Expert assessment of increased competitiveness and liquidity of dental clinics based on risk management. Conceptual basis and structuring of methodology for managing the risks of production systems

Chapter 1. Problems of assessing and managing the risks of production systems

1.1. Analysis of the situation, development trends and assessment of the risk situation of industrial production in Russia

1.2. The evolution of management paradigms and the genesis of risk management theory

1.3. Analysis of approaches to assessing and managing the risks of industrial enterprises and production systems

1.4. Analysis of evidence and risk management practices of domestic and foreign companies

1.5. The most important pouches, summary of Chapter 1 and formulation of the problem.

Chapter 2. Theoretical and methodological approaches to managing the risks of production systems

2.1. Theoretical changes of mind, approaches and principles for managing the risks of production systems

2.2. Conceptual basis and structuring of methodology for managing the risks of production systems

2.3. Development of a balanced classification of viral risks 141

2.4. Methodological basis and mathematical apparatus for assessing 153 risks of viral systems

2.5. Vysnovki on choli

Chapter 3. Everyday risk management systems based on the vartis approach to management

3.1. Theoretical aspects of enterprise production management 192 and methodological approaches to the creation of a system for managing the risks of production systems

3.2. Modeling the process of strategic, tactical and 222 operational management of the risks of manufacturing systems

3.3. Development of methodological approaches to the organization of management of 241 risks of production systems

3.4. Methodological approach and tools for organizing 255 effectiveness of insurance protection and self-insurance

3.5. Vysnovki on choli

Section 4. Development of information and organizational-methodological support for the risk management system of industrial systems

4.1. Development of structure and molding methods information system secure management of the risks of production systems

4.2. Methodology for creating and implementing a risk management system in an enterprise

4.3. Exploration of the method for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the risk management system

4.4. Vysnovki on choli

Section 5. Exploration of the methodological foundations for assessing and managing the main risks of production systems

5.1. Understanding the evaluation method and managing technical risks

5.2. Formation of methods and models for assessment and management of personnel risks

5.3. Methodology for assessing market risks during the development of investment activity systems

5.4. Introduction to the method of comprehensive risk assessment for business management

5.5. Symbols by section 5 Symbols

Recommendations list of dissertations

  • Methodology for organizing the management of innovation-oriented development of industrial enterprises 2011, Doctor of Economic Sciences Shebarov, Oleksiy Igorovich

  • Methodology of adaptive management of organizational development of industrial enterprises 2004 year, Doctor of Economic Sciences Korshunova, Olena Dmitrivna

  • Theory and methods of developing a system for ensuring the competitiveness of industrial enterprises 2002 year, Doctor of Economic Sciences Eleneva, Yulia Yakovna

  • Methodology and mechanisms for ensuring environmental sustainability of industrial enterprises 2009 year, Doctor of Economic Sciences Mochalova, Lyudmila Anatolievna

  • Development of a system for ensuring the competitiveness of industrial enterprises based on a partisan approach to management 2002 year, candidate of economic sciences Krotkov, Oleksiy Markovich

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Methodology for managing the risks of production systems of the aviation and industrial complex of Russia”

Relevance of dissertation research. Globalization processes that are ongoing, growing global competition and serious political changes, increased freedom of trade and investment on a regional and global scale, increasing terrorist activity activity and man-made disasters, weakening of government regulation in the main areas of the Russian economy, high level of wear and tear of machines, possession and transport means , total informatization is rapidly developing, organizational changes and restructuring of enterprises as a result of liquidation and polishing, reengineering and diversification lead to an increase in the risks of external and internal the real middle ground of Russian industrial enterprises of various galuzes and forms of power.

The need for a transition to an innovative type of economy in the Russian Federation, the trends in the development of the pharmaceutical industry, which are evident in the growing industrial production, agriculture, aviation-industrial complex of Russia, and so with increased capitalization Russian enterprises, to create an objective demand in the Russian market for risk management services and in the creation faulty infrastructure risk management, which allows you to reduce the level of risk in the business atmosphere.

The results of investigations carried out by such leading international insurance and consulting companies in Galuzia for risk management as March, AIG, AON, Willis and others, as well as the non-profit partnership “Russian Partnership for Risk Management” (NP “RusRisk” "), talk about those , that: it is practical from all the most important risks for Russia to face an extremely high risk; in general, the crisis situation in Russia is almost twice as tense as in the countries of Europe and the USA; Foreign leaders estimate Russian risks to be 10-15% higher, but Russian managers, and bureaucrats and managers of a higher level of Russian enterprises, estimate the risk to be at 4% higher.

The designated situation was considered by those who were interested in risk management on the side of those involved in management.

Attempts by the management of successful Russian industrial enterprises to develop mechanisms and risk management tools did not provide effective, comprehensive and systematic risk management through the use of a valuable methodology ії risk management, which covers the specifics of the insurance operation and the development of industrial enterprises and production systems (PS). In the aviation and industrial complex (AIC) of Russia, a similar practice is at an early stage - the stage of understanding the need for risk management.

On the other hand, the study of foreign risk management research has shown that the expansion of management tools and technologies cannot be completely different from waste management enterprises and will not lead to of the results obtained, the fragments are oriented towards others, which are very controversial among the Russians, the minds of the government.

Also, the creation of a full-fledged theoretical and methodological basis for risk management and the development of a methodology for managing PS risks are objectively relevant.

The level of scientific complexity of the problem. At this time, domestic and foreign theory and practice are developing their own approaches and management methods that will be used in the most important tasks of managing the risks of enterprises.

Significant contributions to the development of the theory of risk management and risk management were made by V.M. Akhundov, I.T. Balaban, Thomas JI. Barton, T.I Bachkai, P. Bernstein, V.M. Vyatkin, V.A. Gamza, V.M. Granaturov, M.V. Grachova, N.G. Danilochkina, O.N.Dmitriev, Yu.Yu. Katerinoslavsky, A.A. Kolobov, G.B. Kneiner, B.A. Lagosha, N. Luman, A.A. Lobanov, M. McCartney,

V.V. Milnik, F. Knight, I.M. Omelchenko, M.O. Rogiv, K. Redhead, A.S. Sarkisyan, Yu.V. Sidelnikov, A.I. Sobol, O.D. Solozhentsev, V.L. Tambovtsev, L.M. Tepman, Paul L. Walker, E.V. Utkin, S.G. Falko, D.A. Frolov, T. Flin, N.V. Khokhlov, E.Yu. Khrustalov, S. H'yus, J.J. Hampton, A.B. Chavunov, E.M. Churkin, William G. Shenkir et al.

The theoretical foundations of the functioning and development of vibration systems were formed and researched by domestic and foreign scientists V.D. Kalachanova, F.I. Paramonov, Richard B. Chase, Yu. M. Soldak, V.I. Tikhomirov, Nicholas J. Equiline, Robert F. Jacobs et al.

Investigations into risk management in this and other worlds, related to the problems of financial management and enterprise value assessment, personnel development and socionics, organizational and investment valuable design and other complex problems were carried out by Yu.P. Aniskin, M. Armstrong, N.G. Bazadze,

C.B. Valdaitsevim, N.G. Verstina, K. Davis, Yu.Ya. Oleneva, A.M. Eropkinim, Yu. V. Ivanov, Yu.V. Kozirem, O.P. Kovaljovim, E.D. Korshunova, T. Copeland, T. Koller, J. Murrin, E.S. Minaevim, L.M. Putyatina, V.P. Panagushin, V.B. Rodinovym, Mark K. Scott, O.M. Troshin, E.S. Filatova and a lot of others.

However, regardless of the obvious interest and significance of the number of scientific works published by the rest of the world and dedicated to the problems of risk management, the low principle of important theoretical, methodological and methodical nutritional risk management is not widespread in in the whole world, and all actions from work are affected by the problems of managing the risks of the PS.

Until now, there has been a lack of discussion about how to interpret the understanding of “risk management” and “risk management”, and the most important industrial system itself,” and the concept of “risks of industrial systems” is viewed practically by the Fahivists.

Today, domestic and foreign theory and practice offer a number of methods and techniques for assessing risk management, but economic science and practice have not developed uniform conceptual and methodological approaches to management of the PS risks, until the system of management of the PS risks is in place.

It is impossible for any other concept to embrace the specificity of the PS, which is related, firstly, to those that the industry is, on the one hand, the main element of the PS, on the other, to the PS itself, and, on the other hand, to those that function nya i The development of the PS, aimed at meeting the needs of high-quality products (services) for the effective operation and interconnection of system elements, will ensure the continued development and strategic stability of the enterprise.

In addition, the current approaches to managing the risks of the PS do not consider management from a position to serve the purposes of all involved individuals (stakeholders) and financial and economical contributions to various markets. kah, related to the activity of the PS. This will lead to an imbalance in the classification of risks, to a shortening of the set of tools and methods of assessment and influx on risks and unharmonized management of PS risks.

Also, this research is aimed at the development of the theory and methodology of managing the risks of the PS, which ensures the peculiarities of the functioning and development of the PS, which is relevant, is of great national significance and allows us to solve the scientific problem for security of the development and stable functioning of enterprises of the aviation-industrial complex (AIC) on rinku. for the implementation of a systemic, comprehensive, uninterrupted and purposeful management of the risks of the PS.

The object and subject of dissertation research. The object of the research is the virtualization system, which implements the process of generating competitive products (services) in the minds of the external and internal environment, which is dynamically changing. Based on the specification of the object of investigation, the PS of the AIC of Russia was selected.

The subject of this research is the theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of PS risk management, which conveys an organic relationship between the technology and organization of risk management.

The method of dissertation research is the development of theoretical principles and warehouse methodologies for managing PS risks, as well as organizational and economic methods and practical implementation in agricultural enterprises based on the creation systems that will ensure stable development and efficient functioning of enterprises.

To implement the stated goal in the work, the following tasks were formulated and implemented:

1. Investigation of important trends in the development and critical situation of industrial production in the Russian Federation, analysis and development current peculiarities processes for managing the risks of industrial enterprises and PS of the agro-industrial complex. Identification on this basis of the essence and change to understand the risks of the PS, management of the risks and risk management of the PS and the creation of a specified definition of data to understand.

2. Vision and investigation of changes of mind and development of theoretical approaches and principles of managing PS risks as a special type of risks associated with the stable development and stable functioning of the industrial enterprise.

3. Exploration of the conceptual foundations and methodology for managing the risks of the PS on the basis of the hypotheses and current fundamental concepts of management (valuable-valuable and group-oriented features).

4. Exploration of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the created PS risk management system (SURPS) based on the vartis approach to management.

5. Modeling the process of managing the risks of the PS along management horizons, which conveys the structuring of criteria and the formation of a system of indicators of the functioning of the SURPS, the development of the functional structure of the system and the proposal of a harmonized mechanism rule by the riziks of the PS.

6. Development of methodological provisions for organizing the management of PS risks, the creation of an organizational and economic mechanism for the selection of forms, schemes and models of risk management that correspond to the goals of risk management and risk management. please let me know the PS.

7. Exploration of the methodological foundations for establishing the effectiveness of insurance protection and self-insurance, a set of methods and procedures for assessing and managing technical, personnel, market risks and management risks, which are considered the main risks of the insurance company.

8. Development of organizational and economic methods for creating information security and mechanisms for the implementation of SURPS.

