Lucky spells for the lottery.



Aesthetic cosmetology

Who among us hasn’t dreamed of winning the lottery?

Then you could buy those that you have wanted for a long time, or in the stock on a long-term basis. Ale far from the right, few people entered into it, and even so it’s so easy to transfer success.

Everything is changing radically, and only a few will be transformed into magical mysteries.

Rituals for getting good luck in the lottery Purchase voucher You need to pick up your receipt no matter what Monday, without taking the change back from the seller.

At the first bank of Khvylin, having taken the ticket in his hand, he said: “Penny to pennies, luck to me.”

When you get home, you need to grab a ticket from the dark place so that no one at home knows about you.


On Wednesday in the middle of the day, you need to pull the ticket out of the dark place and at the same time go for a walk to the lake and river.

There, standing with a ticket in your hands and marveling at the surface of the water, you need to calmly say the words:

“Kvitok-kvitok, bring me luck, bring me pennies, bestow me with wealth. Come to me, the lottery will not be lost. Key. Language

After applying the sign, close your eyes to see how the stone is a magnet to which pennies and coins are attracted. You need to save this talisman in a visible place and rub it a little before the lottery.

Ritual for earning a penny of prosperity

In order to lure money to help you win the lottery, you need to take a bunch of coins of any denomination and put it in the clothes you wear every day. When you finish, say quietly:

"Coins to coins, pennies to pennies."

The ritual must be repeated daily, turning over the spells of the coins in the pocket.

These coins should not be wasted once in a while.

Strong call to win the lottery "Happy Odyag" Required

It’s a small sin to sew clothes for your lover

, and then read the words over it:

“Like a thread caress your neck, like pennies reach my hands.

Just as a thread is sewn on the hem, wealth is brought to me. Just as a thread is inseparable from a thread, so my hamman is never empty. Come to me, coins of various sizes - large and small, colorful and paper, copper and gold.




After that, put on your clothes and go buy a ticket.

For the new month

Take purchases in advance, lottery ticket and go above the surface so that the new month can be seen clearly


It is important to celebrate the month and celebration:

“Blessed month, wise one, brighten my path with your blessing, show me the image of good luck. put in it two halves of a lemon, a stick of cinnamon, three five-ruble coins.

After this, you need to tightly seal the jar with a lid and repeat:

“The woman went into the forest for berries, she went for mushrooms, she picked up a fresh goat.

She went home and found three copper coins.

I baked the pies - everything was blushed and lubricated.

Please forgive me like a woman. May happiness and good luck follow me throughout my entire life! As it is said so it will be..


  • Amen. Amen." Heritage
  • Many clergy have a negative attitude towards all lotteries, much like playing with peace of mind. So it seems that it is the devil who is trying to tempt you with his easy pennies.
  • Well, the payment will be taken completely differently later. Well, I judge both magic and Orthodoxy.

So believe me.

Every magical activity, including rituals and coins for winning money in lotteries, has its own heritage. Because there is energy, magic generates equal amounts of money, and if you have luck in the lotteries and win large sums of money, then you need to be prepared that in another sphere of life, life is no longer possible. For example, if you win the lottery, you may end up with problems at work or failure in life.

In order for something to happen, it is necessary to raise a ransom.

Having saved your pennies from winning the lottery, you need to donate some of it - donate to the needy, donate to the church, donate material to the children's room, and so on.

One of the easiest ways to get rich is to win the lottery.

However, whoever’s luck is lucky from the first round, and whoever, in the excitement, skimps on the circulation, otherwise it is lost for nothing.

Every addicted gambler has his own okrema system, which allows, with the help of relaxation and caution, to identify favorable days and times.

One of the ancient ways to earn easy pennies is by saying and praying.

And if you take part in the lottery not for fun, but with a clear goal of getting rich or becoming the winner of the main prize, an apartment or a car, then we will not ask for help from the magic and the supreme power.

  1. Please turn your luck around for the Viconavian, grant you success and luck in all games of a gambling nature
  2. Forgive the rules and caution
  3. To figure out that very lucky combination of numbers, or from hundreds of new coupons, winning one hundred will seem to be not enough.
  4. In addition to reciting the spell, before performing the ritual, pay attention to the following factors:
  5. Check out the monthly calendar.
  6. The month phase is more important if you want the ritual to be valid.

Most often, rituals for acquiring wealth are celebrated on the month (the first day after the young man).

However, the rules still apply, regardless of what is stated in the recommendations before your appointment;

The most favorable days of the year for such procedures are the fourth Wednesday;

The luckiest tickets are those purchased between 12 and 13 years of age;

If you do not believe in the power of magical rituals, then it is better to immediately get rid of this revolution;

Every month, take out 12 coins of different denominations, the total amount of money will be equal to the number of your new coins.

Once home, place the coins on the floor so that the month’s light and wash are spent on them: IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Baba Nina: “To get out of pennilessness once and again, make it a rule to wear simple...”

Read the article >>

Just as in the wide world under the sun everything lives, grows and develops, so every month money eats, multiplies and multiplies.

Let me (your name) bring more wealth and become richer.

Let it be so.


