A healthy way of living for a summer citizen.


    From this article you will find out:

    Which century is respected by summer

    What kind of life do pensioners lead?

    How to learn about life in summer

    What should you do to ensure that the health of the summer child does not fail?

    What role does family play in everyday life?

There are problems of people of old age on the sovereign level

As people grow older, they begin to recognize the difference in their health, according to the world.

With retirement, the loss of family and illnesses, the lives of people in their later years change, and a lot of stress, anxiety and depression arise.

It is so important for us to ensure that our loved ones do not sense an emotional outburst.

What are the peculiarities of the life of people of advanced ages?

    People's summer ends when youth ends and life begins to fall.

    At this point, the skin’s body undergoes changes.

    As it appeared, gray, wrinkles and sickness are not always a sign of old age.

    How many fates do people face before it can be called a summer?

Once 20 years ago, it was already a decent century, and those who were lucky enough to pass this milestone were already respected by respectable people.

History shows us the numerous cases of early love, when from 12-13 years the young enlisted and created a family.

Elderly people are responsible for taking better care of their health.

Moreover, it is no longer easy for people aged 60+ to adapt quickly to a new situation through a reduced speed of information absorption.

Today, there is a great deal of scientific and technological progress, and most people find it difficult to adapt to modern computer technologies.

    Let us tell you and do not understand that there has been a lot of severe psychological trauma. They may feel unwanted and unnecessary to complicate the situation, while on their side they are worried about re-evaluating the century.

    What is the essence of life among people of advanced age? There are four criteria for the quality of life:

    Material security It is important to respect the necessary wealth, which is especially satisfied with the needs of people, as well as access to the obvious accumulation for their subsistence in the older age.

    This point plays an important role in the life of summer people. Become healthy.

Old means, perhaps, a loss of self-esteem, which is a sign of problems in the body.

    Therefore, the emphasis on the quality of life of people of old age is primarily based on the support of the biological functions of humans.

    Light and busy.

    This criterion is based on the possibilities of social activity and permission.

Garni wash.

According to UN data in 2013, the population of senior citizens wants freedom of choice, which should be independent and independent.

That is why the emphasis on the quality of life of people of old age is so important and relevant today.

Quite often, housework becomes a satisfying moment and brings humility and resignation to one’s new position, while looking after the children and managing the household completely takes the form of gloomy thoughts.

Even in such a situation, people feel needed and helpful, which allows them not to fall into depression and relapse morally in the knowledge of their old age.

According to the statistics, there are fewer people in the elderly age than women in the same age.

Also, the mortality rate of the first-born is higher than that of the pre-deceased group.

Such disproportions can be achieved in Russia even during the war, when the majority of the population was lost in battle expenses.

As a result, in our region the number of independent women outweighs the number of men.

However, those who are widowed and representatives of a strong position are more likely to become friends again. And as a rule, he takes a younger lady as his life partner.

At such moments, people of advanced age often begin to voice passive expressions of a suicidal nature.

Their loved ones may wonder if this means that their relatives need help. It is necessary to follow them and try to help them mentally deal with the difficulties they are going through.

That’s why it’s so important to create a friendly life for elderly people, show them what else they need, and keep them busy with some kind of help around the house. The woman has 65 to 75 years of age

There are suicidal depressions. Being uneasy with themselves and with their family, insisting on maintaining their rights, people can write crap and go through the authorities, otherwise unnecessarily help and disrespect for their problems becomes the reason for voluntary exit from life.

Vikova group over 75 years old -

The most complex period of psychological development.

Even before them you can see people of advanced age or grandmothers, most of whom stop following themselves, not wanting to accept the hedgehog.

Moreover, they constantly think about death and about those who quietly sing, without becoming an unbearable burden for anyone. Roblyachy vysnovok, bachimo, because of the life of people of late ages, our family is important. Most pensioners already have beds that have grown up. Family ties are usually maintained in a straight line, and then, if there are no children, then with other relatives.

Living in a home or close to home, in addition to maintaining consistent contact with loved ones, plays an even more important role in the lives of older people and determines how their lives will turn out.

Moreover, in addition to material assistance, people of advanced age want and require moral support and close emotional contact with children.

It is also important for us to know that the bond with the child is not lost, and among them, as before, is love and mutual understanding.

The presence of this support on the children's sides is for them an invisible proof that their loved ones still need stinks.

