Model of a competent graduate of modern education. Development of the theory of competence. Zdatniy tlumachiti and vikoristovuvati prochitane

At the end of the 20th century - at the beginning of the 21st century, the nature of illumination has changed - its directness, for the purpose of replacing - further more clearly orients us towards the free development of people, illumination of the history of this life, towards creativity and other things. initiative, independence of students, competitiveness, mobility of upcoming school graduates. These changes that accumulate have been reflected in Federal law“About lighting” and the Concept of modernization of industrial lighting for the period until 2010. The change in the modern paradigm is also signified by many of its predecessors (V.I. Bidenko, G.B. Kornetov, A.N. Novikov, L.G. Semushina, Yu.G. Tatur et al.), although the very concept of “paradigm” is rejected by them don't make a mistake. Processes of globalization of the economy, molding informational partnership And the integration of the Russian system of illumination for the framework of entry into the light and illumination space has set pedagogical science the task of bringing the traditional Russian scientific apparatus into conformity with the one adopted in Europe. understand the European pedagogical system. The result is a relook at the paradigm of lighting, which, as part of the modernization of Russian lighting, must be reconsidered from the position of a competent approach. As reinforced in the Concept of modernization of the Russian world up to 2010, “the prosperity that is developing urgently needs enlightened, moral, accepting people who can independently make appropriate decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible results, dated to the present day, are influenced by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness. I feel like it’s a share of the country.” The need to describe the particularities of a school graduate in terms of a competent approach is long overdue, and the Bologna process requires a fundamental understanding of the replacement of qualifications and levels in all programs of regional participation and as a priority They directly call the significance of the underground and special competencies of graduates. This problem is especially urgent in connection with the modernization of Russian lighting. The “Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010” states that “background school can formulate a complete system of universal knowledge, beginning, beginner, as well as self-confidence different activities and special skills of students, these are the key competencies that indicate daily competence illuminate." The introduction of competencies in normative and practical warehousing allows one to overcome the problem typical for the Russian school, as long as the scientists can be well informed by a set of theoretical knowledge and recognize the significant difficulties in the activity that is essential to the development of knowledge for the resolution of specific life tasks and problematic situations. A current school student is responsible not only for mastering other knowledge, skills and habits, but also for taking away knowledge from his/her work and in non-standard situations. The analysis is based on the problem of competence and competency (N. Khomsky, R. White, J. Raven, N. V. Kuzmina, A. K. Markova, V. N. Kunitsina, G. E. Bilitska, L. I. Berestova, V. I. Bidenko, A. V. Khutorsky, N. A. Grishanova and in) allows one to mentally see the three stages of developing competency-oriented education (competency-based education - CBE-approach). First stage (1960-1970). in America) is characterized by the introduction of the category “competence” to the scientific apparatus, and the creation of changes of mind between the understanding of competence and competence. Another stage (1970-1990) is characterized by the different categories of competence/competence in the theory and practice of language learning (especially non-ready ones), as well as professionalism in management, care, management, beginning of spilkuvaniya; The concept of “social competencies/competencies” is being broken down. The third stage of investigation of competence as a scientific category fully understood, which was developed in the 90s of the last century, is characterized by the appearance of the work of A. K. Markova (born 1993-1996), where in the outside context of psychology, and professional competence becomes a subject of special I can see it from everyone's perspective. At this stage, in documents and materials of UNESCO, a number of competencies are identified, which can already be seen as the necessary result of the study. Descendants in the world and in Russia learn competencies, ranging from 3 to 37 types like J. Raven, and they will be learned, depending on the competencies as the final result of the learning process (N. U. Kuzm ina, A. Do. .Markova, L.A. Petrovska). Analyzing the competencies presented by J. Raven, we respect the wide representation of different types of competencies in the categories of “readiness”, “competence”, and lead to the fixation of such psychological characteristics of specialness as “responsibility” and “singing”. By introducing a competent approach, it is possible to change the goal orientations: from the knowledgeable learning - to the future, from the past - to the one who can learn. At this hour, Russia is dreaming richly different interpretations understand “competence” and “competence”. We're focusing on some of them. According to Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences German Kostyantinovich Selevka, competence is the subject’s readiness to effectively organize internal and external resources to establish and achieve goals. Internal resources include knowledge, intelligence, skills, sub-subject intelligence, competence (ways of action), psychological characteristics, values, etc., and competence is the kindness acquired through living situations, reflections I'm sure. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician Andriy Viktorovich Khutorskiy introduces understanding under the term competence - assigned, predetermined by social support (norm) before the final preparation of the studies required at your university active productive activity in the singing sphere. The definition of competence can be formulated more clearly. Competence is an integrated characteristic of specialness, based on one’s knowledge, experience, skills and motivation that is demonstrated in the activity and behavior of the student. In my opinion, the concept of “competence” includes such elements as: knowledge, skills, abilities, behavioral stereotypes and knowledge. Nina in Russia there is no single favorable transfer of key competencies, the fragments of competence - this, transferring, the consolidation of marriage before the preparation of its citizens, such a transfer is richly indicated by a favorable position to society in the entire region. It will never be easy to achieve such a situation. The most broad is the structure of A. V. Khutorsky’s competencies, which a school graduate may receive. Among the overhauled competencies, the main one is communicative, as well as communication and mental development and a way to implement all competencies. Competence is always contaminated with the inconveniences of a particular school. These responsibilities can be impersonal - from semantic ones and related to goal-oriented tasks (the given competence is not necessary), to reflexive-evaluative ones (how successful I am at establishing this competence in life). Competence should not be limited to knowledge or ability. Competence is the area of ​​expertise that is determined by knowledge and practice. Analysis of various differences in competencies shows her creative directness. The following can be included in the category of creative competencies: “recognize harm from truth”, “deal with problems”, “reveal the interrelationships of past and relevant approaches”, “find new solutions”. At the same time, there are still not enough data points to fully present the entire complex of knowledge, skills, methods of action and educational achievements of creative competencies. The introduction of a competent approach to the initial process will require serious changes in both the implementation of the initial process and the practice of the teacher. To develop key competencies, it is necessary to choose a technology to begin with, for which one begins by working most of the time independently and starting planning, organizing, self-control and evaluating one’s activities and activities. sti in general. Traditional education is based on the ideas of pedagogy, and for successful learning, the same ideas of listening and achievement motivation (activity and listening) are transferred. Competence-oriented students talk about the pedagogy of possibilities, based on the motivation of diversity and orientation towards long-term goals of the development of specialness. Traditionally, the process is of a reproductive nature, and the knowledge and methods of action are passed on to the finished student, so. Recognized for the achievement of mastery, and competence-oriented knowledge, the lesson is one of the forms of organization of the beginning, but the emphasis is on the expanded use of other forms of organization, such as sessions, group work on a project, self-employment I work in the library and at the computer, too. p align="justify"> The most rational for the implementation of a competent approach are innovative methods of development that contribute to the formation of key competencies, such as: creation of a “developmental core”, block-modular technology, project method iv. When a new result emerges, a list of old, traditional learning results is transferred, however, competence is perceived as an integration, a complex result. The situation of a radical change in the priorities of illumination, the emergence of a new result of illumination, will greatly impinge on the creation new systems assessment adequate to the result, then. assessment of the level of formation of competence and competence at any other stage of development. The formation of key competencies can be determined by focusing on the three-tier model, representing the equal competencies and the methods of activity of students. Subject competencies of schoolchildren can be assessed using valid and reliable diagnostic methods, allowed to operate as a measure, and to facilitate the process of forming the level of formation of competencies in students. The report is based on the assessment of skin competence. Communicative competence can be identified in addition to the methodology of V.V. Sinyavsky and B.A. Fedorishin “KOS-1”, which reveals the communicative and organizational skills of high school students at the moment. Due to the evidence of positive motivation, directness of purpose and singing minds, activities can develop. Interactive (corporate) competence (interaction) can be assessed using the additional test V.F. Rakhivsky, which gives a statement about the rapid development of communication skills. When assessing the development of interactive competence, it is important to also consider the development of communicative skills in the test “KOS-1” (“Communicative-organizational skills”). This developing competence can be assessed in addition to the short test of the Oriental Wonderlic "CAT". Developing competence can be assessed with an additional questionnaire for students “Is your self-esteem adequate?” In combination, these two methods will give indications about the potential value of learning and about the level of one’s self-esteem, which will allow one to judge the achievement, creativity and objective readiness of a person for self-development. Motivational competence can be identified according to M. Rokeach's test - methods of inculcating value-oriented orientations of particularity, which is brought to the fullest light, to other people, to oneself, the basis of the outlook and the core of motivation. ї living activity, the basis of the living concept and “philosophy of living” . The advantages of the technique are versatility, simplicity and economy in the implementation and collection of results, flexibility: the ability to vary both stimulus material (lists of values) and instructions. Its main drawback is the influx of social obligation and the possibility of insecurity. In this case, a special role is played by the motivation of diagnosis, the voluntary nature of testing and the availability of contact between the psychologist and the test subjects. The problem competence can be determined by an additional set of tests: the Wonderlic “CAT” test, a test that assesses the intellectual abilities of a student, and methods for assessing “Intellectual lability”, the results of which will give indications about the level of competence. intellectual qualities and the plasticity of the mind, which can be the thought-changing activity of a student , which underlies problem competence. Information competence can be identified in addition to the sociological research “Information culture of specialness”, which was developed in the Center for the development of spіvpracі with the department of Internet technologies of the city of Samari. Information culture is understood as a culture of creation, processing, saving, searching and acquiring information, as well as understanding one’s place in the infosphere, identifying oneself as a creator and receiving information. , understanding of the information situation. Information culture is implemented on 3 levels: 1 – cognitive level – knowledge and memory. 2 - emotional-valuable level - settings, assessments, notes. 3 - behavioral rhubarb - that potential behavior is real. Practical competence for most authors arises as a result of the development of skills in practice, so that the accumulation of knowledge in practical situations is achieved. Now we will focus on the assessment of skin and special competencies. To evaluate them, we also need to select valid and reliable diagnostic methods. Self-initial competence can be diagnosed using other methods of identifying the individual world of reflexivity, manifested in the ability to make a choice, for example, a career profile. Creative (productive) competence - choice based on interests, creation of new things, creativity can be assessed using an additional Russian adapted test of verbal creativity by S. Mednik or P. Torrance’s test, which allows for the development of psychological Well, diagnostics of creativity. In order to explain the role of creative abilities in the mind, transmitted and the development of creativity, P. Torrence proposed a model with three keels that often shift, such as creative abilities, creative intelligence and creative motivation ii. A high level of creative achievement can only be achieved by defeating all three officials. Field competence - social significance, choice of program - can be assigned with the help of a differential diagnostic specialist (DDO) Klimova and OZG L.L. N. Kabardova. DDO E. A. Klimova’s principles on the classification of types of professions and the purposes for professional selection are consistent with this classification, and can also be used in career guidance. and they are grown up. The tested person is recommended to choose the type of profession that has the maximum number of signs. The Professional Readiness Inspectorate (RAM) verifies the professional readiness of schoolchildren. More descriptions of different subject and special competencies of students were tested by us in 18 schools. Ryazan (lyceums, gymnasiums and dark-illuminated schools ah, profile and non-core classes are drawn) in order to determine the picture of the formation of competencies among school graduates of different statuses. All these schools have teachers who have the highest qualification category. It was found that all students, regardless of school status, have a low level of motivation for social activity (focus on mutual relationships and interactions with other people) and positive motivation ї (option of special interest). In the middle, an initial-cognitive self-illumination motivation has been formed, which is largely related to the acquired ways of acquiring and acquiring knowledge on its own. Based on the level of formation of communicative and organizational skills of educational schools, testing was carried out using the additional KOS-1 methodology, which gave us the result of an average level of formation of these competencies. Given the evidence of positive motivation and purposefulness of learning, these competencies can change and develop. In order to develop these competencies, it is necessary to provide positive motivation. Otrimano middle rhubarb that of the problematic competence that was assigned to the additional test “Intellectual lability”. The students needed to show how strong the stench could gradually progress from a major problem to another. Normally, high school students have a high level of intellectual lability. Unfortunately, this experiment in all experimental schools gave an average result (5-9 points). A short orientation test of Wonderlik “CAT”, which can be used to identify developing and problematic competencies, showing that in lyceums, gymnasiums and specialized classes of secondary schools, the contingent of children is formed before abstraction and formalization Nya, kindly apologize for the level of practical mathematical thinking, which indicates a high level of rozumovs of high school students. In schools, which may have a specialized level of education, the performance of children is in the middle level. In general, for this age-old category, the results using this method are within the norm. The range of intellectual abilities of schoolchildren allows the creative class to begin mastering a wide range of professions. Unfortunately, the self-esteem of students in all schools, regardless of their status, is low, which is significantly reflected in their behavior in both lessons and outside the classroom. All of them reveal themselves in different ways, who vigorously strives for thoroughness, who craves impudence, who greatly strains themselves in neutral situations. When assessing special competencies, we found that the middle world of reflection is most important, then. Schoolchildren must not always evaluate and convey the actions of others, they do not objectively evaluate their actions from the position of a third-party supervisor, but rather give themselves and their students an objective assessment, including It's a big deal. Normally, a high school student owes his mother a high level of reflection, because It is closely connected with the child’s self-esteem; a low level of reflection causes the formation of low self-esteem. In order to improve self-esteem, it is enough to develop reflection. Following the success of school graduates in choosing a future profile and profession, we have established that in physics and mathematics classes of lyceums and gymnasiums, schoolchildren mainly focus on professions of the type “Lyudina is a symbolic image” (36%) and “Lyudina is a lyudina” (25 ) %), “people - artistic image” (12%), “people - nature” (8%) and only 19% of graduates give preference to the choice of “people - technology”. The data is based mainly on tests that indicate the choice of profile and professional affiliation. In order to promote the passion for interest in the subject of physics, as well as the motivation and self-esteem of schoolchildren, it is necessary to ensure the ongoing process of promoting the development of specially oriented technologies, regardless of the material This refers to the individual characteristics of students, subject to the possibility of removing external control. All this can be realized through a system of non-traditional lessons, different forms and methods of their implementation. NOTES 1. Almanac of psychological tests. - M., KSP, 1995. 2. Bidenko V. I. The Bologna process: structural reform of the great vision of Europe. - 3 types. - M, Preslednytsky Center for Problems of the Preparation of Fakhivts, Russian New University, 2003 3. Delors J. Osvita: storage of treasures. UNESCO, 1996. 4. Eremkin Yu. L., Eremkina O. V. Psychodiagnostics in primary school teachers. - Ryazan, 2000. 5. Eremkin Yu. L. Psychology of learning foreign languages ​​at school: Basic methodological handbook. - Ryazan, 2005. 6. Zimova I. A. Key competencies as an effective and goal-oriented basis for a competent approach to education. Author's version - M: Preslednytskyi Center for Problems of the Preparation of Fakhivts. - 2004. 7. Competent approach at the beginning: initial-methodical handbook / auto-guide. O. V. Eromkina, N. B. Fedorova, D. V. Morin, M. A. Borisova; Riz. g os. univ. im. S. A. Yesenina. - Ryazan, 2010. 8. Concept of modernization of Russian lighting for the period up to 2010. // Modernization of Russian lighting. Documents and materials. - M: View of Higher School of Economics, 2002. -S. 263-282. 9. Professional orientation: stages and methods: Methodical recommendations. - Kiev, 1990. 10. Ways to mastery: Psychological and pedagogical workshop. - Ryazan, 2004. 11. Raven J. Competence in immediate marriage. Revealing, development and implementation. - M., 2002. - (English Vid-nya 1984). 12. Rogov E. N. Desk book of a school psychologist in education: Chief Pos_bnik. -M.: VLADOS, 1995. 13. Tikhomirova L. F. Development of intellectual abilities of schoolchildren. -Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997. 14. Khutorsky A. V. Key competencies as a component of specially oriented lighting // People's Light. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 58-64. 15. Kiselova T. G. Diagnosis and formation of competence using the methods of the primary subject. -
Fedorova N.B. Russian scientific journal №3 (..2010)

