The constitutional basis of the sovereign structure of Russia is the President. Fundamentals of the constitutional order, sovereign power and sovereign structure of the Russian Federation. State symbols of Russia. A methodical plan to attract attention from the doc format. Federative

Constitutional ambushes of the sovereign order Russian Federation

The skin power is characterized by singing rices, which express their specificity. It can be democratic or totalitarian, a republic or a monarchy. The totality of such figures allows us to talk about the song form, the method of organizing the power, or about the power structure. This way, enshrined in the constitution of the state, becomes its constitutional structure. Otherwise, it seems, the constitutional order is the main way of organizing a state, enshrined in its constitution.

Under the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation are understood the foundations of the power, and the main ambushes, calls to ensure the Russian character of the constitutional power.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation has a special chapter dedicated to the fundamentals of the constitutional order, which is supported by a wide range of commonwealths.

The foundations of the constitutional order under the Constitution of the Russian Federation are based on democracy, which is expressed in popular sovereignty, the share of power, ideological and political diversity, and the recognized guarantor baths of local self-government, as well as a legal power, which is also a constitutional power.

The Russian Federation is a democratic power

Subject to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 1), the Russian Federation is a democratic state. This democracy is known to us directly in front of the people; the share of the land belongs to the legislator, the high priest and the court; political diversity; mіstseve samovryaduvannya.

The Constitution states (Article 3) that the rich national people have sovereignty and a single authority in the Russian Federation. This means that Russia will vote as a power of people's rule, or as a democratic power (people's rule is “democracy” in the ancient Greek translation).

Recognition of the people as the supreme authority of the government and the expression of popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty means that the people, without sharing their power with anyone, act independently and independently of any social forces, victorious, including in their own interests. People's sovereignty is indivisible, and can be attributed to only one subject – the people.

Thus, the rule of the people means that all power belongs to the people, and also the power created by the people is subject to greater dependence on their sovereign will and fundamental interests.

Delivery to station. 3 of the Constitution, the people of the Russian Federation exercise their power both directly and through the bodies of sovereign power and the bodies of local self-government.

It is important to determine the shape of the will of the people between representative and middle-of-the-road democracy.

Representative democracy is a rule created by the people through elected important representatives who praise decisions that express the will of those whom they represent (the entire people, population, who live on one or another territory).

Representative representation is the most important function that will ensure the rule of the people. Viborn representation is established by the state bodies and the bodies of local self-government, which are recruited by the people.

Without a middle democracy is a form of a middle-free expression of will among the people of any population group. “The greatest direct expression of power to the people,” states the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 3), “is a referendum and free elections.”

The referendum will be held in accordance with the strict direct and strong will of the citizens of the Russian Federation for secret voting.

The decisions adopted by the all-Russian referendum will have great legal force and will not require any firmness or obligation for stagnation throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition to all-Russian referendums, regional and local referendums can be held to the greatest extent possible. important food The life of the republic and the region are bad.

The elections mean the participation of the people in the present power of the people through the voting of representatives for election in the state bodies or local self-government bodies of their respective functions here. The new government is subject to the will and interests of the citizens voted in the elections.

The biggest headaches in the elections are those that stink as a form of the creation of the masses of their ruler. The greatest symbol of elections is the direct will of the people and their selection from their midst as representatives for the development of the people's rule.

Vibori sovereign bodies That of local self-government bodies, transferred by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is free and carried out on the basis of legal equal and direct electoral law with secret voting.

One of the fundamental principles of the democratic organization of the state, the most important consideration of the rule of law and ensuring the free development of people is the principle of power.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the division of power means the rose-middle age, division, demonopolization of power, and in fact, in reality, there is mutual respect for each other. x power is impossible to infringe upon and regulate ourselves.

In order to ensure the implementation of the principle of division of power at the upper echelons of the structure of sovereign power, and throughout the entire hierarchy of sovereign bodies, the Constitution (Article 5) conveys the principle of division of power with the principle of separation of objects implementation and renewal between the Russian Federation, warehouse republics, territories, regions , localities of federal significance, autonomous regions, autonomous districts.

In the current minds of the formation of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, the principle of subjugation is of especially important importance. The aim is to avoid the endowment of one with power over others, the establishment of authoritarianism and a dictatorial regime in the family. The principle of power transfers a system of “streaming and counteraction”, aimed at reducing to a minimum possible compromises in management, uniformity of approach to diversifying nutrition. The considered principle of appeals will ensure the thorough rationalization and optimization of the activities of the state, all its structures and, on this basis, the improvement of the effectiveness of the entire mechanism of governing the powers of the right.

Democracy in the Russian Federation is also based on the principle of political diversity.

p align="justify"> The principle of political diversity (pluralism) means the creation of opportunities for all socio-political and other organizations to integrate into the political process, the activities of which have a political aspect and are within the framework of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Political pluralism is associated with increased efficiency of the people's rule, gained before political activity broad beliefs of the population, legalizes the constitutional political opposition, creates in the minds of the apathy of the people and alienation of their kind of power, generated by the fate of totalitarianism.

The earliest recognition of the principle of political pluralism in marriage was the elimination of the CPRS monopoly on political power. The liquidation of this monopoly paved the way for the recognition of the principle of political pluralism, for the implementation of the progressive creation of the Russian Federation of a rich party system.

The establishment of the principle of political pluralism, which coincides with the democratization of the estate, has nothing to do with attempts to control the “rich ownership”, destroy the stability of the estate or impose its natural goals on it. and other social groups, leading to the collapse of social management and anarchy.

At the station 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the Russian Federation has political diversity and a rich party system. The spouses are equal before the law. Creation and activity are protected huge ob'ednan, The goals of these actions are aimed at a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional order and destruction of the integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining the security of the state, the creation of armored molds, the destruction of social, racial, tsionalnoy and religious wardens.

Political pluralism is the freedom of political thoughts and political actions, which is manifested in the activities of independent citizens. Why is the reliable constitutional and legal protection of political pluralism - change of mind not short of the implementation of the principle of people's rule, but also its functioning legal power.

To implement the principle of political pluralism, it is important to assign the legal status of political parties, other large organizations and mass movements that take part in the political process and form the institutional basis of the political pluralism. The mothers are to blame in this process for all the necessary rights that represent the legally established obligations of the state and its bodies.

One of the most important places in the institutional basis of political pluralism is occupied by political parties, which express the political will of their members and express the expression of political will. huge marriage.

Parties are the most important element political system be any kind of democratic power. Without them, today the very existence of sovereign power is practically impossible. The Russian Federation has a number of issues that are related to the realization by citizens of the right to join a political party and the peculiarities of creation, activity, reorganization, etc. The elimination of political parties is regulated by the Federal Law “On Political Parties”.

It is clear that a political party is a huge unity, created with the participation of the citizens of the Russian Federation in the political life of the marriage for the additional formation and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, in elections and referendums, as well as in representation of the interests of citizens in the bodies of state power and the bodies of local self-government.

The democracy of the Russian Federation means that it has local self-government. “The Russian Federation,” says the Constitution (Article 12), “recognizes and guarantees local self-government.”

Local self-government is inextricably linked with democracy, because at the heart of democracy, as a form of power and a method of government, lies the idea of ​​political freedom, which is evident to the principle of self-worth and self-government that extends not only to the individual but also to the people. and in the region and other communities .

With the help of local self-government, which includes representative bodies of power, management bodies (local administration), various territorial forms of middle-of-the-road democracy (local referendums, community assemblies others), and through the organs of territorial self-government of the population, nutrition of local significance of the Russian Federation is developing.

The Russian Federation, under local self-government, understands the right and independence of the population of various territorial units of the Keruvati within the framework of the law under their own jurisdiction and in the interests of a significant part of their spouses. right

In other words, it can be understood that the norms contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which characterize it as a democratic power, in practice are not always realized in a new world, but sometimes will be destroyed. As the great Prime Minister of Great Britain, William Churchill, said at the time: “Democracy is the best way to govern a country, but it is the most important thing.”

All we can say about those that were urgently needed and demanded by the people of Russia, all of them, for the creation of minds, such constitutional norms that convey the spirit of a democratic power can be implemented again.

The form of the sovereign structure in the Russian Federation

Let's look at the form of the sovereign structure in Russia, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The territory of the skin state is divided into parts, which indicate its internal structure. Within this framework, there is a system of territorial units on which the power is divided, a system of power links between the power as a whole and these territorial units, the nature of which depends on the legal status of both the power behind it and each of its territorial units. one.

A similar kind of arrangement on the territory of a power is usually called a power arrangement. Thus, a sovereign structure is a territorial organization of a power, which is characterized by a distinct form of legal connections between the power and its parts.

Based on the form of their sovereign structure, all powers are divided into two groups - unitary and federal.

A power is considered to be unitary because it does not have the commonwealth of other powers in its internal territorial structure. In this sense, a unitary power (that is, one, one) is usually called a simple power.

A unitary power is, as a rule, divided into administrative-territorial units (regions, districts, towns, rural settlements, etc.), which form its administrative-territorial structure. The remaining unitary power does not have other powers at its disposal; it is characterized by one constitution, one great body of legislative power, one great body of royal power, one system of great judicial authorities, one community.

A federation is the union of two or more powers into one new power. In this way, a federal power is a folding power, which includes other powers.

It should be said that when the powers come together, they are forced to establish a federation. The stench can create a confederation. Protest to the administration of the confederation, which is a union of powers, then. international legal union, federation and allied powers, then. sovereign-legal unification, which will ensure the sovereign unity of all powers that enter into this warehouse, preserving their political and legal independence.

The world now has a lot of federations, including such great ones as the USA, the NRF, India, and Brazil. The federal power was the Union of the Russian Socialist Republic. Russia is a federal power.

However, the Russian Federation has few features that really differentiate it from other federations. The federation is supposed to be a way of uniting two or more powers into a single allied power. The enlightenment of the Russian Federation turned out to be a completely different path. Russia, as a federation, ceased to be united by several powers. It was created as a successor to the creation of low autonomous powers and autonomous national-power creations of the peoples who inhabit its territory. These powers, as well as national sovereign enlightenment and were recognized by the subjects of the Russian Federation.

In 1993, the Russian Federation included 89 subjects. At this time, as a result of the merger of a number of entities, the Russian Federation includes 83 territorial units. Thus, the Trans-Baikal Territory united the Chita Region and the Aginsky Buryat District, the Kamchatka Territory - the Kamchatka Region and the Koryak Autonomous District, the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Taymir (Dovgan-Nenets) and Evenk Autonomous Districts, the Perm Territory - the Perm Region and the Komi-P erm 'Yatsky Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk Region - Irkutsk region and Ust-Ordinsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

The Russian Federation is a power with a unique power structure. The Russian Federation consists of republics, territories, regions, federal places, autonomous regions, autonomous districts - equal subjects of the Russian Federation. The federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on its sovereign integrity, the unity of the system of sovereign power, the delimitation of subjects of activity and re-importance between the bodies of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation and bodies of sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, equality and self-identification of peoples in the Russian Federation (Part 1, Article 3 5 of the Constitution).