9. Assessing the effectiveness of the established methodology for managing the risks of PS AIC in the form of SURPS.

The methodological basis of the investigation is theoretical. The research is based on theoretical and methodological principles, classical and current fundamental concepts that are found in the classics of economic and management science, as well as domestic and foreign scientists that work with economics, organization and management of enterprises and PS, risk management and risk management . To enhance the objectives of the dissertation, a complex of scientific basic and applied theories, approaches and methods was developed that would be related to the main aspects of managing the risks of PS, and itself: system analysis, management theory, multiplicity theory, those The theory of certainties and mathematical statistics, the theory of making decisions, the theory of vartosti assessment, the theory of riziku, as well as methods of economic-mathematical modeling, logical and financial-economic analysis, empirical research, methods of expert assessments, etc.

Modeling, monitoring of the external and internal environment, identification and assessment of PS risks, as well as managerial input to the risks was carried out with the help of the selected representatives and creations of the authors in the process before Coherence of methods and models.

In the research process for carrying out developments and modeling, the standard and original software created by the author were used and products were used.

Information basis of investigation. The dissertation work is based on the following statistical materials from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation for 1991-2006, data from the Galuzian institutes of the agro-industrial complex from assessments and forecasts of social economical development enterprises, data and results of expert interviews with managers and facilitators of agricultural enterprises, survey-analytical and statistical materials published in the periodical press, and results of monitoring, about carried out by international and national professional risk management associations, as well as materials and recommendations of scientific and practical conferences , seminars, academic sessions and international forums.

The information base of the dissertation research was also composed of materials from monographs and articles of domestic and foreign scientists on this problem, published in special and periodical publications, and from Internet resources.

Scientific heritage of dissertation research. The most significant scientific results obtained in the course of advanced dissertation research and submitted to the defense department are:

1) a systematic integrated approach to the current great scientific and practical problem of increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of the PS based on the development of the theory and development of the methodology for managing the risks of the PS, which will ensure the continued development and stability the lack of functioning of the enterprise in the minds of market instability;

3) the conceptual basis for managing PS risks, the methodology for managing PS risks and the creation of a system for managing PS risks based on the vartis approach to management;

4) a methodological approach to the classification of PS risks, which is based on risk-creating factors and on the projections of business processes on the area and middle management, a balanced classification of PS risks ;

5) a set of indicators for a clear and precise assessment of the risks of PS, a system of indicators for the functioning of the SURPS, criteria for the functioning of the SURPS - fundamental value on the strategic level, economically added to artistry (EVA) on a tactical level and return on capital (ROE) on an operational level;

6) the results of studying the interrelation between the business development strategy and the strategy, forms and types of management of PS risks, the organizational and economic mechanism of harmonized management of PS risks;

7) a set of organizational and economic models, schemes and forms of risk management and the approach to organizing their selection, the approach to organizing the management of the risks of the substation with the arrangement of the financial model of the enterprise on the basis and Vartosti centers, an organizational and financial model for risk management, which is based on risk centers ;

8) methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness and selection of insurance instruments and self-insurance, assessing the feasibility of insurance of insurance risks based on the identified characteristics of risks with a balanced classification these are the risks;

9) conceptual model of managing the risks of the PS, structural and functional model of SURPS based on the modular principle of incentives, methods of creating information security and organizational and economic mechanism for the implementation of SURPS, method of evaluating the effectiveness news about the implementation of SURPS;

10) methodological foundations, economic models and methods for assessing and managing technical, personnel risks and business management risks are consistent with the establishment of methodological bases for assessing and managing PS risks.

Before abstracting the results of the dissertation research, it is necessary to carry out practical testing of the dissertation's methodological provisions, methods and models at low-level enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, which confirmed the effectiveness of their implementation in management not by PS. The results have been distilled down to the level of practical recommendations, which allowed us to highlight the particularities and effectiveness of the fragmented methodology.

Scientific novelty of dissertation research. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author has broken down the methodology for managing the risks of manufacturing systems. The specification of the designated scientific novelty associated with significant scientific results is reflected in the following basic provisions:

1. The methodology for risk management has been developed, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the functioning of industrial enterprises through a systemic, comprehensive, continuous and direct risk management based on a proven approach iv, principles and economical methods of classification, evaluation, management input into risks and risk management.

2. A complex of problems of managing the risks of industrial enterprises and PS of the agro-industrial complex has been identified, and on this basis, theoretical approaches, methodological approaches and principles of managing the risks of PS have been developed, which allow the implementation of new needs The bottom is the paradigm of risk management, which transfers risk management to the boundaries of all enterprises.

3. It is scientifically structured and divided into a comprehensive methodology for managing PS risks, based on which systemic signs, local characteristics and organizational and economic mechanisms for managing PS risks have been identified, with The purchase of which is represented by the system for managing the risks of production systems (SURPS).

4. A set of indicators has been formed and tools for assessing PS risks have been developed, tools for monitoring and risk management have been developed, which allow for the recognition of the peculiarities and mental functioning of PS, development Need to adequately assess the risks of the PS and apply the selection of methods to the risks.

5. The functional structure of the SURPS has been established, subdivided into the conceptual foundations of risk management, which makes it possible to establish types of relationships between the goals of the system, functions and management tasks across the horizon. ah and control bodies across system modules.

6. Criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of the SURPS have been established, which makes it possible to monitor the functioning of the system on strategic, tactical and operational management horizons. It was established that the factors for shaping the economic effect and the warehouse social effect in the development of SURPS, which allowed the development of a model for shaping the effect of risk management, which is an economical interpretation of the conceptual model of management іння різіками PS.

7. Methodological approaches have been developed for organizing the management of PS risks, which allow achieving effective management. A methodological approach has been proposed that promotes the possible appearance of the level of development of PS and the progressiveness of different technologies for managing them when choosing a form and scheme for risk management, as well as when choosing a structure core system, When the functional tasks of risk management are divided, the rights and compatibility between the elements of the system.

8. Methods and models for assessing and managing personnel risks of the PS have been developed, which allows for conducting a personnel audit, developing the personnel profile of the PS and adapting methods to the risks of hundreds of personnel risks and thereby ensuring the assessment of personnel risks are dependent on the personnel profile of the PS and the influx of risks change in the quality of enterprise.

9. Rozrobleni methodical approach This is a method of comprehensive assessment of the risks in the management of the PS, which allows one to evaluate the risks based on the quality of management and the skill of managers to the risks depending on their psychological type. A procedure has been established for assessing the skill of managers before the risk when choosing a form of managing the PS risks, which is recommended to be used when implementing the mechanism of harmonized management of the PS risks.

10. A method for assessing and managing technical risks of a PS has been proposed, which makes it possible to assess risks based on risk factors and to select a strategy for managing technical risks. This is due to the acceptable level of risk management and the accepted form of risk management.

The scientific novelty of the results of the dissertation research as its principle of innovative cognitive brilliance lies integrally in the fact that in the original author’s version a comprehensive management methodology is proposed and developed and the organization of risk management of the PS of the daily agro-industrial complex of Russia as a special type of internal company management, as well as the methodology for interpreting the results of the assessment and monitor, methods of managerial influx on the risks of PS of this category

The reliability of the statements, conclusions and recommendations contained in the dissertation is confirmed by the use of well-equipped scientific instruments, sources, correct processing and interpretation of the meanings obligations of reliable primary output data. The reliability of the obtained results is based on the adoption of pleasantly harsh assumptions and assumptions, on the basis of the established results of theoretical studies and tested mathematical and software support and ensures the correctness of the analytical results. calculations and scientific interpretation of theoretical motives and developmental results.

The reliability and validity of the proposed solutions and recommendations for the implementation and implementation of the main results of the dissertation work are conclusively confirmed by the results of the implementation of the system for managing the risks of the PS and its elements at the bottom. and industrial enterprises and companies.

The practical significance of the results of dissertation research is determined and confirmed:

There is an obvious need for current Russian industrial enterprises and agro-industrial complex enterprises to develop a methodology for managing the risks of PS, due to the need to ensure steel development and effective functioning Bath PS in the Rinku Drains;

Indirect research and promotion of the removal of scientific and scientific-applied results - new objects intellectual power in the practice of managing agro-industrial complex enterprises;

It is possible to expand the fragmented methodology of risk management to a wide range of industrial and, possibly, other enterprises, as well as their application in the selection of firm-specific management decisions for industrial facilities Russia.

The promotion of a fragmented methodology for managing the risks of the PS on the basis of the stagnation of the vartis approach to management will allow us to take more adequate and informed decisions when assessing and infusing them into the risks of the PS. The SURPS has been expanded, the classification of PS risks and the strategy for harmonized management of PS risks have been balanced, methods for assessing the effectiveness of insurance and assessing private types of PS risks, as well as the disaggregation of procedures and regulations for Provadzhenya SURPS vikorystayutsya and may but vikoristany nadali in the activities of industrial enterprises of various galuzy, consulting and insurance companies with: development of projects from the development and implementation of corporate risk management systems; setting goals and choosing a risk management strategy is similar to the enterprise strategy; conducting an internal risk audit, assessing technical, personnel, market risks and management risks; make decisions regarding the selection of methods and tools for insurance protection of PS risks; assessing the effectiveness of risk management systems.

The methodology for managing the risks of the PS has been established, as well as the methods and techniques presented in the dissertation that can be used and can be used in the initial process both within the framework of basic and additional forms of education.

Approbation and promotion of the results of dissertation research.

The main provisions of the dissertation were confirmed and received a positive assessment at international and all-Russian scientific and practical conferences, congresses and seminars in Moscow (2001, 2003-two, 2004, 2005-three, 20 06 rub.), in Rostov-on-Don (2002 rub. ). ), from Krasnoyarsk (born 2003), from Penzi (born 2004).

The results of the investigation, the issuance and recommendations were analyzed and implemented at a number of industrial enterprises, zokrem: LLC "NVO "Tekon-Avtomatika", FSUE "PO Zhovten", VAT "MMP im. V.V. Chernishov", VAT MPO im. I. Rumyantseva, FSUE RSK "MIG" and other companies, as well as lighting organizations, which is confirmed by confirmatory acts of promotion and recovery.

The results of the robot are reviewed in the initial process:

At the Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University), when setting up lecture courses on the discipline “Risk Management and Insurance” for the preparation of master’s degrees and “Financial Management” for learned about pre-school programs professional education(DPO);

At MDTU “Stankin”, when setting up and delivering a course of lectures in the discipline “Enterprise Risk Management” for the preparation of economists-managers and masters, as well as specialists from MBA and DPO programs;

At the Institute of Indestructibility and Daily Business, the course “Management of Financial Risks” and “Management of Investment Projects” is taught during the hour of preparation of facilitators from further education programs;

Within the framework of the Intergaluz program for training personnel for the market economy, which is supported by the Moscow Fund for Personnel Training and support for the Department of Support and the development of small enterprises in the Moscow City Council, the students from the complex disciplines “Enterprise Management”, “Finance Management”, “Innovation Management”.

The provisions of the dissertation work were developed during the implementation of low-scientific, corporate lighting and consulting projects.

Author's publications on the legacy of dissertation research. Instead, the results of dissertation research were published in 37 major works, including 3 monographs and 21 scientific articles, 10 of which were published in scientific journals, published by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia. The total volume of monographs, brochures, initial publications, articles and other materials should be over 193 d.a., including 78.9 d.a. written specifically by the applicant.

Structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, 5 sections, which include abstracts from the skin section, abstracts, bibliography, bibliography and supplements.

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5.5. Symbols behind the section 5

1. The most important methodological aspect of the methodology for managing the risks of industrial systems is the development of models and methods of assessment and management of specific risks, which extends to the development of the conceptual foundations of risk management and balanced classification. ї risks of PS. The main risks associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the PS, the most important and at the same time the most effective ones, based on the position of the methodology for assessing and managing the operational risks and, structural, technical, personnel risks, riziki dii management. Before these risks, we can also highlight market risks that create interest in connection with the active investment activity of industrial enterprises on the stock market and the market. valuable papers.

