Yaks have arrived. Russian adverbs and orders, the meanings of which we understand incorrectly. Gol yak sokil

Vsipati according to the first number
You won’t believe it, but in the old school, students were flogged by arrogance, regardless of who is responsible or who is guilty. And if the “mentor” overdoes it, then such a mess continued for a long time, right up to the first of the new month.

Usi trine grass
The tame “trin-grass” is not at all like a growing plant, like drinking, so as not to wilt. Initially, the won was called “tin-grass”, and the tin was called “tse parkan”. There was “pick-up grass” that no one needed, even Buryan.

Gol yak sokil
Terribly poor little brat. Start thinking about what to say about the falcon bird. Ale doesn’t care about anything here. Indeed, “falcon” is an old-fashioned military stencil. It was a completely smooth (“gold”) chavun blank, secured on the lances. Nothing funny!

Sirota Kazan
So to talk about a person who pretends to be unhappy, crooked, hopeless, in order to make someone feel sorry. Why is the orphan herself “Kazan”? It appears that this phraseology originated after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. The Mirzis (Tatar princes), drunk on the allegiance of the Russian tsar, tried to beg for all sorts of concessions, risking their orphanage and bitter fate.

Short-lived man
In ancient times in Russia, not only a road was called a “road”, but also a massacre of plantings at the prince’s court. The Sokilnik route is for the princes' glades, the hunter's route is for the dog glades, the stableman's route is for carriages and horses. The boyars, by hook or by crook, tried to get a way from the prince. And whoever didn’t go into it, they talked about them out of ignorance: a short-lived man.

This is a completely innocent virus. And if there was a connection with the damned punishments. During the hours of Ivan the Terrible, the boyar, who had offended, was mounted backwards on his horse with his ankles turned upside down, and in such an appearance, the gangster was driven around amidst the whistling and staring of the street crowd.

Lead by the nose
To deceive, to deceive and not to deceive the person. This viraz is tied to the fair rozvaga. The gypsies led the witches by sticking a hoop into their noses. And they fooled them, poor people, into various tricks, deceiving handouts.

Goat released
That's what they call a human being, and blame someone else's fault on it. The history of this expression is as follows: ancient Jews had a ritual for the remission of sins. The priest placed his offending hands on the head of the live goat, thereby transferring the sins of all the people onto him. After this guy they ran into the desert. Many fates have passed, and the ritual no longer dies, but it still lives on.

Sharpen lasi
Lasis (balusters) - these are precisely shaped stoppers of the railings of the ganka. Only the right master can prepare such beauty. Chantly, from the beginning, “sharpen the balusters” meant to conduct an elaborate, chimera, cunning (like balusters) conversation. Until now, the number of clever people to tell such Rosmov has become less and less. The axis and becoming this vislav signify the empty canopy.

Tertiy kalach
In the old days, this type of bread used to be called “grated kalach”. The dough was crushed, kneaded, “grated” for a long time, through which the kalach came out incredibly tasty. And there was also a condiment - “don’t grate, don’t crush, it won’t be a kalach.” Then the people should start testing and beating. It looks and tastes good because of this arrival.

Hack on the nose
If you think about it, the sensation of this expression seems cruel - wait a minute, there’s no need to notice the strong responsibility from your overbearing nose. In reality, everything is not so crazy. In this whole expression, the word “nos” has nothing to do with the organ of smell. “Nose” was the name given to a memorial tablet or a tag for notes. In the distant past, non-literate people always carried with them such tablets and sticks, with the help of which they worked out all sorts of notes or notches for the riddle.

Neither fluff nor feather
This expression was based on the observation that the results of watering can be achieved with direct care (both fluff and feathers). Among the Mysli people, feather means birds, and down means animals. According to the old-time thought, which is based on a trade, taking this out of the way, the “shift” of it looks something like this: “Don’t let your arrows fly in the direction, don’t let the snares you set and the traps end up empty, just like a trap!” What do you need to do, so that you don’t go wrong by saying: “Bless you!” And they were offended that the evil spirits, who were invisibly present in this dialogue, would be satisfied and rise, and would not approach during the hour of bathing.