If you take a look at it, then, perhaps, there is nothing worthwhile to spend your time with your beloved onuks.

They don’t let their grandparents be forced and bothered to bother more about the rule, thereby spending their time in the reception of joy.

However, they never give up the opportunity to take up new things.

So, among the middle-aged workers who live exclusively with their friends, the number of those who are involved in huge right-wing activities is four times higher than those who still live with their children.

So, without wearing pads, you can spend your time doing physical exercise, sports, or walking in the fresh air.

Typically, as people age, they lose activity, and they tend to develop passive behavior, as well as psychogenic stress.

Insanely, everything depends on the particular character and temperament of the skin.

If you want to know that you have the strength to overcome illnesses, look for new values ​​in life, set other goals, make new plans.

Others, however, withdraw into themselves, all the peculiarities of old age are no longer pressing on them.

Therefore, a lesson can be developed so that improvements in the quality of life of older people can be achieved through physical activity, and this is also the most effective method of combating aging.

Rukh at the summer age to build up the fall of practicality, and also to continue the human capacity.

Indeed, old age comes to us in two ways - weakening the body and weakening our psyche, reducing interest in life, etc.

Moreover, connections of a psychophysical nature have recently been revealed, which suggests that the insult and factors are mutually connected.

Gerontopsychologists greatly appreciate that such passivity entails physical inertia, and, at the same time, an emotionally stable state and vitality in the spirit support and continue the happy fates that fall life.

We can say that every person chooses and chooses the old method.

Some people may be happy and prosperous, while others may be gloomy and pessimistic.

If you look at the food, you need to follow certain rules.

You need to eat it in small portions, three to five times a day.

If you want to live a long life, make sure you don’t have an overworldly relationship.

Incredibly, both intellectual and creative activity flow into the life of elderly people.

Steady mental processes prevent the mental faculties from degrading, and also stimulate blood circulation and speech exchange.

Since people are creative, life will be more than happy moments.

It is so important for him to know that he is in love today.

You may want something just to keep yourself busy.

To improve the level of life of elderly people, it is also necessary to focus on the soul, and also be positive about emotions and the mental state in general.

Golovne, don’t sit still, but crumble and develop further, and even new information and accumulations will be not only useful, but also hard on the brain.

People may not be forced to pay for the summer holidays, as long as it makes them happy.

It’s especially important for people to be quiet, so that they can be in the center of the team for the entire hour, or simply work tirelessly.

It’s not a good idea to throw your letter away abruptly, since you don’t see life without wasted turbos of this kind.

You can lose money on too much work or choose a little something else, a little peace of mind, as you won’t be in trouble and at the same time show up manually and bring satisfaction.

Speaking about developments, we are concerned not only with the consumption of the body, but also with the spiritual.

To raise the level of life of older people, help them engage in self-occupation - mental and physical.

You should try to make new friends or develop close ties with others.

Besides taking walks in the fresh air, bring something else into your life.

Behind the border, yoga, dancing and sports are even more popular among pensioners.

And one of the important criteria for the quality of life of people of advanced age is still good relationships with loved ones.

Also, mutual assistance and good relations among relatives are the basis of a healthy homeland.

Believe me, when you retire, your children and grandchildren will need your support.

It is necessary to remember that you have not gone anywhere, you have not become different, you just now have plenty of time to implement your plans and spend it on your family and loved ones.

6 ways to keep older people happy in their lives It’s a pity that so many people are dying that retirement is the last stage of our life, happy days are behind, and old age is ahead.

But look at it differently, even though the lives of older people can be varied and worthwhile, it’s all in your hands! A middle-aged person is also blessed with a prosperous, cheerful and bright spirit to bring us a whole project called “The Age of Happiness” by the famous photographer Volodymyr Yakovlev.

A series of photographs demonstrate how profoundly illuminating the lives of older people can be. The heroes in the photo have long passed over 70, and some are over 90 years old, but they all breathe with energy and show us that we need to destroy the best, introducing our ideas and dreams.

Let's take a look at the scenes in the bright pictures. Robert Marchand

- a cyclist who is already 102 years old is full of energy and will fight until victory. Doesn't it look the same? That's right!

Ruth Flowers- one of the oldest DJs, perhaps.

Ale yak tse von robit!

Having occupied herself with 68 women, the 72 woman still pursues her hobbies.

