Others on the sun h2 bark. Korist Sontsa - Dzherela Zhittya. Contraindications before taking the sun

Almost all living things on planet Earth, including humans, require sleepy energy. People can feel the warmth and light from their fur. It's time to talk about the ever-increasing flow of radiation that resembles the Sun. Let's look at the pros and cons of smearing.

The healing power of the sun is visible to everyone. It is easy to understand the human sun. The need for sleepy light is genetically determined; it is absolutely different among different peoples - among ancient peoples, there is no doubt a richer supply than among ancient peoples. For example, the skin of a day-dweller, who is born in the minds of the Last Night, experiences extreme stress, and is formed by generations of the need for sleep and is not satisfied with the stingy daylight.

Sleepy light takes part in the reactions of promoting the synthesis of insulin (hypodermal hormone), supporting the balance of the microflora of the skin. Well, a positive influx on a person’s psyche will not be ignored by doctors. It is also known that under the influx of ultraviolet light, vitamin D is vibrated - an important regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body - and serotonin - a substance (also called “chemical viscosity”), which controls impulses between the nerve cells of the brain, under its “caution” what kind of appetite, sleep, mood and emotions of people.

With decreased production of serotonin, depression in the body, increased sensitivity to pain, insomnia, and migraine attacks are indicated. Serotonin is often called the “happiness hormone,” because in moments of joy it vibrates into great quantities. Light is necessary for the production of serotonin; lack of light in the winter is the cause of widespread seasonal depression. In addition, too much light interferes with the production of another hormone – melatonin, which is important in cases of depression.

Preservation of sleepy tissues increases the resistance of the child’s body to catching colds, strengthens immunity, and trains the mechanisms of thermoregulation. The light can cause serious injury and illness. About new arrivals when taking fresh baths, it is possible today.

It’s just so darn light to take revenge on ultraviolet light. With this current influx, the antirachitic vitamin D is strengthening its work. This is another great natural benefit in the fight against insanity. Sonechko expands the judgment, moves arterial pressure it will enhance the exchange of speeches. In addition, when children laugh, they simply lose their temper and lower their mood.

However, through that which has increased evenly with the distant past middle period human life According to doctors, the measles of the Sun have become less significant compared to the harm. Over the last three centuries, people began to live approximately twice as long. In the past, during a short period of life (up to 40 years), the human body was not able to acquire harmless mutations that were unsafe for life (sun radiation is the cause of such mutations). For these reasons, skin cancer and other effects of sleep apnea were not known to medicine. Moreover, very often people today's world living at latitudes in which their genotype is not suitable will greatly increase in price and the sun of distant latitudes is even more sensitive for mandrivniks. Medical doctor Stefan Ruppert points out that Australian aborigines have no recorded skin cancer, but most people living in Australia have the highest incidence of cancer on the planet.

Nowadays there are over two dozen different ailments that arise or succumb to the light of sleep, among them xeroderma pigmentosum, squamous carcinoma of the skin, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and cataracts.

The most common effect of supernatural sun exposure is erythema - skin, prepared in red color or smear. A further, less obvious adaptive effect is the enhancement of the most distant areas of the skin, which reduces the UV penetration to the deeper areas of the skin. All these changes are a sign of damaged skin.

Frequent exposure of the skin to UV radiation also causes permanent degenerative changes in the cells, fibrous tissue and blood vessels of the skin. Stinks include gusset, nevi and lentigines, which are pigmented areas on the skin, and broad brown pigmentation. Ultraviolet radiation accelerates the age of the skin, and the progressive loss of elasticity of the skin results in dry, rough skin and wrinkles.

Non-melanoma skin cancers include basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These carcinomas can lead to death in some cases, but painful and surgical removal of them does not add any benefit.

Malignant melanoma, although much less widespread, is lower than non-melanoma, cancerous of the skin, but also main reason deaths due to skin cancer.

A large body of research indicates that there is a connection between genetics and specific characteristics, UV exposure and malignant melanoma.

