Family nutritionist Mikhailo Gavrilov: “You can lose weight on your skin! Doctor Gavrilov's diet - weight loss method, basic principles and menu for each day Gavrilov's method for weight loss

The famous nutritionist and psychotherapist, who, having developed his power, developed his own method of losing weight, has already been able to help hundreds of patients gain weight. The main idea of ​​the technique is the idea that the process of lowering vaginal levels must begin with an increase in psychological problems, and then it is necessary to move on to correcting the diet. The hard work behind Gavrilov’s methodology has not been transferred. Moreover, we urge you not to rely on unnecessary diet options and to be encouraged to take various biologically active drugs for weight loss. Using this method, you can eat foods from the permitted list, which can be as varied as possible.

Well, why is Professor Gavrilov on his diet?

The most important causes of obesity

Obesity is the name given to the human body, which is characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in tissues, organs and cells. The main sign of obesity is an increase in body weight by less than a fifth than the average indicators. This illness will not only cause significant discomfort. It can provoke problems in the psyche and physical body of a person, pathologies of the joints and spine, disturbances in sexual life and other changes. The menu for Dr. Gavrilov’s birthday is below.

The main reason for the increase in vase is overeating. According to the doctor, people eat a lot not in order to replenish the body’s real needs in living substances and energy, but in order to fill them psychological state actively prepares them before eating more food. The nutritionist classifies the factors of overeating in the future:

  1. Trying to “get over” a stressful situation. How incredibly important is the majority of those who cannot wake up? zavoi vaga. How are people in life? regular people It turns out that it is unacceptable, the refrigerator is opened, and strategic supplies of chocolate are removed from the cupboards and the oven is just for such an emergency. This is very similar to the staleness of alcohol or cigarettes and the smell of smoking.
  2. Increased appetite, which is provided by advertising companies, shopping malls, etc. In this situation, a person takes food not to what the body absorbs, but to what it adds external look the smell of the product. Well, this hunger is not physiological, but psychological.
  3. There are a lot of food options, such as table tops and scanty dishes, which are too early and inevitably lead to cravings, when people practically unknowingly eat everything that is in the refrigerator, comforting and self-destructing.

Adjustment and physical training

Based on what has been said, you can understand that Doctor Gavrilov’s diet does not begin with a well-formed menu of proper food with the intention of great result, and from a psychological, sometimes complicated and complex examination of power problems. For which method transfers various subsequent stages of work on itself:

  1. Awareness of the problem of congestion. As a rule, this will come as a result of some problems, such as displays of vaga, or overextension of a large-sized garment, or a friend’s friend’s acquaintance. The first stage is the decision to lose weight.
  2. Psychological mood for weight loss. At this point, it is important to understand that it is not possible to lay the ear of corn tomorrow. It is necessary to make a decision and follow it carefully.
  3. The power of the powers that be is invincible. Start losing weight as soon as you treat your illness - with a serious approach and awareness of your health. You can’t think that “maybe it will work out”, you need to clearly recognize the need and go straight to the point.
  4. Why should people begin to clearly separate physiological and psychological hunger? In the situation with fast food, for example, advertising itself most often plays its role. In this case, it is necessary to clearly understand that it is better to eat a piece of meat with a salad, a lower hamburger, and bring a generous amount of the first shards more coristia. The doctor urges patients to respectfully listen to the body's health, without allowing the brain to decide for you. Professor Gavrilov's children's menu can be called varied.

For this method, being involved in sports is a definite plus. However, there are some patients who do not suffer from these and other reasons. gyms and sports sections.

How to increase physical activity?