Chapter 1. Social and professional competence 12 fakhіvtsa as a resource of socialization

1.2. Social and professional competence of university graduates

1.3. Formation of competence of a university graduate as a process of interaction between students and graduates of 44 educational services

Chapter 2. Research on the characteristics of social and professional competence of graduates of specialty 67 “Socio-cultural service and tourism” (on the basis of NSUEU, SGUPS, SIBUPK, NDTU)

2.1. Methodical approaches to investigating the characteristics of social and professional competence of 67 graduates

2.2. Analysis of the social and professional competence of graduates for the specialty “Social-76 but-cultural service and tourism”

2.3. Assessing the results of social interaction between the teacher and the student of educational services in the specialty “Socio-cultural service and tourism”

Chapter 3. An integrated model for the process of managing the formation of social and professional competence of 103 VNZ graduates

Recommendations list of dissertations

  • Managing the process of forming professional competencies by Russian institutions in the sphere of educational services 2006 year, candidate of economic sciences Bilikh, Irina Viktorivna

  • Formation of management competence of a specialist in recreation and tourism 2010 year, candidate of pedagogical sciences Fefelova, Vira Mykolayivna

  • Development of core competencies in professional training of hotel service specialists 2012 year, candidate of pedagogical sciences Naumova, Gulnaz Rafitivna

  • Pedagogical mental formation of readiness for professional activity of students in the banking college 2008 year, candidate of pedagogical sciences Sadekova, Adilya Umerivna

  • Pedagogical mind-shaping of professional competence of students at the College of Hospitality and Restaurant Business 2005 year, candidate of pedagogical sciences Fomina, Olga Viktorivna

Introduction to the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “The graduate’s competence is seen as a product of social interaction between the graduate and the co-worker: the managerial aspect”

In recent years, an illumination paradigm has been formed, within the framework of which the ability of daily illumination as a result of the given illumination service is significant because of the extent to which graduates have a high level of competency - as a result of identifying connections. Based on knowledge and situations, it is necessary to provide knowledge adequately to the prevailing problems. professional activities.

Managing the process of transferring and providing important services is subject to few special features, including the employment of the employee himself before the process of providing services, the unsaving of stolen information and other problems. Both living servants and winemakers face difficulties.

The specificity of the educational services is due to the fact that their significance is manifested and assessed differently when choosing a university, in the process of starting, in the market. Therefore, providers of educational services (universities) and employees of educational services (students and employers) vary in their impact and results. All successful survivors become rational and adequate to specific situations, especially since they become not third-party watchdogs, but dedicated participants in the educational process, direct their efforts to avoid

2d is a clear result of the completed service – the graduate’s social and professional competence is higher. At this time, the process of interaction between the university and the employer is in the formative stage, and its organization and structure will require special sociological research. This is why the topic of robots is relevant.

Various aspects of social interaction were examined in the studies of the German and foreign authors, under the heading: Problems of Social Action (M. Weber, T. Parsons, etc.); identifying the structure and basic ideas of social interaction (P.A. Sorokin, J. Homans, J. Mead, G. Blumer et al.); studying the process of social interaction in the world (B.S. Danyushenkov, S.V. Kondratyev, E.V. Tarakanova, V.A. Yasvin); Ideas of strategic partnership in the world (S.K. Bondireva, J.I. Grebnev, V.I. Slobidchikov, G. Karreman, V.V. Kraevsky etc.). The authors also looked at the problems of developing the competence of a university graduate: the importance of nobles and the formation of professionally significant responsibilities of faculty members (S.Ya. Batishev, E.N. Garanina, S.D. Smirnov et al.); formation of a professionally significant position of a future specialist-manager (J. Atkinson, D. McClelland et al.). Many of the followers have adopted a competency-oriented approach, but this approach has not been supported by the ideas of synergetics, which makes it possible to include in the educational process the interaction of producers and learners. none of the services.

In general, the analysis of daily scientific work However, the study of social interaction and the formation of a competent teacher shows that a number of obvious significant results did not find sufficient identification of the problem of the study of the formation of social and professional competence of graduates in the process and the interaction between producers and suppliers of lighting services. 3

This specificity is related, in particular, to the fundamental approaches to the preparation of graduates from the side of graduates in the field of professional services, the equal development of the professional middle ground and the equal ability of graduates Other services This is to say:

Between the demand for qualified accountants and the insufficient fragmentation of the theoretical and methodological basis for the process of managing the formation of their competence in accordance with the specifics of professional activity;

Between the benefits of robot workers who have grown up to the professional competence of current facists and the inertia of the traditional approach to managing the process of beginning, which galvanizes the development of innovative replacement of competence th;

Lack of respect for technology among graduates and professional competence.

All this meant the choice of investigation.

Meta-research", develop and implement an integrated model for the process of managing the formation of social and professional competence of a graduate based on the mutual linkage of interests of students and graduates of education. Their services.

Investigation department:

1. Analyze the social and professional competence of a specialist as a resource of socialization.

2. Consider the specifics of the lighting service as a product of interaction between the VNZ and the employer.

3. Develop an integrated model for the process of managing the formation of social and professional competence of a VNZ graduate.

