Dream interpretation look at the clock and see time. Interpretation of the symbol "Time" in a dream. Explanatory Dreaming Dictionary

The time that was in a dream is not a reflection of real, life time. But such a dream has very interesting interpretations. He may mean that:

  • you lack time;
  • you have time;
  • you are incorrectly disposed of your time, and you should learn to organize your day;
  • you are afraid to fall behind;
  • you think you will take time, etc.

Dream Miller: What does the time dream?

Have you seen a dream about the clock? Time can be associated with this mechanism. Seeing, one day at night, such a dream, analyze how these watches you had dreamed. Miller's dream book will help you:

  • watch - efforts will be reduced by "no" competitors;
  • break - loss;
  • split glass - a symbol of what you are inappropriate, careless and prone to rampant actions;
  • if you stole the clock, it means that rivals want to undermine your reputation.

Wangi's dream book will tell what time the time dreams

If the dream removed you remember well, try to remember its details. For example, if you determined the time by the clock that there is no dial, then this dream may be a harbinger of danger, which can be survived, only by contacting God. A person who seems in a dream hours and hearing their move must prepare for the fact that life will not work soon. It is time to determine the time by an old mechanism that man is time to think about the past.

What dreams of the time of Loffa Dream?

Few people know what he marked his past dream, because his details were not remembered. But it is very important to pay attention to all the subtleties of the dreams to correctly interpret. Especially if the details associated with time are shot. For example, you dreamed of some time, say, 06:12. It is worth noting that this can be as a symbol of some important dateAnd age and, of course, the time itself, which is worth remembering.

Time for Dream Freud

In accordance with Dream, Freud, the clock symbolizes the male start.

  • If a man offers a lady watch - then in reality, he will offer her to enter sexual contact.
  • Broken - problems with potency.
  • To start using the key - a tendency to one-sex links (for a man), a tendency to self-satisfaction (for a woman).

Time by Nostradamus

Wristwatches - a symbol of lack of time. Most likely, you will not have time to realize your intentions. But the watch without a dial is a harbinger of danger. Soon there will be an event that grieves you. I hear how "go" hours - someone's relatives or loved ones need protection or help.

Tsvetkova's dream book tells why

You can easily know about the character of time, remembering, at what speed the arrows on the clock were moving. For example, if the arrows moved very quickly, it means that you are very hurrying. And if, on the contrary, - slowly, it means that you risk something to miss something, do not have time, so you should hurry.

Dream Interpretation Hasse: What does the time dream?

Watch the clock - prepare for the fulfillment of routine work.

Dream Longo: what dreams time

The tower huge clocks talk about change - the collapse of the old and building a new way of life.

Time in a dream is a signal that if you were waiting for the right moment to make something, it came. It is now necessary to act and take decisive steps towards the goal. Another such a chance will fall out soon if it falls at all.

What happened over time in your dream? What object was associated with time in your dream? What connected with time did you do in a dream?

What happened over time in your dream?

Past time

What does it mean if the time in a dream stopped

If you dreamed, it was that time stopped - the situation will develop and reveal. All things will be flooded, and there will not be even the slightest advancement nor forward or back. Relationships and personal life will not be distinguished by a variety, routine and everyday life. In order for everything to go in motion and returned to the circles of its own, a volitional impetus is needed or a new extraordinary idea.

What does the exact time of the dream

According to the dream of Flowen, if you reported on the scene of the dream exact time - All the conceived will best, have time to make a lot of useful things. New acquaintances, headed during this period, will be useful for a career.

If the information indicated incorrect - problems are expected in working matters, most likely they will be associated with a breakdown installed deadlines. Try not to violate the arrangements and order of management to avoid censures on their part.

What object was associated with time in your dream?

Time on the clock time machine

What connected with time did you do in a dream?

If you have dreamed of time

Traveling in time in a dream personifies the desire to know all the secrets of being, to reveal the meaning of life. In reality this is a dreamy person full of enthusiasm and research spirit. His thoughts occupy possible options for the future and riddles of the past. He has many questions that there are no answers in the present, so he is trying to reach the essence of things alone.

What dreams of looking at time

If you have dreamed that look for time - in real life You are an impatient person. Waiting and slowness cause you irritation and indignation. The most terrible of all human sins you consider not punctuality. Understand and accept the fact that not all people so categorically belong to everything. Please accept this fact, and see how much it will be easier to live.


Interpretation of the symbol "Time" in a dream

The concept "dreamed of time" metaphysically. The nature of time has not yet been determined by scientists, but we feel it and feel the action on yourself.

In the dream time, the time includes a symbol of inviolability of changes. We can a lot and violently argue about what time is, but in any case we will come to the consent that it cannot be reversed.

Therefore, when in a dream an important element It becomes time, we will understand this unmistakably. If events suddenly acted or slowed down against the usual flow rate - pay attention to the time. If a drop of water froze in the air, if you see a close-up of the dial, if a flower grows in a second from the grain - these signs of dreams concern. Such dreams are reminded of irrevocability of time, about its value.

Dreams associated with time, bright and impressionable. They are remembered and starting to get into thoughts, until you find out what the time is to dream. The dreams about this face of the universe are global and at the same time personal, striking with scale and at the same time come to the awareness that the time is omnipresent, you will not hide from it among the Miriad of Star Systems, do not hide in the hidden corners of the planet, do not get lost among the crowd. Time concerns all and all.

Therefore, the dreams, in which the subconsciousness was performed on temporary processes, cannot be overlooked, they are always personal and always large-scale. For a comprehensive understanding below, interpretations are given, divided into two parts: a large-scale meaning and personal understanding. A large-scale meaning interprets the impact of time on you, as on a particle of the universe. Personal understanding can be considered as an ordinary interpreter of dreams.

Clock and time

1. The most common dream is a dial close-up.

In a large-scale interpretation, the subconscious says that you are one of the countless sets of elements of a huge universal mechanism. In the world, everything is cyclical. You want or no, you also depend on the cyclicality of the universe: in winter we dress in the fur coats, at night go to bed, etc.

In a personal understanding: Do not be nervous, if still not happening what they expected. Not yet time.

2. It dreams that the numbers on the clock suddenly appear.

Large-scale meaning: the "hanging" period. If the needle put vertically on the edge for a thousandth share of a second will be "hanging", an unstable balance that is broken even with the most insignificant effect.

In a personal understanding: now the situation is such that if you do not take action, it will make someone else. Then your life will do wrong, as I would like, and so, as someone else wished.

3. Watch a dream, where the minute arrow moves in a circle at a speed of the clock, and the hour - at a minute rate.

A large-scale meaning: what at the top, then at the bottom. In a personal understanding: you can not solve the problem, because there is no experience in solving such a task. The subconsciousness makes a hint: if the problem is great, then think what would you do if it was smaller? And then you will find a solution to the Great problem.

4. The numbers on the clock are located in the mirror image.

A large-scale meaning: the cycle ended, the beginning of a new turn. In a personal understanding: most likely at the moment are satisfied with life as never. You are on the crest of the wave of success.

5. The clock, like the image on the famous picture Salvador Dali, "flow" from the shelves.

A large-scale meaning: time is a stream. In a personal understanding: time, like all fluid, can be controlled by paving the bed. Start the mode or routine of the day, and time will flow in the right direction.

6. Figures on the clock are burning with a bright flame.

Large-scale meaning: every second every second goes into oblivion. In a personal understanding: you are too wasteful with time. In the same way as the saved Rubleboard helps to save a million, and saved seconds helps to save years of life.

7. To see in a dream as numbers (Roman) on the clock increase in size.

Large-scale meaning: development. In a personal understanding: it's time to think about the future. The subconscious believes that you have a potential that is unforgivable neglect.

8. Watch in a dream, like numbers on the clock mobile phone Suddenly fucked.

In a large-scale understanding: time is invisible. In a personal understanding: Recently, too fussy, afraid to be late somewhere, do not have time to do something, constantly look at the clock.

The subconscious is trying to explain that it is possible to have time without every minute control of the dial. The numbers on the clock are not here. It is just necessary to take into account the approximate time that goes on every day event and plan a day.

9. In a dream, you see how all the arrows (hour, minute and second) suddenly came together and frozen on one of the numbers.

A large-scale meaning: the world is subordinate to symbols, numbers and forms. In a personal understanding: This period of time is subject to vibrations of this number. Take the material in numerology. Today he is like a wise adviser.

  • For example, saw a unit - the time of your leadership.
  • Saw four - time of hard work.
  • Two saw - time to create an alliance or partnership.

Past or Future

1. Reduces the period from your past. Large-scale meaning: story is repeated. In a personal understanding: a dream with the episode of childhood or adolescence, of course, impressive. After awakening, nostalgia and memories are inflated.

But if you remove the emotions to the side, then we note that the subconsciously throws the situation from childhood, which something resembles today's circumstances. In childhood we are bolder, carefree, more joyful and energetic. It is possible to solve today's problem, there are not enough such qualities.

2. There are alleged events of your future.

A large-scale meaning: time is not one-dimensional, has an infinite many options for the future. In a personal understanding:

  • If the dream events of a positive character, then the subconscious suggests what should seek what to be desired.
  • In the event that you see a bad or even a catastrophic situation, then the dream is saving from such a variant of the development of the future.

No matter how exciting or shocking a dream did not seem, but such dreams should not be considered prophetic or prophetic. Talent See prophetic dreams Dan not to everyone. The owner of such a gift always clearly realizes when the dream contains a prophecy, and when only one of the usual dreams.


1. After the awakening you do not remember anything other than the exact time specified on the dialing dial.

Large-scale meaning: stretching moments. In a personal understanding: it is possible that the subconsciousness really gives a prompt for the significance of this time. Over the next few days closer to the specified hour, just be careful and observable.

The meaningful event is not lost, you look at it out of a thousand others. Either meet necessary manOr the situation is favorable for you.

2. In the plot of sleep, you are watching the timer numbers leading the countdown.

Large meaning: accuracy. In a personal understanding: Most likely you have a concrete important thing, it needs to be performed on time, even if the customer, an employer or partner does not focus on time. Through sleep, the subconsciously protects against possible catastrophic consequences if the deadlines suddenly be reversed.

3. Watch the inconsistency of the seasons of the year.

Large-minded meaning: chaos. In a personal understanding. There is such an expression: "Chaos is the same order, but more complicated order." If in a dream you see confusion: then spring is replaced in the fall, the winter comes to change the winter, it means that you in reality collided with the situation that is higher than your understanding.

Subconscious makes a hint: Look at the situation from another level:

  • If you are an intern, then look at the eyes of the Director General.
  • If you are a woman, try to deal with a problem from a male point of view.
  • If you are in years, how would you come to the task, being a child?

4. It dreams that you participate in the events repeated in a circle.

Large-minded meaning: no matter how much a tornado, in his center is always a calm. In a personal understanding: Remember the film "Surk Day"? The main character fell into a cycle of time, and all the days turned into one repeated nightmare.

For all visibility, your today is many similar to the "During the Surk". Then remember that the main character He left the loop of the time when he stopped to break out of it. It is possible that this is a hint and in your case.

5. See yourself in a few minutes.

Large-scale meaning: accomplishment. In a personal understanding: forgot that not immortal. Such a dream, of course, will make any interested for what dreams of time. In this case, the time is dreaming to remind about your value.

For someone, this is a teacher, and for someone - a reckless mischievous. But no one will argue that we are dependent on time, from his stroke and mood.

Someone belongs to the interpretation of dreams about the time with irony, and someone with all seriousness. Only after all, time is indifferent to our attitude. It flows and flows. Causes us with me the flow, although we think we sail themselves ...


Dream Interpretation Time of Day, what dreams of the time of day in a dream to see

Home Dream Interpretation What dreams time in a dream?

Interpretation: Time of day - the flow of life.

Dream Head Adskina What dreams time of day by dream book:

Time of day in a dream - in reality the course of life.

What dreams of the time of day in the dream book:

The time of day to see in a dream - the stage of life of a seeing dream. Sunset see in a dream - care from active life, the desire to hide from her. Sunrise see in a dream - optimism, awakening from stagnation in affairs, youth and energy.



Dreamed, why dream in a dream time? To select sleep interpretation, enter keyword From your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the dream dream (if you want to get online interpretation Dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the time in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Time

Dream Interpretation - Time

Dream Interpretation - Time

Dreams rarely have chronological frequency.

Reflections of the dream of the past and the future can be connected to one dream.

Years, days and hours in dreams are not differentiated: for example, the image associated with the dental loss can reflect both an emotional shift, ripening in the past (the time of the dairy teeth) and the occurrence of old age (the dentistry is the future).

Internal experience of time changes depending on the mood.

When depressed, the time stretches for a long time, when mania passes quickly.

Dream Interpretation - Time

Dream Interpretation - Time and Number Two

Dream Interpretation - Time and Nine Nine

Dream Interpretation - Time and Number Four

Dream Interpretation - Time (Day, Year)


Islam Time

Dream Interpretation Islam Time Dreamed what is dreaming in the dream of Islam time? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the time in the dream of Islam, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Islam

who would have seen from Muslim in a dream, which takes Islam, it can be confident in his sincerity and county. If he sees such a dream reuse, it will avoid all the troubles and misfortunes. Not a Muslim having seen himself in a dream by the host Islam or thanks to Allah or praying from Kaaba, will become a Muslim.

Dream Interpretation - Time

"Time money", "time is not waiting", "take time." "Fasting from time" bustle, hurry, fears, anxiety.

Be old fashioned. "Have a lot of time" rest of the soul, to have time in everything.

"Win time", "pass, kill time", see add. clock.

Dream Interpretation - Time, Temporary Riddles

Time and temporary riddles can be a difficult element when interpreting sleep. Since the dreams come to us as a phantasmagoria, then in very few signs can be judged, as the time is perceived in a dream. It may seem that one dream proceeds in real time: twenty minutes of events in the cycle RM; Another sleep may occur in the form of a series of mounted scenes occurring within a few days, weeks, years or immeasurable period of time; A single dream may be generally out of time binding.

One way to decide on the movement of time in a dream is to simply submit a scene of situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them. Another way to think in a dream about numbered items and link their numbers with a temporary framework of your life. If the clock in your dream is shown 5:15, it may be time, date or time, expired between two ages; In the latter case, perhaps five and fifteen years.

Sometimes temporary riddles are upset and surprised, sometimes they are full of deep meaning: you can easily observe a periodically repeated cyclic structure of life, to recall the time when maturity and self-awareness were manifested as the transitional period. This can be understood by many things.

Sometimes a temporary aspect can influence the emotional sleep environment; Probably sleep in "real time" will have another emotional background than sleep in "scattered time".

Dream Interpretation - Time and Number Two

If in a dream you look at the clock (see also 2, clock) and see the figure 2, which is brightly released on the dial, then in reality after 2 days you will become a gossip and ridicule. If your dream left you a pleasant impression, then you will be talking about you because you are a bright person, and it will last this high attention to your person no longer than 11 days. If your dream was sad or unpleasant, then the object is gossipped, you will become because in reality 20 days before a dream behaved in the wrong way. In this case, do not wait for the early termination of conversations, at least about two months you will be annoyed by gossips and envious.

If you dream that you look at the clock and see that they show two o'clock in the morning, means that 2 days ago you met a person who can give you what you lack. Girls this dream warns against hasty actions and rapid acts. If in a dream you are experiencing annoyance or fright, then in life you will have to be removed within two months to make advantage of yourself to use the information received from the new acquaintance. If, in a dream, you don't care that the clock shows 2 hours, that is, a deep night, or you even like it, then I will reveal your friend to contact you 2, 11 or 29.

If in a dream you see that the clock shows 2 hours in the afternoon, then in life you will have to show your talents - after 2 weeks you will be given the opportunity to get a new job or take up a new, interesting and original, business. Especially this dream is favorable for artists and commruises. However, if in a dream you feel that it is somewhere late, then I will have a real danger to miss this lucky case. Be careful and pay special attention to phone calls (see also 2, phone), which will be distributed in your home after 2 days - the second call will carry this tempting offer.

If you ask in a dream unfamiliar peopleWhat time, and in response, hear - "2 hours", after 20 days you can figure out the attitude with a person who was before your friend, but from recently I began to avoid you. If people who tell you the exact time in a dream, you will be pleasant to you, then you can resume friendly or love relationship, as it's all the misunderstanding, but if the speakers do not cause you positive emotions, it is unlikely that you will be able to save Relationships are likely to blame for this man.

If in a dream you ask how much time, and you resolutely answer: "2 hours of the day (or nights)", then in 2 weeks in real life you will witness entertaining events. Maybe you will have new boss Or the entire hierarchical structure is reformed. If your sleep leaves you in your shower a light and pleasant trail, then I can enjoy the created position of affairs, perhaps you will even get material benefit from this. If, in a dream, you are unpleasant to answer people to the question or you are amazed by the fact that already 2 hours, then in reality the changes that have occurred are chuck you out of balance and make madly spinning so as not to be overboard.

If in a dream you appoint a meeting for 2 o'clock in the day and forget to come to her, it suggests that in real life you have two important problems that you need to solve for 2 weeks, otherwise you are uncomplicated.

If you come to the meeting and are waiting for a person who has invited a person or several people for a long time, then after 2 days you will receive a message from it or from them, and it either will contain in itself valuable information, or just give you joy. If, in a dream, you come to the meeting in a dream and discover that you are already waiting for you, then I will reveal you to report and explain your behavior in 20 days.

If in a dream you appoint a meeting for 2 o'clock in the morning, then in life you compromise yourself by unworthy behavior.

If you have a date for 2 hours or night in a dream, I'll show you in 38 days later, you will go to an important business trip in which you will get acquainted with new methods of work and you can engage in your professional mind or self-education. Come to the meeting earlier than all - to be at an altitude in a difficult situation; If you are not amenable to panic 2 numbers of next month, then you will have a lot of supporters. To women, this dream advises to pay all his attention to the event, which will take place in 2 days or after 20, - there they can conquer not one men's heart.

But if you come to this night date with a delay or will refuse him at all, then the trip scheduled for the near future can be broken because of your negligence. Pay attention to the fact that the person who born 2, 11 or 29 is advised to you.

If you are prescribed a meeting for 2 hours in the afternoon, then after 2 weeks of intensive labor you will get worthy of you and your persecution award - it is very likely that you are nominated for a degree or majorly premium. Well, if you come to this date in a dream second, "this suggests that your ideas will be considered by the bosses, approved by them and are broken. If you do not come to the meeting, then your ideas will also be accepted by a higher person, but the danger is that someone from your surroundings are assigned to themselves. Pay attention to the person who is older than you for 2 years or 11 years, and to the house of which is a bus or trolleybus with the number 2.

If in a dream you spend 2 days, an hour or minute, or 11, 29, 56 and so on (all the numbers in the amount give a two!) Minutes and hours, then you are a life of life, which is only And dreams of fooling you. But if in a dream you are engaged in a pleasant thing, then this person will not be able to catch you in his networks - after 2 months you will prove to him that you fully own the situation. If you spend this time in a dream, spend on unpleasant responsibilities and affairs, by the end of the second month you will see that they finally confused in the situation and the cunning rival won a complete victory over you.

Dream Interpretation - Time and Nine Nine

If in a dream you look at the clock (see also 9, hours) and see that they are nine in the morning, it means that you have to immediately start acting, most likely you have already done or are about to make a very profitable offer. which you certainly should be taken. Maybe you will not immediately understand what is the benefit of this proposal, as it will noticeably differ from what you are accustomed to, but if you risk and take a new thing, you do not lose. Girls this dream promises a new interesting meeting that will turn marriage for them.

If you look at the clock and do not understand, they show nine in the morning or nine in the evening, then it is a warning to you: you spend too much time for the needs of other people, pay more attention to yourself. If at the same time you very clearly see the number "9", it stands out on the dial and rushes directly, then you need to refuse the usual line of behavior - you are trying to please everyone, and the authorities can interpret such a player to behave as a desire to heal.

If you look at the clock and understand that already nine in the evening, this means that your work is coming to completion. If you feel the soul of joy, the result of your work will be the most favorable, but if you are scared, the events will completely come out of your control. Fatigue or resentment when looking at the clock is an undesigned reproach from the authorities in reality.

If in a dream to the question "How long?" You are responsible - "nine o'clock", then this means that you are ready for change for the better. At the same time, nine o'clock in the morning mean that the change will be very soon and will be joyful and enjoyable for you, and nine in the evening - an unpleasant event that is rooted by the usual way of your life. In any case, within three months your usual existence will undergo colossal changes.

Men see in a dream beautiful girl, asking this question, and answer it clearly and specifically - "nine hours" means to marry soon. If the girl is unattractive, then the marriage will be unsuccessful. To answer the girl to the question is vague, poorly pronounce words, especially the number "9", having swallow consonant means in life to get into a delicate position, lose authority and trust in others.

