before discussion, prepare propositions and ideas behind them;

Reveal objectivity and lack of urgency when looking at nutrition at meetings;

Vikonuvati's darling Radi.

4.10. Any member of Rad has the right to leave his warehouse, declaring his decision to the Head of Rad. Member for the sake of respect with the head for the sake of having seen the statement from the day of the affirmation.

4.11. The head for the sake of the right to make the same decision about the withdrawal from the warehouse for the sake of any of its members from such positions:

The destruction of the most powerful position;

Systematic (more than three times after) attendance at expert group meetings;

Actions that discredit the activities of Rad.

5.1. The work is carried out in accordance with the plans of the legislative work of the Committee.

5.2. Meetings of expert groups are held as necessary. Notifications about the date, hour, place and order of the day of the upcoming meeting are sent to the Committee personally to each member for at least 3 working days before the upcoming meeting.

5.3. Meetings of the expert groups are held according to the needs of the Head of the Head, the Head of the Head, or in accordance with the action plan approved by him. The plan designates organizations and individuals responsible for the preparation of work materials before the visits that are carried out.

5.4. At the meetings of expert groups for the sake of, for the sake of the Head, for the sake of the Spivgolov for the sake of, deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation for the sake of the Federation may be present, officials, fakhivtsi, assistants of deputies, who do not enter the warehouse for the sake of other individuals, requested and on other points of order for the day's meeting.

5.5. Organizational and material technical safety activity For the sake of the Committee's apparatus.

5.6. In order to complete its functions, each member of the Rada is issued a time pass for passage to the former State Duma.

5.7. In times of need for a meeting of the Rad, representatives from organizations that are not represented at the Rad may be asked to have the right to vote.

6.2. Resolution for the sake of being accepted by a simple majority of votes zhalnye kіlkosti members of Rady present at the meeting.

6.3. At the meeting, minutes are taken, and after the meeting is completed, the decision is drawn up. The decision is to sign with the head of Radya.

6.4. Before the minutes of the meeting, a special idea of ​​the Radi members may be introduced.

6.5. Minutes can be kept at meetings of expert groups, and after completion a written decision can be drawn up.


about the Expert Council of the Ministry of the Russian Federation

on the right civil defense, supernatural situations

and eliminating the legacy of natural disasters


1.1. The Expert Rada of the Ministry of the Russian Federation at the right of civil defense, supervising the situation and liquidation of natural disasters (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Rada) and the advisory body for the activities of the Ministry of the Russian Federation at the right of civil defense, supervising the situation and liquidation of the inheritance of natural disasters (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Taxes of Russia of Russia) at Galuzia defense, protection of the population and territory supernatural situations natural and man-made in nature, fire safety and safety of people on water objects.

1.2. In its activities, the Expert is pleased to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Order of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia ii, as well as these Regulations.

1.3. With its current task, the Expert is happy to interact with food, which falls within the competence of the Expert for the sake of it, with the department of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia of Russia, structural subdivisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia of Russia, including territorial and subdivisions Domestic installations, including scientific research institutions (hereinafter referred to as the organizations of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia), federal bodies of the British government and their subordinate organizations.

1.4. The expert is pleased with the current scientific-legal, expert and information-consultative support of the activities of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia in preparing and making decisions to prevent and eliminate emergency situations Of natural and man-made nature, fire safety and safety of people on water objects.

Supporting the activity of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia comes only from the assistance of the Minister of the Russian Federation on the right of civil defense, overcoming the situation and eliminating the legacy of natural disasters (given i - Minister) or individuals, who urgently wears his bindings.

1.5. The Expertise's activities are based on:

pre-established legality;

free access to information necessary for carrying out expert and information and advisory work;

concern at the time of setting food, making proposals in the process of expert and information-advisory work;

the independence of the position from private thoughts that respect the objectivity of the analysis;

Independence in making specific decisions between tasks is increasingly important.

1.6. The expert is not happy legal entity That is, at the boundaries of the assignments, the right becomes more important.

1.7. Experts are active in large ambushes.

1.8. The decisions taken at the Expert Panel meetings are of a recommendatory nature.

The expert is glad not to bear responsibility for the legacy of the stagnation of expert findings.


2.1. The main tasks of the Expert Committee are:

current expert support for the management of civil defense, protection of the population and territory during emergency situations, fire safety, safety of people on water bodies in times of emergency preparing and making decisions to carry out work in order to avoid emergency situations or the safety of people and the protection of the territory , if the staff resources of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia are insufficient and the required additional consultations;

current expert support for forecasting the development of emergency situations, as well as analysis of approaches to avoiding them;

carrying out an independent examination of documents that indicate the state policy of civil defense, the protection of the population and territory in emergency situations, the safety of fire safety, as well as the safety of people on water bodies;

Additional examination of draft normative legal acts in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territory in emergency situations, fire safety and safety of people on water bodies in case of conflict of interest iv;

consultations for strategic planning of safe living.


3.1. To enter the Expert warehouse:

head for expert sake;

intercessors of the head of the Expert for the sake of;

members of the Expert Council for the sake of.

The extensive and personal warehouse of the members of the Expert Committee is confirmed by the Minister of the Russian Federation at the right of civil defense, supervising the situation and eliminating the legacy of natural disasters (hereinafter - the Minister) for the tribute of Expert's head.

3.2. Experts are pleased to form with representatives of large and scientific organizations, as well as scientists and fachists directly from their professional and scientific activity, appointed by the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia.

The selection of candidates from members of the Expert Panel is based on the basic knowledge of their professionalism, competence and high special knowledge in the field of civil defense, the protection of the population and the territory from the superstructures actions of natural and man-made nature, fire safety and safety of people on water objects.

Selection of candidates from members of the Expert Team for the sake of publicity in the selection and then voluntary participation from the Expert Team for the sake of.

For the sake of the Expert warehouse, military personnel of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxation of Russia and its organization may be included, but not more than 10% of its total warehouse.

