Competition Field of Miracles on People's Day. Holy for adults - a universal scenario. The script is sacred and competitions for adults

Scenario for adult National Day "TV show Field of Miracles"

On the entrance doors a few years before guests arrive, you can hang a bright poster of the following message: “Respect! There's only so much in us! Only today! The famous game “Field of Miracles” with its immemorial leader Vasily Yakvadratich is dedicated to the Chergovy River of the Day of the Nativity of the shanov and kohan Ivanov N.N.! We ask everyone to bring with them a good mood and an inexhaustible supply of humor!” If you are afraid of the overwhelming number of unwelcome guests attracted by your wonderful poster on the door, hang it in your front room in a prominent place, and even better, in the background, hand out the requested tickets to the guests - receipts in place , let's get to the poster.

Setting of "Field of Miracles"
In the middle of the hall, obviously, there is a table - “Field of Miracles”. In short, if you want the table with the Christmas items to stand next to the gaming table, if you have tension at the tables and a free place, then you would like to make the center of the table, pressing out the pots of grass under the playing field. Now let's move on to the details.

Do you not have the same gaming reel as Yakubovich on your TV? Well and good. You will have the best experience. Instead of the drum there will be a different color colo, a visor with whatman paper or cardboard with a tape measure that will be wrapped. What day is it? You don’t know where to get a tape measure or what it looks like? Even simpler. You can practice it with the original dance, for the sake of the locality it is pasted over with a shiny paper. Like it? Todi is on the right.

Choose from whatman paper or the size of the whole table, as you decided not to waste money on fritters, but such a size that it will fit into the empty middle of the table with Christmas Eve herbs.

Divide the cola into equal sections and use bright farbs to mince the leather sector, following the recipe for Cheburashka. Do you remember how Cheburashka and his friends walked through the walls of the little building? Chosen the skin according to the wall and painted it in your favorite color.

If the walls, then the sectors, will be marked, take a black marker and sign the skin sector. You will see sectors: I’m falling asleep now!; I want to dance!; Ha-ha-ha ta hi-hi-hi!; Unfold your accordion soul!; Isn’t it time for vipiti?; Prize Sector; Sector – give the roulette to someone else and Sector – name the letter and turn it further.

About all sorts of problems, let us explain the meaning of the skin sector.
I'm falling asleep now!- of course, the player whose roulette is stuck in this sector will have the chance to sing a song in any genre, no matter what the hearing or voice.
I want to dance!- here, it seems, everything is clear, just dance like that.
Ha-ha-ha ta hi-hi-hi!- The gruff one needs to try to make the guests laugh. I don’t care how: an anecdote, funny story or like a copper coil, a firebrand, so that ha-ha and he-ha sounded.
Unfold your accordion soul!- Partial sector.
Isn’t it time for vipiti?- Now everything is clear, just don’t forget to make a toast.
The Prize sector is the sector for deposits from Telegri. The functions are the same as those of TV analysis. Do not forget to prepare a prize screen so that you can then bargain well for instead, of course, not for pennies, but for something intangible, for example, the host’s kisses.

So the bargaining looks something like this: “The leader’s kiss – and the screen cannot be opened. Two kisses from the host - and the prize is lost to us! Three kisses from the leader.
Hey, maybe it’s still a prize? Let’s feed our guests”, etc. Prizes can be tsukerki, chocolates, or warm notes of the next type.

1. You won the new castle from the thirtieth kingdom!
2. A third-generation uncle from Hong Kong has deprived you of billions of dollars. Respect! The rights to the decline must be presented no later than six years from the moment of withdrawal of the confidential information, otherwise all rights will be automatically transferred to the nephews from the side of the fifth-generation grandmother.
3. You won the privileged right to cut the birthday cake!
4. You will receive the title of King of the Party.
5. You will receive the title of Queen of the Party. (Diplomas are added, names are entered manually.)
6. You won a game of donuts!

Give the roulette to someone else– similar to the “bankrupt” sector of Telegra. Don’t try anything, you won’t guess.
Name the letter and move on- The simplest sector. Guess the letters, name the words.

You can have as many sectors as we have described, or you can come up with new ones. Actions from sectors, in your opinion, can be repeated several times. Let your imagination run wild! Here you have no cards in your hands.