Support for activity and health is seen in the improved life of older people, which leads to the satisfaction of the needs of every person, as well as the significant potential of the region and the full development of the generation.

This evidence and thought became the basis for developing programs to reduce the number of pensioners in the regions.

It was determined that there was a low need to achieve the goals of improving the quality of life of elderly people.

    The main aspects of the expansion of the elderly population of the region began to be considered:

    Provision of social services in all regions for elderly people.

    The program aims to cover at least 90% of pensioners who require such a service.

    The creation of the necessary minds is driven by the cruelty and triviality of life of people of advanced age, especially in boarding houses for people of advanced age.

    There will be a 1.5-3 times increase in the number of representatives of the older generation who will require servicing from social services under the scheme “Adoptive Family”, “Patronage Service” and others.

    This has been reduced to stationary installations.

    Increased to 35-50% of pensioners, for the required technical equipment for rehabilitation and supervision (as a rule, there are hundreds of people of the same age who will require these devices).

Disposal of old equipment has been introduced and increased in stationary installations up to 20% per river.

Being young people, we do not seriously think about our health.

Even as we get older, we often screw ourselves up.

We are completely unaware that we are beginning to perceive the unpleasant appearance of various illnesses that we had not previously suspected or simply did not respect, even though our body can easily cope with them.

How can you delay old age and, being in an important life, enjoy life and continue to experience contentment from it? Fundamentals of a healthy way of living for elderly people

It is impossible to move backwards in time, but it is completely possible to avoid the mental disturbances that accompany people in their frailties. Even the skin pensioner wants to regain his strength.

How can you protect your psyche and nervous system from negative influences?, .

The hedgehog wants to be not only healthy, but to get used to the singing hour. A varied snack, a hearty, but not greasy lunch and a light evening.

Can't move. Enough 1500 calories per meal.

The older the person, the less fat and protein there is, and the more vegetables and products rich in cellulose. Don't forget about water.

Tap water must be standing, and then it needs to be filtered from waste water and bleach. You can also freeze and boil it.

On a quarter

In our time, it is no longer easy to maintain optimism, and the older people are, the harder it is to work, so we have to pay a folding barrier under the name of old age, even though it limits us to our capabilities.

Try to marvel at it not in a panicked way, but realistically.

If things don’t turn out the way they do when you’re young, don’t get embarrassed, but calmly think about what you can improve.

Don’t get hung up on something you can’t earn anymore.

  • Your life will be easier, and in old age you will have many happy moments if you maintain a positive attitude.
  • A healthy way of living for people of advanced age can only be used as a guide to our mercy, as they encourage us to live a healthy life.
  • Think about this and be healthy!
  • In this age, a lot of people are beginning to put a lot of emphasis on their health, or, perhaps, to give them supernatural respect.
  • If your summer fathers are among them, then we present you simply for the sake of helping them lead a healthy way of life and achieve peace in taking medicine.
  • Take care of your health

Why do so many people in the elderly begin to feel deprived of their health, suffer from illnesses and lack of doctors?

There may be reasons for this:

It is not necessary to recognize your life and the limitations that it imposes;

  • don’t listen to your body’s signals;
  • the underlying fear of finding out about your diagnosis and being faced with the need to go to the doctor;
  • fear of the future and the banya will spill out “out of stock.”

Medicine has a name for this behavior - hypochondria, lack of confidence, self-expectation of unknown diagnoses, and suppression of primary symptoms.

If your dad sometimes acts like a hypochondriac, explain the reason and get on with it.

As the reason for everything is the need and the university's colospaska, find groups of interests for them, get them to home information and medical education, send them to the hospital more often, or perhaps recommend getting a doctor.

Spend more than an hour with them, talk to your heart’s content, since you don’t want to hear the devil’s melodrama, but rather watch the violets.

  • Take your fathers with you to nature, to the cinema, to the theater - don’t let the stench of yak be felt in the thick of life.
  • And then it’s important to respect yourself by going to the doctor and taking medicines that will come naturally.
  • Motivation for a healthy way of living
  • It seems that in any case there are three factors:

objective state of health (presence of chronic illnesses, peculiarities);


the presence of bad habits (painting, drinking alcohol);

  • physical activity.
  • Unfortunately, not all people in their old age have developed brown eyes from the young and therefore continue to live, due to inertia, an unhealthy way of living.
  • However, it’s never too late to change your mode and menu, and switch to cigarettes and glasses, for which there is sufficient motivation.
  • It’s a pity that for older people this kind of motivation has never existed.
  • “I haven’t lost enough anymore”, “It’s too bad to change” - the axis is that you can almost respond to the proposition of starting a healthy way of living.