If the girl in a dream answers the question young man And clearly utters "nine hours", this means that soon it will take a major decision. If a young man in a dream flies with her, then the girl is waiting for a temptation, yielding to which she will make a huge mistake. If a young man in a dream is not considered to her, then the girl should think about his future, especially for studies and work, global changes are possible on this field.

Ask for the same time, and in response to hear that nine for nine hours is to unexpected events. If you think you are deceived, then in the near future you will have a strong enemy or rival in business, not to consider with whom you can not. If you suddenly felt fright when you heard the answer, then it means that you are not solid enough in life and allow your surrounding to play your weaknesses.

If in a dream you have appointed a meeting for nine hours and you are afraid to be late for her, then in real life it is a sign of your inability to respond to your actions, you are afraid of responsibility and love to shift it on other people's shoulders. If in a dream you do not fall into this meeting, in the very near future you have a serious conversation with the authorities or business partners, and the result of this conversation will be deplorable. Married women, this dream promises trouble with children or betrayal husband.

If you yourself appoint someone to meet nine hours, it is good, your ambitions will be satisfied unexpectedly. At the moment, someone is already preparing to stretch your help hand, but do not wait for it, act, and the result will exceed all your most bold expectations. In addition, the meeting appointed by nine in the morning is the advice to work patiently in the direction you chose. If the meeting is assigned to you by nine in the evening, the area of \u200b\u200byour action is not yet known to you, some unexpected events will push you in one direction or another.

If in a dream you will first come to a meeting of nine o'clock, then this means that I have a power over your surroundings. If you come to nine and discover that you are already waiting for, it shows that in real life you do not know much, and in a short time your friends, close or colleagues present you an unpleasant surprise.

If you get a note with a request to come somewhere to 9 o'clock, it means that you will be delivered after some time before choosing: to continue to move in the same direction, or change the field of activity. Please note how nine is written in the note. If it is the right shape and bright, then continue to work on the business that takes you now, if this figure is poorly outlined or drawn carelessly and inaccurately, then leave what you work at the moment and do to another business - it will bring you More benefits.

If in a dream you spend nine hours or nine minutes, then be prepared for a pleasant news. Soon it comes to the news, which will make you a new look at the person who you would seem to know perfectly well, or can easily cope with a difficult problem. If you walked nine hours, then I will reach the winner of the fight with the enemy or a competitor, if nine o'clock you enjoyed the society of pleasant people, then in reality you can expand your horizons and engage in self-education. If nine watches you were engaged in an unpleasant responsibility, then I will finish long work and get a well-deserved award.

Dream Interpretation - Time

D. Loff argued that time and temporal € E riddles are very difficult when interpreting sleep. Dreams come to us as a phantasmagoria, so it is difficult to judge how the time is perceived in a dream.

How much time does one plot of dreams last? This we never know. Sometimes it seems to us that we have seen the same dream throughout the night, and he could last one second. What time was reflected in the plot itself - it also often remains a mystery. Many dreams are generally out of any time of € x bindings.

One way to determine the time of time in a dream is to present situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them.

Dream Interpretation - Time and Number Four

If in a dream you see that on the clock (see also 4, the clock) is already 4 in the morning, then I will have a reason for you to stop the attitude of your relationship or refuse the case you actually do not want deal If in a dream you are terribly aware that already late (or too early) or you are inconvenient about this, then the reason will be introduced to you within 4 weeks and will come from a person who lives in the house with the number "4". If you are positively configured, the reason will be introduced after 4 days, but it will be not convincing enough and will serve you a bad service.

If in a dream you understand that on the clock it is 4 o'clock in the afternoon, then wait after 94 hours of change in your plans. Positive emotions in a dream - to disappointment and bitterness from inadvertent interference in your affairs of an unauthorized person who will force you to reproduce everything and decide. Negative emotions say that after 4 months you will be glad that your plans were not destined to be fulfilled, as they would still not bring you anything good.

If in a dream you ask someone a question, how much time, and in response, hear that for 4 hours or night, then I will go on a long journey by train or bus, and a pleasant voice that answered you in a dream exactly shows What your trip will be successful. An unpleasant voice suggests that the trip will be connected with the problem in front of you 4 minutes ago and are still unresolved.

If the same question is asked to you and you answer confidently say that time is exactly 4 hours, then after 4 years the case you will start with four like-minded people in the very near future will make you a truly rich man. However, young women can serve this dream to serve: if during 4 months you will accept someone's proposal of your hand and hearts, then your marriage will immediately disintegrate and after 4 years you will be bitterly regretted that I got married at all.

Assign in a dream to someone a date for 4 hours and come to him first means that you need a friendship of human participation that dislikes you. If in the end your meeting in a dream is happening, then I will reveal the relationship with this person to mutual pleasure and your friendship will no longer threaten anything. If, in a dream, no one will come in a dream to you, then be prepared for the fact that this person, to whom you are in virtue of a variety of reasons are tested by gentle feelings, dissolves dirty rumors about you and the whole 4 weeks you will have to prove that you are not camel.

If in a dream, a meeting for 4 hours prescribed you and you are late for her, then in life your advertising campaign will be unsuccessful and will bring you no profit and new connections, but damages and disappointment. If in a dream you come to this meeting on time, then the failure of the campaign will not happen by your fault, but thanks to the unreasonable actions of your companions, so try to deal with the mistakes for 31 days what you make mistakes and take about it with new forces. Only this time do everything yourself, rely only on your own strength. Do not come in a dream on a date - I will reveal, you will be discouraged by our competitors, the failure of your advertising activities will be at their conscience.

To see in a dream that you spend on something 4 minutes or 4 hours, as well as 13, 22, 31 and another number of minutes and hours (figures from which these numbers consist, in the amount they give four) - to suffering in reality. You may consider yourself unfairly offended and can't accept the fact that they turned out to be turned off from life. But take a look at what is happening from another point of view - everything is not as bad as it seems to you, and after 4 days you will be convinced about it.

Dream Interpretation - Time (Day, Year)

Most often, emphasizes the literal meaning of the dreaming in the life of the dream: "Winter" stagnation, inaction, stagnation (frost), alienation. Spring awakening, activity, flourishing, good progress, good start. "Summer" maturity, hot business, vacation time (rest and relaxation). "Autumn" result, fruits, results, gifts, reward, decline, fading. Later, the evening day may mean that it is too late (something to change, do). The more sunlight in sleep space, the better. However, the occasionally of symbols and very large, significant tragic events may be accompanied by the emission of intense light, which indicates the inevitable karmic consequences sent by "over", as a punishment (from God). "Night, darkness, darkness" indicates the irresistibility of the situation in reality, hopelessness. "Light, day" luck, clarity of goals and thinking. "Morning" good undertaking, favorable, reality of opportunities and plans.

Dream Interpretation - season and time of day

For these signs of the landscape, a person remembers sleep, usually does not pay attention.