4. Operating modes FOR EXPERT'S SAKE

4.1. Its robot Expert Rada has two main operating modes:

everyday activity;

power mode on expert assessment;

4.2. In the mode of daily activity, the Expert Council:

conduct expert meetings for the sake of;

carry out analysis of materials taken from the work for prediction and elimination of emergency situations;

4.3. The regime will ask for an expert assessment from the Expert Council:

There is ongoing collection of Experts for the sake of;

listens or reviews materials that are submitted for expert evaluation;

carry out an expert assessment of the situation, forecast the possible development of emergency situations and prepare recommendations and expert recommendations for carrying out a complex of organizational, engineering, technical and other approaches to avoidance and liquidation ii superordinate situations or changes in them affecting the population and economic objects;

if necessary, the Ministry of Taxes and Taxation of Russia sends experts to the zone of the predicted emergency situation (in their good faith) to identify the causes of the deterioration of the situation and the development of the proposition of goodness. normalization. In this case, all expenses associated with the delivery, security and deployment of experts in the area of ​​the predicted emergency situation will be provided by the Russian Ministry of Taxes.


5.1. As a result of the vindication of its duties, the Expert Rada has the right:

create Expert groups to prepare materials for the Expert meeting;

request the decisions of the Minister (the person who replaces him) for participation in the meetings of the Expert Committee for the Ministry of Taxes of Russia, the ministers and specialists of structural subdivisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia and the body information from the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia, as well as other relevant persons;

to extract from the core structure of structural components the central apparatus of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia and the organization of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia of Russia materials and documents related to the preparation of the project (including notes and adjustments, removals during the course of the day and discussed nya), necessary for the examination;

apply from requests to the authorities and other organizations within their competence;

work within the boundaries of their own important activities that do not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and are necessary for the current expert and information and advisory work;

submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals regarding the subjects of your activity to the Minister.

5.2. The head of the Expert is recognized as the Minister.

5.3. Head of Expertise for the sake of:

means the priority areas of the Expert's activity, which the Expert's work carries out, confirms the work's plans, conducts meetings, distributes obligations and assignments between members of the Expert's, and provides behind-the-scenes control over the execution of the plan And at the meeting, the decision was made by experts for the sake of;

creates the necessary conclusions for collective discussion and the highest nutrition submitted to the expert for the sake of consideration;

submit proposals to the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia to the general and personal warehouse of Experts for the sake of;

For the sake of this obligation, the Expert's heads rest on one of the intercessors.

5.4.. Members of the expert committee:

There will be a comprehensive, thorough, objective analysis of the material submitted to the examination. Ensure the completeness and integrity of the examination carried out;

To comply with the provisions of federal legislation, when organizing and conducting an examination, adhere to these Regulations in their activities;

ensure, if necessary, the confidentiality of records related to the examination.

5.5. Members of the Expert Committee are right:

take part in the approaches that are carried out by the Expert Panel, the preparation of food materials that are being considered;

make proposals, respects and amendments to the draft work plans of the Expert for the sake of the order of the day and the order of the meeting;

get acquainted with the documents that discuss the issues discussed, formulate your thoughts on the essence of the discussions, respect and proposals for the projects, decisions taken and minutes of the Expert meeting;

to use documented information, analytical materials and other directions, taking away from the heritage of this expert activity from their scientific and practical work, so as not to comply with official legislation.

5.6. The Secondary Secretary and the Secretary of the Expert Service, who enters the Expert Service warehouse, are considered among the military personnel of the Military Staff of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia.

Secondary Secretary and Secretary of the Expert Forum:

organize legal, analytical, informational, organizational, logistical, technical and other security activities for the sake of Expertise;

to organize the holding of the meeting of the Expert Committee, as well as the protocol of decisions, praises at the meetings of the Expert Committee;

The collection and preparation of analytical, investigative and other documents necessary for the activities of the Expert are in progress.

Operate other functions according to the decision of an Expert for the sake of your head.


6.1. The expert team carries out its activities in accordance with the plan for the main approaches to Chergovyi rik, confirmed by the Minister for the tribute of the head of the Expert for the sake of.

6.2. The main form of expert activity is meetings, which are held as needed, and not more than once at a time.

For the sake of necessity, and in cases of culpability in the situation of the federal and interregional level, the head of the Expert may convene the next meeting of the Expert for the sake of. Members of the Expert Panel are notified about the next meeting of the Expert Panel. National Center management in crisis situations (hereinafter referred to as NTsUKZ) of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia.

6.3. The meeting of the Expert Committee is respected by those in power, since more than half of the members are present, because it is necessary to have a large number of experts who are being discussed.

6.4. Members of the Expert Committee maintain equal rights when discussing food and voting. In times of misfortune let's make decisions They have the right to formulate an idea for a specific purpose, which will reach the protocol of the Expert meeting for the sake of it.

6.5. Members of the Expert Committee are obliged to take special part in the meetings of the Expert Committee and do not have the right to delegate their duties to other persons.

6.6. From looking at the food, the expert is pleased to praise the decision. The decisions are shown in the minutes of the meeting of the Expert Committee, copies of which are provided to the Minister.

The head of the Expert Council has the right to immediately notify the Minister (the person who replaces him) about the decisions taken by the Expert Council.

6.7. The decisions of the Expert Committee for the sake of food, which are considered, are accepted by the simple majority of votes of the members of the Expert Committee present at the meeting. Among all the voices, the voice that prevails is the voice of the head of the Expert for the sake of or the intercessor, who is the head of the meeting.

6.8. Decisions made at the meetings of the Expert Committee are of a recommendatory nature and are documented in a protocol, which is signed by the head of the Expert Committee.

6.9. The organization of the activities of the Expert Service is carried out by the various departments of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia.

Technical security of expert activity for the sake of the current National Center for Accreditation of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia.

Maintaining documentation, coordinating organizational and technical activities and preparing the meeting of the Expert Committee is carried out by the Deputy Secretaries of the Expert Committee.

6.10. Internal procedures, which indicate the order of review for the Expert's sake, cover the warehouse of materials that are submitted for expert evaluation, the lines and methods of review, as well as the replacement and warehouse of documents, which are drawn up by the Expert Council based on the results of the analysis of the submission. The information is defined by the Regulations for the work of Experts for the sake of , which is confirmed at the expert meeting for the sake of.

6.11. Reorganization and liquidation of Expertise for the sake of change to this warehouse takes place at the discretion of the Minister.

Respect! This is the comment not to the applicant’s official animals!

Expert and Hromadski Rady

Branch of the International Center for Non-Commercial Law, LLC in the Russian Federation

Model 1. Expert and advisory council under the government authorities. In the Saratov, Irkutsk and Penza regions, Chuva Republic.

Model 2. Suspilni Poradi under the Governor. Butt of St. Petersburg.

1. Description of the goals and objectives, the most important directives of the auxiliary mechanism, the problems that are responsible for the problem

The creation and support of community councils under the authorities of the crown government, the bodies of local self-government, the provision of a transparent mechanism for the formation of such councils, which includes negotiations with border community organizations and coalitions of community organizations, One of the priority directions is the development of the organization of community partnership.

The participation of the population in a right-wing power is a real requirement of a modern democratic power. “Improved access to information and the participation of the population in the decision-making process promotes the decision-making process of their work, resulting in a reduction in the awareness of the population about ... problems, we hope The enormity determines its turbulence and allows the state authorities to properly accommodate such interests [...].

The meta-functioning for the sake of society is the rejection of recommendations, formed under the interests of several social groups and marriage.

Gromadskiy / Experts are pleased to loom virishuvat:

■ ensuring the transparency of the activities of public authorities;

■ ensuring a huge participation in the powers governed by the right and local cohesion;

■ increasing the efficiency of activity and expert potential of public authorities;

■ increasing the efficiency of system functioning the call of the bell between marriage and dominion.

Interest in this form of spovrobіtnіstva organs of power and population is steadily growing. It’s not surprising that parts of the community/expert council can argue that the negotiation platform of intersectoral cooperation allows finding optimal management solutions in various spheres of the state’s activity. In addition, structuring is formalized for the sake of high rhubarb The professionalism of its participants will be ensured by an effective influx into the praise of the authorities on a permanent basis.

The various models of legislative regulation of the creation and functioning of community councils under regional and municipal authorities are described in the collection “Library of good practices in the city of mutual cooperation between community councils and authorities” ionally local area”, seen within the framework of the program “Development of dialogue between the community and power in Russia”. The collector also received the results of an examination of existing normative acts, which regulate the work under the authorities of such subjects of the Federation, such as Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Moscow and the municipal authorities of the cities of Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Kostroma , Yaroslavl and others. In this section, we will look at the actions of the large and expert councils at the regional authorities, which were actively working in 2007.

Model 1. Expert and advisory bodies under the authorities

b) a proposal was made in advance of such regulatory and legal acts that are adopted in the territory of the Saratov region:

Project to the Law of the Saratov Region “About the Region” target program“Development of institutions of community marriage in the Saratov region”;

- draft law of the Saratov region “On the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse in the Saratov region”;

Project to the Law of the Saratov Region “About the regional target program “Anti-corruption in the Saratov Region”;

Administrative regulation “Granting the right to municipalities to receive subsidies for the share of regional budget funds for the implementation of socially significant projects”;

- Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Rural State of the Saratov Region have now been issued sovereign service“The provision of one-time assistance and the payment of a seven-month supplement to the salary of young specialists who have graduated from the agricultural sector initial mortgages and we will employ you in rural enterprises (organizations) and rural (farming) governments of the region.”

c) with the full participation of the huge structures of the Saratov region, the program “Development of institutions of community matrimony in the Saratov region for 2008 – 2009 rocks."

Expert pleasure in the Chuvsk Republic carry out a legal examination of all draft regional laws that affect human rights, which is carried out by special commissions for the sake of. The expert panel allows us to identify the negative consequences of the laws that are being adopted. We place particular respect on the legal examination of bills in the sphere of budget and tax policy. Expert findings for the sake of the draft law on the budget of the Chuvash Republic are published in official publications.

3. Description of the main “change” mechanism. Description of the features of models with a different mechanism (as it stinks)

Community/expert councils are closely divided from all other advisory and advisory councils that are created under government and administrative bodies. First of all, behind the warehouse and order of molding, the warehouse of the huge/expert for the sake of obligatory responsibility includes representatives of independent huge structures, and not just experts and fakers of any kind. In another way, as it was said above, the meta-functioning for the sake of society is the rejection of recommendations, bent under the interests of several social groups, and marriage.

In your opinion, for the activities of the community/expert councils we can effectively understand the development of the community partnership and the mutual relations between representatives of the community and the government, reduced to three factors that allow us to successfully implement and models of community participation are accepted or negotiated for meaningful decisions.

· The power's broad interest in embracing the idea of ​​enormity

The interest of the state in the form of the idea of ​​greatness is manifested in consultations with the greatness of a wide range of nutrition and the desire to reject the idea of ​​different faiths of the population. In addition, widespread interest in the idea of ​​​​community is conveyed by providing citizens with ample information and informational capabilities necessary for acquiring knowledge of nutrition power policy and the date of the competent recommendation. Of course, the main indicator of the effectiveness of consultations, including the majority of the government, is the recommendation that was rejected as a result of the negotiations.

· The role of community/expert rads as the Maidan for the development and enforcement of legislation

Community goals, especially those that take part in the development of legislation, government action plans and budgets, are often a forum for democratic lobbying. The crowded people are fighting against it in order to supply the government with food to feed them. An ideal city council obviously represents a variety of community interests in nutrition and includes representatives from a variety of, but not limited to, conflicting interests. Representatives sovereign bodies those present during the discussion and respect the positions of the different parties.

· The role of legislation in ensuring the effectiveness of public/expert councils

The importance of public participation in the activities of government bodies is determined by the constitution, administrative laws and codes, as well as by special legislation on public participation, for example, laws on referendums, regulations of the work of government bodies, and the field. tic of local, national power.

Model 1. Expert and advisory services under the authorities

When describing the “place” of this mechanism in the regions, note that near the Saratov region The beginning of the mechanism of mutual cooperation between the community and regional bodies of sovereign power was laid by the praised government of the Saratov region by Resolution No. 48-P “On the creation of an expert examination for the sake of conducting a large-scale examination of normative and legal acts ів under the Order of the Saratov Region" on February 19, 2007. Expert work is regulated by the Regulations for conducting a large-scale examination of regulatory legal acts in the Saratov region, which means the order of planning, organization and work from the establishment of the task of Expert work.

In addition, the Regulations on the Expert Press Center have been broken down for the sake of conducting a large-scale examination of regulatory legal acts in the Saratov region. For the sake of the Expert warehouse, 82 stoneware items were sent to NPOs in the region.

Poradanear the Saratov regionconsists of the following profile commissions:

1. Commission on tolerance, problems of community union, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional issues

2. Commission on social policy and social development of the region

3. Commission on Demographic Policy and Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Drugs in the Family

4. Commission on Environmental Policy

5. Commission on problems of regional, national and migration policy

6. Youth Development Commission

7. Commission on local policy

8. Commission for control over the spending and spending of funds on national projects and target programs

9. Commission for monitoring regulatory and legal acts on the market of valuable papers and financial services

10. Commission on Information Transparency of Government Bodies

11. Commission “Financing for NPO Development”

12. Commission for the development of agro-industrial complex

13. Commission for the protection of entrepreneurs’ rights

14. Commission for monitoring the implementation of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the region

15. Commission on industrial policy and social and economic problems

16. Commission for Beneficial and Socially Relevant Business

17. Commission of Culture and Ethics.

As has already been stated, ensuring expert activity for the sake ofnear the Saratov regionput on the Committee of Community Relations and National Policy in the Saratov region, the budget has not been transferred and expenditures are directly related to the activities of members of the Expert Council - the leaders of NGOs and their participation at different entrances.

Legal basis for expert worknear the Saratov regionformulate the Decree of the Saratov Region on 01/01/01“Creation of Experts for the purpose of carrying out a large-scale examination of normative and legal acts under the Order of the Saratov region”, Addendum to the Regulations of the Saratov region dated “19” of 2007 “Warehouse of Experts for the sake of carrying out huge examinations and regulatory legal acts under the Saratov Order Addendum to the Decree To the Order of the Saratov Region, since the “19th” of 2007, the Regulations “On the Expert Council for conducting a huge examination of normative and legal acts under the Order of the Saratov Region”, Regulations of the Expert Council for the carrying out of a huge examination of normative and legal acts under the Order and Saratov region “About profile committee Expertise For the sake of carrying out a large-scale examination of draft normative legal acts under the Administration of the Saratov Region.

U Irkutsk region consultations for the purpose of a kind of gathering of representatives of NGOs and representatives of government authorities for the improvement of any nutrition. In this case, representatives of NGOs act as experts at such meetings.

The work of large and advisory councils will be effective near the Penza region, created under the authorities of the Penza region. Today, in the region, for example, the Council for the Governor of the Penza region is successfully functioning in order to coordinate the development of institutions of community partnership and human rights.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Rada under the Governor of the Penza Region, which coordinates the development of institutions of community matrimony and human rights, the Rada is an advisory body under the Governor of the Penza Region, which will be created as a means of coordination with the Governor on the implementation What is more important is the security and protection of the rights and freedoms of the people and the people, who live in the territory of the Penza region, informing the governor about the state of affairs in this area, promoting the development of institutions of community marriage in the Penza region, preparing proposals for the governor of the Penza region on nutrition , which falls within the competence of Rad.

The Radi Warehouse has established two permanently active commissions: the commission for human rights and the commission for promoting the development of community institutions. Regardless of equal “youth”, for the sake of it, he has already shown himself to be an important Maidan for marriage, suitable for conducting an open public discussion. Members for the sake of being carried out great robot from the analysis of the unrest of citizens and community organizations, the organization of cooperation with representatives of the authorities of the sovereign power of the reception of citizens, the promotion of community initiatives, interactions with the methods of mass information. At the meetings of the permanent commissions of the Rady in the Penza region, one of the first issues discussed were such important problems as the implementation of the right of disabled people to work, the activation of work for children and youth in the territory ї Penza region.

I am glad to closely cooperate with the Community Rada on the development of institutions of the community council of Privolzky Federal District, requires all unruly organizations to participate in their activities. Officials of the regional district and territorial administrations enter the Radi warehouse federal services, honored practitioners of culture and enlightenment, and the main backbone of the representatives of the huge associations, as they seek their well-deserved authority and respect from the middle of the huge community.

For the sake of safety in the Chuvsk Republic The Derzhradi apparatus will be engaged. Members of the Experts work on huge ambushes. The very principle of unpaid work of the members of the Rady allows for the completion of functions objectively, unpredictably, relying primarily on their professional knowledge, and not on profit for any necessary purposes. The expert council sits at the appointed State and there is no need to rent non-residential premises, buy office equipment also. Everything will be taken care of by the State Administration of the Chechen Republic.

The Speaker of the State is re-important to create working groups from representatives of the community and specialists when carrying out their duties. However, this mechanism has not yet been exploited.

The legal basis for the Expertise's activity is formed by the Law of the Chuvan Republic “On the State Council of the Chuvan Republic”, the Resolution of the State Council of the Chuvan Republic dated 01.01.01. No. 88 “About the regulations of the Expert Council of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic”, regulations of the Expert Council of the State Council.

Model 2. Suspensions under the governor

At the forefront of the Governor's order Saint Petersburg dated 01.01.2001 N 1114-r (ed. dated 01.01.2001) “About the Community Rada of St. Petersburg” was established by the Community Rada of St. Petersburg, as a permanently active collegial huge body for the Governor of St. Petersburg. The Rada is formed by the honorable citizens of St. Petersburg, members of non-profit groups, members of the Rada, associations, members of other organizations, institutions, and community leaders who gave their permission to join the Rada warehouse.

4. Description of steps (stages) for the formation and development of the mechanism

Community/Expert decisions are mainly created by special decrees, resolutions and orders of local and national government bodies. Such a warehouse, functions and order of work are largely established internally. regulatory documents, such as the statute, rules and regulations for the sake of.

Community/expert and advisory consultations can be established in the forms of government councils, as well as commissions, committees, assemblies, groups. In whom the food of the data establishment in the system of public power is deprived of debate. Within the framework of the statistics under “huge/expert reviews” we mean:

cover the participation of representatives of the community,

with an internal formalized structure,

how the songs sing and the importance assigned to them,

Which state authorities consult for the praise and approval of their decisions.