The nutritionist does not give such people great respect for their diet, but encourages them to increase physical activity a little. There are a number of ways called:

  1. Tidying up the booth. The most optimal way is to respect General tidying up, with worn-out saws in highly accessible places and mittyam under the hats and beds. It’s a good idea to keep your daily routine in order and help the process of burning calories.
  2. Prepare the sprouts one hour. In this case, do not forget to use those products that are allowed according to the method. So you will understand that Dr. Gavrilov’s children’s menu (as discussed above) can be varied and satisfying, and without harming your figure.
  3. Dances are available at any hour of the day or night, without requiring special entrances or studios. You can turn on your favorite music or start practicing yourself, learning all the dance techniques from the video lessons in the booth.
  4. The gymnastic hoop is a wonderful home exercise machine. I would like to take 20 drinks several times a day – and the result will not be overwhelming.

Dr. Gavrilov does not convey any restrictions and restrictions on the product plan of Dr. Gavrilov’s diet. Є black list and white list. It is not recommended to ingest contaminated products. The stench makes you feel fat, and it also smells bad on your skin, hair and neck. internal organs. So, absolutely do not carry any liquid bark. And the main goal of the technique is to maintain a healthy and healthy figure, and the first point takes priority.

Buried products

The list of products seized before implantation includes:

  1. Be it fast food or gas station with cucrum.
  2. Goodness is that VIP.
  3. Sandwich.
  4. Vershkov oil.
  5. Smoked products, salted fish, cowbass and products Swedish preparation.
  6. Canned food
  7. Pasta virobi.
  8. Potato.

Doctor Gavrilov’s children’s menu is very rich these days.

List of permitted products

The emphasis in the diet is on the origin and healthy food. The list of permitted products includes those widely available in supermarkets and markets:

  1. Vegetables and fruits, banana cream. The allowable limit is 600 grams.
  2. Dairy and lactic acid products.
  3. Whole grains, including oatmeal, corn, pearl barley, pshonyan and Greek.
  4. Low-fat varieties of meat and fish.
  5. Eggs.
  6. Unsweetened tea, juice and water.

The menu for Dr. Gavrilov’s child’s day, with vodkas, is very handy for vikoristan.

Recommendations on how to refine the technique are simple and understandable. First of all, it is very important to take care of your health and food. The intake of hedgehogs must be divided up to 5 times, in small portions and in excess of products from the permitted list. It is important to do so around the same time, in order to maximize the metabolic processes in the body and speed up the process of weight loss. Under categorical defense there is hunger and overeating. Lubricated herbs are not recommended; it is necessary to steam, bake or stew the vegetables.

Menu for doctor Gavrilov's birthday

An approximate supplementary diet looks like this:

  1. Snіdanok – porridge (wheat or whatever else).
  2. 2nd snack - sire and tea.
  3. Obid - soup and salad with vegetables.
  4. Midday – fruit and juice.
  5. Dinner - vegetable stew.
  6. A few years before bedtime - yogurt or kefir.

Snacks in Dr. Gavrilov’s diet are allowed to be chosen to suit your taste. This may include dried fruits, cheese and other products from the white list. Special washes There is no transfer of food from children, but in essence, this food must be followed throughout life, and this also contributes to a healthy way of living.

The main rule for successful weight loss following the method of Mikhail Gavrilov is to properly train yourself psychologically, not to focus on your experiences and problems, but rather to listen to your powerful body. It’s not difficult to manage a child; it’s more important to use your willpower and consistently keep yourself under control. She emphasizes spontaneous work from herself, self-organizing and being goal-directed.

For a child under the doctor Gavrilov, the menu for the day can easily be customized on your own.


Gavrilov’s technique is not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight. And people whose health does not allow them to finish this diet. Contraindications for this method are:

  1. Diabetes of the first type.
  2. Tuberculosis.
  3. Suffering a heart attack or stroke.
  4. Mild arrhythmia.
  5. Serious mental disorders.

Clinics of Gavrilov

Clinics for weight loss and weight loss are supported by Gavrilov in rich places in Russia. They will give additional help to these patients, who have reached critical indicators. The doctors give patients every opportunity to find peace and get rid of a lot of psychological problems, to have faith in power and to begin to love themselves. Mikhailo Gavrilov is a holder of international certificates, which confirm his qualifications and evidence from the field of nutritionology and psychology.