So, it is our responsibility to make sure that your summer relative understands the need for health care and takes an active position in his diet.

Otherwise, if you buy sports equipment, you will end up with a saw in your hand, and your fitness subscription will lie unbroken.

Old signals and ways to wake them up

  1. Once you and your father are ready to take up the cause, it will be possible to begin a progressive change in the way of living. First of all, let us know what needs to be changed, and we will help you with this.
  2. Assess the level of physical activity.
  3. Chi robe your mom ta tato exercises? How many hours does it take to stink a day?

  1. Buy fruits and vegetables, especially those that your fathers never bought before.
  2. Let's learn how to clean and prepare them.
  3. Buy a supply of vegetables and fruits regularly.
  4. It’s important to work for additional delivery services to prevent stinks in all major places.
  5. Give me a good food processor and vegetable peeler.
  6. Add fitness gadgets.
  7. These may include bracelets, as well as smart anniversary cards, Crocomir, electronic devices, and home exercise equipment.

Show the dads how to take advantage of them.

If there is a problem with chicken or alcohol, deal with it in a timely manner.

Who can help you with Allen Carr's book “The Easy Way to Quit Fire” and the groups that work behind your program.

These changes invade the lives of elderly people, causing stress and leading to depression.

It is therefore important to do everything possible so as not to allow depression into your everyday life and the lives of the people dear to us.

Thomas Hanna said: “Nekhtuvat the fact of the old thing - the same thing that does not respect life.

If we do not understand that life and antiquity are a process of growth and progress, then we do not understand the basic principles of life.”

It is always important to fight against any changes, no matter how many fatalities people experience.

For elderly people, the main problem is the sheer volume of changes that can grow like a snowball.

Aging and old age not only lead to physiological changes, but also completely change all of your “social life.”

The very fact of retirement is a psychological trauma for a person: their social importance falls, their prestige and self-esteem suffer, and their self-esteem decreases.

It is clear that mentally (as well as physically) the elderly individual, the skin of a person has its own peculiarities, and the skin ages in its own way, and therefore, there are some hidden patterns of a psychological elderly person .

It brings up a number of peculiarities that are powerful to most people of old age, such as:

In the world, the ancient role of the family in everyday life is growing;

There is often a period of poor health and reduced mobility;

To share the interests and types of activities of elderly people, all respect is switched to family affairs.

Family splicing replaces other lost contacts.

Vidmova's adaptation to new norms, values, and behavior patterns can lead to conflicts between the young people and those outside their home, and withdrawal from their own world.

At the same time, an active life position gives people of advanced age a chance to take the social-role status that is appropriate for them in the marriage, their most valuable capital is knowledge, evidence, and life wisdom.

How can one become deprived of being socially active and happily grow into old age?

There are a number of socio-psychological types of happy long-lived people:

1. Active creative type.

These people take their part from a married, political, religious life, from the educated youth, and then, after retirement, live a full-fledged life.

2. Individual type.

  • Such people have been engaged in the right for a long time, as there was no time before: self-illumination, self-improvement, courage, etc.
  • 3. Natural type.
  • The stench comes close to nature and is realized, as a rule, in the garden.
  • 4. Family type.
  • They know that their families have exhausted their strength and, as a rule, are happy mothers, who turned into happy grandmothers.
  • And since there is no shortage of domestic work, women who have to deal with it simply have a lot of trouble.
  • 5. Healthy type.
  • These are people of old age, the sense of their lives is a turbo about the health of health.

The possibilities are endless.

It is important to choose those that will be most meaningful to you and bring you joy.

If you know the time for spiritual growth, your soul will not run out of room for aching emptiness, which means that old age, which is approaching, does not spite its inevitability.

Further life can be different from other spluttering ways, however you want.

To preserve a psychologically comfortable environment in your family, just try to follow a few simple rules of sleeping:

Beware of super-reactions, conflicts, harsh criticism from the rosemist people of the frail age.

Having respect for a person of old age - if she is “rebelling”, which means she is rotten, try to find out the real reason for her behavior.

Take seriously the fears and anxieties of the summer people.