Then squeeze the pennies into your fist and go home.

On this spell, add a lottery ticket or use them for gambling at the penny machine.

All rituals are best performed on fours - on the day of Jupiter, which is responsible for financial flows

Zmova from Vanga to the green candle

The ritual of the trace is carried out on the new month over the already added receipt.

Light a green candle and, holding the lottery form in your hands, read the prayer this time:

I buy a lottery ticket and attract the greatest penny profit.

I ask that I (your name) always win and never know grief.

I pray to the heavenly Matrona Intercessor and repent of all my sins.

The idea has been expanded that the rituals of light chaklunstvo are as dangerous and costly as possible.

Pack the entire stack in an envelope.

Now light the candle and drip wax onto the envelope, sealing it with wax, reading the following text:

Happiness to come and success by the hand.

The numbers on lucky tickets match, and the lottery brings me profits.

I will burn the half hole and seal it with wax.


The envelope must also lie in the thick clothes you will be in when you buy a lottery ticket.

Receipts and checks for the ritual are counted according to “lucky” numbering, so that the sum of the first three digits is identical to the sum of the remaining three digits.

Spare spices will help you get rich.

You need to take black pepper and cinnamon in equal proportions, carefully process and mix them.

Then you will need to wet the apartments, pour a little bit of water into the hammanet, and then rinse with it:

Wealth, come to me!

A little secret for the great gamer

When you buy lotteries, give the money with your right hand and take the ticket with your left.

Give your change to the cashier and immediately go home, wash your thoughts and say: “I give it away - I don’t respect it, I take it away - I know for sure!”

Save your time until the hour you cross the threshold of your apartment.

Every day I will play, read this spell above the form every day.

It is necessary to constantly repeat affirmations to win, as this will gradually change the energetic vibrations of a person and attract money.

Simple, but effective

A minimum of magical equipment and a maximum of core value for this ritual.

Above the coins of different denominations read the following text:

For the base, you need to take a round-shaped stone with a smooth and even surface.

This is easiest to find on a birch river or in a forest.

When you come home with a sign, light a candle and place a little one on the surface of the stone that looks like a penny (for example, a dollar or ruble sign).

It is best to write the symbol with yellow or golden farboi.

While writing, read the prayer:

Pennies to pennies, like streams of water to the banks.

I will arrive and will not change into anyone.

Keep the talisman in a visible place, and take it with you at the time of purchasing the ticket.

Such an amulet attracts luck and penny flows like a magnet. In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter how great your desire was to win and no powerful ritual you performed for the exorcism of the sacred world, so that your thoughts would be pure and would not cause harm to those who are away.

Either way, I would like to read this in a good mood and in a calm state. Do not raise your voice or shout while reading the essay. Above all, think well, first of all you have to go to the extent of the help of physical forces, and even after the first spell of the spell, the rite will be finished and there will be no turning back.

Remember, there is no one who managed to win the lottery, losing happiness and prosperity. Neumovirny horoscope for Kohannya in Kerro Find out if you know the right food and happiness.

Follow the recommendation of Marilyn Kerro, and in many years you are GUARANTEED to find a life partner or turn the spark of love from your hundredth.

You can’t discuss your horoscope with your friends and loved ones, even if you change the course of your speeches, ruining your plans.

Find out how to win the lottery with one of the different types of penny rituals.

They will bring success to the Viconavian, granting him success and luck in all games of a gambling nature.

  • The correct work of the magical infusion and the final result on the crust of your Viconan will be ensured by the correct one of your Viconan. Ensure that the reading of the text is accompanied by a ritual.
  • If you use it practically, you will be able to operate exactly according to the instructions. Important points:
  • The best time for vikorystannya is the growth period of the month, first week of the new month.
  • If there are any possible faults with this rule, please point out the recommendations; The last day of the year is Thursday
  • What is important in the day of Jupiter? This planet supports financial flows; faith in magic and the power of speech
  • . Without obviousness, any ritual will be maroon;

Vera has great success


To doubt yourself means to prepare for failure in advance.

And the thought, apparently, is material;


- Paintings of obvious pictures of wealth;

the prison of the ritual

. .

Don’t tell anyone about your destiny.

The amount of wealth that can be obtained from these coins is completely dependent on the triviality of their savings from the Viconian colony.

Behind the addition of the lottery ticket, a request is made for additional information in the growing phase of the month.

The presence of a lit green candle is required.

You need to take the ticket in your hands and whisper to him:

“I am asking for a lottery ticket, by me, God’s servant (God’s servant) (my name), purchases.

I rub it in my hands, I ask for a penny for myself.

I get wealth and wealth for myself, I can overcome it and I call for coins for myself.


The letter is read 7 times, after which the candle is extinguished and the ticket is taken away before the draw is completed.

To increase the effectiveness, this ritual can be combined with the previous one.

On a bill Magic words are read 7 times on the banknote that will need to be paid when the receipt is added.і Advance text:“I’ll give you one pittance, and I’ll give you a lot in return.”

  1. When purchasing a ticket, you need to take the one you first want to see.
  2. A powerful ritual in video Opіvnіchna coin per coin
  3. Required thoughts: the month is growing, the sky is clear, the green candle is lit.