Only with additional questionings in the dream memory, the details that characterize the time of year or day pop up.

Meanwhile, our unconscious echoes the phases of fluctuations in natural phenomena very clearly.

Remember the feelings that swept you in the spring day in the field, in the forest, even in the city. Drops rings in the air, heard gomon birds. Sky is blue and clean. It seems that everything is updated. Everyone, as for the first time, and you will definitely be happy.

Any of the listed signs of spring can be dreamed and referring to the new turn in your life.

Even just a sense of spring in a dream, without specific details, promises you the origin of new plans, hopes, the fulfillment of desires.

Dream Interpretation - Time. Society



Dream Interpretation - Time. Society

On time may indicate hours or signs of nature.

The time of day indirectly reflects the age or perspective in cases.

Morning, dawn - youth, hope, new beginnings.

Day - maturity, stability in affairs.

Early evening is the middle of life, an indication of completion.

Late evening, night - senile age, unsuccessful in affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Time and Number Eight

If in a dream you look at the clock (see also 8, hours) and see that already 8 am or evening, it says about your desire to power, but you need to still show that you can lead people, but for it You will leave 8 months. Try to make more about your competitors during this time.

If in a dream you spend 8 hours on some business, then in life you are awaiting trouble related to documents. If in a dream you did something pleasant, then I will be able to settle with lawyers all the subtleties and even win as a result, but if it was unpleasant or tedious, then in reality you have to deal with the correction of your own mistakes and those miscalculations that your predecessors allowed .

If you have a date for someone in a dream, then in my life, wait for a person's guests, which is 8 years ago already put a pig, and intends to do it again. Perhaps he will call you at 8 am and agree on a date. Be careful with him, it is really dangerous for you. If you dream that you appoint a date to someone at 8 o'clock in the evening, then this is to a love conversation that will surprise you and please. A woman see this dream - to the caress and tenderness, which she will experience the appearance of a person who has always disliked.

If a date for 8 o'clock in the morning or the evening is prescribed to you, you can hope that your old dream after 17 days, finally, will acquire real contours and outlines. This dream is favorable for writers, poets and sailors.

Dream Interpretation - Time and Number One

In a dream to see that on the clock (see also 1, hours) for an hour of the night means that in one month you will go there, where they were not going. If in a dream you like the night time and you are not treated anywhere, then the trip will be pleasant. If you are frightened or excited, this is a clear sign that you have not sent your strength and travel to you will bring you only troubles and care.

If in a dream on the clock you have an hour of the day, then this means that in ten days you will feel easy malaise and you will not be able to fulfill the conceived. Sleep urges you to pay high attention to your health.

If you look at the clock and can not decide whether they show the night of the night or an hour of the day, then in real life you will have a chance to heal before the bosses and bypass your main opponent. If in the end you will come to the conclusion that in the yard night, then wait in the day of the visitor, who will bring you important business news, if the day - then you will have to return all your debts, and you will need to do it within a month, otherwise you will Lose respect for your colleagues.

Ask in a dream by someone "how much time?" and hear in response that already in the night or day, - good sign. This suggests that your activities over the past year will bring beneficial fruits and allow you to get closer to your goal. The prettier to you people who you ask this question, the faster you will achieve an excellent result in your work.

If in a dream, this question is asked you and you answer that the time of hour (night or day, it does not matter), you can count on big money that will get you in 55 days. If there are unpleasant people in a dream to you, in order to get this amount, you will have to run in different instances and fill out a lot of documents. Perhaps it will be a testament or a large loan. If you ask the question of pleasant people, then the money will come to you relatively easily, but the danger is great that they are as easy and will leave you.

Students see in the dream of people who ask them how much time, and confidently answer - "An hour of the day," means that they will have a serious conversation or an exam, and they will withstand it with honor. If they respond "High Nights", then they will have to do a problem that will require the maximum college and voltage of all their forces. If you ask in their dreams are tuned, then a month later, students will get acquainted with influential people who will provide them with significant support in their studies and will help in a material plan. If this question in a dream comes from unpleasant people, then for 19 days, students will endure deprivation. But if they persist suffer this strip of bad luck, at the end of this period they will have the opportunity to go on vacation or translate into a prestigious university.

Assign in a dream to a meeting for an hour or night means that I will seek you looking for a person who can trust his plans and make their assistant in their implementation. If the person who you appoint Randene will come to him before you, then in life you already have an ally, in ten days he will give you about himself felt. If you come first and wait for your partner for a long time, then in reality you need to make conviction and propaganda of your ideas, otherwise you will not find yourself a companion. Pay attention to a person who will appeal to you with a request of 1, 10, 19 or 28, perhaps it is he who needs you. If, in your dream, a person will not come to the meeting you appointed, then give up your plans, they are premature.

If in your dream someone will appoint you a date for an hour of the day, then it means that in life you will find yourself involved in the adventure, from which you will be very difficult to get lost. In order for this not happened, be especially careful all the first week of the next month, and also do not trust people you will meet tomorrow at an hour of the day.

We spend on something in a dream an hour or a minute of your time means that I will have revealed with your attention to yourself and the admiration of others. If you wanted an hour or a minute, then in life you will have to work hard and painstakingly to succeed. If, in a dream, you spent this time on an unpleasant case, for example, we climbed onto the high mountain and are terrible, then in life the success will come to you by itself, without effort on your part.

Dream Interpretation - Time and Number Five

See in a dream that on the clock (see also 5, hours) for 5 o'clock in the evening means you are too concerned global problems And do not see what is happening at your nose. Last Friday, you have already shown yourself with a scattered and inattentive interlocutor, missing a wonderful chance to show your professional abilities and skills. If in a dream you are experiencing unpleasant emotions due to the fact that or another 5 hours, then your concern about the problems of world importance will cause surrounding laughter, if you are happy, you will be accused of short-sighted and political myopia. It is worse to see this dream to the heads of large enterprises or prosperous firms.

If in a dream you understand that in the yard - 5 o'clock in the morning, and you like to watch how everything brightens around you, then your colleagues will give you a surprise in 5 days. If you are unpleasant to be awake (in a dream) in such an early early, then after 14 days you will return to that problem, which was discussed on the eve of our subordinates, and most likely you will find that things are not the best for you. In any case, do not blame those with whom you work, it's your fault, and draw more!

Assign in a dream to someone meeting at 5 o'clock in the evening or morning - you need to check the information you received from a person who has already known for 5 years. Do not look at the fact that this person you always believed, be careful, especially 14 and 23, for some reason your informant is angry with you and wants to deceive you.

If you have a meeting for 5 hours to you, you can relax: in the next 5 days, your business will just go fine, and all for whatever you take, bring our fruits. it good time For family joys, there are more with children, go to nature, get the animal.

If in a dream you see that exactly at 5 o'clock turned out to be in the company 5 people, then Introduced the air castle, which in 5 weeks it collapses and presses you with its ephemeral severity. Most likely, you basically put false facts.