Biti kayaks
What are “baidiki”, who and what are they? Long ago, artisans made spoons, cups and other utensils from wood. In order to remove the spoon, it was necessary to chop a tsurka from the deck. The preparation of the canoes was entrusted to the assistants: it was an easy task that did not require any special effort. Making such tsurkas was called “beating canoes.” Let go of the maisters' mockery of the auxiliary workers - the "baklushechniks" - and our order has gone.

The orders arrived and reached our people from the depths of the century. But not everyone knows the latest versions of these popular images of folk poetic creativity. And for the whole time he carried another place.

1. Appetite comes at every hour, and greed comes at the same time as appetite.

2. Grandma was wondering, and said in two ways: what is rain, what is snow, what will happen, what will not happen.

3. Poverty is not a vice, but misfortune.

4. A healthy body and a healthy mind mean rare success.

5. This family has a hard time, and through the hardship it’s not all about income.

6. To be kind, as if you were drowned on Saturday, you don’t need to heat the bathhouse.

69. My language is my enemy, it speaks first to my mind.

70. My language is my enemy, first I’ll push my mind, I’ll be searching.

Just one short verse to remember important voices

The axis is so correctly expressed by the broadest “important” voices in the Russian voice:

The phenomenon of ringing in the middle,
Having accepted the agreement on fate,
Vіndav experts escort
Trouble at the airport.

Like our Martha
Go with a scarf!
For a long time there were cakes -
The shorts didn't fit!

Ring the bell ringer,
Ring at the bell,
Make sure you remember correctly.

Don't bother us with curtains,
We are hanging the blinds.
Baba Fekla was digging beetroot,
and Coco Chanel loved sorrel.

1. The reason and the plastic can be glued anyway.

2. Beat strangers, take away your own.

3. Zaiva Rich – Zaiva Turbota.

4. When your heart is easy, your life is easy.

5. Without extraordinary people, there are no great people.

6. Remember this for as long as the image.

7. There was no waste, even if you had spent so much.

8. Where power is right, powerlessness is right.

9. One dog barks loudly - the others bark in earnest.

10. Make dishonest money and don’t go for it.

11. Give yourself rubbish for your life, and don’t eat rubbish for the rest of your life.

12. Straight people, like bamboo, rarely meet.

13. It’s not enough to be a man and a squad, you also need to become friends and khans, so that you don’t joke about them later.

14. When trouble comes, rely on yourself.

15. The man and his retinue are similar to the hands and eyes: when the hands are sore, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears.

16. It’s true that the leaf is tone, but the stone is wet.

17. It’s easier to know ten thousand soldiers than one general.

18. Any woman seems to be in the dark, in the distance, or under a paper parasol.

19. The path of a thousand starts with one kroku.

20. For those who want to kill, give it a go.

21. Once you have thought, be proud, but once you have become confident, don’t think.

22. Dosage requires a companion, life requires a friend.

23. There is no reason to be unsafe for a fool.

24. Don’t bother the one who is coming, don’t drive away the one who has come.

25. The sea is great that it does not guide other rivers.

26. You recognize the shrine’s temple by its gates.

27. Grief, like a torn payment, you need to be deprived of your home.

28. No one trips while lying down.

29. The Garni merchant does not deposit all the goods at once.

30. Once you fall, you get up every time.

31. The sun does not know what is right. The sun knows no wrong. The sun will shine without knowing who to shine. The one who knows someone like himself until the end of the day.

32. Once you change your mind, first you begin to doubt people.

33. Before waking up, laugh, come happily.

34. The smiling arrow is not allowed to shoot.

35. He who has a happy reward will get away with it.

36. Chi is a good cibul - to lie under the hand that pulls you.

The ancient Romans were a very wine-loving people. Today's world they gave roads, bridges and many other innovations. Ale blazne їkhne wealth - tse mova. Many great thinkers have spoken in Latin, and she has absorbed all the wisdom of her century.