Such a sovereign-huge institution public law There may be formal creations on the platform of public-government order, but at the same time obligatory support (and, possibly, initiation) by representatives of the public sector. In this case, the decision of the community/experts has a recommendatory nature for the public administration.

For example, Expert reviewSarativ regionwas created as an initiative with the direct participation of non-profit organizations and community organizations in the region. In connection with the unimportant deputies of the Saratov Regional Duma to praise the law on the great chamber of the Saratov region, the great people of the region took the initiative and began to support the creation of the region Expertly For the sake of.

The security of expert activity is entrusted to the Committee of Community Relations and National Policy for the Sarativ Region.

The Committee will ensure the meeting of Experts for the sake of, appearance, placement, will ensure all members for the sake of necessary documents on the skin.

Before Decree No. 48-P dated January 1, 2001, the Regulations were divided, which set out the principles, forms and order of interaction between the authorities of the region, bodies miscevogo self-direction Saratov region from huge expensesі non-profit organizations Some of them have a thorough knowledge of the legislation of the region. This is the process of conducting an examination of normative and legal acts and their projects, approved by the Saratov Regional Duma, the administration of the Saratov region, as well as normative and legal acts and projects adopted by the local self-government bodies of the Saratov region .

The process of acquiring hugeness before ruling by the right powers in the Irkutsk region be divided into two stages: before the establishment of the Community Chamber of the Irkutsk region and, obviously, after. Before the organization of VP IV, the formation of advisory panels for examination was of a somewhat sporadic nature. Of course, there was a lot of speculation on the part of the representatives, but this process is not regulated, there are no written reports about it. VP IV was created specifically to create and organize consultations in detail for the purpose. The activity of VP IV has just begun, June 5, 2007. The first plenary session was held.

Prior to the creation of the VP IV, advisory consultations were created through the initiative of various subdivisions of the authorities of the sovereign power. Those NGOs were selected whose activities are related to the current problem. Representatives of these NGOs were informed about the upcoming examination (most often this was done informally by telephone). A working committee was appointed, where a draft legal act was presented, which would facilitate the examination. The project was discussed, proposals were made to amend and amend this act. After the creation of VP IV, this mechanism may be changed, and all expert recommendations go through the Community Chamber, but for now there is no practice.

5. Description of expenses (financial, labor) associated with the implementation of mechanisms

Expenditures on the mechanism can be called insignificant, they consist of small administrative expenses and, for the need to obtain special experts, expenses to pay for their work.

Vitrati building of advisory councils in the Irkutsk region consists of: rent for premises for carrying out collections, office expenses, expenses for paying for the number of requested specialists. On the side of representatives of NGOs, time and intelligence were spent.

Members are pleased in the Chuvsk Republicі St. Petersburg work on huge ambushes.

In the opinion of experts in the Saratov region, it is necessary to ensure and strengthen the resource center for NPOs, which accumulates evidence of intersectoral interaction, at the expense of the regional budget ( Resource Center in the Saratov region was created with the support of the Saratov Gubernia Foundation for cultural partnerships, which was seen in the competition of the Municipal Chamber of the Russian Federation with further transfer from the budget of the Saratov region).

6. Description of risks associated with the implementation of mechanisms

The main risk is the conversion of the rad to a formal body, which does not represent the interests of a wide range of large-scale organizations, as well as compromise in the form of a warehouse for the sake of, associated with the possible unwillingness of members to sacrifice expert and advisory, rather than formal representative functions.

7. Coordinates of contact details of the described places and regions and specialized expert and resource organizations

Territory where the mechanism was implemented: Community/Expert areas

PIB of the contact person, organization


Saratov region

Olena Tsarenkova, President of the Suspilstvo and Pravo Foundation

Irkutsk region

Nadiya Sizikh, lawyer

Penza region

Oleksiy Bogoroditsky, member of the community service at the Federal Registration Service of the Penza region

Volodimir Perov, who plays on the right

Chuvaska republic

Igor Mikhailov, lawyer

Oleksandr Viktorovich Dolgov

Secretary of Expertise under the State Council of the Chuvan Republic

Saint Petersburg

Maria Kazankova, lawyer

Oleksiy Sergeyovich Kozirev

7. A short description of information devices (regulatory legal acts, methodological materials, etc., which describe this mechanism and which will be included on the CD, as well as online resources)

All normative acts, published by this author, can be found on the Internet resource of the NP “Lawyers for Community Matrimony” http://map. *****/ and on the CD directory.

· The program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the mid-term perspective (2006-2008), approved by the Order of the Russian Federation as of 01/01/01. No. 38-r

· Library of short practices in Galusa between the community and government on the regional and local level / edited by. i K", 2007 - http://www. *****/files/blocks/Biblioteka. pdf

Saratov region

§ Decree to the Saratov Region Government dated 01/01/01“For the creation of the Expert Committee for the sake of carrying out a huge examination of regulatory legal acts in the District of the Saratov Region”,

§ Addendum to the Decree of the Saratov Region on December 19, 2007 “Warehouse of Expertise for the sake of carrying out a huge examination of regulatory legal acts under the Saratov Region Order”,

§ Addendum to the Decree of the Saratov Region on December 19, 2007, the Regulation “On the Expert Council for conducting a large-scale examination of regulatory legal acts under the Saratov Region Order”,

§ Regulations of the Expert For the sake of conducting a large-scale examination of regulatory legal acts in the District of the Saratov Region,

§ Standard regulations “About the profile commission of experts for the sake of conducting a large-scale examination of draft normative legal acts under the Administration of the Saratov region.”

Irkutsk region

§ Law of the Irkutsk region “On Community Chamber Irkutsk region".

Penza region

§ Regulations on the Rada for the Governor of the Penza Region to coordinate the development of institutions of community partnership and human rights (approved by the Resolution of the Governor of the Penza Region dated 01/01/2001 No. 6).

Chuvaska republic

§ Law of the Chuvan Republic “On the State Rada of the Chuvan Republic”,

§ Resolution of the State of the Chuvash Republic dated 01/01/01. No. 88 “About the regulations about the Expert Council of the State for the Chuvan Republic”,

§ Regulations of the Expert Council for the State of the Chuvash Republic.