Subjects of the Russian Federation differ among themselves in terms of the size of the territory, the number and size of the population, and their national composition. Thus, as small territories are leveled - the Kaliningrad region and the Republic of Adigea occupy 15.1 and 7.6 thousand. sq. km obviously, then the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – 3 million 102 thousand. sq. km, Krasnoyarsk Territory - 2 million 401 thousand. sq. km. Such entities on their territory will overcome many foreign powers. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is as large as India and twice as large as Indonesia; The Komi Republic (415.9 thousand sq. km) is more closely related to Great Britain, Greece and Belgium.

The largest federal regions in terms of population size are Moscow (over 10 million people) and St. Petersburg (over 5 million people), as well as the Moscow region (over 7 million people) and Krasnodar region(over 5 million people) - included in the warehouse of the Russian Federation next to such clearly innumerable entities as the Republic of Tiva - 307 thousand. osib, Republic of Kalmikia - 328 thousand. osib, Kamchatka region - 473 thousand. osib.

Subjects of the Federation are divided and for low other signs - we are equal to the development of the economy as a whole, the obviousness and development of the surrounding industry and agricultural dominion, the historical past, the national culture of all or part no population. However, as it follows from the Constitution of the Russian Federation, these other features do not affect the constitutional legal status subjects of the Russian Federation.

Nine republics, an autonomous region of non-autonomous districts, as before, reflect the peculiarities of the national composition of the population, way of life and culture. Moreover, the republics, where the peculiarities of expression are most pronounced, are endowed with certain specific rights. At the same time, regardless of the state legal form, all members of the Russian Federation are united by one concept - “a subject of the Russian Federation”; they have equal rights in this regard (Part 1, Article 5), and also have equal rights among themselves in mutual relations with federal authorities sovereign power (Part 4, Article 5 of the Constitution).

Russian federalism means the free development of the nation and nationalities that live on the territory of Russia. Such a development is evident in the creation of different forms of national power of the peoples of the Russian Federation - republic, autonomous region, autonomous districts, as well as in the transformation of some forms of national power into others. The great development of nations and nationalities also means the development of national languages.

Prote Russian federalism is a form of the highest national nutrition of a rich national republic, and a form of democratization of governing power.
Federalism has obvious advantages over unitarianism.

Decentralization of state power and division into regions is an important guarantee of democracy in a governed state. The center of such minds has a monopoly on power and this cannot be avoided enough, it is everywhere encountered with “streams and opponents”. There are more opportunities for local interventions that are consistent with their interests, and the interests of one region are not sacrificed to the interests of others. As a result, numerical centers of interests are established, which are characterized by their own characteristics, and instead of the homogeneity established by the center, unity is created in diversity, which becomes a form of suspenseful development.

Decentralization of sovereign power, which is based on the principle of federalism, will ensure the separation of subjects of jurisdiction and re-importance between the Russian Federation, warehouse republics, territories, regions, places of federal significance, autonomous regions stu, autonomous okrugs and municipal self-governments.

In line with the principle of federalism, the basis for the legal status of republics, territories, regions, places of federal significance, autonomous regions, autonomous districts are established and guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The constitutions of the republic, statutes of territories, regions, places of federal significance, autonomous regions and autonomous okrugs cannot supersede the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Re-importance of the Russian Federation, not included in the Constitution before the Federation or before the federation of the Republic, territories, regions, places of federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous districts, here be involved in republics, territories, regions, federal municipalities, autonomous regions, autonomous okrugs independently consistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on the lowest principles, inspired by its democratic essence. These principles are the ultimate ambushes of the territorial structure of both the Federation itself and its subjects. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 5) states:

Sovereign integrity of the Russian Federation; Unity of the system of sovereign power;

The delineation of subjects is carried out between the authorities of the state power of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

Equality and self-esteem of peoples in the Russian Federation;

Equality of subjects of the Russian Federation in relation to the federal bodies of the structure of power.

Based on the above, it can be said that the state structure of the Russian Federation is a territorial organization of the Russian Federation, which is characterized by a federal form of state connections from the republic in the warehouse of the Russian Federation, territories, regions, places of federal significance, autonomous regions and autonomous districts.

In the beginning, the keeper of the occupation must speak out on the relevance of this data by those who understand the nature of the occupation and his basic nutrition.

When considering the first nutrition, it is important to explain to the listeners that knowledge of the fundamentals of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation will allow them to develop their level of political culture and acquire knowledge about marriage that is necessary for them. gentle giant of our state.

In the course of developing a different diet for the ceramics groups, it is necessary to understand, in addition to applying the basic forms of the sovereign structure of the world and their main rices. Next - reveal the form of the sovereign structure of Russia, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Finally, it is necessary to make short summaries, information on hearing health, and recommendations from the literature.

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M., 1993.

2. Pavlov S. Sovereign structure and system of sovereign power in the Russian Federation. Armored forces in the system of state institutions // Orientir. – 2007. – No. 1.

3. Pavlov S. Fundamentals of constitutional harmony Derzhavna Vlada at the Russian Federation // Orientir. – 2010. – No. 5.

4. Batkivshchyna. Honor. Obov'yazok. Issue 7/Ed. A.I. Kolyasnikova. – M., 2005.

Reserve lieutenant colonel, candidate political sciences, Sergiy Pavlov

The foundations of the sovereign, territorial structure of Russia are outlined in Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are based on the principle of federalism.

Russian federalism is a form of superior national nutrition in a richly national country, and a form of democratization of government. Decentralization of state power and division of power into regions is an important guarantee of democracy. Decentralization of a single sovereign power, which is based on the principle of federalism, will ensure the separation of subjects of renewed importance between the Russian Federation and its subjects and bodies of local self-government.

Russia, according to the Constitution, consists of republics, territories, regions, federal places, autonomous regions, autonomous districts - equal subjects of the Russian Federation. The legal status of the republic in Russia is determined by both the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Constitution. The legal status of a region, region, place of federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous district is established in accordance with the Constitution of Russia and government statutes.

Following the Constitution of Russia, the primary (previously small administrative) regions (for example, Stavropol, Krasnoyarsk territories, Smolensk, Ryazan) became equal subjects of the Federation , Pskov and other regions). The promotion of their status as equal republics and autonomous institutions in the warehouse of Russia reinforces both the historical features of the Russian Federation itself, and the legal recognition of the role of the Russian people in this country. no power. The point is that Russia, apparently, traditionally, from the beginning of its foundation includes territories with indigenous Russian populations, and territories of republics, autonomous establishments, where other nationalities live compactly and nationalities. And since previously national (autonomous) communities were required to have sufficient independence from the most abundant food supply, the new Constitution of the Russian Federation gave similar rights to territories, regions, and other lives in the largest Russian population. The fairness of this decision can be seen: Russian people, as a single federal state, have the right to enjoy no less rights and opportunities than representatives of other fraternal nations and nationalities.

The sovereignty of the Russian Federation is guaranteed by the fact that the sovereignty of Russia is expanding throughout its territory, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws are supreme throughout the territory. ii Russia. The Russian Federation will ensure the integrity and integrity of its territory. This army, as a sovereign power, has the right to act against the stagnation of border troops, armored forces and other powerful military organizations.

In the power of the people, the state is unable to establish organizational forms in which the people realize their sovereignty. The people govern the state, freely determine their will and ensure that its legal character is enshrined in legislative acts. Let's understand“sovereignty” (in translation – “supreme power”) is supported by two powers of power – unity and supremacy. In science, this term is used to describe three types of sovereignty: popular, national and sovereign. Organically combined characteristic rice In all types of sovereignty, the central place belongs to the sovereignty of the people. They themselves are a richly national people and are the source of all the sovereign power. This key point needs to be understood in such a way that all the renewed importance of the establishment of the sovereign power of the institution is posadovi individuals Powers emerge from one form or another as a result of the strongly expressed will of the people. Only to gain power from a legitimate, lawful power. At the scale of the Russian Federation, sovereign power is the most fundamental form of attributing sovereignty to the people, their supreme will. The sovereign power is in every aspect of the Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the subjects of the Federation will continue to conduct their work and renew the importance of “sharing the full extent of sovereign power.” This sovereign power is the express will of the people of the republic in the Federation, the population of the region, region, autonomy, etc. The system of municipal self-government has the power to control the population of a particular place, village, settlement, and that is part of the people. The bodies of local self-government do not enter into the system of sovereign power, but must comply with the Constitution and laws, acts that express the sovereign will of the people.

The implementation of people's rule in the Russian Federation takes place in various forms: through the system of state bodies, community organizations and parties, through institutions of direct democracy, local self-government. The unity, interconnections and functioning of these forms form a political system of the suspinal system. Under a political system, in this sense, we understand the totality of sovereign and huge entities, through which the people implement the power that is responsible for the Constitution, which means that they carry out internal and external policies in everyday life.

The Constitution consolidates the main forms of the people’s realization of their sovereign restoration. “The people,” says paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “exert their power directly, as well as through the bodies of state power and the bodies of local self-government.”

Subject to paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, sovereign power in the Russian Federation shall exist: President of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly (Rada of the Federation and State Duma), Order of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, judges of the Russian Federation (diagram 1). p align="justify"> The classic principle of power at the current stage of development of Russia is related to the peculiarities that apply to the President who has been placed in an independent place in the system of greater bodies of power from the system of imperial power.

The authorities of the Russian Federation will operate at the upcoming constitutional ambushes:

the formation of sovereign bodies by the people or for their entrusted auxiliary bodies of power;

territorial organization of sovereign structures;

The legality of the activities of the authorities;

Integration in the bodies of the state power of the national order from the Russian one;

Independence of legislative bodies, viconica and ship ownership;

The division of subjects is carried out and re-importance between the bodies of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

Acting on your responsibility for the implementation of the rights and freedom of people and citizens.

Russia performs its various functions through government bodies. The sovereign body (the organ of the power) is a warehouse part of the sovereign apparatus, which is established in accordance with the established law and is endowed with the sovereign-power essentials necessary for the current functions of the sovereign power.

The sovereign bodies of the Russian Federation will establish a unified system of the structure of sovereign power. This unity is indicated by the federal structure of Russia, its sovereign integrity (Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) and similarly the restoration of rich nationality to the people of the Russian Federation and its possible government bodies are required to formulate (statutes 3, 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Under the structure of the sovereign bodies of the Russian Federation we understand the importance of musculoskeletal organs Legislative, royal and judicial authorities, to operate in their organizational and legal forms of power the functions of a single sovereign power. p align="justify"> Thus, the system of sovereign bodies consists of the following main types: bodies of legislative power (representative bodies of sovereign power); authorities of the royal government and authorities of the ship's authority.

The legislative bodies (representative bodies of the sovereign power) are formed by the parliament of the Russian Federation, the parliaments of the republics of Russia, the representative (legislative) bodies of the sovereign power of other subjects of the Federation and m legal representative bodies of the state government - assemblies of deputies, municipal councils, bodies at the level of rural areas and the city's districts


for the course "Legal Studies"

on the topic: “Constitutional foundations of the sovereign structure of the Russian Federation”


The Russian Federation is a power of which Rus' is great, powerful and sacred. The history of the formation and development of Russia was not easy. For many centuries, our people have had to fight against foreign invaders for their nationality and independence. Everything was based on the mold of the national character, on the attitude of the Russians to their military service.