The clinics have been open for 20 years, and all this time the doctors are improving the methods of effective and precise reduction of vaginal fluid, giving their patients new news healthy image life. For those who want to lose weight, special trainings are carried out, both group and individual, and online, which provide psychocorrection of eating habits and motivate patients to achieve their goals.

The clinic staff pays great respect to the care of patients. They clearly demonstrate that it is not at all difficult to be monotonous, tedious and unsavory. A refresher on the calorie content of herbs and vegetables and the obligatory washing technique. For which patients are provided with special tables, which detail the permissibility of the product and its calorie content. This helps to plan meals with maximum efficiency during pregnancy. In addition to psychological support and a comprehensive menu, Gavrilov’s clinics offer a variety of cosmetology services that allow you to tone your skin.

Gavrilov's diet is a food system for losing weight, developed by a professor of medical sciences. Due to the fact that there is an individual approach to each patient, the results of reducing the pain associated with the technique in each case are positive. Knowing the basic principles of diet, you can customize your menu, streamline your way of living and achieving your goals.

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The essence of Gavrilov’s technique

Smut in the process of losing weight – identifying the causes of obesity. Dr. Gavrilov appreciates that in a skin disorder it is necessary to look for a psychological “subtext”; he has seen and described three main types of disorder of grub behavior:

The life of hedgehogs is not related to a feeling of hunger, but to stress, teasing, emotional apathy and outbursts.

This type of grub behavior can be divided into two subtypes - compulsive (the development begins in childhood, unless the child is exposed to the participation of parents in her life) and “night hedgehog syndrome” (every day the appetite increases again). stay during the day, and in the evening and at night during the movements that you can are associated with a poor way of life, disrupted sleep).

  • External. This type is characterized by a guilty appetite, sensing hunger immediately, as people see advertisements for savory products in shops, pastry shops and bakeries. People with similar disturbances in food behavior will be in the future, having fed the hedgehog, without control over the pressure.
  • Obmezhuvalny. It is a very important, complex problem and arises among those people who regularly follow their diet, regularly suffer from gastronomic symptoms and even experience skin problems. Doctor Gavrilov calls this situation childhood depression.

In order to resolve the problems, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor of medical sciences:

  • change your daily routine, normalize your sleep;
  • In some way to boost your self-esteem, learn to raise your spirits in other ways;
  • It is important to listen respectfully to your body and learn to recognize the feeling of hunger and simple irritation in the form of mouth-watering herbs.

If you can’t get out of this on your own, you should seek help from a psychotherapist. And this is obligatory, because without correction of the psychoemotional state, a diet will not help to get rid of the congestion.

Doctor Gavrilov encourages his patients to take a gentle diet that is easily tolerated by the body. For example, it is important that you move on to a healthy meal step by step, getting used to yourself thoroughly and without disturbing moments (TV, computer, book). Varto allow yourself to periodically eat low-calorie foods, but in small quantities and without further belittling yourself as a weakling.

The doctor of medical sciences encourages his patients to undergo a course of simple physical procedures: laryngitis, lymphatic drainage, massages and others. All of these procedures can be carried out independently at home, but all the smells are present in the list of services of many beauty salons.

However, Dr. Gavrilov does not recommend increased participation in sports, and even to lose weight using this method, it is enough to stop morning exercises and regularly go for walks. Although it is necessary to reject more “aggressive” physical attractions, it is entirely acceptable.