4. Consider the minds that will ensure the effectiveness of the process of interaction between producers and related lighting services. 4

Object of investigation: the process of forming the social and professional competence of a graduate.

Subject of investigation: managing the process of forming the social and professional competence of a graduate based on the interaction between the graduate and the co-educator.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of research – dialectical and scientific methods of knowledge; qualimetric approach, based on established various techniques and methods for extracting large scale assessments of the formation of social and professional competence, which allows for an analysis of the totality of social problems in methods, establish their significance, identify the main ways of their development, and develop their directional forecast.

The theoretical basis of the research was based on the use of a systems approach to the development of sociocultural phenomena (A.A. Bodalyov, N.V. Kuzmina et al.); Sociology (Bachinin V.A., Frolov S.S. and in); sociology of management (Andreev S.S., Udaltsova M.V. and in); methods of sociological research (Dev'yatko I.F., Dobrenkov V.I., Kravchenko A.I. and in.); theories of design and construction in place of the initial process (V.P. Bespalko, B. Bloom, N.F. et al.); active, competent approach to professional training of facists (I.V. Bondarevska, A.A. Verbitsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.A. Slastenin, Yu.G. Tatur, I.A. Klimov, O.M. Proshytska, E.N.Ilina, N.I.Kabushkina

Investigation methods. During the research process, fundamental scientific methods were used - analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, alignment, systems approach, modeling; Sociological methods of collecting and processing information: methods of questionnaires, typology and analysis of documents and sociological data.

Research hypothesis: the formation of the social and professional competence of a graduate depends on the thorough interaction of graduates and fellow graduates and the management of this process.

The information base for the investigation was data from the management of the initial process and the thoughts of students and contributors to the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, the Siberian State University of Education and Science , Siberian University of Living Cooperation, Novosibirsk State University technical university, and contact tourist companies in Novosibirsk. According to this investigation, 340 students, 172 clerks and travel agency managers were interviewed.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies with the designated and complementary set of minds of the social interaction of the VN and the employer, which will ensure optimization of the process of forming the social and professional competence of the VN graduate. Z.

Main elements of scientific innovation:

1. The concept of “social and professional competence” of 100 university graduates has been concretized and expanded, as previously known as systems of their intellectual and behavioral resources, which are used in the process social interaction and further professional activities.

2. The author’s position is substantiated that the components of a graduate’s social and professional competence are revealed through investigative-cognitive, organizational-administrative, motivational-communicative blocks, which are currently under review. D traditional approaches allow you to piecemealize the structure of basic competence to the process.

3. Instead, the open concept of “the interaction between the graduate and the collaboration of general services” has been clarified through the establishment of a synergistic approach, the effect of which is a clear implementation of the process of professional training of graduates and at the university.

4. An integrated model has been developed for the process of managing the formation of the social and professional competence of a university graduate, in which, as previously seen, the objective subsumable result is the socio-professional competence of the graduate. nickname for the university - is seen as necessary, sufficient and relevant for participants in the mutual process - library and the maintenance of light services regardless of the invariance of the initial goals.

The main provisions of the work that must be submitted to the zakhist:

I. Socio-professional competence - through the readiness and competence of the facist, there will be constructive professional activity, which includes: a system of social-psychological and socio-moral maturity, theoretical knowledge, profession learn them and get used to them; a practical proof of progress towards professional growth.

Socio-professional competence is a situational sociological category, which is reflected in the graduate’s readiness to carry out any activity in specific professional situations. It manifests itself in a particularly oriented activity, characterizing the responsibility of the leader to realize human potential for professional activity. The main components of social and professional competence are the following: theoretical (knowledge, skills and skills that will ensure independent professional activities); practical (the importance of productive work with daily 7 professional technologies); constructive-professional (taking effective decisions, follow-up activities); specifically-professional (skill to the profession and progress to professional growth). In addition to social intelligence, spiritual maturity, socio-moral maturity, an important component of social and professional competence is social-psychological maturity, which includes motivation, empathy Well, practice smartly. The skin from the listed components manifests itself through the basic blocks of social and professional competence.

P. The illumination service is the totality of important authorities, or a set of attributes that can solve the problems of participants in the mutual process - producers and co-workers, to optimize the production of the skin and get a complex result, which refers to the coordination of an array of knowledge between subjects and their resources.

The lighting service is structured in five warehouses:

1. The main need of the subject of mutual interaction is to be satisfied;

2. The key value of the illumination service for the skin of the subjects of interaction;

3. Recruitment of authorities and minds that will be recruited from public service - minimal recruitment;

4. Dodatkov’s proposal to the university for education (student);

5. Everything that could potentially be developed on the basis of greater information by reducing the benefits of mutual subjects.

The complex “result of the provision and removal of lighting services includes three levels:

Basic (planned result): for the university - a unit of special knowledge and skills transferred by the state standard for the specialty, and background knowledge in the learning process; for a student - taking off your luggage professional education for specialty; for a worker - a fakhivet, who is responsible for professional work within the framework of the target organization;

Practical (real result): a specialist who has a sufficient level of social and professional competence, formed during the process of studying at a university;

Promising (ideal result): knowledge, which has a sufficient level of social and professional competence, formations in the process of studying at the university, steadily and directly to learn new internal resources (for the level of self-awareness, etc.) advanced qualifications, mastering new skills and methods of professional activity) that allow maintain the level of social and professional competence necessary for self-actualization and ensuring profit for the employer organization.

Sh. An integrated model for the process of managing the formation of social and professional competence of a graduate represents the actual objective subsumable result of the direct interaction of participants in the process - the graduate and the graduate. Their services, regardless of the invariance of their primary goals. By bringing the main elements of the model closer to the world of access by subjects, the result will be ensured by the convenience of joint actions that allow updating resources and realizing the potential of subjects to interact odiya.

IV. The complex of minds that will ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming the social and professional competence of a graduate includes:

Organizational and managerial minds (the profile of the current market of work to the level of professional and practical readiness of a specialist, in accordance with the State Educational Institution of the Higher Educational Institution for this specialty);

Professional and special minds (motivation and activity of students in the implementation of practical professional activities; self-awareness of graduates of higher education in the field of professional activities; readiness to contribute to professional integration in the process of preparing VNZ graduates);

Lighting-technological minds, as a result of professional education, are the current level of training for VNZ graduates;

Research and development partnership between the university and enterprises.

The creation of minds and the development of the social and professional competence of the graduate is most strongly supported by the implementation of an integrated complex of comprehensive approaches and tools of the generator and the provision of additional services, which includes a training-coaching program, seminars, consultations, business games, conferences, workshops, project protection, different views practitioners, and encourage the development of basic components of competence.

The theoretical significance of the research lies in the clarification of the concept of “social and professional competence”, the additional concept of “interaction between a professional and a co-worker of professional services” through the development of a synergistic approach; There is a need for a systematic approach to the process of interaction between VNZ and the robot provider, which ensures increased strength and efficiency in the preparation of VNZ graduates.

The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the author has developed a model, an algorithm for the interaction process and a systemic diagnosis of the level of social formation

10 professional competences are established for economic and humanitarian specialties of the highest initial deposits. The author's methods introduced in the robot can be used for training students various specialties and universities. Detailed models and forms of active interaction between the university and the employer can also be used by teachers with professional orientation.

Robot testing. The main provisions of the dissertation research were demonstrated at regional, all-Russian and international scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, seminars: “Science. Technologies. Innovations" (Novosibirsk, 2007), "Social work in the 21st century: modern methods and technologies" (Novosibirsk, 2008), "Social interactions in transitive partnership" (Novosibirsk Irsk, 2006-2009), at scientific sessions graduates and postgraduate students of NSUEU in 2006, 2007,2008.

In addition to the provisions of the investigation, the initial process of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk" national university Economy and Management" (certificate of violation dated 02/12/2010), State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian State University of Nobles" (certificate of violation dated 01/28/2010) and State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kuzbass State" National Technical University" when organizing the process of interaction with robot sellers and trained in the disciplines “Business Behavior”, “Sales Mastery” and others.

The overall structure of the dissertation is determined by the logic of the research conducted. The work is laid out on 128 pages of the main text, consists of an entry, three sections, verses and bibliographic list Which includes 128 names, 11 tables, 37 little ones and 12 add-ons.

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Abstract of the dissertation on the topic “Sociology of management”, Karitska, Irina Mikhailivna


The system of any professional training requires the preparation of a competitive specialist who has a complex of competencies that correspond to the viability of daily market operations. In connection with this, the study of the competence of a university graduate as a product of social interaction between the graduate and professional services acquires special significance.

There is a clear understanding of the socio-professional competence of a university graduate as a situational sociological category, which is reflected in the readiness to undertake any activity in specific professional situations. It manifests itself in a particularly oriented activity, characterizing the graduate’s ability to realize human potential for professional activity.

It is shown that the development of social and professional competence of a graduate has its own peculiarities - it is interconnected with aspects of his professional competence (professional motivation and career achievements), security In the light environment, I see various possibilities of interaction with specialists.

It has been revealed that the social-managerial competence of a university graduate is manifested in the following areas: Volodin’s knowledge about the social aspect of business life, about group dynamics and communications within the company, about the interaction of An army with a huge external center; social sensitivity, understanding of the psychological foundations of professional and functional behavior. The socio-managerial competence of a graduate is most likely revealed through knowledge and readiness to accept meaningful sociological information; the development of sociological knowledge in professional and community activities.

A clear concept of social competence, which includes: defined aspects of social maturity, the emergence of social roles, professional partnership, the development of harmony with society, productive growth various social roles; satisfaction with professional training techniques, subjective readiness for self-esteem, self-confidence for the results of one’s work, social-psychological maturity, and also lack of conflict.

Under professional competence we understand the knowledge, skills and behavioral patterns of a practitioner that are demonstrated in practical activities and development to a level that allows him to learn specific functionalities. binding to a given level of effectiveness and achieving the desired results in practice.

This type of social and professional competence requires the ability to work effectively and qualifiedly, to differentiate social and professional roles on an equal basis, which will ensure the graduate’s maximum self-realization This is self-development - it becomes synonymous with effectiveness.

It is shown that the adoption of a synergistic approach makes it possible to identify the peculiarities of the prospects for the interaction between the manufacturer and the delivery of light services, and the idea of ​​a strategic partnership combines the implementation of business cooperation with the method optimization of viral waste on the skin side and the reduction of competitive advantage, which is indicated by the coordination of an array of knowledge and resources from their sources.