Need it just the same

yellow (golden) color coin


The ritual is a little complicated because you will need to know 7 photographs of people whom Lady Fortune has not deprived of respect and turbot.

For this purpose, photographs of those who have once won the lottery or have been lucky, for example, in gambling, are suitable.

However, with the development of the Internet, it is no longer so difficult to work, but it is also noticeably unsatisfactory.

Also prepare this candle in different colors and another (eighth) white color.

Then click on the following:

1. Place all these photographs on the edges of the seven-ended star, the star itself can be displayed on the table (on the underside) or simply displayed in your home.

2. Place a candle on the skin photo.

3. Place your photo in the center of the mirror and place a white candle on it.

4. Light the candles placed near your photo, and light them in order behind the year arrow, immediately rinsing off the paper:

“Your luck and good luck are a source of joy for me, for my future victory is a setup.

Just as before, as you were lucky, let me be happy, so I will be happy, let my good luck come before me, I won’t be spared. Amen" 5. Then light a white candle.

6. Focus on the desired result and potential win, think and visualize approximately 7 wins in this manner.

Starting this coming Monday, you can start purchasing lottery tickets, and do the most work on Wednesday of the month when it is growing.

Don’t forget that the mood in which you are in may be even kinder and you can turn to magic and therefore win the lottery without fail.

Zmova Vanga for Wigrash in the lottery

The authorship of this speech is attributed to the famous prophet


However, it is certainly unknown that the whole idea is working and you can happily concede it, it will sound like this:

“Don’t stop the bastards from calling,

Gold and silver attract,

“Live well on a high mountain, dig for gold with a shovel, and be rich until the end of your days.”

Then go home and say this ticket in the following manner:

1. Place the lottery slip on the red hustka.

2. Then tie a khustka for three knots.

3. Say the magic words:

The old king lives near the great Marmur castle, having luckily known the reliable password.

He was already writing by himself, without making friends with anyone.

He only collected gold in his treasure and treasured it with precious stones.

Alas, illness and death came for him. Having sold the gold, we won’t take the stench. There are precious stones, but there is no smell.

And then I discovered my secret, but death took everything away from me.

And the illness brought me the password for happiness, and it went away on its own.

Apparently she didn’t come with good intentions, but she still believed that her fate was the grave.

As soon as I tie the hustka, I’ll tell you the password.


4. Check the lottery results and claim your winnings.

Why not ask for a call?

The most common practice is to make the same meal over and over again.

  • The stench begins to swell without cleansing the hair energy.
  • Light a candle in the house and depict a penny symbol on the stone.
  • Now let’s read the phrase:

This is easiest to find on a birch river or in a forest.

  • Clean such a stone near your donkey, in a visible place.

See how he attracts pennies like a magnet.

Zmova for Wigrash in lottery No. 1

  • To win a winning lottery ticket and good luck in the financial sector, follow the winning spell from the lottery:
  • You will need an odd number of coins - three and five.

Place them near such a garment as you can wear most often and practically every day.

  • When placing coins, read the line:

Every month the sun changes, so pennies change for pennies.

After you have read the mark on the coin, keep its traces with you every day.

You have to roll the coins today and read the essay again.

  • The more penny talismans you have, the greater your chance of getting lucky in winning a lucky lottery ticket and winning a sum.
  • Spell for a great win in lottery No. 2
  • The ritual is carried out on the month that is growing, in the last month:
  • At night, take twelve coins of different denominations (the amount will indicate the age of the person performing the ritual).

Now pour your guts out and run out onto the street.

  • Take the coins from your left hand and rub them so that the next month shines on them.
  • Now you need to read the essay.


Just as everything in this world lives, grows and develops in the sun, so every month money is grubbed, multiplied and multiplied.

  • I bring more wealth (yours) and get rich.
  • Let it be so.


  • After completing the ritual, squeeze the coins into your fist and take them home.

Zmova for Wigrash lottery number 4

The fight for winning can be helped by a strong prayer, read the following for the month of growth:

  • You will need to purchase a lottery ticket and a green candle beforehand.
  • It’s better to buy a lottery ticket if you have talismans and charmed coins for winning pennies and good luck.
  • Take the ticket from your hand, you need to be alone in the room, so that nothing matters to you.
  • Light the candle, now, after you have thrown away all your thoughts and thought about the pennies, read the prayer.


  • Why don’t you take it to the borg, but ask God to give your slaves (yours) a lucky ticket.

What are you asking for and what money do you want for it?

So you immediately lose wealth, you add pennies to yourself, and coins come to you.

Let it be as you wish.


  1. I want to read this once, and then put out the candle.
  2. Zmova on a penny note
  3. So that the pennies with which you pay for the lottery ticket, you yourself received a winning one, just read the money for the penny bill.

Say, if you give up one sin, you take back a whole mountain of them.

If you buy a ticket, take the first one you have lost and pay with that bill.

How to speak a lottery ticket for Wigrash

It’s a strong idea to beg for a lottery ticket, so that you can take away your luck: