Honey vryatuvav.

Suspicion Orthodox Church

On the 14th of the Holy Day, the Walking of the Chest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which the people call the Honey Savior.

Yak means Honey Spas

For the praise of nina in the Russian Church, the rite of the 14th serpn is required to consecrate a little water before or after the liturgy.

At the same time, from the consecration of water comes the consecration of honey - this is the title of the first Honey Savior.

On this day the planting of the new collection is blessed.

The Honey Savior was widely recognized in middle Russia.

With special purity, this took place in Moscow, where the fresh water flow and the rite of water blessing took place, which were celebrated with special purity, in which the tsar himself took part.

Not only in the localities, but also in the villages and hamlets of Russia on the Honey Savior, the church ruled the tract of the Vineshenya Khresta, and there was a Christian walk to the water (river, lakes, stakes) and the water wells (wells), where they were supposed to Fuck that blessed water.

On this day they gave tribute to water, and the people called the first Savior “Savior on the Water”, Vodnym and Mokrim. Traditions of the Honey Savior The villagers believed that from this day onwards they would begin to extract honey; they would have to “roll up the beds”, otherwise they would be able to take the honey from the villages. For the “vilamuvaniya” of the first hundreds on the pasіtsі, Bjolyar dressed in a clean outfit, basking in the cherry banners, choosing the vulik that was richest in honey reserves, after which he “prepared” the stilniki and, putting some of it into the new ones, without using the wooden utensils, carried to the church.© Sputnik / Dmitro Koshcheev

It’s customary to start a honey wound with a spoonful of holy water.

Honey and poppy are the holy attributes of the head, carried in bulk to the church for illumination.

And then, the gentlemen begin to bake a variety of sweets: honey gingerbread, poppy pies, pour honey and poppy milk (make your milk roll), prepare a honey drink (beaten), and burst into culinary masterpieces.

Although the dough may be delicious, in the hands of a skillful gentleman, it is generously seasoned with aromatic herbs, cocoa, cinnamon and rosemary, which brings out an incredible relish.

© Sputnik / Oleg Lastochkin

Folklore ensemble "Ladanka" performs at the Holy Day of the "Honey Savior"

Take a look at Medovy Spas Honey, collected for sacred purposes, is sweet and healing. And if you don’t collect the honey promptly and don’t harvest the stelniks, then the peasants could steal all the goods.

After the consecration of the honey, it is generously served to all the elderly, and part of the honey is given to the churches.

After the call, while I’m eating a spoonful of honey, you need to say a day of worship and obey.

Respect, the more the ruler treats, those who are zealous will be the ones who will meet the fate of the future.

The Savior is an ancient holy agricultural calendar, dedicated to the hour of ripening of grain crops, vegetables, fruits and other gifts of the earth. U church calendar

All three salvations are connected with Jesus Christ and his deeds.

The word “Savior” is a shortened form of the word Savior.

For only Honey Spas, you can extract a charge of water from a spoonful of honey and soak the three with well or jerrel water.

A similar ritual can be tolerated even this day, as soon as the honey begins to flow when drinking cold water, the temperature rises and provokes a fever.

Another name was given to the first Savior - Makovey, giving the name to sanctify this day of the whole herb and poppy. It is also customary to sanctify holy places, otherwise health and wellness will not flourish. From this day begins one of the shortest, but also the greatest Christian fasts - the Assumption.

He prepares the faithful for the Holy Dormition Holy Mother of God, which the Orthodox mean 28 serpnya.

This is a single rich fast, dedicated to the Mother of God.

The post will end with

church river , symbolizing the new age, meat and fish herbs are not cooked, but are prepared from pastry. Yabluneviy Spas

Another Savior, who the people call the Yablochny, signifies the 19th day of the holy day of the Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

According to the folk calendar, Apple Savior is running away with the end of summer - it is believed that from this very day it begins to get colder, which indicates the approach of autumn.

Blessing of apples and consecrated fruits and berries are used to prepare songs of confectionery - pies and rolls with fruit filling, jam, jam, compote,

dried fruits

and berries and so on.

In the old days, the girls asked the apple trees for beauty and youth, weaving their leaves into the wreath.

Until evening, people went out into the fields and heard the sound of autumn with songs and round dances.

With the arrival of the third Savior, autumn comes into its own.

Until this day, peas ripen, they begin to be actively collected and consumed, however, the first collection of peas is also usually consecrated in the church.

Regardless of those who call this Savior Orikhovim, its main name is Bread.

According to the tradition of this day, the harvest of grains ends and the first cow from the beans of the new harvest is baked.

The bread is brought to the temple for consecration, and then shared with the entire homeland.

Icon "The Savior Not Made by Hands" The ritual of saving the surplus of first cow, buried in a linen gancherka behind the icon, was preserved in many villages of Donina. People with such a rite of “luring” at the booths will be kind and protect their homeland from hunger. The Khlibny or Gorikhovy Savior was not especially talked about - at this hour life was in disarray, and people had no time for excitement.

The stench of the French wreathed the church, sanctified peas, bread, grains, and destroyed the preparation of the fields until the winter sowings.

According to the tradition, on this day they baked bread for the homeless, served peas to relatives and passers-by, and in the evening pies with peas and other gifts from the past summer were served.

There are no reasons to limit yourself to the Holy Day of the Gorikhov Savior - the feast will end before that hour, and the choice of menu will be delayed until it is appropriate.

Golovne -

Christmas table

The collection of the Savior Not Made by Hands to the image of the Savior-Andronik Monastery With the third Savior, there is also an impersonal sign of the day to bless the wells so that the water does not drain into them.

When they found two peas that had grown, they put them in a hamanet with their left hand - such a pea gave people penny luck for a whole river.

The girls used peas to tell fortunes and learn their lot. The first outbreak of grief had to be borne in mind and with a relish to know what was awaiting the oncoming doom. If the peas turned out to be cool and sweet, the bitter peas will be changed, if the peas have not reached, an important signal will be given, and the rotten ones will be killed.


folk signs

A thunderstorm looms throughout the long and warm autumn.

If the cranes live until the 29th sickle, winter will be early.

Three Saviors are a miraculous urge to receive the gifts of nature, which help to gain health, good luck and well-being. Preparation material based on hydrated cores Save the 2017 children: Honey, Yabluchny, Gorikhovy During the remaining months of the year, there will be three times when the saint is especially beloved and loved by the people. The traditions of the Serpnevyh Spas began a long time ago and are still being continued.

Three years of salvation were dedicated to the harvest, and after the adoption of Christianity they were dedicated to church localities.

Therefore, the skin of the Savior - Honey, Apple and Gorikhovy - is representative of one of the

In the folk calendar it is sacredly dedicated to the collection of honey.

It is important that at this hour the beds are as full as possible.

Elderly sweets are immediately sanctified at the church, and gentlemen on Holy Day try to prepare more herbs instead of honey. They don’t forget about the poppy: in some localities the Honey Savior is called Makove, because the poppy itself ripens until this day, and also the 14th of September is celebrated as the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs of the Maccabees, whom people know was struggling with the name of the plant. Yabluchny Spas at 2017

Another sickle of Spas falls on the 19th sickle. On this day we believe to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord - great christian holy

, dedication to the revelation of the divine essence of the Savior.

According to the Gospel story, during the hour of prayer, Christ shone with an unearthly light at the same time as he taught, and from the Heavens the voice of the Lord lulled forth, which confessed that this is His Sin.

At Yabluchny Spas they began to say goodbye to summer and prepare for autumn.

Until what moment do you call for apples: this was respected

a nasty sign

Take a look at Medovy Spas , Those fruits were far from the same savory power that swelled before the 19th sickle. On this day it was customary to consecrate the apple and everything that the earth gave at the church.

Following the tradition of this day, songs of herb from apples were prepared, and preparations for the winter began. Honey Savior will be on the 14th sickle, Yabluchny – 19 sickle, and the Third, Gorikhovy – 29 sickle.

Honey Spas 2017.

Otherwise, the Honey Savior is called Makovei - in honor of the seven martyrs of the Old Testament of the Maccabees.

During this period, the ripening of poppy grains occurs, from which milk was extracted, and also imbibed simultaneously with the poppy seed. The third name of the honey Savior is on the water. This day they began to clean the wells, preparing for autumn and winter.

Honey Spas – completed

summer period


The hour has come to prepare the harvest.
One of the main products that people stocked up on for the winter was, of course, honey.

At the hour of the Honey Savior, the valleys were already filled with these jubilant sweets, and beekeepers tried to get it in the winter.

On what day should I go to the church and highlight the honey of the new birth.

The power of peas, which gives health and longevity, has long been known to all lovers of this product.

The gentlemen stored enough peas so that there would be enough for the winter, and for the spring - at any time. The peas miraculously regained their strength, replacing meat and dairy products. On this day is it customary to thank God for the harvest, for the daily bread, to celebrate in the church the mountain and the food prepared with it. Most of them spent time in church or mooned on the porch, in the morning, or at the family table. Summer is always awaited with impatience, which is associated not only with repairs, summer walks, travel, and the appearance of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and other gifts of nature. Sickle is especially rich in vitamins, this month signifies many of the people’s favorite holy foods, including three varieties - honey, apple and pea. Like the beginning of whose fate the Honey Parade saved 2017, which signifies the 14th sickle.

Summer spec

Most often it is accompanied by infectious intestinal illness. In order to protect yourself from adversity, ancient people Trying not to be spoiled by the products of the creature's journey, which quickly scurry around, we fed on dew hedgehogs, honey, peas, drank consecrated water, went to churches in order to reach It is important for women to carry cats with gifts, to confess favorably to their father, to ask for forgiveness of sins, which people called “Woman’s Day.”

The tradition will not end there, “Wet Savior” is another holy name. It is a good idea to respect the boards, consecrate wells, springs and natural reservoirs, bathe children in them, take water procedures yourself, sing Homemade thinness

that bird.

On the Medovius saved the fit of the ease of the Assumption, Triva VIN Blizko 2 Tizhniv, Vidmova VID is easy to comply with the binding of Vitaminiv, to be in vegetables, fruits, and to stuff that day with the bucket of the Holy League.

Cream of honey, poppy seed and water, the church sacred field and garden weeds for weaving amulets for the home, the leather component has its own significance, poppy heads are an indispensable attribute of the composition.

Bouquets or wreaths were placed behind the icon, and in the spring they bloomed in the city.

  • People's Notes on Honey Spas
  • In the other half of the sickle in most regions of Russia, autumn is already clearly approaching - the nights are getting colder, the fields are being prepared for winter sowing.
  • Having turned the honey in 2017, on what day is the holy day, it is impossible to miss - the aroma of this day's dawn, infused with malt and richness, all local and rural cafes have the signature of poppy seeds and honey traditions, the main sign - what more z'isish with this holy honey, you will be healthy.

Other folk notes:

(1 to please the needy before lunch - to ensure your own well-being; 5,00 to drink under the dosh - a great success, all sins will be washed away;
Take a bath in a consecrated body of water - recharge your health.

After the first day, the water began to bloom, the rivers and lakes began to bathe.