Here is a list of expressions, the knowledge of which you can shine at any company.

  • Adam is the first lucky one, because he did not marry his mother-in-law.
  • If a problem can be solved for a pittance, it’s not a problem – it’s not worth spending.
  • God gave people two ears and one mouth, so that they could hear more and speak less.
  • May God protect you from dashing women, fight from good ones yourself!
  • The Jew knows Kozhen better.
  • God cannot be through at once - that’s why he created mothers.
  • Don't be sweet, otherwise you'll eat. Don't be bitter, otherwise you'll spit.
  • Fight the goat from the front, the horse from the back, the fool from both sides.
  • The guest and the fish begin to rot after three days.
  • Knowing a lot of things doesn’t take up space.
  • More beautiful is a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew.
  • A person can live for the sake of worth.
  • The deaf sense, like the silent one, recognized that the blind man was running, like the kulgavy Shvidko-Swidko running.
  • God saves the poor from costly sins.
  • If benevolence did not cost anything, everyone would have been philanthropists.
  • If an old maid gets married, she will immediately transform into a young squad.
  • Fathers begin to tell their children, fathers’ children begin to speak.
  • Z groshima is not so good, as without them it is rotten.
  • From afar, all the people are nasty.
  • Possibly, the eggs are a lot smarter for the triggers, but the stench quickly goes rotten.
  • Men would earn more if women talked less.
  • It is more important to speak kindly, it is more important to speak kindly.
  • A filthy squad is a leader for the boards: the boards are pushed into the booth, and the filthy squad is driven out of it.
  • The world is known not through those who are rich in people, but through those who are rich in non-humans.
  • Lord, help me get back on my feet - I can fall down myself.
  • If life does not change for better things, be sure to change for worse.
  • You can’t make any sweet biscuits like this, you can’t make compote with this.
  • If there is nothing to be shy about, take on great tasks.
  • Choosing between two evils, the pessimist chooses resentment.
  • All you have to say is that there are a lot of pennies, but there is nothing for the value of reason.
  • He who does not have children takes care of them.
  • It is better to die from laughter than from fear.
  • Dosvid is the word that people call their pardons.
  • Sivina is a sign of old age, not wisdom.
  • As people get older, they get worse and worse.

Added orders for schoolchildren. Hedgehog, petty in suffixes and orders for children and adults.

There are orders about hedgehogs. There are orders about pitta

Like food, so is life.

If you don’t sleep until the end, you’ll become a soldier.

Living in a worthy way makes it easier on the heart.

And the fly is not without a womb.

Solov doesn’t like stories.

Which one I don’t eat, but I want to eat.

There is no such bird that would sleep and not eat.

Even the heart is weak and the song cannot be sung.

You won’t live with just berries.

The skin needs both lunch and evening.

Bida - trouble, and hedgehog - hedgehog.

The belly is our tractor.

And you will forget your father and mother, but you will not forget your reality.

A mouth will be born, and things will be born.

It’s not a problem that the hedgehog is rotten, but it’s a disaster if it’s not there.

What you put in the cauldron, you viimesh.

The street is filled with chervona budins, and the table is filled with pies.

The sun has arrived, but we haven’t yet.

There are no good parts, I can’t eat enough of them.

Izh - sweaty, pratsyuy - chilly.

Good news, how can I say, it’s time.

Sit at the table - you'll be in heaven.

Hey, look for us here.

Cabbage soup and porridge are ours.

Eating porridge doesn’t require teeth.

You don’t zip porridge with olive oil.

Kisel teeth don’t give a damn.

Without salt it’s like without will: you can’t live life.

Oliya cows, to your health!

Where we are, where we are, where there is porridge with olive oil, there is our place.

The appetite comes at every hour.

If I am, I am deaf and mute.

You won’t be a long time promotor.

Laso shmatochok shvidshe in the mouth.

Cheaper to grab, less indulging.

His stomach is broad-shouldered.

The robot has “oh”, but there is for three.

Drink, don’t harm the womb: if it bursts, don’t spit, don’t drink under your shirt.

Do not seal the dumplings with sour cream.

The one who chews is the one who lives.

Drink some tea and you'll forget about it.

There is no need to drink tea; we drink three cups each.

Drink licorice - live happily.

And good grass is coming.

We have collected for you the most beautiful examples of folk wisdom - sayings, sayings and aphorisms about measles healthy food. They will help you learn how to lose weight and soon figure out that people who eat properly will lose health and live longer.

“I eat in order to live, and actions live in order to eat,” are the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. Did you think about the meaning of vislovlyuvannya? Food occupies a significant part of life, but also the sense of sleep.

It’s not obligatory to indulge in your favorite hedgehog: a piece of pie or a split baked chicken. If people understand that the products that live in the hedgehog are needed for the development of necessary living substances, then there is no point in boasting about it.

But we often forget about the importance that occurs many times more than is necessary for the body. There is a lot of Christmas feasts that are filled with all sorts of herbs, and they immediately taste the skin.

To stay in good shape, find your own motivation. Read books about the value of healthy food, statistics, admire art and documentaries.

The additions and orders are expressions that have been sharpened by centuries. The skin of them went through a low metamorphosis, being reborn for a short time, but ultimately the truth. The additions are the quintessence of folk everyday wisdom and truth. The meanings of orders and orders vary. Sayings carry wisdom, and orders are often learned “for the sake of the word.”

  • If it is rich, then the honey will taste bitter.

It’s great to talk about the basic principle of healthy eating - don’t overeat. If it’s too rich, then either it’s time for malt or it’s just a love of lasso to waste its beauty.

The first part is somewhat relevant to our pace of life. Most often we do not pay due respect to the food. The reasons for this may be impersonal: lack of time, lies, you simply don’t want to eat, and so on.

Food is the main source of strength and energy for the whole day, so you can’t miss a light morning meal every time.

  • The way you chew is the way you live.

We have learned that the more carefully you chew the hedgehogs, more coristia bring it. This seems incredible, but in reality it is not. When the hedgehog is properly chewed, it is easier to poison it, and the body removes as much of the living matter as possible.

Replacement with large pieces of the same shank is embossed on the diaphragm, which has a negative effect on the heart.

  • Not everything is in the mouth, just for the sake of it.

Sens orders to talk about Skoda peredannya (literally - not even everything that bachish).

  • There are no bad products - no bad cooks.

Properly prepared hedgehogs have a sensational flavor. Even if you haven’t eaten anything, it doesn’t have the taste or smell, but if properly prepared, it will appear juicy and brown.

  • Going to bed with an empty boat, you’ll throw yourself into the bath.

Your body will require repairs. If you eat before going to bed, then replacing the screw will continue to work. This negatively flows into a self-perceived lie.

  • An apple for a day and no medicine needed.

Take this sensation literally. Apple is a natural source of vitamins and a complex of vitamins that are easily absorbed by the body. Cream and apples help poison the blood.

Aphorisms about how to eat properly

Aphorisms - a thought is completed, it is said and written down by a person. Aphorisms are often used in language arts, as finest butt a laconically expressed thought. Aphorisms are often mistaken for great truths.

  • Malts, stoves and tsukerki cannot be used with children healthy people. Like the physical life, the spiritual life may be simple and lively. R. Schumann;
  • The hedgehog, which does not poison the body, kills the one who eats it. Well done in the world. Abul-Faraj;
  • As soon as people have learned to cook hedgehogs, the stench is twice as great, which is caused by nature. B. Franklin;
  • If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals. B. Franklin;
  • Great people have always faded into obscurity. Honore de Balzac;
  • No one is guilty of crossing the world, neither in hedgehogs nor in food. Pythagoras;
  • We need to drink enough so that our strength is revived and not suffocated. Marcus Tulius Cicero;
  • Having risen from the table hungry, you have eaten; If you get up having eaten, you have overdone; When you get up having drunk, you have given up. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov;
  • Our grub speeches are painted in a savory way, and our savory speeches are painted in a grub speech way. Hypocrates;
  • The desire and hunger to rule the world. Friedrich Schiller.

Why start us off with words and aphorisms?

By not missing out on food, by not relying on anything, and by not allowing yourself to become overly anxious, you will feel better in the first month. If you eat properly, you won’t suffer with a wagon or .

Proverbs, orders, aphorisms - this is the everyday proof of other people, which helps you not to give in to the mercy they give you. Therefore, follow the advice of the folk sages and enjoy good health!


Your comment on the article:

We often get lost, calling orders in adverbs and inadvertently. There is a lot between them similarities, but є i duties. Briefly, lastly, they were included in the unofficial promotion, which in itself is respectful of their freedom. Therefore, the mixture of these two is not important to understand. And yet, in this statistic we will try to explain, what is the difference between the words and orders. Initially, this is shown in the table.

similarities and features



Folding, short, long visliv. Ale orders, ring out, in short, prisliv'iv.

Vinikli among the people, among the people.

Widely used.

Stay until the mysteries of the word.

Stands (created in a permanent appearance).

Figurative Wisłow (more often than not, the same formula is used in the meanings). A figurative expression.
Genre of creative creativity. Movnyi turn.
Complete proposition, complete explanation. The phrase is a verbal one, so it doesn’t become a complete statement.
Local, local Vistula. It does not have a general sense, it conveys the emotional setting before what was said.
Morality, morality, order A promotional expression that can easily be replaced with other words.
Independent proposition. They can be victorious at the warehouse of the proposition given a clear emotional barrage.
When I finish my finished thought. The order is a whole sentence without a symbol.
Rhythmic behind the form, at the same time as the rimming of the veins. The rhyme is not typical.
Wislov, who reveals the diversity of the phenomena of life. As I finished speaking, I carried a thought. Vluchno signifies the reality of life.
How to draw a parallel with music, sayings are complex, classical music, orders are a light pop genre. Zagalnovidomy, enlargement, adoption of a walking virus

Apply it

The preverbs act as an independent proposition:

Not May a hundred karbovantsi, but May a hundred friends.
Whoever you follow is the one you will gain.
One in the field is not a warrior.
Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who drank, benefited and learned good.
Speak up, don’t hesitate.
The whole family at once, and the soul at home.
The family's good fortune is wealth.

Orders are often used in propositional warehouses:

Turn back your pennies if cancer is on the mountain.
The boss today is throwing up and down.
We want to roll a bag of food in the refrigerator today.
I'm not good at mathematics.

Orders can easily be replaced with other words:

“lose your nose” (lose nothing)
“no kick in the tooth” (nothing makes sense in this)
“rve and rush” (to get angry, to be angry)
“I want to roll the bag” (empty)
“if cancer is on the mountain” (nikoli)

The difference between the words and orders:

Prislivya - “Small spool, that’s dear.”, order - “Small, that’s smart”
Prislivya - “An empty barrel makes a loud noise.”, Saying - “Like a dog on a sled”
Prislivya - “If you don’t know the ford, don’t go near the water”, the order - “Get out of your nose.”

What is the casualty?

In this manner, both in place, and in form, and in the peculiarities of the setting of the addition and orders, there is great variation. Philological science clearly draw the line between orders and orders, but recognize that in live promotion, orders can be transformed into orders, and the orders can grow before arrivals. The joke is especially often found on the Internet, where on sites they post orders and orders under the heading “Additions”, or even more often under the heading “Additions and orders”, thus the errant people themselves. Right there, on the website “About the Prisliv” you will find the Prisliv itself. And as soon as there are orders on the topic, they will be indicated under the heading.

Wow, the axis is now clear to us, and to you, what is the validity of orders and orders?. We hope that the article was a boon for you, please remove the comments from the comments 😉

How I fell out Krylatimi Virases Many Russian adverbs and orders have lost their primordial sense. Most often, although not forever, this was connected with the loss of their completion.

For example, we all know the order: “Hunger is not a thing”, which is continued as “pie is not a cake” (e.g. Various options finished).

As with the truncations, so in the new version the sense is the same: hunger is a cruelty tested, so as not to harm, a dumb relative, but in fact, it can lead someone to do evil.

Today we will examine with you the very part of the Slovenian fall that has come down to us from a twisted perspective.

The fish jokes, it’s smarter, and the people are smarter

The underlying significance of the phrase lies in the fact that any person is looking for a place where she will feel good and comfortable. However, there is a version in which the cob meaning was different:

The fish are wondering where it is better, and the people are wondering how they will serve the Fatherland better.

It was not about the mercantile sense of people, but, instead, about the noble souls. I certainly won’t insist that this is true, but the theory itself looks beautiful.

Poverty is not a vice

So it seems, to show that there is nothing to worry about poverty. Prote original:

Poverty is not a vice, but rather a bitter one, it attacks those who are worse than mothers, even if they are poor. Moreover, it is necessary to emphasize respect not on the fact that in vices there is some kind of bitterness, but on the fact that evil ones are even more important and a negative manifestation, which is better not to stick to.

Gol yak sokil

It’s too easy to talk about a person like that, as if there’s nothing behind the soul. The Slovians, under the Tsim, respect not just the poor people, but the clever, punchy, seemingly:

Gol is yak sokil, and gostry is yak sokir.

Having brewed the porridge, you’ll have a drink

At first, this was understood literally: a villager who came to a guest before dinner and rejected the request for lunch, with attentiveness and confirmation in his own words.

Now we understand this in a figurative sense: every person is responsible for coping with their own problems.

Whoever guesses the old thing will have his eye on him

Let me teach you that we need to forget past images and forgive people who have done us harm. However, the original sounds like this:

Whoever remembers will forget, and whoever forgets, both.

You don’t need to sharpen your teeth on the crook, however, forgetting about the drinks won’t do you any harm either - you need to prepare until you get sick again in front of this people.

Correct the hunchback's grave

Once a person has grown up, his personality has developed into a personality, and it is impossible to straighten him out. It’s not going to work out well. Our ancestors said differently:

The hunchback's grave should be straightened, and the stuck stick's cudgel.

Please note that it is no longer possible to correct the physical imperfection of the human body (for example, there were no plastic surgeons and the ability to install a prosthetic leg), but from spiritual and moral weakness it is possible and necessary to and edit in shortest b_k.

On you, God, why is it bad for us?

It’s unlikely that people would have expressed such a desire for God in those distant hours. Voni said:

It’s possible that it’s not good for us.

The word “nebozhe” is similar to “neboga” - that’s how the wretches and the poor were called in ancient times. It was then that sirim was given to the unfortunate by those who had no consumption long ago.

Have mercy if I drown

The infection means that people are not to be spared. The message from a long time ago looked different and meant quite literally:

To be kind to the drowning of Saturday - there is no need to heat the bathhouse!

Having spoken, luck smiled at the man: and having remembered, and the trouble associated with the scorching of the lasing, he has no more.

Dog's eyes

So to speak about a man who is the master and chief of every sphere. On this right is the “dog of a dog”.

Our ancestors said differently:

The dog yawned and choked on his tail.

This meant that the robot wanted to, zagalom, vikonav bad, but not ideal, having stumbled upon some rubbish.

On the right the master is afraid

Phraseologism means that the master of the building will turn from any job to “excellently.” Ale continuation of this advent is a simple statement:

The master on the right is afraid, and the other master is rightly afraid.

Repetition - mother learning

Readers show us, trying to convey, that repetition is an important part of the enlightenment process. Similar to the original, it can be interpreted as follows:

Repetition - mother's day, birth of fools (or a variant of the donkey's butt).