1. Brief physical-geographical and demographic characteristics of the Russian Federation

Russia is the largest power on the Eurasian continent in terms of area, population and economic power. It is spread over an area of ​​over 17 million square kilometers and occupies most of Central Europe and Southern Asia.

The length of the territory of Russia in the meridional direction is 4 thousand. km, at the latitude - 9 thousand. km. The closest point is on the border with Poland, and the most similar point is on Ratmanov Island, near the Diomede group of islands in the Bering Protozoa. The extreme snow point is located on the border with Azerbaijan, the extreme snow point is on the islands of Franz Josip Land (Rudolph Island). The territory of the Russian Federation covers time zones from 2nd to 12th inclusive.

Russia borders 16 powers on three continents and is bordered by 12 seas and 3 oceans. The total number of cordons is 60,933 km, including 14,510 km on land, 7,141 km on rivers, 475 km on lakes and 38,807 km on sea.

The expanses of the region are crossed by the largest rivers - Lena, Ob (the found river of Russia - 5410 km from the Irtisha branch), Volga, Yenisei (the river itself is rich in water - 19800 cubic meters per second), Amur. The pride of Russia is the world’s greatest Lake Baikal (depth 1620 m; area 1/5 fresh water all the waters of the earth).

According to the All-Russian Population Census in 2002, the population of Russia was 145.167 million people, of which 106.4 million were local residents (73.3%) and about 38.8 million were rural residents (26.7%).

More than 120 nationalities and nationalities live on the territory of Russia. This includes: Russians - 116 million people (80% of the global population). Among other nationalities, the number of which exceeds 1 million people: Tatars, Ukrainians, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Belarusians, Mordovians. The national warehouse is most visibly manifested in the internal reality of the Russian state, where practically every nationality and nationality constitutes its own form of sovereignty. 78% of the population of our region lives in the European part, and 22% in the Asian part (in Zakhodny and Skhidny Siberia, Far Skhod).

Admi-Strack-Solder-Soldier-Territory Penalized Federals include: 21 republika, 8 regions, 47 regions, 2 mIsts of the federal valve, 1 autonomous region, 6 autonomous districts, 1,866 district, 1,097 ministry, including 13 – with many inhabitants over 1 million people, 330 municipal districts and districts, 1794 municipal type settlements, 24428 rural administrations.

Our Fatherland is the richest natural resources And with explored reserves of bark copalina, the agricultural potential of the region is well-discharged. The world's largest industrial enterprises and fuel-energy complexes are located on this territory. Russia is inspired by the high spiritual and cultural reverence of the population, advanced science, unique, unrepeatable culture and spirituality, recognized throughout the world.

2. The emergence and development of constitutional foundations in Russia

Constitution of the RRFSR 1918 rock. The constitutional and legal formation of the Republic of Rad was completed at V All-Russian Congress I am glad that on the 10th of 1918 I praised the first Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Socialist Federative Radian Republic. Before the Constitution, as a warehouse part, the Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People was included, ratified by the Third All-Russian Congress of the Soviet Union in 1918. Her Russia voted for a Republic of workers, soldiers and village deputies, which would be founded on the basis of a free union of free nations as a federation of peasant national republics. The Constitution established that the greatest power of the RRFSR is the All-Russian Congress of the Council, which recruits the All-Russian Central Vikonaviy Committee from a few more than 200 people. The rest is entirely consistent before and between the departures of the supreme ruler of the Republic.

In the localities, the authorities were the congresses of the Councils (regions, provinces, districts, districts), as representatives of the lower Councils. The meeting of the Council robbed its royal bodies - the royal committees. For the sake of the deputies, they hid in towns and villages. The term of re-importance of deputies took 3 months. It is clear that for this reason the meeting of the Rada could not be permanently active bodies.

Constitution of the USSR 1924, Constitution of the RRFSR 1925. On the 30th of 1922, I was glad to the Union of the RSR, which consists of representatives of the RRFSR, Ukraine, Belarus and Transcaucasia, having confirmed, importantly, the Declaration and Treaty on the creation of the SRSR. This was the result of the unification of the Zusil Radian republics. The rest of the formalization of the new state ended with the confirmation by the Second Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic on 31 June 1924 of the Basic Law (Constitution) of the Union of Radian Socialist Republics. The Constitution of the SRSR established that the supreme body of power of the SRSR was the convocation of the Rad, and during the period between the convenings of the Rad - the Central Viconnical Committee of the SRSR, which was formed by the Union for the sake of Nationalities.

At the XII All-Russian Congress of the Rad, in 1925, the amendments to the text of the Constitution of the RRFSR were confirmed, a new Basic Law was adopted, under which the RRFSR was included in the Union of the RSFSR and was voted by the socialist power of the Russian Federation. and villagers who will be based on the federation of national republics , where all power rested with the Council of Labor, Village, Cossack and Red Army deputies.

The supreme power in the Ukrainian Socialist Republic is the All-Russian Congress of the Rad. During the period between the congresses of the All-Russian Congress, the All-Russian Congress has a number of members who are designated by the congress. All-Russian Congress Glad to call the All-Russian Central Exhibition Center once on a river, and then once on two rivers.

The main bodies of the structure of the sovereign power between the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Korea, which is included in the warehouse of the RRFSR, were the meetings of the Rada of the Republic, and during the period between the meetings, the central Vikonau committees, the rights of which were prescribed by the constitution, were acquired by them. of the autonomous republics. With great power in the regions, regions, provinces, districts, districts, districts and volosts, the Rads were also in power. Representatives of all the Rads who were present on the territory of this administrative unit took their share.

In the mid-1930s, due to party ideology, the foundations of socialism were instigated, the signs of which were important: the elimination of rich structure in the economy, inseparable approval from centralist government in two forms - state and collective-cooperative, liquidation of exploitative classes, formation of new socialist nations, People's Ownership These changes in the sovereign and sovereign way were called upon to be legally formalized by the new Constitution of the USSR.

Constitution of the USSR 1936 rock. The new Constitution of the SRSR was adopted at the VIII superstructure of the Council of the SRSR on the 5th anniversary of 1936. She declared the Radyansky Union to be a socialist power of workers and villagers, the political basis of which is formed for the sake of working people's deputies. All power in the USSR belonged to the working people of the city and village in the individual Council of Working People's Deputies. At the same time, the Russian Constitution stated that the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) is “the core of all organizations of workers, both public and sovereign.”

The supreme organ of the structure of the sovereign power of the SRSR is the Verkhovna Rada, which is known as the term “fateful fate”. It was formed from two equal chambers: for the sake of the Union and for the sake of nationalities. The Rada of the Union was fleecing the election districts in large numbers. The Council of Nationalities gathered in large numbers throughout the union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and national districts.

The supreme organs of the structure of sovereign power in the allied and autonomous republics were the supreme ones of their republics. The bodies of power in the territories, regions, autonomous regions, districts, districts, towns, settlements were for the sake of working people's deputies.

Constitution of the RRFSR of 1937. The new Constitution of the RRFSR was adopted by the XVII Superordinate All-Russian Congress on 21 June 1937. The supreme body of the structure of the sovereign power of the RRFSR was the unicameral Verkhovna Rada of the RRFSR, which was formed by the citizens of the Russian Federation in the election districts. The election district has one candidate for one deputy mandate (“one candidate – one deputy”). The high activity of voters for uncontested voting was largely ensured by the organizational efforts of party organizations (in election campaigns, under the supervision of party committees of enterprises and installations, campaigning was created and points, agitators were assigned to groups of voters, party committees were responsible for the turnout of voters). It was explained that it was the ruling party’s intention to preserve its dictatorship by presenting, through “organized” elections, evidence of support for the population of the political regime, the course of the party, and changes in the rule of the rulers and the powers.

Constitution of the USSR 1977 rock. At the seventh session Verkhovna Sake SRSR of the ninth convocation on June 7, 1977 until the 60th century of Radyan rule adopted the third Constitution (Basic Law) of the SRSR (similar to the Constitution of the SRSR in the 1978s) new constitutions of the union and autonomous republics were adopted (Chergova Constitution of the RRFU) at the seventh session of the Supreme Council of the RRFSR on the ninth convocation, 12 April 1978). Its preamble indicated that the Radian state, having conferred the dictatorship of the proletariat, became a people's power. The USSR was encouraged to abolish the socialist supremacy. The CPRS was stunned by “the powerful and direct power of the Radian supremacy, the core of its political system, sovereign and large organizations.”

First, the Constitution abandoned the principle of free elections, stipulating that citizens and large organizations are guaranteed free and comprehensive discussion of the political, business and special interests of candidates among deputies, as well as the right to campaign for elections, at the press, on TV, radio.

The Constitution of the USSR introduced the institution of punishment of elections (electionists gave punishments to their deputies), which, in other words, is called an imperative mandate. In the mid-80s, the CPRS announced a course for the development of democracy, which meant a transition from a one-party to a rich-party system and would attempt to reform the radyan government using the method of saving in new minds. The Constitution of the USSR, as well as the constitution of the allied and autonomous republics, excluded the provision for the important role of the CPRS.

Enshrined in the Radyan Constitution, the political system, the system of representative bodies of the structure of the sovereign power arose over 10 years, between 1988 and the beginning of the 1990s they made fundamental changes, which appeared to be a complication of common processes in life in this country.

Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. 1993 rock begins in principle new stage in the development of Russian sovereignty. First of all, in its rich history, Russia began to focus on the formation and development of a democratic state, ensuring freedom of economic activity, the realization of the equality of all citizens, the insane development of their own ov'yazkiv before Batkivshchyna.

The Constitution, adopted on the 12th of April 1993 in a national referendum, led to the development of the sovereignty of our Republic during the Christian period and initiated a new stage in the development of the Republic's constitutionalism. She regulated the most important sovereign affairs, consolidated the constitutional ambushes of the Russian Federation and the organization of sovereign power in the region.

Anchoring the new realities of married life in the political, social and economic spheres, the Constitution is intended to ensure the continued existence of a democratic federal legal state in Russia in a published form of government. These weekend developments will encourage our most important and important goals and lay the foundations of the constitutional order of Russia.

3. Sovereign structure of the Russian Federation

The foundations of the sovereign, territorial structure of Russia are outlined in Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are based on the principle of federalism.

Russian federalism is a form of superior national nutrition in a richly national country, and a form of democratization of government. Decentralization of state power and division of power into regions is an important guarantee of democracy. Decentralization of a single sovereign power, which is based on the principle of federalism, will ensure the separation of subjects of renewed importance between the Russian Federation and its subjects and bodies of local self-government.

Russia, according to the Constitution, consists of republics, territories, regions, federal places, autonomous regions, autonomous districts - equal subjects of the Russian Federation. The legal status of the republic in Russia is determined by both the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Constitution. Legal camp edge, region, place of federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous district is established, mandated by the Constitution of Russia, by government statutes.

Following the Constitution of Russia, the primary (previously small administrative) regions (for example, Stavropol, Krasnoyarsk territories, Smolensk, Ryazan) became equal subjects of the Federation , Pskov and other regions). The promotion of their status as equal republics and autonomous institutions in the warehouse of Russia reinforces both the historical features of the Russian Federation itself, and the legal recognition of the role of the Russian people in this country. no power. The point is that Russia, apparently, traditionally, from the beginning of its foundation includes territories with indigenous Russian populations, and territories of republics, autonomous establishments, where other nationalities live compactly and nationalities. And since previously national (autonomous) communities were required to have sufficient independence from the most abundant food supply, the new Constitution of the Russian Federation gave similar rights to territories, regions, and other lives in the largest Russian population. The fairness of this decision can be seen: Russian people, as a single federal state, have the right to enjoy no less rights and opportunities than representatives of other fraternal nations and nationalities.

The sovereignty of the Russian Federation is guaranteed by the fact that the sovereignty of Russia expands to its territory, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws to establish supremacy throughout the entire territory of Russia. The Russian Federation will ensure the integrity and integrity of its territory. This army, as a sovereign power, has the right to act against the stagnation of border troops, armored forces and other powerful military organizations.

For the people of any state, we cannot maintain a pose organizational forms, from which the people realize their sovereignty. The people govern the state, freely determine their will and ensure that its legal character is enshrined in legislative acts. The popular concept of “sovereignty” (translated as “supreme power”) is supported by two powers of power – unity and supremacy. In science, this term is used to describe three types of sovereignty: popular, national and sovereign. In the organic integration of the characteristic features of the skin from all types of sovereignty, the central place belongs to the sovereignty of the people. They themselves are a richly national people and are the source of all the sovereign power. This key situation needs to be understood in such a way that all renewed importance on the current sovereign power of the institutions and landowners of the power arises in one or another form as a result of the strongly expressed will of the people. Only to gain power from a legitimate, lawful power. At the scale of the Russian Federation, sovereign power is the most fundamental form of attributing sovereignty to the people, their supreme will. The sovereign power is in every aspect of the Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the subjects of the Federation will continue to conduct their work and renew the importance of “sharing the full extent of sovereign power.” This sovereign power is the express will of the people of the republic in the Federation, the population of the region, region, autonomy, etc. The system of municipal self-government has the power to control the population of a particular place, village, settlement, and that is part of the people. The bodies of local self-government do not enter into the system of sovereign power, but must comply with the Constitution and laws, acts that express the sovereign will of the people.

The implementation of people's rule in the Russian Federation takes place in various forms: through the system of state bodies, community organizations and parties, through institutions of direct democracy, local self-government. The unity, interconnections and functioning of these forms form a political system of the suspinal system. Under a political system, in this sense, we understand the totality of sovereign and huge entities, through which the people implement the power that is responsible for the Constitution, which means that they carry out internal and external policies in everyday life.

The Constitution consolidates the main forms of the people’s realization of their sovereign restoration. “The people,” says paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “exert their power directly, as well as through the bodies of state power and the bodies of local self-government.”

Subject to paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, sovereign power in the Russian Federation shall exist: President of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly (Rada of the Federation and State Duma), Order of the Russian Federation, judges of the Russian Federation (diagram 1). p align="justify"> The classic principle of power at the current stage of development of Russia is related to the peculiarities that apply to the President who has been placed in an independent place in the system of greater bodies of power from the system of imperial power.

Scheme 1

The authorities of the Russian Federation will operate at the upcoming constitutional ambushes:

the formation of sovereign bodies by the people or for their entrusted auxiliary bodies of power;

territorial organization of sovereign structures;

The legality of the activities of the authorities;

Integration in the bodies of the state power of the national order from the Russian one;

Independence of legislative, royal and judicial authorities;

The division of subjects is carried out and re-importance between the bodies of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

Acting on your responsibility for the implementation of the rights and freedom of people and citizens.

Russia performs its various functions through government bodies. The sovereign body (the organ of the power) is a warehouse part of the sovereign apparatus, which is established in accordance with the established law and is endowed with the sovereign-power essentials necessary for the current functions of the sovereign power.

The sovereign bodies of the Russian Federation will establish a unified system of the structure of sovereign power. This unity is indicated by the federal structure of Russia, its sovereign integrity (Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) and similarly the restoration of rich nationality to the people of the Russian Federation and its possible government bodies are required to formulate (statutes 3, 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Under the structure of the sovereign bodies of the Russian Federation it is understood that the great and local bodies of the legislature, the ruler and the shipping authorities operate in the authorities in their organizational and legal forms of function. a single sovereign power. p align="justify"> Thus, the system of sovereign bodies consists of the following main types: bodies of legislative power (representative bodies of sovereign power); authorities of the royal government and authorities of the ship's authority.

The legislative bodies (representative bodies of the sovereign power) are formed by the parliament of the Russian Federation, the parliaments of the republics of Russia, the representative (legislative) bodies of the sovereign power of other subjects of the Federation and m legal representative bodies of the state government - assemblies of deputies, municipal councils, bodies at the level of rural areas and small districts (diagram 2).

The system of bodies of the crown government includes: the district, ministries and other bodies of the crown subjects of the Federation, heads of administration of localities, rural and municipal areas. The main authorities of the Supreme Council are responsible for the implementation (implementation of life) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, regulatory decrees of the President of Russia, as well as decisions on related matters (federal, republican, regional, etc.) bodies of the crown government. Due to the fact that these organs are not only the Vicon’s, but also the Vlad’s, they are also called the Vicon’s administrative authorities (Diagram 3).

The government system includes ministries, services, and agencies. The order of the Russian Federation consists of the Head, its protector(s), federal ministries, federal services and federal agencies (schemes 4,5).

Federal ministries, departments of the current Order of the Russian Federation, federal services and federal agencies subordinate to these federal ministries

· Ministry of Health and Safety social development Russian Federation:

The Federal Service is committed to protecting the rights of people living and living well;

The Federal Service has an eye on health and social development;

Federal service for employment;

Federal Agency for Health and Social Development;

Federal agency physical culture, sports and tourism

· Ministry of Culture mass communications Russian Federation:

The Federal Service oversees the development of legislation in the sphere of mass communications and the protection of cultural decline;

Federal Archive Agency;

Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography;

· Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

Federal service intellectual power, patents and trademarks;

Federal service with visibility in the sphere of education and science;

Federal Agency for Science and Innovation;

Federal Agency for Information

· Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation:

Federal service with visibility in the field of environmental management;

Federal Agency for Water Resources;

Federal Agency of the Forest State;

Federal agency for superstructure

· Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation:

Federal Agency for Industry;

Federal Agency for Housing and Communal Governance;

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;

Federal Energy Agency

· Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation:

Federal Mitna Service;

Federal Agency for State Reserves;

Federal Agency for the Cadastre of Indestructible Objects;

Federal agency for managing the federal mine

· Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation:

The Federal Service has an overview of the transport sector;

Federal Agency for Air Transport;

Federal Road Agency;

Federal Agency for Transport Transport;

Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport;

Federal Agency of Geodesy and Cartography

· Ministry of the Rural State of the Russian Federation:

Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Inspection;

Federal Agency for Fisheries;

Federal Agency for the Rural State

· Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

Federal Tax Service;

Federal Insurance Service at a glance;

Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Attention;

Federal Service for Financial Monitoring;

Federal Treasury (federal service)

· Ministry information technologies and the link of the Russian Federation:

The Federal Service has a clear view of the sphere of communication;

Federal Agency for Information Technologies;

Federal Agency for Communications

However, the structure of the federal bodies now has federal ministries, services and agencies, the activities of which are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation (Diagram 6).

Federal ministries, federal services and federal agencies, management of the activities of the President of the Russian Federation, federal services and agencies subordinate to these federal ministries

· Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Federal Service for Military-Technical Industry;

Federal Service for Defense Law;

Federal Service for Technical and Export Control;

Federal Agency for Special Life.

· Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation:

Federal service Vikonannya pokaran;

Federal Registration Service;

Federal Bailiff Service.

· Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Federal Migration Service.

· The Ministry of the Russian Federation at the right of civil defense, supervising the situation and eliminating the legacy of natural disasters

· Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

· Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

· State Field Service of the Russian Federation

· Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation

· Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

· Head Office of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation (federal agency)

· Management of the right of the President of the Russian Federation (federal agency)

Bodies of judicial authority are recognized for the implementation of justice in the form of constitutional civil, administrative and criminal justice.

The shipping system of the Russian Federation is organizationally composed of many levels. On the federal level, the higher judicial authorities are: Constitutional Court RF, Supreme Court RF, Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. In the republics of the Russian Federation there are constitutional, supreme and arbitration courts of the republics. In other subjects - regional, regional, federal and autonomous regions and autonomous districts, people's and arbitration courts. on local area– district and local people’s courts (diagram 7).

Scheme No. 7


Thus, the current Russian state has been voted by the Constitution and will be democratic, federal, legal, with a republican form of government. The main goals of the state are the implementation of the rights and freedom of the people, all peoples of the Russian Federation, the protection of their integrity, sovereignty and other fundamental national values ​​and interests.

The system of sovereign institutions of the Russian state has an important role to play in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the internal affairs that are organizationally part of its structure. Let's reach out Vietnamese history internal military They were well-invented to ensure the security of the nation, the kingdom and the state, supporting the constitutional order in the rich regions of the country, which was the butt of fidelity to the military bond.


5. Great encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Scientific publication “Great Russian Encyclopedia”, 2006

Federation (from Poznyolat. foederatio - union, unification), in a unitary form, is one of the main forms of territorial organization of a power. As a form of sovereign structure, it transfers the special nature of the exchanges between the federal authorities and the storage bodies of the federal state to the territorial parts - subjects of the federation.

The federation is a legally united allied power, which includes the powers of the state or the powers of the state, which may have power and importance in the supreme power, which do not fall within the competence of the federal government. These signs characterize them. The Federation is a single allied power that maintains order over those powers that are included in its composition. The Federation has sovereignty. The Federation has the necessary state-legal institutions, i.e., legislative and legislative bodies, which are shared with the population of all subjects of the federation, and federal-type parliaments, that is, with a bicameral structure. Apart from the secondary chamber, which expresses the interests of all powers, there is the main chamber, which expresses the interests of the subjects of the federation 1.

Acts of federal bodies are binding throughout the entire territory of the federation. The stench does not support the affirmation of the bodies of the constituent entities of the federation and is directly addressed to the population. Subjects of the federation do not have the right to relate to the assets of the Federation.

The Federation has a single territory and a single community. Moreover, the territory of the federation can be separated from the territory of its subjects, and therefore it can be a federal territory, which does not enter the warehouse of the subjects.

The Federation has the competence of competence. This means that she herself, without any subjects who enter before her, can expand or sound around her new interests, which is enshrined in her constitution.

The federation is legally intact, that is. These subjects do not have sovereignty and do not have the right of secession (without a federation).

The signs of a federal power appear most clearly in comparison with the signs that characterize a confederation. From a legal point of view, a confederation is a permanent union of powers that does not have any hidden bodies of power and control, but there is one or a number of such bodies designated for the specific purposes of the confederation. Similar goals may be economical, trade, the creation of a single world space, of a foreign political nature, defense, etc. A confederation is not a single power, but a union of powers, which is created on a contractual basis by related entities, and therefore, these entities have sovereignty and can act independently in the international arena.

The Confederation may be the mother of secret legislators and royal bodies. The bodies that are created in it serve the purposes of the confederation, and they are created by the orders of the countries that are part of the confederation. The acts of the secret bodies (as they are created) are addressed not directly to the population, but to the orders of the powers - members of the confederation, which can confirm these acts and expand their action to their territory (the right of reception). At the same time, these stinks can be confirmed and their actions thrown out (the right to cancel). The Confederation does not have a single territory or a single community. The Confederation is a dissolved union, otherwise, apparently, the subjects of the Confederation, as they preserve their sovereignty, the powers may have the right of secession, then. the right to exit from the bedroom.

On the stock of the Russian Federation one can see such constitutional ambushes legal regulation federal bills:

    sovereignty of the Russian Federation over its territory
    (Art. 4, 71);

    supremacy throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws (Article 67);

    integrity sovereign territory(vv. 1, 3, 67);

    4) directly under the Constitution of the Russian Federation throughout the entire territory of the Federation (Article 15);

    the constitution enshrines the procedure for changing the external internal cordons of the state (Articles 67, 71, 131);

    Unity legal regime territory of the Russian Federation in the food economy (unit of economic space), free movement of goods, services and financial assets throughout the territory, promotion of competition and freedom of economic activity integrity (Article 8). What are the basic constitutional formulas of the Russian federal power based on Part 1 of Art. 1 “Russian Federation – Russia is a democratic federal legal power with a republican form of government”, as well as the provisions of Part 1 of Art. 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “The sovereignty of the Russian Federation is expanding throughout its entire territory” 1. These constitutional provisions mean legal changes and divisions between federal and local authorities. Zinshogo, - the unambiguous PIDARENNES of the Teriferial -INDISHICIAL ROSICOCHO, sewn -in -law of the whole of the Terito of the Rosya without a vigor, is non -laid.

    “The federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on its sovereign integrity...” (Part 3 of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) 1. The federation is replaced by a confederation as an international-legal union of powers - a single allied power, which has national sovereignty and administrative-territorial institutions that may be in power again Zhenya shodo these food, as they do not fall within the competence of the federal government.

    Enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation new system The territorial organization tried to give steel to the old structure, adding to it rigidity and the permanence of cordons between the subjects of the federation. And yet, it is no longer a national-power organization with varying status of storage elements, but a state-territorial federation, albeit asymmetrical. Subject to Part 1 of Art. 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation consists of republics, territories, regions, federal places, autonomous regions, autonomous districts - equal subjects of the Russian Federation.

    1.2. Federal districts of the Russian Federation and the creation of a new district

    Molding on part of the territory Russian Empire federal power - the RRFSR - was declared by the Constitution of the RRFSR of 1918. Protea division of this power in the warehouse - the subjects of the Federation - was subject to the protection of the Constitution with the protection of two benefits (and in the same order): the strength of the administration; appearance of an ethnic official

    Zhoden subject of the Federation did not enter the warehouse of the RRFSR under the terms of the agreement (a special case is Tiva, who in 1944 entered the Union of the RRF on the rights of an AT at the warehouse of the RRFSR).

    The Russian Federation is a constitutional federation. In the thousand-year history of the Russian state it is impossible to know anything normative act, the document by which the Russian state would be created. Russia is a power that has historically been formed, the division of which is formed in administrative warehouses on the basis of constitutional acts. The adoption of the Russian Constitution of 1993, which consolidated the federal form of the sovereign structure, was signed on January 31, 1992. Federal Treaty. This document does not match the title. The essence of the agreement is the delineation of subjects of jurisdiction and re-importance between the federal authorities of the sovereign power and the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation. There was no mention of the establishment of a federal state. The form of the Federative Treaty was used by Coristan for political purposes to stabilize the mutual relations of the central and regional governments.

    In essence, the purpose was to please the federal authorities of Russia, on the one hand, and the authorities of the subjects of the Federation, on the other. The result of two trends is the constitutional effort to renew the legal unity of the region, on the one hand, and the transfer of the Federal Treaty to the re-importance of demarcation between the Federation and its subjects on specific subjects, with otherwise, - led to an intensification of the conflict between the federal legal system and legal systems of a whole range subjects of the Federation 1.

    Initially, the process of unbundling and negotiating the Federal Treaty took place in parallel with the development of the new Union Treaty. The need to establish a federal agreement was enshrined in law by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RRFSR dated 17 June 1990. “About the competition for the shortest version of the draft Federal Treaty of the RRFSR.” Ale proceeded to work on the project of the Federal Treaty.

    Z pripinennyam u sickle-chest 1991 r. sleep Radyansky Union The food supply of the Mutual Republic at the warehouse of Russia by the federal government has pressed the activation of work in preparation for demarcation again. Separatist tendencies began to appear in the republics, the transfer of power and power began to develop a character that was not safe for the Russian power. The working group asked for many minds to sign the agreement on the delineation of subjects and re-importance between the federal authorities of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the republics at the warehouse of the Russian Federation 1.

    However, the leaders of most republics made such a move and advocated the signing of the Federative Treaty: To demand more and more rights and renewed importance that the capital of the republics - subjects of the Federation were entitled to, was reduced to me nomization of the role of federal authorities, increasing the rights of local ruling elites 31 February 1992 signings (not “laid”) The Federative Treaty at that stage of development allowed the growth of tension to be resolved, smoothed out, and consolidated what had taken shape at that historical stage of the evolution of forces.

    Fixed by the Federal Treaty, the regional republic designated itself as an autonomy, recognized by them as sovereign republics in Russia, and found its constitutional expression in the Law of the Russian Federation in the 21st quarter. 1992 r. “About changes and amendments to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Radyansk Federative Socialist Republic.” Amended from the text of the Constitution of the RRFSR, 1978. There was a cardinal change: before the introduction of these changes, the Constitution of the RRFSR designated autonomies as socialist powers, the independence of which was ensured by a low guarantee of an economic nature. The territory of the republic could not be changed without it. However, the sovereignty of republics was never thought of before. For all the difficulties that were passed on to its acceptance, and for all the ambiguities of the stage of Russian modern history, the Constitution of the Russian Federation objectively protected the country’s exit from the power-legal crisis, documented here This is what happened when the Federal Treaty was signed.

    And today’s process of formation of the Russian Federation is still far from completed, both in the context of the renewal of rights and re-importance of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the consolidation of a stable and established status of federal authorities, and in the further formation of the subjects themselves RF. The Russian Federation is a unique phenomenon in state legal practice: it is one country in the world, in which 89 subjects directly belong to the federal level. The number of intermediate lanes complicated the power to control the region, the interaction of various rulers, changed the capabilities of the central government under the hour of effective control over the processes in the regions, complicated functioning of the system of authorities. One of the options for filling up such shortcomings is the formation of an additional level of interregional power 1.

    Starting from 1994 In Russia, a system of interregional associations was formed, which included the judicial entities of the Federation. At 2000 rub. Federal districts were created: Central (center - metro Moscow), Pivnichno-Zakhidny (metro St. Petersburg), Pivdenny (metro Rostov-on-Don), Privolzky (metro Nizhny Novgorod), Uralsky (metro Yekaterinburg) , Sibirsky (metro station Novosibirsk), Dalekoshidny (metro station Khabarovsk). By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2000. The “Regulations about the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district” were approved. This was done on the territory of Russia federal districts together with the most important representatives of the President of the Russian Federation, which was a direct update of the vertical of the government.

    Federal districts are subjects whose other constitutional part of the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation was created by analogy with military districts and economic regions, and were avoided and its quantity and storage.

    At the time of their death in 2000, 7 federal districts had been created. The first change in its number (increased to eight) was the division of the Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District from the Povdennogo Federal District on the basis of the decree of President D.A. Medvedev
    19 today
    . The only change in the names of the districts was the forward renaming of the Pivnichno-Caucasian district to Pivdenny 21 chernya
    . The motives for the renaming were reasons of geography (Volgograd and Astrakhan regions and Kalmikia to the Northern Caucasus are not insured, the Rostov region is insured smartly) and image (the name “Pivnichnyy Caucasus” could be called as consequences of emerging conflicts).

    Perhaps all the districts are formed very important or only in relation to the administrative-territorial authorities (subjects of the federation). One of the districts, which is largely composed of national-territorial entities (republics), is the Pivnichno-Caucasian district.

    In the districts, central places are designated, in which their core coordinating bodies are located in the form of an important representative of the president, his apparatus and the management of federal departments. The Pivnichno-Caucasian district is a single district, in which the center is not the largest place in the district, but also the administrative center and the largest place of one of the subjects included.

    - the existence of a clearly designated stake of rights and binding authorities at all levels;

    - Submission of regulation of the activities of the authorities of the subjects of the Federation to the federal legislation;

    - over-emphasis on the center by its non-powerful functions;

    - The presence of a cumbersome management apparatus at all levels of power;

    - Transferring the center to the competence of the authorities of the subjects of the Federation;

    - Failure by the authorities of the subjects of the Federation to adhere to the norms of the federal Constitution and laws;

    - The number of scientifically based forecasts for the development of the current federal model of the sovereign structure of Russia 1.

    There is insufficient legislative support for Russian federalism and significant differences in the approaches, pace and development of federal and regional legislation, complexity and super-complexity of the processes of delineation of subjects of study and reintroduction of subjects of law. We are working hard to create difficulties in the important work of federalism in Russia.

    At this stage, the following problems of Russian federalism are kept intact:

    - Incompleteness of the process of differentiation between the subjects of sleep medicine;

    - The lack of thoroughness of the current model of fiscal federalism;

    - Importance in the pace and speed of development of federal and regional legislation;

    - negative influx of psychology and rich traditions Unitarian ministry. The natural decentralization of power, the delegation of responsibility to lower bodies, the dialogue between different rivals of power, the powerful democratic powers, are sometimes perceived in Russia as a sign of weakness to the federal center.


    2.1. Socio-economic situation in the Pivnichno-Caucasian and Pivdenny Federal Districts

    The present Federal District is an administrative formation in the present European part of Russia. Approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 13
    2000 roku.

    By decree of D. A. Medvedev dated 19 September
    1 from this warehouse is seen the Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District with its center near Pyatigorsk metro station.

    At the approach, the district has land and water cordons with Ukraine, and at the exit, with Kazakhstan. Today it borders with Abkhazia and the Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District.

    Caspian Sea, at sunset - Azov and Black Seas

    The Federal District is not partly an administrative subdivision of the Russian Federation (subject of the Russian Federation)

    PIVDENNIA of the Federal District (PISLAL VILENNAS INOOOCHICHICH-KABKASKY Federal District) turned on 2 Resbubbleiki (Adigeus Ta Ta Kalmikiya), 3 Klosti (Astrakhanska, Volgograd, Rostovska) TU 1 Territory (Krasnodarsky Territory). Yogo area – 416 thousand. 840 sq. km.

    In 2008, the average monthly salary in the Pivden Federal District was 11,734 rubles (the average in Russia was 17,290 rubles), the unemployment rate in the region dropped to 10.2% (in Chechnya - to 35.5 %).

    Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District - federal district
    of the Russian Federation, visions given to the Federal District by decree of the President of Russia
    D. A. Medvedeva dated 19 pm
    2010 roku. Repayments in the modern European part of Russia, in the central and similar parts of the Eastern Caucasus.

    The Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia, the Republic of Pivnichna Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic, Stavropol cue edge.

    3 13 rubles for 21 rubles
    2000 I will name the Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District and now the Pivdenny Federal District.

    The coverage of this district was the first change in the number of federal districts since they were founded in 2000 by Russian President V.V. Putin.

    The area of ​​the territory of the district is close to one hundredth of the area of ​​the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The center of the district is the town of Pyatigorsk, one of the centers of the districts, which is neither the administrative center of the subject that is included in the district, nor the largest place in the district (it is not included in the great Caucasian-Mineral Water agglomeration).

    The Federal District ceased to be part of the administrative subdivision of the Russian Federation (subject of the Russian Federation).

    The district has land borders with Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Pivdennaya Ossetia, and even with Kazakhstan. Also, by land, the district borders such regions of the Russian Federation as Kalmikia, Rostov region and Krasnodar region.

    At the same time, the federal district is bordered by the Caspian Sea, on the day – by the Main Caucasian Range and by cordons with Georgia and Azerbaijan.

    The new federal district, where these subjects of the federation went, is the most complex in Russia. Looking at the heavy crime situation, the unemployment rate in Ingushetia is, for example, 55%. In the Stavropol Territory and Pivnichny Ossetia, the islanders are prosperous, 5-6 times less.

    The average salary in the region is the highest in Chechnya - close to 12 thousand rubles. Dagestan has 7.5 thousand. 6% of the region’s population lives here, and the region leads in terms of population: for example, Dagestan had 49 thousand children in 2008, followed by the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory. The presence of oil reserves and the structure of production, and most often its availability, have emerged.

    In the middle district, the gross regional product is 80 billion rubles. Pererahunku has a population of just over 62.5 thousand rubles. Also, like the average for Russia, this figure is perhaps four times higher.

    2.2. Problems of security in the Pivnichno-Caucasus region

    From the point of view of production line development and prospects in the region, vision from the warehouse of the Pivdenny Federal District (SFD) of the new Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) of the Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District and true decisions. Before the new district, all the republics of the Caucasus went to the territory of Adigea. It is necessary to note again that the first part of the Southern Federal District was named as Pivnichno-Caucasian, which was due to the management tactics necessary at that time. The importance of the ethnic Caucasian component in the management system of federal districts has been repeatedly discussed by such policies as R. Abdulatipov, V. Zorin, V. Tishkov. In this context, projects for the renovation of the care center of the new management lighting were discussed.

    It is a laudable decision to speak about the decision of the Eighth Federal District to talk about the new vigor of partisan political issues in the Southern Caucasus, about the emergence of large-scale geopolitical and ethnopolitical risks. The greatest level of stability has been achieved in the system of regional governments, local self-government, political parties, and civil unions. With this factor, the system of marriage bonds may continue to lose family, clan, teip, diaspora connections, which are realized in both positive and negative manifestations.

    The creation of the Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District is consistent with the political realities that have developed in Pivdnaya Russia, the regional strength of the historical past and today of the peoples who inhabit Pavnichno-Caucasian Federal District. Eternal Caucasus. Within the new federal district there are numerous and effective community peacekeepers, national cultural organizations, united Cossacks, community organizations called names and leaders. Russian institutions are actively developing Orthodox Church in particular the Stavropol and Vladikavkaz diocese under the leadership of Archbishop Feofan, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Stavropol Territory and Karachay-Cherkessia under the leadership of Ismaila-Hajji Berd Yes, there are spiritual administrations of Muslims in other republics. There are also active institutions of the Virmen Apostolic Church, Jewish communities, Catholic parishes, churches of all kinds, even prominent in the field of humanitarian and community initiatives. The regions of the Northern Caucasus have developed a tradition of peacekeeping, which is of an all-pervading nature and united by the authorities, local self-government, and the institutions of community husbandry. The regions of the Northern Caucasus have strong ties with the federal center, other subjects of the Russian Federation, and with the powers of Virginia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Germany, Israel, Poland, Turkey, Turkey menistan and others.

    The appearance of the Southern Caucasian Federal District will inform about the transition of the suspense-political divisions in the Southern Caucasus to a new framework and a framework of geopolitical and ethnopolitical risks. Current situation in the region is associated with significant positive processes and trends. In the regions of the Northern Caucasus, with the initiative and support of the President of the Russian Federation, a corps of first individuals has been formed to serve until the new generation of managers. A great level of stability has also been achieved in the system of regional government, local self-government, political parties, and civil unions. With this factor, family, clan, teip, and diasporic connections with their ambiguous impact on the marriage-political situation will continue to be lost. Within the boundaries of the new federal district there are regions with obvious similarities in ethnocultural traditions. At the same time, the Republic of Korea is becoming increasingly sensitive to its uniqueness, its positioning in interregional dialogue and interaction with the federal center.

    It is natural that the Stavropol Territory will be included in the new federal district. Stavropillia is seen among the regions of Russia for its geopolitical and ethnopolitical characteristics. The region borders a large number of Eastern Caucasian republics, with deep historical connections, and active social and economic relations with the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karacha, over the past decade Evo-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Republic of Ingushetia, Republic of Dagestan. The Stavropol Territory has developed strategies and tactics for interaction with the Eastern Caucasian republics, their representations are functioning, harmonization programs and the development of ethnic relations are being implemented. ethnoconfessional exchanges and interaction with police officers outside the cordon.

    The Stavropol Territory has accumulated a great deal of political and administrative evidence in the sphere of ethnic and ethno-confessional races, migration policy, the formation of national and cultural institutions of community matrimony, and Institutionalization of Cossacks. Under the leadership of B. Kalinin, a committee of right-wing nationalities successfully operates, which results in interaction with other experts in the region - V. Avksentiev, M. Astvatsaturova, S. Ivanova, M. Medvedev, V. Pan nim ta in. The formation of a federal law requires the Stavropol Territory to develop and implement new political and management strategies and tactics itself and directly in dialogue with the former Caucasian republics.

    Restoration of the center of the Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District of Pyatigorsk is a natural decision. Pyatigorsk is one of the leaders of the Trans-Caucasian places (River of Light - 1780 r.). In 2010 There are 230 anniversaries on the day of the creation of Pyatigorsk. In a situation where there is a threat of terrorism, food security is especially important. The security of Pyatigorsk represents its investment benefit and the necessary mental functioning of the place as the capital of the new district. The official of uniqueness is considered prominent geographical distribution– in the center of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, which includes the recreational territories of the Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. Unique natural characteristics, the widest range of balneological powers and range of mineral waters form the basis of Pyatigorsk’s undeniable authority. It is also widely known about the unique historical recession What place. The prestige factor is determined by the status of the resort of federal significance, as well as by the developed municipal infrastructure, diverse social palette and unique ethnocultural landscape. Pyatigorsk is another place in the region after Stavropol due to the number of inhabitants. The population becomes 210 thousand. chol. The locality has 30 sanatorium-resort facilities, 16 universities and branches, without cultural foundations, the range of services, business and reception, communication, permission and development has been expanded.

    Pyatigorsk is a place with a folding ethnic warehouse of meshkans. There are national cultural organizations of the Adigeans, Abazas, Kabardins, Circassians, Vermens, Bulgarians, Greeks, Jews, Karachais, Germans, peoples of Dagestan, Ossetians, Poles. Kiev, Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Chechens, Ingush. A significant role in the vast valleys is played by the Cossacks - the Garyachevodsk branch of the Terek Cossack Military Association.

    Pyatigorsk plays an active role in the system of interregional connections, supporting active connections with the places of Nalchik, Cherkessk, Vladikavkaz, supporting twin-city connections with the places of Shverte (Nimecchina), Trikala (Greece) I), Panagyurishte (Bulgaria), Debuque (USA).

    Giving Pyatigorsk status to the center of the new federal district opens up new prospects for the development of the place and their positioning in interregional and federal fields. In the singing sense, the “capital project” for Pyatigorsk is its own “Olympic project”, the implementation of which for the place can be successful. The place has already achieved the necessary level of development of infrastructure - communications, business spheres, resorts, tourism, objects of great importance, cultural and entertainment complexes, which is a solid base for business tourism, for holding events, conferences and forums on a grand scale. At the same time, the status of the center of the new federal district requires a place for more active progressive development, a new level of public order and security.

    At this time of social and political nutrition of life in the Eastern-Caucasian region, security in the region is directly related to the nutrition of social, political, economic and military stability Benefits for the Pivnichno-Caucasian Federal District. Five main directions of work have been identified, and their versatility is superior. First of all, it is necessary to develop a strategy for the development of the Eastern-Caucasian region and, on the basis of it, to prescribe clear action plans for the skin area. The creation of similar documents has already been achieved, for example, the Strategy for Social and Economic Development. Distant Right away and the Baikal region.

    Otherwise, the local authorities can improve the investment climate, including through the establishment of special economic zones and regional industrial parks. “It is important to provide such areas and such parks with all the necessary infrastructure. Here you should establish the simplest possible procedures for allocating land plots for locating businesses. Promptly supply power supplies and connections to utility lines.” 1 Currently, the federal government plans to invest in the new district of large sums of money and wants strict control over their spending. Currently, 18 projects have been collected for a total of 270 billion rubles. The third chapter lies in the need to develop investment projects for the North Caucasian Federal District of the skin and federal ministries: the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Energy, Gazprom, RAT "Russian Railways", the "Federal Measurement Company" and the Ministry of Agriculture. The fourth place lies near the secure life of the inhabitants. It is necessary to allocate funds for the repair and reconstruction of the housing and communal services, the maintenance of roads, and the fight against unemployment. Unemployment is one of the main causes of social and political instability in the region. Thus, in Ingushetia, more than 50 hundred thousand people are not affected by robots, in Chechnya the figure is 30 hundred thousand, in Kabardino-Balkaria – 20 hundred thousand. " High rhubarb“lack of work, of course, discredits the authorities, causes social tension, and creates a breeding ground for extremist sentiments.” 2

    I, it was decided that the five departments needed to bring order to the government, the need to carry out personnel reform. This government reform requires issuing from territorial bodies of federal departments. “Today, they often live on their own, worry about the problems of the regions, often breed corruption, incompetence, administrative barriers, take part in inter-clan and business disputes, and thereby discredit the sovereign power » 1. This is all the more important, because the region will be over-insuranced with colossal sums through various government funding channels. For example, the Pivnichno-Caucasian region received 177 billion rubles from federal transfers.