Help you voice your fears and tell them about them.

This is often a psychological stress and will lead to the search for a serious problem that raises fear.

Often the anxiety of an elderly person is associated with deterioration in health.

There are so many thoughts about how medical help won’t be given right away.

Arrange a preventive visit to the doctor.

Listen to the elderly person as far as possible until the end, if it is not possible at the moment, softly speak and try to renew Rozmova at the first opportunity.

Never force your spirit on the summer people.

Don’t overwhelm the elderly by phone; help them go out to sleep, take a walk, go to the store, or go to the medical center.

To establish psychological contact, be tactful first.

Responsible for the coordination and organizational and methodological provision of preventive work at the MBUZ "Center for Medical Prevention" psychologist Emelyanova Ganna Oleksandrivna doctor therapist Krushinova Inna Mikhailivna

You can live longer, or you can live better.

It’s good to let you live longer and longer.

It is important not to live out your life, but to remind them in its place: to be active, independent and happy.

The need to become more expensive, to dance, to go to church, to read, to laugh and have fun does not disappear anywhere when we become elders.

We want to be deprived of energy and activity.

This is why I want to introduce you to the signs of a healthy old man.

Research has shown that with the help of singing sounds that contribute to your meals, sleep, sports and preventive visits, you can significantly improve the quality of life in summer.

At your own expense, this will also help you overcome chronic illnesses and make your life healthier and happier.

Why is the old man so important?

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, nearly one in four Americans suffer from chronic diseases such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and respiratory disease.

All these illnesses require people to be independent and cope with everyday work independently.

Moreover, illnesses are detrimental not only to your health, but also to your budget, the remainder of which you will need to spend on medicine, care, and medicine.

To encourage you to drink more, drink every hour, drink a glass of water when you take pills, and before and after training, especially on hot days.

Choose drinks that are low in sugar, sodium and fat.

Water, low-fat milk, 100% juices (orange, crane, apple) and low-fat soups will do wonders for you.

What do you need to eat?

Make sure your diet contains foods rich in essential nutrients and vitamins.
Your diet should include:
● protein (chicken, pork, lean meat, seafood, eggs, legumes)
● fruits and vegetables
● whole grains (wheat grass, wild rice)

● low-fat dairy products (milk, cheese)

Also, be sure to include in your diet foods that contain vitamin D and cellulose, and foods that contain high amounts of fat and salt.

Correct portions
Dieticians recommend that people aged 50 and older consume foods in daily amounts:
● fruit – 1 ½ – 2 ½ bottles
● vegetables – 2 – 3 ½ bottles
● grains – 150 – 280 g
● dairy products – 3 bottles of skimmed milk
● olives – 5 – 8 teaspoons

● a minimum of products that can be mixed with zukor and sil

This list will give you an idea of ​​how many crimes you have to commit today.

The National Institute of Health encourages you to limit your portions like this:
– a serving of cooked vegetables, salad, boiled potatoes – the size of a baseball
- 5 grams of syru - a portion the size of 4 brushes

– 100 grams of meat and poultry – a dolon-sized portion

Read the labels

It is best to eat freshly prepared urchins; if you buy packaged products, pay close attention to the label.
Avoid foods high in sugar, salt and fat:
● Tsukor: make sure not to consume more than 6-9 teaspoons of tsukru per day (25-36 grams)

● Sil: people over 50 should take 1.5 mg per day

● Fat: Aim for 18-25 grams of saturated fat, which should not account for more than 10% of daily calories.
According to data from the National Sleep Foundation of the United States, people aged 50-65 years are guilty of 7-9 years of sleep, and people over 65 – 7-8 years.

Lack of sleep has a negative impact on physical and mental health.
A lot of research has been carried out, which has shown that lack of sleep is the cause of memory loss, various illnesses and a shortened life.
Axis list of the most extensive inheritances:
● obesity
● diabetes
● heart disease and hypertension
● calm down the mood

● decreased immunity
● low triviality of life
1. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and other stimulants that can interfere with your sleep.
2. Don't eat heavily before going to bed.
3. Don’t drink too much juice before bed to avoid going to the toilet at night.
4. Try to take a nap in the evening if you don’t have anything to do that day.
If you want to take a nap, work on it until the 3rd day.
Otherwise, your sleep pattern will change: you will fall asleep later and not get enough sleep.
5. Try to go in for sports in the morning, not in the evening.