The wise ones understand everything immediately, but the stupid ones only through rote learning.

fishing fish fishing from afar

So talk about the contentious souls of people, which harbor deep interests that allow them to get closer.

In the original it sounded like this: Fishing fish from afar, avoid that one

I literally understood.

Go out of your way to get other people's goods

As you can imagine, there is talk here about greedy people. And, as always, the first importance of the adjective is absolutely the most important. The helpless villagers, who received material assistance from possible relief workers, wanted to do something to help them: for example, by drawing water from a well.

Rozumu Chamber

Who can talk like that about the reasonable illuminated features that are being discussed high level intelligence. It’s better to correctly interpret the order in an ironic way, because Full version phrases sound different:

Rozumu chamber, that is the key of ruin!

The hour is right, and the time is still

At the same time, we understand this “people-loving” concept as the need to spend most of the time doing work, and less time doing work.

For a long time, the word “year” served as a synonym for the word “hour”. When the Russian Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich (1629-1676) wrote these words in the “Uryadnik”, he insisted on the requirement to equally distribute his time and spend it both on work and on work.

Trim your trigger by the wing, and pinch someone else’s

And again we are talking not about human greed, but, instead, about generosity. In Russia, there was such an unexpected fun when two people took a chicken in their hands and plucked the feathers from a bird, which they trimmed.

My house is on the edge

You just have to say it like that if you want to show how great you are and how great you are. For a long time, by the way, the one who lived near a hut on the edge, having witnessed the safety of the village in the countryside. To the first, having attacked the attacking enemy, such a person was guilty of being ahead of everyone else’s decision about the problem.

Not yours - not a bad thing

Our media has an entrenched stereotype that it doesn’t give a damn about someone else’s government power. Therefore, until such a time, people are put in a hopeless situation.

The sea is drunk up to its knees

Do you think our ancestors wanted to say that untruthful people know everything? No, they are small in respect, so, regardless of all that “goodness” that the person who screamed exudes from themselves, they can “get angry”, having caught the slightest step:

The sea is drunk up to its knees, and Kalyuzha is up to its ears.

When you work for someone else, the day never ends

It would seem that the adjective means that working “like a guy” is a long and useful practice. But the primary meaning of the phrase was different: if you work for the good of the earth, and not just for your own food, then you will be able to earn much more.

First baby with breast

Today's money means that people are not able to earn money the first time. A long time ago it sounded like this:

The first one is comAm, the other one is known, the third one is distant, and the fourth one is meni.

She learned how to behave in a respectful manner to other people.

And the Komi are the witches of what the Slovians have been doing since ancient times. Be the Lord before us to proponovat chastuvannya (figuratively) to him himself.

Watch the robot horses die

It just seems so, pushing on those that people are not guilty of tearing their navel on robots. In the original the order sounded differently:

Robots watch horses die, and people die.

There is little respect for the fact that the work is cinnamon and colors the people.

The work is not a wolf, the forest is not in trouble

Another piece of folk wisdom is how to immediately serve as righteousness for the healers and the rest. A long time ago, she came to her senses differently. The villagers respected the fact that everyday people don’t go anywhere, so they need to work on them immediately, and not wait until the stench “leaks into the forest”:

Work is not a job, the forest does not have time, because, damn it, work is required.

The old horse of the furrow does not zip

The people have the right to prove themselves and are ready to turn against them with justice no worse than for the young man. However, here's a slightly different version:

The old horse of the furrow does not sound, and it is not yet dawn, then one can understand that among people of old age it is not good to count on “miracles” in the work plan.

My mouth is buzzing

Prislivya meant a bunch of information, which is required to be correct. Ale є vluchne prodovzhennya:

There's a lot of buzzing, and there's nothing to eat.

In broad terms, this means that the diligence and importance of the work does not always guarantee the availability of “go” - good payment.


It turns out that folk wisdom has become even more complicated, but we can give up right away. If you want to boast about your erudition, then, so as not to get into trouble, make sure to spell and pronounce phrases correctly.

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