2. An integrated method for assessing and managing technical risks allows not only to identify risk factors and install their input into risks, but also to evaluate technical risks based on the model of the availability of technical risks. risk factors, and it is necessary to choose a strategy for managing technical risks. The implementation of the fragmented method within the framework of SURPS will ensure the overall security of the enterprise and will reduce the financial results of the operation of the substation.

3. Steady development and strategic stability of the enterprise will require the establishment of the enterprise above the market, securing capital above the market, which, in its own way, will ensure the management of market risks. In connection with this, a methodology was developed for assessing and managing market risks, which allows us to identify key risk factors and determine the characteristics of the current market risk sector, assess the influx of key factors into risk portfolio of the business and, as a result, increase the calculation of the UAYA according to the prescribed procedure using the victorious method Monte Carlo method of historical realizations.

4. One of the main risks that directly influences the effective functioning of the PS and the management of which will ensure the stable establishment of the enterprise on the market, market oriented activities, and personnel risks. A comprehensive system of methods and models for assessing and managing personnel risks allows for the assessment of risks based on the personnel profile and their incorporation into changes in the performance of the enterprise. A system of methods and models has been developed and brought to the level of methodological developments, which allows for conducting personnel audits in enterprises, adapting methods for managing risks and motivating management inputs into risks, which promotes the establishment of accepted resources. This is the best way to manage personnel resources.

5. The implementation of a systematic, continuous, comprehensive and purposeful management of PS risks, which is emphasized by the new paradigm of risk management, implies the need for assessment and management of risks for management. Management of a group of risks, on the one hand, is associated with the provision of a stable stable establishment of a business above the market in part with the implementation of a fragmented strategy, the creation and strengthening of competitive advantages and security Increased profitability of enterprise, on the other hand, due to the strength of management and the special features of managers. Based on this, a method of comprehensive assessment of business risks for managers has been developed, which allows: to ensure that the specifics of assessing the effectiveness of management are taken into account in a particular approach before assessing the value of the business, to evaluate the risks of ії for management to assess the quality of management in the enterprise, to establish the ability of managers to take risks and accept The risk of decision-making is based on the psychological type, reflecting the tendency of managers to take risks when choosing/implementing a form of risk management.

6. The detailed methodological basis for assessing and managing the main risks of reproductive systems consists not only of a separate method and model, but also practical recommendations that allow for the assessment and management of specific risks. active and integral principles of PS within the framework of SURPS.


The dissertation work contains the results of scientific research, taken by the author in the process of extensive learning of the problems of managing the risks of industrial enterprises and production systems in the Russian Federation and behind the border, as well as the practical evidence of the author in the government department Lensky consultation.

It is clear that the main results of the investigation, which include complex problems of managing the risks of the PS from the development of theoretical, methodological and methodical ambushes to practical recommendations and implementation, I believe to the future.

1. A very urgent scientific problem has been posed to synthesize and test the basic components of the methodology for managing the risks of PS, which is of great socio-economic and scientific significance and is directly aimed at ensuring the development and strategic stability hundred powers.

2. In the future, the industrial production of the Russian Federation is characterized by positive development trends and related transformations associated with the globalization of the economy and growing global competition, the development of innovative and integration processes, due to the extremely accelerated pace of change in the external and internal functioning, with the need to strengthen social diversity I will protect my business. The peculiarities of current industrial and agricultural enterprises should be noted: the importance of depletion of fixed assets in the non-network stabilization of investments for their creation; high level of external and internal risks; the current level of overcoming potential risks in the crisis of enterprises through systemic and comprehensive risk management; weak management and overcrowding of a significant number of enterprises. Analysis and analysis of the specifics of risk management processes of industrial enterprises and PS of the agro-industrial complex indicate the increasing influx of risk management into the performance of enterprises and the important influx of PS functioning at the level of capital. Talents of Russian companies. In the near future, effective and adequate management of enterprises will not be possible without risk management, and enterprise management systems will need to integrate risk management systems.

3. Investigation of changes of mind and analysis of the main theoretical approaches to risk management to confirm the existence of a valuable theoretical and methodological basis for risk management and management methodology, What is the specificity of the operation and the particular development of industrial enterprises and PS. The situation requires the development of conceptual foundations and a comprehensive methodology for managing the risks of PS. Based on the research consistency of theoretical and applied warehouse management methodologies in the sphere, the methodology of risk management of the substation enterprises should be considered as a set of mutually dependent hypotheses, principles, approaches, procedures, method iv, models and assessments that will require special development and systemic ordering.

4. The theoretical basis for managing the risks of PS is formed and put into practice, including basic and applied theory and basic approaches, basic principles and postulates. Proposal of a new place of risk PS allows you to become a doctor specific features and to create an adequate assessment of the risks of the PS, and to reveal the essence and the author’s interpretation of the understanding of “management of the PS risks” and “risk management of the PS” to provide sufficient intelligence for the development of a comprehensive harmonized management of the risks PS and rational organization of the process of managing them.

5. The implementation of a new and necessary paradigm for risk management meant the development of the conceptual foundations of PS risk management, which is based on: the hypothesis of the interconnection of the current development and strategic stability of the state with stable development and stable functioning of enterprises on the market and with stable development and direct effective functioning; hypotheses of the overgrowth of the implementation of PS risks during the business crisis; the conceptual approach of groups of dedicated individuals and the virtuous (valuable) approach to management. In the work, a theoretical and methodological framework has been established to establish the vartis approach to managing the risks of the PS, the specific characteristics of the PS have been identified and the essential infusion of the functioning of the PS has been brought to the varity of enterprises. The work has also achieved that the use of a comprehensive approach will ensure the satisfaction of the interests of all involved individuals (stakeholders) when managing the risks of the PS, which, in its turn, will ensure the continued development and effectiveness PS is not functioning.

6. Management of risks, which allows increasing the efficiency of functioning and ensuring the development of the PS, is impossible without an adequate assessment and classification of the risks of the PS. Coming from this, the dissertation is proponated new approach Before classification, the methodology for assessing PS risks was developed. The pre-classification approach allows you to balance the risks of the PS behind the risks of increased flexibility, invariance and flexibility, as well as the basic principles of management, which will ensure compliance with The captured and implemented managerial influx into the PS riziks. Proposition of mathematical tools for assessing risks of PS allows different species Risks, obviously, before a separate classification, it is necessary to choose and establish methods and assessment models. A monitoring toolkit has also been developed, a graphical classification of risks into categories, and the establishment of risk acceptance zones based on the assessment. The selection and selection of computer models and software products was created to evaluate and make decisions regarding the management of PS risks.

7. Conceptual and structural synthesis of the methodology for managing the risks of the PS involves the formation of theoretical and methodological ambushes for the design of SURPS based on the vartic approach, which allows you to ensure the setting of parameters for the effective functioning of the PS. As part of the development of the SURPS methodology, a conceptual, structural and functional SURPS model has been developed in terms of two interconnected modules: risk management technologies (the process of risk management) and management organization nnya rizikami (rizik-management), which will ensure the implementation of a comprehensive, systemic, uninterrupted and goal-directed management of PS risks. The purpose of the system, the main aspects of its functioning and the process of designing the SURPS are determined, which allows for the possibility of a variety of design developments as typical for industrial enterprises and agricultural enterprises.

8. To ensure consistency between the goals of the enterprise management and the management of the PS risks, on the one hand, indicators of the effectiveness of the management of the enterprise and the management of the PS risks - from Otherwise, and between the goals set and indicators of management effectiveness, a system of performance indicators was developed from a third party SURPS. The formed system includes target, controlled and measured indicators, as well as integral, key and private indicators of risks, which are grouped according to management horizons with the establishment of interconnections between them. The selection of the identified indicators allows for the assessment and monitoring of PS risks and the establishment of criteria for the functioning of SURPS - fundamental value on the strategic level, economical added value (EVA) on the tactical level. return on capital (ROE) – on an operating level.

9. Within the framework of modeling the process of managing PS risks from strategic, tactical and operational horizons of management, a model of the interconnection between strategy and business development with strategies, forms and horizons for managing PS risks, as well as a model of monized management and a matrix of methods infused onto the risks of the PS. The proposed models make it possible to choose the most suitable forms and methods for managing the risks of the PS and to directly control the flow of control over the risks.

10. To select and manage the inflows to the risks of the PS, follow the conditions of the equipment for the purpose of vicarious insurance and self-insurance. The dissertation has developed and tested a methodological approach and related tools that include an assessment of the feasibility of insuring risks based on identifying the characteristics of risks, an assessment of the effectiveness instruments of insurance protection from the position of the insurer and the insurer, as well as the determination of the optimal combination of instruments of insurance protection and self-insurance.

11. Based on the established conceptual model of PS risk management, systemic, comprehensive and uninterrupted PS risk management conveys organic interactions between technology and organization of risk management . The work has broken down the methodological basis for organizing the management of PS risks, has proposed a mechanism for the selection of forms, schemes and models of risk management, which correspond to the level of development of enterprise and the progressiveness of developed technologies. Its management. A new approach has been proposed to organize the management of PS risks with the support of a financial business model based on Vartosti centers and related risk centers. The implementation of these developments allows us to achieve adequate and effective management of PS risks.

12. The most important methodological aspect of the methodology for managing PS risks is the development of models and methods of assessment and management of specific risks, leading to the development of conceptual foundations and a balanced classification of risks. The priority of this task was the formation of a consistent set of models, procedures, methods and techniques for assessing and managing the main types of PS risks, such as the selection of technical, market, personnel risks and business management risks.

13. By creating a toolkit for the implementation of risk management of the substation within the framework of information and organizational and methodological security of SURPS, methods for forming an information system for risk management, as well as Methods have been developed for creating and assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of SURPS, which will ensure that enterprises adequately and effectively manage PS risks.

14. Testing and promotion of the results of dissertation work in the form of theoretical, methodological, methodological and organizational recommendations, established methods and models at low-level enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, as well as their use in the provision of consulting their employees were allowed to reduce the level of risks and promote the efficiency of the functioning of the PS behind the adjacent warehouses. Zokrem at VAT “MMP im. V.V. Chernishev" the planned results were assessed, which showed that the estimated increase in enterprise value becomes 4-5%. The implementation of the pilot project for the creation of SURPS at the scientific and medium-sized business enterprise LLC "NVO "Tekon-Avtomatika" ensured an increase in the profitability of capital by 5%, an increase penny stream by 7%, as well as increasing the level of business security and strengthening the competitive advantages of the enterprise. In this case, the private effects of introducing several elements of the SURPS at the enterprises of the industry: increased control power, reduced costs and increased rhythmic functioning of the PS, reduced financial indicators sti enterprises and companies and others.

The implementation of research results in the practical activities of low-level industrial enterprises, agricultural enterprises and companies confirmed the scientific validity and practical integrity of the developments proposed by the author. The results of the investigation and recommendations were implemented and implemented at existing enterprises (acts of implementation presented in the supplement): BAT "National Institute of Aviation Technologies"

NDAT), FDUP "Virobniche ob'ednannya" Zhovten "", VAT "MMP im. V.V. Chernishov", VAT "MPO im. I. Rumyantsev", FSUE "Russian Lithuanian Lithuanian Corporation "MIG", LLC NVO "Tekon-Avtomatika", LLC "Scientific and Viral Research Center "SOYUZOTSENKA"", as well as the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN"" and GO At the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Technical University) "MAI".