Leader's assistant
Don’t forget that the presenter has a helper who brings it - takes the prize screen, takes the birthday gifts on the tray (by analogy with the TV show “Field of Miracles”), closes and opens the letters on the scoreboard. Let's turn to our gaming table.

Game board
The playing field is prepared, the meaning of the sectors is clarified. The time has come to begin preparing the game board with letters. Just write the required letters on whatman paper, on squares measuring 30 × 30, or 40 × 40, and hang with the twisted side on the attached canvas, pinned with double pins.

And at the right moment, the leader’s instructions will be reversed! For a good selection of words, don’t bother surfing tlumach dictionaries, behind the dictionaries Foreign words or, at the extreme extreme, by solving crossword puzzles. You can quickly enjoy our selection of words.

Tiara - headband of walnut priests; a sign of royal power, the headdress of kings in ancient times and in the middle centuries. (This is the case with a dictionary of foreign words.) About another, obscure meaning of the word, that this is a woman’s head, an expensive embellishment, keep track until you can guess the word.
Patchouli is a native plant of the family of Lamiaceae, which grows in the subtropics and is found in perfumery (behind the dictionary of foreign words).
Galenite is a lead-gray color mineral, pure lead; head of lead ore (following the glossary of foreign words).
Bas-relief is a sculptural image that protrudes slightly above the flat surface (behind the glossary).
Abracadabra is a stupid word, to which magical power was attributed in ancient times, and was written on amulets (behind the dictionary of foreign words).

Vidbirkov's rounds Final game. Super gra
Skin word for one round of gris, then how many words, glasses and rounds. I’ll leave the floor for the final round. For the supergry, something more lightly important will come up, for example: “What is the birthday boy’s favorite grass?” Don’t forget that you need to close one hole and open two letters for the finalist’s duties. It’s better not to choose gravels for the skin tour, but don’t forget that it’s National Day, and you need to keep busy not only your household, but also all your guests. Let your guests and your family wrap the roulette on the table, and if great quantity requested) the word has been guessed, but if not everyone took part, then the next round will be based on the one who was chosen first. Vinyatok becomes less of a final gra and a super gra.

In the final game only those who have won in the selection rounds play, but in the super game they will absolutely win.
We believe that the words you have already chosen, the required writers have written to the required extent. Don't forget to prepare to win a prize. And it’s not at all tough, even if it’s on the road. Prepare medals with funny painted peaks and inscriptions:
“To the most ignorant person in the 1st round!”;
“2 rounds for the most ignorant gravel!”;
“The most ignorant gravel gets 3 rounds!”;
“To the wisest gravtsu supergri!”

Before starting the gris, don’t forget to insure the gravels. This may be an emergency insurance policy for this purpose: “grav, otherwise there is no action”; “Grave, but not having guessed the birthday cake,” and similar situations: “Grave, I didn’t have enough birthday cake.” How to distribute insurance, you will give out tsukerki or kisses of the guide, just let the graves know after their insurance has been confirmed.

Commercial break
So-so. They will definitely need to be dumbfounded. You can use a commercial break to do whatever you want:
1. Access for children.
Give special respect to this point! Don’t forget that it is sacred in your family, the children are obligated to share in their fate! Don’t get too excited, the stench is preparing charming pauses.
2. Harmful advertising:
Buy five dances of Smirnovskaya’s gorka and get a cat-free subscription from the medical center!
Promotion at the Vyskkomat: bring two friends and get a bonus on the river!
3. Pause for gostre bazhannya sleep, dance or drink, since there are not enough similar sectors.
4. Pause for games and competitions (presented below).

You can make a fiery presentation of a teaspoon during the commercial break. For example, yes.
Wonderful functional spoon! Indispensable in any kitchen! A thousand positive comments! Smooth surface, handy shape, ergonomic handle! With this help, you can easily and quickly stir the zuccor in your tea, have a snack with baby salad, skim the milk that is boiling.
If you talk about your figure, you are worth less than our teaspoon! In addition, this is the only way to teach your baby to eat independently. Looking at its miniature size, it can easily fit into your small hand. You can take it with you wherever you want: to work or on vacation, as a guest or on a tour. Thanks to its handy shape, it is easy to fit into any crowd of pants without making you feel awkward. It can be carried in a woman’s handbag or a backpack. There, through the river, it is unchangeable. Hunger will not catch you, know that you have our spoon! I am completely satisfied with her! Call now - and you’ll have another spoonful of cava without any hassle! Don't miss your chance! Thousands of home-givers have already thanked us.