Rules for living with a doctor

Before you start a diet, you will need to memorize the list of allowed foods:

  • milk and other related products (only a little butter is included);
  • fresh, stewed, boiled or steamed vegetables – no less than 6 servings per serving;
  • baked or fresh-looking fruits (vinyatok) - 6 servings per day;
  • grain crops - oats, millet, for cooking porridge;
  • be it fish, or fatty varieties, or not canned;
  • be it freshly prepared juices;
  • leaner for baked, boiled appearance;
  • roslinny olii;
  • seafood

Dr. Gavrilov identified the exact distribution of contaminated products:

  • potatoes (you can eat them even better in baked vegetables);
  • vipichka, including;
  • sandwiches topping oil, cowbass (these same, as well as cheese and cheese, and cowbass, can be included in the menu);
  • all fast food;
  • licorice carbonated drinks;
  • tsukerki and chocolate;
  • fatty meat.

The importance of step-by-step work is especially emphasized cheap products. Please make the transition to healthy diet the food is smooth, to beat the fire, the attacks of hunger, and the gastronomic spectacles.

In addition, it is important to call before the shot meal - there may be no less than 6 meals per day. Every meal should be taken at the same hour. So the body is simply quicker to remove its “dose” of every day, and due to hunger at the “before hour” it is simply not worse.

About Dr. Gavrilov’s weight loss, watch this video:

Pros and cons of the method

Gavrilov’s child has a lot of advantages:

  • the menu, compiled for his recommendations, is divided into value and diversity;
  • Vague will decrease gradually, but will not cause any harm to the body;
  • with increased waste of energy, stress, worsening chronic pathologies, emotional problems, overeating are turned off;
  • In the process of losing weight, a person does not have a noticeable deficiency of vitamins and micronutrients - the menu contains a lack of products necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Moreover, when correcting grub behavior, it is possible to achieve consolidated, lasting results. That skin will not hang after you have wasted it. With the help of massages, lymphatic drainage and other physical procedures, you will become elastic and elastic.

There are two downsides to this:

  • weight loss is achieved completely, and this very moment is treated by doctors as positive;
  • The illegal rules of Gavrilov’s diet are categorically not suitable for people diagnosed with diabetes.

Menu today

Based on the list of permitted products, select a variety of menus and prepare delicious food you will finish it easily. Dr. Gavrilov suggests this option for speeding up the butt:

  • morning – 150 g of water and milk (in this case without peel and fruit) + 150 ml of coffee tea;
  • snack (after about 2 years) – 50 g of hard syrah + 200 ml of tea;
  • day - sheep soup+ 2 potato livers +

    On top of your skin, you should also chew some fruits and vegetables for a fresh look. Tse can be apples and carrots, white cabbage and pears, and plums, and whatever else.

    Results for weight loss

    The stench will not be as offensive as, for example, with a harsh diet, but will be safe for health and stable. In the first week, if you are making a gradual transition to healthy eating, you may lose 2-3 kg. The next step will be more effective - at least 5 kg per minus.

    In addition to a decrease in vaginal strength, for those who are already thin, the result will be a stable psycho-emotional body, a toned figure, and normal bowel function.

    Gavrilov’s diet is mild, gentle and has no contraindications. In principle, there can be a food system for all life. And here it’s time to try to catch your breath at the borders of the norm.

    Korisne video

    About the results that can be achieved on Gavrilov’s diet, one can marvel at what video:

Doctor Gavrilov’s diet includes a number of weight loss programs, the main goal of which is not just a decrease in vagina, but a person’s greater control over their food, lifestyle and lifestyle. The weight loss method itself lies in the correct and healthy menu and ensuring a positive mood.

Mikhailo Gavrilov is a renowned nutritionist and psychologist. We have developed a food system, which allows you to reduce your weight without major restrictions on your diet. It is necessary to know that Gavrilov’s method is more than just a strict interpretation of the rules.

  • It is very important to psychologically prepare yourself for a positive result, set a clear goal: by what day and how many kg you need to lose weight.
  • You will have to eat in small portions all at once.
  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fast foods, smoked foods, sweets, fatty foods to a minimum, and, more importantly, avoid such foods.
  • The main place in the menu is to take Siri vegetables that fruit (for a banana banana).
  • Nowadays, your diet should include foods rich in vitamins: dairy products and cereals, various cereals, yoghurts, cheese, fish.
  • Drink plenty of water with dignity.