This will help you sleep better, at a time when late training will interfere with your sleep.

6. Try to maintain a clear sleep schedule.
If you feel sleepy and sleepy at the same time every day, it will be easier for you to get into the rhythm.

You don’t need to train yourself at all in order to experience all the positive effects of the sport on yourself.
A recent study conducted by researchers at Harvard University suggests that people in this age should take the following schedule:
● Minimum 2.5 years of walking or aerobic exercise per day
● Strength training 2-3 times per week, and usually 2 days after sleep

● Straighten the stretch as soon as possible

Shchodenny zvichki

Trends for those that are cute and that change quickly.
Today the wine may taste like brown, but tomorrow it won’t.
Yesterday everyone was saying that eggs are bad, but today the smell is considered super hedgehog.
I have compiled a list of 5 things that are respected all over the world for their health.
● Collapse.
The more you collapse, the better.

Walk, swim, play tennis - it doesn’t matter what happens.

If your health is in trouble on the right, you better take a step forward.

Do you carefully take care of your car and regularly take it for technical service, so that you don’t start doing the same until you are healthy?

For older people, it is important to regularly take medications, get vaccinated, and get MRI scans to identify health problems when they first appear and prevent them.
This is a list of preventive measures recommended by the US Department of Health (please, please consult your doctor first):
● One-time X-ray for cerebral aortic aneurysms for men of the early age who have smoked
● Taking aspirin to relieve cardiovascular diseases for men and women during the early age (consult your doctor)
● Vises vise
● Skin mammography 2 years for women 55-74 years old
● Cholesterol test
● Diabetes analysis (type 2) for people with high blood pressure
● Consultation with a nutritionist
● Hepatitis C test for people who are at risk for the disease, as well as a one-time test for those born between 1945 and 1965
● Analysis for VIL for all ages 15-65 years
● Vaccinations:
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
– I’m depriving the transverse
- To the human papillomavirus
- Flu
- Bark, mumps, rubella (MMR)
- Meningitis
- Pneumococcal infection
- Right, diphtheria, cough
– Chickenpox
● X-ray scan for people aged 55-80 who smoke or have actively smoked for the last 15 years
● Tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea

● Test for syphilis

Social news (and sex)

Sprinkling helps people stay in better physical shape and mentally healthy, and also prolong their lives.
The National Institute of Science of the United States conducted an investigation that resulted in the following:
● local social media reports are directly linked to good biomarkers;
● social well-being recognizes a change in inflammatory processes in the body, which can in turn cause such illnesses as Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases;
● social isolation significantly increases the risk of getting sick, and also increases the mortality rate;
● selfishness meets a high pressure;

● self-esteem increases the risk of depression.

If you want to add a little more joy to your life and improve your health, have more sex!
These are what the doctor prescribed and why:
● Sex promotes sleep.
Orgasms stimulate the hormone oxytocin, and also reduce the level of the hormone cortisol, which in turn helps you cope with stress and anxiety.

● Sex helps you look younger.

Zgіnoye to the Doslіzhennyam, we will spend Korolivskoi Lіkarnei Reburne in Scottish, Paris Bilsh Zrailogi Vika, yaki take care of the sex of the prinimni 3 grooves on Tizhenya, Vyglyadov up to 7 Rockivas young, NIZH ROSHNIY OF ROOKS.
● Sex makes you happy.

Everyone knows that happiness is extremely important for overall health and self-esteem.

According to one study, bets that had sex once a week were 44% happier than those who had not had sex the rest of the year.
Dodatkova additional help
In some cases, people cannot independently perform everyday work (stretch, cook, get dressed, go to the toilet, get home, drive a car, etc.), they have an urgent need for such a solution, such as to will him to live with a homeless person It is possible to lose as many independent ones as possible.
It is important to start planning and sharing your interests with family members even before you need outside help.
The National Institute of History of the United States proposes the following options:
● Medical and social assistance at home.
● Center for living and viewing.
Such centers will provide 1-month and 2-month rooms, supervision, medical care, as well as circulatory support.
Tim is no less, such centers have no medical services.

● Housing complexes for pensioners.

Such complexes are suitable for those who require a lot of assistance with going to the toilet, getting dressed, washing up and preparing food.

Such complexes also often organize different entrances so that their bags can stick together.

Then I’ll regret it less.

● Booths for elderly people.