You can present this differently or hold a competition among the guests, asking them to advertise this product. Peremozhets will be awarded the title of the most acceptable and unique show business in the world!

Well, maybe that’s all. Everything is clear to you, but you don’t know how to print? I want it like this:
V. Yakvadratich: Well, we have met again on our body..., oh, vibachte, a home game with our unchangeable leader Vasily Yakvadratich! I don’t smell any splashes! Come to our playing field. I think the rules are clear to everyone, but let’s be more specific about any incident. It’s simple: you wrap the roulette wheel, guess the letter, and mark the date with the inscriptions on the sectors. So who is our first? Unforgettable Maria Antonivna, beloved aunt of the birthday boy! (chavalian to Viktor Petrovich, best friend Birthday boy, beloved niece, donka, onuka, squad etc.)

(The grave, as it turns out, is the birthday boy. The lady’s assistant comes up with the dance and decides to bring gifts to the birthday boy).

Scenario "People's Day on the Field of Miracles"
(Scenario for People's Day)

Idea: For the birthday boy to conduct the “Field of Miracles” group on his National Day with encrypted words associated with him

. * Begin preparations for National Day with requests for guests. It’s best to create them from the screensaver before the “Field of Miracles” image, so that the image of the birthday boy will be requested, otherwise you will need photoshop to create the image of Yakubovich. And in the same order the drum will be daubed and 2 words “National Day” will be added.

. * Ask one of your friends from far away to come in short cloth before you on National Day, your birthday. Let's open the letters, take gifts and bring screenshots and prizes.

. * Prizes will be provided by you with certificates for the withdrawal of goods. You can send technical data sheets for the equipment, with the note “You can only pick up the goods in the Field of Miracles and Extreme Fools.”

. * The personal word you wish for your guests will be connected with the story of the birthday person’s life. For example, from the street, he is alive in the childhood of Zelinsky, and then the food will be connected with Zelinsky. When a word is guessed, the guests may say why the birthday boy guessed the word itself. It’s your fault to guess everything about him, all the details.

. * If you give the birthday boy “Drinking Roulette,” the game in the Field of Miracles will become even more fun. Spin the drum, drink a glass of health to the birthday boy and guess the word. Don’t forget to place your gifts on the table, you can tell them to give them to the Field of Miracles Museum. Gambling games are even more exciting and not at all risky, because you don’t gamble for pennies, but for something worthwhile, which will raise the spirit of the whole company, and not just one person. With the game “Drunk Roulette” you can have fun in your soul and spend an hour playing this famous game, “flavored” with a lot of alcohol! Quiet, who won’t be able to play the “Drunk Roulette” game. This game was created specifically to make your party different and original! Let everyone from the company throw the balls onto the roulette wheel, place bets and drink a glass instead, the number of which you have guessed. On the skin chart - 2 and 3 numbers.

. * The birthday boy can lead the group himself, so he needs to transform himself into new image. Glue your ears, dress him in a black suit, or a suit that doesn’t matter, you can change your clothes at the plumber and see a tape measure.

. * Between rounds, while the girl is changing the numbers on the scoreboard, it is necessary to treat the birthday person with warm toasts and greetings. Letters can hang on the violin, and the violins can stick to a hair on the wall. The design is not foldable, so that the writers do not see through and the guests do not peek.

. * Every participant is responsible for preparing around the greeting, any other creative number for the appearance and greeting. Don't you remember that the program is asking you to take the microphone and say quit. Your guests may have such a chance. If you are still in trouble, then you can forgive the date and date and you can sing a song in karaoke.

. * The super final will have a gift. Well, of course, it could be a tourist trip, a computer, a car, or a lot of expensive gifts. The birthday boy is responsible for making sure that such gifts are sent to the toys, otherwise the memory of this fun is sacred.

Novembera Mongush
Scenario for the entry of the “New Field of Miracles” in the middle of the children’s kindergarten

Purpose: get to know spivorotnikiv with the traditions of sustrich New rock, create forward-spoken mood; broaden the horizons of participants.

Installation of the bathroom:

1. To make the necessary movements and circles, mark them into sectors. Є:

Game sectors (a number of balls are written on them, as the gravets are taken away, so that the letter and word are correctly named);

Sector "plus" (a gravel can remove a letter from a word);

Sector "chance" (you can quickly go to the help room);

Sector "prize" (you can take the prize and lose the goods);

Sector "bankrupt" (transition to the move).

2. Board with tasks.

3. Prizes for victory and participants.


There are many beautiful saints,

Kozhen comes to his chergu,

There is nothing more holy in the world,

Most sacred - New River!

Come along the snowy road,

Round dance of snowflakes.

With the beauty of the secrecy and the beauty

New River fills my heart!

He gives us faith in a good spell,

First day and new turn,

Helps you become more beautiful

A new river for all people in the world!

Hid gree

Leading: Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen Today's Friday is the 29th, the last working day. On air new capital show« Field of Dreams» . I rise from everyone with the upcoming New Rock.

We'll spend today with you newbie gru« Field of Dreams» Whenever you think about it, you can evaluate your knowledge and memory, all at once clearly knowledgeable, perhaps, nutritional activities can serve as a guide to further broaden your horizons. skin sunset implies special rules of behavior.

I hope you get the job done.

This family has warmth and kindness.

Sered friends - great courage,

And in the life of this world.

Well, friends, don't bother me,

For you who come before us today,

We are beginning to manifest ourselves,

Not theatrical, but still.

Finish off the top three.

Leading: Today is our game “ Field of Dreams“dedicated to the most kind, most beloved saint – New birth.

First round.


In Denmark, the gentleman always submits to Saint's table A magnificent dish of sweet boiled rice, which is what I want. The one who get laid, He takes away the most valuable gift from under the yalinka. So what do the dancers want from the rice? (mygdal)

Leading: Get through the first round ___ (F. I. O. of the participant)

Another tour

Leading: Chat with your friend the trio of graves


This is the long-standing guilt of humanity. It captures the circle of natural phenomena, associated with the flow of heavenly bodies - the Sun, the Month, the star. (Calendar)

Leading: Get over another round ___ (F. I. O. of the participant)

Third round

Leading: Close the third trio of gravels


qi new Snakes come in a variety of shapes and colors, but they are not at all harmful, however, their presence on newcomers Saints don't want to keep everyone quiet. What's this about monster snakes? (Serpentine.)

Leading: Get through the third round ___ (F. I. O. of the participant)

Leading: Meet the finalists of the capital show. « Field of Dreams» .


In the Baltic countries, it is their human profession to bring happiness. (Chimney sweep.)

Super gra

Leading: We are airing the finalist of the capital show. « Field of Dreams» .

1___ (F.I.O. of the finalist)

Super game food:

Japan is talking about the arrival New 108 strokes of the bell are dedicated to fate. In Japanese places there will be palaces and castles, and snow sculptures will be erected. It is customary to decorate the doors of booths with pine, bamboo and plum leaves. Plum means love of life, bamboo means faithfulness, and what does pine mean? (Dovgolittya)

In Tibet, women make a seal to give gifts to all those they know and those they don’t know. The more you distribute, the richer you will be. (Pirizhki)

U Ancient Greece A friend, who often cooked, was sent to the New River with this vegetable - a symbol of welding and slabs. (Buryak)

d o r o l i t a

Publications on the topic:

"The Day of the Whirler" Holy for the children of the kindergarten Goals and objectives: Development of creative abilities, aesthetic relish for children, time to perform on stage; Development of memory, respect, creativity.

Description: Stinging newspapers are made for the skin cabinet in child's cage until Preschool Robot Day. Place of work: The children ate the pots and vases.

The day of the teacher and all pre-school teachers is professionally sacred, which means the 27th of Sunday. This is a miracle.

Scenario for the entry “Nature is our wealth” in the form of the game “Field of Miracles” GRA “FIELD OF MIRACLES” “Nature is our wealth” Meta: forming the basics for children environmental awareness and ecological culture. Zavdannya:.

Synopsis of the approach to the rules of the road rouhu in the form of gris “Field of Miracles” Summary of the rules road ruhu at the "Field of Miracles" form - Good evening, dear friends! It is my pleasure to see you at the concert hall.

We present to you an original funny scenario with elements of the game Field of Miracles. This unusual script was written for the 55th birthday of Valentina’s wife.

We sincerely respect that all rights to publish this text belong to the author. It is blocked from any part of the text! However, you can use this scenario to organize a female doctor’s birthday.

For your convenience, we have posted this scenario for 55 years of life on several pages. Below the text of the script for the 55th anniversary there is a message on all sides of this script.


(script for the 55th anniversary of Valentini's wife)

Pride in the sight of the Beloved Saint: A woman’s 55th birthday is sacredly significant, and a birthday gift for that may be special. Every year you can't do without tickets. Give the jeweler your holy gift. And not just flowers, but spruce flowers – a bouquet and flower composition, which is truly sacred to decorate.

Scenario of the intellectual,

important - educational game show

"New "Field of Miracles"

Hours and places: 12/17/2014, 17.00, RDK hall

Sound engineer:

Technical equipment: 2 radio microphones, laptop.

Equipment: drum, tables for participants (tribunes), scoreboard, black box for a prize, two screens (with chocolates), 9 tablets with the alphabet for participants, 3 fountain pens (olive), folding tables for the holding committee.

Enter by halls for voyeurs RDK. In the middle of the hall there is a drum, three tables for participants, and a scoreboard.

People and guests arrive, come, and sit in the spying places. A foal passes among the participants, whereby the graves learn about their badness.

Light music plays before the cob.

16.00 year. – the musical screensaver (No. 1 SCREEN) will sound louder!

Musical background: (BACKGROUND FOR HOST)

Good day, my dear friends! Very soon the most sacred thing for us is coming, we stand on Yalinka, Santa Claus and Sneguronka will come to visit us and bring gifts with them! In front is New River! And I am happy to share you with the new saint!


Friends! Today we gathered at the District Budinka of Culture in order to speed up the approach of the New Rock! We welcome you all to the intellectual, exciting and educational game show “Field of Miracles”!


Today, representatives of three schools in our area will take part in our show - Burana Secondary School, Yangelsk School, Agapivsk School No. 1!

With satisfaction, I present the first three graves: At this hour the BACKGROUND FOR THE HOST TO SOUND MORE Guchnishe.

1- __________________________

2- __________________________


(Participants are called by name, exit and take their place while beating the drum)

Let's finish our first three!

The music stops.

Our game today is dedicated to one theme: New Rock. All the works will be deprived of the New Rock.

Command axis for the first three:


A Japanese person who respects himself (or his Japanese family) has the skin to love new holy And those who firmly believe in the miracle of the New River are guilty of adding to themselves. CE is considered the greatest amulet of the New Rock era in Japan. What is it?

Subject: RAKE

Comment: Why do the Japanese buy decorative rakes ahead of the NEW ROCK?

Many people value the rake of the kuma-de (the witch's paw) as the finest amulet ahead of the New Doom. It is important to respect that the rake allows this ruler to gain good luck and good fortune.

Spin the drum!

(When the drum turns around, music sounds COOL BARABA N. The music turns around when the drum starts humming UNTIL THE HOST ASK: YOUR LETTER!)

At the hour of drum wrapping, the leader instructs the participant about the massacre: about learning, friends, etc.

Just before the hour of drum wrapping, the PRIZE sector is in the PRIZE sector - play music PRIZE SECTOR ON THE DRUMS.

As soon as the drum wrap has dropped to 0, turn on the music.

As soon as the drum wraps up, press B (bankrupt) – turn on the music BANKRUP (change to progress)

When the drum wraps around the hour, you hit the Ш (chance) to play the music SECTOR PRIZE

Before starting another tour, turn on the screensaver - MUSIC BETWEEN TOURS.

At the hour of supergri - turn on the music of KHVILINA FOR THOUGHT - if the participant is thinking about Khvilina.

After the skin tour - a concert number.

At one o’clock the assistants help the presenter – they display the numbers on the scoreboard, and bring out prizes.

Feeding and transmission of Novorichny “Field of Miracles” 12/17/2014:


A Japanese person who respects himself (or a Japanese family), who loves the new saints and firmly believes in the miracle of the New River, is guilty of adding to himself. CE is considered the greatest amulet of the New Rock era in Japan. What is it?

Subject: RAKE

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