List of literature for dissertation research Doctor of Economic Sciences Badalova, Ganna Georgiyevna, born in 2007

1. Agapova I.I. History of economic thought: A course of lectures for people. -M: Tandem, 1998. 246 p.

2. Algin A.P. Facets of economic rizik. M.: Znannya, 1991. – 64 p.

3. Andriychikov A.V., Andriychikova O.M. Analysis, synthesis, planning of economic solutions. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. – 368 p.

4. Andriychikov A.V., Andriychikova O.M. Intelligent information systems: Pidruchnik. M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. – 424 p.

5. Aniskin Yu.P., Pavlova A.M. Planning and controlling: Pidruchnik. M: Omega-JI, 2003 - 280 p.

6. Antifilativ V.S., Emelyanov A.A., Kukushkin A.A. System analysis in management: Navch. Pos_bnik/Ed. A.A. Yemelyanova. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. – 368 p.

7. Akhundov V.M., Sobol A.I. Financial rizik. M: View of the Moscow Agricultural Academy, 2000. - 128 p.

8. Badalova A.G. Analysis of the main approaches to managing the risks of machine-building enterprises // Machine-building technology. 2005. -No. 11-S. 78-82

9. Badalova A.G. Analysis of the practice of risk management by domestic and foreign companies // Current management. 2005. - No. 10 – pp. 15-21

10. I. Badalova A.G., Eleneva Yu.Ya., Korshunova O.D. Analysis and systematization of approaches to assessing the effectiveness of management in small business practice. Library businessman. M.: MDTU "Stankin", 2003. - 42 p.

11. Badalova A.G., Eleneva Yu.Ya., Korshunova O.D. Assessment of management efficiency: theory, methodology, principles. M.: “YANUS-K”, 2002. – 218 p.

12. A. Badalova A.G. Vykorostannya economical added value and a balanced system of indicators when managing the risks of aviation enterprises //Aerospace engineering and technology. 2004. - No. 4 - P. 63-69

13. Badalova A.G. Main aspects of the theory of risk management // U zb. Current station of the investment and development complex of Russia: Zb. tr. Moscow keep.will.un-tu. M.: MDSU, 2003. – P. 194-204

14. Badalova A.G. The main problems in the development of venture capital business in Russia // U zb. Current problems of management 2001: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. - VIP. 2-M.: State University of Education, 2001. -S. 8-12

15. Badalova A.G. The main problems of managing the risks of enterprise // Economy of everyday life 2005. - No. 9 – pp. 20-28

16. Badalova A.G., Pesselova R.I. ta in. Forecasting scientific and technical progress in the industry. Methodical recommendations, private forecasting methods M: VNIIPI, 1991.-168 z.

17. Badalova A.G. Principles of risk management // Evidence of the fakhivtsa s okorony pratsi. 2006. - No. 4 – pp. 49-53

18. Badalova A.G. Creation of a risk management system for enterprises // U zb. Current problems of management 2003: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. -Vip. 5-M.: State University of Education, 2003. – P. 12-16

19. Badalova A.G. Theoretical rethinking of the creation of a system for managing the risks of enterprise // Bulletin of the Moscow Academy of the market of information technologies. 2004. No. 8 – P. 3-15

20. JO.Badalova A.G. Managing the production risks of machine-building enterprises//Technology of machine-building. 2004. No. 5-S. 78-80

21. Badalova A.G. Risk management is a new management paradigm // U zb. Modern machine building: ceramics with effective development: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. – M.: IC GOU MDTU “Stankin”, 2004. – P. 123-126

22. Badalova A.G. Risk management is a new methodological approach to the management of radio electronics industry enterprises // Design and technology of electronic devices. -2005. - No. 1 – pp. 61-63

23. Kommersant.Badalova A.G. Managing the risks of production systems: theory, methodology, mechanism of implementation. Monograph. M.: "Stankin", "YANUS-K", 2006. - 328 p.

24. Badalova A.G. The evolution of risk management for enterprises in the investment and development sector // Uzb. Current problems in the management of enterprises in the investment and development sphere: Zb. tr. M: MDSU, 2005.-S. 234-245

25. Badalova A.G. Economics of business. M: MAI. Information and publication center “Five Plus”, 2003. – 56 p. (3.5 d.a.)

26. Badalova A.G. Economic problems of risk management for enterprises // Uzb. Management Competitiveness. Automation: Zb. Sci. fuck off. VIP.1 – Rostov/Don: GOU DPO “ІУІ AP”, 2002. – P. 45-49

27. Bazadze N.G. Organizational design and development. M: MAI, 2004. -89 p.

28. AT.Bazadze N.G. Organizational design and development of managerial potential of science and science production: Monograph. M.: MAI, 2002. – 228 p.

29. AI.Balabanov I.T. Rizik management. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1996.-192 p.

30. A2.Barlow P.E., Proshan F. Mathematical theory of reliability. M: Glad. Radio, 1969.-375 p.

31. Blagodatskikh V.I. Introduction to optimal control (linear theory): podruchnik/Ed. V.A. Sadivnichy. M.: Vishch.shk., 2001. – 239 p.

32. A.A.Bodrunov S.D., Dmitriev O.M., Koval'kov Yu.A. Aviation and industrial complex of Russia between the 21st century: problems of effective management. St. Petersburg: Aerospace Equipment Corporation, LLC Petrogradskiy Ta K0, 2001

33. AZ.Bokov V.V., Zabelin P.V., Fedtsov V.G. Enterprise risks and hedging in domestic and foreign economies: Head. additional help. M: View PRIOR, 2000. - 128 p.

34. Great Radian Encyclopedia. M: Radyanska Encyclopedia, 1980.

35. Great encyclopedic dictionary. M: Great Russian Encyclopedia: St. Petersburg: Norint, 2002. 1598 p.

36. Great Economic Dictionary / Ed. O.M. Azriliyana. 2nd view, add. and reworked M: Institute of New Economy, 1997. 860 p.

37. A9. Braley R., Myers S. Principles of corporate finance/Trans. from English -M: ZAT "Olymp-Business", 1997. 1120 p.

38. Val'd A. Post-mortem analysis/Trans. from English M.: Fizmatgiz, 1960. -451 p.

39. Veblen T. The theory of the permissible class. M.: Nauka, 1984. – 367 p.

40. Ventzel E.S., Ovcharov A.A. The theory of reliability and engineering programs. M.: Nauka, 1988. – 305 p.

41. Gamza V.A., Katerinoslavsky Yu.Yu. Risk spectrum of commercial organizations: Fig. Academy of Entrepreneurship. M.: ZAT “Publishing House “Economics”, 2002. – 108 items.

42. Gevorkyan A.M., Minaev E.S. both Economy and organization of production lethal devices. M: Mashinobuduvannya, 1995. -297 p.

43. Gmurman V.Ye. The theory of variables and mathematical statistics. M.: Vishcha School, 1997. – 304 p.

44. Y. Hobson J. Problems of poverty and unemployment. St. Petersburg, 1900. – 366 p.

45. Golubin A.Yu. Mathematical models of the theory of insurance. M: An-kil, 2003.-296 p.

46. ​​Gorshkov A.F. Substitution method. M.: KnoRus, 2004. – 184 p.

47. Sovereign system Documentation security management: External benefits to documents and documentation security services. -M: Golovarkhiv SRSR, 1991. 135 p.

48. Granatur V.M. Economic rizik: essence, methods of reduction, ways of reduction: Chief Pos_bnik. 2nd view, revised ta add. - M.: Vidavnitstvo "Right and Service", 2002. - 160 p.

49. Gumenyuk V.Є. Fundamentals of the creation of the Galuzev system for maintaining foreign-union classifiers of technical and economic information M.: Finance and Statistics, 1985. – 296 p.

50. Dal V.I. Tlumachny Dictionary of Living Language. In 4 vols. M.: Vidavnichy house RIPOL CLASSIC, 2002. – 2735 p.

51. Danilochkina N.G. Controlling: Basic guide. M.: Dobre Slovo, 2004. – 249 p.

52. Danilochkina N.G. ta in. Controlling as a tool for enterprise management/Ed. Danilochkina N.G. M: UNITI, 1998. - 250 p.

53. Dmitriev O.M., Bazadze N.G. Organization entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of scientific research, in Russia / Basic handbook for more basic foundations. M.: MAI and “Vidavnitstvo Gnome i D”, -2000 – 292 p.

54. Egerev I.A. Proficiency in business: management mystique: Chief assistant. -M: Right, 2003.-480 p.

55. Engalichev O.V. Improvement of the operational risk management system for enterprises: Abstract of thesis. Ph.D. ekon. Sciences: 08.00.05, M., 2005. – 16 p.

56. Eropkin A.M. Organizational behavior. M: Dobre Slovo, 2006. -376 p.81. Zade JI. The concept of linguistic change and stasis for making nearby decisions. M.: Svit, 1976. – 165 p.

57. Ch!> 2.3 ombart V. Bourgeois / Trans. with him. Institute of Sociology M.: Nauka, 1903. –443 p.

58. S3. Ivanov Yu.V. Business socionics. M: ZAT “Business School “Intel-Sintez”, 2001.-184 p.

59. M. Ignatieva A.B., Maksimtsov M.M. Research on control systems: Head. Handbook for universities. M.: UNITI-DANA, 2001. – 157 p.

60. Kalan R. Basic concepts of neural measurements. M., St.-Pb., Kiev: William, 2001.-287 p.

61. Kaplan Robert Z., Norton David P. The display system is balanced. From strategy to action. - 20th view, Vipr. ta add. / Per. from English - M: ZAT "Olymp-Business", 2004. - 398 p.

62. Kardanska H.JI. Praising managerial decisions: A handbook for universities. M.: UNITI, 1999. – 407 p.

63. Kashin S. Charming sticks for masters of finance // Secret of the Firm. -2004. - No. 33 (72).-S. 54-57

64. Kashcheev R.V., Bazoev S.Z. Shareholder management. M.: DMK Press, 2002. – 224 p.

65. Kene F. Vibranі economical creations. M.: Socekgiz, 1960. -551 p.91. Kneiner G.B., Tambovtsev B.JI. Enterprise in an unstable economic environment: risks, strategies, security. -M: Economics, 1997.-288 p.

66. Book of business people: Dovidnik/Ed. E.S. Minaeva. M.: Vishcha School, 1993. - 476 p.93. Kovalov A.P. What is the need for this “duta vartist”? // Obladnannya. 2003. No. 7(79) - pp. 17-19

67. Kovalov A.P. Vartis analysis. Chief assistant. M.: MDTU "Stan-kin", 2000. - 171 p.

68. Kozir Yu.V. Company performance: assessment and management decisions. -M: View "Alfa-Pres", 2004. -200 p.

69. Kondakov N.I. Logical dictionary-dovidnik M: Nauka, 1975. -720 p.

70. Komartsova L.G., Maksimov A.V. Nerocomp'yuteri. M: View of MDTU im. Not. Bauman, 2002. – 320 pp. 9%. Korn G., Korn T. A guide to mathematics for scientists and engineers. -M: Nauka, 1968. -720 p.

71. Korshunova O.D. Adaptive organizational development of industrial enterprises. -M: IC MDTU “Stankin”, “Janus-K2. 2004. 348 p.

72. Korshunova O.D., Eleneva Yu.Ya., Badalova A.G. ta in. Business management in small business practice. Library businessman. Course of lectures. M.: MDTU “Stankin”, 2002. – 214 p.

73. Copeland T., Koller T., Murrin J. Company performance: assessment and management / Translation from English. M.: ZAT "Olymp-Business", 1999. – 576 p.