    At the same time, three federal programs are being implemented in the region, within the framework of which the government has repaired dozens of schools, sports facilities, and kindergartens. The region will soon have a new federal university on the basis of the Stavropol High School, as well as a youth team for the Seliger School. The volume of gasification in Chechnya, Eastern Ossetia and Ingushetia has transferred 90 thousand units. As a result of gasification, thousands of jobs have appeared in everyday life and other daily necessities. And the obligation to introduce it has lived since the last fate for 65 hundred thousand. Grozny has practically been re-created” 2.

    In 2009 alone, over two billion rubles were spent on living expenses, which resulted in the living expenses of two thousand families. And the government program “Russian Day”, which is being implemented immediately, is responsible for reducing unemployment by up to 5 hundred and increasing the gross regional product by 1.7 times, equal to 2006. In each region of the Russian Federation, which is the new federal district, the GRP per capita reaches half of the average Russian figure. The reasons for this development are a weak military base and poor transport and energy infrastructure.

    However, it is not without economical problems to complicate the development of the region, as before, and may save tension. Much of the Russian heritage will be deprived of the Republic of the Northern Caucasus, and the Stavropol Territory will be transferred. Such a massive exodus encourages the possibility of economical modernization and leads to imbalance in the system illuminate everything that management.

    The remaining decades have shown that security problems, based on economic and social instability, cannot be solved except by forceful methods. There is a need for an approach, a basis for solving the most pressing problems of life, solving the problems of life, unemployment, lighting, medical and social security. One of the direct reasons is to ensure the efficiency of financial assets sent to the region, so that there will be a significant change, say, in the model of interaction with the Eastern Caucasus. Previously, two schemes were tried, both power and administrative, and then present moment power is not formally considered relevant, perhaps only for low-level subjects, so in general, one can speak about the activity of terrorists, but one cannot talk about the dangers of large-scale extremist activity, and therefore the federal center has adopted Yeshenya, what is the power warehouse , as they say, will be operational rather than strategic. And therefore, at the same time, try harder to include these republics in the internal economic Russian interconnections, to ensure clear visibility of the cost expenditures that are seen by the regions, and in this regard So, of course, we can talk about clear insight, so it will be clear that everything is the same, so Otherwise, a significant portion of the funds are spent inappropriately. However, this is specific to the region; here, as you say, it is hardly possible to make any money. On the other hand, the role of the new important representative of the president here is not only that of a crisis manager, but also that of an effective negotiator who needs to create more positive and constructive mutual relations between the federal center and regional elites and immediately try to patch up conflicts in the middle of regional elites, that's why present conflicts in warehouses.

    Thus, the interaction between ethnopolitical mobilization and the process of democratization in the republics of the Upper Caucasus - the most richly national and multi-confessional region of Russia - has been taken into account. , made it possible to identify the minds for which the integrity of the Russian flying power was preserved:

    – the relationship between ethnicities, cultures and civilization has historically developed with the dominant role of the Russian people;

    – maintaining a strong vertical of the imperial power in the center and region, designed to influence the ethno-political situation in the regions of the federation and block external threats to regional and national security ;

    – the addition of elements of “democracy of goodness”, which allows transit to ensure the rights and interests of national minorities and non-titular nations in the bodies of power and administration;

    – a compromise of power with liberal types of nationalism and marginalization on this basis of representatives of classical nationalism and separatism;

    - Guarantees of ethnocultural security of ethnic groups;

    - exclusion from the political process of religious mobilization, for the extension of the rights and guarantees of religious revival;

    - evolutionary, rather than party-like changes in the central and regional political system;

    – blocking external threats, including international terrorism.

    The reform that is underway is associated with large-scale institutional destruction, a re-examination of diversified spheres, and a reorientation of financial flows. The Institute of Important Representatives of the President in the federal districts is faced with another problem. Over the past hour, it became clear that the experiment was successful and brought the first significant results. The regional principle of organization, without compromising the regional one, successfully complements it. Regions have lost the mechanism that potentially makes them more aware of more serious abilities. In the future, we can talk about launching the process of formation of the surrounding economies, which will contribute to the development of power programs. It is important to remember that the thoroughness of the administrative system is the first and only necessary step. In their minds, the administrative system of governing the state can be avoided by a system of economic management. Ideally, the future boundary of economic water strengthening in the region could, in principle, be marked by the entry of both market and feeder water strengthening. Head food is a model of economical supplies to the region from the Center. The system of federal districts has not yet changed the main thing - the mechanism of financial contributions to the Center and the region.

    The territory of the districts is truly mosaic, heterogeneous, and sometimes dates back to different eras of the ruler's development. An important pattern of the current economic growth of Russia, its regional unevenness, is determined by the process of successive replacement of entire complexes of technologically related productions - technological structures . The decline in technological structures in Russia is associated with the structural crisis of the world economy. The regions of Russia, which led in the advanced industrial period, are facing the destruction of accumulated capital and inadequacy of the qualifications of labor resources. Nowadays, the change in dominant technological structures is accompanied by serious disruptions in the division of culture between the regions of the country, and in current minds, the regional and international division is becoming more widespread him. “We are not talking about those who need to consider the Pivnichno-Zakhidny and Pivnichny districts as a single region. The food is placed in a completely different area: the Great Sunset, in our opinion, is a representative model of Russia. Here there are typical resource areas, rich in highly abundant natural resources, as well as resource-deficient areas: highly urbanized industrial and agricultural-industrial territories. I understand, there are border guards here Primorsky districts, also called “internal” areas, which may lead to the sovereign cordons of Russia. Before the region enters such an enclave as the Kaliningrad region, which does not have state cordons, but does not have direct territorial contact with Russia.

    In connection with the mosaic of economic space, one can come to an uneasy conclusion about the promising scale of economic integration. Kozhen district with its southern part national economy, I will pay attention to the gross showings from the rich powers of the world.


  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation: Adopted in a national referendum on April 12, 1993 // Russian newspaper dated April 25, 1993

    Declaration on the sovereignty of the RRFSR dated 12 June 1990 // UPU of the Russian Federation. 1990. No. 2 art. 22.

    Declaration of the rights and freedom of man and citizen as of November 22, 1991. // UPS of the Russian Federation. 1991. No. 52. Art. 1865.

    Federal Constitutional Law of February 26, 1997 “On the Representative of Human Rights in the Russian Federation” // Vidomosti Verkhovna. 1997. No. 9. Art. 1011.

    Federal constitutional law dated April 17, 2001 “About the procedure for receiving from the Russian Federation and learning from its warehouse a new entity of the Russian Federation” // Verkhovna News. 2001. No. 52 (part 1). Art. 4916.

    Federal constitutional law dated 25 February 2004 “About the creation of a new subject of the Russian Federation at the warehouse of the Russian Federation as a result of the unification of the Perm region and the Komi-Permian Autonomous Okrug” // Vidomosti Verkhovna. 2004. No. 13. Art. 1110.

    Federal Law dated April 4, 1998 “About the procedure for accepting and accumulating amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation” // Verkhovna Vidomosti. 1998. No. 10, art. 1146.

    Federal Law "About sacred principles organizations of legislators
    (representative) and supreme bodies of sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation" dated June 6, 1999. No. 184-FZ // Russian newspaper. 15 zhovt. 1999 rub.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2000. No. 849 “About the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district” // Russian newspaper. 15 May 2000 Roku.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2010. N 82 "On introducing changes before the transfer of federal districts, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2000 No. 849, and to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2008 No. 724" Power supply systems and that structure of the federal bodies of Vikonavchoi" // Russian newspaper. September 21, 2010

    Avak'yan S.A. Constitution of Russia: nature, evolution, existentiality. - M.: Russian Legal Vidavnichy Dim. 2007.

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    Avak'yan S.A. Problems of reform of the Constitution // Russian constitutionalism: problems and solutions (materials of the international conference). - M: Institute of Power and Law RAS. 2006.

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    Zhuchenko O.O. The procedure for changing the constitution and statutes of the subjects of the federation and the Constitution of Ukraine // Constitution municipal law. 2008. № 6.

    Transcript from the Head of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin promoted the development of the Eastern-Caucasian Federal District on February 23, 2010. [Official website of the Head of the Russian Federation] // /

  2. Yukhanov N.S. Current problems of reforming federal elections in Russia // Current problems of political science: Collection of scientific works of students and graduate students Russian University friendship of peoples. /Vidp. ed.: Doctor of Philology, Prof. V.D. Zotiv. - M.: MAKS Pres, 2001. - P. 99-112. REHABILITATION SYSTEMS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Characteristics of other regions of the Russian Federation of Nations


Federation(from the Old Latin foederatio - union, unification), next to the unitary form, is one of the main forms of territorial organization of the power. As a form of sovereign structure, it transfers the special nature of the exchanges between federal authorities and warehouse authorities to the federal state of territorial parts - subjects of the federation.

The federation is legally a single allied power, which includes the powers of the state or the powers of the state, which have control over and are important to the highest powers, which do not fall within the competence of the federal government. These signs characterize them.

The Federation is a single allied power, which is in the main order and above those powers that are included in its warehouse. The Federation has sovereignty.

The federation has the necessary state-legal institutions, i.e., legislative and legislative bodies, which serve the population of all subjects of the federation, and federal-type parliaments, therefore, have a bicameral structure. Apart from the main chamber, which expresses the interests of all powers, the main chamber, which expresses the interests of the subjects of the federation.

Acts of federal bodies are binding throughout the entire territory of the federation. Do not delay the reception, then. affirmed on the side of the bodies of the constituent entities of the federation and directly addressed to the population. Subjects of the federation do not have the right to relate to the assets of the Federation.

The federation has a single territory and a single community, and the territory of the federation can be combined with the territory of its subjects, and at the same time it can be combined with a foreign-federal territory, which is not a part of the subjects. walk.

The Federation has the competence of competence. This means that it itself, without any subjects that come before it, can expand or explore its own competencies, which is enshrined in its constitution. In fact, it is the competence of the federation to change its competence.

The federation is legally intact, that is. These subjects do not have sovereignty and do not have the right of secession (without a federation).

The signs of a federal power appear most clearly in comparison with the signs that characterize a confederation. From a legal point of view, a confederation is a permanent union of powers that does not have any hidden bodies of power and control, but there is one or a number of such bodies designated for the specific purposes of the confederation. Similar goals may be economical, trade, the creation of a single world space, of a foreign political nature, defense, etc. A confederation is not a single power, but a union of powers, which is created on a contractual basis by related entities, and therefore, these entities have sovereignty and can act independently in the international arena.

The Confederation may be the mother of secret legislators and royal bodies. The bodies that it creates are intended for the purposes of the confederation, and they are created by the orders of the countries that are part of the confederation. The acts of the legal authorities (as they are created) are not directly addressed to the population, but rather to the orders of the member powers of the confederation, which can confirm these acts and expand their action to their territory (the right of reception). At the same time, these stinks can be confirmed and their actions thrown out (the right to cancel). The Confederation does not have a single territory or a single community. A confederation is a dissolution of the union, otherwise, apparently, the subjects of the confederation, as powers that preserve their sovereignty, have the right of secession, and the right to secede from the union.