Analysis of research studies devoted to the problem of forming social and professional competence of graduates, showing that in the general process of training facists at universities there is a place for a traditional, knowledgeable approach to the design and change, development of technologies. The assessment is that students have daily practice of a competent approach. Coming from high educational standards to the preparation of graduates who convey a high level of professionalism and special qualities, there is a need to transform the organizational minds of the educational process of the formation of social professional competence of a university graduate based on a competent and synergistic approach that includes fundamentality, rich functionality and interdiscipline.

A set of minds has been identified to ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming the social and professional competence of a graduate, including:

Organizational and managerial minds (the profile of the current market is equal to the professional and practical readiness of a VNZ graduate);

Research and development partnership between the university and enterprises and institutions;

Lighting-technological minds (developed from a high level of professional awareness of the current level of training of specialists);

Professionally-special minds (the motivation and activity of the graduate is higher in the implementation of practical professional activities; the self-awareness of the graduate is higher; the willingness of graduates to professional integration in the graduate training process).

It has been revealed that real and potential robot sellers are ready to take part in the process of shaping their social and professional competence, depending on specific forms in The loans may be divided and backed up with a larger initial deposit.

Apparently, for the purposes of this research, the specificity of the formation of the competence of the VNZ graduate in the minds of the interaction between the VNZ and the employer is determined, and the approach to its development is determined. It was revealed that the structural position of the social and professional competence of the graduate is on different levels of development; Representations of the algorithm of the university's educational activities and work providers, which allow updating resources and realizing the capabilities of actors. An integrated model has been developed for the process of managing the formation of social and professional competence of a graduate, which systematizes the process of interaction between graduates and fellow graduates.

A further research hypothesis has been developed, based on the assumption that the formation of the social and professional competence of a graduate is highly dependent on the thorough interaction of graduates and fellow graduates of educational services and management. m process.

The research carried out by the dissertation opened up the prospect for further scientific research in the context of this topic.

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118. It is important to understand competence/competence

119. Competence is an integrative component of a particularity that is reflected in readiness for productive work in specific professional situations

120. Competence potential awareness activity, readiness for action, motivational and value-meaning components

121. I.A. Zimova, A.V. Khutorsky, Yu.V. Frolov, Yu.G. Tatur Cognitive-knowledge component Behavioral-actional component Emotional-volitional component1. M.D. Ilyazova + + + +

122. Knowledge and skills Dosvіd activity, professional activities Colo again, sphere of activity Particular rice, vigor, power

123. Legalized Higher level of competence (Concept of modernization of Russian lighting for the period up to 2010) >

124. Wide range of competence

125. Yu.G. Tatour + + + + Positive motivation, the graduate’s opinion is determined by the work that demonstrates his qualifications

126. N.I.Almazova Yaksne vikoristannya competencies

127. G.B. Stribok + + + + The trait of particularity, which has a set of competencies

128. G.K.Selevko Lighting resource The integrative quality of specialness that appears in the creation and readiness for action, based on knowledge and evidence

129. B.M. The behavior of people in the modern world is recorded in the assessment of principles and motives

130. V.I. Zemtsova The importance of being competent in the singing galusa Competence is implemented in practice

131. S.Sh. Chernova Integrity of knowledge, information, activity and behavior skills of an individual that are determined by a given situation Characteristics of specialness, which means the totality of the basic competencies

132. S.Є. Shishov The connection between knowledge, memories, habits and the situation Those that give rise to memory, do1. B.K. Kolomiets + + + + +

133. A.K. Markova Nobility, buti cook, robiti

134. B.B. Ryabov, Yu.B. Frolov Knowledge component Activity component Valuable component

135. Berestnyova O.G. Intelligent warehouse lighting Navichkova warehouse lighting

136. The important concept of “social competence”

138. V.M. Bocharov There is a socially structured sense of specialness, which makes it possible for her to successfully conquer the social roles characteristic of a given marriage and professional strength

139. M.D. Ilyazova's devotion and readiness to live in harmony with oneself and others, harmony of self and society

140. S.D. Martinov Volodinya with his professional activity, spivrobichnika, as well as the methods of professional training adopted in this profession, responsibility for the results of his work

141. S.M. Krasnokutsk Settlement of characteristics, specialties, social knowledge and intelligence, subjective readiness for self-esteem, which ensures the integration of a person in a marriage in addition to her productive achievement of various social roles

142. The important concept of “professional competence”

144. B.A. Slastenin Theoretical readiness for work Practical readiness for work Special competence Qualification, professionalism

145. Professionalism represents the possibility of professional readiness of a person. Shaposhnikov Readiness for professional growth

146. V.I. Baidenko + + Organized to independently resolve current problems, as well as self-evaluate the results of their activities

147. O.B. Khov + + Evidence of activity

148. V.G. Pishchulin Special competence (ZUNI, which will ensure the independence of professional activities Further professional development, search-pre-study autocompetence (self-regulation) organizational

149. Bocharov V.M. Cognitive specificity Regulatory and normative specificity Reflexive-status and communicative specificity

150. Yu.K. Chernova Representation of the capabilities of a specialist who has a specific qualification to achieve the goal

152. Dzherelo The meaning of the concept of “mutuality”

153. J. Mead, G. Bloomer American Sociological Thought / R. Merton, J. Mead, T. Parsons et al. M, 1994. Dialogue in which people give meaning to too much light and try to disturb the actions of other people

154. Mudrik L.V. Introduction to social pedagogy. M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1997. - Z. 169 Interaction can be the organization of joint activities of individuals, groups, organizations, which allows them to carry out their secret work

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Shkurko Anastasia Viktorivna, Ivanova Katerina Mikhailivna, Pivdenniy Federal University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Personnel Management, 3rd year

1. Introduction

At the stage of economic development, labor resources play a greater role. Therefore, the effectiveness of the work of rich companies is determined by the extent to which workers efficiently assemble their gardening equipment.

Traditionally, to evaluate candidates, the following indicators were used: professional ZUN (knowledge, memory and skills) and dosvid . The stinks were respected universally, and they were championed by all organizations. In search of increased productivity, serious research was carried out on the characteristics of the work of successful athletes. These robots allowed to reveal the viciousness ( competencies), for the sake of which the finest spivorbitniki ("zirki") achieved success, to be replaced by practitioners of the middle rank. Therefore, a competent approach to the problem of selection and assessment of personnel is becoming increasingly widespread, the essence of which lies in the fact that effective recruitment of work lies in the clearness of the practitioner’s singing skills.

Have a connection with you, like Mayday graduates, we can’t help but think about our prospects for practice, and we especially want our future work to represent all our dreams and experiences. But a great advantage in the search for work is evidence, which graduates most often do not expect. And it is not necessary to remember for a long time the evidence of such advantages, such as, perhaps, the reduction of additional advances between the contender and the competitor. Therefore, nutrition, what competencies does a graduate graduate have in order to find the job of his life, as no current. These advantages may be especially due to the fact that robot sellers value young workers, and, first of all, high-quality and diverse coverage.

So, for example, in addition to others, the knowledge of the English language is fading, so what are the chances of applicants for a seat in a great company that is developing, such as “Do you speak English?” vaccinations among those involved are significantly decreasing. There is only one answer: read, read and read, moreover, since most graduates know and grades on their diploma, a potential employer will not need to give anything away. So, so as not to reduce your chances, your grades should be good, and your knowledge should be universal and respectful.

Meta of our robots- Significantly competence what robot sellers want to learn from young people university graduate, in order to accept him into your company, and also to find out how much these students feel about what they are doing. In the interests of this robot, a test was conducted among students on the topic: “How can I get a job from a robot seller?”, and a test was also carried out on various robot sellers in the city of Rostov-on-Don on the topic: competencies are valued among VNZ graduates. Following these results, one can follow an uneasy conclusion about the extent to which the proposition submitted by current graduates suggests that they are working on the side of the robots.

2. Development of the theory of competence

The founder of the theory of competence was David McClelland, who published the article “Testing for Competence Rather Than Intelligence” in 1973. In this article, McClelland argues that aptitude tests, subject knowledge, school qualifications and diplomas do not guarantee effective work and success in life.

McClelland explored methods that would identify the variables of “competence” that would predict the level of success of workers that were not carried by racial, status, or social-economic officials. The most important of these methods are:

1. Victimization of criterion samples. This method was based on comparing people who were clearly successful in work and life's history, with less successful ones, to identify characteristics associated with success.

2. The importance of operant thoughts and behaviors causally related to a successful result. So, when assessing competence, it is necessary to take into account the unfinished situation, so that people have little ability to generate their behavior, which is fundamentally different from the behavior of the “respondent” in such resolutely structured situations, such as a test and self-tests with multiple choices that allow you to return one answer from many clearly the significance of alternatives. U real life And in work, such test minds are rarely wasted. The best forecast of what a person can do is spontaneous behavior and thoughts in the minds of an unstructured situation, or what happened in similar situations before.

In the approach based on the competencies of the robot, the analysis begins with the people in the robot, without further considerations about what characteristics are needed for the proper implementation of the robot; Then, based on the interview with the method of maintaining behavioral applications, it is determined which human characteristics are associated with the success of this robot. The competency method speaks about the validity of the criteria: what is important are those that can effectively lead to the ultimate victory of work, and not the factors that most reliably describe all the characteristics of a person in the hope that some of them will be put to work until the end of the work .

In order to clearly illustrate the essence of the concept of “competence”, let’s bring it to the fore:

In 1970, an investigation was conducted among young spies of the Diplomatic Information Service of the US Government Department, who represented US interests in other countries. It was revealed that the students achieved high scores between the hours of testing and the hour of admission to work (knowledge of history, English language, Volodya on such topics as economics and politics), but this did not mean their success Information on robots. The investigators asked the State Department to see the highest and average military personnel of the Diplomatic Information Service and asked each of the relevant groups to describe three of the most successful situations and three of the most recent situations ii, with which the stench was stuck in the robot. When this happened, they asked: What caused this situation? What did you perceive at this time? How would you like to react to this situation? What did you gain from the results? As a result of the investigation, characteristics were seen that did not correspond to those characteristics that were tested before hiring. There were discrepancies: the most successful spewers had little or no results from the tests they took during the time they started working. Thus, McClelland discussed the fact that the basis of a successful search and selection of candidates is the vision of these characteristics, How to achieve success at work . Over the years, this method has been tested over 90 times by 100 successors in 24 countries around the world. Zastosuvannya this method This was caused by the creation of a database of competencies, a dictionary of competencies.