74. Kochetkova A.I. Introduction to organizational behavior and organizational modeling. M.: Prava, 2003. – 944 p.

75. JIanycma M.G., Sharshukova L.G. Risks of entrepreneurial activity. M.: INFRA-M, 1998. – 224 p.

76. Limer E. Statistical analysis of non-experimental data. M: Nauka, 1983.-381 p.

77. Lobanov A., Fshin S., Chugunov A. Rizik management // Rizik. 1999. - No. 4. - P.43-52

78. Luhmann N. Understanding riziku // THESIS. 1994. - No. 5

79. Mayburd K.M. Introduction to the history of economic thought: from prophets to professors / Academician of National Economy of the Russian Federation. M.: Right Vi-ta-press, 1996. – 544 p.

80. McKinsey J. Introduction to the theory of igors/Trans. from English M.: Fizmatgiz, 1960.-407 p.

81. Marshall A. Principles of political economy/Trans. from English M: Progress, 1993.-281 p.

82. Materials of the International Conference // Risks of the Russian economy: analysis, assessment, management. -M.: 2003. No. 1 (14.10)

83. Materials of another international forum // Risk management in Russia -2004. M.: 2004. - No. 2 (2-4.11)

84. Mathematical encyclopedia. T. 1-5. -M: Radyanska encyclopedia, 1977-1985

85. Mathematical Encyclopedia, T.4. -M: Radyanska Encyclopedia, 1984. -589 p.

86. Management for an engineer / For the record. ed. E.S. Minaev. M: Good word, 1998.-521 p.

87. Meskon M.H., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management. M.: Right, 1992.-315 p.

88. Mill J. S. Fundamentals of political economics / Transl. from English for zag. ed. A.G. Mileykevsky, Yu.V. Kochevrin. M.: Progress, 1980. – 447 p.

89. Minaev E.S., Pesselova R.I., Badalova A.G. ta in. Recommendations for choosing and integrating forecasting methods. Mn.: BelNDINTI, 1989.-45 p.

90. Mitchell W. Economic cycles: The problem is the same. M., 1930.-503 p.

91. Modeling of risk situations in economics and business: Navch. Pos_bnik / A.M.Bubrov A.M., B.A.Lagosha, E.Yu.Khrustalov. T.P. Baranovska; Per ed. ~B.A.Lagosi. 2nd view, revised ta add. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.-224 p.

92. Moiseeva N.K., Aniskin Yu.P. Current entrepreneurship: competitiveness, marketing, renewal. Volume I, II-M.: Zovnishtorgvidav, 1993. - 526 p.121. Mordashov S.M. It is important to manage the company's property // Market of valuable papers. 2001. - No. 15.

93. Moskvin V.A. Fundamentals of the theory of the risk of implementation of investment projects//Investments in Russia. 2001. – No. 8. – pp. 33-37.

94. Mil'nik V.V., Titarenko B.P., Volochienko V.A. Further investigation of keruvanny systems. M.: Academic project, 2004. – 352 p.

95. Milnik V.V., Titarenko B.P., Volochienko V.A. Control systems. - M.: Academic project, 2002. 335 p.

96. Knight F. Understanding the essence and insignificance // THESIS. 1994. - No. 5.

97. Tidying up the rizik / Kevin Buhler, Gunnar Pritch // The McKinsey Quarterly, 2003 No. 4, pp. 15-25

98. Foreign economic theory (polytheconomy) / Ed. V.I.Vidyapina, G.P.Zhuravlyova. M.: PROMO-Media, 1995. – 608 p.

99. Zagalnorossiysk classifier of management documentation OK 01193. M: State Standard of Russia, 1995.

100. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of Russian. M.: Russian language, 1986. – 797 p.

101. Business assessment: Pidruchnik/Ed. A.G. Bryaznovy, M.A. Fedotova. -2nd type, processed. ta add. M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. – 736 p.

102. Assessing the risks of oil and gas projects / A.F. Andreev, V.D. Zubareva, V.G. Kurpitko, A.S. Sarkisov: Head. additional help. M.: GPU View "Nafta and Gas" RSU Nafta and Gas im. I.M.Gubkina, 2002. – 212 p.

103. Fundamentals of personnel management: Head. for universities / B.M.Genkin, G.A.Kononova, V.I.Kochetkov and in; Per ed. B.M. Genkina. M: Vishcha school. 1996.-383 p.

104. Oliynik K.A. Ecological risks of enterprise activities (nutrition methodology). M: View "Ankil", 2002. - 208 p.

105. Orlov A.I. Mathematics at a glance: Virtue and statistics, basic facts. – M.: MOZ-Press, 2004. – 110 p.

106. Orlov A.I. Resistance in socio-economic models. M: Nauka, 1979.-296 p.

107. Orlov A.I. Econometrics: Handy for cherries. 2nd view, revised ta add. -M.: Vidavnitstvo “Ispit”, 2003. – 576 p.

108. Paramonov F.I. Theoretical foundations of industrial management/F.I. Paramonov, Yu.M. Soldak. M: BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge, 2003.-280 p.

109. Pashchuk A. Tidying up the Risik // Secret of the Firm. 2005. – No. 26 (113). - P. 66-69141. Petrosov A.A., Mangush K.S. Economic risks of agricultural production: Basic handbook. M.: Branch of the Moscow State University, 2002. – 142 p.

110. Peseleva R.I., Badalova A.G., in. Forecasting technology, production organization and practice. M: VNIIPI, 1991.-168 z.

111. Pigu A. Economic theory of goodness/Trans. from English M: Progress, 1985.-301 p.

112. Putyatina L.M. Economics and finance of enterprise: Podruchnik/L.M. Putyatina, V.B. Batkivshchyna. M.: Economics and Finance, 2006. – 648 p.

113. Political economy: Handbook for universities. Medvedev V.A., Abalkin L.I., Ozherelev O.I. ta in M.: Politvidav, 1988. - 480 p.

114. Forecast of the development of the main fields and sectors of the world government for 2001-2015. M: RAS. Institute of World Economy and International Trade, 2001. – 133 p.

115. Robot book forecast / Ed. I.S. Bestuzheva-Ladi. -M: Dumka, 1982.-297 p.

116. Reznechenko V.Yu. Risk management: Head of teaching/Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. -M., 2004. - 100 p.

118. Risk analysis of an investment project: Head. for universities/Ed. M.V.Grachova. -M: UNITY-DANA, 2001. 351 p. 151. Rogov M.A. Rizik management. M.: Finance and statistics, 2001. - 120 p.

119. Redhead K., H'yus S. Management of financial risks / Transl. from English -M: INFRA-M, 1996. 288 p.

120. Samuelson P. Economics. - M: MDP "ALGON" VNIISI, 1992. T1. -335 s.

121. Sevruk V.T. Risks of the financial sector of the Russian Federation: A practical guide. -M: ZAT “Finstatinform”, 2001. 175 p.

122. Seligman B. Main currents of current economic thought. -M: Progress, 1968. 325 p.

123. Serdyukova I.D. Methods for analyzing financial risks // Accounting oblik. 1996. - No. 6. – pp. 54-57

124. Sidelnikov Yu.V., Tanasova A.S. Riks and model of situation selection // U zb. Collection of scientific works of the department “Virobnychiy management and marketing” MAI 2nd type. – M.: “Good Word”, 2004. – 472 p.

125. Sidelnikov Yu.V. Technology of expert forecasting: Basic handbook. - M: Good Word, 2004. 292 p.

126. Simcher V.M. Development of the Russian economy over 100 years: 1900–2000. Historical trends, secular trends, institutional cycles. M: Nauka, 2006.-587 p.

127. Scott Mark K. Factors of Varosti: Care for Managers from the Identification of Important Creation of Varosti/Trans. from English M: ZAT "Olymp-Business", 2000. - 432 p.

128. Smith A. Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. M: Nauka, 1992.-287 h.

129. Smirnov V.V. Insurance protection against risks during the sale of products under purchase and sale agreements on a delivery basis. M: Vidavnichy center "Ankil", 1997. - 232 p.

130. Current social theory: Bourdieu, Giddens, Habermas: Primary handbook. Novosibirsk: SB RAS, 1995. – 234 p.

131. Sokolov G.A., Gladkikh I.M. Mathematical statistics: Handbook for universities M: Vydavnitstvo “Ispit”, 2004. 432 p.

132. Solozhentsev E.D. Scenario-logical and logical risk management in business and technology.-SPb.: Vidavnichy house "Business Press", 2004.-432 p.

133. Stanislavchik E.H. Risk management for enterprise. Theory and practice. M.: Vis – 89, 2002. – 80 p.

134. Old D.E. Economy of the aviation industry. M.: Dobre Slovo, 2004. – 244 p.

135. Statistical methods analysis of safety of folding technical systems/Ed. V.P. Sokolova M.: Logos, 2001. – 230 p.

136. Surkov G. Kordoni Establishment of the Value-at-Risk methodology for assessing market risks: foreign evidence and Russian practice / Financier. 1999. - No. 9. – pp. 63-69

137. H. Turner D. Internationality, statistics, monitoring of operations / Transl. from English -M.: Vishch.shk., 1971. -376 p.

138. Tikhomirov N.P. Methods of analysis and management of environmental and economic risks, M: UNITI-DANA, 2003. 304 p.

139. Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J. Strategic management: concepts and situations for analysis/Trans. from English M.: William, 2005. - 928 p.

140. Tepman JI.H. Risks of Economics: Head. Handbook for universities/Ed. prof. V.A. Shvander. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2002. 380 p.

141. William F. Sharp, Gordon J. Alexander, Jeffrey W. Bailey. Investments. M: Infra-M, 2001. 1027 p.

142. Walsh Do. Key indicators for management. M.: Right, 2000. - 285 p.

143. Sh.Utkin E.A., Frolov D.A. Management of business risks: Basic and practical. additional help. M.: TEIS, 2003. – 247 p.

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178. Thomas L. Barton, William G. Shenkir, Paul L. Walker. Making enterprise risk management pay off. Financial Executives Research Foundation, Inc., 2003.-215 p.

179. Tweeddale M. Managing risk and reliability of process plants. Burlington: Elsevier Science, 2003. 367 p.

180. Wiliams C.A.Jr., Heins R.M. Risk Management and Insurance. New York, 1985 -187p.219. mySAP FINANCIALS. SAP AG, 2003.

181. SAP Strategic Enterprise Management. SAP AG, 2000.

182. SAS OpRisk Management. SAS Institute Inc, 2003.

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Badalova, Ganna Georgiyevna. Methodology for managing the risks of production systems of the aviation-industrial complex of Russia: dissertation... Doctor of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05 / Badalova Ganna Georgiyevna; [Mіstse zakhistu: Moscow. holding aviation int]. - Moscow, 2007. - 484 pp.: ill. RDB OD, 71 09-8/208


Chapter 1. Problems of assessing and managing the risks of production systems

1.1. Analysis of the development, development trends and assessment of risk 17

conditions of industrial production in Russia

1.2. The evolution of management paradigms and the genesis of risk management theory

1.3. Analysis of approaches to assessing and managing the risks of industrial enterprises and production systems

1.4. Analysis of evidence and risk management practices of domestic and foreign companies

1.5. The most important pouches, the keys behind section 1 and the formulation of the problem

Section 2. Theoretical and methodological approaches to managing the risks of viral systems

2.1. Theoretical changes of mind, approaches and principles for managing the risks of production systems

2.2. Conceptual basis and structuring of methodology for managing the risks of production systems

2.3. Development of a balanced classification of risks of virus systems

2.4. Methodological basis and mathematical apparatus for assessing the risks of virus systems

2.5. Symbols by section 2190

Section 3. Pobudova risk management systems based on the vartis approach to management

3.1. Theoretical aspects of enterprise production management and methodological aspects of the creation of a system for managing the risks of production systems

3.2. Modeling the process of strategic, tactical and operational management of the risks of manufacturing systems

3.3. Development of methodological approaches to the organization of risk management of production systems

3.4. Methodological approach and tools for establishing the effectiveness of insurance protection and self-insurance

3.5. Symbols by section 3278

Section 4. Development of information and organizational-methodological support for the risk management system of industrial systems

4.1. Development of the structure and methods of forming an information system for ensuring risk management of industrial systems

4.2. Methodology for creating and implementing a risk management system in an enterprise

4.3. Exploration of the method for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the risk management system

4.4. Symbols by section 4315

Section 5. Exploration of the methodological foundations of assessment and management of the main risks of production systems

5.1. Understanding the evaluation method and managing technical risks

5.2. Formation of methods and models for assessment and management of personnel risks

5.3. Methodology for assessing market risks during the development of investment activity systems

5.4. Introduction to the method of comprehensive risk assessment for business management

5.5. Symbols by section 5385

Visnovok 387

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The evolution of management paradigms and the genesis of risk management theory

Today, domestic and foreign theory and practice offer a number of methods and techniques for assessing risk management, but economic science and practice have not developed uniform conceptual and methodological approaches to management of the PS risks, until the system of management of the PS risks is in place.