Diet for children

The diet of Dr. Gavrilov is widely used, balanced menu How can you lose weight due to satisfaction? Eat in this manner for at least 2 years (you can replace them with equal ones):

  • morning - porridge with milk of all the plastics with added berries and fruits, tea or kava with milk;
  • lunch - siru, tea with milk;

  • lunch - sheep soup, baked potatoes (you can only eat potatoes in this form), cheese;
  • noon – evening or evening fruit salad, a glass of juice;
  • dinner - vegetable stew plus fish, either stewed or boiled;
  • late evening - yoghurt or kefir 1% fat.

Recipes for dietary herbs

Point the recipes below to help you believe that dietary food It's not just as brown, but even more delicious. Be sure to sip on the diet menu for such herbs.

Vegetable stew

  • finely chop the cabbage, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, bell pepper(1 piece each);
  • shred white and cauliflower cabbage;
  • finely chop the greens;
  • add bay leaf, salt, pepper, a little water and simmer under the lid on a low flame for 60 minutes.

Baked potatoes with added siru

  • Finely chop the potatoes (5-6 pieces);
  • add 2 packets of pureed syrah;
  • sizzle, season to taste;
  • At the front of the mold, line the potato with a ball of potato balls, then drain, cover the animal with foil;
  • Bake approximately 35 quilins in the oven at a temperature of 185 degrees.

Berry yoghurt

  • mix sour cream with low-fat kefir (0.5 l);
  • add all the berries for your taste;
  • blend everything with a blender.

Sheep soup

  • Place sliced ​​tsibul, chasnikov clove, a couple of carrots into the pan;
  • fill the vegetables with water and turn on the gas;
  • After boiling, after 15 minutes, add a bottle of kvass, cabbage bits, salt, tomato paste, seasoning with basil and oregano for aroma and wonderful taste;
  • When the water boils, change the gas and add finely chopped zucchini;
  • cook until the vegetables are thoroughly cooked.

The problem of vagitis affects the skin of every woman in our region, but not everyone has the strength to fight it. When you realize that you need to make a radical change, since you can no longer fit in just your pants, important children immediately come to mind. The fear of being hungry is the biggest problem for all girls who want to lose weight. And this means that this fear is at least great, but the fear is still small. As a result, you end up making larger speeches and not making sense of your diet.

Dr. Gavrilov, who at the time took care of the Bormental project, helped thousands of people get their hair cut with a wagon Having developed his unique method of losing weight, Mikhailo Oleksiyovych, a certified psychologist and nutritionist, based his system on the most psychological understanding of what “appetite”, “food intake” and “fat” are. Special programs and trainings are a vital part of the weight loss process, during which patients begin not only to take care of themselves, but to consciously move on to a healthy diet.

The secret to success

The secret of having a child lies in the fact that you constantly realize that proper food- This is beneficial for your health and posture. The technique of “exchanging” calories is beneficial for substituted calories and healthy ones. The most important thing you need to learn is to take care of your body.

Having picked up a chocolate bar, you need to tell yourself that a fruit salad will give you so much energy, the wine is so delicious, and so richly brown. And this is how you need to deal with skin tissue as you live in it.

What do you need to eat to become a string?

A full menu for those who want to lose weight using Gavrilov’s method will include a variety of options, otherwise you will need to turn it off completely. Vidmova’s view of the mischievous age is the right time to be healthy and beautiful.

Full protection is applied to the following products:

  • pickled mushrooms;
  • sprat in tomato sauce;
  • be it mint or licorice;
  • I include all types of seafood (fast food and street food);
  • bakery sprouts;
  • sweet chocolate and top butter.