Well, what is competence? The meaningless meaning of this term is clear, let us introduce some of them:

1. " Competence- the basic capacity of an individual, which may be causally related to the most effective and/or the shortest based on the criteria for success in work or in other situations.” (Lyle M. Spencer Jr. and Sign M. Spencer. Competencies in robotics.);

2. “Competence- These are the features that are causally related to effective work. This means that it is proof that the enhancement of performance characteristics leads to the effectiveness of the robot.” (Boyatzis, Richard E (1982), The competent manager: model for effective performance, John Wiley & Sons.);

3. The nominations of Whiddett and Hollyforde are "based on behavior within the organization." It’s clear to them: “ Competence- this is the behavior that is demonstrated by people in the process of effective leadership within the boundaries of this organization” (Steve Whiddett (Steve) and Sarah Hollyforde (Hollyforde, Sarah (2003), “ Practical guide with competence: how to improve individual work and the work of the organization as a whole”);

There is another important term “competence”, but all of them are similar in one thing – the connection between the visibility of good skills (competencies) and the effective and successful completion of work.

Traditionally, the functional systems of military personnel have been described through the reorganization of basic functions and actions, which are then broken down into further operations. Having analyzed the an an anal, the whale guilty of Mati Specialalist, Schob Viconuvati Tsi Opensyї, I have been a similar to the similar Eleemeni behavior (demonstrated), Michamo competencies through the behavior izindicatori. Tse will be standard dialing competence until vikonnya vimog plant. If all the nuances are effectively covered in the planting description, and the work itself (or the work situation) does not recognize any essential changes, then the demonstration by a person of a high level of specified competencies will become the basis for success.

The most successful workers demonstrate a particular behavior, which can be assessed in the future by analyzing the formalization of the planting regulations. Having identified the peculiarities of the working behavior of the “stars”, you can supplement the standard benefits with them. As a result, we reject An ideal set of competencies for a planter Developing all practitioners can achieve high results. There is a competency model for a specific plant.

Competency model - A new set of characteristics that allows people to successfully implement the functions that correspond to their plantings. To be effective, the model must have a simple structure that is clear and easy to understand.

The competency model consists of three levels:

Basic (corporate and key) competencies - this obligatory work before the spivorobnitniks, which will stagnate before any planting in the organization, they were installed by the potters of the highest level. The smell comes from the company's values, as recorded in such corporate documents as strategy, code of corporate ethics, etc. The flow of basic competencies describes a kind of perfect portrait employee of this company. The main ones:

  • Dedication to business;
  • the focus of change;
  • delegation has become more important;
  • teamwork;
  • the unconscious knowledge of their languages;
  • Decency.

Functional competencies - tse necessary benefits before planting, mainly based on functions and actions. Functional competencies should be clearly described by qualified specialists, and obligatory benefits. Assessing functional competencies speaks of competence.

Competence - the precision of their operating functions is consistent with the standards transferred to the plant. Moreover, competence is important for demonstration in practice - in real work situations (including those associated with psychological pressure), and not just knowledge of theory and understanding of how to work.

Knowledge and evidence are an invisible attribute of functional competence; they can be assessed through additional professional certification.

Role competencies - this helps to improve the work behavior of the employee. It is primarily due to the specifics of the company’s activities: the business sector, management style and the peculiarities of the corporate culture, which reflects all the nuances of the organization’s life.

Methods for identifying competencies

Special methods have been developed that allow us to identify the most important role competencies for the company, as well as describe typical behavioral indicators.

1. Method of “repertoire garats” promptings on the consistent behavior of successful athletes and athletes with achievements of the average level - “stars” and “averages”. Having identified what the behavior of the “stars” is, we can accept these features as signs for all personnel. This approach is good in the situation, if there is a large number of military specialists who are doing similar work for new minds. In addition, it is important that the company has respectable and senior managers who can characterize the employees, see and analyze the characteristics of their behavior. As a result, a table is formed as a grid with the names of practitioners and their indicators;

2. Method of interviewing successful people spivorotnikiv It is important for respondents to conduct interviews wisely different types, analyze clear data and make correct conclusions.

3. Caution for the activity of healthcare workers. Effective for those situations in which work behavior can be monitored, for example, to evaluate the activity of sales consultants at a store or sales representatives;

4. Brainstorm(Discussion for kerivniks). It can be carried out on skin structural lesions, if the number of lesions in the company does not exceed 12-15. Before participating in a brainstorming, it is necessary to ask for relevant and qualified specialists in the field;

5. Work groups. Conducted with the help of specialists in adulthood, in these cases, if they closely interact and can characterize the business behavior of colleagues, which is the most effective; and also from the ceramics of the Veddilivs;

6. Critical incident method. Allows you to identify behavioral reactions that were important in a critical situation. A structured interview, during which one learns about real problems in one’s work, during which serious mistakes were made or, at the same time, success was achieved. This method has proven itself well in the development of competency models.

7. Direct Attribute Method. Five or six key managers will be given cards with a description of ready-made competencies. Managers select cards with those competencies that reflect the most important tasks of the company.

3. Review of the competencies of VNZ graduates

Researchers from the Laboratory of Automated Career Guidance Systems TUSUR in Serpnya-Vesna 2006 conducted a sociological study in order to identify the transfer of competencies that would increase the competitiveness of graduates. The market is characterized by the potential and professionally significant qualities of applicants.

The investigators interviewed workers (clerks and managers from 15 enterprises) on the topic of hiring graduates immediately after graduating from university. And if that’s the case, then why bother hiring graduates right after I graduate?

The majority of ceremonies (approximately 75%) are clearly keen to hire young graduates from the country. To reinforce his point, the following arguments were put forward:

  • The goal is to promote youthful energy, activity, openness to new things, dynamism;
  • the ability to exploit young potential for a lower salary, as proven by the fahivtsi;
  • the ability to inject “young blood”, zokrema. and for the activation of old soldiers;
  • Young people have the advantage that they can easily be integrated into the organizational culture of business;
  • It’s easier to mold “one of our own” out of them, not to retrain and retrain those who have formed strong characteristics that do not reflect the organizational culture of the company.

Many robot educators were encouraged to learn new technologies, new methods, business specifics, and the graduates already have basic knowledge.

Some of the respondents indicated that they would be willing to hire qualified workers, but as a result of the acute shortage in the market for training personnel with specialization, they are already ready to accept the young and old I am illuminated. They want to hire young fakhivs from these fields and for these specialties, where there is a shortage of qualified fakhivs, and even knowledge plays an important role. As a rule, we are talking about engineering specialties (programmers, drillers, geophysicists, groceries specialists, marketers, electronics technicians, woodworkers, KVP engineers, etc.).

Unconcerned with the recognition of the incomparable advantages of young workers, robot sellers are in no hurry to recruit them personnel warehouse of their enterprises. What, aside from the truth, is it that young graduates don’t care about the thoughts of robot sellers? Most of the employed workers reported such reasons for your fears, yak:

They lack stability and reliability. Young graduates, especially those who have not worked before, are quickly changing their first work place, seeing it as their first and certainly not stopping, as a place where they can be interrupted right away. Therefore, robot sellers are in no hurry to invest pennies, hours, or dollars in those who can quickly sing.

Young people don't have the same level of popularity. Those who have not been informed before, do not have the necessary skills to go to work and sign off on assigned tasks, and adhere to the basic norms of business etiquette. The smells are oriented towards oneself, and not towards the right (the last hour and the early hours are more important, but the essence of the company’s management).

There is no need to focus on the result (and this means “trimming” the mark, finding the lines at the bottom of the line to cross the path before it, revealing independence and ease). - Do not create interconnections between your work and the result (including financial) of the company’s activities, and do not assume that the work entrusted to them lies in other stages and lines of work of any enterprise.

There is no adequacy in treating yourself as a worker: protection of education and salary, and assessment of your work, and the nature of the work, which you want to quit.

As a result of the investigation, a conclusion was drawn that from robots the principles of nutrition, acceptance and acceptance of a young graduate to work, and, in addition to special knowledge, the characteristics of a potential worker (responsiveness, dynamic is, readiness to learn, readiness to start small). And to bring to the fore the evidence of the workers, it is necessary as a “social evidence of work”, as an indicator of reliability and reliability. That there is a need for greater illumination, then robot sellers appreciate it as a sign that a priori the graduate’s height is perceived as those who do not have much illumination.

Thus, the robot sellers look at the face of a young graduate as a source of activity, dynamism and current knowledge for business, on the one hand, and on the other hand, as an alarmingly low level of performance with mobility ambitions. Robot sellers, most likely, accept and accept a young graduate from the job, and in principle become a graduate with one of two market advantages:

Special knowledge, market drink that is high and cannot be compensated for by special benefits (for example, knowledge in the fields of IT, geophysics, microbiology, etc.). Special knowledge makes graduates of singing specialties a priori competitive.

Particular features that require the market economy and that distinguish one graduate from a whole series of his classmates (those who have the same knowledge, but do not have the necessary benefits). These dishes can become competitive with their noses, since they have acquired a specialty, the proposition behind which is replaced by food.

Also, during the course of the investigation, food was provided to the robot sellers, which is the criteria for a graduate to be hired.

This is what the representatives of the great Moscow companies confirmed:

Absolute Bank:“We are looking for active, goal-oriented, communicative young accountants who are ready to realize their career in the banking sector and develop together with our team of professionals.”

Alfa Bank:“Before our soldiers, we notice: high internal motivation", strive to achieve goals, strive to rush forward, always be part of the team."

"Vimpelcom":“We are interested in students from both technical and humanities universities, who are thriving in their education, from good match Volodinya with English language and profile information. When selecting candidates, we focus on the students’ ability to master professional skills, as well as on key competencies, such as business training, readiness to change, development, team work, personal support ovality."

All conclusions boiled down to this: employers want young specialists to have an active lifestyle, high motivation, a knack for self-development, pragmatism, focus on results, and strong communication skills. and skills and knowledge of a healthy way of living. In fact, robot sellers named the main competencies that promote the graduate’s competitiveness over the market.

How do robot sellers in the city of Rostov-on-Don respond to these trends? To find out the truth about the chain, we talked to representatives of the industry and personnel of various Rostov organizations, such as IA Don-Consultant, CJSC Pivdenna Budivelna Kompaniya, Center-Invest, SberBank, Donskoy Nanny." By the time the Muslims were ready, they filled in the questionnaires (Div. “Addendum 2”). The main meals we were given were:

1. How do you work with graduates? (So/no, why?)

2. What competencies do the security workers of your organization develop?

3. What competencies does a graduate’s mother need to be hired before your organization?

4. For other equal characteristics, to whom would you give preference to a graduate or an accomplished fakhist? (Why?)

Before us, we were told that this is the way robots practice a competent approach to robots and staff. Personnel officers of the “old factory” have been gathering together to continue the stagnation of the outdated and not movable high step effectiveness of staffing methods. However, most respondents keep pace with the clock and stagnate in their activities with current personnel assessment technologies. So, for example, at the Don-Consultant company the entire process of recruiting personnel is based on a competent approach. Each skill has its own map of competencies to place a number of clusters, and for each skill there is a ten-point scale that allows one to set priorities: which competencies for each skill may have a higher value no, but they are worthwhile, but not so real.