It is impossible for any other concept to embrace the specificity of the PS, which is related, firstly, to those that the industry is, on the one hand, the main element of the PS, on the other, to the PS itself, and, on the other hand, to those that function nya i The development of the PS, aimed at meeting the needs of high-quality products (services) for the effective operation and interconnection of system elements, will ensure the continued development and strategic stability of the enterprise.

In addition, the current approaches to managing the risks of the PS do not consider management from a position to serve the purposes of all involved individuals (stakeholders) and financial and economical contributions to various markets. kah, related to the activity of the PS. This will lead to an imbalance in the classification of risks, to a shortening of the set of tools and methods of assessment and influx on risks and unharmonized management of PS risks.

Also, this research is aimed at the development of the theory and methodology of managing the risks of the PS, which ensures the peculiarities of the functioning and development of the PS, which is relevant, is of great national significance and allows us to solve the scientific problem for security of the development and stable functioning of enterprises of the aviation-industrial complex (AIC) on rinku. for the implementation of a systemic, comprehensive, uninterrupted and purposeful management of the risks of the PS.

The object and subject of dissertation research. The object of the research is the virtualization system, which implements the process of generating competitive products (services) in the minds of the external and internal environment, which is dynamically changing. Based on the specification of the object of investigation, the PS of the AIC of Russia was selected.

The subject of this research is the theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of PS risk management, which conveys an organic relationship between the technology and organization of risk management.

The method of dissertation research is the development of theoretical principles and warehouse methodologies for managing PS risks, as well as organizational and economic methods and practical implementation in agricultural enterprises based on the creation systems that will ensure stable development and efficient functioning of enterprises. p align="justify"> To implement the goals set in the work, the following tasks were formulated and implemented: 1. Follow-up of the principal trends in the development and critical situation of commercial production in the Russian Federation, analysis and identification of current features of the process sіv management of risks of industrial enterprises and PS of the agro-industrial complex. Identification on this basis of the essence and change to understand the risks of the PS, management of the risks and risk management of the PS and the creation of a specified definition of data to understand. 2. Vision and investigation of changes of mind and development of theoretical approaches and principles of managing PS risks as a special type of risks associated with the stable development and stable functioning of the industrial enterprise. 3. Exploration of the conceptual foundations and methodology for managing the risks of the PS on the basis of the hypotheses and current fundamental concepts of management (valuable-valuable and group-oriented features). 4. Exploration of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the created PS risk management system (SURPS) based on the vartis approach to management. 5. Modeling the process of managing the risks of the PS along management horizons, which conveys the structuring of criteria and the formation of a system of indicators of the functioning of the SURPS, the development of the functional structure of the system and the proposal of a harmonized mechanism rule by the riziks of the PS. 6. Development of methodological provisions for organizing the management of PS risks, the creation of an organizational and economic mechanism for the selection of forms, schemes and models of risk management that correspond to the goals of risk management and risk management. please let me know the PS. 7. Exploration of the methodological foundations for establishing the effectiveness of insurance protection and self-insurance, a set of methods and procedures for assessing and managing technical, personnel, market risks and management risks, which are considered the main risks of the insurance company. 8. Development of organizational and economic methods for creating information security and mechanisms for the implementation of SURPS. 9. Assessing the effectiveness of the established methodology for managing the risks of PS AIC in the form of SURPS.

The methodological basis of the investigation is theoretical. The research is based on theoretical and methodological principles, classical and current fundamental concepts that are found in the classics of economic and management science, as well as domestic and foreign scientists that work with economics, organization and management of enterprises and PS, risk management and risk management . To enhance the objectives of the dissertation, a complex of scientific basic and applied theories, approaches and methods was developed that would be related to the main aspects of managing the risks of PS, and itself: system analysis, management theory, multiplicity theory, those The theory of certainties and mathematical statistics, the theory of making decisions, the theory of vartosti assessment, the theory of riziku, as well as methods of economic-mathematical modeling, logical and financial-economic analysis, empirical research, methods of expert assessments, etc.

Modeling, monitoring of the external and internal environment, identification and assessment of PS risks, as well as managerial input to the risks was carried out with the help of the selected representatives and creations of the authors in the process before Coherence of methods and models.

In the research process for carrying out developments and modeling, the standard and original software created by the author were used and products were used.

Information basis of investigation. The dissertation is based on the following statistical materials from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation for 1991-2006, data from the Galuzian institutes of the agro-industrial complex based on estimates and forecasts of the socio-economic development of enterprises, including them and the results of expert studies of managers and facilitators of agricultural enterprises, survey-analytical and statistical materials, published in the periodical press, and the results of research conducted by international and professional risk management associations, as well as materials and recommendations of scientific and practical conferences, seminars , academic sessions and international forums.

The information base of the dissertation research was also composed of materials from monographs and articles of domestic and foreign scientists on this problem, published in special and periodical publications, and from Internet resources.

Scientific heritage of dissertation research. The most significant scientific results obtained in the course of advanced dissertation research and submitted to the defense department are:

1) a systematic integrated approach to the current great scientific and practical problem of increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of the PS based on the development of the theory and development of the methodology for managing the risks of the PS, which will ensure the continued development and stability the lack of functioning of the enterprise in the minds of market instability;

Conceptual basis and structuring of methodology for managing the risks of production systems

The specific feature of the object and the object that is being looked at is their organic interconnection, which makes it possible to solidify that the risk can be removed without production, otherwise the plant cannot function without riziku. In addition, the enterprise and the risk of emphasizing its specific features. Let’s begin the report on the analysis of the peculiarities of enterprise, and then we’ll move on to consider the cost of risk.

Whether entrepreneurship, on one side, is an element economic system, and otherwise - a clearly organized system.

As an element of the economic system, enterprise acts as a producer and producer of material goods, a subject of the market, and also as a means of generating penny flow and wealth. The last aspect of the functioning of the enterprise is that which can be considered as a generator of internal and indicator of external risks.

Being a producer and producer of material benefits, the enterprise manages and manages a wide variety of resources, including financial, industrial, labor and material. On the other hand, skin business, as a single element of the market system, is characterized by Galuzian affiliation, the generation of a specific type of economic goods and the similar accumulation of others. This particularity of the object of investigation implies the need to ensure stable functioning and the development of industry, industrial production, the state, the need to analyze the totality of endogenous factors of enterprise functioning. Finally, it should be noted that, acting as a generator of material benefits, enterprise becomes a generator of internal (endogenous) risks.

With the proliferation and persistence of material wealth, the enterprise becomes a subject of the market (the market of goods, and capital), which means the legal field of activity and the legal status of the enterprise, transferring the entry of the subject to the market from and stakeholders.

Thus, the market subjectivity of business means the need to ensure a stable development of business in the markets, the need to analyze the totality of exogenous factors of its functioning, the need to The need for an adequate response to external risks. The peculiarity of external risks is that this enterprise cannot eliminate them, but has the right to absorb and manage them. At the same time, enterprise as a subject of the market cannot fail to respond to external factors that influence the results and effectiveness of its functioning, as a result of which enterprise acts as an indicator of external (exogenous) rhizics.

The essence of economical and organizational-technical processes that are carried out in enterprise is revealed in the process of generating penny flow and profitability of enterprise. This aspect of the functioning of the enterprise is already present with the further formation of conceptual approaches and risk management methodology, including technology and management organization, fragments of organizational and economic and the results of risk management flow into the financial results of the enterprise’s activities, the generation of cash flow and the value of the enterprise’s value.

Whether business is a clearly organized system, which has such features as: the presence of purpose and organizational form. Since the enterprise is a well-organized system, it is natural that it directly ensures maximum efficiency. It’s important to wait a while with N.G. Vertically, it confirms that the goal is concretized by the enterprise management system. It is obvious that up to this point, in current market minds, the functioning of the management enterprise can be seen as a mechanism for realizing the interests and achieving the goals of the leaders of the enterprise (factors in irobnitsa), as well as other stakeholders. With an adequate enterprise management system, including SURPS, it will ensure the implementation of target priorities that meet the economic needs and interests of stakeholders of the same enterprise. Thus, the goal is set to the management system, and SURPS first and foremost, and not within the system itself, although it may be possible to specify and change the goal during the management process.

The foundation of this particularity of the enterprise is impossible without an adequate organizational form, then. everyday systems, which are sometimes seen as the organizational structure of management. In order to manage risks, the management organization is responsible for maintaining, on the one hand, the organizational form of enterprise, and on the other, ensuring the effectiveness of risk management. The remaining aspect is a priority, and in times of need there may be a need to change the organizational form of the enterprise. Linked to this is the need to see the organizational form as an independent aspect of the functioning of the enterprise.

Let's move on to the analysis of the specific features that power the rizik. First of all, it is impossible to forecast the future with 100% accuracy. Coming from this, the main power of the rizik emerges: the rizik comes from the place of almost every future and inseparable connection with forecasts and plans, and, therefore, with the decisions taken (“rizik” in the literal translation means “in praise of decision, the result of something unknown" )).

In another way, as soon as the rhizik takes the form of evolution from the realized value, then the need and the possibility of mathematically calculating the stage of change arises, therefore, the rhizik itself. The changes that occur may be based on the help of well-known statistical values. Most often, to determine the variability, the standard (mean square) variation and coefficient of variation (variation or severity of the possible result) are used.

Thirdly, the risk accompanies all processes that take place in the enterprise, regardless of whether they are active or passive (action or inactivity). In this way, the third feature of the risk is manifested - its affiliation with a particular business, type of activity, business process and, as a result, a single business unit.

And, fourthly, as an enterprise, implementing one or another strategy, current operations, financial and investment activities, may or may not achieve the desired results, increase in sweet capital and change it, then. achieve the best or worst result against the plan. Being in the minds of the utmost importance, care and management of the enterprise, there is a need to make decisions (Table 17), and the likelihood of successful implementation of such, and therefore, the elimination of important functions financial results, the implementation of a successful business strategy lies in the absence of internal and external factors. Therefore, in the final phase, risks can be characterized either as the consistency of not denying the planned result, or as the amount of emphasis on the desired result versus the actual one, or both.