Don’t boast that those passing through the window with tasty, or even cheap, hedgehogs will cause you to panic. In order to sit quietly, you need to take it by the neck and carry it with you. cinnamon product for a snack. So you can, in any way, overcome the onslaught of hunger and not worry about the lost food.

Gavrilova’s list contains foods that you can safely eat and are confident that the smell will be good for your new figure. From this soup you can create a very tasty diet every day.

You are allowed to live in a hedgehog:

  • natural cheese with low fat content;
  • low-fat fermented milk drinks;
  • vegetables, creamed potatoes, splinters with plenty of starch;
  • fruits, which include bananas and grapes;
  • hangings;
  • buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal;
  • still purified water;
  • Freshly squeezed juices.

Zrazkov menu for the day

You can prepare this set of products with a variety of cinnamon and savory herbs. It will be easier for you to simply put together a menu for the day, as long as you get to the culinary tasks wisely. We are proposing to you zrazkov menu for the day:

  1. We eat porridge, as is on the list of permitted foods, and drink a cup of herbal tea without cherries.
  2. For lunch, we snack on dried fruits and drink a bottle of low-fat yogurt.
  3. We dine with mushroom soup and vegetable salad.
  4. At noon, we drink fresh lamb, our favorite fruits and berries.
  5. In the evening we will have a light vegetable stew with steamed vegetables.
  6. 2 years before bedtime you can drink a bottle of low-fat kefir

This diet will help you overcome the problem of vaginal congestion. In addition, your exercise will not have a negative impact on physical activities - if you decide to go to the gym, you won’t be able to complete the workout.

Foldability of Gavrilov's living system

The main problem with all of Dr. Gavrilov’s methods is to get rid of overdoses and switch to the correct diet, then left side zusil borrows psychological preparation. They can only be removed in the center of Gavrilov himself - certified doctors conduct trainings, provide online video support and always come to the aid of those who cannot escape with their appetite. Only people with great willpower will be able to manage their children on their own and decide to need control from the side of their guards.

Gavrilov insists that there is no need to go beyond your desires, so he recommends that when you lose weight, you should do just that kind of physical exercise that will bring you satisfaction. Daily workouts in the gym can be replaced by tidying up the apartment, walks in the fresh air, and favorite loose games.

Speed ​​of achieving results

Tim, if you want to lose 10 kg per week, Gavrilov’s method will not work. The principle lies in the recognition of the systematic waste of money, and it does not come quickly. You can consume 100-150 g per day, no more. However, the results of this practice - taking a healthy diet as a basis, you will soon forget that such fat deposits in problem areas will be in perfect shape.

Doctor Mikhailo Gavrilov – nutritionist, doctor-psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences. The founder of the powerful weight loss method, which has gained popularity throughout the world. Numerical success stories of this method do not give any chance to doubt its effectiveness. It is not important for Professor Gavrilov’s child to change his mind, having stagnated the menu today, following the doctor’s recommendations.

Principles of weight loss using Dr. Gavrilov’s method

In the doctor’s clinics, of which there are already more than sixty, patients struggle for the health and beautiful appearance of patients, strictly adhering to low principles.

  • The work is carried out not on the heritage, but on the causes of obesity. In order to identify the physiological and psychological aspects of illness, a more comprehensive treatment of the body must be carried out. Careful work of the doctor and the patient, an individual diet, finding a balance in food and physical activity, changing the way of living revitalizes the body, restores your health;
  • the connection between emotional state the patient and his wife. Dr. Gavrilov’s weight loss method includes psychological training, original techniques, mental exercises, and the addition of logical, reasoned statements. Khibni will reconfigure the sick person. Psychological stress as you go, the patient experiences a lot less stress, he develops a healthier food intake, and his grub changes;
  • ill people are motivated by weight loss. The result is a decrease in body weight, a high mood, increased self-esteem, anxiety and depression, happiness, and joy of life. Losing a lot of weight meant colossal changes in life: a person’s money was getting better, his career was shaping up miraculously.

Allowed and restricted products

Doctor Gavrilov’s diet is a hunger strike. This “exchange of calories” is consistent, a clear replacement of wasteful urchins with a bark organism that will not be noticed.

Dr. Gavrilov encourages a wide range of simple, brown and inexpensive products. With them you can change the menu today, eat a variety of different foods and thereby lose weight:

  • be it fruits and berries, cream of bananas;
  • be like vegetables. Robit fresh salads, grill them, stew them, bake them;
  • low-fat kefir, sour cream, yogurt. Enjoy with your relishes, add small pieces of fruit and berries to them;
  • cereals. Prepare porridge from them with skim milk or water and mixed garnishes;
  • eggs, especially whites;
  • lean meat or something like fish. Cook them without oil;
  • fresh vegetable and fruit juices;
  • hard cheese in small quantities, no more than a couple of skibs per day.

Diet Gavrilov conveys the following products:

  • bread (including whole grain) and all other types of bread;
  • tsukru, tsukerok, condensed milk, candied fruits and any other malts;
  • canned food;
  • top oil;
  • sauces, mayonnaise;
  • all types of cowbass;
  • be it fast food, hamburgers, hotdogs or shawarma.

Keep the salt and oil away and drink as much water as possible.

Zrazkov menu for this week

The diet must include ingredients from the permitted list of products. It is used often and in small portions. Robomo small snacks. Not three years before bedtime. We stick to these simple rules and worse.

It is necessary to tease out the feeling of real hunger in the face of the intrusive fruit, chew something relished. The example of Gavrilov’s child – the menu for the week has been set. If I follow, I feel like I should feel hungry. All drinks on the menu are prepared without turmeric, the juice is fresh, we use only low-fat dairy products, and the cheese is consumed in no more than a couple of drinks per day.

Snidanok Vysyanka with banana, tea with zucru, syru milk
Another snack Sik
Obid Sheep soup, steamed chicken with buckwheat, fruit drink
Supper Eggplant stew, kefir
Snidanok Pshonyan milk porridge, preserved egg white, herbal tea
Another snack Fresh juice
Obid Tomatoes, cauliflower puree, steamed fish, a bowl of coarse bread, compote
Supper Roll iz chicken mince with an egg. Kefir
Snidanok A piece of whole grain bread, cheese, two eggs, kava with added skim milk
Another snack Grapefruit fresh
Obid Kefir okroshka on chicken, two baked potatoes with herbs, tea
Supper Shrimp, orange and green salad, kefir
Snidanok Fresh tomatoes, two hard-boiled eggs, boiled boiled pork with coarse bread, kava without zucru
Another snack Smoothie with banana and half
Obid Stewed chicken, buckwheat, fresh cabbage salad, pear compote
Supper Mackerel baked with lemon, sheep salad, tomato juice
Snidanok Omelette with three eggs and milk, tea, dried apricots
Another snack Kefir
Obid Broth with low-fat chicken, egg, bowl of bread and cereals, beet-carrot salad, cheese, crane juice
Supper Stewed zucchini with steamed turkey, kefir
Snidanok Berry-syrova casserole, tea
Another snack Kefir
Obid Borsch, yalovichi meatballs, cucumber salad, crane jelly
Supper Lobio, boiled cowhide, fruit drink
Snidanok Sirniki with pineapple pieces and yogurt. Yagidny fruit drink
Another snack Milk-berry cocktail
Obid Yushka with a great pile of ribi, stewed cabbage, compote
Supper Salad mix with yoghurt dressing, veal meatballs with rice, tea

Get creative, replace products with something else from the permitted list, and Gavrilov’s diet will never seem monotonous to you. Add more lungs physical requirements, regular walks, hanging out with loved ones in the open air. You yourself will not notice how this will become your primary way of living.

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