Dream interpretation - time and number three

If in a dream it seems to you that already three in the morning, then I will show yourself as a person who is not able to control himself in a hopeless position. After 3 days, you will be treated for help, but you will not be able to prove yourself well and lose respect for others. If your dream is bright and joyful, then I will have very much to suffer due to the fact that it was a panic. If, in a dream, you are frightened or suppressed by the fact that for three o'clock in the morning there is a pitch darkness, then in reality you will experience your failure for three weeks, but after this time you will be able to prove to everyone that you can keep yourself in your hands.

To see in a dream that the clock (see also 3, the clock) is shown for 3 hours of the day, says about your unrealized desire to love and be loved. Perhaps in the next 12 days you will receive news from the person who loved 3 years ago and to which they still have some weakness, and your feelings will flare up with new powers. If in a dream you have experienced pleasant emotions, then I will be happy with your love, as your love will be mutual. Girls this dream promises the beginning of strong and long relations, and in 3 months they will receive a proposal of hands and hearts. But if in a dream you felt not in my plate, worried or were afraid to be late for a meeting, scheduled for 3 hours, then in life your love will be unhappy and bring you only suffering.

Set in a dream to someone a question, how much time, and hear in response, that for 3 hours or night, to hatred. What accumulated in your soul for three months, overnight will turn on the head of those who will be at this time next to you. Try to show restraint, otherwise you will quarrel with people who have always helped you and will not leave your attention in the future. If in a dream those who you addressed this question are pleasant to you, then in life, pay special attention to the people who will meet the next Wednesday. Maybe you are undeservedly offended by some of them? In this case, you immediately need to apologize to them! If in a dream you are unpleasant to look at those who inform you that the time is three hours smoothly, then in life after 93 days you will have to push forgiveness from close man For a serious contrary, the happiness of your whole life will be put on the map.

If in a dream you ask how much time, and you confidently call the figure "3", then I will face trouble that you have committed three big mistakes that are interrelated among themselves and belong to your professional activities. It is unlikely that you will be able to get out of the water, as you did before, you will have to step over through your own pride and call all your influential acquaintances. If after 3 weeks you do not eliminate the consequences of your mistakes, then lose your face. This dream is especially unpleasant to businessmen, and for them the more pleasant people who have seen in a dream, the worst of their misses will be worse.

Assign a date in a dream for three hours - in reality you will need to get together with the Spirit, because in three days there will be an unpleasant event in your life, which will make you refuse your favorite idea and routine affairs. Perhaps you will have problems with money, and to earn them, you will hurt your back in several works. Do not be discouraged and do not despair, three people will help you, from which you do not expect support.

If in a dream you assign a meeting for three hours to three people and come to her before the rest, then wait soon add-on time in the family. Bad see this dream only unmarried girls - He promises them the unreasonable behavior and unpleasant consequences of a love connection. If those who you invited in a dream on a date, pleasant people and cause you only positive emotions, then the news of the family replenishment you will receive the 30th of this month or 12 - next. If these people for some reason are unpleasant to you, then the child will often be sick.

If a date for 3 o'clock in the afternoon is prescribed to you, then this is a clear sign of your inability to come to the finishment first. In reality, people who you are accustomed to consider weak opponents, but they will be able to use your mistakes and shortcomings with the benefit of themselves. Pay attention to your behavior for 3 weeks, it is very important!

If you are given a date in a dream for 3 o'clock in the morning, then I will find news from the bosses. Perhaps after 39 days you will get a long-awaited increase, but not everything will be so rosy as you wish. Be careful, see, do not overestimate your strength.

Dream Interpretation - Time as the duration of events (in a dream)

Song sometimes keeps the attention on somehow place, details, action. At the same time, however, it is frozen on the process, "scrolls" thereby, the dream emphasizes a special duration of what is a bit fixation. For example, "run in a dream" and at the same time even additionally "knit", to penetrate, glanced in place reports the duration of interference, problems, given that "run in a dream", in general, to interference and difficulties. "To eat in a dream" with fixation on the chewing process, there has a similar effect: small troubles, scrolls (chewing) receive additional amplification. Moreover, such a temporary elongity of the event will not necessarily be associated with the length of the daily (real) time, and, more often, it happens in the internal, subjective perception. On the contrary: the speed, instantaneousness of events and various transfiguration indicates suddenness, surprise, suddenness, the frequency of phenomena and the feeling of sleeping in reality.

Dream interpretation - time of day

Clear sunny day in a dream New acquaintance.

Gray, gloomy and rainy day - wait for losses or obstacles in business.

Events are developing during the daytime - a good sign, even if the remaining characters have a negative interpretation, unlike those events that occur early in the morning or at night.

Too long night in a dream - to a meeting with an unpleasant person.

Evening in a dream and all events associated with the evening - a good sign, which throws up the turn of things for the better, the end of trouble.

Dream - Time and Number Seven

If in a dream you hear how someone's voice says loudly, that time is 7 hours, then it means that you are an envy of your environment, and after 7 days you will try to make a footboard or make a touch on the faithful course. If the voice in your dream is a loud or sharp, then the attempt of your unfriendly tested you will be successful, and you are waiting for trouble. But if the voice is melodic and pleasant, then nothing will come from your envious, you can be calm.

If in a dream you ask at a pretty representative of the opposite sex, how much time, and hear in response, that already (or more) 7 o'clock in the morning or evening, then in 25 days you are waiting for confession in love, which will be unexpected for you, but extremely flattering . If you are pleasant and comfortable in a dream, then I will decide to tie your life with this person. But if the dream makes you worry or strain, then you will be flattered by the attention of you in love of a person, but no more.

If you ask you how much time, and you answer that 7 o'clock in the morning or evening, then I will have a hard physical work. If people who ask you in a dream the question are pleasant and well dressed, then after 16 days you will do what they have planned, and your work will not be in vain. But if people are dressed in a ribbon or behave defiantly, then most likely you will be engaged in Sisida labor. Women this dream is overwriting or poisoning with medicines.

If in a dream you look at your watch (see also 7, hours) and understand that for 7 o'clock in the morning, then in real life you have made a wrong plan or poorly installed a plot for construction, so within a week you have to meet many times bosses and quarrel with him.

Understand in a dream that for 7 pm and it's time to go somewhere, it means that you will be able to reveal your reputation from slander and save your kind name that will try to mix with mud. The better and more pleasant to your dream, the easier it will be a victory over the enemies.

If you have a meeting at 7 o'clock in the morning and you come to her, then in life you need to pay attention to a person who lives in the house with the number "7" or any other, the numbers of which are given a seven. To see himself on this date, surrounded by benevolently configured people means that this man wants and can help you if you give him such a chance. But if you have an unpleasant society in a dream, then in life you better avoid this person, as it brings you only harm, and it makes it a systematic and consciously.

If you have a meeting at 7 o'clock in a dream, then you have frightened a stick in something and now we must expect the consequences of their unlawful actions. To see that you came to meet the latter, - in reality you will be able to get out of a complex position and do not lose anything, but if you are late or not at all come to the meeting, then in reality you will lose all your money in reality and respect the surrounding.

If in a dream you are prescribed to someone for 7 o'clock in the morning or evening, then it talks about your reluctance to endure the deprivation and humiliation, which pursue you in reality. In 25 days you will be put on your feet and no one else allows you to offend yourself. However, do not forget about those people who will help you survive the period of needs, someday they will also need your help, remember it!

If in a dream you spend 7 hours or 7 minutes in a dream, then this suggests that you are full of prejudices, from which you need to urgently refuse if you do not want to fall behind.

Dream interpretation - time of day

(characteristic of dreams of black magic).

Night. Dark evening. Darkness. Lack of light, sun.

The overall dream dream dark, gray. Or the light may be dim, scattered, as well as electric. Either acts very bright, piercing, unnatural, unpleasant lighting.

Dream interpretation - time of the day

The age of the dreaming.

Other dates that have a value for it.

The unconscious has its own calendar, his dates remain important milestones even when the consciousness forgot about them.

Or perspective in affairs. For example, the ambiguity of the situation (night).

Morning, dawn - Youth, hope, new beginnings.

Day - maturity, stability in affairs.

Early evening - Middle of life, an indication of completion.

Late evening, night - Old age, unsuccessful in affairs.

Dream D.Luffa

Time and temporary riddles - may be a difficult element when interpreting sleep. Since the dreams come to us as a phantasmagoria, then in very few signs can be judged, as the time is perceived in a dream. It may seem that one dream proceeds in real time: twenty minutes of events in the cycle RM; other Son. - may occur in the form of a series of mounted scenes occurring within a few days, weeks, years or immeasurable period of time; other Son. - It may be generally out of time bindings.

One way to decide on the movement of time in a dream - Just present scenes of situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them. Another way - think in a dream about numbered items and tie their numbers with a temporary framework of your life.

If the clock in your dream is shown 5:15 - It may be time, date or time, expired between two ages; In the latter case, perhaps five and fifteen years.

Sometimes temporary riddles - Upset and surprise, sometimes they are full of deep meaning: you can easily observe a periodically repeated cyclic structure of life, to recall the time when maturity and self-awareness have been manifested as the transitional period. This can be understood by many things. Sometimes a temporary aspect can influence the emotional sleep environment; Probably sleep in the "real-time" will have another emotional background than sleep in "scattered time".

Full dream of a new era

Time - The need for clarity.

Dream of the XXI century

Modern universal dream book

Time in sleep - Son says that you also lack time for everything? There is only one solution: to translate the clock for five minutes ago and lunar calendar.

If a bad dream dreamed:

Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in the open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Spread bed linen inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

  • Time - If in a dream you look at the clock and see the figure 2, brightly released on the dial, then I will reveal in 2 days you will become a gossip and ridicule. If your dream left you a pleasant impression, then you will be talking about you because you are a bright person, and it will last this high attention to your person no longer than 11 days. If your dream was sad or unpleasant, then the object is gossipped, you will become because in reality 20 days before a dream behaved in the wrong way. In this case, do not wait for the early termination of conversations, at least about two months you will be annoyed by gossips and envious.
  • If you dream that you look at the clock and see that they show two o'clock in the morning, means that 2 days ago you met a person who can give you what you lack. Girls this dream warns against hasty actions and rapid acts. If in a dream you are experiencing annoyance or fright, then in life you will have to be remitted for two months to make advantage of yourself to use the information received from a new acquaintance. If, in a dream, you don't care that the clock shows 2 hours, that is, a deep night, or you even like it, then I will reveal your friend to contact you 2, 11 or 29.
  • If in a dream you see that the clock shows 2 hours in the afternoon, then in life you will have to show your talents - after 2 weeks you will be given the opportunity to get a new job or take up a new, interesting and original, business. Especially this dream is favorable for artists and commruises. However, if in a dream you feel that it is somewhere late, then I will have a real danger to miss this lucky case. Be careful and pay special attention to phone calls, which will be distributed in your home after 2 days - the second call will carry this tempting offer.
  • If in a dream you ask from strangers, how much time, and in response, hear - "2 hours", then after 20 days you can figure out the attitude with a person who was before your friend, but from recently I began to avoid you. If people who tell you the exact time in a dream, you will be pleasant to you, then you can resume friendly or love relationship, as it's all the misunderstanding, but if the speakers do not cause you positive emotions, it is unlikely that you will be able to save Relationships are likely to blame for this man.
  • If in a dream you ask how much time, and you resolutely answer: "2 hours of the day (or nights)", then in 2 weeks in real life you will witness entertaining events. Maybe you will have a new boss or the entire hierarchical structure is reformed. If your sleep leaves you in your shower a light and pleasant trail, then I can enjoy the created position of affairs, perhaps you will even get material benefit from this. If, in a dream, you are unpleasant to answer people to the question or you are amazed by the fact that already 2 hours, then in reality the changes that have occurred are chuck you out of balance and make madly spinning so as not to be overboard.
  • If in a dream you appoint a meeting for 2 o'clock in the day and forget to come to her, it suggests that in real life you have two important problems that you need to solve for 2 weeks, otherwise you are uncompaired.
  • If you come to the meeting and are waiting for a person who has invited a person or several people for a long time, then after 2 days you will receive a message from it or from them, and it either will contain in itself valuable information, or just give you joy. If, in a dream, you come to the meeting in a dream and discover that you are already waiting for you, then I will reveal you to report and explain your behavior in 20 days.
  • If in a dream you appoint a meeting for 2 o'clock in the morning, then in life you compromise yourself by unworthy behavior.
  • If you have a date for 2 hours or night in a dream, I'll show you in 38 days later, you will go to an important business trip in which you will get acquainted with new methods of work and you can engage in your professional mind or self-education. Come to the meeting earlier than all - to be at an altitude in a difficult situation; If you are not amenable to panic 2 numbers of next month, then you will have a lot of supporters. To women, this dream advises to pay all his attention to the event, which will take place in 2 days or after 20, - there they can conquer not one men's heart.
  • But if you come to this night date with a delay or will refuse him at all, then the trip scheduled for the near future can be broken because of your negligence. Pay attention to the fact that the person who born 2, 11 or 29 is advised to you.
  • If you are prescribed a meeting for 2 hours in the afternoon, then after 2 weeks of intensive labor you will get worthy of you and your persecution award - it is very likely that you are nominated for a degree or majorly premium. Well, if you come to this date in a dream second, "this suggests that your ideas will be considered by the bosses, approved by them and are broken. If you do not come to the meeting, then your ideas will also be accepted by a higher person, but the danger is that someone from your surroundings are assigned to themselves. Pay attention to the person who is older than you for 2 years or 11 years, and to the house of which is a bus or trolleybus with the number 2.
  • If in a dream you spend 2 days, an hour or minute, or 11, 29, 56 and so on (all the numbers in the amount give a two!) Minutes and hours, then you are a life of life, which is only And dreams of fooling you. But if in a dream you are engaged in a pleasant thing, then this person will not be able to catch you in his networks - after 2 months you will prove to him that you fully own the situation. If you spend this time in a dream, spend on unpleasant responsibilities and affairs, by the end of the second month you will see that they finally confused in the situation and the cunning rival won a complete victory over you.

The concept "dreamed of time" metaphysically. The nature of time has not yet been determined by scientists, but we feel it and feel the action on yourself.

In the dream time, the time includes a symbol of inviolability of changes. We can a lot and violently argue about what time is, but in any case we will come to the consent that it cannot be reversed.

Therefore, when the time becomes an important element in a dream, we will understand it unmistakably. If events suddenly acted or slowed down against the usual flow rate - pay attention to the time. If a drop of water froze in the air, if you see a close-up of the dial, if a flower grows in a second from the grain - these signs of dreams concern. Such dreams are reminded of irrevocability of time, about its value.

Dreams associated with time, bright and impressionable. They are remembered and starting to get into thoughts, until you find out what the time is to dream. The dreams about this face of the universe are global and at the same time personal, striking with scale and at the same time come to the awareness that the time is omnipresent, you will not hide from it among the Miriad of Star Systems, do not hide in the hidden corners of the planet, do not get lost among the crowd. Time concerns all and all.

Therefore, the dreams, in which the subconsciousness was performed on temporary processes, cannot be overlooked, they are always personal and always large-scale. For a comprehensive understanding below, interpretations are given, divided into two parts: a large-scale meaning and personal understanding. A large-scale meaning interprets the impact of time on you, as on a particle of the universe. Personal understanding can be considered as an ordinary interpreter of dreams.

Clock and time

1. The most common dream is a dial close-up.

In a large-scale interpretation, the subconscious says that you are one of the countless sets of elements of a huge universal mechanism. In the world, everything is cyclical. You want or no, you also depend on the cyclicality of the universe: in winter we dress in the fur coats, at night go to bed, etc.

In a personal understanding: Do not be nervous, if still not happening what they expected. Not yet time.

2. It dreams that the numbers on the clock suddenly appear.

Large-scale meaning: the "hanging" period. If the needle put vertically on the edge for a thousandth share of a second will be "hanging", an unstable balance that is broken even with the most insignificant effect.

In a personal understanding: now the situation is such that if you do not take action, it will make someone else. Then your life will do wrong, as I would like, and so, as someone else wished.

3. Watch a dream, where the minute arrow moves in a circle at a speed of the clock, and the hour - at a minute rate.

A large-scale meaning: what at the top, then at the bottom. In a personal understanding: you can not solve the problem, because there is no experience in solving such a task. The subconsciousness makes a hint: if the problem is great, then think what would you do if it was smaller? And then you will find a solution to the Great problem.

4. The numbers on the clock are located in the mirror image.

A large-scale meaning: the cycle ended, the beginning of a new turn. In a personal understanding: most likely at the moment are satisfied with life as never. You are on the crest of the wave of success.

5. The clock, like the image on the famous picture Salvador Dali, "flow" from the shelves.

A large-scale meaning: time is a stream. In a personal understanding: time, like all fluid, can be controlled by paving the bed. Start the mode or routine of the day, and time will flow in the right direction.

8. Watch in a dream, as numbers on the watch of a mobile phone unexpectedly fuck.

In a large-scale understanding: time is invisible. In a personal understanding: Recently, too fussy, afraid to be late somewhere, do not have time to do something, constantly look at the clock.

The subconscious is trying to explain that it is possible to have time without every minute control of the dial. The numbers on the clock are not here. It is just necessary to take into account the approximate time that goes on every day event and plan a day.

9. In a dream, you see how all the arrows (hour, minute and second) suddenly came together and frozen on one of the numbers.

A large-scale meaning: the world is subordinate to symbols, numbers and forms. In a personal understanding: This period of time is subject to vibrations of this number.Take the material in numerology. Today he is like a wise adviser.

  • For example, saw a unit - the time of your leadership.
  • Saw four - time of hard work.
  • Two saw - time to create an alliance or partnership.

Past or Future

1. Reduces the period from your past. Large-scale meaning: story is repeated. In a personal understanding: a dream with the episode of childhood or adolescence, of course, impressive. After awakening, nostalgia and memories are inflated.

But if you remove the emotions to the side, then we note that the subconsciously throws the situation from childhood, which something resembles today's circumstances. In childhood we are bolder, carefree, more joyful and energetic. It is possible to solve today's problem, there are not enough such qualities.

2. There are alleged events of your future.

A large-scale meaning: time is not one-dimensional, has an infinite many options for the future. In a personal understanding:

  • If the dream events of a positive character, then the subconscious suggests what should seek what to be desired.
  • In the event that you see a bad or even a catastrophic situation, then the dream is saving from such a variant of the development of the future.

No matter how exciting or shocking a dream did not seem, but such dreams should not be considered prophetic or prophetic. Talent See the prophetic dreams not everyone. The owner of such a gift always clearly realizes when the dream contains a prophecy, and when only one of the usual dreams.


1. After the awakening you do not remember anything other than the exact time specified on the dialing dial.

Large-scale meaning: stretching moments. In a personal understanding: it is possible that the subconsciousness really gives a prompt for the significance of this time. Over the next few days closer to the specified hour, just be careful and observable.

The meaningful event is not lost, you look at it out of a thousand others. Or meet the right person, or the situation is favorable for you.

2. In the plot of sleep, you are watching the timer numbers leading the countdown.

Large meaning: accuracy. In a personal understanding: Most likely you have a concrete important thing, it needs to be performed on time, even if the customer, an employer or partner does not focus on time. Through sleep, the subconsciously protects against possible catastrophic consequences if the deadlines suddenly be reversed.

3. Watch the inconsistency of the seasons of the year.

Large-minded meaning: chaos. In a personal understanding. There is such an expression: "Chaos is the same order, but more complicated order." If you see confusion in a dream: then spring is replaced in the fall, the summer comes to change, it means that you are in reality with the situation that is higher than your understanding.

Subconscious makes a hint: Look at the situation from another level:

  • If you are an intern, then look at the eyes of the Director General.
  • If you are a woman, try to deal with a problem from a male point of view.
  • If you are in years, how would you come to the task, being a child?

4. It dreams that you participate in the events repeated in a circle.

Large-minded meaning: no matter how much a tornado, in his center is always a calm. In a personal understanding: Remember the film "Surk Day"? The main character fell into a cycle of time, and all the days turned into one repeated nightmare.

For all visibility, your today is many similar to the "During the Surk". Then remember that the protagonist came out of the loop of the time when he stopped breaking out of it. It is possible that this is a hint and in your case.

5. See yourself in a few minutes.

Large-scale meaning: accomplishment. In a personal understanding: forgot that not immortal. Such a dream, of course, will make any interested for what dreams of time. In this case, the time is dreaming to remind about your value.

For someone, this is a teacher, and for someone - a reckless mischievous. But no one will argue that we are dependent on time, from his stroke and mood.

Someone belongs to the interpretation of dreams about the time with irony, and someone with all seriousness. Only after all, time is indifferent to our attitude. It flows and flows. He takes us with me the flow, although we think that we are sailing by yourself ... Author: Igor Vaskin

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