Saint Petersburg

§ Order of the Governor of St. Petersburg dated 01.01.2001 N 1114-r (as amended on 01.01.2001) “About the Community Council of St. Petersburg”

§ Information about activities for the sake of www. *****

Tomsk region

· Addendum to the decision of the State Duma Tomsk region No. 000 dated 01.01.01 r. Regulations on the Council of Community Initiatives under the State Duma of the Tomsk Region

The program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the mid-term perspective (2006-2008) was approved by the Order of the Russian Federation as of 01/01/01. No. 38-r.

“The Convention on Access to Information, the participation of the population in the process of deciding and access to justice with food that stands dovkilla", Aarhus, Denmark, 23-25 ​​June 1998.

Library of short practices in Galusa between the community and the authorities on the regional and local level / ed. ta K", 2007 http://www. *****/files/blocks/Biblioteka. pdf

Regulations on the Rada under the Governor of the Penza Region to coordinate the development of institutions of community partnership and human rights (approved by the Resolution of the Governor of the Penza Region dated 01/01/2001 No. 6).

Confirmeddecisions to the State Duma Committee on the subject of science and science 11 September 2018





1.2. In its activities, the Rada is guided by the strict legislation of the Russian Federation, the Regulations of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and these Regulations.

1.3. Renewal of importance for the period of activity of the Committee at the current meeting is introduced after the completion of the ongoing meeting of the State Duma or for the decisions of the Committee.

1.4. I am glad to carry out my activities on behalf of the auxiliary of the Head of the Committee, the auxiliary of the deputy - member of the Committee, who is responsible for coordinating the activities of the Radi (hereinafter referred to as the curator of the Radi), and the requests of the deputies - members of the Committee.


The main tasks for the sake of thematic directness of its activity are:

  • preparation of amendments to draft federal laws and drafts of other normative legal acts that have reached the Rady;
  • development of recommendations for improving legislation in the fields of education and science and preparation of similar legislative initiatives;
  • conducting a local and legal assessment of bills and (or) legislative initiatives, projects of other normative acts that regulate legal issues in the fields of education and science, analytical and other materials;
  • exploration and review of proposals for the preparation of draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts in the fields of education and science;
  • preparation of analytical, design and support materials.


Rada, to the thematic directness of its activities, has the following renewed importance:

  • carry out, under the direction of the Committee's head or curator, a preliminary examination of bills, legislative initiatives, drafts of other normative acts that are being reviewed by the Committee;
  • expands the proposals for making changes and additions to bills and drafts of other normative acts that are being considered by the Committee;
  • breaks down the proposals to the main directions of the development of federal legislation in the fields of education and science;
  • carry out, upon the instructions of the curator for the sake of communication with the requests of deputies - members of the Committee of Legal Expertise of draft normative legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as an assessment of bills that are under consideration of other Committees of the State Duma mi;
  • carry out an analysis of legal practice and prepare analytical materials for their cases.


4.1. The Rada is formed from the head of the Rada, the intercessor and the intercessors of the head of the Rada and the members of the Rada.

4.2. Radi's warehouse is shaped by Radi's curator and Radi's head. To organize the work of the Rady, a special secretary of the Rady is appointed.

4.3. Head of Radi, intercessor(s) of the head of Radi, warehouse of Radi, making changes to the warehouse of Radi to be confirmed by decisions of the Committee. Vityag from the Resolution to the Committee about inclusion in the warehouse for the sake of force on the skin member of the sake of.

4.4. The head of the Committee, the first intercessors of the head of the Committee, the intercessors of the head of the Committee can be engaged in activities of no more than two Rad. A deputy - a member of the Committee can, as a rule, supervise activities for only one purpose.


5.1. Head for the sake of his entrusted intercessor of the head for the participation of the special secretary for the sake of:

  • organizes the work of Radi, and also closely organizes the preparation of information about the work of Radi;
  • calls the meeting for the sake of;
  • heads at the meeting for the sake of;
  • requests the participation of representatives of primary and scientific organizations, representatives of government authorities, experts, and government officials;
  • sends to the curator Rada materials and documents related to Rada’s work;
  • Informs the curator of Rad about the new delegation of the head to the Committee, as well as the activity of Rad;
  • organizes the preparation of reviews about Radya’s activities and submits them for approval to the Radya curator;
  • takes part in meetings of the Committee as necessary and may also participate in meetings of the Committee for nutrition, which falls within the sphere of activity of Rad.

At times of temporary absence of the head, for the sake of his harness, the protector of the head of Radi (for the appearance of the protector of the head at the warehouse of Radi) or the appointment of a member of Radi with his head.

5.2. Member For the sake of goiters:

  • to achieve the Regulations about the Rada and for the sake of our heads;
  • vikonuvati entrusted to the order of the head for the sake of;
  • take part in the preparation of materials for consideration at the meetings of the Rad.

5.3. Member for the sake of right:

  • introduce propositions for the sake of the order of the day's meetings for the sake of, for the sake of the order of work for the sake of;
  • make proposals for the main nutritional regulation of legal issues in the regulations for the sphere of activity, draft documents that are accepted by the Rada;
  • make amendments to draft documents that are reviewed by the Rada; vimagati setting your propositions and voting;
  • initiate the preparation of analytical and other materials on behalf of;
  • benefit from other rights granted by these Regulations.

5.4. Members register their work with Radya on a free basis.

5.5. Members for the sake of taking the fate of the robot for the sake of without the right to replace.


6.1. Rada is now in the process of holding a meeting in accordance with the work plan for the next session of the State Duma, which will be confirmed by Rada’s curator.

6.2 Meetings will be held in person or in absentia, and at least twice during the session of the State Duma.

6.3. Today's meeting for the sake of meeting with the head for the sake of agreements with the head of the committee and the curator for the sake of.

6.4. The Head of Radi (or, on his behalf, the Deputy Secretary of the Radi) informs about the hour and place of the Radi meeting, meals, which will be discussed with the curator of the Radi or the Head Committee, and also organizes presentations to the members of the Radi, draft documents, etc. highlight the meeting for the sake of .

6.5. Draft documents received by Radi members in preparation for the final Radi meeting, as well as the documents contained in them, are not subject to public release until the official confirmation of the designated documents, which have not otherwise been transferred these Regulations or entrusted to the Head of the Committee.