Also, the management of PS risks involves two mutual relations of the warehouse: management technology, then. the management process itself, and the organization of management. Based on this, SURPS as an instrument for implementing the concept of risk management must include two mutually interrelated elements. The analysis of the power (aspects) of the functioning of the enterprise and the identification of the specificity of the risk and their organic interconnections allow us to: identify the stock of specific basic and applied theories that act as theoretical changes in development concepts and systems for managing business risks; It is intended to be considered as an object of management of the risk of enterprise. Basic theories allow us to identify objective patterns and aspects of the functioning of an enterprise and thus formulate the theoretical “foundation” of the created concept and SURPS. However, when developing the concept of risk management, we select basic theories related to the very concepts of risk, which are the inherent specific features considered in the field.

In connection with the thyroid system, the formation of the concept of managing the risks of industrial enterprises is fully effective, based on the following theories: the theory of multiplicities; theories of natural phenomena and mathematical statistics; igor theories; Vartosti theories; theories of scientific management; Rishiku theory

Modeling the process of strategic, tactical and operational management of the risks of manufacturing systems

The value of fundamental value is an integral indicator of risk assessment and allows one to evaluate risks on a strategic level before assessing results. D; = AVt = Ufak - ozh, de AVt the value of the change in the fundamental value of the enterprise at the time period t; fact that Uozh - the factual and estimated (predicted, planned) value of the fundamental value of the enterprise is consistent. tactful criterion for the functioning of SURPS and the stability of the mind positive meaning The economical added value EVAt 0 indicates efficient risk management. When EVAt = 0, investors should determine the rate of return, only the compensating risk; EVAt 0, indicate ineffective risk management and ineffective capital investment. An indicator of the integral assessment of tactical risks when assessing results is the value of EVA, then. A2 АЭУА (=ЕУАфак -ЭУА0ж. The integral indicator of assessing risks at the operational level of management is the value of the return on capital, so that L s = AROEt = АОЭфак-ЯЭож.

This operational criterion for the functioning of the SURPS is to maintain the profitability of capital at a level not lower than the average galloose, then. ROEt ROEcp, de ROEt – the value of the profitability of the power capital of the enterprise at time period t; ROEcp – average level of profitability of capital. The selection of target indicators of the functioning of the SURPS and the integral indicators of risk assessment along management horizons means the possibility of a guided selection of controlled and cerated indicators, identifying the location between integral indicators, key and private indicators, formation of a system of indicators for the functioning of SURPS and SURPS.

Let's return to another group of indicators - control indicators, behind which the actual state of the object and the stage of its achievement are established without specifying the value of the goals. These indicators also act as key indicators of risks, which make it possible to monitor risks and control the level of risks, and on the basis of which to take appropriate decisions to influence the risks. Based on the selection of target indicators, it is possible to formulate a set of control indicators, which include: penny flow, average capital return, investment capital, net operating profit, return on sales, turnover no assets, no stage financial independence enterprises. Structuring target indicators before control and establishing interconnections between them allows you to continue structuring and detailing key indicators to the level of private indicators, which form the remaining group of functional indicators Nya SURPS.

The third group includes ceramic indicators, the change of which leads to the transfer of the control object to a larger station. Monitoring of private indicators, monitoring of the actual values ​​of indicators from estimates (predicted, planned) will ensure the identification and identification of risks. Changing the ceramic indicators as a result of control injections allows you to avoid the implementation of risks or reduce them to a pleasant level. When modeling the process of managing the risks of the PS, it is necessary to include the following 15 indicators to a group of indicators: the balance of operating, investment and financial activities, the structure of enterprise capital, in the art of power and position capital, the value of power and long-term position capital, the equivalent of power capital, the rate of growth of enterprise, income and expenses of the enterprise, income and revenue, enterprises, the amount of assets of the enterprise and the effective tax rate.

The result of the study of groups of indicators of the functioning of the SURPS was the formation of a system of integral indicators, key and private indicators of the functioning of the SURPS, presented in Fig. 3.10.

The new paradigm transfers the uninterrupted control of the risks, as, in its turn, it transfers complex systemic management across all horizons of management from its management to the skin peer of power in its own words and duties, and also specific specialness.

One of the main results (outputs) of the process of managing PS risks on the strategic level is the development and adoption of a risk management strategy (div. Fig. 3.4). The characteristics of strategic risk management strategies were presented earlier in paragraph 2.2 (Table 19), but after modeling the process of strategic risk management, it is necessary to establish relationships between the strategy of the industrial enterprise, the strategist This is the nature, forms and horizons of management.

The risk management strategy is linked to the business development strategy. Nowadays, specialists are discussing different approaches and signs that can be used to classify possible business strategies. The most comprehensive classification is presented by A.A. Thompson and A.J. Strickland. The objectives of the investigation are most supported by the classification of business development strategy by the method of market entry. Prote, according to the author's thought this investigation, the offensive and defensive strategy will be completely complemented by the strategy of the morning. Under these strategies we understand the following:

offensive strategy - a strategy, within the framework of which an enterprise to achieve and develop its competitive advantages, vicoristic actions, aimed at countering the strengths of competitors or at counteracting their weaknesses, to launch an overnight attack on many segments of either type oh market, actively consuming undeveloped markets, so called the policy of late strikes; 229 strategy is a strategy that aims to consolidate and eliminate the clearly achieved competitive advantages, first, for the market of actions, aimed at maximizing the developed segments and/or types of market, and implementation policies for consolidating achieved positions;

defense strategy - a strategy within which an enterprise seizes and preserves its main competitive position for the development of models and types of products that are already being exploited by competitors, in spite of the powerful know-how in different countries the creation of value (vartosti), the sale of products at dumping prices is regulated by competitors of post-owners and permanent control of the actions of competitors. Between this strategy and enterprise is the current defense policy.

The model of the interconnection of business development strategies with strategies, forms and ways of managing the risks of the PS is detailed in Fig. 3.11. This model combines two more unexamined strategies: the business development strategy – the business strategy and the risk management strategy – the strategy of ignoring risks.

Business or business strategy is a strategy for the development of a business in a specific market segment of one specific type (goods market, capital market, or sales market).

Under the strategy of ignoring the risk, it is important to manage the risks of the PS, which is directly related to the lower and middle level of enterprise development and the level of progressivism. These technologies of management at the enterprise, and the other two, we will look at the situation in the implementation of SURPS.

The main management criterion, as has been repeatedly stated, is the entire strategy to maximize the increase in enterprise productivity A V - max. The blame goes to the continued strategy of ignoring risks, if the natural increase is zero, then. AV = 0. Among the main parameters of the model, the following is determined: the value of the production value V is reached, which can be minimal, average or maximum; business crises of the Kyrgyz Republic, the level of business risks and waste of resources associated with the management of risks 3, the size of the skin may be minimal, maximum or acceptable.

The research carried out by the author allowed us to establish the consistency of the implementation of forms of risk management at different levels of management in line with the strategy for managing the risks of the PS. So, for example, the strategy of power attenuation of risks implies the stagnation of an active form of risk management with strategic management, conservative with tactful and preventive with operational management of PS risks. It is logical that with the strategy of ignoring risks, the horizons for risk management are not visible and all forms of risk management are implemented conservatively.

Formation of methods and models for assessment and management of personnel risks

In this way, the totality of the success of the SURPS will lead to a change (increase) in the balance of the penny flow of the ADP, and therefore to a change (increase) in the profitability of the enterprise +A»S-max, -AS-min. As indicated in the model, the subsum value of the economic effect from the implementation of SURPS - a change in the profitability of the enterprise - can be assessed not only a significant change in the profitability of the size of the main and additional business cesіv, and with the arrangement of the three components of vartosti: material vartosti A SM, intangible value A SHM І latent (potential) capacity A SJM .

Material value, traditionally, reflects the real and material assets of the MA and is therefore regarded as balance sheet value.

Intangible versatility is associated with the intangible assets of an enterprise, which is the basis of the competitive advantage of the enterprise and promotes its versatility. The valuation of intangible assets, the assessment of capital investment in the enterprise, the classification and many other things related to intangible assets are ambiguous and require special investigation. It is also significant that there are intangible assets that are insured and not insured in the balance sheet of the enterprise (for example, the management competence of managers, training and skills of staff, etc.). Therefore, intangible assets include everything that exceeds the balance sheet value of an enterprise and is associated with tangible assets on the basis of which the enterprise trades on the market.

Latent artistry has the potential, or the captured, artistry of the enterprise, which may be insufficiently pushed brands, unpatented innovations, athletes with a variety of motivations, managers, who work in a way that is not in their proper place. It is necessary to note that from the position of risk management there is a necessary paradigm that respects the implementation of latent profitability and does not allow reaching the realized increase The goal of taking charge of the implementation of latent behavior is to look at how the risks that come from being pleasant and morning.

The implementation of the project for implementation at the SURPS enterprise is associated with the deposits that are insured during the expansion of the drain pennies worth The main option is the development of enterprise. The initial investments required for the establishment of SURPS will be from various different enterprises and will be based on the level of development of the local enterprise and the progress of the development of control technologies at the moment of making a decision about system promotion. Situations related to the equal development of enterprises are described in the report and discussed in paragraphs. 3.1. ta 3.3. Possible options implementation of SURPS for these situations and related to them and presented in table. 42. Vitrate assessment was determined using an expert method.

Finally, it should be noted that the use of resources for the SURPS enterprise has both an economical and social effect. Without dwelling on the development of a method for assessing the social effect of the implementation of SURPS in enterprise, which goes beyond the scope of further research, it is significantly more

Table 42 Options and costs for the implementation of SURPS according to the development of enterprises and the progress of developed management technologies Item No. Named situation for the development of SURPS and the level of development of industry Capacities Options for implementation of SURPS Types and size of costs complexity (depth) of implementation stages (form) of implementation outside equal assessment team-hours, laborers and penny vitrat The assessment of the main costs is dependent on the financial obligations of the sale of the enterprise

1 Situation 1: worst Development level: high Global implementation: enterprise management is focused on risk management, a new risk management paradigm is being implemented and EWRM SURPS is integrated into the management system This contributes to the production capacity T = T x L mm max3v = 3 -JX Jmin. Spend on paying for the services of consultants and programs from the development and implementation of IS to support decision-making on managing the risks of the software system, ensuring the integration of SURPS with the enterprise’s IS2. Expend the services of consultants during the successful adaptation of SURPS3. The amount of deductible for the performed services is set at an average of 5-15%

2 Situation 2: the highest level of development: low Local implementation: one or two basic principles of risk management are implemented within the framework of risk management of all enterprises; functional specifications T = Tx -1 maxt - t 1 lmm X -Jmax 1 Spend on consulting services to improve basic financial and economic management of the enterprise, 2. Instruction of key managers on the principles of financial, economic and strategic management, the fundamentals of risk management. The amount spent on technical security and information technologies is up to 0.07%

3 Situation 3: intermediate level of development: average Integral implementation: all the basic principles of risk management are implemented within the framework of risk management of all enterprises; SURPS is fully implemented 1 1 cpI cp-5 Jcp 1. Work from the development and description of regulations, methods and procedures for the functioning of SURPS. The amount of money spent per price is 0.3-0.5%2. The average investment for accountants and business managers in SURPS is 0.05%3. Spend related to organizational changes, information and security software SURPS - no more than 0.08% 313 warehouses for social effect.

The social effect of the promotion and functioning of the SURPS enterprise is manifested in: increased social responsibility and “insight” to business; protect business and save workers; development of enterprise personnel; expansion of forms and increased obligations social insurance; subordinated to corporate culture, business culture and culture between stakeholders. The purpose of promoting SURPS is to increase the investment profitability of the enterprise and improve its reputation.

Thus, a disaggregated method for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of SURPS is the final element of the methodology for managing the risks of the PS and will ensure the achievement of the end goal of this investigation.