In the application of the Russian Federation one can see such constitutional principles of legal regulation of federal unions:

1) sovereignty of the Russian Federation over all its territory (Article 4, 71);

2) supremacy throughout the entire territory of Russia of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws (Article 67);

3) the integrity of the sovereign territory (Articles 1, 3, 67);

4) directly under the Constitution of the Russian Federation throughout the entire territory of the Federation (Article 15);

5) the constitution enshrines the procedure for changing the external and internal cordons of the state (Articles 67, 71, 131);

6) the unity of the legal regime of the territory of the Russian Federation in the food economy (the unity of economic space), the free movement of goods, services and financial benefits throughout the territory, the promotion of competition and freedom of economic activity (Article 8).

What are the basic constitutional formulas of the Russian federal power based on Part 1 of Art. 1: “Russian Federation - Russia is a democratic federal legal power with a republican form of government,” as well as the provisions of Part 1 of Art. 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “The sovereignty of the Russian Federation is expanded throughout its entire territory.” These constitutional provisions mean, on the one hand, legal delimitation between federal authorities and local authorities, on the other hand, unambiguous confirmation of the territorial unity of the Russian Federation, expansion of a single sovereign power over the entire territory of Russia without prejudice, regardless of the position of regional power.

“The federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on its sovereign integrity...” (Part 3 of Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine). The federation, under the confederation as an international-legal union of powers in its own right, is a single allied power, which has a national-power structure and administrative-territorial establishments that may be in power and re-important It is important that these foods do not fall within the competence of the federal government .

Enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 1993. The new system of territorial organization is called upon to give permanence to the old structure, adding to it the rigidity and permanence of cordons between the subjects of the Federation. And yet, it is no longer a national-power organization with different statuses of warehouse elements, but a power-territorial Federation, albeit asymmetrical. Subject to Part 1 of Art. 5 of the Constitution, the Russian Federation includes republics, territories, regions, federal places, autonomous regions, autonomous districts - equal subjects of the Russian Federation.

Returning to the state-legal mechanisms of demarcation and guarantees of the uniformity of legal regulation throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, we can see two basic constitutional provisions:

1. I seek the legal force and direct effect of the Constitution of the Russian Federation throughout the entire territory of the Federation (Part 1, Article 15 of the Constitution of Russia).

2. About the supremacy throughout the territory of the region of federal laws adopted within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation (Parts 1.3 of Article 76 of the Russian Constitution).

Based on the principle of sovereignty of a power and territorial supremacy, the rules of law on the territory of a power are unbounded, insane and absolute. Under the great legal force, it is impossible to comprehend the great obligatory nature of any act, which outweighs the obligatory nature of another act. There is no level of obligatoryness in any act. The relativity (relativism) of assets over someone. Federal legislation can be compared in this sense with any other act, without going to any body of the subject of the Federation.

The essence of the ilonged: Vishcha is legal, the power of the federal constitutes of Poleg, in the fact that the Laws of the Law of the Acti are seen in the first of the Viconnya I do not guess (Article 15 of the Constitutions). Anti-constitutional acts are impossible to create legal norms through those that are legally worthless, then. є legal acts.

The supremacy and unity of sovereign power will be ensured through the supremacy of the legal acts of the Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws will once again consolidate their supremacy. As was previously stated, the supremacy of the constitution is one of the obligatory characteristics of a legal power. This means the legal worthlessness of any normative act that diverges from constitutional provisions, regardless of the body of its kind, depending on the scope and directness of its stagnation.

The Constitution of Russia enshrined the whole concept of a single sovereignty of the Russian Federation, which extends throughout the entire territory of the region. The protest against the unification of the sovereignty of Russia with the declared sovereignty of the republic, which enters the warehouse of Russia, did not find its constitutional permission. The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the following important principles:

The integrity and incompleteness of the territory of the Russian Federation.

Equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation.

The existence and development of the Russian Federation is based on two equally important principles: national-sovereign and territorial-sovereign.

Sovereignty of the Russian Federation (The subjects of the Russian Federation are not sovereign).

The formation of the federal power of the RRFSR on part of the territory of the Russian Empire was declared by the Constitution of the RRFSR of 1918. This part of this power on the warehouse part of the subject of the Federation was formed on the basis of the Constitution with the provisions of two possibilities (and in this order):

Authority of administration;

Vrahuvannya ethnic factor.

Zhoden subject of the Federation without entering the warehouse of the RRFSR on the basis of an agreement (with a special exception of Tiwi, which in 1944 to the Union of the RSR on the rights of AT at the warehouse of the RRFSR).

The Russian Federation is a constitutional federation. In the thousand-year history of the Russian state, it is impossible to find any normative act, document that was voted on by the creation of the Russian state. Russia is a power that has historically been formed, the division of which is formed in administrative warehouses on the basis of constitutional acts. The adoption of the Russian Constitution of 1993, which consolidated the federal form of the sovereign structure, was signed on January 31, 1992. Federal Treaty. This document does not match the title. The essence of the agreement is the delineation of the subjects of jurisdiction and re-importance between the federal authorities of the sovereign power and the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation. There was no mention of the establishment of a federal state. The form of the Federative Treaty was used by Coristan for political purposes to stabilize the mutual relations of the central and regional governments.

In essence, there was agreement between the federal authorities of the sovereign power of Russia and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation about the delineation of subjects and made them more important. The result of two trends - the constitution aims to renew the legal unity of the region, on the one hand, and transferred by the Federal Treaty the demarcation between the Federation and its subjects from specific subjects - on the other hand We have been led to intensify the conflict between the federal legal system and the legal systems of a number of sub-units Ektiv Federation.

Initially, the process of developing and negotiating the Federal Treaty took place in sequence with the process of developing a new Union Treaty. The need to establish a Federal Treaty was enshrined in law by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RRFSR dated 17 June 1990. “About the competition for the shortest version of the draft Federal Treaty of the RRFSR.” Ale proceeded to work on the project of the Federal Treaty.

With the disintegration of the sickle-chest, 1991 r. The Radyansky Union of Food about the interaction of the republics at the warehouse of Russia with the federal government, pressing for the activation of work in preparation for demarcation again. In the republics, separatist tendencies began to emerge, the process of transfer of power and control began to reveal a character that was not safe for the Russian statehood. The working group asked for many minds to sign the agreement between the federal authorities of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the republics at the warehouse of the Russian Federation.

The leaders of most republics advocated such an approach and advocated the signing of the Federal Treaty. The possible results of greater rights and renewed importance, lunated in the capital of the republics-subjects of the Federation, were reduced to minimizing the role of federal authorities, increasing the rights of local ruling elites.

Birch 31, 1992 buv signed(and not “structures”) The Federal Treaty, which at that stage of development allowed the growth of tension to be eliminated, smoothed out the friction, and consolidated the balance of forces that had developed at that historical stage.

Secured by the Federative Treaty, the independent republics are recognized as autonomous, recognized as sovereign republics in Russia, and have found their constitutional expression in the Law of the Russian Federation in the 21st quarter. June 1992 “About changes and amendments to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Radyansk Federative Socialist Republic.” In line with the text of the Constitution of the RRFSR of 1978, there was a cardinal change: before these changes were made, the Constitution of the RRFSR designated autonomies as socialist powers, the independence of which was provided with a low guarantee and economical in nature. The territory of the republic could not be changed without it. However, the sovereignty of republics was never thought of before.

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, assessing the policy of the Russian government at the beginning of the 90s. means: “At the beginning of the 90s, the center gave a lot of bribes to the regions. Tse bula svidoma, although partial and vimushena politics. Ale she helped Russia reach the head and, I guess, was grounded, she helped eliminate the Federation within its borders. Soon the authorities of the various subjects of the Federation began to understand the importance of the central government”2.

For all the difficulties that were passed on to their acceptance, and for all the ambiguities at the stage of Russian modern history, the Constitution of Russia, 1993. objectively acknowledged the country's exit from the sovereign-legal crisis, and the signing of the Federal Treaty became a documentary feature. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin was speaking at the presentation of the urgent Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on June 8, 2000. sorry. Regional independence is often taken as a sanction for the disintegration of a state. We've been talking about the federation all hour long, and we've been talking about that for a long time. However, we need to know: we still don’t have a full-fledged federal power... we have created a decentralized power1.

Today, the process of formation of the Russian Federation is still far from completed, both in the context of the renewal of rights and the re-importance of the subjects of the Federation, the consolidation of a stable and established status of federal bodies of power, and in the further formation of the subjects themselves ів Federation. The Russian Federation is a unique phenomenon in state legal practice: it is one country in the world, in which 89 subjects directly belong to the federal level. The number of intermediate lanes made it difficult for the power to control the region, the interaction of various power equals reduced the capabilities of the central government under the hour of effective control over the processes in the regions, it became more difficult nny system of authorities. One of the options for filling up such shortcomings is the formation of an additional level of power - interregional.

Starting from 1994 In Russia, a system of interregional associations was formed, which included the constituent entities of the Federation (7 associations were formed). At 2000 rub. The federal districts were created: Central (center - metro Moscow), Pivnichno-Zakhidny (metro St. Petersburg), Pivnichno-Caucasian (metro Rostov-on-Don), Privolzky (metro Nizhny Novgorod), Uralsky (metro. Yekaterinburg), Sibirsky (metro station Novosibirsk), Dalekoshidny (metro station Khabarovsk). Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2000. No. 849 “On the approval of the Regulations on the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district”, which was established on the territory of Russia in these federal districts along with the most important representatives of the President of the Russian Federation, direct to Renewal of the vertical of royal power.

As for the federal districts themselves, the immediate development of Russian sovereignty through the creation of the Russian Constitution is a mechanism for reforming the system of sovereign governance, and without changing the sovereign structure of the region and the territorial organization of structures and sovereign power.

The key in assessing the process of forming a real federal structure of the country’s sovereign structure and the constitution is the provision about those that the subjects of the Russian Federation are at the warehouse of Russia (Part 1 of Article 65 of the Constitution), and at the same time do not establish and do not join the Federation .

Among the functions of the Russian state, it is especially important to ensure the integrity and integrity of the territory of the Russian Federation. The federal structure of the Russian state is not a self-sufficient value, but a contribution to the progressive development and effective management of the state.

In the structure of the current Russian state Federal Vlada We are to blame for all this not in the balance of one of the tendencies that consistently operate in any federal power - unitarianism and federalism - but in finding a balance of power, with whichever is the greatest with the world they will finish principles of the federal structure of Russia, enshrined in Part 3 of Art. 5 of the Russian Constitution:

1) sovereign integrity;

2) the unity of the system of sovereign power;

3) delineation of the subjects of jurisdiction and re-importance between the federal authorities of the state power and the authorities of the state power of the subjects of the Federation;

4) equality and self-esteem of peoples.

With this, the very significance of Russian federalism changes, which ceases to be only the national diet, which is transformed into a form of democratization of government.

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