6.6. If it is impossible for a member to arrive at a meeting, Radi informs the Head of Radi or the Extraordinary Secretary Radi no later than two days before the meeting.

6.7. Member for the sake of impossibility of attending the meeting for the sake of the right to direct his head for the sake of his thought about the food included before the order of the day's meeting for the sake of, in written form. The stated idea is presented at the meeting and is taken into account at the time of voting.

6.8. In the first order, at the meetings, the Head's entrustment to the Committee is considered, as well as food related to draft normative legal acts, as considered by the Committee.

6.9. For work related to the consideration of nutrition, which has a particularly significant character, as well as for this purpose, for the sake of other direct activities of the Committee, or for work on other bills, decisions for the sake of the number of members, for the sake of can be created work groups from training before participation in them experts, representatives of interested organizations.

6.10. I’m glad to see the food in order at any time, you can ask for a refund independent expert and specialized organizations.

6.11. The results of Radi’s work are formalized in the form of decisions, decisions, decisions and signed by Radi’s head. The decision of the Rad is accepted by the majority of the votes of those present at the meeting of the members of the Rad, including the resolution of thoughts directly related to clause 6.7 of this Regulation.

6.12. Reconciliations, decisions and other materials prepared in accordance with his instructions by working groups are formalized in accordance with Rad’s decisions.

6.13 Interested persons and organizations may be subject to prosecution from the decision.

6.14. In accordance with the information support of the activities of the Rady, the special secretary of the Rady and another special, high-ranking head of the Rady, are preparing announcements of the planned meetings and other meetings of the Rady, as well as a short summary of information I’m talking about the meeting and the work that took place during the session.


7.2. Each of the deputies - members of the Committee, members of the Committee apparatus have the right to take part in the meetings of the Committee.

7.3. The Rada has the right to appeal to the Head of the Committee with a proposal to include, before this day's meeting, the Committee's recommendations for nutrition.

7.4. Organizational and technical support for the activities of Radi is carried out by the Assistant Curator Radi and the Secondary Secretary Radi.

7.5. The Deputy Secretary of Radi, no later than 3 days before the date of the meeting, submits to the Committee information about the upcoming meeting. Radi, no later than 3 working days from the day of signature (confirmation), submits the work plan to the Committee For the sake of the session, approval by the curator of the case, signature head For the sake of decision For the sake of, expert findings, recommendations, analytical materials to improve the legislation in the establishment of the sphere of activity, information about the results of the work during the session.

7.6. The Committee reports to the Regulations on Information Support of Activity in order to publish information about activity on the Committee page on the portal of the State Duma (

Resolutions of the Foreign Gatherings of Members
Self-regulatory organization
"Union "Federation of Fakhivtsіv Otsіnyuvachiv"
Protocol No. 14 of “04” breast 2018

(New edition)


1.1. The Regulations on the Expert Council of the self-regulatory organization “Union “Federation of Fakhіvtsіv Evaluators” (hereinafter referred to as the Union) is divided into Federal law dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “About evaluation activities in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Valuation Activity), other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Statute of Spilka and other internal documents of Spilka.
1.2. This Regulation establishes the status, activities, competence and structure of the Expert Council for the Union (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Council).
1.3. The Expert Council is a body of self-regulatory organization of assessments, created to ensure the function of the expert examination of reports on the assessment of assessment objects (hereinafter referred to as assessment).
1.4. The expert is pleased with her activities in accordance with the norms of the official legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of assessment activities, as defined by the Federal Law dated July 29, 1998. No. 135-FZ “On assessment activities in the Russian Federation”, Federal assessment standards, regulations an authorized federal body that performs the functions of regulatory and legal regulation of evaluation activities, as well as internal regulatory documents of the Union.


2.1. For the sake of expert competence, it is necessary to:
2.1.1. the development of the same was possible before the examination of the assessment, the minds of the Expert members for the sake of their qualifications;
2.1.2. conducting an examination of assessment reports;
2.1.3. provision of consultation, methodological and other assistance to subjects of assessment activities, managers of assessment services and assessment reviews, as well as other persons;
2.1.4. Other nutrition related to the activities of Experts for the sake of.
2.2. The procedure for conducting an examination of assessment reports is established in the standards and rules of the Union.
2.3. The expert is happy to carry out its activities in cooperation with the Disciplinary Committee and the Spilka Control Department, as well as other bodies and structural units of Spilka.


3.1. The nutritional approval of the Expert for the sake of, pre-line appointment, the re-importance of the Expert for the sake of either the pre-line appointment, as well as the protection of their members, lies up to the exclusive competence of the Foreign gatherings of the members of the Union.
For the sake of the Union, it is up to the guilty competence to:
- confirmation of the Regulations on the Expert Council, changes and additions to this Regulations;
- confirmation (installation) of additional data was required for the members of the Expert Committee for the sake of;
- Podannya Zagalnymi collections members of the Spilka of candidates for selection to the warehouse of members of the Expert Council for the sake of Spilka;
- suppression of the activities of members of the Expert Committee for the sake of the order transferred by internal documents to the Union.
3.2. The expert is glad to form from the members of the Union at least 7 (Seven) individuals.
3.3. The term renewal of members of the Expert Committee for the sake of adding 5 (five) consequences from the moment of creation. Members of the Expert Team may be re-elected to the Expert Team a number of times.
3.4. Members of the Expert Council may be members of the Union, who demonstrate the benefits of the official legislation of the Russian Federation and additional benefits of the Union to members of the Expert Council.
3.5. The Head of Experts for the sake of the expert is devastated.
3.6. The Head of the Expert for the sake of and the Defender of the Head of the Expert for the sake of being confirmed by the Rada of the Union from among the members of the Expert for the sake of.
3.7. The Head of the Expert Council recognizes the Secretary of the Expert Council at the warehouse of the members of the Expert Council.
3.8. Detection of the fact that a member of the Expert Team is unreliable for the sake of the Law on Evaluation Activity, whose Regulations constitutes the basis for the establishment of disciplinary action in the manner conveyed by the Law on Evaluation Activity, acts of reinstatement a new federal body whose functions are based on the legal regulation of assessment activities and other regulatory legal acts of the Federation , internal documents of the Union.


4.1. The Presidium of Expertise (hereinafter referred to as the Presidium) is a collegial working body of Expertise.
4.2. The competence of the Presidium lies with:
- examination and examination for the sake of the Union of project documents for the nutrition of expert activities;
- a decision was made to carry out a scheduled verification of a member of the Expert Committee for the sake of it, which does not comply with the Law on Assessment Activity, whose Regulations are in place before it, in accordance with the procedure established by the official legislation of the Russian Federation ii, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, internal documents of the Union;
- temporary dismissal of members of the Expert Team for the purpose of conducting expert reviews on the assessment of any identified violations in their activities;
- review of appeals against expert recommendations, signed by members of the Expert Committee;
- Other nutrition, transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation, Federal assessment standards, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and by internal documents of the Union.
4.3. The Presidency is formed by the Rada of the Union from the number of members of the Expert Committee on lines, so that the old line is given new importance by the Expert Board. The numerical warehouse of the Presidium of Expertise is designated by the Council of the Union.
4.4. The President is devastated by the Head of Expertise for the sake of it. The Head presides over the meeting of the Presidium, and at times the meeting of the Presidency is presided over by the Intercessor of the Head for Expertise.
4.5. The Presidium of Experts meets as necessary.
4.6. Only the members of the Presidium, the Secretary of the Expert Committee and the person requested by the Head of the Expert Committee, take part in the meetings of the Presidium of Experts.
4.7. A member of the Presidium of Experts can take part in the meeting of the Presidium, especially through his representative. A representative in the obligatory order may be in the Presidium of Experts for the sake of, and his right to present interests may be confirmed by a certified notarized power of attorney.
4.8. The meeting of the Presidium of Experts is legitimate, since more than half of the members of the Presidium are present.
4.9. The decisions of the Presidium of Experts are accepted by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Presidium present at the meeting.


5.1. Meetings of the Expert Committee are held as necessary, with the initiative of the Head of the Expert Committee for the sake of Spilka’s management bodies.
5.2. Members of the Expert Panel, as well as consultants and other individuals who happen to work before them, take part in the meetings of the Expert Council.
5.3. A member of the Expert Panel may take part in a meeting of the Expert Panel specifically through his representative. The representative in the obligatory procedure may be in the Expert Council, and his right to present interests may be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney.
5.4. The decisions of the Expert Committee are accepted by the simple majority of votes of the members of the Expert Council present at the meeting.


6.1. Members of the Expert Panel, for the sake of obtaining expertise for the examination of reports on the assessment of goiters, are required to conduct such an examination or motivate their conduct.
6.2. Members of the Expert Committee for the sake of goiters:
- comply with the legislation in the field of assessment activities, the procedure for conducting an examination of reports on the assessment of the Union, its Regulations and other internal documents of the Union;
- take part in the activities of the Expert Committee, including in the meetings of the Expert Committee;
- to withdraw the entrusted Head of the Expert for the sake of the same Advocate between them with greater importance, including conducting an examination of the assessment reports, as well as providing members of the Union and other persons with explanations of the nutrition related to the examination of the data about assessment;
- to give evidence in court from the examination carried out at the stand and praise the court;
- during the examination, the review of the assessment is warranted in the event of the occurrence (including at the stage of the examination) of circumstances that exceed the objective examination of the assessment, as well as for insufficient professional ї qualifications;
- to ensure the preservation of documents held by the deputy of the expert examination of the assessment and third parties during the hour of the examination, in accordance with the Procedure for conducting the examination of the assessment of the Union;
- carry out external research on the supply of materials, provide objective and expert evaluation of the supplied power;
- indicate to the expert the priming of the mark behind the bags of the examination report on the assessment, which confirms the development of the marks;
- provide clarification on the nutrition related to the examination, and from the expert’s opinion;
- inform Vikonavich organs To the Union about the fact of giving on the side of any people with the method of pouring into the main body (s), which should be placed (which should be placed) in the expert main body;
- Maintain the confidentiality of information that has become known to us in connection with the current examination of the assessment, subject to the consequences transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- Comply with other benefits provided by the strict legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.3. Members of the Expert Committee are right:
- get acquainted with the materials that are related to the subject of the examination, write down the necessary information from them or make copies;
- Request from the deputy expert and third parties information necessary for carrying out the examination and assessment;
- inform the assessor before the transfer of the expert's report to the deputy about the results of the examination of the report signed by him about the assessment, so as not to comply with the agreement for the examination;
- State the need to obtain other experts before conducting the examination;
- Disqualify in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, actions that violate the rights of a member of the Expert Panel for the sake of;
- Comply with other actions submitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation, Federal valuation standards, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the Association.
6.4. Members of the Expert Committee do not deny their rights:
- Carry out an examination of assessment reports, since the activity in the capacity of an expert is subordinated to decisions for the sake of the Union in the manner established by the official legislation of Ukraine, regulatory legal acts of Ukraine, internal documents of the Union;
- enter into specific contacts with individuals related to the examination results, in order to raise doubts about the lack of influence on the results;
- Use information that became known during the examination of valuation reports for specific purposes;
- Conclude other actions, the protection of which is transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the scope of assessment activities and internal documents to the Union.
6.5. Actions (inactivity) of the expert or experts of Spilka at the time of examination are called, and also the results of the examination may be distorted by persons assigned to Spilka in the order and at the line that is established as up-to-date. federal body, which has effective functions for both legal and regulatory regulation of assessment activities, or criminalization in court.
6.6. It is not allowed to attack the expert of the Union from the side of the body or individual, on whose initiative the examination is carried out, assessments, who took part in the development of the assessment, judges, as well as any bodies, organizations, associations There are no other features involved in the result expertise.
6.7. The Union, which issued the bills, signed the deputy, what is the contract for the assessment, or the main penalty, subject to the third party actions (negligence) of the assessment, or the assessment, as established by the court, arb The third court confirmed the established jurisdiction, the third court was able to violate Federal standards assessments, standards and rules of assessment activities, the Union, if there is evidence of a positive expert assessment prepared and confirmed in accordance with the procedure established by internal documents, has the right to recourse to the expert (experts), who has signed the findings expert visnovok.


7.1. Changes to this Regulation must be made in accordance with the official legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the Union.


8.1. Food not regulated by these Regulations shall be subject to the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the Union.

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