The information we collected was:

When responding to the first question, all respondents firmly agreed: in some organizations, graduates are assigned to work in various internship programs, in others, graduates are assigned to work in underground positions. The following arguments were brought up on the merits of working with graduates: the obviousness of potential, the need to work, the cheapness of the work of a graduate (which is important for the crisis of minds), as well as the need to vikorize a new look at speech.

Based on the results of nutrition, the competencies of the respondent's professional organization were overestimated: professionalism, communication skills, advanced development, reliability, diplomacy food, energy, stress resistance, company sense, achievement orientation, customer need orientation.

As a graduate, the following competencies become evident: knowledge, potential for development, important growth and professional development.

When respondents are faced with the choice of whether to hire a graduate or a specialist with evidence of work, then at the lower level, which conveys the possibility of development and vicarious energy and potential, will give priority to hiring a graduate, leaving behind the simplest motive you can predict his behavior, and also calculate his behavior cheaper. At the key point, which is worth everything, take a proven new worker, because in the minds of the crisis, the organization is anxious to secure the financial and time resources necessary for starting a new new worker.

We also asked respondents to rank competencies such as “learning”, “activity”, “communication skills”, “commitment to growth (career, professional)”, “high self-motivation”, together with the priorities of the organization. Various options for ranking these competencies were eliminated, but the first position was unanimously given to such competencies as “beginning”. The same can be said about those organizations that are ready to invest in personnel, to begin to develop and develop the potential of their employees.

The research we reviewed revealed the following trend: graduates do not see stability, they view their first job as a priority, but far from remaining, graduates can easily change jobs. Representatives of the companies from which we conducted interviews are not aware of this trend. From whom the driver was told the following: those, how many long-term records of the worker and the worker are lying on both sides. If the organization cannot motivate the employee, then, naturally, there is work in another place, and it doesn’t matter what the employee does to inform the work or not. And as a first-year graduate of work, you know what suits you in all your veins, it’s unlikely to bother you new robot. Wanting to start, young fahivtsi are searching for their organization, and the whole natural process.

Also, as a result of the analysis of the investigation, remove the notes:

1. In the minds of the shortage of labor resources in the region, robot sellers recognize that young people are in the future and that it is now necessary to form a reserve of personnel. Young people are attracting robot sellers through their activity and open-mindedness, openness to new things, fresh knowledge and less aversion to the market.

2. However, robot sellers benefit from young graduates’ inadequacy in understanding their real capabilities; orientation of wines and what is not relevant; the scope of social security; are protected from evaluation of their contribution; instability and instability in work.

3. Competitiveness in the market of many university graduates should be avoided, or special knowledge, the market demand is high and cannot be compensated for by special properties, or special features, which are needed in the markets Its economy is due to the knowledge taken away from the university.

4. Market competencies that make young graduates more attractive in the eyes of job-sellers: “an active life position”, “seriousness of motivation for the profession”, “agility to self-development”, “aspiration and duty to practice”, “communication skills”, “result-oriented” , "healthy".

5. In general, the trends seen in the research reviewed are fair in the competencies of graduates required by the market of Rostov-on-Don.

In such a manner This is the investigation demonstrated that the presence of certain competencies in a graduate determines his or her demand in the market.

What can graduates give to robot sellers? What does the proposition suggest? To confirm this, we conducted a study of third-year students Faculty of Economics specialties “Personnel Management”, “Marketing”, “Crisis Management”, “Mathematical Methods in Economics” and “Accounting” on the topic: “How can I benefit a robot seller?” 100 students took part in the experiment. Respondents were asked to choose from 17 positions of competence, such as: on my mind, the stench is stinking.

The axis we drew from the results was:

The table below (Table 1) contains grouped data that we collected during the investigation. It displays all 17 positions presented in the questionnaire and the number of respondents who have these competencies, and for the sake of consistency, the equalization of students in different groups is one by one and the data is translated from one hundred.

So, first of all, we will give an explanation to this table and take a closer look at the skin group.

Table 1


Antikr. pr-e

Mat meth in economy

Buh. appearance

Number of individuals

additional education

Other skills and memories

scientific activity

communication skills

other dishes

1. Personnel management.

There is a need for other important illumination. 27% of students in this group are already seeking education. The most popular major is jurisprudence (4 out of 7 students took it). The same is true for students who obtain psychological awareness.

Availability of additional illumination. The following types of additional education were named: courses in entrepreneurship, psychology, and personnel management.

Computer knowledge. 100% of students in this group are advanced PC users, but not all of them use specialized professional programs. Only 2 individuals from 26 wrote that they know the 1C program.

Volodinnya with foreign languages. Naturally, the most popular language is the English one, 65% of those fed with it in the main region. Only 4 out of 17 students speak good English. Also, 2 students know the French language in the middle region.

Other skills and memories. 42% of students passed the test. The axis of what types of data were given: the visibility of work in the field of distribution of goods, knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation, the visibility water rights category "B";

Other yakosti. At this point, the power supply increased by 8 points (31%). The axis of these components was named: creative thinking, desire for self-realization, integrity, reliability, and ability to work with the team. The competency rating can be found in “Addatku 3”.

2. Marketing.

There is a need for other important illumination. 32% of their food is obtained from a friend in search of light (7 individuals). The most popular specialties are law (3 individuals) and advertising (2 individuals).

Computer knowledge. 91% (20 out of 22) of students acquired personal computers. And only 4 individuals can boast of knowledge of specialized programs (in this category 1C);

Volodinnya with foreign languages. 86% (19 out of 22) of students speak English at the basic level. Only 4 students speak basic English. Also 3 students know French language at the basic level and 1 – German language.

Other skills and memories. The following types of information were given at the time: the availability of driving rights, the power of graphics, the importance of gambling in football.

Other yakosti. Only 2 students responded to this question. The axis of these components was named: punctuality, reliability, creativity, visibility of organizational skills.

3. Anti-crisis management.

Another person looking for illumination gets 18% (4 out of 22). This group also chose a legal specialty;

41% of employees are engaged in additional education, including conferences and seminars on management and marketing;

Computer knowledge is equal to that of a professional student, but 77% of students have knowledge of specialized professional programs, although only 3 individuals have knowledge of specialized professional programs. It was named such programs as 1C “Accounting”, 1C “Enterprise”;

At the base level, 73% of the food supply is divided into English fish (16 out of 22). There are less than 4 individuals with pink English water;

10 students (45%) responded to questions about other skills and knowledge. The axis of which types of stench gave: evidence of organizational activity, visibility consistent water, completion of work by a sports trainer, programming;

23% of the food supply was based on other foods. They named the axis of all the elements: the mind to correctly express one’s thoughts, the mind to listen to a person who is in a mood, attentiveness;

4. Mathematical methods of economics.

For a friend I am looking for education to obtain 2 individuals for specialties " Social psychology" and "World Economy".

80% of students in this group have computer knowledge. Only 6 students will use specialized programs: 1C, Statistica 8.0, ORACLE.

Volodinnya with foreign languages. At the basic level, 80% (12 out of 15) know English language. 5 students speak advanced English. 2 students completed courses in referent-transfers.

It is noticeable that no one is involved in scientific activities in this group.

Other components: variety Shkdlivikh zvichok, hobbled by sports.

5. Accounting profile.

Nursing students of this specialty do not receive any other training.

Computer knowledge accounts for 73% (11 out of 15) of those employed. More than 6 special programs are available - 1C “Accounting”.

Volodinnya with foreign languages. 11 students know basic English and only 3 of them can boast of fluent English.

7 students responded to questions about other issues. They named such virtues as punctuality, reliability, stress resistance, and pedantry.

During the investigation, the following features were revealed:

1. High success rate. The smallest number of students with good and excellent grades are in the “Anti-crisis management” group (55%), and the largest group is in the “Human Resource Management” group. The target for all groups of this hundred meters is high (71%). This can be said about those that students will learn to focus on the “high” result.

2. 20% of those who feed are engaged in other activities. The most popular major among students is jurisprudence, with 8 out of 20 majors.

reach close to the main specialization of students. Thus, students of the “Personnel Management” group gave priority to psychology, and students of the “Marketing” group chose advertising as another specialty. It’s important to talk about interest in your future profession and to master it better. The leaders in this parameter are students of UP and Marketing (7 specialties each), since the students of the “Accounting Department” group do not receive any other education.

3. Availability of additional illumination. Only 36 students out of 100 recognize the importance of this moment and take additional courses, seminars and trainings. The directness of additional coverage importantly extends from the main specialty. Thus, the additional education of students is aimed at further mastering their chosen specialty.

4. Computer knowledge. The majority of students use a computer on par with the average student (86%). This result is not unfounded. However, only 21% of those using professional programs (most of them called the 1C program). If you achieve a low result, the remaining knowledge of such programs is required by the current market of the market, so it makes sense to master them.

5. Volodinnya in foreign languages. The main foreign language is English. 75% of students know basic English, and only 20% speak basic English. The same was true for German, Spanish, French and Ukrainian languages. Knowledge of ours is required by the current market of goods, so there is no sense in not throwing away the learning of our language on the “Intermediate” level, but continuing to learn from it directly.

6. 66 students out of 100 have good, excellent knowledge of their specialty, and the highest percentage for this parameter belongs to the students of “Anti-crisis management”, “Marketing” and “Human Resource Management”. (82 – 73%). In order to achieve a high result, we can say that students in the development of knowledge are oriented not only to the “quick” result, but also to the ability to illuminate, the process of gaining knowledge.

7. Apparently, only 24% of employees can boast of their specialties. Such low results are entirely reflected for full-time students. All robot sellers who practice a competent approach to the selection and evaluation of personnel will give advantage to the graduate who has the necessary competencies, and teach him to practical beginners, who themselves will teach him the ability to organize ii, than to take the finished student with formed sounds and looks, which will never happen again harmonious. with the peculiarities of organizational culture However, it is clear that the work is always the initial official, who wants the employer to give priority to one or another candidate.

8. Testimonials on nutrition about other beginners will show the variety of benefits and stored water that students have: evidence of work in the field of distribution of goods, evidence of organizational activities, up to evidence of work as a sports coach, knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation, availability of driver's license category "B", graphics, storage of sports, programming.

9. Less than 18% of students are engaged in scientific activities. The leaders in this group are students from the “Personnel Management” and “Crisis Management” groups (35% and 32%, obviously), while students from the “Mathematical Methods in Economics” group are not involved in scientific activities. It is more lost to talk about interest in food related to future professional activities and the desire to get involved in them.