Head factor riziku for people:

The large number of atypical moles (birthmarks) is the strongest risk factor for malignant melanoma for fair-skinned people;

Malignant melanoma is more likely to occur in people with pale complexions, blue eyes, and light-colored hair;

High, unstable radiation of solar ultraviolet radiation is a possible risk factor for the development of malignant melanoma;

The prevalence of malignant melanoma among light-haired races increases due to changes in the geographic latitude of the place of residence;

Several epidemiological studies confirm the connection with smear, especially in early childhood.

The sun also pours in the sun. The eye is protected by the protrusion of the eyebrows, eyebrows and eyebrows. The eye lightly activates the contraction of the eye to minimize the penetration of sun into the eye. The effectiveness of this natural protection against UV radiation is limited. For example, in certain situations, such as a loose deck chair or strong sand, water or snow.

Some common symptoms include UV exposure and photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis. These flammable reactions affect even sensitive, skin-like tissues of the eyeballs and eyelids, and appear to last for several years after a sleepy fall. The stench may be even more painful, but it may also turn out to be deadly and may not cause fatal damage to the eyes of the eye. Extreme forms of photokeratitis - “bunnies” and “snow blindness”.

Cataracts are the main cause of blindness. However, despite the fact that cataracts appear in most people, as they age, UV exposure (UV-B exchange) is the main risk factor for the development of cataracts.

However, if we are aware of these problems, the sun’s measles are deprived of value for the promotion and appreciation of human health, but it is necessary to use the sun’s bark very carefully.

To prevent skin diseases, in the development of which the influx of sleepy emissions plays a primary role, we must first turn off or limit the influx of UVA and UVB prominence on the person.

Healthy people are advised to take sedative baths at a dose in the morning (before 11 years) and in the evening (after 16 years). It is important for the phototype of the skin that the hour of exposure to sunlight begins to increase every day from the minimum (a few hwins) to several dozen hwins the world has a persistent smear. When you are in the sun, you must be careful to wear a hat, sleep-protective eyepieces, and cosmetic products that contain both UVB and UVA filters. It is necessary to protect yourself from the sun not only when you are in fresh latitudes or high in the mountains, but also in the spring-summer period medium smoothie. It is necessary to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation on nevi and birthmarks. During the day, it’s best to stay in the shade, avoiding direct sleepovers coming into contact with the unprotected skin. Keep in mind that being near the water, on the sand, active play, and playing sports will reduce the harmful effects of phototoxic agents, which will require more frequent application.

A series of sleep-related symptoms are adapted to the skin type and skin phototype.

The Fitzpatrick scale conveys six phototypes. We won’t look at the other two, because their representatives are dawdling in Africa and other secret countries. And among us, Europeans, there are more and more phototypes.

  • Type I: very light sensitive skin, dark or green eyes, light or ore hair, gusset. Such skins are not recommended for use under direct sunlight, as the skin will immediately burn. To protect yourself, make sure that your most sensitive skin conditions are labeled “for sensitive skin”: during the first days of use, use SPF 40, then SPF 30. Oil for intense sleep is contraindicated!
  • Type II: light skin, blue and brown eyes, light ore hair, gusset. The skin of whose phototype can be affected, but in order not to remove the guardianship, it is necessary to acclimate them to sleepy changes step by step. On the beach, it’s better to wear waterproof protection: first days – SPF 30, later – SPF 15.
  • III type: get a light skin, dark eyes, chestnut or hair in russian. This is the widest phototype in our region. Its representatives are easy and smooth, often bypassing the unacceptable stage of blackened skin. Such a skin is not worse than the sun of mid-latitudes, but it is not safe from the baking sun. The first days in the sun you need to use a protection factor of at least SPF 15, then SPF 8-10.
  • IV type: dark skin, black hair, dark brown eyes, no gusset. Representatives of this phototype look good and easily, without getting burned by the sun. And although such a skin does not cause the troubles associated with sleepy opiki, it is still necessary to protect it from photographic antiques in a way with the icon “for a dark skin”, which is what they want and create an even more beautiful Ishoyu. However, since the skin clearly does not protest against the painful exposure to the sun, to protect itself from photoaging, it is necessary to apply sun protection SPF 6-8.

For patients who suffer from photodermatosis, such as minor or minor skin puffiness or precancerous dermatoses, exposure to sunlight is contraindicated. For photochemical cosmetic purposes, we recommend special creams at the highest level protection, which must be applied every day during the spring-summer period to the exposed sections of the skin when the skin appears in the sun. It is recommended that such patients be visited by a dermato-oncologist for a preventive examination at least once a day.

If you are still burnt, the skin has turned black, has become hot, and is painful to touch, so immediately take the necessary steps. Golovne - do not stain it Oliya and creams on a fatty basis, the stink fragments make it difficult to provide heat. Zavdannya - to help burned people to relieve heat. There are a lot of ways.

Your activities

Method 1. Cool the sun-damaged skin for five to ten minutes (as needed more) with ice cubes sunk in a clean cloth. Until you smell it, American doctors recommend applying a package of frozen vegetables to your scalded skin until your skin is scorched.

Method 2. Soak four or six balls of bandage (gauze) with cold water or fresh milk from the refrigerator and apply a compress on the burned area. Afterwards, remove any traces of milk with a cotton swab soaked in cold water. Repeat the procedure every day for two years.

Method 3. Another healthy treat is an algae compress, which congeals just like a milk compress. Place dry oats in a ball of one or two centimeters on a piece of clean cloth, light the ends, covering the surface, soak in cold water, let it drain and apply a compress to the skin.

Method 4. Traditional medicine to protect the damaged area from fresh leaves white cabbage, thinly sliced ​​slices of raw cucumber, potatoes and apples.

Method 5. In the coming months, take two tocopherol tablets (vitamin E) three times a day. There is a sign of scorched skin, which is the result of oppression.

Method 6. Until you get rid of any unpleasant sensations, wear a mild, cologne and perfume that will tease the skin. Make sure that the pressure in your soul is weak - do not again injure the skin that has suffered! For this reason, forget about the jacuzzi for a moment.

Until you stop drinking again, don’t let the skin dry and drink more juice. Especially brown green tea.

People's diets are swollen and more heavily soiled, and the tabletops are large, so the stench can't be felt for a long time, and the body can't cope with sudden changes in temperature. dovkilla. Excessive exposure to sunlight, especially in windless weather with high humidity, can lead to overheating of the body. As a result of the loss of balance between the amount of heat that is absorbed by the body, the result is heat stroke or drowsiness.

First symptoms sleepy blow Call for service due to illness, weakness, feeling broken and tired. Step by step they appear confused, headache. Frequently, sleepiness is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees, nausea and vomiting. In a person who has suffered from a sleepy stroke, there is a sharp degeneration of the skin with a bright horny coloration, and sweating is on the rise. In especially important countries, there is a possible development of the unpleasant and will lead to a judgment. Nosebleeds and noise in the ears can also be a warehouse clinic of sleepy shock.

To provide first aid, the patient needs to be moved to a cool, shaded place. The patient is required to take a horizontal position with his legs raised. After this, unfasten the clothes and open the window for help in the area. The influx of fresh air is almost unknown to reduce the number of patients suffering from sleep apnea. To cool the skin, you can soak a piece of fabric in cold water. At the same time, rehydration therapy is being carried out - the patient must lose the optimal amount of water, rather than drinking mineral water or drinking water. In case of cloudy information garna diya Inhale ammonia. You can bring a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to the patient’s nose or wipe the temples with it.

Doctors are not happy to use antipyretic drugs. In case of sleepiness, it is better to wipe the palms and feet of the patient with a solution diluted half with water.

Symptoms heat stroke Much like what happens when you have a sleep attack. Heat stroke is also accompanied by tachycardia (pulse moves up to 120-150 beats per hip), changes in the side nervous system(Medium and hallucinations may appear).

First aid for heatstroke does not differ from aid for sleep shock.

Heat and sleep stress should pass on their own in a row until severe and rarely lead to important consequences. However, it is better to carry out prevention of these conditions, and then seek additional help.

And to protect yourself from heat and sleep stress, avoid excessive exposure to the sun or on the beach. It’s better to tan without lying down, but in Russia, take napkin baths on the morning and evening of the year and no earlier than a year after that. It’s nice to get them out of the baths. Protect your head with a light, light-colored headdress, and your eyes with dark eyepieces. Wear a light, light-colored coat that does not absorb evaporated sweat. Don't eat too much and don't drink too much juice. Give priority to fermented milk products and vegetables.

And finally, a few words about those who praise mothers and grandmothers so much: how can you help your child? Doctors and pediatricians categorically recommend that children up to three years of age be exposed to direct sleep. It has been scientifically proven that guardianship, taken away from childhood, has, in many cases, promoted the development of harmful new skin developments. To avoid the harmful effects of aggressive sleepy children's exchanges for the child's tender skin, fathers must be careful about their beloved son: buy a special dry children's cream with SPF 30. It must be applied to the skin ru ditini before the skin walk. But then the skin of the baby cannot be taken into account completely stolen. Therefore, you can only walk with your baby in the shade, where there is 20% less ultraviolet exposure, and less in the sun.

Of course, the dark color of the body is beautiful and sexy, but one should not forget that the summer sun can be not only kind, but also ruthless. Carefulness and respect allow you to rejoice in peace with the beneficial infusion of sleepy baths, add garna samaga without the usual unpleasant surprises and secrets.

The sun is light, the sun is warm, the sun is everything that sleeps. As if there was no Sun, or if it were different, life on Earth would still be different. Or maybe it never existed at all... Many religions are based on the worship of the Son. In India - Brahma, who emphasizes the principle of goodness, in Egypt - Osiris - a symbol of eternal life (he dies in the evening, the Lord rises again), among the Persians - Mithra, Adonai (at the same time as the names of God in Judaism and Christianity) among the Phoenicians, among the Greeks - Apollo. Former god Sun - Yarilo in Rusich. In Islam, the day of spring, the 21st of Birth, is designated as the holy “Navruz”. The Brethorians respect that you can live your life on little sleep, wind and water.

Those who need sleep for the body have no doubts.

Quite recently, a group of studies under the supervision of Richard Weller (Edinburgh) found that when a person gets enough sleep, tension decreases, the formation of blood clots changes, and that sleep does not only improve health. , and continue your life, you can avoid the guilt of such serious get sick like a stroke. and heart attack. If you put an emphasis on measles due to the risk of heart disease and illness due to the possibility of cancer, then tighten it first.

These ideas are relevant, because previously the main advantage of staying on sleep was just one thing – vitamin D production.

Vcheni anticipate that the hour of sleep is far away. The first vertices have been crushed.

Koristi Sontsa

  • In the brain, serotonin is vibrated under the influence of sun (it should be clarified that serotonin is vibrated not only under the influence of sun) - a hormone that plays an important role in the processes of laryngeal blood, flows into allergic reactions It is called the “happiness hormone”; the presence of serotonin in the blood of a sufficient number of people moves the mood, indicating a state of awakening.
  • The sun vibrates vitamin D (calciferol), which contributes to weight loss cystic tissue, helps remove important metals from the body, promotes valuable immunity
  • With the influx of sunlight in the body, biologically inert nitrite NO 3 is released and converted into nitrate and nitrogen oxide, which reduce stress and change the incidence of heart attacks and strokes .
  • The sun has an antibacterial effect, the number of acne changes, sores and cuts begin to heal, and as a result, the skin becomes more beautiful.

Skoda Sontsa

  • Tanning is a dry reaction of the body to sleepy changes, and is the first sign a generous influx Sontsya on human body. If you continue to sleep on the sun, you can remove the pain (the skin hurts, the skin appears red, then the skin peels off). Some people are more likely to develop melanoma (skin cancer).
  • Hard on the eyes/
  • It is necessary to infuse ultraviolet light to dry the skin, which then removes the old one.
  • For a sore night in the sun, a mighty sleepy blow. Signs: tiredness, increased pulse rate, elevated temperature. It is possible to waste information and lead to death.

If you are on sleep, you need to take action strangers come:

  • Put a headdress on your head, preferably a light one;
  • speed up using special methods for lubrication;
  • Tighten the eyepieces;
  • Try to avoid the sun every day from 11 to 16.

Respecting that sleepy exchanges are unprofitable, many girls began to replace natural products with artificial ones. Of course, the ability to remove fat from your entire body is beneficial. Just remember that piecemeal is no less cheap. Until then, it is impossible to bring the joy of being in the sun. A healthy way of life is to be able to do without artificial lubricants.
There are a lot of women who get married on the beach through several kilograms of honey. A pre-summer diet will help you lose weight quickly and effectively. Supported killed his food in a singing manner healthy food You can not only enjoy the sleepy nights, but also help your body adjust in such a way that you don’t get a burnt skin in the flames, but a garna of chocolate smudge.

6 warehouse garniy zasmagi:

  • Tyrosine is an amino acid that creates melanin and protein;
  • Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is not synthesized in the human body and can be found in protein, and stimulates the immune system;
  • Beta-carotene is a pigment that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and, therefore, is an antioxidant, found in red and yellow vegetable products;
  • Tocopherol - vitamin E, which removes excess hair from the surface of the skin, and as a result, it is the main component in the oils of plant growth;
  • Selenium is a chemical element that improves the immune system and is found in large quantities in seafood (squid, seaweed), cabbage, and cabbage;
  • Lycopene is a pigment that imparts a strong flavor and is found in red-colored fruits.

Don't screw up the sun, otherwise you might get punished. Therefore, do not miss the rules of protection from sleepy exchanges. If the sun brings joy or brings bad luck, it will lie only in front of you. A healthy way of living without wholesome exchanges is impossible. Illnesses persist in places where the Sun rarely looks.

Tsikavo: Sun normalizes vibration female hormones as with women, so with men. A

Shaping healthy image life in the process of rotational work.


1.Forming a healthy way of living in the process of spiritual work, understanding the sun as a mirror, helping children understand the role of light in human life.

2. Development of promotion, mentality, memory, respect, insight, and dialogical promotion.

3. Raise your goals for your health.

Materials: Pictures, computer, vocabulary words (sonce, melanin, tone, rickets, kazka.)

1.Org. moment. Let's solve the crossword puzzle.

1. What kind of tree does it stand for, there is no wind - it will shake (osika)

2. “White-maned horse”, which the heroes of the cartoon “Hello” rode on. (Khmari)

3. A geographical ball that contains the entire earth. (globe)

4. Our dah...blakitne, our happiness is to live such a lot. song (sky)

5. I titmouse, and bullfinch, and humpback, blue, and parrot,

6.Name captain Vrungel’s yacht. (bad)

Well done guys, Rozmova time about Sunny.

Read it backwards.


The influx of sleepy sleep into the body.

Virsh Sontse.About the good day, the warm sun...

Sonechka hugs us affectionately,
We exchange warmth for the restless empty space,
Sonechka feels, Sonechka knows,
Like yogo promіnchik lie to fight.

Like the little bunny, the one on the wall,
It’s a joy to bring food with you,
The sleepy light has some shades
Look brighter and more beautiful in the future!

What then, if the sun is gone?
Yak yogo without heat? How about without change?
More is needed to make it go away
People have open souls!

2.Basic part . Showing illustrations about the sun. Work with illustration.

What is painted on this illustration.

Is it time to rock? Like Sonechka?

Showing a parable about the sun.

Parable of the ancient Greek sage Aesop

It seems that the Sun and the angry summer Wind started a super-speech about those who are the strongest among them. The stinks argued for a long time and decided to face off over the mandrivnik, which at this hour was riding along the great road.

- Marvel, - said the Wind, - as I fly at him: Mitya will tear off his cloak.

Having said - and starting to smoke, what happened. As soon as the Wind blew more, the mandarin wrapped itself more tightly in his cloak: he grumbled at the bad weather, but went far and wide. The wind became angry, fierce, and covered the poor mandravnik with snow and snow; Cursing the Wind, the mandravnik pulled out his cloak at the sleeve and tied it with a belt. The Wind is already here and has changed clothes, so you can’t take off your cloak.

The sun, powerless as its rival, laughed, peeked out from behind the gloom, warmed, dried up the earth, and suddenly the poor frozen mantra tree. Having felt the warmth of the sleepy room, he cheered up, blessing the sun, taking off his cloak himself, wrapping it and tying it to the saddle.

- “Why,” said the late Sun to the angry Wind, “with mercy and kindness you can earn much more, without anger.”

What is this message about?

Update the sequence of actions of the Sun.

a) sighted; c) chuckled; c) drained; d) beat.

What kind of wind is it?

“angry wind, angry wind, fierce, angry, unfriendly.”

A story about the sun.

Guys, who wants me to know what the sun is? (Children's report).


The sun is the light of the earth - The sun is even greater and hotter.

The sun is the same star as the others, except that it is much closer to the earth than other stars, so instead they light up our planet and light it up.

Showing illustrations about the sun .

We are smiling in the sun,

Your body is in good condition,

Exchange the sun for warmth,

And my own loving goodness

Tell me how to bring bark to the sun, to our body? children's testimony)

Vikhovatel . People have long been devoted to the end of their lives with love and special respect, they have realized that without sleep, neither people, nor animals, nor species can live.

Regularly taking sleepy baths has a positive effect on our body. The stench smells of intense exchange of speeches and warehouses

І promote the vital tone.

Positive flow The effect on the human body has been noted for a long time.

If we were sick and weakened, people were prescribed walks in the open air and sleepy baths. This has improved my health.

When we take sleepy baths or simply find ourselves in the sleep, a large amount of the hormone of joy is released into the blood, which brings out the fulfillment of well-being. Moreover, under the influx of ultraviolet radiation, the metabolism of speech, blood storage, and the shock dose are reduced.D(Vin flows into the development of brushes and teeth) and, of course, reserves strength for the long fall and winter.

The most valuable thing that gives people the most light is ultraviolet light. It is difficult for our body to work, but during the spring-winter period many people begin to hurt when there is little light. This dark season attracts a lot of people zaiva vaga, the fragments of lack of ultraviolet light are negatively indicated in our exchange of speeches.

In the winter time, people are more sleepy and sleepy, and rush into flight.

What do you think?

Because, most likely, the fruitfulness is promoted, and the shortcomings are reduced.

The melodious richness of the spring was only due to the fact that at this hour the sun no longer rises. It’s not surprising. On the right is that in sleepy light the human body vibrates the hormone of activity. It vibrates in the bright hour. This hormone regulates our sleep and keeps us healthy. Therefore, many fakers admit that the causes of most depression are not the special problems of a person, but a simple lack of sleepy light.

Ultraviolet damage is also visible on the skin. For example, a fee for small
lightness, the skin may itch and peel. It occurs through the destruction or deficiency of vitamin levels in the bodyD.

I take it more often, no matter who they start to create holes in their teeth.

Fizkultkhvilinka: The sun is sleeping, the sky is sleeping

Sleep to the sun, sleep to the sky (lay your head in your hands).

Let the wind blow and do not make noise.

The sun rose early in France,

I sent my exchanges to everyone (stand up, raise their hands in the air with fingers spread).

The wind started blowing (wave your arms from side to side).

The sky is covered with gloom (circles with hands).

Having caught the board on the ground (stamping with their feet).

Drum the board on the floor (drum your fingers on the table).

The sun is getting lower and lower,

Axis was caught in the gloom,

Zhoden can’t see the step (step by step, sit down and put your head on your hands. Repeat to the right 1-2 times).

And who can say what harm may result from too many sleepy changes? (Children's report)

Vikhovatel. Overheating of the head in the sun can lead to sleepiness. The first symptoms are a headache, noise in the ears, boredom, vomiting and loss of speed. Whose type of patient needs to lie down in the shade in the fresh air

If the victims do not die on their own, it is necessary to develop individual measures. And since the sun flows into our eyes, it is necessary for us to wear sunless eyepieces. In case of vitamin deficiencyD, children suffer from rickets

What else should we pour into sleepy exchanges? ? (Children's report)

If you overheat in the sun, you can cancel the option. The skin becomes covered with fluff, then begins to peel and peel.

Do you know what I like? children's testimony.

Vikhovatel. When we are sleeping, we are under the influx of very unprofitable short ultraviolet changes. In exchange, the reaction of the skin occurs when it is forced to begin to see the melanin pigment, which then accumulates in lower balls skins

The tan is growing :1. Light – golden. 2. Brown.

Tan tse skoda chi korist?

Nadmirne Excessive exposure develops cancerous cells. Get a tan if you follow the safety rules.

In the rank year from 10 to 12 years, take no more than 15-20 hvilins.

Do not spend more than 40-50 hours in open sunlight.

Get some sleep from the sun. To protect your skin and entire body from problems, do not sleep during periods of intense sleep activity:

12 to 17 years old. It is necessary to wear dry creams and lotions in the sun, and dress up in sleepy weather in a light coat that lets the wind through.

Cover your head with a cap or a Panama hat, better white color. You can’t eat too much frost and drink krizhana. When you are sleeping in the sun, spend an hour in the shade, wipe yourself often with cold water and drink water in small cups.

Show illustration.

How to make up for the lack of sleepy light for people? (Children's report).

Vikhovatel . Walk more in the fresh air. Just remember: bring the bark without taking a walk in the bright hour. In order to gain the “sleepiness” norm, which is necessary for normal sleep, it is enough to expose your hands to the sun for 10-15 days a week. Before speaking, go to the solarium to replenish your ultraviolet radiation reserves. A piece of sunshine cannot be replaced today.

The boys already know what sunshine is like, how to properly lubricate, how to bring harm and bark to sunshine. Let's be diligent about our health.

And now I will give you some pieces of paper and you will write on each piece of paper what is a plus and what is a minus from sleep changes on our body. One side is like bark, the other is bad.


What is the topic of our speech?

What new things have you learned for yourself?


The sun cackles easily -
They snatched away the gloomy sun.
It’s too bad for me:
It's so far away!
I'm cosmically healthy
And help you who are ready,
Only people with transport are in trouble,
And I’m nowhere!

All living organisms that exist on our planet practically contribute to this sun. There is a lot in which the sun has finally formed an extra light in such a view, in which we can guard against it, perhaps, life on the planet would not have arisen at all, or in a slightly different guise, as if I would grow up differently was floating in outer space before the sun. The sun plays a very important role in the development of all forms of life of people who live on the planet, even though all the people love its light and warmth, which they generously share over millions of lives. whether life began on the planet. The sun of life is necessary for all species, creatures and other creatures of our world, for example, and people.

Most people love to spend an hour in the sun. Many people are impatiently waiting for the summer, and the summer is ready to fly to the distant lands just to hang out on the beach under the warm sun. The weather is gloomy, which often means a loss of strength, a decrease in mood and vitality, you don’t want to do anything, you don’t want to go anywhere, but when the bright sleepy days arrive, the sky is empty d sleep, we are like a magnet drawn to the street, sit under yogo exchange. , take a nap, lie on the beach, or go for a picnic in nature. All these changes in mood are observed on a consistent basis, and it has been proven that when the sun pours into a person’s brain, a substance vibrates into the brain - serotonin, which is also called the “happiness hormone”, and our brains sag from Reduce your dose as soon as possible, a similar reaction may be experienced not only by sleep light, but also a lot of other factors, for example, delicious hedgehog, we are so eager to taste this deliciousness, because it is tasty and acceptable, and our brain remembers it.
The hormone of happiness moves our mood, gives us strength, to introduce euphoria for a certain hour, otherwise it may be unsafe, since we can waste a lot of time and stay awake longer, but not really.
In moderate doses, sleep helps people, and under these changes in the body, the important vitamin D is vibrated, which is important in the blood, absorbs the acquired neutrality of mineral substances and is important. Immunity. Ultraviolet (UV) exposure, in small doses can also be brown, has an antibacterial effect, is beneficial for healthy skin, skin lesions disappear, wounds become infected, blood vessels expand, blood flow improves, skin she becomes more healthy and elastic.

: Skoda Zasmagi

However, all the measles from the sun can turn against people at one moment, and on the other hand it can turn into a bad person for our body, which means it will be destroyed if you stay in the sun for too long, and even at the same time, it’s not the same as a harmful reaction of the body Change to UV-viprominuvaniya and The first signs of harm appear on the skin. Often the day after spending a day on the beach, the skin begins to feel sick, the liver appears blackened, and then it begins to peel, which means that you have lost sleepy sleep. Find out which phototype your skin has (there are 5 in total), which must be taken into account as it receives UV radiation, it is most dangerous for people who have 1 and 2 skin phototypes. Their skins are usually light, Light eyes and hair (often ore), often present with a gusset. For them, being in the sun poses a special risk, since people with such skins are the most vulnerable to maturity melanoma, illness is at home skin cancer. In addition, it was necessary to use ultraviolet light to dry the skin and spray it with antiquity, ruining the whites and other root substances.

: sleepy blow

The loss of sun may not only be for the skin, but also for the brain, as long time ago If you walk under the scorching sun with your head uncovered, you can avoid the blow of sleep, but this can be very dangerous both for children and adults. These may be of varying degrees of importance. In people who have recovered from drowsiness, the temperature rises, sometimes up to 40-41 degrees, fatigue, increased pulse and heart rate, headache, and possibly loss of speed, etc., in severe cases of headache a possible lethal end.

: strangers come

Insanely, the sun is far from harmless, but if you protect yourself, you can completely lose everyone negative infusions under the sun. If you are planning to spend the day in the sun in the sun, you will need your mother to wear a hat if you sleep on the beach for a long time, then use special products for lubrication, if possible. and better than your mother, Maybe it’s something that’s blocking the sun, like a parasol. Do you like to play sports, or what else? physical requirements, then drink more liquid to avoid heat stroke. Another important accessory is the sun-protected eyepieces, which are no less important, and it’s just too shameful to marvel at the sun’s unprotected eyes. No matter what happens, we can’t help ourselves to enjoy the warmth of sleepy exchanges, and if we don’t deceive him with kindness, he will give us a lot of health and joy.

Who among us likes to spend an hour in the sun, who wants to enjoy warm exchanges, and who wants to marry garna smear. What is it good for the body and what does it mean for healthy people? Find out about the benefits and harms of sleepy exchanges.

Measles of dormouse exchanges

If you approach this diet wisely, you can have a positive impact on your health. During the influx of sleepy metabolism, vitamin D is vibrated, which pleasantly flows onto the brushes and teeth and absorbs the acquired calcium.

Ultraviolet light pleasantly infuses the human immune system. Scientists have long established that the growth of cancer cells in the sun slows down. The body, during the influx of sleepiness, removes more acidity, which reduces the work of the heart muscle and regulates pressure.

Sun lovers are less likely to get sick and suffer from stress more often. When sleepy sleep occurs, important processes in the body are activated, such as breathing, blood flow, and speech exchange.

Skoda sleepy exchanges

How to carry out under direct sleepy conditions great quantity hour, the risk of skin cancer increases. Don't forget that just a little exposure to the sun will fade the skin's aging skin. To avoid such problems, use different oils and creams to protect your skin from drying out.

You can’t forget about the guards, too much frosting can bring you a lot of troubles and damage to your health. Remember about the risk of avoiding heatstroke, do not forget that in strong sleep, your head is likely to be covered.

When is the best time to smear

If you have arrived at the end of the day in a warm region, you might want to wake up, remember the first 3-4 days to get rid of the long sleepy baths. It will only harm you and your skin, and instead of bronze lubrication, you can return home with guards.

If we talk about the hour, we cannot forget that in the period from 12:00 to 16:00 the sleep is most active and can harm your body. Zasmagati varto before noon, bazhano until 11 godini. The best time is between 16:00 and 19:00. During this period there is a minimal risk of withdrawal from the care. In addition, evening sleepy periods will not affect your vision.

How to protect yourself from the rising sun

Persh nizh take sleepy baths, varto podbat about zakhist. Gently add a headdress with a visor or wide brim to avoid the impact of the caps on the face.

Don’t forget about sleep cream, which you need to apply every day, before going out. During this hour, the cream will be absorbed and the dry liquid will settle. Apply the product to your skin for two years.

Be mindful of your eyes, protect them with a large visor or dark eyepieces.

Be careful of your health, remember that in the pursuit of smut you can damage your skin. Enjoy your sunshine and your mind. We wish you good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons

28.07.2015 09:30

Throw off the veil - it’s not the easiest thing to do. Most often, children only exercise their body, not in a physical way, but in a physical way.

Every day of life is indicated by the patron planet, which flows into everything that people do that day. ...

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