Z new version Statistics can be found on the website

Badalova Ganna Georgiyevna – Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, director of development, manager directly for risk management at the Institute of Business Development (Moscow)
Svetlana Georgiyevna Konyukhova – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Master of Management, Director of the Platon Consulting Group, Professor of the National Educational Institution “Initial Consultation Dental Center” (Moscow)

Enterprise staff -
tse yak football team:
The boys are guilty as one team,
and not buying up the brightest features.
Li Iacocca

At this time, with the current situation in the external and internal environment of Russian business, including dental business, the security of a new development is beginning to develop. and strategic stability of the company.
The financial strength of a dental clinic in the long-term perspective lies directly in its capital structure, and in the short-term perspective – in the form of its achievements and encouraged liquidity level. The competitive market model, characteristic of the dental services market, implies the presence of a large number of competing clinics and the need to create and support competitive advantages that cannot be copied. The greatest competitive advantages of the clinic can be achieved at the expense of the victorious market current technologies business management, the most effective of which today are business value management tools, risk management tools and tools for ensuring the financial stability of the clinic. With which choice of tools does risk management need positive influx as well as on the clinic’s versatility, so on its financial stability.
The purpose of this article is to identify the main risks that are most significant for the financial stability of dental clinics, to describe the results of an expert assessment of increased competitiveness and liquidity of dentists Other clinics for the implementation of risk management tools.
The authors' research and expert experience, as well as the practical evidence of the authors from the management consulting room, allowed us to identify the most significant groups of risks associated with with functions and the development of clinics:
personnel vests;
managerial vests.
Under personnel risks, it is understood that the actions and inactivity of the clinic staff are associated, first of all, with the level of systemic professional knowledge and medical professionals, the activities of which are associated with the professional Is to improve the financial results of the clinic’s activities and business results type of forecast meaning To this group of risks, first of all:
professional risks - actions considered equal to professional knowledge and to the clinic staff;
communicative risks - actions for the clinic staff at the selected containers and contact with clients, this is the name of the service warehouse;
attestation vests – dii kerivnitstva and top management, associated with the selection procedure adopted in the clinic that interview staff;
Motivational risks – personal care and staff, associated with the staff motivation system adopted and implemented in the clinic.
It should be noted that besides the personnel risks are assigned equal to the change in the importance of the risks, then. step by step influx of personnel resources for competitiveness clinics and business.
Let's look at this group of risks from the activity of medical registrars. The main risk of this group to the staff of the dental clinic, of course, is professional.

Subject to the Regulations for expert's sake Each attestation commission determines qualifications before the HAC experts. Experts of the Higher Attestation Commission are responsible for their extensive knowledge of science, technology, education and culture, as well as for the remaining five years, which must be included in the warehouse, at least 10 publications in scientific publications that are reviewed, and (or) patents ( date) Toscho model on Corisna. will be registered in accordance with the established procedure. These figures came into being in 2014, so the Higher Attestation Commission experts were appointed on April 31, 2013.

And if you want to verify how much this warehouse of experts for the sake of the Higher Attestation Commission is good for Galuzev and regional economy, which analysis of Africa has become famous for the visibility of the organizers of the factories of fake dissertations in the middle, what do they represent to these people?

For this purpose, we analyzed the publication activity of HAC experts based on their questionnaires and lists of publications for five years that they submitted to the HAC expert competition. We managed to find questionnaires and literature lists of third experts that we analyzed.

The picture with the publications came out amazing.

Expert of the Higher Attestation Commission Number of publications of the Higher Attestation Commission (per questionnaire) Hirsch Index RINC (for the questionnaire) Real Hirsch Index RINC (based on elibrary data)
Karpova Galina Oleksiivna 18 52 3
Kurdyukov Sergiy Ivanovich 5 (3) 0 2
Lomakin Mikhailo Ivanovich 13 1 1
Badalova Ganna Georgiyevna 22 4 5
Bezrukova Tetyana Lvivna 42 6 11
Borisova Vira Viktorivna 15 not specified 4
Bubnova Galina Viktorivna 5 7 2
Vershinin Valentin Valentinovich 17 2 2
Egorov Anatoly Yuriyovich 17 0 2
Egorova Natalia Evgenivna 26 5 6
Kalinina Alla Eduardivna 16 2 4
Katochkov Viktor Mikhailovich 10 (6) 2 3
Kuznetsov Yuri Viktorovich 9 3 2
Larionov Valery Glibovich 11 2 3
Lukmanova Inesa Galievna 10 (8) 1 2
The arches indicate a real number of publications without resolving repetitions, unknown and unpublished articles.

Based on the data from the e-library, we can learn that the lists of publications of various members of the expert committee for the HAC were, apparently, unreliable.

So, for example, Sergey Ivanovich Kurdyukov, nominated to the warehouse of experts for the sake of the Higher Attestation Commission by the Kislovodsk Institute of Economics and Law, indicates in his list five articles, all published in the journal “Management of Economic Systems: Electronic scientific journal" Since five years ago, two works, published in 2011, No. 4 (28), in whose magazine there are daily publications. Elibrary has this issue of the magazine, but there aren’t many articles there... And we started thinking about it, the deputy. The head of the expert for the sake of the Higher Attestation Commission has no daily paper publication in the journal that is reviewed, for the remaining five years. Zhodna!

List of jobs of Inesya Galiivna Lukmanova, head. department at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, another extravaganza began.

Axis, for example, the article number 3 was not published in the first issue of 2012. Bulletin of RDSU, and in the third. The article under number 4 does not include the author Nezhnikov O.V. Articles numbered 5 and 8 are included in the list of two and then in one case the author was again omitted. And the article number 10 has been written, according to the elibrary data, and I can’t understand! Comments, like on me, are welcome here.

Katochnikov Viktor Mikhailovich from South Ural sovereign university I added 10 articles to my list, many of which were in the press. This means that formally only six works have been published.

Valentin Valentinovich Vershinin, who works in land management at the State University, incorrectly entered the title of the journal: not “Economics of agricultural and processing industries”, but correctly “Economics of agricultural and processing industries”.

A number of cases included publications not from the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, zokrema, Lomakin Mikhailo Ivanovich, having deposited two manuscripts, and Kalinina Alla Eduardivna, two works published in journals not on the list of the Higher Attestation Commission .

Axis I wrote in rows and in me as déjà vu. We also write this kind of comments before the examination of Dissertnet clients.

The variety of magazines
It brings respect to those that a rare expert of the Higher Attestation Commission on Galuzev and regional economics is published in leading Russian magazines (I’m not talking about foreign ones). Reputable economics journals have an impact factor of 0.5 or higher. The impact factor of journals on the list of publications of HAC experts is extremely low, and among some experts there is almost zero. For example, V.V. Vershinin has only 2 publications out of 17 in journals that have an impact factor.

In addition, experts are published in magazines, such as magazine reports: “Innovations and Investments”, “Transport on the Right of Russia”. These journals publish paid articles and peer-reviewed publications. - Less formality. Do the HAC experts advocate for these journals to be excluded from the HAC cross-section? Thank you for everything, because for such experts as A.Yu.Yogorov and M.I. Lomakin, in one place, they can publish their pseudoscientific work.

Hirsch index
Hirsch index shows the number of citations of a publication. For example, an H-index of 1 means that one publication was cited once. An index equal to 2 means that the author has two publications that were quoted at least two times, etc.

Russia's economy does not have such high indicators of the Hirsch index as, for example, physics. Economists have a figure of 10 and one can speak about the sufficient popularity of the scientist’s work. Ale tse umovna digit pivnyannya. The data for the month of 2014, 7 out of 15 HAC experts shows an RINC Hirsch index of 2 or less. What does this mean? And this means that in their entire life, say in their doctoral dissertation, they have not published anything good. Be a doctor of science and mother Hirsch index RINC 2, then, be aware of what is visible, and not a leader.

The first axis is a number of results from some statistics.
Galina Oleksievna Karpova from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics did not disgrace herself and indicated her RINC H-index at 52, which means that there are 52 publications, skin yakih bula quoted schonaymenshe 52 times. This is a demonstration of a great thing, a star. Thus, G.A. Karpova’s axis is registered in only 26 publications, and her Hirsch index is up to 3 (three)! Vaughn, who has seen for everything, for the H-index, has seen the ignominious number of quotes from her work. Obviously, the HAC experts don’t know what the Hirsch index is.

Galina Viktorivna Bubnova, head. Department at the Moscow State University of Social Sciences has also increased its Hirsch index RINC several times. She has not 7, but 2! Yuriy Viktorovich Kuznetsov, professor at St. Petersburg State University, even slightly embellished the data, indicating the RINC Hirsch index not two, but three.

And the axis Anatoly Yuriyovich Egorov and Sergey Ivanovich Kurdyukov wrote everything as it is. The Hirsch index is still "0". Well, their robots are unknown to everyone.


Since the early research of the Dissertation showed the participation of a whole group of low-ranking experts of the Higher Attestation Commission (A.Yu. Egorov, S.I. Kurdyukov, M.I. Lomakin) in the “factories” of fake dissertations, then this analysis will indicate about those appointed experts a lot less fate . in the power of scientific research.

With all the inadequacy of scientometric indicators, it is possible to develop a conclusion so that in the examination of dissertation papers from Galuzev and regional economics, we can take part in the future, as we immediately engage in profanation of this galusi science. For the sake of fairness, it is significant that in this expert opinion of the VAK there are present and important and serious considerations that are not noted in the fabrication of fake dissertations, and they are, unfortunately, the minority.

To hear the results of the search type, you can specify the search by specifying the fields for which searches are performed. The list of fields has been completed. For example:

You can joke around in many fields at once:

Logical operators

The operator is behind the promotional items. AND.
Operator AND means that the document must comply with all elements of the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must conform to one of the group values:

investigation OR dissatisfaction

Operator NOT includes documents that contain this element:

investigation NOT dissatisfaction

Search type

When writing a sentence, you can indicate the way in which the phrase will be joked. Several methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
The research is carried out based on the understanding of morphology.
For a joke without morphology, it is enough to put a “dollar” sign before the words of the phrase:

$ investigation $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put a star after the entry:

investigation *

To search for a phrase, you need to place it on your back foot:

" investigation and investigation "

Search for synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in search results, you need to put ґrate # before the word abo before viraz at the arches.
For just one word, yomu, up to three synonyms will be found.
In zastosuvannі to virazu at the arms to the skin word will be added with a synonym, as they knew it.
Don't go along with a joke without morphology, a joke with a prefix or a joke with a phrase.

# investigation


In order to group sound phrases, it is necessary to vikorize the bows. This allows you to apply Boolean logic to the input.
For example, it is necessary to formulate the question: to find out the documents whose author is Ivanov and Petrov, and to name the words investigation and investigation:

Approximate word search

For a rough guess, you need to put a tilde. ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When you search, you will find words such as “bromine,” “rum,” “prom,” etc.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

2 edits are allowed for modifications.

Proximity criterion

To search for the proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde. ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, in order to find documents with the words investigation and development between two words, use the following command:

" research development "~2

Relevance of viruses

To change the relevance of other words in your search, use the " sign" ^ "For example, it is necessary to indicate the level of relevance of this virus to completely different people.
The higher the rhubarb, the more relevant this virus is.
For example, in this language the word “investigation” is four times more relevant than the word “exploration”:

investigation ^4 dissatisfaction

According to the rules, the rhubarb is equal to 1. Acceptable values ​​are a positive speech number.

Search at intervals

To indicate the interval in which the value of a given field may occur, enter the boundary values ​​in the arms, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be carried out.

Such a request will probably result from the author, starting with Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will find nothing included in the result.
In order to compress the values ​​into the interval, square the arms. To turn off the meaning, adjust the shapes of the arms.

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