10. Good beginnings and the application of new knowledge loom in 88% of respondents. In the selected groups, this percentage is also high (“Marketing” – 95%, “Accounting” – 93%). This “professional” brilliance of a student is not a disqualification for such high grades.

11. 77% of students have high ambitions and aspirations for career advancement. The leaders behind this indicator are the current “management” (“personnel management” – 88%, “anti-crisis management” – 82%). It is worth a lot to talk about high things, since the ambitions of students are not protected. With this, robot sellers have tied their efforts to hiring graduates.

12. . While looking at this indicator, a clear trend emerged: among all the students who took part in the study, less than 44% are ready to work above the norm. This trend is also true for the skin group: the best performers for this parameter were students from the “Marketing” and “Crisis Management” groups (50% of students). And the lowest result was shown, not surprisingly, by students of the “Accounting Department” group (only 33%), although this upcoming profession, due to its specificity, has such a power as a substandard job, especially in the modern period. And such a low level can indicate a low level of awareness of what awaits them in their future professional activity.

13. Intelligent and easily adaptable to new minds, 77% of those who live are expected. It’s entirely natural, because this is the rage of power in young specialists, as they joke to themselves. However, looking at this performance among other groups, one can see the following trend: the performance of students in the groups “Mathematical Methods in Economics” and “Accounting” is significantly lower than in other groups that took part in the experiment baths It can be explained that these two specialties are “conservative” and allow a lower level of creativity in work, which means that these government officials are less willing to make changes.

14. . This survey showed that students consider themselves to be energetic people with an active lifestyle (79%). This result will be completely transferable: you will recognize your potential and strive to self-realize - everything speaks for itself.

15. Communication skills are also powerful great quantity teachers (85%), and students of the “Personnel Management” group (96%) are leading the way in this indicator. And it’s not surprising: the students in this group are future HR managers, who are primarily oriented towards working with personnel, but now change, easily come into contact with people, speak competently and have the unknown competencies of a personnel manager.

16. The great fruits of the family practice and show themselves that 81% of their nutrition is correct. The absolute leader behind this performance is the students of the Marketing group (100%). In other groups, the results of this parameter are also high. This is explained by the interest in future professional activity, as well as the importance of losing the ability to put knowledge into practice.

17. Among other advantages, the following were listed: reliability, creative thinking, absence of wasteful activities and a healthy way of living, ability to work in a team, directness, self-realization, calling gentleness, diligence, punctuality, reliability, stress resistance, pedantry. Students of the “Accounting Oblik” group named the following qualities that best illustrate the specifics of an accountant’s work: punctuality, reliability, stress resistance, pedantry. And today’s “managers” called such things as reliability, teamwork, directness, self-realization, and creative thinking. These are the benefits that will enable you to perform various professional functions.

Tsikavo show respect for zv'azok of various displays, for example, between good grades and good knowledge for specialty. For this purpose, let’s look at Table 2:

Table 2.

So, based on the data in this table, one can come to the conclusion that the presence of good grades will always convey the presence of good knowledge of the specialty, as well as good knowledge will always ensure good grades. Obviously, this is due to the following reasons:

Students who may be recognized for their specialty, but do not achieve good grades (19%), are likely to give much more respect to their major subjects, which are directly related to their future work. and do not give due respect to all other objects that appear on equal success. Such students are knowledge-oriented and grades are not of great importance to them;

Students who achieve good grades, but cannot boast of advanced knowledge in their specialty (24%), who have achieved everything, begin subjects before graduation in a very mechanical way, without delving into the essence of the disciplines. For them, the most important thing is the “kolkisna” side of obtaining knowledge, such as grades in a diploma. In our opinion, this is Milk’s strategy of behavior, as of today, there is a wide need for special knowledge in the market, to verify the presence and absence of which is not difficult for a robot seller;

Students who have good grades and are highly recognized for their major (47%) may be resentful of the above-mentioned approach before they become aware of: giving respect to their major disciplines by learning more about them concern and understanding, and all other subjects are given equal respect, As necessary for a successful session, demonstrating good performance before the process begins. This approach of orientation both on the basis of warehouse lighting - assessments - and clearly - will provide the necessary knowledge and training in the process of beginning.

Now we will rank all the positions of our questionnaire in order to identify the broadest competencies that students have, as well as the greatest deficiencies that may significantly reduce the amount of food available. Let's take a look at Table 3:

Table 3

communication skills

energy and active living position

Volodynia with foreign (English) languages ​​(basic rhubarb)

readiness to work above the norm and with constant dedication

additional education

Other skills and memories

Other delicacies

scientific activity

So, having marveled at the table, it is clear that the competence of “good learning ability and application of new knowledge” is becoming more widespread in the first place. This skill is “professional” for a student, and because it occupies a leading position in our ranking, it is completely appreciated. Moreover, this brilliance is what employers value graduates for. Even though there is a crisis in the minds, due to the presence of robots, the ability to quickly adapt to new minds (7th position in our rating) allows us to reduce the time spent by the organization on the development of health care, as well as on his professional and social adaptation.

We have great respect for the remaining position of our rating. On the 14th place there is “awareness of work in this specialty”, and on the 16th place there is “awareness of other advanced knowledge”. Not all graduates can fill their resume with these points. Although you don’t have a lot of money, you still have to give in for everything, and you can win the respect of your robot seller.

We compiled the same ratings for the skin group (Div. “Additions 3-7”). Between the groups, the main trends are observed, as well as the developments associated with specific features various specialties.

Let us once again show respect to those who we have not set out to reveal the presence of these and other competencies in future graduates, which is difficult, especially when it comes to identifying specific competencies. For this purpose, there are complex, rich methods that allow you to carry out a comprehensive assessment (360 ° method, assessment center), otherwise they do not give a 100% guarantee. Our task lies in something else: to marvel at how the students themselves evaluate their abilities, so that, in her opinion, they can introduce themselves to a robot seller. Our research is “based” on the student’s self-assessment, on his statements about those special knowledge and special abilities that are worthwhile in the current market.

However, the point about the extent to which a student’s self-esteem is objective is still lacking in criticism. We decided to go through psychological testing and verify the evidence of any particular weakness stated in our questionnaire, for example, “the ability to quickly and easily adapt to new minds” among students of the “Personnel Management” group.

17 people took their fate from the test. The test consists of 15 meals, which include a choice of 3 options. The maximum possible number of points can be collected is 30. The results can be characterized as mid to high. Thus, 6 individuals obtained high results (from 20 and more), the results obtained scores above average (from 10 to 19 points).

Of course, the test results also provide a 100% guarantee, and the trend revealed during the training of students is confirmed by the test results.

3. Visnovok

Also, in the course of our final work, we looked at the features of a competent approach to assessing personnel and learned how it works out in practice, identified the main competencies of graduates required by the current market, as well as additional Based on the conducted testing of students, the competencies that thought, the stench lingers.

Behind the pouches of your new robot, you can get the following tips:

Those organizations that are ready to start them work with graduates, expending financial and time resources, and harnessing their energy and potential;

Those competencies that have taken a leading position in our ranking are reflected in the benefits that employers provide to graduates. Totto drinks, eats, demonstrates propositions;

4. List of Wikipedia Literature:

1. Lyle M. Spencer-mol. ta Sign M. Spencer. Robot competence. Prov. from English M: HIPPO, 2005. – 384 s.

2. “The meaning of the concept of “competence”

3. Svetlana Kucherova, “Personnel Manager” “Competency model in the service of an effective work organization”

4. Natalia Volodina “The competency model is not difficult”

5. “Competencies of young university graduates that will ensure competitiveness of the market” A.A. Malisheva, I.V. Nevraeva

Addendum 1

The moment of receiving our diplomas is approaching, and all of us are singing about our next job. How many such graduates are there to know? the best place There will be thousands of robots. And in order to emerge victorious in this competitive struggle, it is necessary to gain the respect of the employer in order to compete with other candidates. shortest b_k. Therefore, we encourage you to think about what you can convey to your future employer and the following information when the time comes:

“How can I reward a robot seller?”:


□ good and excellent grades in your diploma;

□ availability of other higher education (part-time, evening), for the specialty _________________________;

□ additional training for the specialty (trainings, seminars, courses, conferences, etc.) _____________________;

□ computer knowledge (MS Office, Internet, specialized professional programs)___________________________;

□ Volodinia by foreign languages____________ on the level of __________;

□ good, advanced knowledge of their specialties;

□ there is evidence of work in this specialty ____________________;

□ other skills and knowledge ________________________;

□ scientific activity (what?)________________________;

Special benefits:

□ garnishment of the past and the past to new knowledge;

□ high ambitions and ambitions for career advancement;

□ readiness to work above the norm and with constant dedication;

□ I think it’s easy to adapt to new minds;

□ energy and active lifestyle;

□ communication skills (competent language, easy contact with people, easy communication);

□ show yourself to the great bajans;

□ _______________________

Specialty________________, course_______

Addendum 2

"An overview of the core competencies of graduates required by the current market of goods"

Name of organization___________________________

Representative of HR department ________________________

How do you work with graduates? (So/no, why?) _____________________

What competencies do the specialists of your organization develop? ___________


What competencies does a graduate’s mother need to be hired before your organization? __________________________


For other equal characteristics, to whom would you give preference to a graduate or an accomplished fakhist? (Why?)______________________________


Rank these competencies according to the priorities of your organization:



Communication skills;

Preparation until growth (career, professional);

High self-motivation.

Number of individuals

computer knowledge (basic level)

communication skills

garnoy navechnіstyu and pragnennyam to new knowledge

high ambitions and aspirations to career advancement

I think it’s easy to adapt to new minds

energy and active living position

to the majestic bajans, practice and show yourself

good and excellent grades in your diploma

good, excellent knowledge of our specialties

Volodynia with foreign (English) languages ​​(basic rhubarb)

additional education

Other skills and memories

readiness to work above the norm and with constant dedication

Obviously there is evidence of work in these specialties

scientific activity

other dishes

the appearance of another thing to illuminate

Number of individuals

to the majestic bajans, practice and show yourself

garnoy navechnіstyu and pragnennyam to new knowledge

computer knowledge (basic level)

communication skills

Volodynia with foreign (English) languages ​​(basic rhubarb)

I think it’s easy to adapt to new minds

energy and active living position

high ambitions and aspirations to career advancement

good, excellent knowledge of our specialties

good and excellent grades in your diploma

readiness to work above the norm and with constant dedication

the appearance of another thing to illuminate

Obviously there is evidence of work in these specialties

additional education

Other skills and memories

other dishes

scientific activity

Number of individuals

communication skills

majestic bazhannya pratsyuvati and show yourself

energy and active living position

Remember that it is easy to adapt to new minds

well learned and practiced to new knowledge

good, good knowledge of fahu

high ambitions and aspirations for career advancement

Computer knowledge (basic level)

Volodynia with foreign (English) languages ​​(basic rhubarb)

good and excellent grades in diploma

readiness to work above the norm and with constant dedication

Other skills and memories

additional education

scientific activity

Other delicacies

the presence of another thing to illuminate

visibility of work in these specialties

Number of individuals

Computer knowledge (basic level)

Volodynia with foreign (English) languages ​​(basic rhubarb)

well learned and practiced to new knowledge

high ambitions and aspirations for career advancement

energy and active living position

communication skills

good and excellent grades in diploma

majestic bazhannya pratsyuvati and show yourself

Remember that it is easy to adapt to new minds

readiness to work above the norm and with constant dedication

good, good knowledge of fahu

additional education

Other skills and memories

visibility of work in these specialties

the presence of another thing to illuminate

other dishes

scientific activity

Number of individuals

well learned and practiced to new knowledge

good and excellent grades in diploma

communication skills

Computer knowledge (basic level)

Volodynia with foreign (English) languages ​​(basic rhubarb)

energy and active living position

majestic bazhannya pratsyuvati and show yourself

Remember that it is easy to adapt to new minds

high ambitions and aspirations for career advancement

good, good knowledge of fahu

Other delicacies

readiness to work above the norm and with constant dedication

additional information

visibility of work in these specialties

Other skills and memories

scientific activity

the presence of another thing to illuminate


Derev'yanchenko Inna Oleksandrivna

Advocate of the director from the beginning -

supreme robot

Starobeshivska ZOSH І-ІІ stages


Abstract: The article describes a competent approach to the graduate model of a current educational organization. The main ideas of the formation of the graduate model, the necessary competencies that a school graduate is expected to have are considered. Once the new model of the graduate transfers the change to the place of illumination, the promotion of current lighting technologies, methods and forms of learning.

Key words: graduate model, key competencies.

We often give children tests that require learning, but are not given

they have problems before them that need to be solved.”

Roger Levine

Relevant nutrition today is the preparation of qualified, and therefore, fully qualified and competent graduates of out-of-state primary organizations.

Today, in the minds of humanization, a specially oriented approach is illuminated The beginning and training are transformed by a competent approach. But in the center of respect, as always, the specialness of the study is lost.

New prosperity needs people who can think independently, building up to self-realization based on objective self-esteem. The main task of the school is to reveal the potential capabilities and abilities of students, preparation little people to independent living. It is necessary for a school graduate to perceive the reality of the task in the super-intelligent and flexible minds of the daily butt.

Thus, the main goal of the reader is the formation of the key competencies of students with additional reflections of their actions, the remainder of the addition of important life competencies can give people the ability to navigate in marriage, combines the formation in the particularity of life At the same time, Shvidko reacts to the hour.

The main criterion for assessing the performance of a school is what its graduates achieve, and the Starobeshivska School of Education, 1-2 levels, promotes its pedagogical image and development, and works on the creation of the graduate model. , which is a guideline for school activities .

The school has created its own program of key competencies and a model for graduating from a basic school.

The main examiner of our students is life. To the extent they will be adapted to the social environment, able to quickly make the right decisions, analyze and control power activities, lie ahead of school.

The school program “Promoting a competency-oriented approach to the initial learning process” ensures that the key competencies of students are monitored by the system for monitoring the quality of awareness and transfers the formation of cognitive, special, self-illumination them, social competencies.

Within the framework of this program, work was carried out in several directions:

Exploration of the problem of key competencies of all levels, including teachers, students, fathers;

Development of a model of life competencies of a basic school graduate;

planning organizational and methodological approaches;

Promotion of competencies among graduates.

Today’s school can not only keep up with the times, it can also advance the hour. Teachers need to adjust the place, technology of organization of the initial-educational process according to the needs of today. The models of a competent graduate that the school previously formed were rather stereotypical and unrealistic. Through the very high efforts of standardization and training, little respect was given to the peculiarity of the study as a part of a unique and unrepeatable unit of society.

Today's graduate is the first person to be creative, with great potential for self-development and self-realization. Therefore, following the model of a competent graduate of a foreign-enlightened organization, the school spiraled into the development of the methodological foundations of ancient teachings.

The graduate model is the designated level of influence within the framework of the main activities of the school.

First of all – the importance of the components of a graduate’s competence.

Formation of a model of a competent graduate lighting installations at Starobeshivka ZOSH, stages 1-2 were carried out in stages. At the first stage, an initiative group was created, in which the creative potential of the pre-test teachers was obtained, they discussed the materials in order to solve the problem of a competent approach, and learned the fathers’ needs to carefully formulate the variable part on initial plan.

On the subject methods of study and the method of collecting classic stoneware, the model of the graduates of the cob and the main line began.

The model of a high school graduate further reveals the necessary level of competencies in the world information technologies and rapid progress. The model includes such warehouses and is characterized by a wide range of features.

- A graduate may graduate from school as a professional singer.

- A graduate can learn methodically, competently, and work independently.

- The graduate is guilty of striving for self-illumination and self-refinement.

- Creative humor may be the prerogative of everyday life and professional life.

- A graduate may take part in the dynasty-political and cultural life of the republic.

- The graduate is expected to be a well-known citizen, ready to testify for his accomplishments.

- The graduate may be eagerly preparing for family life.

- The graduate is guilty of carefully taking care of his own health and the health of those who are away.

Implementing a competent approach at the school, the teaching staff has replaced traditional reproductive methods with specially oriented technologies, which are primarily focused on secondary students, on adoption and creation We know that we cannot attest to the benefits of immediate information supply.

The most effective way to implement the graduate model of a dark-light setting is the following pedagogical technologies:

- learning in spivpratsi (small groups) – more interactive;

- project method;

- different knowledge;

- Portfolio evaluation.

A competent approach will require special straightness for molding in place of illumination. Therefore, during the lessons, teachers will ensure the real activity of students. The process of learning is the stress of Rozumov’s work and the active participation of schoolchildren in his mind.

To enhance the level of various life competencies, high school students were provided with nutrition based on the main key competencies. Children, rewarded with special knowledge, with living knowledge, appreciated themselves. Then, from these meals, the students evaluated the classy ceramics. The equal balls are displayed a classy kerivnik and the self-esteem of students can be improved by the present difference. The self-esteem of students is overestimated in many cases, and underestimated in most cases. Scientists were particularly unobjective in assessing the formation of self-enlightening and multicultural competencies. Based on the results of this work, the readers calculated the average score, meaning the level of life competencies. Researchers have identified correctional and developmental work based on the needs and needs of students, general motivation, alternative and developmental components of all developmental approaches.

The strengthening of scientists with the formation of living competencies on the basis of the initial fate showed that the level of formation of knowledge about the main areas of living, life planning and practical skills in Vikoristan knowledge has improved, which can be seen about those that a little systematic work of the entire teaching staff has given significant results and maintains the competence of the students.

It is possible to proceed with an unpretentious conclusion that the orientation towards the model of a competent graduate of an educational organization conveys:

- transition from pedagogical dictatorship to pedagogical spivrobіtnitsa;

- awareness of the teacher’s acceptance of special goals for children’s education, recognition of the rights to power, amends;

- respect for the student, his suitability, and what is no less important, the teacher’s credibility for his judgments, recommendations, benefits and actions.

Ideal graduate What type of graduate?


Minimal rhubarb

Optimal rhubarb

Maximum rhubarb

1.Orientation towards continuous illumination (readiness for self-illumination, self-analysis, self-evaluation, self-control and self-correction).

Reads regularly

(4-5 books per river), systematically seeks help from the teacher, as there are gaps in knowledge.

The author creates a self-refinement program and can work with it.

Breaks down your plans, sets goals, analyzes and adjusts your plans.

2. Understanding your own abilities, the significance of life (self-analysis skills).

I know the flow of possible possibilities.

You can analyze yourself for obvious differences.

Zdatniy tlumachiti and vikoristovuvati read.

3. Practice smartly in daily life information systems(Telephone, fax, computer, Internet, email).

Vikorist's phone, fax, computer.

A vikoryst computer can search for information on the Internet.

Can be used with current information systems

4. Volodinya with the skills of abstract and poetic thinking (the ability to know, comprehend, process and understand information from different sources).

It is possible to put together a plan to the text, consult dictionaries and encyclopedias.

There are algorithms for tracking text, compiling notes, and memory technologies.

You can collect information from various sources within the framework of the mini-investigation (abstract), format it, prepare a speech.

5.Professional orientation, skills in self-management (planning business activities, awareness of the needs of the market, writing a resume, finding a job and practicing).

Volodya provides minimal information about professions and labor legislation.

You can write a resume, analyze your needs and needs, and compare them with the needs of marriage.

Set yourself short-term and long-term goals, plan and implement them.

6. It is possible to act quickly in non-standard situations (crisis situations - accidents, accidents, financial and legal situations, resistance to psychological pressure).

Knows the procedure emergency situations(Telephone - 101,102,103.104).

Volodya with the basics of financial and legal literacy.

It is possible to demonstrate and resist shahrayism, blackmail,psychological pressure

7. The basic principles of ethics are etiquette (tactfulness, respectful behavior, careful choice, tolerant behavior towards other people, respectful behavior among others).

Rose systematically lives the words with sensitivity and has a diligent outward appearance.

Shows punctuality, creates a friendly atmosphere in the class and school, and avoids conflicts among the team.

Actively take responsibility for your class, school, and serve as an example for your classmates.

8. Communicative skills (smarter in speaking and writing native and foreign languages).

It blends well (orally and in writing) with Russian and Ukrainian language, and has clear articulation.

Knows the basics of successful communication (hearing and speaking effectively), and has oratory skills.

There may be a growing number of conflicts, which will likely revolve around foreign mine

9. Patriotism (incorporation of traditions, culture and history native land)

Knows the basic facts of the history of the region.

Sufficient or high level knowledge of Russian Ukrainian language, literature and history of the region

Have a drink at an opportune hour my dear, write vershi, write confirmation

10. Regular attention to good health does not cause any harm.

There are no bad signals.

Shchoranka is afraid to charge.

Play sports in sections.

11. Volodinya with skills in productive creative activity (poshukova, pre-slednitskaya work on student projects).

Periodically take part in creative competitions and pre-slednitskaya robots at school.

Systematically take part in creative competitions and previous work at school.

It's May Day creative robots(works, programs, artists and technical developments).




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